/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * sql.yy * * A simple context-free grammar to parse SQL files and translating * CREATE FUNCTION statements into C++ function declarations. * This allows .sql files to be documented by documentation tools like Doxygen. * * Revision History: * 0.3: Florian Schoppmann, 29 Jan 2011, CREATE AGGREGATE supported, return * types inferred from final function, * line numbers are preserved * 0.2: " , 16 Jan 2011, Converted to C++ * 0.1: " , 10 Jan 2011, Initial version, support for CREATE * FUNCTION. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* The %code directive needs bison >= 2.4 */ %require "2.4" %code requires { #include #include #include /* * FIXME: We should not disable warnings. Without this option, we would * get the following warnings: * 1) deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' * 2) ignoring return value of '...', declared with attribute * warn_unused_result */ #if defined(__GNUC__) #if (__GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 2)) #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wwrite-strings" #endif #if (__GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3)) #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-result" #endif #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wconversion" #endif #ifdef COMPILING_SCANNER /* Flex expects the signature of yylex to be defined in the macro * YY_DECL. */ #define YY_DECL \ int \ bison::SQLScanner::lex( \ bison::SQLParser::semantic_type *yylval, \ bison::SQLParser::location_type *yylloc, \ bison::SQLDriver *driver \ ) #else /* In the parser, we need to call the lexer and therefore need the * lexer class declaration. */ #define yyFlexLexer SQLFlexLexer #undef yylex #include "FlexLexer.h" #undef yyFlexLexer #endif namespace bison { /* Forward declaration because referenced by generated class declaration * SQLParser */ class SQLDriver; } } %code provides { namespace bison { class SQLScanner; class SQLDriver { public: class CountingOStream { public: CountingOStream(); CountingOStream &advance(int line); CountingOStream &operator<<(const char *str); CountingOStream &operator<<(char c); int currentLine; }; SQLDriver(const std::string &inExeName, const std::string &inFilename); virtual ~SQLDriver(); void error(const SQLParser::location_type &l, const std::string &m); void error(const std::string &m); CountingOStream cout; std::map fnToReturnType; SQLScanner *scanner; std::string exeName; std::string filename; }; /* We need to subclass because SQLFlexLexer's yylex function does not have * the proper signature */ class SQLScanner : public SQLFlexLexer { public: SQLScanner(std::istream *arg_yyin = 0, std::ostream* arg_yyout = 0); virtual ~SQLScanner(); static inline char *strlowerdup(const char *inString); int lex(SQLParser::semantic_type *yylval, SQLParser::location_type *yylloc, SQLDriver *driver); void preScannerAction(SQLParser::semantic_type *yylval, SQLParser::location_type *yylloc, SQLDriver *driver); void more(); char *stringLiteralQuotation; unsigned long oldLength; }; class TaggedStr { public: TaggedStr(int inTag, char *inStr) : tag(inTag), str(inStr) { }; virtual ~TaggedStr() { }; int tag; char *str; }; } // namespace bison /* "Connect" the bison parser in the driver to the flex scanner class * object. The C++ scanner generated by flex is a bit ugly, therefore * this sort of hack here. */ #undef yylex #define yylex driver->scanner->lex } /* write out a header file containing the token defines */ %defines /* use C++ and its skeleton file */ %skeleton "lalr1.cc" /* keep track of the current position within the input */ %locations %initial-action { // Initialize the initial location. @$.begin.filename = @$.end.filename = &driver->filename; }; /* The name of the parser class. */ %define "parser_class_name" "SQLParser" /* Declare that an