/* json_accessors.sql */ -- complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via CREATE EXTENSION \echo Use "create extension json_accessors" to load this file. \quit -- must be run as a normal user -- Scalar functions -- JSON builder create or replace function json_get_object(text, text) returns text as 'MODULE_PATHNAME' language C immutable strict; create or replace function json_get_text(text, text) returns text as 'MODULE_PATHNAME' language C immutable strict; create or replace function json_get_boolean(text, text) returns boolean as 'MODULE_PATHNAME' language C immutable strict; create or replace function json_get_int(text, text) returns int as 'MODULE_PATHNAME' language C immutable strict; create or replace function json_get_bigint(text, text) returns bigint as 'MODULE_PATHNAME' language C immutable strict; create or replace function json_get_numeric(text, text) returns numeric as 'MODULE_PATHNAME' language C immutable strict; create or replace function json_get_timestamp(text, text) returns timestamp without time zone as 'MODULE_PATHNAME' language C immutable strict; -- Array functions create or replace function json_array_to_object_array(text) returns text[] as 'MODULE_PATHNAME' language C immutable strict; create or replace function json_array_to_text_array(text) returns text[] as 'MODULE_PATHNAME' language C immutable strict; create or replace function json_array_to_boolean_array(text) returns boolean[] as 'MODULE_PATHNAME' language C immutable strict; create or replace function json_array_to_int_array(text) returns int[] as 'MODULE_PATHNAME' language C immutable strict; create or replace function json_array_to_bigint_array(text) returns bigint[] as 'MODULE_PATHNAME' language C immutable strict; create or replace function json_array_to_numeric_array(text) returns numeric[] as 'MODULE_PATHNAME' language C immutable strict; create or replace function json_array_to_timestamp_array(text) returns timestamp without time zone[] as 'MODULE_PATHNAME' language C immutable strict; -- Indirect array functions create or replace function json_get_object_array(text, text) returns text[] as 'MODULE_PATHNAME' language C immutable strict; create or replace function json_get_text_array(text, text) returns text[] as 'MODULE_PATHNAME' language C immutable strict; create or replace function json_get_boolean_array(text, text) returns boolean[] as 'MODULE_PATHNAME' language C immutable strict; create or replace function json_get_int_array(text, text) returns int[] as 'MODULE_PATHNAME' language C immutable strict; create or replace function json_get_bigint_array(text, text) returns bigint[] as 'MODULE_PATHNAME' language C immutable strict; create or replace function json_get_numeric_array(text, text) returns numeric[] as 'MODULE_PATHNAME' language C immutable strict; create or replace function json_get_timestamp_array(text, text) returns timestamp without time zone[] as 'MODULE_PATHNAME' language C immutable strict;