-- -- E-Maj: migration from 3.4.0 to 4.0.0 -- -- This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License. -- -- This script upgrades an existing installation of E-Maj extension. -- -- complain if this script is executed in psql, rather than via an ALTER EXTENSION statement \echo Use "ALTER EXTENSION emaj UPDATE TO..." to upgrade the E-Maj extension. \quit --SET client_min_messages TO WARNING; SET client_min_messages TO NOTICE; ------------------------------------ -- -- -- checks -- -- -- ------------------------------------ -- Check that the upgrade conditions are met. DO $do$ DECLARE v_emajVersion TEXT; v_nbNoError INT; v_groupList TEXT; BEGIN -- the emaj version registered in emaj_param must be '3.4.0' SELECT param_value_text INTO v_emajVersion FROM emaj.emaj_param WHERE param_key = 'emaj_version'; IF v_emajVersion <> '3.4.0' THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'E-Maj upgrade: the current E-Maj version (%) is not 3.4.0',v_emajVersion; END IF; -- the installed postgres version must be at least 9.5 IF current_setting('server_version_num')::int < 90500 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'E-Maj upgrade: the current PostgreSQL version (%) is not compatible with the new E-Maj version. The PostgreSQL version should be at least 9.5.', current_setting('server_version'); END IF; -- the E-Maj environment is not damaged BEGIN SELECT count(msg) FILTER (WHERE msg = 'No error detected') INTO v_nbNoError FROM emaj.emaj_verify_all() AS t(msg); EXCEPTION -- Errors during the emaj_verify_all() execution are trapped. The emaj_verify_all() code may be incompatible with the current PG version. WHEN OTHERS THEN -- do nothing END; IF v_nbNoError = 0 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'E-Maj upgrade: the E-Maj environment is damaged. Please fix the issue before upgrading. ' 'You may execute "SELECT * FROM emaj.emaj_verify_all();" to get more details. ' 'An "ALTER EXTENSION emaj UPDATE TO ''%'';" statement may be required before.', v_emajVersion; END IF; -- no existing group must have been created with a postgres version prior 8.4 SELECT string_agg(group_name, ', ') INTO v_groupList FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE cast(to_number(substring(group_pg_version FROM E'^(\\d+)'),'99') * 100 + to_number(substring(group_pg_version FROM E'^\\d+\\.(\\d+)'),'99') AS INTEGER) < 804; IF v_groupList IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'E-Maj upgrade: groups "%" have been created with a too old postgres version (< 8.4). Drop these groups before upgrading. ',v_groupList; END IF; END; $do$; -- OK, the upgrade operation can start... -- insert the upgrade begin record in the operation history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('EMAJ_INSTALL','BEGIN','E-Maj 4.0.0', 'Upgrade from 3.4.0 started'); -- lock emaj_group table to avoid any concurrent E-Maj activity LOCK TABLE emaj.emaj_group IN EXCLUSIVE MODE; -- disable the event triggers SELECT emaj._disable_event_triggers(); ---------------------------------------------- -- -- -- emaj enums, tables, views and sequences -- -- -- ---------------------------------------------- -- drop the triggers on the emaj_group_def table DROP TRIGGER emaj_group_def_change_trg ON emaj.emaj_group_def; DROP TRIGGER emaj_group_def_truncate_trg ON emaj.emaj_group_def; -- drop the group_has_waiting_changes column of the emaj_group table ALTER TABLE emaj.emaj_group DROP COLUMN group_has_waiting_changes; -- drop the emaj_group_def table DROP TABLE emaj.emaj_group_def; -- -- process the emaj_relation table -- (add the rel_ignored_triggers column) -- -- create a temporary table with the old structure and copy the source content CREATE TEMP TABLE emaj_relation_old (LIKE emaj.emaj_relation); INSERT INTO emaj_relation_old SELECT * FROM emaj.emaj_relation; -- drop the old table -- removing linked objects from the extension is a workaround for a bug in postgres extensions management (now fixed in latest versions) --ALTER EXTENSION emaj DROP FUNCTION _drop_tbl(emaj_relation,bigint); --ALTER EXTENSION emaj DROP FUNCTION _drop_seq(emaj_relation,bigint); --ALTER EXTENSION emaj DROP FUNCTION _rlbk_tbl(emaj_relation,bigint,bigint,integer,boolean); --ALTER EXTENSION emaj DROP FUNCTION _delete_log_tbl(emaj_relation,bigint,bigint,bigint); --ALTER EXTENSION emaj DROP FUNCTION _rlbk_seq(emaj_relation,bigint); --ALTER EXTENSION emaj DROP FUNCTION _log_stat_tbl(emaj_relation,bigint,bigint); --ALTER EXTENSION emaj DROP FUNCTION _gen_sql_tbl(emaj_relation,bigint,bigint); --ALTER EXTENSION emaj DROP FUNCTION _gen_sql_seq(emaj_relation,bigint,bigint,bigint); DROP TABLE emaj.emaj_relation CASCADE; -- create the new table, with its indexes, comment, constraints (except foreign key)... CREATE TABLE emaj.emaj_relation ( rel_schema TEXT NOT NULL, -- schema name containing the relation rel_tblseq TEXT NOT NULL, -- application table or sequence name rel_time_range INT8RANGE NOT NULL, -- range of time id representing the validity time range rel_group TEXT NOT NULL, -- name of the group that owns the relation rel_kind TEXT, -- similar to the relkind column of pg_class table -- ('r' = table, 'S' = sequence) -- next columns are specific for tables and remain NULL for sequences rel_priority INTEGER, -- priority level of processing inside the group rel_log_schema TEXT, -- schema for the log table, functions and sequence rel_log_table TEXT, -- name of the log table associated rel_log_dat_tsp TEXT, -- tablespace for the log table rel_log_index TEXT, -- name of the index of the log table rel_log_idx_tsp TEXT, -- tablespace for the log index rel_log_sequence TEXT, -- name of the log sequence rel_log_function TEXT, -- name of the function associated to the log trigger -- created on the application table rel_ignored_triggers TEXT[], -- names array of application trigger to ignore at rollback time rel_emaj_verb_attnum SMALLINT, -- column number (attnum) of the log table's emaj_verb column in the -- pg_attribute table rel_has_always_ident_col BOOLEAN, -- are there any "generated always as identity" column ? rel_sql_rlbk_columns TEXT, -- piece of sql used to rollback: list of the columns rel_sql_rlbk_pk_columns TEXT, -- piece of sql used to rollback: list of the pk columns rel_sql_rlbk_pk_conditions TEXT, -- piece of sql used to rollback: equality conditions on the pk columns rel_sql_gen_ins_col TEXT, -- piece of sql used for SQL generation: list of columns to insert rel_sql_gen_ins_val TEXT, -- piece of sql used for SQL generation: list of column values to insert rel_sql_gen_upd_set TEXT, -- piece of sql used for SQL generation: set clause for updates rel_sql_gen_pk_conditions TEXT, -- piece of sql used for SQL generation: equality conditions on the pk columns rel_log_seq_last_value BIGINT, -- last value of the log sequence when the table is removed from the group -- (NULL otherwise) PRIMARY KEY (rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_time_range), FOREIGN KEY (rel_group) REFERENCES emaj.emaj_group (group_name), FOREIGN KEY (rel_log_schema) REFERENCES emaj.emaj_schema (sch_name), EXCLUDE USING gist (rel_schema WITH =, rel_tblseq WITH =, rel_time_range WITH &&) ); COMMENT ON TABLE emaj.emaj_relation IS $$Contains the content (tables and sequences) of created E-Maj groups.$$; -- populate the new table WITH triggers_array AS ( SELECT trg_schema, trg_table, array_agg(trg_name ORDER BY trg_name) AS trg_triggers FROM emaj.emaj_ignored_app_trigger GROUP BY trg_schema, trg_table ) INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_relation ( rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_time_range, rel_group, rel_kind, rel_priority, rel_log_schema, rel_log_table, rel_log_dat_tsp, rel_log_index, rel_log_idx_tsp, rel_log_sequence, rel_log_function, rel_ignored_triggers, rel_emaj_verb_attnum, rel_has_always_ident_col, rel_sql_rlbk_columns, rel_sql_rlbk_pk_columns, rel_sql_rlbk_pk_conditions, rel_sql_gen_ins_col, rel_sql_gen_ins_val, rel_sql_gen_upd_set, rel_sql_gen_pk_conditions, rel_log_seq_last_value ) SELECT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_time_range, rel_group, rel_kind, rel_priority, rel_log_schema, rel_log_table, rel_log_dat_tsp, rel_log_index, rel_log_idx_tsp, rel_log_sequence, rel_log_function, trg_triggers /*rel_ignored_triggers*/, rel_emaj_verb_attnum, rel_has_always_ident_col, rel_sql_rlbk_columns, rel_sql_rlbk_pk_columns, rel_sql_rlbk_pk_conditions, rel_sql_gen_ins_col, rel_sql_gen_ins_val, rel_sql_gen_upd_set, rel_sql_gen_pk_conditions, rel_log_seq_last_value FROM emaj_relation_old LEFT OUTER JOIN triggers_array ON (trg_schema = rel_schema AND trg_table = rel_tblseq AND upper_inf(rel_time_range)) ; -- create indexes -- Index on emaj_relation used to speedup most functions working on groups with large E-Maj configuration. CREATE INDEX emaj_relation_idx1 ON emaj.emaj_relation (rel_group, rel_kind); -- Index on emaj_relation used to speedup _verify_all_schemas() with large E-Maj configuration. CREATE INDEX emaj_relation_idx2 ON emaj.emaj_relation (rel_log_schema); -- recreate the foreign keys that point on this table -- there is no fkey for this table -- and finaly drop the temporary table DROP TABLE emaj_relation_old; -- -- create the new emaj_rel_change table with its enum type -- -- Enum of the possible values for the rlchg_change_kind column of the emaj_relation_change table. CREATE TYPE emaj._relation_change_kind_enum AS ENUM ( 'REMOVE_TABLE', 'REMOVE_SEQUENCE', 'REPAIR_TABLE', 'CHANGE_LOG_DATA_TABLESPACE', 'CHANGE_LOG_INDEX_TABLESPACE', 'CHANGE_PRIORITY', 'CHANGE_IGNORED_TRIGGERS', 'MOVE_TABLE', 'MOVE_SEQUENCE', 'ADD_TABLE', 'ADD_SEQUENCE', 'RENAME_SCHEMA', 'RENAME_TABLE', 'RENAME_SEQUENCE' ); -- Table containing the relation changes, i.e. the events that lead to changes in the tables groups structure changes CREATE TABLE emaj.emaj_relation_change ( rlchg_time_id BIGINT NOT NULL, -- time stamp id of the change operation rlchg_schema TEXT NOT NULL, -- current or old schema name rlchg_tblseq TEXT NOT NULL, -- current or old table or sequence name, depending on the step rlchg_change_kind emaj._relation_change_kind_enum NOT NULL, -- kind of change among the enum list rlchg_group TEXT NOT NULL, -- current or old group that owns the table or the sequence -- Depending on rlchg_change_kind, non concerned columns for current or new values remain NULL. -- But concerned columns can also be explicitely set to NULL. rlchg_new_schema TEXT , -- new schema name, if changed rlchg_new_tblseq TEXT , -- new table or sequence name, if changed rlchg_new_group TEXT , -- new group name, if changed rlchg_priority INT , -- current or old priority level (tables are processed in ascending -- order, with NULL last) rlchg_new_priority INT , -- new priority level, if changed rlchg_log_data_tsp TEXT , -- current or old log data tablespace rlchg_new_log_data_tsp TEXT , -- new log data tablespace, if changed rlchg_log_index_tsp TEXT , -- current or old log index tablespace rlchg_new_log_index_tsp TEXT , -- new log index tablespace, if changed rlchg_ignored_triggers TEXT[] , -- current or old array of triggers to ignore at rollback time rlchg_new_ignored_triggers TEXT[] , -- new array of triggers to ignore at rollback time, if changed rlchg_rlbk_id BIGINT , -- rollback id if a rollback has already crossed over the group change PRIMARY KEY (rlchg_time_id, rlchg_schema, rlchg_tblseq, rlchg_change_kind), FOREIGN KEY (rlchg_time_id) REFERENCES emaj.emaj_time_stamp (time_id) ); COMMENT ON TABLE emaj.emaj_relation_change IS $$Contains the changes in relations registered in tables groups.$$; -- Populate the emaj_relation_change table, by moving the emaj_alter_plan content -- Note that for the 'CHANGE_xxx' change kinds, old and new values of the related properties -- (priorities, tablespaces or triggers arrays) are left NULL INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_relation_change (rlchg_time_id, rlchg_schema, rlchg_tblseq, rlchg_change_kind, rlchg_group, rlchg_new_group, rlchg_rlbk_id) SELECT altr_time_id, altr_schema, altr_tblseq, CASE altr_step WHEN 'REMOVE_TBL' THEN 'REMOVE_TABLE'::emaj._relation_change_kind_enum WHEN 'REMOVE_SEQ' THEN 'REMOVE_SEQUENCE'::emaj._relation_change_kind_enum WHEN 'REPAIR_TBL' THEN 'REPAIR_TABLE'::emaj._relation_change_kind_enum WHEN 'CHANGE_TBL_LOG_DATA_TSP' THEN 'CHANGE_LOG_DATA_TABLESPACE'::emaj._relation_change_kind_enum WHEN 'CHANGE_TBL_LOG_INDEX_TSP' THEN 'CHANGE_LOG_INDEX_TABLESPACE'::emaj._relation_change_kind_enum WHEN 'MOVE_TBL' THEN 'MOVE_TABLE'::emaj._relation_change_kind_enum WHEN 'MOVE_SEQ' THEN 'MOVE_SEQUENCE'::emaj._relation_change_kind_enum WHEN 'CHANGE_REL_PRIORITY' THEN 'CHANGE_PRIORITY'::emaj._relation_change_kind_enum WHEN 'ADD_TBL' THEN 'ADD_TABLE'::emaj._relation_change_kind_enum WHEN 'ADD_SEQ' THEN 'ADD_SEQUENCE'::emaj._relation_change_kind_enum END, altr_group, altr_new_group, altr_rlbk_id FROM emaj.emaj_alter_plan WHERE altr_step IN ('REMOVE_TBL', 'REMOVE_SEQ', 'REPAIR_TBL', 'CHANGE_TBL_LOG_DATA_TSP', 'CHANGE_TBL_LOG_INDEX_TSP', 'MOVE_TBL', 'MOVE_SEQ', 'CHANGE_REL_PRIORITY', 'ADD_TBL', 'ADD_SEQ'); -- -- Add values to the _rlbk_step_enum enum type -- DROP TYPE IF EXISTS emaj._rlbk_step_enum_old; -- there may be a leftover from a previous upgrade ALTER TYPE emaj._rlbk_step_enum RENAME TO _rlbk_step_enum_old; -- enum of the possible values for the rollback steps CREATE TYPE emaj._rlbk_step_enum AS ENUM ( 'LOCK_TABLE', -- set a lock on a table 'DIS_APP_TRG', -- disable an application trigger 'SET_ALWAYS_APP_TRG', -- set an application trigger as an ALWAYS trigger (to fire even in a 'replica' session_replication_role) 'DIS_LOG_TRG', -- disable a log trigger 'DROP_FK', -- drop a foreign key 'SET_FK_DEF', -- set a foreign key deferred 'RLBK_TABLE', -- rollback a table 'DELETE_LOG', -- delete rows from a log table 'SET_FK_IMM', -- set a foreign key immediate 'ADD_FK', -- recreate a foreign key 'ENA_APP_TRG', -- enable an application trigger 'SET_LOCAL_APP_TRG', -- set an application trigger as a regular trigger, to reset the SET_ALWAYS_APP_TRG action 'ENA_LOG_TRG', -- enable a log trigger 'CTRL+DBLINK', -- pseudo step representing the periods between 2 steps execution, when dblink is used 'CTRL-DBLINK' -- pseudo step representing the periods between 2 steps execution, when dblink is not used ); -- -- process the emaj_rlbk_plan table -- -- create a temporary table with the old structure and copy the source content CREATE TEMP TABLE emaj_rlbk_plan_old (LIKE emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan); INSERT INTO emaj_rlbk_plan_old SELECT * FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan; -- drop the old table DROP TABLE emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan CASCADE; -- create the new table, with its indexes, comment, constraints (except foreign key)... -- table containing rollback events CREATE TABLE emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan ( rlbp_rlbk_id INT NOT NULL, -- rollback id rlbp_step emaj._rlbk_step_enum NOT NULL, -- kind of elementary step in the rollback processing rlbp_schema TEXT NOT NULL, -- schema object of the step rlbp_table TEXT NOT NULL, -- table name rlbp_object TEXT NOT NULL, -- foreign key name for step on foreign key, trigger name for step on trigger -- or '' rlbp_batch_number INT, -- identifies a set of tables linked by foreign keys rlbp_session INT, -- session number the step is affected to rlbp_object_def TEXT, -- foreign key definition used to recreate it or NULL rlbp_app_trg_type TEXT, -- type of an application trigger to enable ('', 'ALWAYS', 'REPLICA') or NULL rlbp_is_repl_role_replica BOOLEAN, -- for a RLBK_TABLE step, TRUE if the session_replication_role is replica, -- NULL for other steps rlbp_target_time_id BIGINT, -- for RLBK_TABLE and DELETE_LOG, time_id to rollback to or NULL rlbp_estimated_quantity BIGINT, -- for RLBK_TABLE, estimated number of updates to rollback -- for DELETE_LOG, estimated number of rows to delete -- for fkeys, estimated number of keys to check rlbp_estimated_duration INTERVAL, -- estimated elapse time for the step processing rlbp_estimate_method INT, -- method used to compute the estimated duration -- 1: use rollback stats with volume in same order of magnitude -- 2: use all previous rollback stats -- 3: use only parameters (from emaj_param or default values) rlbp_start_datetime TIMESTAMPTZ, -- clock start time of the step, NULL is not yet started rlbp_quantity BIGINT, -- for RLBK_TABLE, number of effectively rolled back updates -- for DELETE_LOG, number of effectively deleted log rows -- null for fkeys rlbp_duration INTERVAL, -- real elapse time of the step, NULL is not yet completed PRIMARY KEY (rlbp_rlbk_id, rlbp_step, rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, rlbp_object), FOREIGN KEY (rlbp_rlbk_id) REFERENCES emaj.emaj_rlbk (rlbk_id) ); COMMENT ON TABLE emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan IS $$Contains description of elementary steps for rollback operations.$$; -- populate the new table INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan ( rlbp_rlbk_id, rlbp_step, rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, rlbp_object, rlbp_batch_number, rlbp_session, rlbp_object_def, rlbp_app_trg_type, rlbp_is_repl_role_replica, rlbp_target_time_id, rlbp_estimated_quantity, rlbp_estimated_duration, rlbp_estimate_method, rlbp_start_datetime, rlbp_quantity, rlbp_duration) SELECT rlbp_rlbk_id, rlbp_step::TEXT::emaj._rlbk_step_enum, rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, rlbp_object, rlbp_batch_number, rlbp_session, rlbp_object_def, NULL, CASE WHEN rlbp_step = 'RLBK_TABLE' THEN FALSE ELSE NULL END, rlbp_target_time_id, rlbp_estimated_quantity, rlbp_estimated_duration, rlbp_estimate_method, rlbp_start_datetime, rlbp_quantity, rlbp_duration FROM emaj_rlbk_plan_old; -- create indexes: no index to create -- recreate the foreign keys that point on this table: n foreign key to create -- and finaly drop the temporary table DROP TABLE emaj_rlbk_plan_old; -- -- change the emaj_rlbk_plan table structure -- ALTER TABLE emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan ALTER COLUMN rlbp_step TYPE emaj._rlbk_step_enum USING rlbp_step::TEXT::emaj._rlbk_step_enum; -- -- adjust the emaj_rlbk_stat table structure due to the _rlbk_step_enum change -- ALTER TABLE emaj.emaj_rlbk_stat ALTER COLUMN rlbt_step TYPE emaj._rlbk_step_enum USING rlbt_step::TEXT::emaj._rlbk_step_enum; -- and finaly drop the temporary enum type DROP TYPE emaj._rlbk_step_enum_old; -- -- drop the emaj_alter_plan table and its enum type -- DROP TABLE emaj.emaj_alter_plan; DROP TYPE emaj._alter_step_enum; -- -- drop the emaj_ignored_app_trigger table -- DROP TABLE emaj.emaj_ignored_app_trigger; -- -- add created or recreated tables and sequences to the list of content to save by pg_dump -- SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('emaj_relation',''); SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('emaj_relation_change',''); SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('emaj_rlbk_plan',''); ------------------------------------ -- -- -- emaj types -- -- -- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ -- -- -- event triggers -- -- -- ------------------------------------ -- Re-attach the _emaj_protection_event_trigger_fnct() function to the extension, in order to change its code. ALTER EXTENSION emaj ADD FUNCTION public._emaj_protection_event_trigger_fnct(); ------------------------------------ -- -- -- emaj functions -- -- -- ------------------------------------ -- recreate functions that have been previously dropped in the tables structure upgrade step and will not be recreated later in this script -- pattern used by the tool that extracts and insert the functions definition ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- drop obsolete functions or functions with modified interface -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._emaj_group_def_change_fnct(); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._set_time_stamp(V_TIMESTAMPTYPE CHAR(1)); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._dblink_open_cnx(V_CNXNAME TEXT,OUT V_STATUS INT,OUT V_SCHEMA TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._dblink_sql_exec(V_CNXNAME TEXT,V_STMT TEXT,V_DBLINKSCHEMA TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._dblink_close_cnx(V_CNXNAME TEXT,V_DBLINKSCHEMA TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._check_group_names(V_GROUPNAMES TEXT[],V_MAYBENULL BOOLEAN,V_LOCKGROUPS BOOLEAN,V_CHECKLIST TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._check_json_groups_conf(V_GROUPSJSON JSON); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._check_conf_groups(V_GROUPNAMES TEXT[]); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._check_json_param_conf(V_PARAMSJSON JSON); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._check_mark_name(V_GROUPNAMES TEXT[],V_MARK TEXT,V_CHECKLIST TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._check_new_mark(V_GROUPNAMES TEXT[],V_MARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._check_marks_range(V_GROUPNAMES TEXT[],INOUT V_FIRSTMARK TEXT,INOUT V_LASTMARK TEXT,OUT V_FIRSTMARKTIMEID BIGINT,OUT V_LASTMARKTIMEID BIGINT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._create_log_schemas(V_FUNCTION TEXT,V_GROUPNAMES TEXT[]); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._drop_log_schemas(V_FUNCTION TEXT,V_ISFORCED BOOLEAN); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_assign_table(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_TABLE TEXT,V_GROUP TEXT,V_PROPERTIES JSONB,V_MARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_assign_tables(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_TABLES TEXT[],V_GROUP TEXT,V_PROPERTIES JSONB,V_MARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_assign_tables(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_TABLESINCLUDEFILTER TEXT,V_TABLESEXCLUDEFILTER TEXT,V_GROUP TEXT,V_PROPERTIES JSONB,V_MARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._assign_tables(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_TABLES TEXT[],V_GROUP TEXT,V_PROPERTIES JSONB,V_MARK TEXT,V_MULTITABLE BOOLEAN,V_ARRAYFROMREGEX BOOLEAN); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_remove_table(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_TABLE TEXT,V_MARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_remove_tables(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_TABLES TEXT[],V_MARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_remove_tables(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_TABLESINCLUDEFILTER TEXT,V_TABLESEXCLUDEFILTER TEXT,V_MARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._remove_tables(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_TABLES TEXT[],V_MARK TEXT,V_MULTITABLE BOOLEAN,V_ARRAYFROMREGEX BOOLEAN); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_move_table(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_TABLE TEXT,V_NEWGROUP TEXT,V_MARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_move_tables(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_TABLES TEXT[],V_NEWGROUP TEXT,V_MARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_move_tables(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_TABLESINCLUDEFILTER TEXT,V_TABLESEXCLUDEFILTER TEXT,V_NEWGROUP TEXT,V_MARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._move_tables(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_TABLES TEXT[],V_NEWGROUP TEXT,V_MARK TEXT,V_MULTITABLE BOOLEAN,V_ARRAYFROMREGEX BOOLEAN); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_modify_table(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_TABLE TEXT,V_CHANGEDPROPERTIES JSONB,V_MARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_modify_tables(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_TABLES TEXT[],V_CHANGEDPROPERTIES JSONB,V_MARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_modify_tables(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_TABLESINCLUDEFILTER TEXT,V_TABLESEXCLUDEFILTER TEXT,V_PROPERTIES JSONB,V_MARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._modify_tables(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_TABLES TEXT[],V_CHANGEDPROPERTIES JSONB,V_MARK TEXT,V_MULTITABLE BOOLEAN,V_ARRAYFROMREGEX BOOLEAN); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_get_current_log_table(V_APP_SCHEMA TEXT,V_APP_TABLE TEXT,OUT LOG_SCHEMA TEXT,OUT LOG_TABLE TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._create_tbl(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_TBL TEXT,V_GROUPNAME TEXT,V_PRIORITY INT,V_LOGDATTSP TEXT,V_LOGIDXTSP TEXT,V_TIMEID BIGINT,V_GROUPISROLLBACKABLE BOOLEAN,V_GROUPISLOGGING BOOLEAN); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._create_log_trigger_tbl(V_FULLTABLENAME TEXT,V_LOGTABLENAME TEXT,V_SEQUENCENAME TEXT,V_LOGFNCTNAME TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._build_sql_tbl(V_FULLTABLENAME TEXT,OUT V_RLBKCOLLIST TEXT,OUT V_RLBKPKCOLLIST TEXT,OUT V_RLBKPKCONDITIONS TEXT,OUT V_GENCOLLIST TEXT,OUT V_GENVALLIST TEXT,OUT V_GENSETLIST TEXT,OUT V_GENPKCONDITIONS TEXT,OUT V_NBGENALWAYSIDENTCOL INT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._add_tbl(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_TABLE TEXT,V_GROUP TEXT,V_PRIORITY INT,V_LOGDATTSP TEXT,V_LOGIDXTSP TEXT,V_GROUPISLOGGING BOOLEAN,V_TIMEID BIGINT,V_FUNCTION TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._change_priority_tbl(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_TABLE TEXT,V_CURRENTPRIORITY INT,V_NEWPRIORITY INT,V_FUNCTION TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._change_log_data_tsp_tbl(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_TABLE TEXT,V_LOGSCHEMA TEXT,V_CURRENTLOGTABLE TEXT,V_CURRENTLOGDATTSP TEXT,V_NEWLOGDATTSP TEXT,V_FUNCTION TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._change_log_index_tsp_tbl(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_TABLE TEXT,V_LOGSCHEMA TEXT,V_CURRENTLOGINDEX TEXT,V_CURRENTLOGIDXTSP TEXT,V_NEWLOGIDXTSP TEXT,V_FUNCTION TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._remove_tbl(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_TABLE TEXT,V_GROUP TEXT,V_GROUPISLOGGING BOOLEAN,V_TIMEID BIGINT,V_FUNCTION TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._move_tbl(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_TABLE TEXT,V_OLDGROUP TEXT,V_OLDGROUPISLOGGING BOOLEAN,V_NEWGROUP TEXT,V_NEWGROUPISLOGGING BOOLEAN,V_TIMEID BIGINT,V_FUNCTION TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._drop_tbl(R_REL EMAJ.EMAJ_RELATION,V_TIMEID BIGINT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_assign_sequence(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_SEQUENCE TEXT,V_GROUP TEXT,V_MARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_assign_sequences(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_SEQUENCES TEXT[],V_GROUP TEXT,V_MARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_assign_sequences(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_SEQUENCESINCLUDEFILTER TEXT,V_SEQUENCESEXCLUDEFILTER TEXT,V_GROUP TEXT,V_MARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._assign_sequences(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_SEQUENCES TEXT[],V_GROUP TEXT,V_MARK TEXT,V_MULTISEQUENCE BOOLEAN,V_ARRAYFROMREGEX BOOLEAN); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_remove_sequence(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_SEQUENCE TEXT,V_MARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_remove_sequences(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_SEQUENCES TEXT[],V_MARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_remove_sequences(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_SEQUENCESINCLUDEFILTER TEXT,V_SEQUENCESEXCLUDEFILTER TEXT,V_MARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._remove_sequences(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_SEQUENCES TEXT[],V_MARK TEXT,V_MULTISEQUENCE BOOLEAN,V_ARRAYFROMREGEX BOOLEAN); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_move_sequence(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_SEQUENCE TEXT,V_NEWGROUP TEXT,V_MARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_move_sequences(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_SEQUENCES TEXT[],V_NEWGROUP TEXT,V_MARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_move_sequences(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_SEQUENCESINCLUDEFILTER TEXT,V_SEQUENCESEXCLUDEFILTER TEXT,V_NEWGROUP TEXT,V_MARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._move_sequences(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_SEQUENCES TEXT[],V_NEWGROUP TEXT,V_MARK TEXT,V_MULTISEQUENCE BOOLEAN,V_ARRAYFROMREGEX BOOLEAN); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._create_seq(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_SEQ TEXT,V_GROUPNAME TEXT,V_TIMEID BIGINT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._add_seq(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_SEQUENCE TEXT,V_GROUP TEXT,V_GROUPISLOGGING BOOLEAN,V_TIMEID BIGINT,V_FUNCTION TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._remove_seq(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_SEQUENCE TEXT,V_GROUP TEXT,V_GROUPISLOGGING BOOLEAN,V_TIMEID BIGINT,V_FUNCTION TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._move_seq(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_SEQUENCE TEXT,V_OLDGROUP TEXT,V_OLDGROUPISLOGGING BOOLEAN,V_NEWGROUP TEXT,V_NEWGROUPISLOGGING BOOLEAN,V_TIMEID BIGINT,V_FUNCTION TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._drop_seq(R_REL EMAJ.EMAJ_RELATION,V_TIMEID BIGINT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._rlbk_tbl(R_REL EMAJ.EMAJ_RELATION,V_MINGLOBALSEQ BIGINT,V_MAXGLOBALSEQ BIGINT,V_NBSESSION INT,V_ISLOGGEDRLBK BOOLEAN); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._delete_log_tbl(R_REL EMAJ.EMAJ_RELATION,V_BEGINTIMEID BIGINT,V_ENDTIMEID BIGINT,V_LASTGLOBALSEQ BIGINT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_ignore_app_trigger(V_ACTION TEXT,V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_TABLE TEXT,V_TRIGGER TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._rlbk_seq(R_REL EMAJ.EMAJ_RELATION,V_TIMEID BIGINT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._build_alter_seq(V_REFLASTVALUE BIGINT,V_REFISCALLED BOOLEAN,V_REFINCREMENTBY BIGINT,V_REFSTARTVALUE BIGINT,V_REFMINVALUE BIGINT,V_REFMAXVALUE BIGINT,V_REFCACHEVALUE BIGINT,V_REFISCYCLED BOOLEAN,V_TRGLASTVALUE BIGINT,V_TRGISCALLED BOOLEAN,V_TRGINCREMENTBY BIGINT,V_TRGSTARTVALUE BIGINT,V_TRGMINVALUE BIGINT,V_TRGMAXVALUE BIGINT,V_TRGCACHEVALUE BIGINT,V_TRGISCYCLED