-- Hypothetical on partitioned tabled CREATE TABLE hypo_part(id1 integer, id2 integer, id3 integer) PARTITION BY LIST (id1); CREATE TABLE hypo_part_1 PARTITION OF hypo_part FOR VALUES IN (1) PARTITION BY LIST (id2); CREATE TABLE hypo_part_1_1 PARTITION OF hypo_part_1 FOR VALUES IN (1); INSERT INTO hypo_part SELECT 1, 1, generate_series(1, 10000); ANALYZE hypo_part; SET enable_seqscan = 0; -- hypothetical index on root partitioned table should work SELECT COUNT(*) AS nb FROM hypopg_create_index('CREATE INDEX ON hypo_part (id3)'); nb ---- 1 (1 row) SELECT 1, COUNT(*) FROM do_explain('SELECT * FROM hypo_part WHERE id3 = 1') e WHERE e ~ 'Index.*<\d+>btree_hypo_part.*'; ?column? | count ----------+------- 1 | 1 (1 row) SELECT hypopg_reset(); hypopg_reset -------------- (1 row) -- hypothetical index on non-root partitioned table should work SELECT COUNT(*) AS nb FROM hypopg_create_index('CREATE INDEX ON hypo_part_1 (id3)'); nb ---- 1 (1 row) SELECT 2, COUNT(*) FROM do_explain('SELECT * FROM hypo_part_1 WHERE id3 = 1') e WHERE e ~ 'Index.*<\d+>btree_hypo_part.*'; ?column? | count ----------+------- 2 | 1 (1 row) SELECT hypopg_reset(); hypopg_reset -------------- (1 row) -- hypothetical index on partition should work SELECT COUNT(*) AS nb FROM hypopg_create_index('CREATE INDEX ON hypo_part_1_1 (id3)'); nb ---- 1 (1 row) SELECT 3, COUNT(*) FROM do_explain('SELECT * FROM hypo_part_1_1 WHERE id3 = 1') e WHERE e ~ 'Index.*<\d+>btree_hypo_part.*'; ?column? | count ----------+------- 3 | 1 (1 row)