std::ctype::_M_widen_init() is a function authored by Jerry Quinn , which was added to libstdc++ with revision 74662 on Dec 16, 2003 [1]. With permission from Jerry (thankfully received on Oct 9, 2012), we include a copy of this function in the MADlib repository. The sole intention is to allow compiling MADlib with recent versions of gcc while still keeping the runtime dependencies limited to earlier versions of libstdc++. Technical details are given in src/utils/libstdcxx-compatibility.cpp. Revision 74662 of the libstdc++-v3 file include/bits/locale_facets.h, where std::ctype::_M_widen_init() has been copied from, also included the following notice in the file header [2]: // As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software // library without restriction. [...] Links: [1] [2]