BOOLEAN); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._log_stat_tbl(R_REL EMAJ.EMAJ_RELATION,V_BEGINTIMEID BIGINT,V_ENDTIMEID BIGINT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._gen_sql_tbl(R_REL EMAJ.EMAJ_RELATION,V_FIRSTEMAJGID BIGINT,V_LASTEMAJGID BIGINT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._gen_sql_seq(R_REL EMAJ.EMAJ_RELATION,V_FIRSTMARKTIMEID BIGINT,V_LASTMARKTIMEID BIGINT,V_NBSEQ BIGINT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._get_current_sequence_state(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_SEQUENCE TEXT,V_TIMEID BIGINT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._get_log_sequence_last_value(V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_SEQUENCE TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._verify_groups(V_GROUPS TEXT[],V_ONERRORSTOP BOOLEAN); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._check_fk_groups(V_GROUPNAMES TEXT[]); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._lock_groups(V_GROUPNAMES TEXT[],V_LOCKMODE TEXT,V_MULTIGROUP BOOLEAN); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_create_group(V_GROUPNAME TEXT,V_ISROLLBACKABLE BOOLEAN,V_IS_EMPTY BOOLEAN); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_comment_group(V_GROUPNAME TEXT,V_COMMENT TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_drop_group(V_GROUPNAME TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_force_drop_group(V_GROUPNAME TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._drop_group(V_GROUPNAME TEXT,V_ISFORCED BOOLEAN); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_alter_group(V_GROUPNAME TEXT,V_MARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_alter_groups(V_GROUPNAMES TEXT[],V_MARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._alter_groups(V_GROUPNAMES TEXT[],V_MULTIGROUP BOOLEAN,V_MARK TEXT,V_CALLINGFUNCTION TEXT,INOUT V_TIMEID BIGINT,OUT V_NBREL INT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._alter_plan(V_GROUPNAMES TEXT[],V_TIMEID BIGINT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._alter_exec(V_TIMEID BIGINT,V_CALLINGFUNCTION TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_sync_def_group(V_GROUP TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_export_groups_configuration(V_GROUPS TEXT[]); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_export_groups_configuration(V_LOCATION TEXT,V_GROUPS TEXT[]); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._export_groups_conf(V_GROUPS TEXT[]); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_import_groups_configuration(V_JSON JSON,V_GROUPS TEXT[],V_ALLOWGROUPSUPDATE BOOLEAN); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_import_groups_configuration(V_LOCATION TEXT,V_GROUPS TEXT[],V_ALLOWGROUPSUPDATE BOOLEAN); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._import_groups_conf(V_JSON JSON,V_GROUPS TEXT[],V_ALLOWGROUPSUPDATE BOOLEAN,V_LOCATION TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._import_groups_conf_prepare(V_GROUPSJSON JSON,V_GROUPS TEXT[],V_ALLOWGROUPSUPDATE BOOLEAN,V_LOCATION TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._import_groups_conf_exec(V_JSON JSON,V_GROUPS TEXT[]); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_start_group(V_GROUPNAME TEXT,V_MARK TEXT,V_RESETLOG BOOLEAN); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_start_groups(V_GROUPNAMES TEXT[],V_MARK TEXT,V_RESETLOG BOOLEAN); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._start_groups(V_GROUPNAMES TEXT[],V_MARK TEXT,V_MULTIGROUP BOOLEAN,V_RESETLOG BOOLEAN); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_stop_group(V_GROUPNAME TEXT,V_MARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_stop_groups(V_GROUPNAMES TEXT[],V_MARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_force_stop_group(V_GROUPNAME TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._stop_groups(V_GROUPNAMES TEXT[],V_MARK TEXT,V_MULTIGROUP BOOLEAN,V_ISFORCED BOOLEAN); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_protect_group(V_GROUPNAME TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_unprotect_group(V_GROUPNAME TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_set_mark_group(V_GROUPNAME TEXT,V_MARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_set_mark_groups(V_GROUPNAMES TEXT[],V_MARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._set_mark_groups(V_GROUPNAMES TEXT[],V_MARK TEXT,V_MULTIGROUP BOOLEAN,V_EVENTTORECORD BOOLEAN,V_LOGGEDRLBKTARGETMARK TEXT,V_TIMEID BIGINT,V_DBLINKSCHEMA TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_comment_mark_group(V_GROUPNAME TEXT,V_MARK TEXT,V_COMMENT TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_get_previous_mark_group(V_GROUPNAME TEXT,V_DATETIME TIMESTAMPTZ); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_get_previous_mark_group(V_GROUPNAME TEXT,V_MARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._get_previous_mark_group(V_GROUPNAME TEXT,V_REALMARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_delete_mark_group(V_GROUPNAME TEXT,V_MARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_delete_before_mark_group(V_GROUPNAME TEXT,V_MARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._delete_before_mark_group(V_GROUPNAME TEXT,V_MARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._delete_intermediate_mark_group(V_GROUPNAME TEXT,V_MARKNAME TEXT,V_MARKTIMEID BIGINT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_rename_mark_group(V_GROUPNAME TEXT,V_MARK TEXT,V_NEWNAME TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_protect_mark_group(V_GROUPNAME TEXT,V_MARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_unprotect_mark_group(V_GROUPNAME TEXT,V_MARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_rollback_group(V_GROUPNAME TEXT,V_MARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_rollback_groups(V_GROUPNAMES TEXT[],V_MARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_logged_rollback_group(V_GROUPNAME TEXT,V_MARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_logged_rollback_groups(V_GROUPNAMES TEXT[],V_MARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_rollback_group(V_GROUPNAME TEXT,V_MARK TEXT,V_ISALTERGROUPALLOWED BOOLEAN,OUT RLBK_SEVERITY TEXT,OUT RLBK_MESSAGE TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_rollback_groups(V_GROUPNAMES TEXT[],V_MARK TEXT,V_ISALTERGROUPALLOWED BOOLEAN,OUT RLBK_SEVERITY TEXT,OUT RLBK_MESSAGE TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_logged_rollback_group(V_GROUPNAME TEXT,V_MARK TEXT,V_ISALTERGROUPALLOWED BOOLEAN,OUT RLBK_SEVERITY TEXT,OUT RLBK_MESSAGE TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_logged_rollback_groups(V_GROUPNAMES TEXT[],V_MARK TEXT,V_ISALTERGROUPALLOWED BOOLEAN,OUT RLBK_SEVERITY TEXT,OUT RLBK_MESSAGE TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._rlbk_groups(V_GROUPNAMES TEXT[],V_MARK TEXT,V_ISLOGGEDRLBK BOOLEAN,V_MULTIGROUP BOOLEAN,V_ISALTERGROUPALLOWED BOOLEAN,OUT RLBK_SEVERITY TEXT,OUT RLBK_MESSAGE TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._rlbk_async(V_RLBKID INT,V_MULTIGROUP BOOLEAN,OUT RLBK_SEVERITY TEXT,OUT RLBK_MESSAGE TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._rlbk_init(V_GROUPNAMES TEXT[],V_MARK TEXT,V_ISLOGGEDRLBK BOOLEAN,V_NBSESSION INT,V_MULTIGROUP BOOLEAN,V_ISALTERGROUPALLOWED BOOLEAN); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._rlbk_check(V_GROUPNAMES TEXT[],V_MARK TEXT,V_ISALTERGROUPALLOWED BOOLEAN,ISROLLBACKSIMULATION BOOLEAN); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._rlbk_planning(V_RLBKID INT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._rlbk_set_batch_number(V_RLBKID INT,V_BATCHNUMBER INT,V_SCHEMA TEXT,V_TABLE TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._rlbk_session_lock(V_RLBKID INT,V_SESSION INT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._rlbk_start_mark(V_RLBKID INT,V_MULTIGROUP BOOLEAN); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._rlbk_session_exec(V_RLBKID INT,V_SESSION INT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._rlbk_end(V_RLBKID INT,V_MULTIGROUP BOOLEAN,OUT RLBK_SEVERITY TEXT,OUT RLBK_MESSAGE TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._rlbk_error(V_RLBKID INT,V_MSG TEXT,V_CNXNAME TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_consolidate_rollback_group(V_GROUPNAME TEXT,V_ENDRLBKMARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._delete_between_marks_group(V_GROUPNAME TEXT,V_FIRSTMARK TEXT,V_LASTMARK TEXT,OUT V_NBMARK INT,OUT V_NBTBL INT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_reset_group(V_GROUPNAME TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._reset_groups(V_GROUPNAMES TEXT[]); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_log_stat_group(V_GROUPNAME TEXT,V_FIRSTMARK TEXT,V_LASTMARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_log_stat_groups(V_GROUPNAMES TEXT[],V_FIRSTMARK TEXT,V_LASTMARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._log_stat_groups(V_GROUPNAMES TEXT[],V_MULTIGROUP BOOLEAN,V_FIRSTMARK TEXT,V_LASTMARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_detailed_log_stat_group(V_GROUPNAME TEXT,V_FIRSTMARK TEXT,V_LASTMARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_detailed_log_stat_groups(V_GROUPNAMES TEXT[],V_FIRSTMARK TEXT,V_LASTMARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._detailed_log_stat_groups(V_GROUPNAMES TEXT[],V_MULTIGROUP BOOLEAN,V_FIRSTMARK TEXT,V_LASTMARK TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_estimate_rollback_group(V_GROUPNAME TEXT,V_MARK TEXT,V_ISLOGGEDRLBK BOOLEAN); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_estimate_rollback_groups(V_GROUPNAMES TEXT[],V_MARK TEXT,V_ISLOGGEDRLBK BOOLEAN); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._estimate_rollback_groups(V_GROUPNAMES TEXT[],V_MULTIGROUP BOOLEAN,V_MARK TEXT,V_ISLOGGEDRLBK BOOLEAN); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_snap_group(V_GROUPNAME TEXT,V_DIR TEXT,V_COPYOPTIONS TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_snap_log_group(V_GROUPNAME TEXT,V_FIRSTMARK TEXT,V_LASTMARK TEXT,V_DIR TEXT,V_COPYOPTIONS TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_gen_sql_group(V_GROUPNAME TEXT,V_FIRSTMARK TEXT,V_LASTMARK TEXT,V_LOCATION TEXT,V_TBLSEQS TEXT[]); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_gen_sql_groups(V_GROUPNAMES TEXT[],V_FIRSTMARK TEXT,V_LASTMARK TEXT,V_LOCATION TEXT,V_TBLSEQS TEXT[]); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._gen_sql_groups(V_GROUPNAMES TEXT[],V_MULTIGROUP BOOLEAN,V_FIRSTMARK TEXT,V_LASTMARK TEXT,V_LOCATION TEXT,V_TBLSEQS TEXT[]); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._export_sql_script(V_LOCATION TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_purge_histories(V_RETENTIONDELAY INTERVAL); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._purge_histories(V_RETENTIONDELAY INTERVAL); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_export_parameters_configuration(V_LOCATION TEXT); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_import_parameters_configuration(V_PARAMSJSON JSON,V_DELETECURRENTCONF BOOLEAN); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.emaj_import_parameters_configuration(V_LOCATION TEXT,V_DELETECURRENTCONF BOOLEAN); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._import_param_conf(V_JSON JSON,V_DELETECURRENTCONF BOOLEAN); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._adjust_group_properties(); DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj._enable_event_triggers(V_EVENTTRIGGERS TEXT[]); ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- create new or modified functions -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._set_time_stamp(p_timeStampType CHAR(1)) RETURNS BIGINT LANGUAGE SQL AS $$ -- This function inserts a new time stamp in the emaj_time_stamp table and returns the identifier of the new row. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_time_stamp (time_last_emaj_gid, time_event) SELECT CASE WHEN is_called THEN last_value ELSE last_value - 1 END, p_timeStampType FROM emaj.emaj_global_seq RETURNING time_id; $$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._dblink_open_cnx(p_cnxName TEXT, OUT p_status INT, OUT p_schema TEXT) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_dblink_open_cnx$ -- This function tries to open a named dblink connection. -- It uses as target: the current cluster (port), the current database and a role defined in the emaj_param table. -- This connection role must be defined in the emaj_param table with a row having: -- - param_key = 'dblink_user_password', -- - param_value_text = 'user= password=' with the rules that apply to usual libPQ connect strings. -- The password can be omited if the connection doesn't require it. -- The dblink_connect_u is used to open the connection so that emaj_adm but non superuser roles can access the -- cluster even when no password is required to log on. -- The function is directly called by Emaj_web. -- Input: connection name -- Output: integer status return. -- 1 successful connection -- 0 already opened connection -- -1 dblink is not installed -- -2 dblink functions are not visible for the session (obsolete) -- -3 dblink functions execution is not granted to the role -- -4 the transaction isolation level is not READ COMMITTED -- -5 no 'dblink_user_password' parameter is defined in the emaj_param table -- -6 error at dblink_connect() call -- name of the schema that holds the dblink extension (used later to schema qualify all calls to dblink functions) DECLARE v_nbCnx INT; v_UserPassword TEXT; v_connectString TEXT; BEGIN -- Look for the schema holding the dblink functions. -- (NULL if the dblink_connect_u function is not available, which should not happen) SELECT nspname INTO p_schema FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = pronamespace) WHERE proname = 'dblink_connect_u' LIMIT 1; IF NOT FOUND THEN p_status = -1; -- dblink is not installed ELSIF NOT has_function_privilege(quote_ident(p_schema) || '.dblink_connect_u(text, text)', 'execute') THEN p_status = -3; -- current role has not the execute rights on dblink functions ELSIF substring(p_cnxName FROM 1 FOR 5) = 'rlbk#' AND current_setting('transaction_isolation') <> 'read committed' THEN p_status = -4; -- 'rlbk#*' connection (used for rollbacks) must only come from a -- READ COMMITTED transaction ELSE EXECUTE format('SELECT 0 WHERE %L = ANY (%I.dblink_get_connections())', p_cnxName, p_schema); GET DIAGNOSTICS v_nbCnx = ROW_COUNT; IF v_nbCnx > 0 THEN -- Dblink is usable, so search the requested connection name in dblink connections list. p_status = 0; -- the requested connection is already open ELSE -- So, get the 'dblink_user_password' parameter if exists, from emaj_param. SELECT param_value_text INTO v_UserPassword FROM emaj.emaj_param WHERE param_key = 'dblink_user_password'; IF NOT FOUND THEN p_status = -5; -- no 'dblink_user_password' parameter is defined in the emaj_param table ELSE -- ... build the connect string v_connectString = 'host=localhost port=' || current_setting('port') || ' dbname=' || current_database() || ' ' || v_userPassword; -- ... and try to connect BEGIN EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.dblink_connect_u(%L ,%L)', p_schema, p_cnxName, v_connectString); p_status = 1; -- the connection is successful EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN p_status = -6; -- the connection attempt failed END; END IF; END IF; END IF; -- For connections used for rollback operations, record the dblink connection attempt in the emaj_hist table. IF substring(p_cnxName FROM 1 FOR 5) = 'rlbk#' THEN INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('DBLINK_OPEN_CNX', p_cnxName, 'Status = ' || p_status); END IF; -- RETURN; END; $_dblink_open_cnx$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._dblink_sql_exec(p_cnxName TEXT, p_stmt TEXT, p_dblinkSchema TEXT) RETURNS BIGINT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_dblink_sql_exec$ -- This function executes a SQL statement, either through an opened dblink connection when a schema name is provided or directly. -- It returns a bigint value. Consequently, all SQL statements to execute must return an integer numeric value. -- Input: connection name -- sql statement -- name of the schema that holds the dblink extension -- Output: the single return value DECLARE v_returnValue BIGINT; BEGIN IF p_dblinkSchema IS NOT NULL THEN -- A dblink schema is provided, so the connection name can be used to execute the requested SQL statement. EXECUTE format('SELECT return_value FROM %I.dblink(%L, %L) AS (return_value BIGINT)', p_dblinkSchema, p_cnxName, p_stmt) INTO v_returnValue; ELSE -- The SQL statement has to be directly executed. EXECUTE p_stmt INTO v_returnValue; END IF; -- RETURN v_returnValue; END; $_dblink_sql_exec$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._dblink_close_cnx(p_cnxName TEXT, p_dblinkSchema TEXT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_dblink_close_cnx$ -- This function closes a named dblink connection. -- The function is directly called by Emaj_web. -- Input: connection name DECLARE v_nbCnx INT; BEGIN -- Check the dblink connection exists. EXECUTE format('SELECT 0 WHERE %L = ANY (%I.dblink_get_connections())', p_cnxName, p_dblinkSchema); GET DIAGNOSTICS v_nbCnx = ROW_COUNT; IF v_nbCnx > 0 THEN -- The connection exists, so disconnect. EXECUTE format('SELECT %I.dblink_disconnect(%L)', p_dblinkSchema, p_cnxName); -- For connections used for rollback operations, record the dblink disconnection in the emaj_hist table. IF substring(p_cnxName FROM 1 FOR 5) = 'rlbk#' THEN INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_object) VALUES ('DBLINK_CLOSE_CNX', p_cnxName); END IF; END IF; -- RETURN; END; $_dblink_close_cnx$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._get_default_tablespace() RETURNS TEXT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_get_default_tablespace$ -- This function returns the name of a default tablespace to use when moving an existing log table or index. -- Output: tablespace name -- The function is called at alter group time. DECLARE v_tablespace TEXT; BEGIN -- Get the default tablespace set for the current session or set for the entire instance by GUC. SELECT setting INTO v_tablespace FROM pg_settings WHERE name = 'default_tablespace'; IF v_tablespace = '' THEN -- Get the default tablespace for the current database (pg_default if no specific tablespace name has been set for the database). SELECT spcname INTO v_tablespace FROM pg_catalog.pg_database JOIN pg_catalog.pg_tablespace ON (pg_tablespace.oid = dattablespace) WHERE datname = current_database(); END IF; -- RETURN v_tablespace; END; $_get_default_tablespace$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._check_group_names(p_groupNames TEXT[], p_mayBeNull BOOLEAN, p_lockGroups BOOLEAN, p_checkList TEXT) RETURNS TEXT[] LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_check_group_names$ -- This function performs various checks on a group names array. -- The NULL, empty strings and duplicate values are removed from the array. If the array is empty raise either an exception or a warning. -- Checks are then perform to verify: -- - that all groups exist, -- - if requested are ROLLBACKABLE, -- - if requested are in LOGGING or IDLE state, -- - if requested are not PROTECTED against rollback operations. -- A SELECT FOR UPDATE is executed if requested, to avoid other sensitive actions in parallel on the same groups. -- Input: group names array, -- a boolean that tells whether a NULL array only raise a WARNING, -- a boolean that tells whether the groups have to be locked, -- a string that lists the checks to perform, with the following possible values: IDLE, LOGGING, ROLLBACKABLE and UNPROTECTED. -- Output: validated group names array DECLARE v_groupList TEXT; v_count INT; BEGIN -- Remove duplicates values, NULL and empty strings from the supplied group names array. SELECT array_agg(DISTINCT group_name) INTO p_groupNames FROM unnest(p_groupNames) AS group_name WHERE group_name IS NOT NULL AND group_name <> ''; -- Process empty array. IF p_groupNames IS NULL THEN IF p_mayBeNull THEN RAISE WARNING '_check_group_names: No group to process.'; RETURN NULL; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_group_names: No group to process.'; END IF; END IF; -- Check that all groups exist. SELECT string_agg(group_name,', ' ORDER BY group_name), count(*) INTO v_groupList, v_count FROM ( SELECT unnest(p_groupNames) EXCEPT SELECT group_name FROM emaj.emaj_group ) AS t(group_name); IF v_count > 0 THEN IF v_count = 1 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_group_names: The group "%" does not exist.', v_groupList; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_group_names: The groups "%" do not exist.', v_groupList; END IF; END IF; -- Lock the groups if requested. IF p_lockGroups THEN PERFORM 0 FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = ANY(p_groupNames) FOR UPDATE; END IF; -- Checks ROLLBACKABLE type, if requested. IF strpos(p_checkList,'ROLLBACKABLE') > 0 THEN SELECT string_agg(group_name,', ' ORDER BY group_name), count(*) INTO v_groupList, v_count FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = ANY(p_groupNames) AND NOT group_is_rollbackable; IF v_count = 1 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_group_names: The group "%" has been created as AUDIT_ONLY.', v_groupList; END IF; IF v_count > 1 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_group_names: The groups "%" have been created as AUDIT_ONLY.', v_groupList; END IF; END IF; -- Checks IDLE state, if requested IF strpos(p_checkList,'IDLE') > 0 THEN SELECT string_agg(group_name,', ' ORDER BY group_name), count(*) INTO v_groupList, v_count FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = ANY(p_groupNames) AND group_is_logging; IF v_count = 1 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_group_names: The group "%" is not in IDLE state.', v_groupList; END IF; IF v_count > 1 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_group_names: The groups "%" are not in IDLE state.', v_groupList; END IF; END IF; -- Checks LOGGING state, if requested. IF strpos(p_checkList,'LOGGING') > 0 THEN SELECT string_agg(group_name,', ' ORDER BY group_name), count(*) INTO v_groupList, v_count FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = ANY(p_groupNames) AND NOT group_is_logging; IF v_count = 1 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_group_names: The group "%" is not in LOGGING state.', v_groupList; END IF; IF v_count > 1 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_group_names: The groups "%" are not in LOGGING state.', v_groupList; END IF; END IF; -- Checks UNPROTECTED type, if requested. IF strpos(p_checkList,'UNPROTECTED') > 0 THEN SELECT string_agg(group_name,', ' ORDER BY group_name), count(*) INTO v_groupList, v_count FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = ANY(p_groupNames) AND group_is_rlbk_protected; IF v_count = 1 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_group_names: The group "%" is currently protected against rollback operations.', v_groupList; END IF; IF v_count > 1 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_group_names: The groups "%" are currently protected against rollback operations.', v_groupList; END IF; END IF; -- RETURN p_groupNames; END; $_check_group_names$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._check_json_groups_conf(p_groupsJson JSON) RETURNS SETOF emaj._report_message_type LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_check_json_groups_conf$ -- This function verifies that the JSON structure that contains a tables groups configuration is correct. -- Any detected issue is reported as a message row. The caller defines what to do with them. -- It is called by the _import_groups_conf() function. -- The function is also directly called by Emaj_web. -- This function checks that: -- - the "tables_groups" attribute exists -- - "groups_name" attribute are defined -- - no unknow attribute are listed in the group level -- - the "is_rollbackable" attributes are boolean -- - the "priority" attributes are numeric -- - groups are not described several times -- Input: the JSON structure to check -- Output: _report_message_type records representing diagnostic messages DECLARE v_groupNumber INT; v_group TEXT; v_tblseqNumber INT; v_schema TEXT; v_tblseq TEXT; v_triggerNumber INT; v_trigger TEXT; r_group RECORD; r_table RECORD; r_trigger RECORD; r_sequence RECORD; BEGIN -- Extract the "tables_groups" json path and check that the attribute exists. p_groupsJson = p_groupsJson #> '{"tables_groups"}'; IF p_groupsJson IS NULL THEN RETURN QUERY VALUES (201, 1, NULL::TEXT, NULL::TEXT, NULL::TEXT, NULL::TEXT, NULL::INT, 'The JSON structure does not contain any "tables_groups" array.'); ELSE -- Check that all keywords of the JSON structure are valid. -- Process groups attributes. v_groupNumber = 0; FOR r_group IN SELECT value AS groupJson FROM json_array_elements(p_groupsJson) LOOP -- The group_name must be defined. v_groupNumber = v_groupNumber + 1; v_group = r_group.groupJson ->> 'group'; IF v_group IS NULL OR v_group = '' THEN RETURN QUERY VALUES (210, 1, NULL::TEXT, NULL::TEXT, NULL::TEXT, NULL::TEXT, v_groupNumber, format('The tables group #%s has no "group" attribute.', v_groupNumber::TEXT)); ELSE -- Other attributes of the group level must be known. RETURN QUERY SELECT 211, 1, v_group, NULL::TEXT, NULL::TEXT, key, NULL::INT, format('For the tables group "%s", the keyword "%s" is unknown.', v_group, key) FROM ( SELECT key FROM json_object_keys(r_group.groupJson) AS x(key) WHERE key NOT IN ('group', 'is_rollbackable', 'comment', 'tables', 'sequences') ) AS t; -- If it exists, the "is_rollbackable" attribute must be a boolean IF r_group.groupJson -> 'is_rollbackable' IS NOT NULL AND json_typeof(r_group.groupJson -> 'is_rollbackable') <> 'boolean' THEN RETURN QUERY VALUES (212, 1, v_group, NULL::TEXT, NULL::TEXT, NULL::TEXT, NULL::INT, format('For the tables group "%s", the "is_rollbackable" attribute is not a boolean.', v_group)); END IF; -- Process tables attributes. v_tblseqNumber = 0; FOR r_table IN SELECT value AS tableJson FROM json_array_elements(r_group.groupJson -> 'tables') LOOP v_tblseqNumber = v_tblseqNumber + 1; v_schema = r_table.tableJson ->> 'schema'; v_tblseq = r_table.tableJson ->> 'table'; -- The schema and table attributes must exists. IF v_schema IS NULL OR v_schema = '' THEN RETURN QUERY VALUES (220, 1, v_group, NULL::TEXT, NULL::TEXT, NULL::TEXT, v_tblseqNumber, format('In the tables group "%s", the table #%s has no "schema" attribute.', v_group, v_tblseqNumber::TEXT)); ELSIF v_tblseq IS NULL OR v_tblseq = '' THEN RETURN QUERY VALUES (221, 1, v_group, NULL::TEXT, NULL::TEXT, NULL::TEXT, v_tblseqNumber, format('In the tables group "%s", the table #%s has no "table" attribute.', v_group, v_tblseqNumber::TEXT)); ELSE -- Attributes of the tables level must exist. RETURN QUERY SELECT 222, 1, v_group, v_schema, v_tblseq, key, NULL::INT, format('In the tables group "%s" and for the table %I.%I, the keyword "%s" is unknown.', v_group, quote_ident(v_schema), quote_ident(v_tblseq), key) FROM ( SELECT key FROM json_object_keys(r_table.tableJson) AS x(key) WHERE key NOT IN ('schema', 'table', 'priority', 'log_data_tablespace', 'log_index_tablespace', 'ignored_triggers') ) AS t; -- If it exists, the "priority" attribute must be a number. IF r_table.tableJson -> 'priority' IS NOT NULL AND json_typeof(r_table.tableJson -> 'priority') <> 'number' THEN RETURN QUERY VALUES (223, 1, v_group, v_schema, v_tblseq, NULL::TEXT, NULL::INT, format('In the tables group "%s" and for the table %I.%I, the "priority" attribute is not a number.', v_group, quote_ident(v_schema), quote_ident(v_tblseq))); END IF; -- Process triggers attributes. IF r_table.tableJson -> 'ignored_triggers' IS NOT NULL THEN IF json_typeof(r_table.tableJson -> 'ignored_triggers') = 'array' THEN v_triggerNumber = 0; FOR r_trigger IN SELECT value AS triggerJson FROM json_array_elements(r_table.tableJson -> 'ignored_triggers') LOOP v_triggerNumber = v_triggerNumber + 1; IF json_typeof(r_trigger.triggerJson) <> 'string' THEN RETURN QUERY VALUES (226, 1, v_group, v_schema, v_tblseq, NULL::TEXT, v_triggerNumber, format('In the tables group "%s" and for the table %I.%I, the trigger #%s is not a string. ' 'This is required since E-Maj 4.0.', v_group, quote_ident(v_schema), quote_ident(v_tblseq), v_triggerNumber)); END IF; END LOOP; ELSE RETURN QUERY VALUES (227, 1, v_group, v_schema, v_tblseq, NULL::TEXT, NULL::INT, format('In the tables group "%s" and for the table %I.%I, the "ignored_triggers" attribute is not an array.', v_group, quote_ident(v_schema), quote_ident(v_tblseq))); END IF; END IF; END IF; END LOOP; -- Process sequences attributes. v_tblseqNumber = 0; FOR r_sequence IN SELECT value AS sequenceJson FROM json_array_elements(r_group.groupJson -> 'sequences') LOOP v_tblseqNumber = v_tblseqNumber + 1; v_schema = r_sequence.sequenceJson ->> 'schema'; v_tblseq = r_sequence.sequenceJson ->> 'sequence'; -- The schema and table attributes must exists. IF v_schema IS NULL OR v_schema = '' THEN RETURN QUERY VALUES (230, 1, v_group, NULL::TEXT, NULL::TEXT, NULL::TEXT, v_tblseqNumber, format('In the tables group "%s", the sequence #%s has no "schema" attribute.', v_group, v_tblseqNumber::TEXT)); ELSIF v_tblseq IS NULL OR v_tblseq = '' THEN RETURN QUERY VALUES (231, 1, v_group, NULL::TEXT, NULL::TEXT, NULL::TEXT, v_tblseqNumber, format('In the tables group "%s", the sequence #%s has no "sequence" attribute.', v_group, v_tblseqNumber::TEXT)); ELSE -- No other attributes of the sequences level must exist. RETURN QUERY SELECT 232, 1, v_group, v_schema, v_tblseq, key, NULL::INT, format('In the tables group "%s" and for the sequence %I.%I, the keyword "%s" is unknown.', v_group, quote_ident(v_schema), quote_ident(v_tblseq), key) FROM ( SELECT key FROM json_object_keys(r_sequence.sequenceJson) AS x(key) WHERE key NOT IN ('schema', 'sequence') ) AS t; END IF; END LOOP; END IF; END LOOP; -- Check that tables groups are not configured more than once in the JSON structure. RETURN QUERY SELECT 202, 1, "group", NULL::TEXT, NULL::TEXT, NULL::TEXT, NULL::INT, format('The JSON structure references several times the tables group "%s".', "group") FROM ( SELECT "group", count(*) FROM json_to_recordset(p_groupsJson) AS x("group" TEXT) GROUP BY "group" HAVING count(*) > 1 ) AS t; END IF; -- RETURN; END; $_check_json_groups_conf$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._check_json_table_properties(p_properties JSONB, OUT p_priority INT, OUT p_logDatTsp TEXT, OUT p_logIdxTsp TEXT, OUT p_ignoredTriggers TEXT[], OUT p_ignoredTriggersProfiles TEXT[]) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_check_json_table_properties$ -- This function verifies that the JSON structure that contains tables properties set at tables assign or modify functions is correct. -- This function returns the elementary fields -- Input: the JSON structure to check -- Output: priority level -- log data and index tablespaces -- names array of triggers to ignore at rollback time -- array of names profiles (i.e. regular expressions) for triggers to ignore at rollback time DECLARE v_emajTriggers TEXT[]; v_extraProperties JSONB; BEGIN -- Check that the priority is numeric. IF p_properties ? 