/* * Copyright 2024 Zacharias Knudsen * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ --| # Raster processing functions -- Get nodata value for ST_Clip function -- ST_Clip sets nodata pixel values to minimum value by default, but it won't -- set band nodata value in this case, which we need later for filtering dumped -- values. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION __h3_raster_band_nodata( rast raster, nband integer) RETURNS double precision AS $$ SELECT coalesce( ST_BandNoDataValue(rast, nband), ST_MinPossibleValue(ST_BandPixelType(rast, nband))); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION __h3_raster_to_polygon( rast raster, nband integer) RETURNS geometry AS $$ SELECT ST_MinConvexHull(rast, nband); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE; -- Area of a pixel close to the center of raster polygon, in meters CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION __h3_raster_polygon_pixel_area( rast raster, poly geometry) RETURNS double precision AS $$ SELECT ST_Area( ST_Transform( ST_PixelAsPolygon( rast, ST_WorldToRasterCoordX(rast, c), ST_WorldToRasterCoordY(rast, c)), 4326)::geography) FROM ST_Centroid(poly) AS c $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION __h3_raster_polygon_centroid_cell( poly geometry, resolution integer) RETURNS h3index AS $$ DECLARE cell h3index := h3_lat_lng_to_cell(ST_Transform(ST_Centroid(poly), 4326), resolution); BEGIN IF h3_is_pentagon(cell) THEN SELECT h3 INTO cell FROM h3_grid_disk(cell) AS h3 WHERE h3 != cell LIMIT 1; END IF; RETURN cell; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT PARALLEL SAFE; -- Area of a cell close to the center of raster polygon, in meters CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION __h3_raster_polygon_centroid_cell_area( poly geometry, resolution integer) RETURNS double precision AS $$ SELECT ST_Area( h3_cell_to_boundary_geography( __h3_raster_polygon_centroid_cell(poly, resolution))); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE; -- Get list of cells inside of the raster polygon, -- buffered by `buffer` value (in meters). -- If SRID != 4326 then additionally buffer by 1 pixel to account for transformation. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION __h3_raster_polygon_to_cells( rast raster, poly geometry, resolution integer, buffer double precision) RETURNS SETOF h3index AS $$ DECLARE buffered geometry := poly; BEGIN IF ST_SRID(rast) != 4326 THEN buffered := ST_Transform( ST_Buffer( poly, greatest(ST_PixelWidth(rast), ST_PixelHeight(rast)), 'join=mitre'), 4326); END IF; IF buffer > 0.0 THEN RETURN QUERY SELECT h3_polygon_to_cells( ST_Buffer( buffered::geography, buffer, 'join=mitre'), resolution); ELSE RETURN QUERY SELECT h3_polygon_to_cells(buffered, resolution); END IF; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT PARALLEL SAFE; -- Get geometries of H3 cells interesecting raster polygon. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION __h3_raster_polygon_to_cell_boundaries_intersects( rast raster, poly geometry, resolution integer) RETURNS TABLE (h3 h3index, geom geometry) AS $$ SELECT h3, geom FROM __h3_raster_polygon_to_cells( rast, poly, resolution, h3_get_hexagon_edge_length_avg(resolution, 'm') * 1.3 ) AS h3, ST_Transform(h3_cell_to_boundary_geometry(h3), ST_SRID(rast)) AS geom WHERE ST_Intersects(geom, poly); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE; -- Get raster coordinates of H3 cells with centroids inside the raster polygon CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION __h3_raster_polygon_to_cell_coords_centroid( rast raster, poly geometry, resolution integer) RETURNS TABLE (h3 h3index, x integer, y integer) AS $$ WITH geoms AS ( SELECT h3, ST_Transform( h3_cell_to_geometry(h3), ST_SRID(poly) ) AS geom FROM ( SELECT __h3_raster_polygon_to_cells(rast, poly, resolution, 0.0) AS h3 ) t), coords AS ( SELECT h3, ST_WorldToRasterCoordX(rast, geom) AS x, ST_WorldToRasterCoordY(rast, geom) AS y FROM geoms) SELECT h3, x, y FROM coords WHERE x BETWEEN 1 AND ST_Width(rast) AND y BETWEEN 1 AND ST_Height(rast); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION __h3_raster_polygon_to_cell_parts( rast raster, poly geometry, resolution integer, nband integer) RETURNS TABLE (h3 h3index, part raster) AS $$ DECLARE nodata CONSTANT double precision := __h3_raster_band_nodata(rast, nband); BEGIN RETURN QUERY SELECT c.h3, p AS part FROM __h3_raster_polygon_to_cell_boundaries_intersects(rast, poly, resolution) AS c, ST_Clip(rast, nband, c.geom, nodata, TRUE) AS p WHERE NOT ST_BandIsNoData(p, nband); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT PARALLEL SAFE; -- Get values corresponding to all H3 cells with centroids inside the -- raster polygon. Assumes cell area is less than pixel area. