Installing firebird_fdw on CentOS/Redhat ======================================== Package installation -------------------- RPM packages for CentOS/Redhat etc. are available via the Fedora "copr" build system; for details see here: Note that packages are generally only built for PostgreSQL versions currently under community support. Source installation ------------------- ### Prerequisites - `libfq`, a `libpq`-like API wrapper for the Firebird C API; see: `libfq` packages are available via the Fedora "copr" build system. see: [Source installation instructions]( are also available. *NOTE* the latest `libfq` version should be used with the current `firebird_fdw` version, as the two are usually developed in tandem. - following packages must be installed: - `firebird-devel` - `libfbclient2` If PostgreSQL itself is not installed from source, the appropriate `dev` package is also required: - `postgresql{VERSION}-devel` where `{VERSION}` corresponds to the PostgreSQL version `firebird_fdw` is being built against (e.g.`12`, `96`). *IMPORTANT*: you *must* build `firebird_fdw` against the PostgreSQL version it will be installed on. #### Building Ensure the `PGXS` build system can locate the Firebird header files with: export PG_CPPFLAGS="-I /usr/include/firebird" Ensure the `pg_config` binary for the taregt PostgreSQL version is in the shell path; then execute: make && sudo make install which should build and install `firebird_fdw`.