first-last-agg 0.1.4 ==================== Synopsis -------- % CREATE EXTENSION first_last_agg; CREATE EXTENSION % SELECT last(x order by y) FROM (VALUES (1, 3), (2, 1), (3, 2)) AS v(x, y); last ------ 1 % SELECT first(x order by y) FROM (VALUES (1, 3), (2, 1), (3, 2)) AS v(x, y); first ------- 2 Description ----------- This library contains two simple aggregate functions, `first` and `last`, operating on any element type. They return the first or the last value of the aggregated group, respectively. It is useful with aggregates with `order by`, for easily taking one element from an aggregate group when you don't really care which do you get and for emulating a similar functionality from Oracle. Author ------ [Jan UrbaƄski](, based on code from the [PostgreSQL wiki](, specifically on the SQL definitions of [first and last]( taken from there.