/* * icu_ext.c * * Part of icu_ext: a PostgreSQL extension to expose functionality from ICU * (see http://icu-project.org) * * By Daniel Vérité, 2018-2023. See LICENSE.md */ #include "postgres.h" #include "catalog/pg_collation.h" #include "fmgr.h" #include "funcapi.h" #include "lib/stringinfo.h" #include "miscadmin.h" #include "mb/pg_wchar.h" #include "utils/builtins.h" #include "utils/guc.h" #include "utils/pg_locale.h" #include "utils/tuplestore.h" #include "unicode/ucnv.h" #include "unicode/ucol.h" #include "unicode/udat.h" #include "unicode/uloc.h" #include "unicode/umachine.h" #include "unicode/uscript.h" #include "unicode/ustring.h" #include "unicode/utext.h" #include "unicode/uvernum.h" #include "icu_ext.h" PG_MODULE_MAGIC; PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(icu_version); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(icu_unicode_version); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(icu_collation_attributes); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(icu_locales_list); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(icu_default_locale); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(icu_set_default_locale); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(icu_compare); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(icu_compare_coll); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(icu_case_compare); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(icu_sort_key); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(icu_sort_key_coll); PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(icu_char_name); /* * GUC parameters */ char *icu_ext_default_locale; char *icu_ext_date_format; char *icu_ext_timestamptz_format; /* Built-in ICU styles that are #define'd. See date_format_style() */ UDateFormatStyle icu_ext_date_style = UDAT_DEFAULT; UDateFormatStyle icu_ext_timestamptz_style = UDAT_DEFAULT; void _PG_init(void); Datum icu_version(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { UVersionInfo version; char buf[U_MAX_VERSION_STRING_LENGTH+1]; u_getVersion(version); u_versionToString(version, buf); PG_RETURN_TEXT_P(cstring_to_text(buf)); } Datum icu_unicode_version(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { UVersionInfo version; char buf[U_MAX_VERSION_STRING_LENGTH+1]; u_getUnicodeVersion(version); u_versionToString(version, buf); PG_RETURN_TEXT_P(cstring_to_text(buf)); } /* Get the value of a collation attribute, aborting on error. */ static UColAttributeValue get_attribute(const UCollator *coll, UColAttribute attr) { UColAttributeValue val; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; val = ucol_getAttribute(coll, attr, &status); if (status != U_ZERO_ERROR) { elog(ERROR, "ucol_getAttribute failed"); } return val; } /* * Return (attribute,value) tuples for all attributes of a collation, * with keys and values matching options defined at * http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-collation.html#Setting_Options * Optionally, the attributes kept at their default values are not * included in the results. */ Datum icu_collation_attributes(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { ReturnSetInfo *rsinfo = (ReturnSetInfo *) fcinfo->resultinfo; MemoryContext per_query_ctx; MemoryContext oldcontext; TupleDesc tupdesc; Tuplestorestate *tupstore; Datum values[2]; bool nulls[2]; char *txt; const char *locale; bool include_defaults = !(PG_GETARG_BOOL(1)); UCollator *collator = NULL; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UColAttributeValue u_attr_val; if (rsinfo == NULL || !IsA(rsinfo, ReturnSetInfo)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("set-valued function called in context that cannot accept a set"))); /* Switch into long-lived context to construct returned data structures */ per_query_ctx = rsinfo->econtext->ecxt_per_query_memory; oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(per_query_ctx); /* Build a tuple descriptor for our result type */ if (get_call_result_type(fcinfo, NULL, &tupdesc) != TYPEFUNC_COMPOSITE) elog(ERROR, "return type must be a row type"); /* Open ICU collation */ locale = text_to_cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0)); collator = ucol_open(locale, &status); if (!collator) { elog(ERROR, "failed