-- This program is open source, licensed under the PostgreSQL License. -- For license terms, see the LICENSE file. -- -- Copyright (C) 2015-2018: Julien Rouhaud -- complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via CREATE EXTENSION \echo Use "CREATE EXTENSION hypopg" to load this file. \quit SET LOCAL client_encoding = 'UTF8'; CREATE FUNCTION hypopg_reset_index() RETURNS void LANGUAGE C VOLATILE COST 100 AS '$libdir/hypopg', 'hypopg_reset_index'; CREATE FUNCTION hypopg_reset() RETURNS void LANGUAGE C VOLATILE COST 100 AS '$libdir/hypopg', 'hypopg_reset'; CREATE FUNCTION hypopg_create_index(IN sql_order text, OUT indexrelid oid, OUT indexname text) RETURNS SETOF record LANGUAGE C STRICT VOLATILE COST 100 AS '$libdir/hypopg', 'hypopg_create_index'; CREATE FUNCTION hypopg_drop_index(IN indexid oid) RETURNS bool LANGUAGE C STRICT VOLATILE COST 100 AS '$libdir/hypopg', 'hypopg_drop_index'; CREATE FUNCTION hypopg(OUT indexname text, OUT indexrelid oid, OUT indrelid oid, OUT innatts integer, OUT indisunique boolean, OUT indkey int2vector, OUT indcollation oidvector, OUT indclass oidvector, OUT indoption oidvector, OUT indexprs pg_node_tree, OUT indpred pg_node_tree, OUT amid oid) RETURNS SETOF record LANGUAGE c COST 100 AS '$libdir/hypopg', 'hypopg'; CREATE FUNCTION hypopg_list_indexes(OUT indexrelid oid, OUT indexname text, OUT nspname name, OUT relname name, OUT amname name) RETURNS SETOF record AS $_$ SELECT h.indexrelid, h.indexname, n.nspname, c.relname, am.amname FROM hypopg() h JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = h.indrelid JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace JOIN pg_am am ON am.oid = h.amid $_$ LANGUAGE sql; CREATE FUNCTION hypopg_relation_size(IN indexid oid) RETURNS bigint LANGUAGE C STRICT VOLATILE COST 100 AS '$libdir/hypopg', 'hypopg_relation_size'; CREATE FUNCTION hypopg_get_indexdef(IN indexid oid) RETURNS text LANGUAGE C STRICT VOLATILE COST 100 AS '$libdir/hypopg', 'hypopg_get_indexdef';