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION __h3_raster_polygon_subpixel_cell_values( rast raster, poly geometry, resolution integer, nband integer) RETURNS TABLE (h3 h3index, val double precision) AS $$ SELECT h3, ST_Value(rast, nband, x, y) AS val FROM __h3_raster_polygon_to_cell_coords_centroid(rast, poly, resolution); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE; --| ## Continuous raster data --| --| For rasters with pixel values representing continuous data (temperature, humidity, --| elevation), the data inside H3 cells can be summarized by calculating number of --| pixels, sum, mean, standard deviation, min and max for each cell inside a raster --| and grouping these stats across multiple rasters by H3 index. --| --| ``` --| SELECT --| (summary).h3 AS h3, --| (h3_raster_summary_stats_agg((summary).stats)).* --| FROM ( --| SELECT h3_raster_summary(rast, 8) AS summary --| FROM rasters --| ) t --| GROUP BY 1; --| --| h3 | count | sum | mean | stddev | min | max --| -----------------+-------+--------------------+---------------------+--------------------+-------+------------------ --| 882d638189fffff | 10 | 4.607657432556152 | 0.46076574325561526 | 1.3822972297668457 | 0 | 4.607657432556152 --| 882d64c4d1fffff | 10 | 3.6940908953547478 | 0.3694090895354748 | 1.099336879464068 | 0 | 3.667332887649536 --| 882d607431fffff | 11 | 6.219290263950825 | 0.5653900239955295 | 1.7624673707119065 | 0 | 6.13831996917724 --| <...> --| ``` -- NOTE: `count` can be < 1 when cell area is less than pixel area --@ availability: 4.1.1 CREATE TYPE h3_raster_summary_stats AS ( count double precision, sum double precision, mean double precision, stddev double precision, min double precision, max double precision ); -- ST_SummaryStats result type to h3_raster_summary_stats CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION __h3_raster_to_summary_stats(stats summarystats) RETURNS h3_raster_summary_stats AS $$ SELECT ROW( (stats).count, (stats).sum, (stats).mean, (stats).stddev, (stats).min, (stats).max )::h3_raster_summary_stats $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION __h3_raster_summary_stats_agg_transfn( s1 h3_raster_summary_stats, s2 h3_raster_summary_stats) RETURNS h3_raster_summary_stats AS $$ WITH total AS ( SELECT (s1).count + (s2).count AS count, (s1).sum + (s2).sum AS sum) SELECT ROW( t.count, t.sum, t.sum / t.count, sqrt( ( -- sum of squared values: (variance + mean squared) * count (((s1).stddev * (s1).stddev + (s1).mean * (s1).mean)) * (s1).count + (((s2).stddev * (s2).stddev + (s2).mean * (s2).mean)) * (s2).count ) / t.count - ((t.sum * t.sum) / (t.count * t.count)) -- mean squared ), least((s1).min, (s2).min), greatest((s1).max, (s2).max) )::h3_raster_summary_stats FROM total AS t $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE STRICT PARALLEL SAFE; --@ availability: 4.1.1 CREATE AGGREGATE h3_raster_summary_stats_agg(h3_raster_summary_stats) ( sfunc = __h3_raster_summary_stats_agg_transfn, stype = h3_raster_summary_stats, parallel = safe ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION __h3_raster_polygon_summary_clip( rast raster, poly geometry, resolution integer, nband integer) RETURNS TABLE (h3 h3index, stats h3_raster_summary_stats) AS $$ SELECT h3, __h3_raster_to_summary_stats(ST_SummaryStats(part, nband, TRUE)) AS stats FROM __h3_raster_polygon_to_cell_parts(rast, poly, resolution, nband); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE; --@ availability: 4.1.1 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION h3_raster_summary_clip( rast raster, resolution integer, nband integer DEFAULT 1) RETURNS TABLE (h3 h3index, stats h3_raster_summary_stats) AS $$ SELECT __h3_raster_polygon_summary_clip( rast, __h3_raster_to_polygon(rast, nband), resolution, nband); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE STRICT PARALLEL SAFE; COMMENT ON FUNCTION h3_raster_summary_clip(raster, integer, integer) IS 'Returns `h3_raster_summary_stats` for each H3 cell in raster for a given band. Clips the