'priority' AND jsonb_typeof(p_properties->'priority') <> 'null' THEN IF jsonb_typeof(p_properties->'priority') = 'number' THEN p_priority = p_properties->>'priority'; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_json_table_properties: the "priority" property must be numeric.'; END IF; END IF; -- Check that the tablespaces exist, if supplied. IF p_properties ? 'log_data_tablespace' AND jsonb_typeof(p_properties->'log_data_tablespace') <> 'null' THEN IF jsonb_typeof(p_properties->'log_data_tablespace') = 'string' THEN p_logDatTsp = p_properties->>'log_data_tablespace'; IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM pg_catalog.pg_tablespace WHERE spcname = p_logDatTsp ) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_json_table_properties: the log data tablespace "%" does not exists.', p_logDatTsp; END IF; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_json_table_properties: the log data tablespace must be a string.'; END IF; END IF; IF p_properties ? 'log_index_tablespace' AND jsonb_typeof(p_properties->'log_index_tablespace') <> 'null' THEN IF jsonb_typeof(p_properties->'log_index_tablespace') = 'string' THEN p_logIdxTsp = p_properties->>'log_index_tablespace'; IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM pg_catalog.pg_tablespace WHERE spcname = p_logIdxTsp ) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_json_table_properties: the log index tablespace "%" does not exists.', p_logIdxTsp; END IF; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_json_table_properties: the log index tablespace must be a string.'; END IF; END IF; -- Check the ignored_triggers property. IF p_properties ? 'ignored_triggers' AND jsonb_typeof(p_properties->'ignored_triggers') <> 'null' THEN IF jsonb_typeof(p_properties->'ignored_triggers') = 'string' THEN -- The property is a string. p_ignoredTriggers = ARRAY[p_properties->>'ignored_triggers']; IF p_properties->>'ignored_triggers' IN ('emaj_log_trg', 'emaj_trunc_trg') THEN v_emajTriggers = p_ignoredTriggers; END IF; ELSIF jsonb_typeof(p_properties->'ignored_triggers') = 'array' THEN -- The property is an array, transform the json array into a native arrays to process. WITH trigger AS ( SELECT trigger_name FROM jsonb_array_elements_text(p_properties->'ignored_triggers') AS trigger_name ) SELECT array_agg(trigger_name), array_agg(trigger_name) FILTER (WHERE trigger_name IN ('emaj_log_trg', 'emaj_trunc_trg')) INTO p_ignoredTriggers, v_emajTriggers FROM trigger; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_json_table_properties: the "ignored_triggers" property must be an array or a string.'; END IF; -- Check that triggers listed in the ignored_triggers property are not emaj triggers. IF v_emajTriggers IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_json_table_properties: E-Maj triggers are not allowed in the "ignored_triggers" property.'; END IF; END IF; -- Check the ignored_triggers_profiles property. IF p_properties ? 'ignored_triggers_profiles' AND jsonb_typeof(p_properties->'ignored_triggers_profiles') <> 'null' THEN IF jsonb_typeof(p_properties->'ignored_triggers_profiles') = 'string' THEN -- The property is a string. p_ignoredTriggersProfiles = ARRAY[p_properties->>'ignored_triggers_profiles']; ELSIF jsonb_typeof(p_properties->'ignored_triggers_profiles') = 'array' THEN -- The property is an array, transform the json array into a native arrays to process. SELECT array_agg(triggers_profile) INTO p_ignoredTriggersProfiles FROM jsonb_array_elements_text(p_properties->'ignored_triggers_profiles') AS triggers_profile; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_json_table_properties: the "ignored_triggers_profiles" property must be an array or a string.'; END IF; END IF; -- Check no properties are unknown. v_extraProperties = p_properties - 'priority' - 'log_data_tablespace' - 'log_index_tablespace' - 'ignored_triggers' - 'ignored_triggers_profiles'; IF v_extraProperties IS NOT NULL AND v_extraProperties <> '{}' THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_json_table_properties: properties "%" are unknown.', v_extraProperties; END IF; -- RETURN; END; $_check_json_table_properties$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._check_json_param_conf(p_paramsJson JSON) RETURNS SETOF emaj._report_message_type LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_check_json_param_conf$ -- This function verifies that the JSON structure that contains a parameter configuration is correct. -- Any detected issue is reported as a message row. The caller defines what to do with them. -- It is called by the _import_param_conf() function. -- The function is also directly called by Emaj_web. -- This function checks that: -- - the "parameters" attribute exists -- - "key" attribute are defined and are known parameters -- - no unknow attribute are listed -- - parameters are not described several times -- Input: the JSON structure to check -- Output: set of error messages DECLARE v_parameters JSON; v_paramNumber INT; v_key TEXT; r_param RECORD; BEGIN -- Extract the "parameters" json path and check that the attribute exists. v_parameters = p_paramsJson #> '{"parameters"}'; IF v_parameters IS NULL THEN RETURN QUERY VALUES (101, 1, NULL::TEXT, NULL::TEXT, NULL::TEXT, NULL::TEXT, NULL::INT, 'The JSON structure does not contain any "parameters" array.'); ELSE -- Check that all keywords of the "parameters" structure are valid. v_paramNumber = 0; FOR r_param IN SELECT param FROM json_array_elements(v_parameters) AS t(param) LOOP v_paramNumber = v_paramNumber + 1; -- Check the "key" attribute exists in the json structure. v_key = r_param.param ->> 'key'; IF v_key IS NULL THEN RETURN QUERY VALUES (102, 1, NULL::TEXT, NULL::TEXT, NULL::TEXT, NULL::TEXT, v_paramNumber, format('The #%s parameter has no "key" attribute or a "key" set to null.', v_paramNumber::TEXT)); END IF; -- Check that the structure only contains "key" and "value" attributes. RETURN QUERY SELECT 103, 1, v_key, attr, NULL::TEXT, NULL::TEXT, NULL::INT, format('For the parameter "%s", the attribute "%s" is unknown.', v_key, attr) FROM ( SELECT attr FROM json_object_keys(r_param.param) AS x(attr) WHERE attr NOT IN ('key', 'value') ) AS t; -- Check the key is valid. IF v_key NOT IN ('emaj_version', 'dblink_user_password', 'history_retention', 'alter_log_table', 'avg_row_rollback_duration', 'avg_row_delete_log_duration', 'avg_fkey_check_duration', 'fixed_step_rollback_duration', 'fixed_table_rollback_duration', 'fixed_dblink_rollback_duration') THEN RETURN QUERY VALUES (104, 1, v_key, NULL::TEXT, NULL::TEXT, NULL::TEXT, NULL::INT, format('"%s" is not a known E-Maj parameter.', v_key)); END IF; END LOOP; -- Check that parameters are not configured more than once in the JSON structure. RETURN QUERY SELECT 105, 1, "key", NULL::TEXT, NULL::TEXT, NULL::TEXT, NULL::INT, format('The JSON structure references several times the parameter "%s".', "key") FROM ( SELECT "key", count(*) FROM json_to_recordset(v_parameters) AS x("key" TEXT) GROUP BY "key" HAVING count(*) > 1 ) AS t; END IF; -- RETURN; END; $_check_json_param_conf$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._check_mark_name(p_groupNames TEXT[], p_mark TEXT, p_checkList TEXT) RETURNS TEXT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_check_mark_name$ -- This function verifies that a mark name exists for one or several groups. -- It processes the EMAJ_LAST_MARK keyword. -- When several groups are supplied, it checks that the mark represents the same point in time for all groups. -- Input: array of group names, name of the mark to check, list of checks to perform (currently only 'ACTIVE') -- Output: internal name of the mark DECLARE v_markName TEXT = p_mark; v_groupList TEXT; v_count INTEGER; BEGIN -- Process the 'EMAJ_LAST_MARK' keyword, if needed. IF p_mark = 'EMAJ_LAST_MARK' THEN -- Detect groups that have no recorded mark. SELECT string_agg(group_name,', ' ORDER BY group_name), count(*) INTO v_groupList, v_count FROM ( SELECT unnest(p_groupNames) EXCEPT SELECT mark_group FROM emaj.emaj_mark ) AS t(group_name); IF v_count > 0 THEN IF v_count = 1 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_mark_name: The group "%" has no mark.', v_groupList; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_mark_name: The groups "%" have no mark.', v_groupList; END IF; END IF; -- Count the number of distinct lastest mark_time_id for all concerned groups. SELECT count(DISTINCT mark_time_id) INTO v_count FROM (SELECT mark_group, max(mark_time_id) AS mark_time_id FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = ANY (p_groupNames) GROUP BY 1 ) AS t; IF v_count > 1 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_mark_name: The EMAJ_LAST_MARK does not represent the same point in time for all groups.'; END IF; -- Get the name of the last mark for the first group in the array, as we now know that all groups share the same last mark. SELECT mark_name INTO v_markName FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = p_groupNames[1] ORDER BY mark_time_id DESC LIMIT 1; ELSE -- For usual mark name (i.e. not EMAJ_LAST_MARK), -- ... Check that the mark exists for all groups. SELECT string_agg(group_name,', ' ORDER BY group_name), count(*) INTO v_groupList, v_count FROM ( SELECT unnest(p_groupNames) EXCEPT SELECT mark_group FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_name = v_markName ) AS t(group_name); IF v_count > 0 THEN IF v_count = 1 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_mark_name: The mark "%" does not exist for the group "%".', v_markName, v_groupList; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_mark_name: The mark "%" does not exist for the groups "%".', v_markName, v_groupList; END IF; END IF; -- ... Check that the mark represents the same point in time for all groups. SELECT count(DISTINCT mark_time_id) INTO v_count FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_name = v_markName AND mark_group = ANY (p_groupNames); IF v_count > 1 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_mark_name: The mark "%" does not represent the same point in time for all groups.', v_markName; END IF; END IF; -- If requested, check the mark is active for all groups. IF strpos(p_checkList,'ACTIVE') > 0 THEN SELECT string_agg(mark_group,', ' ORDER BY mark_group), count(*) INTO v_groupList, v_count FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_name = v_markName AND mark_group = ANY(p_groupNames) AND mark_is_deleted; IF v_count = 1 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_mark_name: For the group "%", the mark "%" is DELETED.', v_groupList, v_markName; END IF; IF v_count > 1 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_mark_name: For the groups "%", the mark "%" is DELETED.', v_groupList, v_markName; END IF; END IF; -- RETURN v_markName; END; $_check_mark_name$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._check_new_mark(p_groupNames TEXT[], p_mark TEXT) RETURNS TEXT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_check_new_mark$ -- This function verifies that a new mark name supplied the user is valid. -- It processes the possible NULL mark value and the replacement of % wild characters. -- It also checks that the mark name do not already exist for any group. -- Input: array of group names, name of the mark to set -- Output: internal name of the mark DECLARE v_markName TEXT = p_mark; v_groupList TEXT; v_count INTEGER; BEGIN -- Check the mark name is not 'EMAJ_LAST_MARK'. IF p_mark = 'EMAJ_LAST_MARK' THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_new_mark: "%" is not an allowed name for a new mark.', p_mark; END IF; -- Process null or empty supplied mark name. IF v_markName = '' OR v_markName IS NULL THEN v_markName = 'MARK_%'; END IF; -- Process % wild characters in mark name. v_markName = replace(v_markName, '%', substring(to_char(clock_timestamp(), 'HH24.MI.SS.US') from 1 for 13)); -- Check that the mark does not exist for any groups. SELECT string_agg(mark_group,', ' ORDER BY mark_group), count(*) INTO v_groupList, v_count FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_name = v_markName AND mark_group = ANY(p_groupNames); IF v_count > 0 THEN IF v_count = 1 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_new_mark: The group "%" already contains a mark named "%".', v_groupList, v_markName; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_new_mark: The groups "%" already contain a mark named "%".', v_groupList, v_markName; END IF; END IF; -- RETURN v_markName; END; $_check_new_mark$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._check_marks_range(p_groupNames TEXT[], INOUT p_firstMark TEXT, INOUT p_lastMark TEXT, OUT p_firstMarkTimeId BIGINT, OUT p_lastMarkTimeId BIGINT) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_check_marks_range$ -- This function verifies that a marks range is valid for one or several groups. -- It checks that both marks defining the bounds exist and are in chronological order. -- It processes the EMAJ_LAST_MARK keyword. -- If the first mark (lower bound) is NULL, find the first (deleted or not) mark known for each group. -- A last mark (upper bound) set to NULL means "the current situation". In this case, no specific checks is performed. -- When several groups are supplied, it checks that the marks represent the same point in time for all groups. -- Input: array of group names, name of the first mark, name of the last mark -- Output: internal name and time id of both marks DECLARE v_groupList TEXT; v_count INTEGER; v_firstMarkTs TIMESTAMPTZ; v_lastMarkTs TIMESTAMPTZ; BEGIN -- If the first mark is NULL or empty, look for the first known mark for the group. IF p_firstMark IS NULL OR p_firstMark = '' THEN -- Detect groups that have no recorded mark. SELECT string_agg(group_name,', ' ORDER BY group_name), count(*) INTO v_groupList, v_count FROM ( SELECT unnest(p_groupNames) EXCEPT SELECT mark_group FROM emaj.emaj_mark ) AS t(group_name); IF v_count > 0 THEN IF v_count <> array_length(p_groupNames, 1) THEN -- Some but not all groups have no mark. IF v_count = 1 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_marks_range: The group "%" has no mark.', v_groupList; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_marks_range: The groups "%" have no mark.', v_groupList; END IF; ELSE -- All groups have no mark, force the first mark to NULL to be able to return statistics with 0 row. p_firstMark = NULL; END IF; ELSE -- All groups have at least 1 mark. -- Count the number of distinct first mark_time_id for all concerned groups. SELECT count(DISTINCT mark_time_id) INTO v_count FROM (SELECT mark_group, min(mark_time_id) AS mark_time_id FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = ANY (p_groupNames) GROUP BY 1 ) AS t; IF v_count > 1 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_marks_range: The oldest marks of each group do not represent the same point in time.'; END IF; -- Count the number of distinct first mark name for all concerned groups. SELECT min(mark_time_id) INTO p_firstMarkTimeId FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = p_groupNames[1]; SELECT count(DISTINCT mark_name) INTO v_count FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = ANY (p_groupNames) AND mark_time_id = p_firstMarkTimeId; IF v_count > 1 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_marks_range: The oldest marks of each group have not the same name.'; END IF; -- Get the name of the first mark for the first group in the array, as we now know that all groups share the same first mark. SELECT mark_name INTO p_firstMark FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = p_groupNames[1] ORDER BY mark_time_id LIMIT 1; END IF; ELSE -- Checks the supplied first mark. SELECT emaj._check_mark_name(p_groupNames := p_groupNames, p_mark := p_firstMark, p_checkList := '') INTO p_firstMark; END IF; -- Get some time data about the first mark (that may be NULL) -- (use the first group of the array, as we are now sure that all groups share the same mark). SELECT mark_time_id, time_clock_timestamp INTO p_firstMarkTimeId, v_firstMarkTs FROM emaj.emaj_mark JOIN emaj.emaj_time_stamp ON (time_id = mark_time_id) WHERE mark_group = p_groupNames[1] AND mark_name = p_firstMark; IF p_lastMark IS NOT NULL AND p_lastMark <> '' THEN -- If the last mark is not NULL or empty, check it. SELECT emaj._check_mark_name(p_groupNames := p_groupNames, p_mark := p_lastMark, p_checkList := '') INTO p_lastMark; -- Get some time data about the last mark (that may be NULL) -- (use the first group of the array, as we are now sure that all groups share the same mark). SELECT mark_time_id, time_clock_timestamp INTO p_lastMarkTimeId, v_lastMarkTs FROM emaj.emaj_mark JOIN emaj.emaj_time_stamp ON (time_id = mark_time_id) WHERE mark_group = p_groupNames[1] AND mark_name = p_lastMark; -- And check that the last mark has been set after the first mark. IF p_firstMarkTimeId > p_lastMarkTimeId THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_check_marks_range: The start mark "%" (%) has been set after the end mark "%" (%).', p_firstMark, v_firstMarkTs, p_lastMark, v_lastMarkTs; END IF; END IF; -- RETURN; END; $_check_marks_range$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._truncate_trigger_fnct() RETURNS TRIGGER LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER SET search_path = pg_catalog, pg_temp AS $_truncate_trigger_fnct$ -- The function is triggered by the execution of TRUNCATE SQL verb on tables. -- Before effetively truncating the table, keep a trace of the event in the log table. -- First, a generic TRU event is recorded (it will be used by the functions that generate SQL script to replay). -- Then, the content of the table to truncate is copied into the log table, with a 'TRU' emaj_verb and an 'OLD' emaj_tuple (it will be -- used by the rollback functions) -- And add the number of recorded rows to the log sequence (to get accurate statistics) -- The function is declared as SECURITY DEFINER so that any role performing a TRUNCATE on an application table can log the event into -- E-Maj tables. DECLARE v_fullLogTableName TEXT; v_fullLogSequenceName TEXT; v_nbRows BIGINT; BEGIN IF (TG_OP = 'TRUNCATE') THEN -- Get some log object names for the truncated table. SELECT quote_ident(rel_log_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(rel_log_table), quote_ident(rel_log_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(rel_log_sequence) INTO v_fullLogTableName, v_fullLogSequenceName FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = TG_TABLE_SCHEMA AND rel_tblseq = TG_TABLE_NAME AND upper_inf(rel_time_range); -- Log the TRU event into the log table, with emaj_tuple set to an empty string. EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO %s (emaj_verb, emaj_tuple) VALUES (''TRU'', '''')', v_fullLogTableName); -- Log all rows from the table. EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO %s SELECT *, ''TRU'', ''OLD'' FROM ONLY %I.%I ', v_fullLogTableName, TG_TABLE_SCHEMA, TG_TABLE_NAME); GET DIAGNOSTICS v_nbRows = ROW_COUNT; IF v_nbRows > 0 THEN -- Adjust the log sequence value for the table. EXECUTE format('SELECT setval(%L,' ' (SELECT CASE WHEN is_called THEN last_value + %s ELSE last_value + %s - 1 END FROM %s))', v_fullLogSequenceName, v_nbRows, v_nbRows, v_fullLogSequenceName); END IF; END IF; -- And effectively TRUNCATE the table. RETURN NULL; END; $_truncate_trigger_fnct$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._create_log_schemas(p_function TEXT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_create_log_schemas$ -- The function creates all log schemas that will be needed to create new log tables. -- The function is called at tables groups configuration import. -- Input: calling function to record into the emaj_hist table DECLARE r_schema RECORD; BEGIN FOR r_schema IN SELECT DISTINCT 'emaj_' || tmp_schema AS log_schema FROM tmp_app_table WHERE NOT EXISTS -- minus those already created (SELECT 0 FROM emaj.emaj_schema WHERE sch_name = 'emaj_' || tmp_schema) ORDER BY 1 LOOP -- Check that the schema doesn't already exist. IF EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE nspname = r_schema.log_schema ) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_create_log_schemas: The schema "%" should not exist. Drop it manually.',r_schema.log_schema; END IF; -- Create the schema. PERFORM emaj._create_log_schema(r_schema.log_schema, p_function); END LOOP; -- RETURN; END; $_create_log_schemas$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._create_log_schema(p_schema TEXT, p_function TEXT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER SET search_path = pg_catalog, pg_temp AS $_create_log_schema$ -- The function creates one log schema. It gives the appropriate rights to emaj users on the schema. -- Input: schema to create -- calling function to record into the emaj_hist table -- The function is defined as SECURITY DEFINER so that emaj_adm role can use it even if he has not been granted the CREATE privilege on -- the current database. DECLARE v_stack TEXT; BEGIN -- Check that the caller is allowed to do that. -- This prevents against an emaj_adm role without CREATE privilege on the current database who would use the function to create any other -- schema. GET DIAGNOSTICS v_stack = PG_CONTEXT; IF v_stack NOT LIKE '%emaj._create_log_schemas(text)%' AND v_stack NOT LIKE '%emaj._assign_tables(text,text[],text,jsonb,text,boolean,boolean)%' THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_create_log_schema: the calling function is not allowed to reach this sensitive function.'; END IF; -- Create the schema and give the appropriate rights. EXECUTE format('CREATE SCHEMA %I AUTHORIZATION emaj_adm', p_schema); EXECUTE format('GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA %I TO emaj_viewer', p_schema); -- And record the schema creation into the emaj_schema and the emaj_hist tables. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_schema (sch_name) VALUES (p_schema); INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object) VALUES (p_function, 'LOG_SCHEMA CREATED', quote_ident(p_schema)); -- RETURN; END; $_create_log_schema$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._drop_log_schemas(p_function TEXT, p_isForced BOOLEAN) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_drop_log_schemas$ -- The function looks for log schemas to drop. Drop them if any. -- Input: calling function to record into the emaj_hist table, -- boolean telling whether the schema to drop may contain residual objects DECLARE r_schema RECORD; BEGIN -- For each log schema to drop, FOR r_schema IN SELECT sch_name AS log_schema FROM emaj.emaj_schema -- the existing schemas WHERE sch_name <> 'emaj' EXCEPT SELECT DISTINCT rel_log_schema FROM emaj.emaj_relation -- the currently needed schemas (after tables drop) WHERE rel_kind = 'r' AND rel_log_schema <> 'emaj' ORDER BY 1 LOOP IF p_isForced THEN -- Drop cascade when called by emaj_force_xxx_group(). EXECUTE format('DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS %I CASCADE', r_schema.log_schema); ELSE -- Otherwise, drop restrict with a trap on the potential error. BEGIN EXECUTE format('DROP SCHEMA %I', r_schema.log_schema); EXCEPTION -- Trap the 3F000 exception to process case when the schema does not exist anymore. WHEN INVALID_SCHEMA_NAME THEN -- SQLSTATE '3F000' RAISE EXCEPTION '_drop_log_schemas: Internal error (the schema "%" does not exist).',r_schema.log_schema; -- Trap the 2BP01 exception to generate a more understandable error message. WHEN DEPENDENT_OBJECTS_STILL_EXIST THEN -- SQLSTATE '2BP01' RAISE EXCEPTION '_drop_log_schemas: Cannot drop the schema "%". It probably owns unattended objects.' ' Use the emaj_verify_all() function to get details.', r_schema.log_schema; END; END IF; -- Remove the schema from the emaj_schema table. DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_schema WHERE sch_name = r_schema.log_schema; -- Record the schema drop in emaj_hist table. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object) VALUES (p_function,'LOG_SCHEMA DROPPED',quote_ident(r_schema.log_schema)); END LOOP; -- RETURN; END; $_drop_log_schemas$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._handle_trigger_fk_tbl(p_action TEXT, p_fullTableName TEXT, p_objectName TEXT, p_objectDef TEXT DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER SET search_path = pg_catalog, pg_temp AS $_handle_trigger_fk_tbl$ -- The function performs an elementary action for a trigger or a foreign key on an application table. -- Inputs: the action to perform: ENABLE_TRIGGER/DISABLE_TRIGGER/ADD_TRIGGER/DROP_TRIGGER/SET_TRIGGER/ADD_FK/DROP_FK -- the full name of the application table (schema qualified and quoted if needed) -- the trigger or constraint name -- the object definition for foreign keys, or the trigger type (ALWAYS/REPLICA/'') for triggers to enable or set -- The function is defined as SECURITY DEFINER so that emaj_adm role can perform the action on any application table. DECLARE v_stack TEXT; BEGIN -- Check that the caller is allowed to do that. GET DIAGNOSTICS v_stack = PG_CONTEXT; IF v_stack NOT LIKE '%emaj._create_tbl(text,text,text,integer,text,text,text[],bigint,boolean,boolean)%' AND v_stack NOT LIKE '%emaj._remove_tbl(text,text,text,boolean,bigint,text)%' AND v_stack NOT LIKE '%emaj._drop_tbl(emaj.emaj_relation,bigint)%' AND v_stack NOT LIKE '%emaj._start_groups(text[],text,boolean,boolean)%' AND v_stack NOT LIKE '%emaj._stop_groups(text[],text,boolean,boolean)%' AND v_stack NOT LIKE '%emaj._rlbk_session_exec(integer,integer)%' THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_handle_trigger_fk_tbl: the calling function is not allowed to reach this sensitive function.'; END IF; -- Perform the requested action. IF p_action = 'DISABLE_TRIGGER' THEN EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %s DISABLE TRIGGER %I', p_fullTableName, p_objectName); ELSIF p_action = 'ENABLE_TRIGGER' THEN EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %s ENABLE %s TRIGGER %I', p_fullTableName, p_objectDef, p_objectName); ELSIF p_action = 'ADD_TRIGGER' AND p_objectName = 'emaj_log_trg' THEN EXECUTE format('CREATE TRIGGER emaj_log_trg' ' AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON %s' ' FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE %s()', p_fullTableName, p_objectDef); ELSIF p_action = 'ADD_TRIGGER' AND p_objectName = 'emaj_trunc_trg' THEN EXECUTE format('CREATE TRIGGER emaj_trunc_trg' ' BEFORE TRUNCATE ON %s' ' FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE emaj._truncate_trigger_fnct()', p_fullTableName); ELSIF p_action = 'DROP_TRIGGER' THEN EXECUTE format('DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS %I ON %s', p_objectName, p_fullTableName); ELSIF p_action = 'SET_TRIGGER' THEN EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %s DISABLE TRIGGER %I, ENABLE %s TRIGGER %I', p_fullTableName, p_objectName, p_objectDef, p_objectName); ELSIF p_action = 'ADD_FK' THEN EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %s ADD CONSTRAINT %I %s', p_fullTableName, p_objectName, p_objectDef); ELSIF p_action = 'DROP_FK' THEN EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %s DROP CONSTRAINT %I', p_fullTableName, p_objectName); END IF; -- RETURN; END; $_handle_trigger_fk_tbl$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._copy_from_file(p_destination_table TEXT, p_location TEXT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER SET search_path = pg_catalog, pg_temp AS $_copy_from_file$ -- The function performs an elementary COPY FROM to load a file into a table. -- Inputs: the schema qualified table to load (should be already double_quoted if needed) -- the file to read -- The function is defined as SECURITY DEFINER so that emaj roles can perform the COPY statement. DECLARE v_stack TEXT; BEGIN -- Check that the caller is allowed to do that. GET DIAGNOSTICS v_stack = PG_CONTEXT; IF v_stack NOT LIKE '%emaj.emaj_import_groups_configuration(text,text[],boolean,text)%' AND v_stack NOT LIKE '%emaj.emaj_import_parameters_configuration(text,boolean)%' THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_copy_from_file: the calling function is not allowed to reach this sensitive function.'; END IF; -- Perform the action. EXECUTE format ('COPY %I FROM %L', p_destination_table, p_location); -- RETURN; END; $_copy_from_file$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._copy_to_file(p_source TEXT, p_location TEXT, p_copyOptions TEXT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER SET search_path = pg_catalog, pg_temp AS $_copy_to_file$ -- The function performs an elementary COPY TO to unload a table on a file. -- Inputs: the schema qualified table to unload or the SQL statement executed as data source (should be already double_quoted if needed) -- the file to write -- the options for the COPY statement -- The function is defined as SECURITY DEFINER so that emaj roles can perform the COPY statement. DECLARE v_stack TEXT; BEGIN -- Check that the caller is allowed to do that. GET DIAGNOSTICS v_stack = PG_CONTEXT; IF v_stack NOT LIKE '%emaj.emaj_export_groups_configuration(text,text[])%' AND v_stack NOT LIKE '%emaj.emaj_snap_group(text,text,text)%' AND v_stack NOT LIKE '%emaj.emaj_snap_log_group(text,text,text,text,text)%' AND v_stack NOT LIKE '%emaj._gen_sql_groups(text[],boolean,text,text,text,text[])%' AND v_stack NOT LIKE '%emaj.emaj_export_parameters_configuration(text)%' THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_copy_to_file: the calling function is not allowed to reach this sensitive function.'; END IF; -- Perform the action. EXECUTE format ('COPY %s TO %L %s', p_source, p_location, coalesce (p_copyOptions, '')); -- RETURN; END; $_copy_to_file$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_assign_table(p_schema TEXT, p_table TEXT, p_group TEXT, p_properties JSONB DEFAULT NULL, p_mark TEXT DEFAULT 'ASSIGN_%') RETURNS INTEGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_assign_table$ -- The function assigns a table into a tables group. -- Inputs: schema name, table name, assignment group name, assignment properties (optional), -- mark name to set when logging groups (optional) -- Outputs: number of tables effectively assigned to the tables group, ie. 1 BEGIN RETURN emaj._assign_tables(p_schema, ARRAY[p_table], p_group, p_properties, p_mark, FALSE, FALSE); END; $emaj_assign_table$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_assign_table(TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,JSONB,TEXT) IS $$Assign a table into a tables group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_assign_tables(p_schema TEXT, p_tables TEXT[], p_group TEXT, p_properties JSONB DEFAULT NULL, p_mark TEXT DEFAULT 'ASSIGN_%') RETURNS INTEGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_assign_tables$ -- The function assigns several tables at once into a tables group. -- Inputs: schema, array of table names, assignment group name, assignment properties (optional), -- mark name to set when logging groups (optional) -- Outputs: number of tables effectively assigned to the tables group BEGIN RETURN emaj._assign_tables(p_schema, p_tables, p_group, p_properties, p_mark, TRUE, FALSE); END; $emaj_assign_tables$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_assign_tables(TEXT,TEXT[],TEXT,JSONB,TEXT) IS $$Assign several tables into a tables group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_assign_tables(p_schema TEXT, p_tablesIncludeFilter TEXT, p_tablesExcludeFilter TEXT, p_group TEXT, p_properties JSONB DEFAULT NULL, p_mark TEXT DEFAULT 'ASSIGN_%') RETURNS INTEGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_assign_tables$ -- The function assigns tables on name regexp pattern into a tables group. -- Inputs: schema name, 2 patterns to filter table names (one to include and another to exclude) , assignment group name, -- assignment properties (optional), mark name to set when logging groups (optional) -- Outputs: number of tables effectively assigned to the tables group DECLARE v_tables TEXT[]; BEGIN -- Process empty filters as NULL SELECT CASE WHEN p_tablesIncludeFilter = '' THEN NULL ELSE p_tablesIncludeFilter END, CASE WHEN p_tablesExcludeFilter = '' THEN NULL ELSE p_tablesExcludeFilter END INTO p_tablesIncludeFilter, p_tablesExcludeFilter; -- Build the list of tables names satisfying the pattern. SELECT array_agg(relname) INTO v_tables FROM (SELECT relname FROM pg_catalog.pg_class JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace) WHERE nspname = p_schema AND relname ~ p_tablesIncludeFilter AND (p_tablesExcludeFilter IS NULL OR relname !