# PostgreSQL bindings for H3 This library provides PostgreSQL bindings for the [H3 Core Library](https://github.com/uber/h3). For API reference, please see the [H3 Documentation](https://uber.github.io/h3). Developed in collaboration with [Scandinavian Highlands](http://www.scandinavian-highlands.com). ## Prerequisites - PostgreSQL 9.6 or higher (_including server headers_). It might work with earlier versions, we have not tested earlier than 9.6. - C compiler (e.g., gcc) - GNU Make - Git & CMake (for libh3) ## Quick Overview If the prerequisites are met you can use the PGXN Client to download, build, and install, e.g.: ```shell $ pgxn install h3 $ pgxn load h3 $ psql =# SELECT h3_geo_to_h3(POINT('37.3615593,-122.0553238'), 5); h3_geo_to_h3 ----------------- 85e35e73fffffff (1 row) ``` #### On macOS with the Postgres.app Universal Binary ```shell brew install pgxnclient make cmake export CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES="arm64;x86_64" pgxn install h3 ``` ## Usage > :tada: **Note:** The following usage docs apply to **H3 v4**, which was released on August 23, 2022. > > - For v3 docs, [see the latest v3.x.x release](https://github.com/bytesandbrains/h3-pg/blob/v3.7.2/README.md). > - For breaking changes in v4, [see the CHANGELOG](./CHANGELOG.md). In particular, most [function names have changed](https://h3geo.org/docs/library/migration-3.x/functions). Generally, all functions have been renamed from camelCase in H3 to snake*case in SQL with an added `h3*` prefix. See [API reference](docs/api.md) for all provided functions. ## For developers See [Development](docs/development.md). ## License This project is released under the [Apache 2.0 License](LICENSE.md).