raster by H3 cell geometries and processes each part separately.'; --@ availability: 4.1.1 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION h3_raster_summary_centroids( rast raster, resolution integer, nband integer DEFAULT 1) RETURNS TABLE (h3 h3index, stats h3_raster_summary_stats) AS $$ SELECT h3_lat_lng_to_cell(ST_Transform(geom, 4326), resolution) AS h3, ROW( count(val), sum(val), avg(val), stddev_pop(val), min(val), max(val) )::h3_raster_summary_stats AS stats FROM ST_PixelAsCentroids(rast, nband) GROUP BY 1; $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE STRICT PARALLEL SAFE; COMMENT ON FUNCTION h3_raster_summary_centroids(raster, integer, integer) IS 'Returns `h3_raster_summary_stats` for each H3 cell in raster for a given band. Finds corresponding H3 cell for each pixel, then groups values by H3 index.'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION __h3_raster_polygon_summary_subpixel( rast raster, poly geometry, resolution integer, nband integer, pixels_per_cell double precision) RETURNS TABLE (h3 h3index, stats h3_raster_summary_stats) AS $$ SELECT h3, ROW( pixels_per_cell, -- count val, -- sum val, -- mean 0.0, -- stddev val, -- min val -- max )::h3_raster_summary_stats AS stats FROM __h3_raster_polygon_subpixel_cell_values(rast, poly, resolution, nband) t; $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE; --@ availability: 4.1.1 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION h3_raster_summary_subpixel( rast raster, resolution integer, nband integer DEFAULT 1) RETURNS TABLE (h3 h3index, stats h3_raster_summary_stats) AS $$ DECLARE poly CONSTANT geometry := __h3_raster_to_polygon(rast, nband); pixel_area CONSTANT double precision := __h3_raster_polygon_pixel_area(rast, poly); cell_area CONSTANT double precision := __h3_raster_polygon_centroid_cell_area(poly, resolution); BEGIN RETURN QUERY SELECT (__h3_raster_polygon_summary_subpixel( rast, poly, resolution, nband, cell_area / pixel_area)).*; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT PARALLEL SAFE; COMMENT ON FUNCTION h3_raster_summary_subpixel(raster, integer, integer) IS 'Returns `h3_raster_summary_stats` for each H3 cell in raster for a given band. Assumes H3 cell is smaller than a pixel. Finds corresponding pixel for each H3 cell in raster.'; --@ availability: 4.1.1 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION h3_raster_summary( rast raster, resolution integer, nband integer DEFAULT 1) RETURNS TABLE (h3 h3index, stats h3_raster_summary_stats) AS $$ DECLARE poly CONSTANT geometry := __h3_raster_to_polygon(rast, nband); cell_area CONSTANT double precision := __h3_raster_polygon_centroid_cell_area(poly, resolution); pixel_area CONSTANT double precision := __h3_raster_polygon_pixel_area(rast, poly); pixels_per_cell CONSTANT double precision := cell_area / pixel_area; BEGIN IF pixels_per_cell > 70 AND (ST_Area(ST_Transform(poly, 4326)::geography) / cell_area) > 10000 / (pixels_per_cell - 70) THEN RETURN QUERY SELECT (__h3_raster_polygon_summary_clip( rast, poly, resolution, nband )).*; ELSIF pixels_per_cell > 1 THEN RETURN QUERY SELECT (h3_raster_summary_centroids( rast, resolution, nband )).*; ELSE RETURN QUERY SELECT (__h3_raster_polygon_summary_subpixel( rast, poly, resolution, nband, pixels_per_cell )).*; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT PARALLEL SAFE; COMMENT ON FUNCTION h3_raster_summary(raster, integer, integer) IS 'Returns `h3_raster_summary_stats` for each H3 cell in raster for a given band. Attempts to select an appropriate method based on number of pixels per H3 cell.'; --| ## Discrete raster data --| --| For rasters where pixels have discrete values corresponding to different classes --| of land cover or land use, H3 cell data summary can be represented by a JSON object --| with separate fields for each class. First, value, number of pixels and approximate --| area are calculated for each H3 cell and value in a raster, then the stats are --| grouped across multiple rasters by H3 index and value, and after that stats for --| different values in a cell are combined into a single JSON object. --| --| The following example query additionally calculates a fraction of H3 cell pixels --| for each value, using a window function to get a total number of pixels: --| ``` --| WITH --| summary AS ( --| -- get aggregated summary for each H3 index/value pair --| SELECT