~ p_tablesExcludeFilter) AND relkind IN ('r', 'p') ORDER BY relname ) AS t; -- Call the _assign_tables() function for execution. RETURN emaj._assign_tables(p_schema, v_tables, p_group, p_properties, p_mark, TRUE, TRUE); END; $emaj_assign_tables$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_assign_tables(TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,JSONB,TEXT) IS $$Assign tables on name patterns into a tables group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._assign_tables(p_schema TEXT, p_tables TEXT[], p_group TEXT, p_properties JSONB, p_mark TEXT, p_multiTable BOOLEAN, p_arrayFromRegex BOOLEAN) RETURNS INTEGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_assign_tables$ -- The function effectively assigns tables into a tables group. -- Inputs: schema, array of table names, group name, properties as JSON structure -- mark to set for lonnging groups, a boolean indicating whether several tables need to be processed, -- a boolean indicating whether the tables array has been built from regex filters -- Outputs: number of tables effectively assigned to the tables group -- The JSONB p_properties parameter has the following structure '{"priority":..., "log_data_tablespace":..., "log_index_tablespace":...}' -- each properties being NULL by default DECLARE v_function TEXT; v_groupIsRollbackable BOOLEAN; v_groupIsLogging BOOLEAN; v_priority INT; v_logDatTsp TEXT; v_logIdxTsp TEXT; v_ignoredTriggers TEXT[]; v_ignoredTrgProfiles TEXT[]; v_list TEXT; v_array TEXT[]; v_timeId BIGINT; v_markName TEXT; v_logSchema TEXT; v_selectedIgnoredTrgs TEXT[]; v_selectConditions TEXT; v_eventTriggers TEXT[]; v_oneTable TEXT; v_nbAssignedTbl INT = 0; BEGIN v_function = CASE WHEN p_multiTable THEN 'ASSIGN_TABLES' ELSE 'ASSIGN_TABLE' END; -- Insert the begin entry into the emaj_hist table. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event) VALUES (v_function, 'BEGIN'); -- Check supplied parameters. -- Check the group name and if ok, get some properties of the group. PERFORM emaj._check_group_names(p_groupNames := ARRAY[p_group], p_mayBeNull := FALSE, p_lockGroups := TRUE, p_checkList := ''); SELECT group_is_rollbackable, group_is_logging INTO v_groupIsRollbackable, v_groupIsLogging FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = p_group; -- Check the supplied schema exists and is not an E-Maj schema. IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE nspname = p_schema ) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_assign_tables: The schema "%" does not exist.', p_schema; END IF; IF EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM emaj.emaj_schema WHERE sch_name = p_schema ) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_assign_tables: The schema "%" is an E-Maj schema.', p_schema; END IF; -- Check tables. IF NOT p_arrayFromRegex THEN -- From the tables array supplied by the user, remove duplicates values, NULL and empty strings from the supplied table names array. SELECT array_agg(DISTINCT table_name) INTO p_tables FROM unnest(p_tables) AS table_name WHERE table_name IS NOT NULL AND table_name <> ''; -- Check that application tables exist. WITH tables AS ( SELECT unnest(p_tables) AS table_name ) SELECT string_agg(quote_ident(table_name), ', ') INTO v_list FROM (SELECT table_name FROM tables WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM pg_catalog.pg_class JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace) WHERE nspname = p_schema AND relname = table_name AND relkind IN ('r','p') ) ) AS t; IF v_list IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_assign_tables: In schema %, some tables (%) do not exist.', quote_ident(p_schema), v_list; END IF; END IF; -- Check or discard partitioned application tables (only elementary partitions can be managed by E-Maj). SELECT string_agg(quote_ident(relname), ', '), array_agg(relname) INTO v_list, v_array FROM pg_catalog.pg_class JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace) WHERE nspname = p_schema AND relname = ANY(p_tables) AND relkind = 'p'; IF v_list IS NOT NULL THEN IF NOT p_arrayFromRegex THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_assign_tables: In schema %, some tables (%) are partitionned tables (only elementary partitions are supported' ' by E-Maj).', quote_ident(p_schema), v_list; ELSE RAISE WARNING '_assign_tables: Some partitionned tables (%) are not selected.', v_list; -- remove these tables from the tables to process SELECT array_agg(remaining_table) INTO p_tables FROM ( SELECT unnest(p_tables) EXCEPT SELECT unnest(v_array) ) AS t(remaining_table); END IF; END IF; -- Check or discard TEMP tables. SELECT string_agg(quote_ident(relname), ', '), array_agg(relname) INTO v_list, v_array FROM pg_catalog.pg_class JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace) WHERE nspname = p_schema AND relname = ANY(p_tables) AND relkind = 'r' AND relpersistence = 't'; IF v_list IS NOT NULL THEN IF NOT p_arrayFromRegex THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_assign_tables: In schema %, some tables (%) are TEMP tables.', quote_ident(p_schema), v_list; ELSE RAISE WARNING '_assign_tables: Some TEMP tables (%) are not selected.', v_list; -- remove these tables from the tables to process SELECT array_agg(remaining_table) INTO p_tables FROM ( SELECT unnest(p_tables) EXCEPT SELECT unnest(v_array) ) AS t(remaining_table); END IF; END IF; -- Check or discard UNLOGGED tables in rollbackable groups. IF v_groupIsRollbackable THEN SELECT string_agg(quote_ident(relname), ', '), array_agg(relname) INTO v_list, v_array FROM pg_catalog.pg_class JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace) WHERE nspname = p_schema AND relname = ANY(p_tables) AND relkind = 'r' AND relpersistence = 'u'; IF v_list IS NOT NULL THEN IF NOT p_arrayFromRegex THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_assign_tables: In schema %, some tables (%) are UNLOGGED tables.', quote_ident(p_schema), v_list; ELSE RAISE WARNING '_assign_tables: Some UNLOGGED tables (%) are not selected.', v_list; -- remove these tables from the tables to process SELECT array_agg(remaining_table) INTO p_tables FROM ( SELECT unnest(p_tables) EXCEPT SELECT unnest(v_array) ) AS t(remaining_table); END IF; END IF; END IF; -- With PG11-, check or discard WITH OIDS tables in rollbackable groups. IF emaj._pg_version_num() < 120000 AND v_groupIsRollbackable THEN SELECT string_agg(quote_ident(relname), ', '), array_agg(relname) INTO v_list, v_array FROM pg_catalog.pg_class JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace) WHERE nspname = p_schema AND relname = ANY(p_tables) AND relkind = 'r' AND relhasoids; IF v_list IS NOT NULL THEN IF NOT p_arrayFromRegex THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_assign_tables: In schema %, some tables (%) are declared WITH OIDS.', quote_ident(p_schema), v_list; ELSE RAISE WARNING '_assign_tables: Some WITH OIDS tables (%) are not selected.', v_list; -- remove these tables from the tables to process SELECT array_agg(remaining_table) INTO p_tables FROM ( SELECT unnest(p_tables) EXCEPT SELECT unnest(v_array) ) AS t(remaining_table); END IF; END IF; END IF; -- Check or discard tables whithout primary key in rollbackable groups. IF v_groupIsRollbackable THEN SELECT string_agg(quote_ident(relname), ', '), array_agg(relname) INTO v_list, v_array FROM pg_catalog.pg_class t JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace) WHERE nspname = p_schema AND t.relname = ANY(p_tables) AND relkind = 'r' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = c.relnamespace) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_constraint ON (connamespace = pg_namespace.oid AND conrelid = c.oid) WHERE contype = 'p' AND nspname = p_schema AND c.relname = t.relname ); IF v_list IS NOT NULL THEN IF NOT p_arrayFromRegex THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_assign_tables: In schema %, some tables (%) have no PRIMARY KEY.', quote_ident(p_schema), v_list; ELSE RAISE WARNING '_assign_tables: Some tables without PRIMARY KEY (%) are not selected.', v_list; -- remove these tables from the tables to process SELECT array_agg(remaining_table) INTO p_tables FROM ( SELECT unnest(p_tables) EXCEPT SELECT unnest(v_array) ) AS t(remaining_table); END IF; END IF; END IF; -- Check or discard tables already assigned to a group. SELECT string_agg(quote_ident(rel_tblseq), ', '), array_agg(rel_tblseq) INTO v_list, v_array FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = ANY(p_tables) AND upper_inf(rel_time_range); IF v_list IS NOT NULL THEN IF NOT p_arrayFromRegex THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_assign_tables: In schema %, some tables (%) already belong to a group.', quote_ident(p_schema), v_list; ELSE RAISE WARNING '_assign_tables: Some tables already belonging to a group (%) are not selected.', v_list; -- remove these tables from the tables to process SELECT array_agg(remaining_table) INTO p_tables FROM ( SELECT unnest(p_tables) EXCEPT SELECT unnest(v_array) ) AS t(remaining_table); END IF; END IF; -- Check and extract the tables JSON properties. IF p_properties IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT * INTO v_priority, v_logDatTsp, v_logIdxTsp, v_ignoredTriggers, v_ignoredTrgProfiles FROM emaj._check_json_table_properties(p_properties); END IF; -- Check the supplied mark. SELECT emaj._check_new_mark(array[p_group], p_mark) INTO v_markName; -- OK, IF p_tables IS NULL OR p_tables = '{}' THEN -- When no tables are finaly selected, just warn. RAISE WARNING '_assign_tables: No table to process.'; ELSE -- Get the time stamp of the operation. SELECT emaj._set_time_stamp('A') INTO v_timeId; -- For LOGGING groups, lock all tables to get a stable point. IF v_groupIsLogging THEN -- Use a ROW EXCLUSIVE lock mode, preventing for a transaction currently updating data, but not conflicting with simple read access or -- vacuum operation. PERFORM emaj._lock_groups(ARRAY[p_group], 'ROW EXCLUSIVE', FALSE); -- And set the mark, using the same time identifier. PERFORM emaj._set_mark_groups(ARRAY[p_group], v_markName, FALSE, TRUE, NULL, v_timeId); END IF; -- Create new log schemas if needed. v_logSchema = 'emaj_' || p_schema; IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM emaj.emaj_schema WHERE sch_name = v_logSchema ) THEN -- Check that the schema doesn't already exist. IF EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE nspname = v_logSchema ) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_assign_tables: The schema "%" should not exist. Drop it manually.',v_logSchema; END IF; -- Create the schema. PERFORM emaj._create_log_schema(v_logSchema, CASE WHEN p_multiTable THEN 'ASSIGN_TABLES' ELSE 'ASSIGN_TABLE' END); END IF; -- Disable event triggers that protect emaj components and keep in memory these triggers name. SELECT emaj._disable_event_triggers() INTO v_eventTriggers; -- Effectively create the log components for each table. -- Build the SQL conditions to use in order to build the array of "triggers to ignore at rollback time" for each table. IF v_ignoredTriggers IS NOT NULL OR v_ignoredTrgProfiles IS NOT NULL THEN -- Build the condition on trigger names using the ignored_triggers parameters. IF v_ignoredTriggers IS NOT NULL THEN v_selectConditions = 'tgname = ANY (' || quote_literal(v_ignoredTriggers) || ') OR '; ELSE v_selectConditions = ''; END IF; -- Build the regexp conditions on trigger names using the ignored_triggers_profile parameters. IF v_ignoredTrgProfiles IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT v_selectConditions || string_agg('tgname ~ ' || quote_literal(profile), ' OR ') INTO v_selectConditions FROM unnest(v_ignoredTrgProfiles) AS profile; ELSE v_selectConditions = v_selectConditions || 'FALSE'; END IF; END IF; -- Process each table. FOREACH v_oneTable IN ARRAY p_tables LOOP -- Check that the triggers listed in ignored_triggers property exists for the table. SELECT string_agg(quote_ident(trigger_name), ', ') INTO v_list FROM ( SELECT trigger_name FROM unnest(v_ignoredTriggers) AS trigger_name EXCEPT SELECT tgname FROM pg_catalog.pg_trigger JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ON (tgrelid = pg_class.oid) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid) WHERE nspname = p_schema AND relname = v_oneTable AND tgconstraint = 0 AND tgname NOT IN ('emaj_log_trg','emaj_trunc_trg') ) AS t; IF v_list IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_assign_tables: some triggers (%) have not been found in the table %.%.', v_list, quote_ident(p_schema), quote_ident(v_oneTable); END IF; -- Build the array of "triggers to ignore at rollback time". IF v_selectConditions IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE format( $$SELECT array_agg(tgname ORDER BY tgname) FROM pg_catalog.pg_trigger JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ON (tgrelid = pg_class.oid) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid) WHERE nspname = %L AND relname = %L AND tgconstraint = 0 AND tgname NOT IN ('emaj_log_trg','emaj_trunc_trg') AND (%s) $$, p_schema, v_oneTable, v_selectConditions) INTO v_selectedIgnoredTrgs; END IF; -- Create the table. PERFORM emaj._add_tbl(p_schema, v_oneTable, p_group, v_priority, v_logDatTsp, v_logIdxTsp, v_selectedIgnoredTrgs, v_groupIsLogging, v_timeId, v_function); v_nbAssignedTbl = v_nbAssignedTbl + 1; END LOOP; -- Enable previously disabled event triggers PERFORM emaj._enable_event_triggers(v_eventTriggers); -- Adjust the group characteristics. UPDATE emaj.emaj_group SET group_last_alter_time_id = v_timeId, group_nb_table = ( SELECT count(*) FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = group_name AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND rel_kind = 'r' ) WHERE group_name = p_group; -- If the group is logging, check foreign keys with tables outside the groups (otherwise the check will be done at the group start time). IF v_groupIsLogging THEN PERFORM emaj._check_fk_groups(array[p_group]); END IF; END IF; -- Insert the end entry into the emaj_hist table. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_wording) VALUES (v_function, 'END', v_nbAssignedTbl || ' tables assigned to the group ' || p_group); -- RETURN v_nbAssignedTbl; END; $_assign_tables$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_remove_table(p_schema TEXT, p_table TEXT, p_mark TEXT DEFAULT 'REMOVE_%') RETURNS INTEGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_remove_table$ -- The function removes a table from its tables group. -- Inputs: schema name, table name, mark name to set when logging groups (optional) -- Outputs: number of tables effectively removed to the tables group, ie. 1 BEGIN RETURN emaj._remove_tables(p_schema, ARRAY[p_table], p_mark, FALSE, FALSE); END; $emaj_remove_table$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_remove_table(TEXT,TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Remove a table from its tables group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_remove_tables(p_schema TEXT, p_tables TEXT[], p_mark TEXT DEFAULT 'REMOVE_%') RETURNS INTEGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_remove_tables$ -- The function removes several tables at once from their tables group. -- Inputs: schema, array of table names, mark name to set when logging groups (optional) -- Outputs: number of tables effectively removed from the tables group BEGIN RETURN emaj._remove_tables(p_schema, p_tables, p_mark, TRUE, FALSE); END; $emaj_remove_tables$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_remove_tables(TEXT,TEXT[],TEXT) IS $$Remove several tables from their tables group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_remove_tables(p_schema TEXT, p_tablesIncludeFilter TEXT, p_tablesExcludeFilter TEXT, p_mark TEXT DEFAULT 'REMOVE_%') RETURNS INTEGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_remove_tables$ -- The function removes tables on name patterns from their tables group. -- Inputs: schema, 2 patterns to filter table names (one to include and another to exclude), -- mark name to set when logging groups (optional) -- Outputs: number of tables effectively removed from the tables group DECLARE v_tables TEXT[]; BEGIN -- Process empty filters as NULL. SELECT CASE WHEN p_tablesIncludeFilter = '' THEN NULL ELSE p_tablesIncludeFilter END, CASE WHEN p_tablesExcludeFilter = '' THEN NULL ELSE p_tablesExcludeFilter END INTO p_tablesIncludeFilter, p_tablesExcludeFilter; -- Build the list of tables names satisfying the pattern. SELECT array_agg(rel_tblseq) INTO v_tables FROM ( SELECT rel_tblseq FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq ~ p_tablesIncludeFilter AND (p_tablesExcludeFilter IS NULL OR rel_tblseq !~ p_tablesExcludeFilter) AND rel_kind = 'r' AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) ORDER BY rel_tblseq ) AS t; -- Call the _remove_tables() function for execution. RETURN emaj._remove_tables(p_schema, v_tables, p_mark, TRUE, TRUE); END; $emaj_remove_tables$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_remove_tables(TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Remove several tables on name patterns from their tables group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._remove_tables(p_schema TEXT, p_tables TEXT[], p_mark TEXT, p_multiTable BOOLEAN, p_arrayFromRegex BOOLEAN) RETURNS INTEGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_remove_tables$ -- The function effectively removes tables from their tables group. -- Inputs: schema, array of table names, mark to set if for logging groups, -- boolean to indicate whether several tables need to be processed, -- a boolean indicating whether the tables array has been built from regex filters -- Outputs: number of tables effectively removed to the tables group DECLARE v_function TEXT; v_list TEXT; v_markName TEXT; v_timeId BIGINT; v_groups TEXT[]; v_loggingGroups TEXT[]; v_groupName TEXT; v_groupIsLogging BOOLEAN; v_eventTriggers TEXT[]; v_oneTable TEXT; v_logSchema TEXT; v_nbRemovedTbl INT = 0; BEGIN v_function = CASE WHEN p_multiTable THEN 'REMOVE_TABLES' ELSE 'REMOVE_TABLE' END; -- Insert the begin entry into the emaj_hist table. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event) VALUES (v_function, 'BEGIN'); -- Check the tables list. IF NOT p_arrayFromRegex THEN -- Remove duplicates values, NULL and empty strings from the supplied table names array. SELECT array_agg(DISTINCT table_name) INTO p_tables FROM unnest(p_tables) AS table_name WHERE table_name IS NOT NULL AND table_name <> ''; -- Check that the tables currently belong to a tables group (not necessarily the same for all tables). WITH all_supplied_tables AS ( SELECT unnest(p_tables) AS table_name), tables_in_group AS ( SELECT rel_tblseq FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = ANY(p_tables) AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) ) SELECT string_agg(quote_ident(p_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(table_name), ', ') INTO v_list FROM ( SELECT table_name FROM all_supplied_tables EXCEPT SELECT rel_tblseq FROM tables_in_group ) AS t; IF v_list IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_remove_tables: some tables (%) do not currently belong to any tables group.', v_list; END IF; END IF; -- Get the lists of groups and logging groups holding these tables, if any. -- It locks the tables groups so that no other operation simultaneously occurs these groups. WITH tables_group AS ( SELECT group_name, group_is_logging FROM emaj.emaj_relation JOIN emaj.emaj_group ON (group_name = rel_group) WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = ANY(p_tables) AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) FOR UPDATE OF emaj_group ) SELECT (SELECT array_agg(group_name) FROM tables_group), (SELECT array_agg(group_name) FROM tables_group WHERE group_is_logging) INTO v_groups, v_loggingGroups; -- Check the supplied mark. SELECT emaj._check_new_mark(v_loggingGroups, p_mark) INTO v_markName; -- OK, IF p_tables IS NULL THEN -- When no tables are finaly selected, just warn. RAISE WARNING '_remove_tables: No table to process.'; ELSE v_logSchema = 'emaj_' || p_schema; -- Get the time stamp of the operation. SELECT emaj._set_time_stamp('A') INTO v_timeId; -- For LOGGING groups, lock all tables to get a stable point. IF v_loggingGroups IS NOT NULL THEN -- Use a ROW EXCLUSIVE lock mode, preventing for a transaction currently updating data, but not conflicting with simple read access or -- vacuum operation. PERFORM emaj._lock_groups(v_loggingGroups, 'ROW EXCLUSIVE', FALSE); -- And set the mark, using the same time identifier. PERFORM emaj._set_mark_groups(v_loggingGroups, v_markName, FALSE, TRUE, NULL, v_timeId); END IF; -- Disable event triggers that protect emaj components and keep in memory these triggers name. SELECT emaj._disable_event_triggers() INTO v_eventTriggers; -- Effectively drop the log components for each table. FOREACH v_oneTable IN ARRAY p_tables LOOP -- Get some characteristics of the group that holds the table. SELECT rel_group, group_is_logging INTO v_groupName, v_groupIsLogging FROM emaj.emaj_relation JOIN emaj.emaj_group ON (group_name = rel_group) WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = v_oneTable AND upper_inf(rel_time_range); -- Drop this table. PERFORM emaj._remove_tbl(p_schema, v_oneTable, v_groupName, v_groupIsLogging, v_timeId, v_function); v_nbRemovedTbl = v_nbRemovedTbl + 1; END LOOP; -- Drop the log schema if it is now useless. IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_log_schema = v_logSchema ) THEN -- Drop the schema. EXECUTE format('DROP SCHEMA %I', v_logSchema); -- And record the schema drop into the emaj_schema and the emaj_hist tables. DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_schema WHERE sch_name = v_logSchema; INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object) VALUES (CASE WHEN p_multiTable THEN 'REMOVE_TABLES' ELSE 'REMOVE_TABLE' END, 'LOG_SCHEMA DROPPED', quote_ident(v_logSchema)); END IF; -- Enable previously disabled event triggers. PERFORM emaj._enable_event_triggers(v_eventTriggers); -- Adjust the groups characteristics. UPDATE emaj.emaj_group SET group_last_alter_time_id = v_timeId, group_nb_table = ( SELECT count(*) FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = group_name AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND rel_kind = 'r' ) WHERE group_name = ANY (v_groups); END IF; -- Insert the end entry into the emaj_hist table. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_wording) VALUES (v_function, 'END', v_nbRemovedTbl || ' tables removed from their groups'); -- RETURN v_nbRemovedTbl; END; $_remove_tables$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_move_table(p_schema TEXT, p_table TEXT, p_newGroup TEXT, p_mark TEXT DEFAULT 'MOVE_%') RETURNS INTEGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_move_table$ -- The function moves a table from its tables group to another tables group. -- Inputs: schema name, table name, new group name, mark name to set when logging groups (optional) -- Outputs: number of tables effectively moved to the new tables group, ie. 1 BEGIN RETURN emaj._move_tables(p_schema, ARRAY[p_table], p_newGroup, p_mark, FALSE, FALSE); END; $emaj_move_table$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_move_table(TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Move a table from its tables group to another tables group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_move_tables(p_schema TEXT, p_tables TEXT[], p_newGroup TEXT, p_mark TEXT DEFAULT 'MOVE_%') RETURNS INTEGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_move_tables$ -- The function moves several tables at once from their tables group to another tables group. -- Inputs: schema, array of table names, new group name, mark name to set when logging groups (optional) -- Outputs: number of tables effectively moved to the new tables group BEGIN RETURN emaj._move_tables(p_schema, p_tables, p_newGroup, p_mark, TRUE, FALSE); END; $emaj_move_tables$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_move_tables(TEXT,TEXT[],TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Move several tables from their tables group to another tables group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_move_tables(p_schema TEXT, p_tablesIncludeFilter TEXT, p_tablesExcludeFilter TEXT, p_newGroup TEXT, p_mark TEXT DEFAULT 'MOVE_%') RETURNS INTEGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_move_tables$ -- The function moves tables on name patterns from their tables group to another tables group. -- Inputs: schema, 2 patterns to filter table names (one to include and another to exclude), new group name, -- mark name to set when logging groups (optional) -- Outputs: number of tables effectively moved to the new tables group DECLARE v_tables TEXT[]; BEGIN -- Process empty filters as NULL. SELECT CASE WHEN p_tablesIncludeFilter = '' THEN NULL ELSE p_tablesIncludeFilter END, CASE WHEN p_tablesExcludeFilter = '' THEN NULL ELSE p_tablesExcludeFilter END INTO p_tablesIncludeFilter, p_tablesExcludeFilter; -- Build the list of tables names satisfying the pattern. SELECT array_agg(rel_tblseq) INTO v_tables FROM (SELECT rel_tblseq FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq ~ p_tablesIncludeFilter AND (p_tablesExcludeFilter IS NULL OR rel_tblseq !~ p_tablesExcludeFilter) AND rel_kind = 'r' AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND rel_group <> p_newGroup ORDER BY rel_tblseq ) AS t; -- Call the _move_tables() function for execution. RETURN emaj._move_tables(p_schema, v_tables, p_newGroup, p_mark, TRUE, TRUE); END; $emaj_move_tables$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_move_tables(TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Move several tables on name patterns from their tables group to another tables group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._move_tables(p_schema TEXT, p_tables TEXT[], p_newGroup TEXT, p_mark TEXT, p_multiTable BOOLEAN, p_arrayFromRegex BOOLEAN) RETURNS INTEGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_move_tables$ -- The function effectively moves tables from their tables group to another tables group. -- Inputs: schema, array of table names, new group name, mark to set if for logging groups, -- boolean to indicate whether several tables need to be processed, -- a boolean indicating whether the tables array has been built from regex filters -- Outputs: number of tables effectively moved to the tables group DECLARE v_function TEXT; v_newGroupIsLogging BOOLEAN; v_list TEXT; v_uselessTables TEXT[]; v_markName TEXT; v_timeId BIGINT; v_groups TEXT[]; v_loggingGroups TEXT[]; v_groupName TEXT; v_groupIsLogging BOOLEAN; v_oneTable TEXT; v_nbMovedTbl INT = 0; BEGIN v_function = CASE WHEN p_multiTable THEN 'MOVE_TABLES' ELSE 'MOVE_TABLE' END; -- Insert the begin entry into the emaj_hist table. