## Development We provide a Dockerfile for development without installation of H3 and Postgres. The following requires that your system has `docker` installed. First, build the docker image: ``` docker build -t h3-pg . ``` Then, build the extension and run the test suite: ``` docker run --rm h3-pg ``` Afterwards, to quickly build and test changes, run: ``` chmod -R 777 . docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD":/tmp/h3-pg h3-pg ``` It will mount the code as a volume, and also mount the test output directory, so output can be inspected. The chmod might be needed if you get permission denied errors. ## Distribution on PGXN Zip it up ``` git archive --format zip --prefix=h3-x.x.x/ --output h3-x.x.x.zip master ``` Upload it on https://manager.pgxn.org/