/* * NOTE: All pg_temp objects must be dropped at the end of the script! * Otherwise the eventual DROP CASCADE of pg_temp when the session ends will * also drop the extension! Instead of risking problems, create our own * "temporary" schema instead. */ CREATE SCHEMA __extension_drop; CREATE TABLE __extension_drop.messages AS SELECT pg_catalog.current_setting('client_min_messages'); SET client_min_messages = WARNING; CREATE FUNCTION __extension_drop.exec( sql text ) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $body$ BEGIN RAISE DEBUG 'sql = %', sql; EXECUTE sql; END $body$; CREATE FUNCTION __extension_drop.safe_dump( relation regclass , filter text DEFAULT '' ) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $body$ BEGIN PERFORM pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump(relation, filter); EXCEPTION WHEN feature_not_supported THEN NULL; END $body$; CREATE FUNCTION __extension_drop.create_function( function_name text , args text , options text , body text , comment text , grants text DEFAULT NULL ) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $body$ DECLARE c_clean_args text := cat_tools.function__arg_types_text(args); create_template CONSTANT text := $template$ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION %s( %s ) RETURNS %s AS %L $template$ ; revoke_template CONSTANT text := $template$ REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION %s( %s ) FROM public; $template$ ; grant_template CONSTANT text := $template$ GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION %s( %s ) TO %s; $template$ ; comment_template CONSTANT text := $template$ COMMENT ON FUNCTION %s( %s ) IS %L; $template$ ; BEGIN PERFORM __extension_drop.exec( format( create_template , function_name , args , options -- TODO: Force search_path if options ~* 'definer' , body ) ) ; IF grants IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM __extension_drop.exec( format( revoke_template , function_name , c_clean_args ) ) ; IF grants <> '' THEN PERFORM __extension_drop.exec( format( grant_template , function_name , c_clean_args , grants ) ) ; END IF; END IF; IF comment IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM __extension_drop.exec( format( comment_template , function_name , c_clean_args , comment ) ) ; END IF; END $body$; CREATE TABLE extension_drop__commands( extension_name name PRIMARY KEY , sql text NOT NULL ); SELECT __extension_drop.safe_dump('extension_drop__commands', ''); SELECT __extension_drop.create_function( 'extension_drop__sanity_check' , '' , 'name[] LANGUAGE sql STABLE' , $body$ SELECT array( SELECT extension_name FROM extension_drop__commands c WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_extension e WHERE e.extname = c.extension_name) ) $body$ , $$Returns an array of extensions that have drop commands but do not exist. This array should always be empty!$$ ); SELECT __extension_drop.create_function( 'extension_drop__sanity_assert' , '' , 'void LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE' , $body$ DECLARE bad name[] := extension_drop__sanity_check(); BEGIN IF bad != '{}'::name[] THEN RAISE 'unexpected drop commands' USING ERRCODE = 'XD001' , HINT = $$This should not happen unless someone manually inserted into "extension_drop__commands" or messed with the "extension_drop" event trigger. Use SELECT extension_drop__repair() to fix this.$$ , DETAIL = format( 'These extension%s do not exist: %' , CASE WHEN array_length(bad, 1) = 1 THEN '' ELSE 's' END , array_to_string(bad, ', ') ) ; END IF; END $body$ , $$Throws an error if the "extension_drop__commands" table is not in a sane state.$$ ); /* * REPAIR */ SELECT __extension_drop.create_function( 'extension_drop__repair' , '' , 'void LANGUAGE sql' , $body$ DELETE FROM extension_drop__commands WHERE extension_name = ANY( extension_drop__sanity_check() ) $body$ , 'Repairs the "extension_drop__commands" table. THIS FUNCTION SHOULD NEVER BE NEEDED.' , '' -- Just revoke all access ); /* * GET */ SELECT __extension_drop.create_function( 'extension_drop__get' , $$ extension_name extension_drop__commands.extension_name%TYPE $$ , 'extension_drop__commands STABLE LANGUAGE plpgsql' , $body$ DECLARE ret extension_drop__commands; BEGIN PERFORM extension_drop__sanity_assert(); SELECT INTO STRICT ret * FROM extension_drop d WHERE d.extension_name = extension_drop__get.extension_name ; EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN RAISE 'no drop commands for extension "%"', extension_name USING errcode = 'no_data_found' ; END $body$ , $$Get info about a set of commands to be run when an extension is dropped.$$ ); /* * ADD */ SELECT __extension_drop.create_function( 'extension_drop__add' , $$ extension_name extension_drop__commands.extension_name%TYPE , sql extension_drop__commands.sql%TYPE $$ , 'void LANGUAGE plpgsql' , $body$ BEGIN INSERT INTO extension_drop__commands VALUES(extension_name, sql); PERFORM extension_drop__sanity_assert(); END $body$ , $$Adds a set of commands to be run when an extension is dropped.$$ , '' -- Just revoke all access ); /* * REMOVE */ SELECT __extension_drop.create_function( 'extension_drop__remove' , $$ extension_name extension_drop__commands.extension_name%TYPE $$ , 'void LANGUAGE sql' , $body$ DELETE FROM extension_drop__commands d -- extension_drop__get() runs sanity checks for us WHERE d.extension_name = (extension_drop__get(extension_name)).extension_name $body$ , $$Remove a set of commands to be run when an extension is dropped.$$ , '' -- Just revoke all access ); /* * UPDATE */ SELECT __extension_drop.create_function( 'extension_drop__update' , $$ extension_name extension_drop__commands.extension_name%TYPE , sql extension_drop__commands.sql%TYPE $$ , 'void LANGUAGE sql' , $body$ UPDATE extension_drop__commands d SET sql = extension_drop__update.sql -- extension_drop__get() runs sanity checks for us WHERE d.extension_name = (extension_drop__get(extension_name)).extension_name $body$ , $$Update the set of commands to be run when an extension is dropped.$$ , '' -- Just revoke all access ); /* * TRIGGER FUNCTION */ SELECT __extension_drop.create_function( 'extension_drop__event_trigger' , '' , 'event_trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql' , $body$ DECLARE r extension_drop__commands; BEGIN PERFORM extension_drop__sanity_assert(); FOR r IN SELECT c.* FROM extension_drop__commands c JOIN pg_event_trigger_dropped_objects() d ON c.extension_name = d.object_name AND d.object_type = 'extension' LOOP RAISE DEBUG E'extension "%" is being dropped; executing SQL:\n%', r.extension_name, r.sql; EXECUTE r.sql; END LOOP; END $body$ , 'Event trigger function that does the actual work for extension_drop.' ); CREATE EVENT TRIGGER extension_drop ON sql_drop WHEN tag IN( 'DROP EXTENSION' ) -- NOTE! This MUST be IN EXECUTE PROCEDURE extension_drop__event_trigger() ; /* * Drop "temporary" objects */ SELECT __extension_drop.exec('SET client_min_messages = ' || current_setting) FROM __extension_drop.messages ; DROP TABLE __extension_drop.messages; DROP FUNCTION __extension_drop.create_function( function_name text , args text , options text , body text , comment text , grants text ); DROP FUNCTION __extension_drop.safe_dump( relation regclass , text ); DROP FUNCTION __extension_drop.exec( sql text ); DROP SCHEMA __extension_drop; -- vim: sw=2 ts=2 expandtab