to open collation"); } tupstore = tuplestore_begin_heap(true, false, work_mem); rsinfo->returnMode = SFRM_Materialize; rsinfo->setResult = tupstore; rsinfo->setDesc = tupdesc; MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext); memset(nulls, 0, sizeof(nulls)); /* name (not a real attribute, added for convenience) */ if (include_defaults) { /* Use a large initial buffer to avoid bug ICU-21157 */ UChar dname_local[500]; UChar *dname = dname_local; char *buf; int32_t ulen; ulen = uloc_getDisplayName(locale, NULL, dname, sizeof(dname_local)/sizeof(UChar), &status); if (status == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) { dname = palloc((ulen+1)*sizeof(UChar)); status = U_ZERO_ERROR; ulen = uloc_getDisplayName(locale, NULL, dname, ulen, &status); } if (U_FAILURE(status)) elog(ERROR, "uloc_getDisplayName failed: %s", u_errorName(status)); icu_from_uchar(&buf, dname, ulen); values[0] = CStringGetTextDatum("displayname"); values[1] = CStringGetTextDatum(buf); tuplestore_putvalues(tupstore, tupdesc, values, nulls); } /* UCOL_NUMERIC_COLLATION (key:kn) */ u_attr_val = get_attribute(collator, UCOL_NUMERIC_COLLATION); if (include_defaults || u_attr_val != UCOL_OFF) { txt = (u_attr_val == UCOL_OFF) ? "false" : "true"; values[0] = CStringGetTextDatum("kn"); values[1] = CStringGetTextDatum(txt); tuplestore_putvalues(tupstore, tupdesc, values, nulls); } /* UCOL_FRENCH_COLLATION (key:kb, rule:[backwards 2]) */ u_attr_val = get_attribute(collator, UCOL_FRENCH_COLLATION); if (include_defaults || u_attr_val != UCOL_OFF) { txt = (u_attr_val == UCOL_OFF) ? "false" : "true"; values[0] = CStringGetTextDatum("kb"); values[1] = CStringGetTextDatum(txt); tuplestore_putvalues(tupstore, tupdesc, values, nulls); } /* UCOL_NORMALIZATION_MODE (key:kk)*/ u_attr_val = get_attribute(collator, UCOL_NORMALIZATION_MODE); if (include_defaults || u_attr_val != UCOL_OFF) { txt = (u_attr_val == UCOL_OFF) ? "false" : "true"; values[0] = CStringGetTextDatum("kk"); values[1] = CStringGetTextDatum(txt); tuplestore_putvalues(tupstore, tupdesc, values, nulls); } /* UCOL_ALTERNATE_HANDLING (key:ka) */ u_attr_val = get_attribute(collator, UCOL_ALTERNATE_HANDLING); if (include_defaults || u_attr_val != UCOL_NON_IGNORABLE) { switch (u_attr_val) { case UCOL_NON_IGNORABLE: txt = "noignore"; break; case UCOL_SHIFTED: txt = "shifted"; break; default: txt = ""; break; } values[0] = CStringGetTextDatum("ka"); values[1] = CStringGetTextDatum(txt); tuplestore_putvalues(tupstore, tupdesc, values, nulls); } /* UCOL_STRENGTH (key:ks) */ u_attr_val = get_attribute(collator, UCOL_STRENGTH); if (include_defaults || u_attr_val != UCOL_TERTIARY) { switch(u_attr_val) { case UCOL_PRIMARY: txt = "level1"; break; case UCOL_SECONDARY: txt = "level2"; break; case UCOL_TERTIARY: txt = "level3"; break; case UCOL_QUATERNARY: txt = "level4"; break; case UCOL_IDENTICAL: txt = "identic"; break; default: txt = ""; break; } values[0] = CStringGetTextDatum("ks"); values[1] = CStringGetTextDatum(txt); tuplestore_putvalues(tupstore, tupdesc, values, nulls); } /* UCOL_CASE_FIRST (key:kf) */ u_attr_val = get_attribute(collator, UCOL_CASE_FIRST); if (include_defaults || u_attr_val != UCOL_OFF) { switch(u_attr_val) { case UCOL_OFF: txt = "false"; break; case UCOL_LOWER_FIRST: txt = "lower"; break; case UCOL_UPPER_FIRST: txt = "upper"; break; default: txt = ""; break; } values[0] = CStringGetTextDatum("kf"); values[1] = CStringGetTextDatum(txt); tuplestore_putvalues(tupstore, tupdesc, values, nulls); } /* UCOL_CASE_LEVEL (key:kc) */ u_attr_val = get_attribute(collator, UCOL_CASE_LEVEL); if (include_defaults || u_attr_val != UCOL_OFF) { txt = (u_attr_val == UCOL_OFF) ? "false" : "true"; values[0] = CStringGetTextDatum("kc"); values[1] = CStringGetTextDatum(txt); tuplestore_putvalues(tupstore, tupdesc, values, nulls); } /* Max variable (key:kv) */ { UColReorderCode reorder_code = ucol_getMaxVariable(collator); const char *code_name = NULL; switch(reorder_code) { case UCOL_REORDER_CODE_SPACE: code_name = "space"; break; case UCOL_REORDER_CODE_PUNCTUATION: code_name = "punct"; break; case UCOL_REORDER_CODE_SYMBOL: code_name = "symbol"; break; case UCOL_REORDER_CODE_CURRENCY: code_name = "currency"; break; case UCOL_REORDER_CODE_DIGIT: code_name = "digit"; break; default: break; } /* "punct" is the default. Omit it unless include_defaults is set */ if (code_name != NULL && (include_defaults || reorder_code != UCOL_REORDER_CODE_PUNCTUATION)) { values[0] = CStringGetTextDatum("kv"); values[1] = CStringGetTextDatum(code_name); tuplestore_putvalues(tupstore, tupdesc, values, nulls); } } /* Reorder codes (key:kr) */ { StringInfoData aggr_values; /* 4-letter codes separated by hyphens */ int32_t *reorder_codes = NULL; int32_t nb_reorderings = ucol_getReorderCodes(collator, NULL, 0, &status); if (status != U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR && U_FAILURE(status)) elog(ERROR, "uloc_getReorderCodes failed: %s", u_errorName(status)); initStringInfo(&aggr_values); if (nb_reorderings > 0) { reorder_codes = palloc(nb_reorderings*sizeof(int32_t)); status = U_ZERO_ERROR; nb_reorderings = ucol_getReorderCodes(collator, reorder_codes, nb_reorderings, &status); if (status != U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR && U_FAILURE(status)) elog(ERROR, "uloc_getReorderCodes failed: %s", u_errorName(status)); } for (uint32_t idx=0; idx < nb_reorderings; idx++) { const char *value = NULL; if (reorder_codes[idx] >= UCOL_REORDER_CODE_FIRST) { switch(reorder_codes[idx]) { case UCOL_REORDER_CODE_SPACE: value = "space"; break; case UCOL_REORDER_CODE_PUNCTUATION: value = "punct"; break; case UCOL_REORDER_CODE_SYMBOL: value = "symbol"; break; case UCOL_REORDER_CODE_CURRENCY: value = "currency"; break; case UCOL_REORDER_CODE_DIGIT: value = "digit"; break; } } else { value = uscript_getShortName((UScriptCode)reorder_codes[idx]); } if (value != NULL) { if (idx >= 1) appendStringInfoChar(&aggr_values, '-'); appendStringInfoString(&aggr_values, value); } } if (aggr_values.len > 0) { values[0] = CStringGetTextDatum("kr"); values[1] = CStringGetTextDatum(aggr_values.data); tuplestore_putvalues(tupstore, tupdesc, values, nulls); } } /* version (not a real attribute, added for convenience) */ if (include_defaults) { UVersionInfo version; char buf[U_MAX_VERSION_STRING_LENGTH+1]; ucol_getVersion(collator, version); u_versionToString(version, buf); values[0] = CStringGetTextDatum("version"); values[1] = CStringGetTextDatum(buf); tuplestore_putvalues(tupstore, tupdesc, values, nulls); } tuplestore_donestoring(tupstore); ucol_close(collator); return (Datum) 0; } /* * Add a piece of text as a new Datum value, setting it to NULL * if it's empty. */ static int add_string(const char* value, int column, Datum *values, bool *nulls) { if (*value) values[column] = CStringGetTextDatum(value); else values[column] = (Datum)0; nulls[column] = (*value == '\0'); return column+1; } /* * Interface to uloc_getAvailable() for all locales. * Return a table of available locales with their main properties. */ Datum icu_locales_list(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { ReturnSetInfo *rsinfo = (ReturnSetInfo *) fcinfo->resultinfo; MemoryContext per_query_ctx; MemoryContext oldcontext; TupleDesc tupdesc; Tuplestorestate *tupstore; int32_t loc_count = uloc_countAvailable(); int32_t i; Datum values[7]; bool nulls[7]; if (rsinfo == NULL || !IsA(rsinfo, ReturnSetInfo)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("set-valued function called in context that cannot accept a set"))); /* Switch into long-lived context to construct returned data structures */ per_query_ctx = rsinfo->econtext->ecxt_per_query_memory; oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(per_query_ctx); /* Build a tuple descriptor for our result type */ if (get_call_result_type(fcinfo, NULL, &tupdesc) != TYPEFUNC_COMPOSITE) elog(ERROR, "return type must be a row type"); tupstore = tuplestore_begin_heap(true, false, work_mem); rsinfo->returnMode = SFRM_Materialize; rsinfo->setResult = tupstore; rsinfo->setDesc = tupdesc; MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext); for (i=0; i < loc_count; i++) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; int col_num = 0; const char *p = uloc_getAvailable(i); /* Name */ col_num = add_string(p, col_num, values, nulls); /* Country */ { UChar country_buf[200]; char* country; /* with the database encoding */ uloc_getDisplayCountry(p, NULL /*ULOC_ENGLISH*/, country_buf, sizeof(country_buf)/sizeof(UChar), &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) elog(ERROR, "uloc_getDisplayCountry() failed