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event) VALUES (v_function, 'BEGIN'); -- Check the group name and if ok, get some properties of the group. PERFORM emaj._check_group_names(p_groupNames := ARRAY[p_newGroup], p_mayBeNull := FALSE, p_lockGroups := TRUE, p_checkList := ''); SELECT group_is_logging INTO v_newGroupIsLogging FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = p_newGroup; -- Check the tables list. IF NOT p_arrayFromRegex THEN -- Remove duplicates values, NULL and empty strings from the supplied table names array. SELECT array_agg(DISTINCT table_name) INTO p_tables FROM unnest(p_tables) AS table_name WHERE table_name IS NOT NULL AND table_name <> ''; -- Check that the tables currently belong to a tables group (not necessarily the same for all table). WITH all_supplied_tables AS ( SELECT unnest(p_tables) AS table_name), tables_in_group AS ( SELECT rel_tblseq FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = ANY(p_tables) AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) ) SELECT string_agg(quote_ident(p_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(table_name), ', ') INTO v_list FROM ( SELECT table_name FROM all_supplied_tables EXCEPT SELECT rel_tblseq FROM tables_in_group ) AS t; IF v_list IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_move_tables: some tables (%) do not currently belong to any tables group.', v_list; END IF; -- Remove tables that already belong to the new group. SELECT string_agg(quote_ident(p_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(rel_tblseq), ', '), array_agg(rel_tblseq) INTO v_list, v_uselessTables FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = ANY(p_tables) AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND rel_group = p_newGroup; IF v_list IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE WARNING '_move_tables: some tables (%) already belong to the tables group %.', v_list, p_newGroup; SELECT array_remove(p_tables, useless_table) INTO p_tables FROM unnest(v_uselessTables) AS useless_table; END IF; END IF; -- Get the lists of groups and logging groups holding these tables, if any. -- It locks the tables groups so that no other operation simultaneously occurs these groups -- (the CTE is needed for the FOR UPDATE clause not allowed when aggregate functions). WITH tables_group AS ( SELECT group_name, group_is_logging FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = p_newGroup OR group_name IN (SELECT DISTINCT rel_group FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = ANY(p_tables) AND upper_inf(rel_time_range)) FOR UPDATE OF emaj_group ) SELECT array_agg(group_name ORDER BY group_name), array_agg(group_name ORDER BY group_name) FILTER (WHERE group_is_logging) INTO v_groups, v_loggingGroups FROM tables_group; -- Check the supplied mark. SELECT emaj._check_new_mark(v_loggingGroups, p_mark) INTO v_markName; -- OK, IF p_tables IS NULL THEN -- When no tables are finaly selected, just warn. RAISE WARNING '_move_tables: No table to process.'; ELSE -- Get the time stamp of the operation. SELECT emaj._set_time_stamp('A') INTO v_timeId; -- For LOGGING groups, lock all tables to get a stable point. IF v_loggingGroups IS NOT NULL THEN -- Use a ROW EXCLUSIVE lock mode, preventing for a transaction currently updating data, but not conflicting with simple read access or -- vacuum operation. PERFORM emaj._lock_groups(v_loggingGroups, 'ROW EXCLUSIVE', FALSE); -- ... and set the mark, using the same time identifier. PERFORM emaj._set_mark_groups(v_loggingGroups, v_markName, TRUE, TRUE, NULL, v_timeId); END IF; -- Effectively move each table. FOREACH v_oneTable IN ARRAY p_tables LOOP -- Get some characteristics of the group that holds the table before the move. SELECT rel_group, group_is_logging INTO v_groupName, v_groupIsLogging FROM emaj.emaj_relation JOIN emaj.emaj_group ON (group_name = rel_group) WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = v_oneTable AND upper_inf(rel_time_range); -- Move this table. PERFORM emaj._move_tbl(p_schema, v_oneTable, v_groupName, v_groupIsLogging, p_newGroup, v_newGroupIsLogging, v_timeId, v_function); v_nbMovedTbl = v_nbMovedTbl + 1; END LOOP; -- Adjust the groups characteristics. UPDATE emaj.emaj_group SET group_last_alter_time_id = v_timeId, group_nb_table = (SELECT count(*) FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = group_name AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND rel_kind = 'r' ) WHERE group_name = ANY (v_groups); END IF; -- Insert the end entry into the emaj_hist table. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_wording) VALUES (v_function, 'END', v_nbMovedTbl || ' tables moved to the new tables group ' || p_newGroup); -- RETURN v_nbMovedTbl; END; $_move_tables$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_modify_table(p_schema TEXT, p_table TEXT, p_changedProperties JSONB, p_mark TEXT DEFAULT 'MODIFY_%') RETURNS INTEGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_modify_table$ -- The function modifies the assignment properties of a table. -- Inputs: schema name, table name, assignment properties changes, -- mark name to set when logging groups (optional) -- Outputs: number of tables effectively modified, ie 0 or 1 BEGIN RETURN emaj._modify_tables(p_schema, ARRAY[p_table], p_changedProperties, p_mark, FALSE, FALSE); END; $emaj_modify_table$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_modify_table(TEXT,TEXT,JSONB,TEXT) IS $$Modify the assignment properties of a table.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_modify_tables(p_schema TEXT, p_tables TEXT[], p_changedProperties JSONB, p_mark TEXT DEFAULT 'MODIFY_%') RETURNS INTEGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_modify_tables$ -- The function modifies the assignment properties for several tables at once. -- Inputs: schema, array of table names, assignment properties, -- mark name to set when logging groups (optional) -- Outputs: number of tables effectively modified BEGIN RETURN emaj._modify_tables(p_schema, p_tables, p_changedProperties, p_mark, TRUE, FALSE); END; $emaj_modify_tables$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_modify_tables(TEXT,TEXT[],JSONB,TEXT) IS $$Modify the assignment properties of several tables.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_modify_tables(p_schema TEXT, p_tablesIncludeFilter TEXT, p_tablesExcludeFilter TEXT, p_properties JSONB, p_mark TEXT DEFAULT 'MODIFY_%') RETURNS INTEGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_modify_tables$ -- The function modifies the assignment properties for several tables selected on name regexp pattern at once. -- Inputs: schema name, 2 patterns to filter table names (one to include and another to exclude), -- assignment properties, mark name to set when logging groups (optional) -- Outputs: number of tables effectively modified DECLARE v_tables TEXT[]; BEGIN -- Process empty filters as NULL. SELECT CASE WHEN p_tablesIncludeFilter = '' THEN NULL ELSE p_tablesIncludeFilter END, CASE WHEN p_tablesExcludeFilter = '' THEN NULL ELSE p_tablesExcludeFilter END INTO p_tablesIncludeFilter, p_tablesExcludeFilter; -- Build the list of tables names satisfying the pattern. SELECT array_agg(relname) INTO v_tables FROM (SELECT relname FROM pg_catalog.pg_class JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace) WHERE nspname = p_schema AND relname ~ p_tablesIncludeFilter AND (p_tablesExcludeFilter IS NULL OR relname !~ p_tablesExcludeFilter) AND relkind IN ('r', 'p') ORDER BY relname ) AS t; -- Call the _modify_tables() function for execution. RETURN emaj._modify_tables(p_schema, v_tables, p_properties, p_mark, TRUE, TRUE); END; $emaj_modify_tables$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_modify_tables(TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,JSONB,TEXT) IS $$Modify the assignment properties of several tables selected on name patterns.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._modify_tables(p_schema TEXT, p_tables TEXT[], p_changedProperties JSONB, p_mark TEXT, p_multiTable BOOLEAN, p_arrayFromRegex BOOLEAN) RETURNS INTEGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_modify_tables$ -- The function effectively modify the assignment properties of tables. -- Inputs: schema, array of table names, properties as JSON structure -- mark to set for logging groups, a boolean indicating whether several tables need to be processed, -- a boolean indicating whether the tables array has been built from regex filters -- Outputs: number of tables effectively modified -- The JSONB v_properties parameter has the following structure '{"priority":..., "log_data_tablespace":..., "log_index_tablespace":...}' -- each properties can be set to NULL to delete a previously set value DECLARE v_function TEXT; v_priorityChanged BOOLEAN; v_logDatTspChanged BOOLEAN; v_logIdxTspChanged BOOLEAN; v_ignoredTrgChanged BOOLEAN; v_newPriority INT; v_newLogDatTsp TEXT; v_newLogIdxTsp TEXT; v_ignoredTriggers TEXT[]; v_ignoredTrgProfiles TEXT[]; v_list TEXT; v_groups TEXT[]; v_loggingGroups TEXT[]; v_timeId BIGINT; v_markName TEXT; v_selectConditions TEXT; v_isTableChanged BOOLEAN; v_newIgnoredTriggers TEXT[]; v_nbChangedTbl INT = 0; r_rel RECORD; BEGIN v_function = CASE WHEN p_multiTable THEN 'MODIFY_TABLES' ELSE 'MODIFY_TABLE' END; -- Insert the begin entry into the emaj_hist table. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event) VALUES (v_function, 'BEGIN'); -- Check supplied parameters. -- Check tables. IF NOT p_arrayFromRegex THEN -- From the tables array supplied by the user, remove duplicates values, NULL and empty strings from the supplied table names array. SELECT array_agg(DISTINCT table_name) INTO p_tables FROM unnest(p_tables) AS table_name WHERE table_name IS NOT NULL AND table_name <> ''; -- Check that the tables currently belong to a tables group (not necessarily the same for all tables). WITH all_supplied_tables AS ( SELECT unnest(p_tables) AS table_name), tables_in_group AS ( SELECT rel_tblseq FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = ANY(p_tables) AND upper_inf(rel_time_range)) SELECT string_agg(quote_ident(p_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(table_name), ', ') INTO v_list FROM ( SELECT table_name FROM all_supplied_tables EXCEPT SELECT rel_tblseq FROM tables_in_group ) AS t; IF v_list IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_modify_tables: some tables (%) do not currently belong to any tables group.', v_list; END IF; END IF; -- Determine which properties are listed in the json parameter. v_priorityChanged = p_changedProperties ? 'priority'; v_logDatTspChanged = p_changedProperties ? 'log_data_tablespace'; v_logIdxTspChanged = p_changedProperties ? 'log_index_tablespace'; v_ignoredTrgChanged = p_changedProperties ? 'ignored_triggers' OR p_changedProperties ? 'ignored_triggers_profiles'; -- Check and extract the tables JSON properties. IF p_changedProperties IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT * INTO v_newPriority, v_newLogDatTsp, v_newLogIdxTsp, v_ignoredTriggers, v_ignoredTrgProfiles FROM emaj._check_json_table_properties(p_changedProperties); END IF; -- Get the lists of groups and logging groups holding these tables, if any. -- The FOR UPDATE clause locks the tables groups so that no other operation simultaneously occurs on these groups -- (the CTE is needed for the FOR UPDATE clause not allowed when aggregate functions). WITH tables_group AS ( SELECT group_name, group_is_logging FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name IN (SELECT DISTINCT rel_group FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = ANY(p_tables) AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) ) FOR UPDATE OF emaj_group ) SELECT array_agg(group_name ORDER BY group_name), array_agg(group_name ORDER BY group_name) FILTER (WHERE group_is_logging) INTO v_groups, v_loggingGroups FROM tables_group; -- Check the supplied mark. SELECT emaj._check_new_mark(v_loggingGroups, p_mark) INTO v_markName; -- OK, IF p_tables IS NULL OR p_tables = '{}' THEN -- When no tables are finaly selected, just warn. RAISE WARNING '_modified_tables: No table to process.'; ELSIF p_changedProperties IS NULL OR p_changedProperties = '{}' THEN RAISE WARNING '_modified_tables: No property change to process.'; ELSE -- Get the time stamp of the operation. SELECT emaj._set_time_stamp('A') INTO v_timeId; -- For LOGGING groups, lock all tables to get a stable point. IF v_loggingGroups IS NOT NULL THEN -- Use a ROW EXCLUSIVE lock mode, preventing for a transaction currently updating data, but not conflicting with simple read access or -- vacuum operation. PERFORM emaj._lock_groups(v_loggingGroups, 'ROW EXCLUSIVE', FALSE); -- And set the mark, using the same time identifier. PERFORM emaj._set_mark_groups(v_loggingGroups, v_markName, TRUE, TRUE, NULL, v_timeId); END IF; -- Build the SQL conditions to use in order to build the array of "triggers to ignore at rollback time" for each table. IF v_ignoredTriggers IS NOT NULL OR v_ignoredTrgProfiles IS NOT NULL THEN -- Build the condition on trigger names using the ignored_triggers parameters. IF v_ignoredTriggers IS NOT NULL THEN v_selectConditions = 'tgname = ANY (' || quote_literal(v_ignoredTriggers) || ') OR '; ELSE v_selectConditions = ''; END IF; -- Build the regexp conditions on trigger names using the ignored_triggers_profile parameters. IF v_ignoredTrgProfiles IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT v_selectConditions || string_agg('tgname ~ ' || quote_literal(profile), ' OR ') INTO v_selectConditions FROM unnest(v_ignoredTrgProfiles) AS profile; ELSE v_selectConditions = v_selectConditions || 'FALSE'; END IF; END IF; -- Process the changes for each table, if any. FOR r_rel IN SELECT rel_tblseq, rel_time_range, rel_log_schema, rel_priority, rel_log_table, rel_log_index, rel_log_dat_tsp, rel_log_idx_tsp, rel_ignored_triggers, rel_group, group_is_logging FROM emaj.emaj_relation JOIN emaj.emaj_group ON (group_name = rel_group) WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = ANY(p_tables) AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) ORDER BY rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq LOOP v_isTableChanged = FALSE; -- Change the priority, if needed. IF v_priorityChanged AND (r_rel.rel_priority <> v_newPriority OR (r_rel.rel_priority IS NULL AND v_newPriority IS NOT NULL) OR (r_rel.rel_priority IS NOT NULL AND v_newPriority IS NULL)) THEN v_isTableChanged = TRUE; PERFORM emaj._change_priority_tbl(p_schema, r_rel.rel_tblseq, r_rel.rel_priority, v_newPriority, v_timeId, r_rel.rel_group, v_function); END IF; -- Change the log data tablespace, if needed. IF v_logDatTspChanged AND coalesce(v_newLogDatTsp, '') <> coalesce(r_rel.rel_log_dat_tsp, '') THEN v_isTableChanged = TRUE; PERFORM emaj._change_log_data_tsp_tbl(p_schema, r_rel.rel_tblseq, r_rel.rel_log_schema, r_rel.rel_log_table, r_rel.rel_log_dat_tsp, v_newLogDatTsp, v_timeId, r_rel.rel_group, v_function); END IF; -- Change the log index tablespace, if needed. IF v_logIdxTspChanged AND coalesce(v_newLogIdxTsp, '') <> coalesce(r_rel.rel_log_idx_tsp, '') THEN v_isTableChanged = TRUE; PERFORM emaj._change_log_index_tsp_tbl(p_schema, r_rel.rel_tblseq, r_rel.rel_log_schema, r_rel.rel_log_index, r_rel.rel_log_idx_tsp, v_newLogIdxTsp, v_timeId, r_rel.rel_group, v_function); END IF; -- Change the ignored_trigger array if needed. IF v_ignoredTrgChanged THEN -- Compute the new list of "triggers to ignore at rollback time". IF v_selectConditions IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE format( $$SELECT array_agg(tgname ORDER BY tgname) FROM pg_catalog.pg_trigger JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ON (tgrelid = pg_class.oid) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid) WHERE nspname = %L AND relname = %L AND tgconstraint = 0 AND tgname NOT IN ('emaj_log_trg','emaj_trunc_trg') AND (%s) $$, p_schema, r_rel.rel_tblseq, v_selectConditions) INTO v_newIgnoredTriggers; END IF; IF (r_rel.rel_ignored_triggers <> v_newIgnoredTriggers OR (r_rel.rel_ignored_triggers IS NULL AND v_newIgnoredTriggers IS NOT NULL) OR (r_rel.rel_ignored_triggers IS NOT NULL AND v_newIgnoredTriggers IS NULL)) THEN v_isTableChanged = TRUE; -- If changes must be recorded, call the dedicated function. PERFORM emaj._change_ignored_triggers_tbl(p_schema, r_rel.rel_tblseq, r_rel.rel_ignored_triggers, v_newIgnoredTriggers, v_timeId, r_rel.rel_group, v_function); END IF; END IF; -- IF v_isTableChanged THEN v_nbChangedTbl = v_nbChangedTbl + 1; END IF; END LOOP; -- Adjust the groups characteristics. UPDATE emaj.emaj_group SET group_last_alter_time_id = v_timeId WHERE group_name = ANY(v_groups); END IF; -- Insert the end entry into the emaj_hist table. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_wording) VALUES (v_function, 'END', v_nbChangedTbl || ' tables effectively modified'); -- RETURN v_nbChangedTbl; END; $_modify_tables$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_get_current_log_table(p_app_schema TEXT, p_app_table TEXT, OUT log_schema TEXT, OUT log_table TEXT) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_get_current_log_table$ -- The function returns the current log table for a given application schema and table. -- It returns NULL values if the table doesn't currently belong to a tables group. -- Inputs: schema and table names -- Outputs: schema and table of the currently associated log table BEGIN -- Get the requested data from the emaj_relation table. SELECT rel_log_schema, rel_log_table INTO log_schema, log_table FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = p_app_schema AND rel_tblseq = p_app_table AND upper_inf(rel_time_range); -- RETURN; END; $emaj_get_current_log_table$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_get_current_log_table(TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Retrieve the current log table of a given application table.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._create_tbl(p_schema TEXT, p_tbl TEXT, p_groupName TEXT, p_priority INT, p_logDatTsp TEXT, p_logIdxTsp TEXT, p_ignoredTriggers TEXT[], p_timeId BIGINT, p_groupIsRollbackable BOOLEAN, p_groupIsLogging BOOLEAN) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_create_tbl$ -- This function creates all what is needed to manage the log and rollback operations for an application table. -- Input: the application table to process, -- the group to add it into, -- the table properties: priority, tablespaces attributes and triggers to ignore at rollback time -- the time id of the operation, -- 2 booleans indicating whether the group is rollbackable and whether the group is currently in logging state. -- The objects created in the log schema: -- - the associated log table, with its own sequence -- - the function that logs the tables updates, defined as a trigger DECLARE v_emajNamesPrefix TEXT; v_baseLogTableName TEXT; v_baseLogIdxName TEXT; v_baseLogFnctName TEXT; v_baseSequenceName TEXT; v_logSchema TEXT; v_fullTableName TEXT; v_logTableName TEXT; v_logIdxName TEXT; v_logFnctName TEXT; v_sequenceName TEXT; v_dataTblSpace TEXT; v_idxTblSpace TEXT; v_rlbkColList TEXT; v_rlbkPkColList TEXT; v_rlbkPkConditions TEXT; v_genColList TEXT; v_genValList TEXT; v_genSetList TEXT; v_genPkConditions TEXT; v_nbGenAlwaysIdentCol INTEGER; v_attnum SMALLINT; v_alter_log_table_param TEXT; v_stmt TEXT; v_triggerList TEXT; BEGIN -- The checks on the table properties are performed by the calling functions. -- Build the prefix of all emaj object to create. IF length(p_tbl) <= 50 THEN -- For not too long table name, the prefix is the table name itself. v_emajNamesPrefix = p_tbl; ELSE -- For long table names (over 50 char long), compute the suffix to add to the first 50 characters (#1, #2, ...), by looking at the -- existing names. SELECT substr(p_tbl, 1, 50) || '#' || coalesce(max(suffix) + 1, 1)::TEXT INTO v_emajNamesPrefix FROM (SELECT unnest(regexp_matches(substr(rel_log_table, 51),'#(\d+)'))::INT AS suffix FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE substr(rel_log_table, 1, 50) = substr(p_tbl, 1, 50) ) AS t; END IF; -- Build the name of emaj components associated to the application table (non schema qualified and not quoted). v_baseLogTableName = v_emajNamesPrefix || '_log'; v_baseLogIdxName = v_emajNamesPrefix || '_log_idx'; v_baseLogFnctName = v_emajNamesPrefix || '_log_fnct'; v_baseSequenceName = v_emajNamesPrefix || '_log_seq'; -- Build the different name for table, trigger, functions,... v_logSchema = 'emaj_' || p_schema; v_fullTableName = quote_ident(p_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(p_tbl); v_logTableName = quote_ident(v_logSchema) || '.' || quote_ident(v_baseLogTableName); v_logIdxName = quote_ident(v_baseLogIdxName); v_logFnctName = quote_ident(v_logSchema) || '.' || quote_ident(v_baseLogFnctName); v_sequenceName = quote_ident(v_logSchema) || '.' || quote_ident(v_baseSequenceName); -- Prepare the TABLESPACE clauses for data and index v_dataTblSpace = coalesce('TABLESPACE ' || quote_ident(p_logDatTsp),''); v_idxTblSpace = coalesce('USING INDEX TABLESPACE ' || quote_ident(p_logIdxTsp),''); -- Create the log table: it looks like the application table, with some additional technical columns. EXECUTE format('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s', v_logTableName); EXECUTE format('CREATE TABLE %s (LIKE %s,' ' emaj_verb VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL,' ' emaj_tuple VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL,' ' emaj_gid BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval(''emaj.emaj_global_seq''),' ' emaj_changed TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT clock_timestamp(),' ' emaj_txid BIGINT DEFAULT txid_current(),' ' emaj_user VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT session_user,' ' CONSTRAINT %s PRIMARY KEY (emaj_gid, emaj_tuple) %s' ' ) %s', v_logTableName, v_fullTableName, v_logIdxName, v_idxTblSpace, v_dataTblSpace); -- Get the attnum of the emaj_verb column. SELECT attnum INTO STRICT v_attnum FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ON (pg_class.oid = attrelid) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace) WHERE nspname = v_logSchema AND relname = v_baseLogTableName AND attname = 'emaj_verb'; -- Adjust the log table structure with the alter_log_table parameter, if set. SELECT param_value_text INTO v_alter_log_table_param FROM emaj.emaj_param WHERE param_key = ('alter_log_table'); IF v_alter_log_table_param IS NOT NULL AND v_alter_log_table_param <> '' THEN EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %s %s', v_logTableName, v_alter_log_table_param); END IF; -- Set the index associated to the primary key as cluster index (It may be useful for CLUSTER command). EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE ONLY %s CLUSTER ON %s', v_logTableName, v_logIdxName); -- Remove the NOT NULL constraints of application columns. -- They are useless and blocking to store truncate event for tables belonging to audit_only tables. SELECT string_agg(action, ',') INTO v_stmt FROM (SELECT ' ALTER COLUMN ' || quote_ident(attname) || ' DROP NOT NULL' AS action FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ON (pg_class.oid = attrelid) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace) WHERE nspname = v_logSchema AND relname = v_baseLogTableName AND attnum > 0 AND attnum < v_attnum AND NOT attisdropped AND attnotnull ) AS t; IF v_stmt IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %s %s', v_logTableName, v_stmt); END IF; -- Create the sequence associated to the log table. EXECUTE format('CREATE SEQUENCE %s', v_sequenceName); -- Create the log function. -- The new row is logged for each INSERT, the old row is logged for each DELETE and the old and new rows are logged for each UPDATE. EXECUTE 'CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ' || v_logFnctName || '() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $logfnct$' || 'BEGIN' -- The sequence associated to the log table is incremented at the beginning of the function ... || ' PERFORM NEXTVAL(' || quote_literal(v_sequenceName) || ');' -- ... and the global id sequence is incremented by the first/only INSERT into the log table. || ' IF (TG_OP = ''DELETE'') THEN' || ' INSERT INTO ' || v_logTableName || ' SELECT OLD.*, ''DEL'', ''OLD'';' || ' RETURN OLD;' || ' ELSIF (TG_OP = ''UPDATE'') THEN' || ' INSERT INTO ' || v_logTableName || ' SELECT OLD.*, ''UPD'', ''OLD'';' || ' INSERT INTO ' || v_logTableName || ' SELECT NEW.*, ''UPD'', ''NEW'', lastval();' || ' RETURN NEW;' || ' ELSIF (TG_OP = ''INSERT'') THEN' || ' INSERT INTO ' || v_logTableName || ' SELECT NEW.*, ''INS'', ''NEW'';' || ' RETURN NEW;' || ' END IF;' || ' RETURN NULL;' || 'END;' || '$logfnct$ LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER SET search_path = pg_catalog, pg_temp;'; -- Create the log and truncate triggers. PERFORM emaj._handle_trigger_fk_tbl('DROP_TRIGGER', v_fullTableName, 'emaj_log_trg'); PERFORM emaj._handle_trigger_fk_tbl('ADD_TRIGGER', v_fullTableName, 'emaj_log_trg', v_logFnctName); PERFORM emaj._handle_trigger_fk_tbl('DROP_TRIGGER', v_fullTableName, 'emaj_trunc_trg'); PERFORM emaj._handle_trigger_fk_tbl('ADD_TRIGGER', v_fullTableName, 'emaj_trunc_trg'); IF p_groupIsLogging THEN -- If the group is in logging state, set the triggers as ALWAYS triggers, so that they can fire at rollback time. PERFORM emaj._handle_trigger_fk_tbl('SET_TRIGGER', v_fullTableName, 'emaj_log_trg', 'ALWAYS'); PERFORM emaj._handle_trigger_fk_tbl('SET_TRIGGER', v_fullTableName, 'emaj_trunc_trg', 'ALWAYS'); ELSE -- If the group is idle, deactivate the triggers (they will be enabled at emaj_start_group time). PERFORM emaj._handle_trigger_fk_tbl('DISABLE_TRIGGER', v_fullTableName, 'emaj_log_trg'); PERFORM emaj._handle_trigger_fk_tbl('DISABLE_TRIGGER', v_fullTableName, 'emaj_trunc_trg'); END IF; -- Set emaj_adm as owner of log objects. EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %s OWNER TO emaj_adm', v_logTableName); EXECUTE format('ALTER SEQUENCE %s OWNER TO emaj_adm', v_sequenceName); EXECUTE format('ALTER FUNCTION %s () OWNER TO emaj_adm', v_logFnctName); -- Grant appropriate rights to the emaj_viewer role. EXECUTE format('GRANT SELECT ON TABLE %s TO emaj_viewer', v_logTableName); EXECUTE format('GRANT SELECT ON SEQUENCE %s TO emaj_viewer', v_sequenceName); -- Build some pieces of SQL statements that will be needed at table rollback and gen_sql times. -- They are left NULL if the table has no pkey. SELECT * FROM emaj._build_sql_tbl(v_fullTableName) INTO v_rlbkColList, v_rlbkPkColList, v_rlbkPkConditions, v_genColList, v_genValList, v_genSetList, v_genPkConditions, v_nbGenAlwaysIdentCol; -- Register the table into emaj_relation. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_relation (rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_time_range, rel_group, rel_priority, rel_log_schema, rel_log_dat_tsp, rel_log_idx_tsp, rel_kind, rel_log_table, rel_log_index, rel_log_sequence, rel_log_function, rel_ignored_triggers, rel_emaj_verb_attnum, rel_has_always_ident_col, rel_sql_rlbk_columns, rel_sql_rlbk_pk_columns, rel_sql_rlbk_pk_conditions, rel_sql_gen_ins_col, rel_sql_gen_ins_val, rel_sql_gen_upd_set, rel_sql_gen_pk_conditions) VALUES (p_schema, p_tbl, int8range(p_timeId, NULL, '[)'), p_groupName, p_priority, v_logSchema, p_logDatTsp, p_logIdxTsp, 'r', v_baseLogTableName, v_baseLogIdxName, v_baseSequenceName, v_baseLogFnctName, p_ignoredTriggers, v_attnum, v_nbGenAlwaysIdentCol > 0, v_rlbkColList, v_rlbkPkColList, v_rlbkPkConditions, v_genColList, v_genValList, v_genSetList, v_genPkConditions); -- Check if the table has application (neither internal - ie. created for fk - nor previously created by emaj) triggers not already -- declared as 'to be ignored at rollback time'. SELECT string_agg(tgname, ', ' ORDER BY tgname) INTO v_triggerList FROM (SELECT tgname FROM pg_catalog.pg_trigger WHERE tgrelid = v_fullTableName::regclass AND tgconstraint = 0 AND tgname NOT LIKE E'emaj\\_%\\_trg' AND NOT tgname = ANY(coalesce(p_ignoredTriggers, '{}')) ) AS t; -- If yes, issue a warning. -- If a trigger updates another table in the same table group or outside, it could generate problem at rollback time. IF v_triggerList IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE WARNING '_create_tbl: The table "%" has triggers that will be automatically disabled during E-Maj rollback operations (%).' ' Use the emaj_modify_table() function to change this behaviour.', v_fullTableName, v_triggerList; END IF; -- RETURN; END; $_create_tbl$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._build_sql_tbl(p_fullTableName TEXT, OUT p_rlbkColList TEXT, OUT p_rlbkPkColList TEXT, OUT p_rlbkPkConditions TEXT, OUT p_genColList TEXT, OUT p_genValList TEXT, OUT p_genSetList TEXT, OUT p_genPkConditions TEXT, OUT p_nbGenAlwaysIdentCol INT) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_build_sql_tbl$ -- This function creates all pieces of SQL that will be recorded into the emaj_relation table, for one application table. -- They will later be used at rollback or SQL script generation time. -- All SQL pieces are left empty if the table has no pkey, neither rollback nor sql script generation operations being possible -- in this case -- The Insert columns list remains empty if it is not needed to have a specific list (i.e. when the application table does not contain -- any generated column) -- Input: the full application table name -- Output: 7 pieces of SQL, and the number of columns declared GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY DECLARE v_stmt TEXT; v_nbGenAlwaysExprCol INTEGER; v_unquotedType CONSTANT TEXT[] = array['smallint','integer','bigint','numeric','decimal', 'int2','int4','int8','serial','bigserial', 'real','double precision','float','float4','float8','oid']; r_col RECORD; BEGIN -- Build the pkey columns list and the "equality on the primary key" conditions for the rollback function -- and for the UPDATE and DELETE statements of the sql generation function. SELECT string_agg(quote_ident(attname), ','), string_agg('tbl.' || quote_ident(attname) || ' = keys.' || quote_ident(attname), ' AND '), string_agg( CASE WHEN format_type = ANY(v_unquotedType) THEN quote_ident(replace(attname,'''','''''')) || ' = '' || o.' || quote_ident(attname) || ' || ''' ELSE quote_ident(replace(attname,'''','''''')) || ' = '' || quote_literal(o.' || quote_ident(attname) || ') || ''' END, ' AND ') INTO p_rlbkPkColList, p_rlbkPkConditions, p_genPkConditions FROM (SELECT attname, regexp_replace(format_type(atttypid,atttypmod),E'\\(.*$','') AS format_type FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute JOIN pg_catalog.pg_index ON (pg_index.indrelid = pg_attribute.attrelid) WHERE attnum = ANY (indkey) AND indrelid = p_fullTableName::regclass AND indisprimary AND attnum > 0 AND attisdropped = FALSE ORDER BY attnum ) AS t; -- Retrieve from pg_attribute simple columns list and indicators. -- If the table has no pkey, keep all the sql pieces to NULL (rollback or sql script generation operations being impossible). IF p_rlbkPkColList IS NOT NULL THEN v_stmt = 'SELECT string_agg(''tbl.'' || quote_ident(attname), '','') FILTER (WHERE attgenerated = ''''),' -- the columns list for rollback, excluding the GENERATED ALWAYS AS (expression) columns ' string_agg(quote_ident(replace(attname,'''''''','''''''''''')), '', '') FILTER (WHERE attgenerated = ''''),' -- the INSERT columns list for sql generation, excluding the GENERATED ALWAYS AS (expression) columns ' count(*) FILTER (WHERE attidentity = ''a''),' -- the number of GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY columns ' count(*) FILTER (WHERE attgenerated <> '''')' -- the number of GENERATED ALWAYS AS (expression) columns ' FROM (' ' SELECT attname, %s AS attidentity, %s AS attgenerated' ' FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute' ' WHERE attrelid = %s::regclass' ' AND attnum > 0 AND NOT attisdropped' ' ORDER BY attnum) AS t'; EXECUTE format(v_stmt, CASE WHEN emaj._pg_version_num() >= 100000 THEN 'attidentity' ELSE '''''::TEXT' END, CASE WHEN emaj._pg_version_num() >= 120000 THEN 'attgenerated' ELSE '''''::TEXT' END, quote_literal(p_fullTableName)) INTO p_rlbkColList, p_genColList, p_nbGenAlwaysIdentCol, v_nbGenAlwaysExprCol; IF v_nbGenAlwaysExprCol = 0 THEN -- If the table doesn't contain any generated columns, the is no need for the columns list in the INSERT clause. p_genColList = ''; END IF; -- Retrieve from pg_attribute all columns of the application table and build : -- - the VALUES list used in the INSERT statements -- - the SET list used in the UPDATE statements. -- The logic is too complex to be build with aggregate functions. So loop on all columns. p_genValList = ''; p_genSetList = ''; FOR r_col IN EXECUTE format( ' SELECT attname, format_type(atttypid,atttypmod) AS format_type, %s AS attidentity, %s AS attgenerated' ' FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute' ' WHERE attrelid = %s::regclass' ' AND attnum > 0 AND NOT attisdropped' ' ORDER BY attnum', CASE WHEN emaj._pg_version_num() >= 100000 THEN 'attidentity' ELSE '''''::TEXT' END, CASE WHEN emaj._pg_version_num() >= 120000 THEN 'attgenerated' ELSE '''''::TEXT' END, quote_literal(p_fullTableName)) LOOP -- Test if the column format (up to the parenthesis) belongs to the list of formats that do not require any quotation (like numeric -- data types) IF regexp_replace(r_col.format_type,E'\\(.