-- SETUP CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION do_explain(stmt text) RETURNS table(a text) AS $_$ DECLARE ret text; BEGIN FOR ret IN EXECUTE format('EXPLAIN (FORMAT text) %s', stmt) LOOP a := ret; RETURN next ; END LOOP; END; $_$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE EXTENSION hypopg; CREATE TABLE hypo (id integer, val text, "Id2" bigint); INSERT INTO hypo SELECT i, 'line ' || i FROM generate_series(1,100000) f(i); ANALYZE hypo; -- TESTS SELECT COUNT(*) AS nb FROM public.hypopg_create_index('SELECT 1;CREATE INDEX ON hypo(id); SELECT 2'); WARNING: hypopg: SQL order #1 is not a CREATE INDEX statement WARNING: hypopg: SQL order #3 is not a CREATE INDEX statement nb ---- 1 (1 row) SELECT schema_name, table_name, am_name FROM public.hypopg_list_indexes; schema_name | table_name | am_name -------------+------------+--------- public | hypo | btree (1 row) -- Should use hypothetical index SELECT COUNT(*) FROM do_explain('SELECT * FROM hypo WHERE id = 1') e WHERE e ~ 'Index.*<\d+>btree_hypo.*'; count ------- 1 (1 row) -- Should use hypothetical index SELECT COUNT(*) FROM do_explain('SELECT * FROM hypo ORDER BY id') e WHERE e ~ 'Index.*<\d+>btree_hypo.*'; count ------- 1 (1 row) -- Should not use hypothetical index SELECT COUNT(*) FROM do_explain('SELECT * FROM hypo') e WHERE e ~ 'Index.*<\d+>btree_hypo.*'; count ------- 0 (1 row) -- Add predicate index SELECT COUNT(*) AS nb FROM public.hypopg_create_index('CREATE INDEX ON hypo(id) WHERE id < 5'); nb ---- 1 (1 row) -- This specific index should be used WITH ind AS ( SELECT indexrelid, row_number() OVER (ORDER BY indexrelid) AS num FROM public.hypopg() ), regexp AS ( SELECT regexp_replace(e, '.*<(\d+)>.*', E'\\1', 'g') AS r FROM do_explain('SELECT * FROM hypo WHERE id < 3') AS e ) SELECT num FROM ind JOIN regexp ON ind.indexrelid::text = regexp.r; num ----- 2 (1 row) -- Specify fillfactor SELECT COUNT(*) AS NB FROM public.hypopg_create_index('CREATE INDEX ON hypo(id) WITH (fillfactor = 10)'); nb ---- 1 (1 row) -- Specify an incorrect fillfactor SELECT COUNT(*) AS NB FROM public.hypopg_create_index('CREATE INDEX ON hypo(id) WITH (fillfactor = 1)'); ERROR: value 1 out of bounds for option "fillfactor" DETAIL: Valid values are between "10" and "100". -- Index size estimation SELECT hypopg_relation_size(indexrelid) = current_setting('block_size')::bigint AS one_block FROM hypopg() ORDER BY indexrelid; one_block ----------- f t f (3 rows) -- Should detect invalid argument SELECT hypopg_relation_size(1); ERROR: oid 1 is not a hypothetical index -- locally disable hypoopg SET hypopg.enabled to false; -- no hypothetical index should be used SELECT COUNT(*) FROM do_explain('SELECT * FROM hypo WHERE id = 1') e WHERE e ~ 'Index.*<\d+>btree_hypo.*'; count ------- 0 (1 row) -- locally re-enable hypoopg SET hypopg.enabled to true; -- hypothetical index should be used SELECT COUNT(*) FROM do_explain('SELECT * FROM hypo WHERE id = 1') e WHERE e ~ 'Index.*<\d+>btree_hypo.*'; count ------- 1 (1 row) -- Remove one hypothetical index SELECT hypopg_drop_index(indexrelid) FROM hypopg() ORDER BY indexrelid LIMIT 1; hypopg_drop_index ------------------- t (1 row) -- Remove all the hypothetical indexes SELECT hypopg_reset(); hypopg_reset -------------- (1 row) -- index on expression SELECT COUNT(*) AS NB FROM public.hypopg_create_index('CREATE INDEX ON hypo (md5(val))'); nb ---- 1 (1 row) -- Should use hypothetical index SELECT COUNT(*) FROM do_explain('SELECT * FROM hypo WHERE md5(val) = md5(''line 1'')') e WHERE e ~ 'Index.*<\d+>btree_hypo.*'; count ------- 1 (1 row) -- Deparse an index DDL, with almost every possible pathcode SELECT hypopg_get_indexdef(indexrelid) FROM hypopg_create_index('create index on hypo using btree(id desc, "Id2" desc nulls first, id desc nulls last, cast(md5(val) as bpchar) bpchar_pattern_ops) with (fillfactor = 10) WHERE id < 1000 AND id +1 %2 = 3'); hypopg_get_indexdef ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CREATE INDEX ON public.hypo USING btree (id DESC, "Id2" DESC, id DESC NULLS LAST, ((md5(val))::bpchar) bpchar_pattern_ops) WITH (fillfactor = 10) WHERE ((id < 1000) AND ((id + (1 % 2)) = 3)) (1 row) -- Make sure the old Oid generator still works. Test it while keeping existing -- entries, as both should be able to coexist. SET hypopg.use_real_oids = on; -- Should not use hypothetical index SELECT COUNT(*) FROM do_explain('SELECT * FROM hypo WHERE id = 1') e WHERE e ~ 'Index.*<\d+>btree_hypo.*'; count ------- 0 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) AS nb FROM public.hypopg_create_index('CREATE INDEX ON hypo(id);'); nb ---- 1 (1 row) -- Should use hypothetical index SELECT COUNT(*) FROM do_explain('SELECT * FROM hypo WHERE id = 1') e WHERE e ~ 'Index.*<\d+>btree_hypo.*'; count ------- 1 (1 row)