argument declared by the braced-code `argument-declaration' * is an additional yyparse argument. The `argument-declaration' is used when * declaring functions or prototypes. The last identifier in * `argument-declaration' must be the argument name. */ %parse-param { SQLDriver *driver } /* Declare that the braced-code argument-declaration is an additional yylex * argument declaration. */ %lex-param { SQLDriver *driver } /* namespace to enclose parser in */ %name-prefix="bison" %union { char *str; class TaggedStr *tStr; int i; } %token END 0 "end of file" %token IDENTIFIER "identifier" %token COMMENT %token CREATE_FUNCTION %token CREATE_AGGREGATE /* Function tokens */ %token IN %token OUT %token INOUT %token RETURNS %token SETOF %token AS %token LANGUAGE %token IMMUTABLE %token STABLE %token VOLATILE %token CALLED_ON_NULL_INPUT %token RETURNS_NULL_ON_NULL_INPUT %token SECURITY_INVOKER %token SECURITY_DEFINER %token DEFAULT /* Aggregate tokens */ %token SFUNC %token PREFUNC %token FINALFUNC %token SORTOP %token STYPE %token INITCOND /* types with more than 1 word */ %token BIT %token CHARACTER %token DOUBLE %token PRECISION %token TIME %token VARYING %token VOID %token WITH %token WITHOUT %token ZONE %token INTEGER_LITERAL %token FLOAT_LITERAL %token STRING_LITERAL %token NULL_KEYWORD /* Special tokens, for extending SQL syntax in C commands */ %token BEGIN_SPECIAL %token END_SPECIAL %type expr %type prefixExpr %type qualifiedIdent %type optFnArgList fnArgList fnArgument %type optDefaultArgument defaultArgument %type optAggArgList aggArgList aggArgument %type argname type baseType optLength optArray array %type returnDecl retType %type aggOptionList aggOption %type aggFunc %% /* Grammar rules and actions follow. */ input: | input stmt | input COMMENT { driver->cout.advance(@2.begin.line) << $2; } | input '\n' { driver->cout << '\n'; } ; stmt: ';' | createFnStmt ';' | createAggStmt ';' ; createFnStmt: CREATE_FUNCTION qualifiedIdent '(' optFnArgList ')' returnDecl fnOptions { driver->cout.advance(@1.begin.line) << $6 << ' ' << $2 << '(' << $4 << ") { };"; driver->fnToReturnType.insert(std::pair($2, $6)); } ; createAggStmt: CREATE_AGGREGATE qualifiedIdent '(' optAggArgList ')' '(' aggOptionList ')' { driver->cout.advance(@1.begin.line) << "@aggregate " << ($7 == NULL ? "" : $7->str) << ' ' << $2 << '(' << $4 << ") { };"; } ; qualifiedIdent: IDENTIFIER | IDENTIFIER '.' IDENTIFIER { $$ = $3; } ; optFnArgList: { $$ = ""; } | fnArgList ; optAggArgList: '*' { $$ = ""; } | aggArgList ; fnArgList: fnArgList ',' fnArgument { /* Yes, we'll leak memory. And we'll fail if there is not enough. * We ignore all that here and below. */ asprintf(&($$), "%s, %s", $1, $3); } | fnArgument ; aggArgList: aggArgList ',' aggArgument { asprintf(&($$), "%s, %s", $1, $3); } | aggArgument fnArgument: type optDefaultArgument { asprintf(&($$), "%s%s", $1, $2); } | argname type optDefaultArgument { asprintf(&($$), "%s %s%s", $2, $1, $3); } | argmode argname type optDefaultArgument { asprintf(&($$), "%s %s%s", $3, $2, $4); } ; optDefaultArgument: { $$ = ""; } | defaultArgument | BEGIN_SPECIAL defaultArgument END_SPECIAL { $$ = $2; } ; defaultArgument: DEFAULT expr { asprintf(&($$), " = %s", $2); } | '=' expr { asprintf(&($$), " = %s", $2); } ; aggArgument: type optDefaultArgument | argname type optDefaultArgument { asprintf(&($$), "%s %s%s", $2, $1, $3); } ; argmode: IN | OUT | INOUT ; argname: IDENTIFIER | BEGIN_SPECIAL IDENTIFIER END_SPECIAL { $$ = $2; } ; type: baseType optArray { asprintf(&($$), "%s%s", $1, $2); } ; baseType: qualifiedIdent | BIT VARYING optLength { asprintf(&($$), "varbit%s", $3); } | CHARACTER VARYING optLength { asprintf(&($$), "varchar%s", $3); } | DOUBLE PRECISION { $$ = "float8"; } | VOID { $$ = "void"; } ; optArray: { $$ = ""; } | array; optLength: { $$ = ""; } | '(' INTEGER_LITERAL ')' { asprintf(&($$), "(%s)", $2); } ; array: '[' ']' { $$ = "[]"; } | '[' INTEGER_LITERAL ']' { asprintf(&($$), "[%s]", $2); } | array '[' ']' { asprintf(&($$), "%s[]", $1); } | array '[' INTEGER_LITERAL ']' { asprintf(&($$), "%s[%s]", $1, $3); } ; returnDecl: { $$ = "void"; } | RETURNS retType { $$ = $2; } ; retType: type | SETOF type { asprintf(&($$), "set<%s>", $2); } ; fnOptions: | fnOptions fnOption; fnOption: AS STRING_LITERAL | AS STRING_LITERAL ',' STRING_LITERAL | LANGUAGE STRING_LITERAL | LANGUAGE IDENTIFIER | IMMUTABLE | STABLE | VOLATILE | CALLED_ON_NULL_INPUT | RETURNS_NULL_ON_NULL_INPUT | SECURITY_INVOKER | SECURITY_DEFINER ; aggOptionList: aggOptionList ',' aggOption { if ($1 == NULL) $$ = $3; else if ($3 == NULL) $$ = $1; else if ($1->tag == token::FINALFUNC) $$ = $1; else $$ = $3; } | aggOption ; aggOption: aggFunc '=' qualifiedIdent { $$ = new TaggedStr($1, driver->fnToReturnType[$3]); } | STYPE '=' type { $$ = new TaggedStr(token::STYPE, $3); } | INITCOND '=' expr { $$ = NULL; } /* FIXME: SORTOP not yet supported at this point */ ; aggFunc: SFUNC | PREFUNC | FINALFUNC ; expr: INTEGER_LITERAL | FLOAT_LITERAL | STRING_LITERAL | IDENTIFIER | NULL_KEYWORD | prefixExpr /* FIXME: Support more or ignore completely */ ; prefixExpr: '+' expr { asprintf(&($$), "+%s", $2); } | '-' expr { asprintf(&($$), "-%s", $2); } ; %% namespace bison{ SQLDriver::SQLDriver(const std::string &inExeName, const std::string &inFilename) : exeName(inExeName), filename(inFilename) { } SQLDriver::~SQLDriver() { } void SQLDriver::error(const SQLParser::location_type &l, const std::string &m) { std::cerr << exeName << ":" << l << ": " << m << std::endl; } void SQLDriver::error(const std::string &m) { std::cerr << m << std::endl; } SQLDriver::CountingOStream::CountingOStream() : currentLine(1) { } SQLDriver::CountingOStream &SQLDriver::CountingOStream::advance(int line) { while (currentLine < line) { std::cout.put('\n'); currentLine++; } return *this; } SQLDriver::CountingOStream &SQLDriver::CountingOStream::operator<<( const char *str) { for (int i = 0; str[i] != 0; i++) if (str[i] == '\n') currentLine++; std::cout << str; return *this; } SQLDriver::CountingOStream &SQLDriver::CountingOStream::operator<<(char c) { if (c == '\n') currentLine++; std::cout.put(c); return *this; } void SQLParser::error(const SQLParser::location_type &l, const std::string &m) { driver->error(l, m); } } // namespace bison /* This implementation of SQLFlexLexer::yylex() is required because it is * declared in FlexLexer.h. The scanner's "real" yylex function is generated by * flex and "connected" via YY_DECL. */ #ifdef yylex #undef yylex #endif int SQLFlexLexer::yylex() { std::cerr << "Error: SQLFlexLexer::yylex() was called. Use SQLScanner::lex() instead" << std::endl; return 0; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::istream *inStream = NULL; std::string filename = ""; bool error = false; bool customFileName = false; for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (std::strcmp(argv[1], "-f") == 0) { if (i < argc - 1) { filename = argv[++i]; customFileName = true; } else { error = true; break; } } else if (inStream == NULL) { inStream = new std::ifstream(argv[i]); if (!customFileName) filename = argv[i]; } } if (error) { std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [-f customFileName] [inputFile]" << std::endl; return 1; } bison::SQLDriver driver(argv[0], filename); bison::SQLScanner scanner(inStream); driver.scanner = &scanner; bison::SQLParser parser(&driver); int result = parser.parse(); if (inStream != NULL) delete inStream; if (result != 0) return result; std::cout << '\n'; /* std::cout << "// List of functions:\n"; for (std::map::iterator it = driver.fnToReturnType.begin(); it != driver.fnToReturnType.end(); it++) std::cout << "// " << (*it).first << ": return type " << (*it).second << std::endl; */ return 0; }