Contributing to JSONCDC ----------------------- Please use `cargo fmt` as part of the commit process. (CI and `make test` do a style check so non-conformance will break the build.) Please ensure that contributed Bash, SQL, Python and other files all: 1. resemble the surrounding code, and 2. contain lines no longer than 79 columns. Using Docker for development ---------------------------- You can use the project's [Dockerfile](Dockerfile) to get a working development environment. ##### Usage Build the image locally: ```sh docker build -t jsoncdc-dev:9.5 . ``` Start the container by mapping the source code volume - this should be done on the directory where you've checked out jsoncdc: ```sh docker run --rm -it --name jsoncdc -v $(pwd):/src jsoncdc-dev:9.5 ``` Run the test suite on another shell using the `postgres`: ```sh docker exec jsoncdc bash -c 'make install && make test PGUSER=postgres' ``` ##### Environment - Cargo binaries are exposed on the `$PATH`. This means that `make test` will be able to run the `style` script correctly. - Postgres does not need any additional manual configuration. - The PGXN Client tool (`pgxnclient`) is pre-installed to allow `installcheck` to run correctly.