h3, val, h3_raster_class_summary_item_agg(summary) AS item --| FROM --| rasters, --| h3_raster_class_summary(rast, 8) --| GROUP BY 1, 2), --| summary_total AS ( --| -- add total number of pixels per H3 cell --| SELECT h3, val, item, sum((item).count) OVER (PARTITION BY h3) AS total --| FROM summary) --| SELECT --| h3, --| jsonb_object_agg( --| concat('class_', val::text), --| h3_raster_class_summary_item_to_jsonb(item) -- val, count, area --| || jsonb_build_object('fraction', (item).count / total) -- add fraction value --| ORDER BY val --| ) AS summary --| FROM summary_total --| GROUP BY 1; --| --| h3 | summary --| ----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --| 88194e6f3bfffff | {"class_1": {"area": 75855.5748, "count": 46, "value": 1, "fraction": 0.4509}, "class_2": {"area": 92345.9171, "count": 56, "value": 2, "fraction": 0.5490}} --| 88194e6f37fffff | {"class_1": {"area": 255600.3064, "count": 155, "value": 1, "fraction": 0.5}, "class_2": {"area": 255600.3064, "count": 155, "value": 2, "fraction": 0.5}} --| 88194e6f33fffff | {"class_1": {"area": 336402.9840, "count": 204, "value": 1, "fraction": 0.5125}, "class_2": {"area": 319912.6416, "count": 194, "value": 2, "fraction": 0.4874}} --| <...> --| ``` --| --| Area covered by pixels with the most frequent value in each cell: --| ``` --| SELECT DISTINCT ON (h3) --| h3, val, (item).area --| FROM ( --| SELECT --| h3, val, h3_raster_class_summary_item_agg(summary) AS item --| FROM --| rasters, --| h3_raster_class_summary(rast, 8) --| GROUP BY 1, 2 --| ) t --| ORDER BY h3, (item).count DESC; --| --| h3 | val | area --| -----------------+-----+-------------------- --| 88194e6f3bfffff | 5 | 23238.699360251427 --| 88194e6f37fffff | 9 | 60863.26022922993 --| 88194e6f33fffff | 8 | 76355.72646939754 --| <...> --| ``` -- NOTE: `count` can be < 1 when cell area is less than pixel area --@ availability: 4.1.1 CREATE TYPE h3_raster_class_summary_item AS ( val integer, count double precision, area double precision ); --@ availability: 4.1.1 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION h3_raster_class_summary_item_to_jsonb( item h3_raster_class_summary_item) RETURNS jsonb AS $$ SELECT jsonb_build_object( 'value', (item).val, 'count', (item).count, 'area', (item).area ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE STRICT PARALLEL SAFE; COMMENT ON FUNCTION h3_raster_class_summary_item_to_jsonb(h3_raster_class_summary_item) IS 'Convert raster summary to JSONB, example: `{"count": 10, "value": 2, "area": 16490.3423}`'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION __h3_raster_class_summary_item_agg_transfn( s1 h3_raster_class_summary_item, s2 h3_raster_class_summary_item) RETURNS h3_raster_class_summary_item AS $$ SELECT s1.val, s1.count + s2.count, s1.area + s2.area; $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE STRICT PARALLEL SAFE; --@ availability: 4.1.1 CREATE AGGREGATE h3_raster_class_summary_item_agg(h3_raster_class_summary_item) ( stype = h3_raster_class_summary_item, sfunc = __h3_raster_class_summary_item_agg_transfn, parallel = safe ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION __h3_raster_class_summary_part( rast raster, nband integer, pixel_area double precision) RETURNS SETOF h3_raster_class_summary_item AS $$ SELECT ROW( value::integer, count::double precision, count * pixel_area )::h3_raster_class_summary_item FROM ST_ValueCount(rast, nband) t; $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION __h3_raster_class_polygon_summary_clip( rast raster, poly geometry, resolution integer, nband integer, pixel_area double precision) RETURNS TABLE (h3 h3index, val integer, summary h3_raster_class_summary_item) AS $$ WITH summary AS ( SELECT h3, __h3_raster_class_summary_part(part, nband, pixel_area) AS summary FROM __h3_raster_polygon_to_cell_parts(rast, poly, resolution, nband) t) SELECT h3, (summary).val, summary FROM summary; $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE; --@ availability: 4.1.1 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION h3_raster_class_summary_clip( rast raster, resolution integer, nband integer DEFAULT 1) RETURNS TABLE (h3 h3index, val integer, summary h3_raster_class_summary_item) AS $$ DECLARE poly CONSTANT geometry := __h3_raster_to_polygon(rast, nband); BEGIN RETURN QUERY SELECT (__h3_raster_class_polygon_summary_clip( rast, poly, resolution, nband, __h3_raster_polygon_pixel_area(rast, poly) )).*; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT PARALLEL SAFE; COMMENT ON FUNCTION h3_raster_class_summary_clip(raster, integer, integer) IS 'Returns `h3_raster_class_summary_item` for each H3 cell and value for a given band. Clips the raster by H3 cell geometries and processes each part separately.'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION __h3_raster_class_summary_centroids( rast raster, resolution integer, nband integer, pixel_area double precision) RETURNS TABLE (h3 h3index, val integer, summary h3_raster_class_summary_item) AS $$ SELECT h3_lat_lng_to_cell(ST_Transform(geom, 4326), resolution) AS h3, val::integer AS val, ROW( val::integer, count(*)::double precision, count(*) * pixel_area )::h3_raster_class_summary_item AS summary FROM ST_PixelAsCentroids(rast, nband) GROUP BY 1, 2; $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE; --@ availability: 4.1.1 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION h3_raster_class_summary_centroids( rast raster, resolution integer, nband integer DEFAULT 1) RETURNS TABLE (h3 h3index, val integer, summary h3_raster_class_summary_item) AS $$ SELECT __h3_raster_class_summary_centroids( rast, resolution, nband, __h3_raster_polygon_pixel_area(rast, __h3_raster_to_polygon(rast, nband)) ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE STRICT PARALLEL SAFE; COMMENT ON FUNCTION h3_raster_class_summary_centroids(raster, integer, integer) IS 'Returns `h3_raster_class_summary_item` for each H3 cell and value for a given band. Finds corresponding H3 cell for each pixel, then groups by H3 and value.'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION __h3_raster_class_polygon_summary_subpixel( rast raster, poly geometry, resolution integer, nband integer, cell_area double precision, pixel_area double precision) RETURNS TABLE (h3 h3index, val integer, summary h3_raster_class_summary_item) AS $$ SELECT h3, val::integer AS val, ROW( val::integer, cell_area / pixel_area, cell_area )::h3_raster_class_summary_item AS summary FROM __h3_raster_polygon_subpixel_cell_values(rast, poly, resolution, nband); $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE; --@ availability: 4.1.1 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION h3_raster_class_summary_subpixel( rast raster, resolution integer, nband integer DEFAULT 1) RETURNS TABLE (h3 h3index, val integer, summary h3_raster_class_summary_item) AS $$ DECLARE poly CONSTANT geometry := __h3_raster_to_polygon(rast, nband); BEGIN RETURN QUERY SELECT (__h3_raster_class_polygon_summary_subpixel( rast, poly, resolution, nband, __h3_raster_polygon_centroid_cell_area(poly, resolution), __h3_raster_polygon_pixel_area(rast, poly) )).*; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT PARALLEL SAFE; COMMENT ON FUNCTION h3_raster_class_summary_subpixel(raster, integer, integer) IS 'Returns `h3_raster_class_summary_item` for each H3 cell and value for a given band. Assumes H3 cell is smaller than a pixel. Finds corresponding pixel for each H3 cell in raster.'; --@ availability: 4.1.1 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION h3_raster_class_summary( rast raster, resolution integer, nband integer DEFAULT 1) RETURNS TABLE (h3 h3index, val integer, summary h3_raster_class_summary_item) AS $$ DECLARE poly CONSTANT geometry := __h3_raster_to_polygon(rast, nband); cell_area CONSTANT double precision := __h3_raster_polygon_centroid_cell_area(poly, resolution); pixel_area CONSTANT double precision := __h3_raster_polygon_pixel_area(rast, poly); pixels_per_cell CONSTANT double precision := cell_area / pixel_area; BEGIN IF pixels_per_cell > 70 AND (ST_Area(ST_Transform(poly, 4326)::geography) / cell_area) > 10000 / (pixels_per_cell - 70) THEN RETURN QUERY SELECT (__h3_raster_class_polygon_summary_clip( rast, poly, resolution, nband, pixel_area )).*; ELSIF pixels_per_cell > 1 THEN RETURN QUERY SELECT (__h3_raster_class_summary_centroids( rast, resolution, nband, pixel_area )).*; ELSE RETURN QUERY SELECT (__h3_raster_class_polygon_summary_subpixel( rast, poly, resolution, nband, cell_area, pixel_area )).*; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT PARALLEL SAFE; COMMENT ON FUNCTION h3_raster_class_summary(raster, integer, integer) IS 'Returns `h3_raster_class_summary_item` for each H3 cell and value for a given band. Attempts to select an appropriate method based on number of pixels per H3 cell.';