on locale '%s': %s", p, u_errorName(status)); icu_from_uchar(&country, country_buf, u_strlen(country_buf)); col_num = add_string(country, col_num, values, nulls); } /* Country code */ col_num = add_string(uloc_getISO3Country(p), col_num, values, nulls); /* Language */ { UChar lang_buf[200]; char* language; uloc_getDisplayLanguage(p, NULL, lang_buf, sizeof(lang_buf)/sizeof(UChar), &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) elog(ERROR, "uloc_getDisplayLanguage() failed on locale '%s': %s", p, u_errorName(status)); icu_from_uchar(&language, lang_buf, u_strlen(lang_buf)); col_num = add_string(language, col_num, values, nulls); } /* Language code */ col_num = add_string(uloc_getISO3Language(p), col_num, values, nulls); /* Script */ { UChar script_buf[100]; char* script; uloc_getDisplayScript(p, NULL, script_buf, sizeof(script_buf)/sizeof(UChar), &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) elog(ERROR, "uloc_getDisplayScript() failed on locale '%s': %s", p, u_errorName(status)); icu_from_uchar(&script, script_buf, u_strlen(script_buf)); col_num = add_string(script, col_num, values, nulls); } /* Character orientation */ { const char* layout; ULayoutType t = uloc_getCharacterOrientation(p, &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) elog(ERROR, "uloc_getCharacterOrientation() failed on locale '%s': %s", p, u_errorName(status)); switch (t) { case ULOC_LAYOUT_LTR: layout = "LTR"; break; case ULOC_LAYOUT_RTL: layout = "RTL"; break; case ULOC_LAYOUT_TTB: layout = "TTB"; break; case ULOC_LAYOUT_BTT: layout = "BTT"; break; default: layout = ""; break; } col_num = add_string(layout, col_num, values, nulls); } tuplestore_putvalues(tupstore, tupdesc, values, nulls); } tuplestore_donestoring(tupstore); return (Datum) 0; } /* * Return the default locale. */ Datum icu_default_locale(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { PG_RETURN_TEXT_P(cstring_to_text(uloc_getDefault())); } /* * Set the default locale to some name and return its canonicalized * name. * Warning: seen with ICU-52, passing a locale name with BCP-47 * extensions makes ICU never return from uloc_setDefault() (it seems * to wait for some internal lock). * Note that ICU documentation says about uloc_setDefault(): * "Do not use unless you know what you are doing." * This is useful in icu_ext to get translated versions of country * and language names from icu_locales_list(). */ Datum icu_set_default_locale(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; const char *locname = text_to_cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0)); char buf[1024]; uloc_setDefault(locname, &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) elog(ERROR, "failed to set ICU locale: %s", u_errorName(status)); uloc_canonicalize(locname, buf, sizeof(buf), &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) PG_RETURN_NULL(); else PG_RETURN_TEXT_P(cstring_to_text(buf)); } /* * Get the UCollator object corresponding to the collation in input. * This UCollator is kept open by the backend and pointed to by the * cached pg_locale_t object. */ UCollator* ucollator_from_coll_id(Oid collid) { pg_locale_t pg_locale; if (collid == DEFAULT_COLLATION_OID || !OidIsValid(collid)) { /* * This will need to be changed when a db will be able to have * an ICU collation by default (not possible as of PG11). */ ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INDETERMINATE_COLLATION), errmsg("could not determine which ICU collation to use"), errhint("Use the COLLATE clause to set the collation explicitly."))); } pg_locale = pg_newlocale_from_collation(collid); if (!pg_locale || pg_locale->provider != 'i') { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_COLLATION_MISMATCH), errmsg("the collation provider of the input string must be ICU"))); } return pg_locale->info.icu.ucol; } /* * The actual collation-aware comparison happens here. * the UCollator comes either from a cached pg_locale_t * or is just opened and closed immediately by icu_ext. */ static UCollationResult our_strcoll(text *txt1, text *txt2, UCollator *collator ) { UCollationResult result; int32_t len1 = VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(txt1); int32_t len2 = VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(txt2); if (GetDatabaseEncoding() == PG_UTF8) { /* use the UTF-8 representation directly if possible */ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; result = ucol_strcollUTF8(collator, text_to_cstring(txt1), len1, text_to_cstring(txt2), len2, &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) elog(ERROR, "ICU strcoll failed: %s", u_errorName(status)); } else { int32_t ulen1, ulen2; UChar *uchar1, *uchar2; ulen1 = icu_to_uchar(&uchar1, text_to_cstring(txt1), len1); ulen2 = icu_to_uchar(&uchar2, text_to_cstring(txt2), len2); result = ucol_strcoll(collator, uchar1, ulen1, uchar2, ulen2); pfree(uchar1); pfree(uchar2); } return result; } /* * Compare two strings with the given collation. * Return the result as a signed integer, similarly to strcoll(). */ Datum icu_compare_coll(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { text *txt1 = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(0); text *txt2 = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(1); const char *collname = text_to_cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(2)); UCollator *collator = NULL; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; UCollationResult result; collator = ucol_open(collname, &status); if (!collator || U_FAILURE(status)) { elog(ERROR, "failed to open collation: %s", u_errorName(status)); } result = our_strcoll(txt1, txt2, collator); ucol_close(collator); PG_RETURN_INT32(result == UCOL_EQUAL ? 0 : (result == UCOL_GREATER ? 1 : -1)); } /* * Compare two strings with the collation of the function, * which must be an ICU collation. * Return the result as a signed integer, similarly to strcoll(). */ Datum icu_compare(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { text *txt1 = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(0); text *txt2 = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(1); UCollator *collator = ucollator_from_coll_id(PG_GET_COLLATION()); UCollationResult result; result = our_strcoll(txt1, txt2, collator); PG_RETURN_INT32(result == UCOL_EQUAL ? 0 : (result == UCOL_GREATER ? 1 : -1)); } /* * Compare two strings with full case folding. */ Datum icu_case_compare(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { text *txt1 = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(0); int32_t len1 = VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(txt1); text *txt2 = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(1); int32_t len2 = VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(txt2); int32_t result; UChar *uchar1, *uchar2; (void)icu_to_uchar(&uchar1, text_to_cstring(txt1), len1); (void)icu_to_uchar(&uchar2, text_to_cstring(txt2), len2); result = u_strcasecmp(uchar1, uchar2, 0); pfree(uchar1); pfree(uchar2); PG_RETURN_INT32(result); } /* * Return a binary sort key corresponding to the string and * its collation (through a COLLATE clause). */ Datum icu_sort_key(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { text *txt = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(0); UCollator *collator = ucollator_from_coll_id(PG_GET_COLLATION()); int32_t o_len = 1024; /* first attempt */ int32_t ulen; UChar *ustring; bytea *output; ulen = icu_to_uchar(&ustring, VARDATA_ANY(txt), VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(txt)); do { int32_t effective_len; output = (bytea*) palloc(o_len + VARHDRSZ); effective_len = ucol_getSortKey(collator, ustring, ulen, (uint8_t*)VARDATA(output), o_len); if (effective_len == 0) { elog(ERROR, "ucol_getSortKey() failed: internal error"); } if (effective_len > o_len) { pfree(output); output = NULL; } o_len = effective_len; } while (output == NULL); /* should loop at most once, if buffer too small */ SET_VARSIZE(output, o_len + VARHDRSZ - 1); /* -1 excludes the ending NUL byte */ PG_RETURN_BYTEA_P(output); } /* * Return a binary sort key corresponding to the string and * the given collation. */ Datum icu_sort_key_coll(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { text *txt = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(0); const char *locname = text_to_cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1)); UCollator *collator; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; int32_t o_len = 1024; /* first attempt */ int32_t ulen; UChar *ustring; bytea *output; ulen = icu_to_uchar(&ustring, VARDATA_ANY(txt), VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(txt)); collator = ucol_open(locname, &status); if (!collator) elog(ERROR, "failed to open collation"); do { int32_t effective_len; output = (bytea*) palloc(o_len + VARHDRSZ); effective_len = ucol_getSortKey(collator, ustring, ulen, (uint8_t*)VARDATA(output), o_len); if (effective_len == 0) { ucol_close(collator); elog(ERROR, "ucol_getSortKey() failed: internal error"); } if (effective_len > o_len) { pfree(output); output = NULL; } o_len = effective_len; } while (output == NULL); /* should loop at most once, if buffer too small */ ucol_close(collator); SET_VARSIZE(output, o_len + VARHDRSZ - 1); /* -1 excludes the ending NUL byte */ PG_RETURN_BYTEA_P(output); } /* Return the first UChar32 of the char(1) string */ static UChar32 first_char32(BpChar* source) { UChar32 c; UText *ut; int32_t ulen; UChar *ustring; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; ulen = icu_to_uchar(&ustring, VARDATA_ANY(source), VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(source)); ut = utext_openUChars(NULL, ustring, ulen, &status); if (U_FAILURE(status)) elog(ERROR, "utext_openUChars() failed: %s", u_errorName(status)); c = utext_current32(ut); utext_close(ut); return c; } /* * Return the Unicode name corresponding to the the input character. */ Datum icu_char_name(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { BpChar *source = PG_GETARG_BPCHAR_PP(0); char local_buf[80]; char *buffer; int32_t buflen = sizeof(local_buf); UChar32 first_char; int32_t ulen; UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; first_char = first_char32(source); ulen = u_charName(first_char, U_EXTENDED_CHAR_NAME, local_buf, buflen, &status); if (status == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) /* buffer too small */ { buffer = palloc((ulen+1)*sizeof(char)); status = U_ZERO_ERROR; ulen = u_charName(first_char, U_EXTENDED_CHAR_NAME, buffer, ulen+1, &status); } else buffer = local_buf; if (U_FAILURE(status)) elog(ERROR, "u_charName failed: %s", u_errorName(status)); else PG_RETURN_TEXT_P(cstring_to_text(buffer)); } /* * Convert {full|medium|...} into an UDateFormatStyle value, or UDAT_NONE * if not recognized */ UDateFormatStyle date_format_style(const char *fmt) { UDateFormatStyle style = UDAT_NONE; if (fmt[0] == '{') { if (!strcmp(fmt+1, "short}")) style = UDAT_SHORT; else if (!strcmp(fmt+1, "medium}")) style = UDAT_MEDIUM; else if (!strcmp(fmt+1, "long}")) style = UDAT_LONG; else if (!strcmp(fmt+1, "full}")) style = UDAT_FULL; if (!strcmp(fmt+1, "short relative}")) style = UDAT_SHORT_RELATIVE; else if (!strcmp(fmt+1, "medium relative}")) style = UDAT_MEDIUM_RELATIVE; else if (!strcmp(fmt+1, "long relative}")) style = UDAT_LONG_RELATIVE; else if (!strcmp(fmt+1, "full relative}")) style = UDAT_FULL_RELATIVE; } return style; } static void assign_guc_date_format(const char *newval, void *extra) { if (*newval == '{') icu_ext_date_style = date_format_style(newval); else icu_ext_date_style = UDAT_NONE; } static void assign_guc_timestamptz_format(const char *newval, void *extra) { if (*newval == '{') icu_ext_timestamptz_style = date_format_style(newval); else icu_ext_timestamptz_style = UDAT_NONE; } static bool check_guc_date_format(char **newval, void **extra, GucSource source) { UDateFormatStyle style = UDAT_NONE; if (**newval == '{') { style = date_format_style(*newval); if (style == UDAT_NONE) return false; } return true; } /* * Module load callback */ void _PG_init(void) { DefineCustomStringVariable("icu_ext.locale", "Sets the default locale to use by ICU functions.", NULL, &icu_ext_default_locale, NULL, PGC_USERSET, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL); DefineCustomStringVariable("icu_ext.date_format", "Sets the default input/output format for dates.", NULL, &icu_ext_date_format, "{medium}", PGC_USERSET, 0, check_guc_date_format, assign_guc_date_format, NULL); DefineCustomStringVariable("icu_ext.timestamptz_format", "Sets the default input/output format for timestamptz values.", NULL, &icu_ext_timestamptz_format, "{medium}", PGC_USERSET, 0, check_guc_date_format, assign_guc_timestamptz_format, NULL); EmitWarningsOnPlaceholders("icu_ext"); }