*$','') = ANY(v_unquotedType) THEN -- Literal for this column can remain as is. IF r_col.attgenerated = '' THEN -- GENERATED ALWAYS AS (expression) columns are not inserted p_genValList = p_genValList || ''' || coalesce(o.' || quote_ident(r_col.attname) || '::TEXT,''NULL'') || '', '; END IF; IF r_col.attidentity <> 'a' AND r_col.attgenerated = '' THEN -- GENERATED ALWAYS columns are not updated p_genSetList = p_genSetList || quote_ident(replace(r_col.attname,'''','''''')) || ' = '' || coalesce(n.' || quote_ident(r_col.attname) || ' ::TEXT,''NULL'') || '', '; END IF; ELSE -- Literal for this column must be quoted. IF r_col.attgenerated = '' THEN -- GENERATED ALWAYS AS (expression) columns are not inserted p_genValList = p_genValList || ''' || quote_nullable(o.' || quote_ident(r_col.attname) || ') || '', '; END IF; IF r_col.attidentity <> 'a' AND r_col.attgenerated = '' THEN -- GENERATED ALWAYS columns are not updated p_genSetList = p_genSetList || quote_ident(replace(r_col.attname,'''','''''')) || ' = '' || quote_nullable(n.' || quote_ident(r_col.attname) || ') || '', '; END IF; END IF; END LOOP; -- Suppress the final separators. p_genValList = substring(p_genValList FROM 1 FOR char_length(p_genValList) - 2); p_genSetList = substring(p_genSetList FROM 1 FOR char_length(p_genSetList) - 2); END IF; -- RETURN; END; $_build_sql_tbl$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._add_tbl(p_schema TEXT, p_table TEXT, p_group TEXT, p_priority INT, p_logDatTsp TEXT, p_logIdxTsp TEXT, p_ignoredTriggers TEXT[], p_groupIsLogging BOOLEAN, p_timeId BIGINT, p_function TEXT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_add_tbl$ -- The function adds a table to a group. It is called during an alter group or a dynamic assignment operation. -- If the group is in idle state, it simply calls the _create_tbl() function. -- Otherwise, it calls the _create_tbl() function, activates the log trigger and -- sets a restart value for the log sequence if a previous range exists for the relation. -- Required inputs: the schema and table to add -- the group name -- the table properties: priority, log data and index tablespace, triggers to ignore at rollback time -- the group's logging state -- the time stamp id of the operation -- the main calling function DECLARE v_groupIsRollbackable BOOLEAN; v_logSchema TEXT; v_logSequence TEXT; v_nextVal BIGINT; BEGIN -- Get the is_rollbackable status of the related group. SELECT group_is_rollbackable INTO v_groupIsRollbackable FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = p_group; -- Create the table. PERFORM emaj._create_tbl(p_schema, p_table, p_group, p_priority, p_logDatTsp, p_logIdxTsp, p_ignoredTriggers, p_timeId, v_groupIsRollbackable, p_groupIsLogging); -- If the group is in logging state, perform additional tasks, IF p_groupIsLogging THEN -- ... get the log schema and sequence for the new relation SELECT rel_log_schema, rel_log_sequence INTO v_logSchema, v_logSequence FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = p_table AND upper_inf(rel_time_range); -- ... get the last log sequence value, if any, for this relation (recorded in emaj_relation at a previous REMOVE_TBL operation) SELECT max(rel_log_seq_last_value) + 1 INTO v_nextVal FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = p_table AND rel_log_seq_last_value IS NOT NULL; -- ... set the new log sequence next_val, if needed IF v_nextVal IS NOT NULL AND v_nextVal > 1 THEN EXECUTE format('ALTER SEQUENCE %I.%I RESTART %s', v_logSchema, v_logSequence, v_nextVal); END IF; -- ... and record the new log sequence state in the emaj_table table for the current operation mark. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_table (tbl_schema, tbl_name, tbl_time_id, tbl_tuples, tbl_pages, tbl_log_seq_last_val) SELECT p_schema, p_table, p_timeId, reltuples, relpages, last_value FROM pg_catalog.pg_class JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace), LATERAL emaj._get_log_sequence_last_value(v_logSchema, v_logSequence) AS last_value WHERE nspname = p_schema AND relname = p_table; END IF; -- Insert an entry into the emaj_relation_change table. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_relation_change (rlchg_time_id, rlchg_schema, rlchg_tblseq, rlchg_change_kind, rlchg_group) VALUES (p_timeId, p_schema, p_table, 'ADD_TABLE', p_group); -- Insert an entry into the emaj_hist table. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES (p_function, 'TABLE ADDED', quote_ident(p_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(p_table), 'To the ' || CASE WHEN p_groupIsLogging THEN 'logging ' ELSE 'idle ' END || 'group ' || p_group); -- RETURN; END; $_add_tbl$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._change_priority_tbl(p_schema TEXT, p_table TEXT, p_currentPriority INT, p_newPriority INT, p_timeId BIGINT, p_group TEXT, p_function TEXT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_change_priority_tbl$ -- This function changes the priority for an application table. -- Input: the table identity, the old and new priorities, the operation time id and the calling function. BEGIN -- Update the emaj_relation row for the table UPDATE emaj.emaj_relation SET rel_priority = p_newPriority FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE rel_group = group_name AND rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = p_table AND upper_inf(rel_time_range); -- Insert an entry into the emaj_relation_change table. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_relation_change (rlchg_time_id, rlchg_schema, rlchg_tblseq, rlchg_change_kind, rlchg_group, rlchg_priority, rlchg_new_priority) VALUES (p_timeId, p_schema, p_table, 'CHANGE_PRIORITY', p_group, p_currentPriority, p_newPriority); -- Insert an entry into the emaj_hist table. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES (p_function, 'PRIORITY CHANGED', quote_ident(p_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(p_table), coalesce(p_currentPriority::text, 'NULL') || ' => ' || coalesce(p_newPriority::text, 'NULL')); -- RETURN; END; $_change_priority_tbl$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._change_log_data_tsp_tbl(p_schema TEXT, p_table TEXT, p_logSchema TEXT, p_currentLogTable TEXT, p_currentLogDatTsp TEXT, p_newLogDatTsp TEXT, p_timeId BIGINT, p_group TEXT, p_function TEXT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_change_log_data_tsp_tbl$ -- This function changes the log data tablespace for an application table. -- Input: the existing emaj_relation characteristics for the table, the new log data tablespace, the operation time id and the -- calling function. DECLARE v_newTsp TEXT; BEGIN -- Build the new data tablespace name. If needed, get the name of the current default tablespace. v_newTsp = p_newLogDatTsp; IF v_newTsp IS NULL OR v_newTsp = '' THEN v_newTsp = emaj._get_default_tablespace(); END IF; -- Process the log data tablespace change. EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I SET TABLESPACE %I', p_logSchema, p_currentLogTable, v_newTsp); -- Update the table attributes into emaj_relation. UPDATE emaj.emaj_relation SET rel_log_dat_tsp = p_newLogDatTsp WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = p_table AND upper_inf(rel_time_range); -- Insert an entry into the emaj_relation_change table. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_relation_change (rlchg_time_id, rlchg_schema, rlchg_tblseq, rlchg_change_kind, rlchg_group, rlchg_log_data_tsp, rlchg_new_log_data_tsp) VALUES (p_timeId, p_schema, p_table, 'CHANGE_LOG_DATA_TABLESPACE', p_group, p_currentLogDatTsp, p_newLogDatTsp); -- Insert an entry into the emaj_hist table. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES (p_function, 'LOG DATA TABLESPACE CHANGED', quote_ident(p_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(p_table), coalesce(p_currentLogDatTsp, 'Default tablespace') || ' => ' || coalesce(p_newLogDatTsp, 'Default tablespace')); -- RETURN; END; $_change_log_data_tsp_tbl$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._change_log_index_tsp_tbl(p_schema TEXT, p_table TEXT, p_logSchema TEXT, p_currentLogIndex TEXT, p_currentLogIdxTsp TEXT, p_newLogIdxTsp TEXT, p_timeId BIGINT, p_group TEXT, p_function TEXT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_change_log_index_tsp_tbl$ -- This function changes the log index tablespace for an application table. -- Input: the existing emaj_relation characteristics for the table, the new log index tablespace, the operation time id and the -- calling function. DECLARE v_newTsp TEXT; BEGIN -- Build the new data tablespace name. If needed, get the name of the current default tablespace. v_newTsp = p_newLogIdxTsp; IF v_newTsp IS NULL OR v_newTsp = '' THEN v_newTsp = emaj._get_default_tablespace(); END IF; -- Process the log index tablespace change. EXECUTE format('ALTER INDEX %I.%I SET TABLESPACE %I', p_logSchema, p_currentLogIndex, v_newTsp); -- Update the table attributes into emaj_relation. UPDATE emaj.emaj_relation SET rel_log_idx_tsp = p_newLogIdxTsp WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = p_table AND upper_inf(rel_time_range); -- Insert an entry into the emaj_relation_change table. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_relation_change (rlchg_time_id, rlchg_schema, rlchg_tblseq, rlchg_change_kind, rlchg_group, rlchg_log_index_tsp, rlchg_new_log_index_tsp) VALUES (p_timeId, p_schema, p_table, 'CHANGE_LOG_INDEX_TABLESPACE', p_group, p_currentLogIdxTsp, p_newLogIdxTsp); -- Insert an entry into the emaj_hist table. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES (p_function, 'LOG INDEX TABLESPACE CHANGED', quote_ident(p_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(p_table), coalesce(p_currentLogIdxTsp, 'Default tablespace') || ' => ' || coalesce(p_newLogIdxTsp, 'Default tablespace')); -- RETURN; END; $_change_log_index_tsp_tbl$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._change_ignored_triggers_tbl(p_schema TEXT, p_table TEXT, p_currentIgnoredTriggers TEXT[], p_newIgnoredTriggers TEXT[], p_timeId BIGINT, p_group TEXT, p_function TEXT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_change_ignored_triggers_tbl$ -- This function changes the set of application triggers to ignore at rollback time. -- Input: the table identity, the old and new arrays of triggers to ignore, the operation time id and the calling function. BEGIN -- Update the emaj_relation row for the table. UPDATE emaj.emaj_relation SET rel_ignored_triggers = p_newIgnoredTriggers FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE rel_group = group_name AND rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = p_table AND upper_inf(rel_time_range); -- Insert an entry into the emaj_relation_change table. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_relation_change (rlchg_time_id, rlchg_schema, rlchg_tblseq, rlchg_change_kind, rlchg_group, rlchg_ignored_triggers, rlchg_new_ignored_triggers) VALUES (p_timeId, p_schema, p_table, 'CHANGE_IGNORED_TRIGGERS', p_group, p_currentIgnoredTriggers, p_newIgnoredTriggers); -- Insert an entry into the emaj_hist table. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES (p_function, 'TRIGGERS TO IGNORE CHANGED', quote_ident(p_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(p_table), coalesce(p_currentIgnoredTriggers::text, 'none') || ' => ' || coalesce(p_newIgnoredTriggers::text, 'none')); -- RETURN; END; $_change_ignored_triggers_tbl$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._remove_tbl(p_schema TEXT, p_table TEXT, p_group TEXT, p_groupIsLogging BOOLEAN, p_timeId BIGINT, p_function TEXT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_remove_tbl$ -- The function removes a table from a group. It is called during an alter group or a dynamic removal operation. -- If the group is in idle state, it simply calls the _drop_tbl() function. -- Otherwise, only triggers, log function and log sequence are dropped now. The other components will be dropped later (at reset_group -- time for instance). -- Required inputs: schema and sequence to remove, related group name and logging state, -- time stamp id of the operation, main calling function. -- The function is defined as SECURITY DEFINER so that emaj_adm role can drop triggers on application tables. DECLARE v_logSchema TEXT; v_currentLogTable TEXT; v_currentLogIndex TEXT; v_logFunction TEXT; v_logSequence TEXT; v_logSequenceLastValue BIGINT; v_namesSuffix TEXT; v_fullTableName TEXT; BEGIN IF NOT p_groupIsLogging THEN -- If the group is in idle state, drop the table immediately. PERFORM emaj._drop_tbl(emaj.emaj_relation.*, p_timeId) FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = p_table AND upper_inf(rel_time_range); ELSE -- The group is in logging state. -- Get the current relation characteristics. SELECT rel_log_schema, rel_log_table, rel_log_index, rel_log_function, rel_log_sequence INTO v_logSchema, v_currentLogTable, v_currentLogIndex, v_logFunction, v_logSequence FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = p_table AND upper_inf(rel_time_range); -- Get the current log sequence characteristics. SELECT tbl_log_seq_last_val INTO STRICT v_logSequenceLastValue FROM emaj.emaj_table WHERE tbl_schema = p_schema AND tbl_name = p_table AND tbl_time_id = p_timeId; -- Compute the suffix to add to the log table and index names (_1, _2, ...), by looking at the existing names. SELECT '_' || coalesce(max(suffix) + 1, 1)::TEXT INTO v_namesSuffix FROM (SELECT unnest(regexp_matches(rel_log_table,'_(\d+)$'))::INT AS suffix FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = p_table ) AS t; -- Rename the log table and its index (they may have been dropped). EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS %I.%I RENAME TO %I', v_logSchema, v_currentLogTable, v_currentLogTable || v_namesSuffix); EXECUTE format('ALTER INDEX IF EXISTS %I.%I RENAME TO %I', v_logSchema, v_currentLogIndex, v_currentLogIndex || v_namesSuffix); -- Drop the log and truncate triggers. -- (check the application table exists before dropping its triggers to avoid an error fires with postgres version <= 9.3) v_fullTableName = quote_ident(p_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(p_table); IF EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM pg_catalog.pg_class JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace) WHERE nspname = p_schema AND relname = p_table AND relkind = 'r' ) THEN PERFORM emaj._handle_trigger_fk_tbl('DROP_TRIGGER', v_fullTableName, 'emaj_log_trg'); PERFORM emaj._handle_trigger_fk_tbl('DROP_TRIGGER', v_fullTableName, 'emaj_trunc_trg'); END IF; -- Drop the log function and the log sequence. -- (but we keep the sequence related data in the emaj_table and the emaj_seq_hole tables) EXECUTE format('DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS %I.%I() CASCADE', v_logSchema, v_logFunction); EXECUTE format('DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS %I.%I', v_logSchema, v_logSequence); -- Register the end of the relation time frame, the last value of the log sequence, the log table and index names change. -- Reflect the changes into the emaj_relation rows: -- - for all timeranges pointing to this log table and index -- (do not reset the rel_log_sequence value: it will be needed later for _drop_tbl() for the emaj_sequence cleanup) UPDATE emaj.emaj_relation SET rel_log_table = v_currentLogTable || v_namesSuffix , rel_log_index = v_currentLogIndex || v_namesSuffix, rel_log_function = NULL, rel_sql_rlbk_columns = NULL, rel_sql_rlbk_pk_columns = NULL, rel_sql_rlbk_pk_conditions = NULL, rel_log_seq_last_value = v_logSequenceLastValue WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = p_table AND rel_log_table = v_currentLogTable; -- - and close the last timerange. UPDATE emaj.emaj_relation SET rel_time_range = int8range(lower(rel_time_range), p_timeId, '[)') WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = p_table AND upper_inf(rel_time_range); END IF; -- Insert an entry into the emaj_relation_change table. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_relation_change (rlchg_time_id, rlchg_schema, rlchg_tblseq, rlchg_change_kind, rlchg_group) VALUES (p_timeId, p_schema, p_table, 'REMOVE_TABLE', p_group); -- Insert an entry into the emaj_hist table. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES (p_function, 'TABLE REMOVED', quote_ident(p_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(p_table), 'From the ' || CASE WHEN p_groupIsLogging THEN 'logging ' ELSE 'idle ' END || 'group ' || p_group); -- RETURN; END; $_remove_tbl$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._move_tbl(p_schema TEXT, p_table TEXT, p_oldGroup TEXT, p_oldGroupIsLogging BOOLEAN, p_newGroup TEXT, p_newGroupIsLogging BOOLEAN, p_timeId BIGINT, p_function TEXT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER SET search_path = pg_catalog, pg_temp AS $_move_tbl$ -- The function changes the group ownership of a table. It is called during an alter group or a dynamic assignment operation. -- Required inputs: schema and table to move, old and new group names and their logging state, -- time stamp id of the operation, main calling function. DECLARE v_logSchema TEXT; v_logSequence TEXT; v_currentLogTable TEXT; v_currentLogIndex TEXT; v_dataTblSpace TEXT; v_idxTblSpace TEXT; v_namesSuffix TEXT; BEGIN -- Get the current relation characteristics. SELECT rel_log_schema, rel_log_table, rel_log_index, rel_log_sequence, coalesce('TABLESPACE ' || quote_ident(rel_log_dat_tsp),''), coalesce('USING INDEX TABLESPACE ' || quote_ident(rel_log_idx_tsp),'') INTO v_logSchema, v_currentLogTable, v_currentLogIndex, v_logSequence, v_dataTblSpace, v_idxTblSpace FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = p_table AND upper_inf(rel_time_range); -- Compute the suffix to add to the log table and index names (_1, _2, ...), by looking at the existing names. SELECT '_' || coalesce(max(suffix) + 1, 1)::TEXT INTO v_namesSuffix FROM (SELECT unnest(regexp_matches(rel_log_table,'_(\d+)$'))::INT AS suffix FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = p_table ) AS t; -- Rename the log table and its index (they may have been dropped). EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS %I.%I RENAME TO %I', v_logSchema, v_currentLogTable, v_currentLogTable || v_namesSuffix); EXECUTE format('ALTER INDEX IF EXISTS %I.%I RENAME TO %I', v_logSchema, v_currentLogIndex, v_currentLogIndex || v_namesSuffix); -- Update emaj_relation to reflect the log table and index rename for all concerned rows. UPDATE emaj.emaj_relation SET rel_log_table = v_currentLogTable || v_namesSuffix , rel_log_index = v_currentLogIndex || v_namesSuffix WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = p_table AND rel_log_table = v_currentLogTable; -- Create the new log table, by copying the just renamed table structure. EXECUTE format('CREATE TABLE %I.%I (LIKE %I.%I INCLUDING DEFAULTS) %s', v_logSchema, v_currentLogTable, v_logSchema, v_currentLogTable || v_namesSuffix, v_dataTblSpace); -- Add the primary key. EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I ADD CONSTRAiNT %I PRIMARY KEY (emaj_gid, emaj_tuple) %s', v_logSchema, v_currentLogTable, v_currentLogIndex, v_idxTblSpace); -- Set the index associated to the primary key as cluster index. It may be useful for CLUSTER command. EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE ONLY %I.%I CLUSTER ON %I', v_logSchema, v_currentLogTable, v_currentLogIndex); -- Grant appropriate rights to both emaj roles. EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I OWNER TO emaj_adm', v_logSchema, v_currentLogTable); EXECUTE format('GRANT SELECT ON TABLE %I.%I TO emaj_viewer', v_logSchema, v_currentLogTable); -- Register the end of the previous relation time frame and create a new relation time frame with the new group. UPDATE emaj.emaj_relation SET rel_time_range = int8range(lower(rel_time_range),p_timeId,'[)') WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = p_table AND upper_inf(rel_time_range); INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_relation (rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_time_range, rel_group, rel_kind, rel_priority, rel_log_schema, rel_log_table, rel_log_dat_tsp, rel_log_index, rel_log_idx_tsp, rel_log_sequence, rel_log_function, rel_ignored_triggers, rel_emaj_verb_attnum, rel_has_always_ident_col, rel_sql_rlbk_columns, rel_sql_rlbk_pk_columns, rel_sql_rlbk_pk_conditions, rel_sql_gen_ins_col, rel_sql_gen_ins_val, rel_sql_gen_upd_set, rel_sql_gen_pk_conditions, rel_log_seq_last_value) SELECT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, int8range(p_timeId, NULL, '[)'), p_newGroup, rel_kind, rel_priority, rel_log_schema, v_currentLogTable, rel_log_dat_tsp, v_currentLogIndex, rel_log_idx_tsp, rel_log_sequence, rel_log_function, rel_ignored_triggers, rel_emaj_verb_attnum, rel_has_always_ident_col, rel_sql_rlbk_columns, rel_sql_rlbk_pk_columns, rel_sql_rlbk_pk_conditions, rel_sql_gen_ins_col, rel_sql_gen_ins_val, rel_sql_gen_upd_set, rel_sql_gen_pk_conditions, rel_log_seq_last_value FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = p_table AND upper(rel_time_range) = p_timeId; -- If the table is moved from an idle group to a group in logging state, IF NOT p_oldGroupIsLogging AND p_newGroupIsLogging THEN -- ... get the log schema and sequence for the new relation, SELECT rel_log_schema, rel_log_sequence INTO v_logSchema, v_logSequence FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = p_table AND upper_inf(rel_time_range); -- ... and record the new log sequence state in the emaj_table table for the current operation mark. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_table (tbl_schema, tbl_name, tbl_time_id, tbl_tuples, tbl_pages, tbl_log_seq_last_val) SELECT p_schema, p_table, p_timeId, reltuples, relpages, last_value FROM pg_catalog.pg_class JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace), LATERAL emaj._get_log_sequence_last_value(v_logSchema, v_logSequence) AS last_value WHERE nspname = p_schema AND relname = p_table; END IF; -- Insert an entry into the emaj_relation_change table. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_relation_change (rlchg_time_id, rlchg_schema, rlchg_tblseq, rlchg_change_kind, rlchg_group, rlchg_new_group) VALUES (p_timeId, p_schema, p_table, 'MOVE_TABLE', p_oldGroup, p_newGroup); -- Insert an entry into the emaj_hist table. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES (p_function, 'TABLE MOVED', quote_ident(p_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(p_table), 'From the ' || CASE WHEN p_oldGroupIsLogging THEN 'logging ' ELSE 'idle ' END || 'group ' || p_oldGroup || ' to the ' || CASE WHEN p_newGroupIsLogging THEN 'logging ' ELSE 'idle ' END || 'group ' || p_newGroup); -- RETURN; END; $_move_tbl$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._drop_tbl(r_rel emaj.emaj_relation, p_timeId BIGINT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_drop_tbl$ -- The function deletes a timerange for a table. This centralizes the deletion of all what has been created by _create_tbl() function. -- Required inputs: row from emaj_relation corresponding to the appplication table to proccess, time id. -- The function is defined as SECURITY DEFINER so that emaj_adm role can use it even if he is not the owner of the application table. DECLARE v_fullTableName TEXT; BEGIN v_fullTableName = quote_ident(r_rel.rel_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_rel.rel_tblseq); -- If the table is currently linked to a group, drop the log trigger, function and sequence. IF upper_inf(r_rel.rel_time_range) THEN -- Check the table exists before dropping its triggers. IF EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM pg_catalog.pg_class JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace) WHERE nspname = r_rel.rel_schema AND relname = r_rel.rel_tblseq AND relkind = 'r' ) THEN -- Drop the log and truncate triggers on the application table. PERFORM emaj._handle_trigger_fk_tbl('DROP_TRIGGER', v_fullTableName, 'emaj_log_trg'); PERFORM emaj._handle_trigger_fk_tbl('DROP_TRIGGER', v_fullTableName, 'emaj_trunc_trg'); END IF; -- Drop the log function. IF r_rel.rel_log_function IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE format('DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS %I.%I() CASCADE', r_rel.rel_log_schema, r_rel.rel_log_function); END IF; -- Drop the sequence associated to the log table. EXECUTE format('DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS %I.%I', r_rel.rel_log_schema, r_rel.rel_log_sequence); END IF; -- Drop the log table if it is not referenced on other timeranges (for potentially other groups). IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_log_schema = r_rel.rel_log_schema AND rel_log_table = r_rel.rel_log_table AND rel_time_range <> r_rel.rel_time_range ) THEN EXECUTE format('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %I.%I CASCADE', r_rel.rel_log_schema, r_rel.rel_log_table); END IF; -- Process log sequence information if the sequence is not referenced in other timerange (for potentially other groups). IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_log_schema = r_rel.rel_log_schema AND rel_log_sequence = r_rel.rel_log_sequence AND rel_time_range <> r_rel.rel_time_range ) THEN -- Delete rows related to the log sequence from emaj_table -- (it may delete rows for other already processed time_ranges for the same table). DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_table WHERE tbl_schema = r_rel.rel_schema AND tbl_name = r_rel.rel_tblseq; -- Delete rows related to the table from emaj_seq_hole table -- (it may delete holes for timeranges that do not belong to the group, if a table has been moved to another group, -- but is safe enough for rollbacks). DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_seq_hole WHERE sqhl_schema = r_rel.rel_schema AND sqhl_table = r_rel.rel_tblseq; END IF; -- Keep a trace of the table group ownership history and finaly delete the table reference from the emaj_relation table. WITH deleted AS ( DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = r_rel.rel_schema AND rel_tblseq = r_rel.rel_tblseq AND rel_time_range = r_rel.rel_time_range RETURNING rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_time_range, rel_group, rel_kind ) INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_rel_hist (relh_schema, relh_tblseq, relh_time_range, relh_group, relh_kind) SELECT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, CASE WHEN upper_inf(rel_time_range) THEN int8range(lower(rel_time_range), p_timeId, '[)') ELSE rel_time_range END, rel_group, rel_kind FROM deleted; -- RETURN; END; $_drop_tbl$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._repair_tbl(p_schema TEXT, p_table TEXT, p_group TEXT, p_groupIsLogging BOOLEAN, p_timeId BIGINT, p_function TEXT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_repair_tbl$ -- The function repairs a table detected as corrupted, i.e. with any trouble detected by the emaj_verify_all() and similar functions. -- Inputs: the schema and table names to repair -- the group that currently owns the table, and its state -- the time_id of the operation -- the calling function name DECLARE v_isRollbackable BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF p_groupIsLogging THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_repair_tbl: Cannot repair the table %.%. Its group % is in LOGGING state. Remove first the table from its group.', p_schema, p_table, p_group; ELSE -- Remove the table from its group. PERFORM emaj._drop_tbl(emaj.emaj_relation.*, p_timeId) FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = p_table AND upper_inf(rel_time_range); -- Get the is_rollbackable status of the related group. SELECT group_is_rollbackable INTO v_isRollbackable FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = p_group; -- And recreate it. PERFORM emaj._create_tbl(p_schema, p_table, p_group, tmp_priority, tmp_log_dat_tsp, tmp_log_idx_tsp, tmp_ignored_triggers, p_timeId, v_isRollbackable, p_groupIsLogging) FROM tmp_app_table WHERE tmp_group = p_group AND tmp_schema = p_schema AND tmp_tbl_name = p_table; -- Insert an entry into the emaj_relation_change table. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_relation_change (rlchg_time_id, rlchg_schema, rlchg_tblseq, rlchg_change_kind, rlchg_group) VALUES (p_timeId, p_schema, p_table, 'REPAIR_TABLE', p_group); -- Insert an entry into the emaj_hist table. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist(hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES (p_function, 'TABLE REPAIRED', quote_ident(p_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(p_table), 'In group ' || p_group); END IF; -- RETURN; END; $_repair_tbl$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_assign_sequence(p_schema TEXT, p_sequence TEXT, p_group TEXT, p_mark TEXT DEFAULT 'ASSIGN_%') RETURNS INTEGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_assign_sequence$ -- The function assigns a sequence into a tables group. -- Inputs: schema name, sequence name, assignment group name, mark name to set when logging groups (optional) -- Outputs: number of sequences effectively assigned to the tables group, ie. 1 BEGIN RETURN emaj._assign_sequences(p_schema, ARRAY[p_sequence], p_group, p_mark , FALSE, FALSE); END; $emaj_assign_sequence$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_assign_sequence(TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Assign a sequence into a tables group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_assign_sequences(p_schema TEXT, p_sequences TEXT[], p_group TEXT, p_mark TEXT DEFAULT 'ASSIGN_%') RETURNS INTEGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_assign_sequences$ -- The function assigns several sequences at once into a tables group. -- Inputs: schema, array of sequence names, assignment group name, -- mark name to set when logging groups (optional) -- Outputs: number of sequences effectively assigned to the tables group BEGIN RETURN emaj._assign_sequences(p_schema, p_sequences, p_group, p_mark, TRUE, FALSE); END; $emaj_assign_sequences$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_assign_sequences(TEXT,TEXT[],TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Assign several sequences into a tables group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_assign_sequences(p_schema TEXT, p_sequencesIncludeFilter TEXT, p_sequencesExcludeFilter TEXT, p_group TEXT, p_mark TEXT DEFAULT 'ASSIGN_%') RETURNS INTEGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_assign_sequences$ -- The function assigns sequences on name regexp pattern into a tables group. -- Inputs: schema name, 2 patterns to filter sequence names (one to include and another to exclude), assignment group name, -- mark name to set when logging groups (optional) -- Outputs: number of sequences effectively assigned to the tables group DECLARE v_sequences TEXT[]; BEGIN -- Process empty filters as NULL. SELECT CASE WHEN p_sequencesIncludeFilter = '' THEN NULL ELSE p_sequencesIncludeFilter END, CASE WHEN p_sequencesExcludeFilter = '' THEN NULL ELSE p_sequencesExcludeFilter END INTO p_sequencesIncludeFilter, p_sequencesExcludeFilter; -- Build the list of sequences names satisfying the pattern. SELECT array_agg(relname) INTO v_sequences FROM (SELECT relname FROM pg_catalog.pg_class JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace) WHERE nspname = p_schema AND relname ~ p_sequencesIncludeFilter AND (p_sequencesExcludeFilter IS NULL OR relname !~ p_sequencesExcludeFilter) AND relkind IN ('S') ORDER BY relname ) AS t; -- OK, call the _assign_sequences() function for execution. RETURN emaj._assign_sequences(p_schema, v_sequences, p_group, p_mark, TRUE, TRUE); END; $emaj_assign_sequences$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_assign_sequences(TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Assign sequences on name patterns into a tables group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._assign_sequences(p_schema TEXT, p_sequences TEXT[], p_group TEXT, p_mark TEXT, p_multiSequence BOOLEAN, p_arrayFromRegex BOOLEAN) RETURNS INTEGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_assign_sequences$ -- The function effectively assigns sequences into a tables group. -- Inputs: schema, array of sequence names, group name, -- mark to set for lonnging groups, a boolean indicating whether several sequences need to be processed, -- a boolean indicating whether the tables array has been built from regex filters -- Outputs: number of sequences effectively assigned to the tables group -- The JSONB v_properties parameter has currenlty only one field '{"priority":...}' the properties being NULL by default DECLARE v_function TEXT; v_groupIsLogging BOOLEAN; v_list TEXT; v_array TEXT[]; v_timeId BIGINT; v_markName TEXT; v_oneSequence TEXT; v_nbAssignedSeq INT = 0; BEGIN v_function = CASE WHEN p_multiSequence THEN 'ASSIGN_SEQUENCES' ELSE 'ASSIGN_SEQUENCE' END; -- Insert the begin entry into the emaj_hist table INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event) VALUES (v_function, 'BEGIN'); -- Check supplied parameters -- Check the group name and if ok, get some properties of the group. PERFORM emaj._check_group_names(p_groupNames := ARRAY[p_group], p_mayBeNull := FALSE, p_lockGroups := TRUE, p_checkList := ''); SELECT group_is_logging INTO v_groupIsLogging FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = p_group; -- Check the supplied schema exists and is not an E-Maj schema. IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE nspname = p_schema ) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_assign_sequences: The schema "%" does not exist.', p_schema; END IF; IF EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM emaj.emaj_schema WHERE sch_name = p_schema ) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_assign_sequences: The schema "%" is an E-Maj schema.', p_schema; END IF; -- Check sequences. IF NOT p_arrayFromRegex THEN -- Remove duplicates values, NULL and empty strings from the sequence names array supplied by the user. SELECT array_agg(DISTINCT sequence_name) INTO p_sequences FROM unnest(p_sequences) AS sequence_name WHERE sequence_name IS NOT NULL AND sequence_name <> ''; -- Check that application sequences exist. WITH sequences AS ( SELECT unnest(p_sequences) AS sequence_name) SELECT string_agg(quote_ident(sequence_name), ', ') INTO v_list FROM (SELECT sequence_name FROM sequences WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM pg_catalog.pg_class JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace) WHERE nspname = p_schema AND relname = sequence_name AND relkind IN ('S')) ) AS t; IF v_list IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_assign_sequences: In schema %, some sequences (%) do not exist.', quote_ident(p_schema), v_list; END IF; END IF; -- Check or discard sequences already assigned to a group. SELECT string_agg(quote_ident(rel_tblseq), ', '), array_agg(rel_tblseq) INTO v_list, v_array FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = ANY(p_sequences) AND upper_inf(rel_time_range); IF v_list IS NOT NULL THEN IF NOT p_arrayFromRegex THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_assign_sequences: In schema %, some sequences (%) already belong to a group.', quote_ident(p_schema), v_list; ELSE RAISE WARNING '_assign_sequences: Some sequences already belonging to a group (%) are not selected.', v_list; -- remove these sequences from the sequences to process SELECT array_agg(remaining_sequence) INTO p_sequences FROM ( SELECT unnest(p_sequences) EXCEPT SELECT unnest(v_array) ) AS t(remaining_sequence); END IF; END IF; -- Check the supplied mark. SELECT emaj._check_new_mark(array[p_group], p_mark) INTO v_markName; -- OK, IF p_sequences IS NULL OR p_sequences = '{}' THEN -- When no sequences are finaly selected, just warn. RAISE WARNING '_assign_sequences: No sequence to process.'; ELSE -- Get the time stamp of the operation. SELECT emaj._set_time_stamp('A') INTO v_timeId; -- For LOGGING groups, lock all tables to get a stable point. IF v_groupIsLogging THEN -- Use a ROW EXCLUSIVE lock mode, preventing for a transaction currently updating data, but not conflicting with simple read access or -- vacuum operation, PERFORM emaj._lock_groups(ARRAY[p_group], 'ROW EXCLUSIVE', FALSE); -- ... and set the mark, using the same time identifier. PERFORM emaj._set_mark_groups(ARRAY[p_group], v_markName, FALSE, TRUE, NULL, v_timeId); END IF; -- Effectively create the log components for each table. FOREACH v_oneSequence IN ARRAY p_sequences LOOP PERFORM emaj._add_seq(p_schema, v_oneSequence, p_group, v_groupIsLogging, v_timeId, v_function); v_nbAssignedSeq = v_nbAssignedSeq + 1; END LOOP; -- Adjust the group characteristics. UPDATE emaj.emaj_group SET group_last_alter_time_id = v_timeId, group_nb_sequence = (SELECT count(*) FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = group_name AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND rel_kind = 'S' ) WHERE group_name = p_group; END IF; -- Insert the end entry into the emaj_hist table. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_wording) VALUES (v_function, 'END', v_nbAssignedSeq || ' sequences assigned to the group ' || p_group); -- RETURN v_nbAssignedSeq; END; $_assign_sequences$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_remove_sequence(p_schema TEXT, p_sequence TEXT, p_mark TEXT DEFAULT 'REMOVE_%') RETURNS INTEGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_remove_sequence$ -- The function removes a sequence from its tables group. -- Inputs: schema name, sequence name, mark name to set when logging groups (optional) -- Outputs: number of sequences effectively removed to the tables group, id. 1 BEGIN RETURN emaj._remove_sequences(p_schema, ARRAY[p_sequence], p_mark, FALSE, FALSE); END; $emaj_remove_sequence$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_remove_sequence(TEXT,TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Remove a sequence from its tables group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_remove_sequences(p_schema TEXT, p_sequences TEXT[], p_mark TEXT DEFAULT 'REMOVE_%') RETURNS INTEGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_remove_sequences$ -- The function removes several sequences at once from their tables group. -- Inputs: schema, array of sequence names, mark name to set when logging groups (optional) -- Outputs: number of sequences effectively removed from the tables group BEGIN RETURN emaj._remove_sequences(p_schema, p_sequences, p_mark, TRUE, FALSE); END; $emaj_remove_sequences$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_remove_sequences(TEXT,TEXT[],TEXT) IS $$Remove several sequences from their tables group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_remove_sequences(p_schema TEXT, p_sequencesIncludeFilter TEXT, p_sequencesExcludeFilter TEXT, p_mark TEXT DEFAULT 'REMOVE_%') RETURNS INTEGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_remove_sequences$ -- The function removes sequences on name patterns from their tables group. -- Inputs: schema, 2 patterns to filter sequence names (one to include and another to exclude), -- mark name to set when logging groups (optional) -- Outputs: number of sequences effectively removed from the tables group DECLARE v_sequences TEXT[]; BEGIN -- Process empty filters as NULL. SELECT CASE WHEN p_sequencesIncludeFilter = '' THEN NULL ELSE p_sequencesIncludeFilter END, CASE WHEN p_sequencesExcludeFilter = '' THEN NULL ELSE p_sequencesExcludeFilter END INTO p_sequencesIncludeFilter, p_sequencesExcludeFilter; -- Build the list of sequences names satisfying the pattern. SELECT array_agg(rel_tblseq) INTO v_sequences FROM (SELECT rel_tblseq FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq ~ p_sequencesIncludeFilter AND (p_sequencesExcludeFilter IS NULL OR rel_tblseq !~ p_sequencesExcludeFilter) AND rel_kind = 'S' AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) ORDER BY rel_tblseq ) AS t; -- Call the _remove_sequences() function for execution. RETURN emaj._remove_sequences(p_schema, v_sequences, p_mark, TRUE, TRUE); END; $emaj_remove_sequences$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_remove_sequences(TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Remove several sequences on name patterns from their tables group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._remove_sequences(p_schema TEXT, p_sequences TEXT[], p_mark TEXT, p_multiSequence BOOLEAN, p_arrayFromRegex BOOLEAN) RETURNS INTEGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_remove_sequences$ -- The function effectively removes sequences from their sequences group. -- Inputs: schema, array of sequence names, mark to set if for logging groups, -- a boolean to indicate whether several sequences need to be processed, -- a boolean indicating whether the tables array has been built from regex filters -- Outputs: number of sequences effectively assigned to the sequences group DECLARE v_function TEXT; v_list TEXT; v_markName TEXT; v_timeId BIGINT; v_groups TEXT[]; v_loggingGroups TEXT[]; v_groupName TEXT; v_groupIsLogging BOOLEAN; v_eventTriggers TEXT[]; v_oneSequence TEXT; v_nbRemovedSeq INT = 0; BEGIN v_function = CASE WHEN p_multiSequence THEN 'REMOVE_SEQUENCES' ELSE 'REMOVE_SEQUENCE' END; -- Insert the begin entry into the emaj_hist table. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event) VALUES (v_function, 'BEGIN'); -- Check the sequences array. IF NOT p_arrayFromRegex THEN -- Remove duplicates values, NULL and empty strings from the supplied sequence names array. SELECT array_agg(DISTINCT sequence_name) INTO p_sequences FROM unnest(p_sequences) AS sequence_name WHERE sequence_name IS NOT NULL AND sequence_name <> ''; -- Check that the sequences currently belong to a tables group (not necessarily the same one). WITH all_supplied_sequences AS (SELECT unnest(p_sequences) AS sequence_name ), sequences_in_group AS (SELECT rel_tblseq FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = ANY(p_sequences) AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) ) SELECT string_agg(quote_ident(p_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(sequence_name), ', ') INTO v_list FROM ( SELECT sequence_name FROM all_supplied_sequences EXCEPT SELECT rel_tblseq FROM sequences_in_group ) AS t; IF v_list IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_remove_sequences: some sequences (%) do not currently belong to any tables group.', v_list; END IF; END IF; -- Get the lists of groups and logging groups holding these sequences, if any. -- It locks the tables groups so that no other operation simultaneously occurs these groups. WITH tables_group AS (SELECT group_name, group_is_logging FROM emaj.emaj_relation JOIN emaj.emaj_group ON (group_name = rel_group) WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = ANY(p_sequences) AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) FOR UPDATE OF emaj_group ) SELECT (SELECT array_agg(group_name) FROM tables_group ), (SELECT array_agg(group_name) FROM tables_group WHERE group_is_logging ) INTO v_groups, v_loggingGroups; -- Check the supplied mark. SELECT emaj._check_new_mark(v_loggingGroups, p_mark) INTO v_markName; -- OK, IF p_sequences IS NULL THEN -- When no sequences are finaly selected, just warn. RAISE WARNING '_remove_sequences: No sequence to process.'; ELSE -- Get the time stamp of the operation. SELECT emaj._set_time_stamp('A') INTO v_timeId; -- For LOGGING groups, lock all tables to get a stable point. IF v_loggingGroups IS NOT NULL THEN -- Use a ROW EXCLUSIVE lock mode, preventing for a transaction currently updating data, but not conflicting with simple read access or -- vacuum operation, PERFORM emaj._lock_groups(v_loggingGroups, 'ROW EXCLUSIVE', FALSE); -- ... and set the mark, using the same time identifier. PERFORM emaj._set_mark_groups(v_loggingGroups, v_markName, FALSE, TRUE, NULL, v_timeId); END IF; -- Disable event triggers that protect emaj components and keep in memory these triggers name. SELECT emaj._disable_event_triggers() INTO v_eventTriggers; -- Effectively drop the log components for each sequence. FOREACH v_oneSequence IN ARRAY p_sequences LOOP -- Get some characteristics of the group that holds the sequence. SELECT rel_group, group_is_logging INTO v_groupName, v_groupIsLogging FROM emaj.emaj_relation JOIN emaj.emaj_group ON (group_name = rel_group) WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = v_oneSequence AND upper_inf(rel_time_range); -- Drop this sequence from its group. PERFORM emaj._remove_seq(p_schema, v_oneSequence, v_groupName, v_groupIsLogging, v_timeId, v_function); v_nbRemovedSeq = v_nbRemovedSeq + 1; END LOOP; -- Enable previously disabled event triggers. PERFORM emaj._enable_event_triggers(v_eventTriggers); -- Adjust the groups characteristics. UPDATE emaj.emaj_group SET group_last_alter_time_id = v_timeId, group_nb_sequence = (SELECT count(*) FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = group_name AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND rel_kind = 'S' ) WHERE group_name = ANY (v_groups); END IF; -- Insert the end entry into the emaj_hist table. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_wording) VALUES (v_function, 'END', v_nbRemovedSeq || ' sequences removed from their groups'); -- RETURN v_nbRemovedSeq; END; $_remove_sequences$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_move_sequence(p_schema TEXT, p_sequence TEXT, p_newGroup TEXT, p_mark TEXT DEFAULT 'MOVE_%') RETURNS INTEGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_move_sequence$ -- The function moves a sequence from its tables group to another tables group. -- Inputs: schema name, sequence name, new group name, mark name to set when logging groups (optional) -- Outputs: number of sequences effectively moved to the new tables group, ie. 1 BEGIN RETURN emaj._move_sequences(p_schema, ARRAY[p_sequence], p_newGroup, p_mark, FALSE, FALSE); END; $emaj_move_sequence$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_move_sequence(TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Move a sequence from its tables group to another tables group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_move_sequences(p_schema TEXT, p_sequences TEXT[], p_newGroup TEXT, p_mark TEXT DEFAULT 'MOVE_%') RETURNS INTEGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_move_sequences$ -- The function moves several sequences at once from their tables group to another tables group. -- Inputs: schema, array of sequence names, new group name, mark name to set when logging groups (optional) -- Outputs: number of sequences effectively moved to the new tables group BEGIN RETURN emaj._move_sequences(p_schema, p_sequences, p_newGroup, p_mark, TRUE, FALSE); END; $emaj_move_sequences$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_move_sequences(TEXT,TEXT[],TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Move several sequences from their tables group to another tables group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_move_sequences(p_schema TEXT, p_sequencesIncludeFilter TEXT, p_sequencesExcludeFilter TEXT, p_newGroup TEXT, p_mark TEXT DEFAULT 'MOVE_%') RETURNS INTEGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_move_sequences$ -- The function moves sequences on name patterns from their tables group to another tables group. -- Inputs: schema, 2 patterns to filter sequence names (one to include and another to exclude), new group name, -- mark name to set when logging groups (optional) -- Outputs: number of sequences effectively moved to the new tables group DECLARE v_sequences TEXT[]; BEGIN -- Process empty filters as NULL. SELECT CASE WHEN p_sequencesIncludeFilter = '' THEN NULL ELSE p_sequencesIncludeFilter END, CASE WHEN p_sequencesExcludeFilter = '' THEN NULL ELSE p_sequencesExcludeFilter END INTO p_sequencesIncludeFilter, p_sequencesExcludeFilter; -- Build the list of sequences names satisfying the pattern. SELECT array_agg(rel_tblseq) INTO v_sequences FROM (SELECT rel_tblseq FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq ~ p_sequencesIncludeFilter AND (p_sequencesExcludeFilter IS NULL OR rel_tblseq !~ p_sequencesExcludeFilter) AND rel_kind = 'S' AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND rel_group <> p_newGroup ORDER BY rel_tblseq ) AS t; -- Call the _move_sequences() function for execution. RETURN emaj._move_sequences(p_schema, v_sequences, p_newGroup, p_mark, TRUE, TRUE); END; $emaj_move_sequences$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_move_sequences(TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Move several sequences on name patterns from their tables group to another tables group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._move_sequences(p_schema TEXT, p_sequences TEXT[], p_newGroup TEXT, p_mark TEXT, p_multiSequence BOOLEAN, p_arrayFromRegex BOOLEAN) RETURNS INTEGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_move_sequences$ -- The function effectively moves sequences from their tables group to another tables group. -- Inputs: schema, array of sequence names, new group name, mark to set if for logging groups, -- boolean to indicate whether several sequences need to be processed, -- a boolean indicating whether the sequences array has been built from regex filters -- Outputs: number of sequences effectively moved to the tables group DECLARE v_function TEXT; v_newGroupIsLogging BOOLEAN; v_list TEXT; v_uselessSequences TEXT[]; v_markName TEXT; v_timeId BIGINT; v_groups TEXT[]; v_loggingGroups TEXT[]; v_groupName TEXT; v_groupIsLogging BOOLEAN; v_oneSequence TEXT; v_nbMovedSeq INT = 0; BEGIN v_function = CASE WHEN p_multiSequence THEN 'MOVE_SEQUENCES' ELSE 'MOVE_SEQUENCE' END; -- Insert the begin entry into the emaj_hist table. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event) VALUES (v_function, 'BEGIN'); -- Check the group name and if ok, get some properties of the group. PERFORM emaj._check_group_names(p_groupNames := ARRAY[p_newGroup], p_mayBeNull := FALSE, p_lockGroups := TRUE, p_checkList := ''); SELECT group_is_logging INTO v_newGroupIsLogging FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = p_newGroup; -- Check the sequences list. IF NOT p_arrayFromRegex THEN -- Remove duplicates values, NULL and empty strings from the supplied sequence names array. SELECT array_agg(DISTINCT sequence_name) INTO p_sequences FROM unnest(p_sequences) AS sequence_name WHERE sequence_name IS NOT NULL AND sequence_name <> ''; -- Check that the sequences currently belong to a tables group (not necessarily the same for all sequences). WITH all_supplied_sequences AS (SELECT unnest(p_sequences) AS sequence_name ), sequences_in_group AS (SELECT rel_tblseq FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = ANY(p_sequences) AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) ) SELECT string_agg(quote_ident(p_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(sequence_name), ', ') INTO v_list FROM ( SELECT sequence_name FROM all_supplied_sequences EXCEPT SELECT rel_tblseq FROM sequences_in_group ) AS t; IF v_list IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_move_sequences: some sequences (%) do not currently belong to any tables group.', v_list; END IF; -- Remove sequences that already belong to the new group. SELECT string_agg(quote_ident(p_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(rel_tblseq), ', '), array_agg(rel_tblseq) INTO v_list, v_uselessSequences FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = ANY(p_sequences) AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND rel_group = p_newGroup; IF v_list IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE WARNING '_move_sequences: some sequences (%) already belong to the tables group %.', v_list, p_newGroup; SELECT array_remove(p_sequences, useless_sequence) INTO p_sequences FROM unnest(v_uselessSequences) AS useless_sequence; END IF; END IF; -- Get the lists of groups and logging groups holding these sequences, if any. -- It locks the tables groups so that no other operation simultaneously occurs these groups -- (the CTE is needed for the FOR UPDATE clause not allowed when aggregate functions). WITH tables_group AS (SELECT group_name, group_is_logging FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = p_newGroup OR group_name IN (SELECT DISTINCT rel_group FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = ANY(p_sequences) AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) ) FOR UPDATE OF emaj_group ) SELECT array_agg(group_name ORDER BY group_name), array_agg(group_name ORDER BY group_name) FILTER (WHERE group_is_logging) INTO v_groups, v_loggingGroups FROM tables_group; -- Check the supplied mark. SELECT emaj._check_new_mark(v_loggingGroups, p_mark) INTO v_markName; -- OK, IF p_sequences IS NULL THEN -- When no sequences are finaly selected, just warn. RAISE WARNING '_move_sequences: No sequence to process.'; ELSE -- Get the time stamp of the operation. SELECT emaj._set_time_stamp('A') INTO v_timeId; -- For LOGGING groups, lock all tables to get a stable point. IF v_loggingGroups IS NOT NULL THEN -- Use a ROW EXCLUSIVE lock mode, preventing for a transaction currently updating data, but not conflicting with simple read access or -- vacuum operation, PERFORM emaj._lock_groups(v_loggingGroups, 'ROW EXCLUSIVE', FALSE); -- ... and set the mark, using the same time identifier. PERFORM emaj._set_mark_groups(v_loggingGroups, v_markName, TRUE, TRUE, NULL, v_timeId); END IF; -- Effectively move each sequence. FOREACH v_oneSequence IN ARRAY p_sequences LOOP -- Get some characteristics of the group that holds the sequence before the move. SELECT rel_group, group_is_logging INTO v_groupName, v_groupIsLogging FROM emaj.emaj_relation JOIN emaj.emaj_group ON (group_name = rel_group) WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = v_oneSequence AND upper_inf(rel_time_range); -- Move this sequence. PERFORM emaj._move_seq(p_schema, v_oneSequence, v_groupName, v_groupIsLogging, p_newGroup, v_newGroupIsLogging, v_timeId, v_function); v_nbMovedSeq = v_nbMovedSeq + 1; END LOOP; -- Adjust the groups characteristics. UPDATE emaj.emaj_group SET group_last_alter_time_id = v_timeId, group_nb_sequence = (SELECT count(*) FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = group_name AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND rel_kind = 'S' ) WHERE group_name = ANY (v_groups); END IF; -- Insert the end entry into the emaj_hist table. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_wording) VALUES (v_function, 'END', v_nbMovedSeq || ' sequences moved to the new tables group ' || p_newGroup); -- RETURN v_nbMovedSeq; END; $_move_sequences$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._create_seq(p_schema TEXT, p_seq TEXT, p_groupName TEXT, p_timeId BIGINT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_create_seq$ -- The function records a sequence into a tables group -- Required inputs: the application sequence to process, the group to add it into, the priority attribute, the time id of the operation. BEGIN -- Record the sequence in the emaj_relation table. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_relation (rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_time_range, rel_group, rel_kind) VALUES (p_schema, p_seq, int8range(p_timeId, NULL, '[)'), p_groupName, 'S'); RETURN; END; $_create_seq$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._add_seq(p_schema TEXT, p_sequence TEXT, p_group TEXT, p_groupIsLogging BOOLEAN, p_timeId BIGINT, p_function TEXT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_add_seq$ -- The function adds a sequence to a group. It is called during an alter group or a dynamic assignment operation. -- If the group is in idle state, it simply calls the _create_seq() function. -- Otherwise, it calls the _create_seql() function, and records the current state of the sequence. -- Required inputs: schema and sequence to add, group name, priority, the group's logging state, -- the time stamp id of the operation, main calling function. BEGIN -- Create the sequence. PERFORM emaj._create_seq(p_schema, p_sequence, p_group, p_timeId); -- If the group is in logging state, perform additional tasks. IF p_groupIsLogging THEN -- Record the new sequence state in the emaj_sequence table for the current alter_group mark. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_sequence (sequ_schema, sequ_name, sequ_time_id, sequ_last_val, sequ_start_val, sequ_increment, sequ_max_val, sequ_min_val, sequ_cache_val, sequ_is_cycled, sequ_is_called) SELECT * FROM emaj._get_current_sequence_state(p_schema, p_sequence, p_timeId); END IF; -- Insert an entry into the emaj_relation_change table. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_relation_change (rlchg_time_id, rlchg_schema, rlchg_tblseq, rlchg_change_kind, rlchg_group) VALUES (p_timeId, p_schema, p_sequence, 'ADD_SEQUENCE', p_group); -- Insert an entry into the emaj_hist table. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES (p_function, 'SEQUENCE ADDED', quote_ident(p_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(p_sequence), 'To the ' || CASE WHEN p_groupIsLogging THEN 'logging ' ELSE 'idle ' END || 'group ' || p_group); -- RETURN; END; $_add_seq$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._remove_seq(p_schema TEXT, p_sequence TEXT, p_group TEXT, p_groupIsLogging BOOLEAN, p_timeId BIGINT, p_function TEXT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_remove_seq$ -- The function removes a sequence from a group. It is called during an alter group or a dynamic removal operation. -- Required inputs: schema and sequence to remove, related group name and logging state, -- time stamp id of the operation, main calling function. BEGIN IF NOT p_groupIsLogging THEN -- If the group is in idle state, drop the sequence immediately. PERFORM emaj._drop_seq(emaj.emaj_relation.*, p_timeId) FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = p_sequence AND upper_inf(rel_time_range); ELSE -- If the group is in logging state, just register the end of the relation time frame. UPDATE emaj.emaj_relation SET rel_time_range = int8range(lower(rel_time_range),p_timeId, '[)') WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = p_sequence AND upper_inf(rel_time_range); END IF; -- Insert an entry into the emaj_relation_change table. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_relation_change (rlchg_time_id, rlchg_schema, rlchg_tblseq, rlchg_change_kind, rlchg_group) VALUES (p_timeId, p_schema, p_sequence, 'REMOVE_SEQUENCE', p_group); -- Insert an entry into the emaj_hist table. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES (p_function, 'SEQUENCE REMOVED', quote_ident(p_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(p_sequence), 'From the ' || CASE WHEN p_groupIsLogging THEN 'logging ' ELSE 'idle ' END || 'group ' || p_group); RETURN; END; $_remove_seq$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._move_seq(p_schema TEXT, p_sequence TEXT, p_oldGroup TEXT, p_oldGroupIsLogging BOOLEAN, p_newGroup TEXT, p_newGroupIsLogging BOOLEAN, p_timeId BIGINT, p_function TEXT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_move_seq$ -- The function change the group ownership of a sequence. It is called during an alter group or a dynamic assignment operation. -- Required inputs: schema and sequence to move, old and new group names and their logging state, -- time stamp id of the operation, main calling function. BEGIN -- Register the end of the previous relation time frame and create a new relation time frame with the new group. UPDATE emaj.emaj_relation SET rel_time_range = int8range(lower(rel_time_range),p_timeId,'[)') WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = p_sequence AND upper_inf(rel_time_range); INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_relation (rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_time_range, rel_group, rel_kind) SELECT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, int8range(p_timeId, NULL, '[)'), p_newGroup, rel_kind FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = p_schema AND rel_tblseq = p_sequence AND upper(rel_time_range) = p_timeId; -- Insert an entry into the emaj_relation_change table. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_relation_change (rlchg_time_id, rlchg_schema, rlchg_tblseq, rlchg_change_kind, rlchg_group, rlchg_new_group) VALUES (p_timeId, p_schema, p_sequence, 'MOVE_SEQUENCE', p_oldGroup, p_newGroup); -- Insert an entry into the emaj_hist table. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES (p_function, 'SEQUENCE MOVED', quote_ident(p_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(p_sequence), 'From the ' || CASE WHEN p_oldGroupIsLogging THEN 'logging ' ELSE 'idle ' END || 'group ' || p_oldGroup || ' to the ' || CASE WHEN p_newGroupIsLogging THEN 'logging ' ELSE 'idle ' END || 'group ' || p_newGroup); -- RETURN; END; $_move_seq$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._drop_seq(r_rel emaj.emaj_relation, p_timeId BIGINT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_drop_seq$ -- The function deletes the rows stored into emaj_sequence for a particular sequence timerange. -- Required inputs: row from emaj_relation corresponding to the appplication sequence to proccess. BEGIN -- Delete rows from emaj_sequence, but only when dealing with the last timerange of the sequence. IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = r_rel.rel_schema AND rel_tblseq = r_rel.rel_tblseq AND rel_time_range <> r_rel.rel_time_range ) THEN DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_sequence WHERE sequ_schema = r_rel.rel_schema AND sequ_name = r_rel.rel_tblseq; END IF; -- Keep a trace of the sequence group ownership history and finaly delete the sequence timerange from the emaj_relation table. WITH deleted AS (DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = r_rel.rel_schema AND rel_tblseq = r_rel.rel_tblseq AND rel_time_range = r_rel.rel_time_range RETURNING rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_time_range, rel_group, rel_kind ) INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_rel_hist (relh_schema, relh_tblseq, relh_time_range, relh_group, relh_kind) SELECT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, CASE WHEN upper_inf(rel_time_range) THEN int8range(lower(rel_time_range), p_timeId, '[)') ELSE rel_time_range END, rel_group, rel_kind FROM deleted; -- RETURN; END; $_drop_seq$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._rlbk_tbl(r_rel emaj.emaj_relation, p_minGlobalSeq BIGINT, p_maxGlobalSeq BIGINT, p_nbSession INT, p_isLoggedRlbk BOOLEAN, p_isReplRoleReplica BOOLEAN) RETURNS BIGINT LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER SET search_path = pg_catalog, pg_temp AS $_rlbk_tbl$ -- This function rollbacks one table to a given point in time represented by the value of the global sequence. -- The function is called by emaj._rlbk_session_exec(). -- Input: row from emaj_relation corresponding to the appplication table to proccess -- global sequence (non inclusive) lower and (inclusive) upper limits covering the rollback time frame -- number of sessions -- a boolean indicating whether the rollback is logged -- a boolean indicating whether the rollback is to be performed with a session_replication_role set to replica -- Output: number of rolled back primary keys -- For unlogged rollback, the log triggers have been disabled previously and will be enabled later. -- The function is defined as SECURITY DEFINER so that emaj_adm role can use it even if he is not the owner of the application table. DECLARE v_fullTableName TEXT; v_logTableName TEXT; v_tmpTable TEXT; v_tableType TEXT; v_nbPk BIGINT; BEGIN v_fullTableName = quote_ident(r_rel.rel_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_rel.rel_tblseq); v_logTableName = quote_ident(r_rel.rel_log_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_rel.rel_log_table); -- Insert a BEGIN event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('ROLLBACK_TABLE', 'BEGIN', v_fullTableName, 'All log rows where emaj_gid > ' || p_minGlobalSeq || ' and <= ' || p_maxGlobalSeq || CASE WHEN p_isReplRoleReplica THEN ', in session_replication_role = replica mode' ELSE '' END); -- Set the session_replication_role if needed. IF p_isReplRoleReplica THEN SET session_replication_role = 'replica'; END IF; -- Create the temporary table containing all primary key values with their earliest emaj_gid. IF p_nbSession = 1 THEN v_tableType = 'TEMP'; v_tmpTable = 'emaj_tmp_' || pg_backend_pid(); ELSE -- With multi session parallel rollbacks, the table cannot be a TEMP table because it would not be usable in 2PC -- but it may be an UNLOGGED table. v_tableType = 'UNLOGGED'; v_tmpTable = 'emaj.emaj_tmp_' || pg_backend_pid(); END IF; EXECUTE format('CREATE %s TABLE %s AS ' ' SELECT %s, min(emaj_gid) as emaj_gid FROM %s' ' WHERE emaj_gid > %s AND emaj_gid <= %s' ' GROUP BY %s', v_tableType, v_tmpTable, r_rel.rel_sql_rlbk_pk_columns, v_logTableName, p_minGlobalSeq, p_maxGlobalSeq, r_rel.rel_sql_rlbk_pk_columns); GET DIAGNOSTICS v_nbPk = ROW_COUNT; -- Delete all rows from the application table corresponding to each touched primary key. -- This deletes rows inserted or updated during the rolled back period. EXECUTE format('DELETE FROM ONLY %s tbl USING %s keys WHERE %s', v_fullTableName, v_tmpTable, r_rel.rel_sql_rlbk_pk_conditions); -- For logged rollbacks, if the number of pkey to process is greater than 1.000, ANALYZE the log table to take into account -- the impact of just inserted rows, avoiding a potentialy bad plan for the next INSERT statement. IF p_isLoggedRlbk AND v_nbPk > 1000 THEN EXECUTE format('ANALYZE %s', v_logTableName); END IF; -- Insert into the application table rows that were deleted or updated during the rolled back period. EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO %s (%s) %s' ' SELECT %s FROM %s tbl, %s keys ' ' WHERE %s AND tbl.emaj_gid = keys.emaj_gid AND tbl.emaj_tuple = ''OLD''' ' AND tbl.emaj_gid > %s AND tbl.emaj_gid <= %s', v_fullTableName, replace(r_rel.rel_sql_rlbk_columns, 'tbl.',''), CASE WHEN r_rel.rel_has_always_ident_col THEN ' OVERRIDING SYSTEM VALUE' ELSE '' END, r_rel.rel_sql_rlbk_columns, v_logTableName, v_tmpTable, r_rel.rel_sql_rlbk_pk_conditions, p_minGlobalSeq, p_maxGlobalSeq); -- Drop the now useless temporary table. EXECUTE format('DROP TABLE %s', v_tmpTable); -- Reset the session_replication_role if changed at the beginning of the function. IF p_isReplRoleReplica THEN RESET session_replication_role; END IF; -- Insert a END event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('ROLLBACK_TABLE', 'END', v_fullTableName, v_nbPk || ' rolled back primary keys'); -- RETURN v_nbPk; END; $_rlbk_tbl$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._delete_log_tbl(r_rel emaj.emaj_relation, p_beginTimeId BIGINT, p_endTimeId BIGINT, p_lastGlobalSeq BIGINT) RETURNS BIGINT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_delete_log_tbl$ -- This function deletes the part of a log table corresponding to updates that have been rolled back. -- The function is only called by emaj._rlbk_session_exec(), for unlogged rollbacks. -- It deletes sequences records corresponding to marks that are not visible anymore after the rollback. -- It also registers the hole in sequence numbers generated by the deleted log rows. -- Input: row from emaj_relation corresponding to the appplication table to proccess, -- begin and end time stamp ids to define the time range identifying the hole to create in the log sequence -- global sequence value limit for rollback, mark timestamp, -- Output: deleted rows DECLARE v_nbRows BIGINT; BEGIN -- Delete obsolete log rows EXECUTE format('DELETE FROM %I.%I WHERE emaj_gid > %s', r_rel.rel_log_schema, r_rel.rel_log_table, p_lastGlobalSeq); GET DIAGNOSTICS v_nbRows = ROW_COUNT; -- Record the sequence holes generated by the delete operation. -- This is due to the fact that log sequences are not rolled back, this information will be used by the emaj_log_stat_group() function -- (and indirectly by emaj_estimate_rollback_group() and emaj_estimate_rollback_groups()). -- First delete, if exist, sequence holes that have disappeared with the rollback. DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_seq_hole WHERE sqhl_schema = r_rel.rel_schema AND sqhl_table = r_rel.rel_tblseq AND sqhl_begin_time_id >= p_beginTimeId AND sqhl_begin_time_id < p_endTimeId; -- Then insert the new log sequence hole. EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_seq_hole (sqhl_schema, sqhl_table, sqhl_begin_time_id, sqhl_end_time_id, sqhl_hole_size)' ' VALUES (%L, %L, %s, %s, (' ' SELECT CASE WHEN is_called THEN last_value ELSE last_value - 1 END FROM %I.%I' ' )-(' ' SELECT tbl_log_seq_last_val FROM emaj.emaj_table' ' WHERE tbl_schema = %L AND tbl_name = %L AND tbl_time_id = %s))', r_rel.rel_schema, r_rel.rel_tblseq, p_beginTimeId, p_endTimeId, r_rel.rel_log_schema, r_rel.rel_log_sequence, r_rel.rel_schema, r_rel.rel_tblseq, p_beginTimeId); -- RETURN v_nbRows; END; $_delete_log_tbl$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._rlbk_seq(r_rel emaj.emaj_relation, p_timeId BIGINT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER SET search_path = pg_catalog, pg_temp AS $_rlbk_seq$ -- This function rollbacks one application sequence to a given mark. -- The function is called by emaj.emaj._rlbk_end(). -- Input: the emaj_relation row related to the application sequence to process, time id of the mark to rollback to. -- The function is defined as SECURITY DEFINER so that emaj_adm role can use it even if it is not the owner of the application sequence. DECLARE v_fullSeqName TEXT; v_stmt TEXT; mark_seq_rec RECORD; curr_seq_rec RECORD; BEGIN -- Read sequence's characteristics at mark time. BEGIN SELECT sequ_schema, sequ_name, sequ_last_val, sequ_start_val, sequ_increment, sequ_max_val, sequ_min_val, sequ_cache_val, sequ_is_cycled, sequ_is_called INTO STRICT mark_seq_rec FROM emaj.emaj_sequence WHERE sequ_schema = r_rel.rel_schema AND sequ_name = r_rel.rel_tblseq AND sequ_time_id = p_timeId; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_rlbk_seq: No mark at time id "%" can be found for the sequence "%.%".', p_timeId, r_rel.rel_schema, r_rel.rel_tblseq; END; -- Read the current sequence's characteristics. v_fullSeqName = quote_ident(r_rel.rel_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_rel.rel_tblseq); IF emaj._pg_version_num() >= 100000 THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT rel.last_value, start_value, increment_by, max_value, min_value, cache_size as cache_value, ' ' cycle as is_cycled, rel.is_called' ' FROM %s rel, pg_catalog.pg_sequences ' ' WHERE schemaname = %L AND sequencename = %L', v_fullSeqName, r_rel.rel_schema, r_rel.rel_tblseq) INTO STRICT curr_seq_rec; ELSE EXECUTE format('SELECT last_value, start_value, increment_by, max_value, min_value, cache_value, is_cycled, is_called FROM %s', v_fullSeqName) INTO STRICT curr_seq_rec; END IF; -- Build the ALTER SEQUENCE statement, depending on the differences between the present values and the related -- values at the requested mark time. SELECT emaj._build_alter_seq(curr_seq_rec.last_value, curr_seq_rec.is_called, curr_seq_rec.increment_by, curr_seq_rec.start_value, curr_seq_rec.min_value, curr_seq_rec.max_value, curr_seq_rec.cache_value, curr_seq_rec.is_cycled, mark_seq_rec.sequ_last_val, mark_seq_rec.sequ_is_called, mark_seq_rec.sequ_increment, mark_seq_rec.sequ_start_val, mark_seq_rec.sequ_min_val, mark_seq_rec.sequ_max_val, mark_seq_rec.sequ_cache_val, mark_seq_rec.sequ_is_cycled) INTO v_stmt; -- And execute the statement if at least one parameter has changed. IF v_stmt <> '' THEN EXECUTE format('ALTER SEQUENCE %s %s', v_fullSeqName, v_stmt); END IF; -- Insert the event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('ROLLBACK_SEQUENCE', v_fullSeqName, substr(v_stmt,2)); -- RETURN; END; $_rlbk_seq$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._build_alter_seq(p_refLastValue BIGINT, p_refIsCalled BOOLEAN, p_refIncrementBy BIGINT, p_refStartValue BIGINT, p_refMinValue BIGINT, p_refMaxValue BIGINT, p_refCacheValue BIGINT, p_refIsCycled BOOLEAN, p_trgLastValue BIGINT, p_trgIsCalled BOOLEAN, p_trgIncrementBy BIGINT, p_trgStartValue BIGINT, p_trgMinValue BIGINT, p_trgMaxValue BIGINT, p_trgCacheValue BIGINT, p_trgIsCycled BOOLEAN) RETURNS TEXT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_build_alter_seq$ -- This function builds an ALTER SEQUENCE clause including only the sequence characteristics that have changed between a reference -- and a target. -- The function is called by _rlbk_seq() and _gen_sql_groups(). -- Input: elementary reference and target sequence characteristics -- Output: the alter sequence clause with all modified characteristics DECLARE v_stmt TEXT; BEGIN v_stmt=''; -- Build the ALTER SEQUENCE clause, depending on the differences between the reference and target values. IF p_refLastValue <> p_trgLastValue OR p_refIsCalled <> p_trgIsCalled THEN IF p_trgIsCalled THEN v_stmt = v_stmt || ' RESTART ' || p_trgLastValue + p_trgIncrementBy; ELSE v_stmt = v_stmt || ' RESTART ' || p_trgLastValue; END IF; END IF; IF p_refStartValue <> p_trgStartValue THEN v_stmt = v_stmt || ' START ' || p_trgStartValue; END IF; IF p_refIncrementBy <> p_trgIncrementBy THEN v_stmt = v_stmt || ' INCREMENT ' || p_trgIncrementBy; END IF; IF p_refMinValue <> p_trgMinValue THEN v_stmt = v_stmt || ' MINVALUE ' || p_trgMinValue; END IF; IF p_refMaxValue <> p_trgMaxValue THEN v_stmt = v_stmt || ' MAXVALUE ' || p_trgMaxValue; END IF; IF p_refCacheValue <> p_trgCacheValue THEN v_stmt = v_stmt || ' CACHE ' || p_trgCacheValue; END IF; IF p_refIsCycled <> p_trgIsCycled THEN IF p_trgIsCycled = 'f' THEN v_stmt = v_stmt || ' NO '; END IF; v_stmt=v_stmt || ' CYCLE '; END IF; -- RETURN v_stmt; END; $_build_alter_seq$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._log_stat_tbl(r_rel emaj.emaj_relation, p_beginTimeId BIGINT, p_endTimeId BIGINT) RETURNS BIGINT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_log_stat_tbl$ -- This function returns the number of log rows for a single table between 2 time stamps or between a time stamp and the current situation. -- It is called by the emaj_log_stat_group(), _rlbk_planning(), _rlbk_start_mark() and _gen_sql_groups() functions. -- These statistics are computed using the serial id of log tables and holes is sequences recorded into emaj_seq_hole at rollback time or -- rollback consolidation time. -- Input: row from emaj_relation corresponding to the appplication table to proccess, the time stamp ids defining the time range to examine -- (a end time stamp id set to NULL indicates the current situation) -- Output: number of log rows between both marks for the table DECLARE v_beginLastValue BIGINT; v_endLastValue BIGINT; v_sumHole BIGINT; BEGIN -- Get the log sequence last value at begin time id. SELECT tbl_log_seq_last_val INTO STRICT v_beginLastValue FROM emaj.emaj_table WHERE tbl_schema = r_rel.rel_schema AND tbl_name = r_rel.rel_tblseq AND tbl_time_id = p_beginTimeId; IF p_endTimeId IS NULL THEN -- Last time id is NULL, so examine the current state of the log sequence, EXECUTE format('SELECT CASE WHEN is_called THEN last_value ELSE last_value - 1 END FROM %I.%I', r_rel.rel_log_schema, r_rel.rel_log_sequence) INTO STRICT v_endLastValue; -- ... and count the sum of hole from the start time to now. SELECT coalesce(sum(sqhl_hole_size),0) INTO v_sumHole FROM emaj.emaj_seq_hole WHERE sqhl_schema = r_rel.rel_schema AND sqhl_table = r_rel.rel_tblseq AND sqhl_begin_time_id >= p_beginTimeId; ELSE -- Last time id is not NULL, so get the log sequence last value at end time id, SELECT tbl_log_seq_last_val INTO v_endLastValue FROM emaj.emaj_table WHERE tbl_schema = r_rel.rel_schema AND tbl_name = r_rel.rel_tblseq AND tbl_time_id = p_endTimeId; -- ... and count the sum of hole from the start time to the end time. SELECT coalesce(sum(sqhl_hole_size),0) INTO v_sumHole FROM emaj.emaj_seq_hole WHERE sqhl_schema = r_rel.rel_schema AND sqhl_table = r_rel.rel_tblseq AND sqhl_begin_time_id >= p_beginTimeId AND sqhl_end_time_id <= p_endTimeId; END IF; -- Return the stat row for the table. RETURN (v_endLastValue - v_beginLastValue - v_sumHole); END; $_log_stat_tbl$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._gen_sql_tbl(r_rel emaj.emaj_relation, p_firstEmajGid BIGINT, p_lastEmajGid BIGINT) RETURNS BIGINT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_gen_sql_tbl$ -- This function generates SQL commands representing all updates performed on a table between 2 marks -- or beetween a mark and the current situation. -- These commands are stored into a temporary table created by the _gen_sql_groups() calling function. -- Input: row from emaj_relation corresponding to the appplication table to proccess, -- the global sequence value at requested start and end marks -- Output: number of generated SQL statements DECLARE v_fullTableName TEXT; v_logTableName TEXT; v_rqInsert TEXT; v_rqUpdate TEXT; v_rqDelete TEXT; v_rqTruncate TEXT; v_conditions TEXT; v_lastEmajGidRel BIGINT; v_nbSQL BIGINT; BEGIN -- Build schema specified table name and log table name. v_fullTableName = quote_ident(r_rel.rel_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_rel.rel_tblseq); v_logTableName = quote_ident(r_rel.rel_log_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_rel.rel_log_table); -- Prepare sql skeletons for each statement type, using the pieces of sql recorded in the emaj_relation row at table assignment time. v_rqInsert = '''INSERT INTO ' || replace(v_fullTableName,'''','''''') || CASE WHEN r_rel.rel_sql_gen_ins_col <> '' THEN ' (' || r_rel.rel_sql_gen_ins_col || ')' ELSE '' END || CASE WHEN r_rel.rel_has_always_ident_col THEN ' OVERRIDING SYSTEM VALUE' ELSE '' END || ' VALUES (' || r_rel.rel_sql_gen_ins_val || ');'''; v_rqUpdate = '''UPDATE ONLY ' || replace(v_fullTableName,'''','''''') || ' SET ' || r_rel.rel_sql_gen_upd_set || ' WHERE ' || r_rel.rel_sql_gen_pk_conditions || ';'''; v_rqDelete = '''DELETE FROM ONLY ' || replace(v_fullTableName,'''','''''') || ' WHERE ' || r_rel.rel_sql_gen_pk_conditions || ';'''; v_rqTruncate = '''TRUNCATE ONLY ' || replace(v_fullTableName,'''','''''') || ' CASCADE;'''; -- Build the restriction conditions on emaj_gid, depending on supplied marks range and the relation time range upper bound. v_conditions = 'o.emaj_gid > ' || p_firstEmajGid; -- Get the EmajGid of the relation time range upper bound, if any. IF NOT upper_inf(r_rel.rel_time_range) THEN SELECT time_last_emaj_gid INTO v_lastEmajGidRel FROM emaj.emaj_time_stamp WHERE time_id = upper(r_rel.rel_time_range); END IF; -- If the relation time range upper bound is before the requested end mark, restrict the EmajGid upper limit. IF v_lastEmajGidRel IS NOT NULL AND (p_lastEmajGid IS NULL OR (p_lastEmajGid IS NOT NULL AND v_lastEmajGidRel < p_lastEmajGid)) THEN p_lastEmajGid = v_lastEmajGidRel; END IF; -- Complete the restriction conditions. IF p_lastEmajGid IS NOT NULL THEN v_conditions = v_conditions || ' AND o.emaj_gid <= ' || p_lastEmajGid; END IF; -- Now scan the log table to process all statement types at once. EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO emaj_temp_script ' 'SELECT o.emaj_gid, 0, o.emaj_txid,' ' CASE' ' WHEN o.emaj_verb = ''INS'' THEN %s' ' WHEN o.emaj_verb = ''UPD'' AND o.emaj_tuple = ''OLD'' THEN %s' ' WHEN o.emaj_verb = ''DEL'' THEN %s' ' WHEN o.emaj_verb = ''TRU'' THEN %s' ' END' ' FROM %s o' ' LEFT OUTER JOIN %s n ON n.emaj_gid = o.emaj_gid' ' AND (n.emaj_verb = ''UPD'' AND n.emaj_tuple = ''NEW'')' ' WHERE NOT (o.emaj_verb = ''UPD'' AND o.emaj_tuple = ''NEW'')' ' AND NOT (o.emaj_verb = ''TRU'' AND o.emaj_tuple <> '''')' ' AND %s', v_rqInsert, v_rqUpdate, v_rqDelete, v_rqTruncate, v_logTableName, v_logTableName, v_conditions); GET DIAGNOSTICS v_nbSQL = ROW_COUNT; -- RETURN v_nbSQL; END; $_gen_sql_tbl$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._gen_sql_seq(r_rel emaj.emaj_relation, p_firstMarkTimeId BIGINT, p_lastMarkTimeId BIGINT, p_nbSeq BIGINT) RETURNS BIGINT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_gen_sql_seq$ -- This function generates a SQL command to set the final characteristics of a sequence. -- The command is stored into a temporary table created by the _gen_sql_groups() calling function. -- Input: row from emaj_relation corresponding to the appplication sequence to proccess, -- the time id at requested start and end marks, -- the number of already processed sequences -- Output: number of generated SQL statements (0 or 1) DECLARE v_fullSeqName TEXT; v_refLastValue BIGINT; v_refIsCalled BOOLEAN; v_refIncrementBy BIGINT; v_refStartValue BIGINT; v_refMinValue BIGINT; v_refMaxValue BIGINT; v_refCacheValue BIGINT; v_refIsCycled BOOLEAN; v_stmt TEXT; v_trgLastValue BIGINT; v_trgIsCalled BOOLEAN; v_trgIncrementBy BIGINT; v_trgStartValue BIGINT; v_trgMinValue BIGINT; v_trgMaxValue BIGINT; v_trgCacheValue BIGINT; v_trgIsCycled BOOLEAN; v_endTimeId BIGINT; v_rqSeq TEXT; BEGIN v_fullSeqName = quote_ident(r_rel.rel_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_rel.rel_tblseq); -- Get the sequence characteristics at start mark. SELECT sequ_last_val, sequ_is_called, sequ_increment, sequ_start_val, sequ_min_val, sequ_max_val, sequ_cache_val, sequ_is_cycled INTO STRICT v_refLastValue, v_refIsCalled, v_refIncrementBy, v_refStartValue, v_refMinValue, v_refMaxValue, v_refCacheValue, v_refIsCycled FROM emaj.emaj_sequence WHERE sequ_schema = r_rel.rel_schema AND sequ_name = r_rel.rel_tblseq AND sequ_time_id = p_firstMarkTimeId; -- Get the sequence characteristics at end mark or the current state. IF p_lastMarkTimeId IS NULL AND upper_inf(r_rel.rel_time_range) THEN -- No supplied last mark and the sequence currently belongs to its group, so get current sequence characteritics. IF emaj._pg_version_num() >= 100000 THEN v_stmt = 'SELECT rel.last_value, is_called, increment_by, start_value, min_value, max_value, cache_size, cycle ' || 'FROM ' || v_fullSeqName || ' rel, pg_catalog.pg_sequences ' || ' WHERE schemaname = ' || quote_literal(r_rel.rel_schema) || ' AND sequencename = ' || quote_literal(r_rel.rel_tblseq); ELSE v_stmt = 'SELECT last_value, is_called, increment_by, start_value, min_value, max_value, cache_value, is_cycled ' || 'FROM ' || v_fullSeqName; END IF; EXECUTE v_stmt INTO v_trgLastValue, v_trgIsCalled, v_trgIncrementBy, v_trgStartValue, v_trgMinValue, v_trgMaxValue, v_trgCacheValue, v_trgIsCycled; ELSE -- A last mark is supplied, or the sequence does not belong to its groupe anymore, so get sequence characteristics from the emaj_sequence -- table. v_endTimeId = CASE WHEN upper_inf(r_rel.rel_time_range) OR p_lastMarkTimeId < upper(r_rel.rel_time_range) THEN p_lastMarkTimeId ELSE upper(r_rel.rel_time_range) END; SELECT sequ_last_val, sequ_is_called, sequ_increment, sequ_start_val, sequ_min_val, sequ_max_val, sequ_cache_val, sequ_is_cycled INTO STRICT v_trgLastValue, v_trgIsCalled, v_trgIncrementBy, v_trgStartValue, v_trgMinValue, v_trgMaxValue, v_trgCacheValue, v_trgIsCycled FROM emaj.emaj_sequence WHERE sequ_schema = r_rel.rel_schema AND sequ_name = r_rel.rel_tblseq AND sequ_time_id = v_endTimeId; END IF; -- Build the ALTER SEQUENCE clause. SELECT emaj._build_alter_seq(v_refLastValue, v_refIsCalled, v_refIncrementBy, v_refStartValue, v_refMinValue, v_refMaxValue, v_refCacheValue, v_refIsCycled, v_trgLastValue, v_trgIsCalled, v_trgIncrementBy, v_trgStartValue, v_trgMinValue, v_trgMaxValue, v_trgCacheValue, v_trgIsCycled) INTO v_rqSeq; -- Insert into the temp table and return 1 if at least 1 characteristic needs to be changed. IF v_rqSeq <> '' THEN v_rqSeq = 'ALTER SEQUENCE ' || v_fullSeqName || ' ' || v_rqSeq || ';'; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO emaj_temp_script ' ' SELECT NULL, -1 * $1, txid_current(), $2' USING p_nbSeq + 1, v_rqSeq; RETURN 1; END IF; -- Otherwise return 0. RETURN 0; END; $_gen_sql_seq$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._get_current_sequence_state(p_schema TEXT, p_sequence TEXT, p_timeId BIGINT) RETURNS emaj.emaj_sequence LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_get_current_sequence_state$ -- The function returns the current state of a single sequence. -- Input: schema and sequence name, -- time_id to set the sequ_time_id -- Output: an emaj_sequence record DECLARE r_sequ emaj.emaj_sequence%ROWTYPE; BEGIN IF emaj._pg_version_num() >= 100000 THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT schemaname, sequencename, %s, rel.last_value, start_value, increment_by, max_value, min_value, cache_size,' ' cycle, rel.is_called FROM %I.%I rel, pg_catalog.pg_sequences ' ' WHERE schemaname = %L AND sequencename = %L', p_timeId, p_schema, p_sequence, p_schema, p_sequence) INTO STRICT r_sequ; ELSE EXECUTE format('SELECT %L, %L, %s, last_value, start_value, increment_by, max_value, min_value, cache_value, is_cycled, is_called' ' FROM %I.%I', p_schema, p_sequence, p_timeId, p_schema, p_sequence) INTO STRICT r_sequ; END IF; RETURN r_sequ; END; $_get_current_sequence_state$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._get_log_sequence_last_value(p_schema TEXT, p_sequence TEXT) RETURNS BIGINT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_get_log_sequence_last_value$ -- The function returns the last value state of a single log sequence. -- Input: log schema and log sequence name, -- Output: last_value DECLARE v_lastValue BIGINT; BEGIN EXECUTE format('SELECT CASE WHEN is_called THEN last_value ELSE last_value - 1 END as last_value FROM %I.%I', p_schema, p_sequence) INTO STRICT v_lastValue; RETURN v_lastValue; END; $_get_log_sequence_last_value$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._verify_groups(p_groups TEXT[], p_onErrorStop BOOLEAN) RETURNS SETOF emaj._verify_groups_type LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_verify_groups$ -- The function verifies the consistency of a tables groups array. -- Input: - tables groups array, -- - a boolean indicating whether the function has to raise an exception in case of detected unconsistency. -- If onErrorStop boolean is false, it returns a set of _verify_groups_type records, one row per detected unconsistency, including -- the faulting schema and table or sequence names and a detailed message. -- If no error is detected, no row is returned. -- This function may be directly called by the Emaj_web client. DECLARE v_hint CONSTANT TEXT = 'You may use "SELECT * FROM emaj.emaj_verify_all()" to look for other issues.'; r_object RECORD; BEGIN -- Note that there is no check that the supplied groups exist. This has already been done by all calling functions. -- Let's start with some global checks that always raise an exception if an issue is detected. -- Check the postgres version: E-Maj needs postgres 9.5+. IF emaj._pg_version_num() < 90500 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_verify_groups: The current postgres version (%) is not compatible with this E-Maj version.' ' It should be at least 9.5.', version(); END IF; -- OK, now look for groups unconsistency. -- Unlike emaj_verify_all(), there is no direct check that application schemas exist. -- Check that all application relations referenced in the emaj_relation table still exist. FOR r_object IN SELECT t.rel_schema, t.rel_tblseq, r.rel_group, 'In group "' || r.rel_group || '", the ' || CASE WHEN t.rel_kind = 'r' THEN 'table "' ELSE 'sequence "' END || t.rel_schema || '"."' || t.rel_tblseq || '" does not exist any more.' AS msg FROM ( SELECT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_kind FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = ANY (p_groups) AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) EXCEPT -- all relations known by postgres SELECT nspname, relname, relkind FROM pg_catalog.pg_class JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace) WHERE relkind IN ('r','S') ) AS t, emaj.emaj_relation r -- join with emaj_relation to get the group name WHERE t.rel_schema = r.rel_schema AND t.rel_tblseq = r.rel_tblseq AND upper_inf(r.rel_time_range) ORDER BY 1,2,3 LOOP IF p_onErrorStop THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_verify_groups (1): % %',r_object.msg,v_hint; END IF; RETURN NEXT r_object; END LOOP; -- Check that the log table for all tables referenced in the emaj_relation table still exist. FOR r_object IN SELECT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_group, 'In group "' || rel_group || '", the log table "' || rel_log_schema || '"."' || rel_log_table || '" is not found.' AS msg FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = ANY (p_groups) AND rel_kind = 'r' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM pg_catalog.pg_class JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace) WHERE nspname = rel_log_schema AND relname = rel_log_table ) ORDER BY 1,2,3 LOOP IF p_onErrorStop THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_verify_groups (2): % %',r_object.msg,v_hint; END IF; RETURN NEXT r_object; END LOOP; -- Check that the log function for each table referenced in the emaj_relation table still exists. FOR r_object IN -- the schema and table names are rebuilt from the returned function name SELECT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_group, 'In group "' || rel_group || '", the log function "' || rel_log_schema || '"."' || rel_log_function || '" is not found.' AS msg FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = ANY (p_groups) AND rel_kind = 'r' AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = pronamespace) WHERE nspname = rel_log_schema AND proname = rel_log_function ) ORDER BY 1,2,3 LOOP IF p_onErrorStop THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_verify_groups (3): % %',r_object.msg,v_hint; END IF; RETURN NEXT r_object; END LOOP; -- Check that log and truncate triggers for all tables referenced in the emaj_relation table still exist. -- Start with the log trigger FOR r_object IN SELECT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_group, 'In group "' || rel_group || '", the log trigger "emaj_log_trg" on table "' || rel_schema || '"."' || rel_tblseq || '" is not found.' AS msg FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = ANY (p_groups) AND rel_kind = 'r' AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM pg_catalog.pg_trigger JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ON (pg_class.oid = tgrelid) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace) WHERE nspname = rel_schema AND relname = rel_tblseq AND tgname = 'emaj_log_trg' ) ORDER BY 1,2,3 LOOP IF p_onErrorStop THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_verify_groups (4): % %',r_object.msg,v_hint; END IF; RETURN NEXT r_object; END LOOP; -- Then the truncate trigger. FOR r_object IN SELECT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_group, 'In group "' || rel_group || '", the truncate trigger "emaj_trunc_trg" on table "' || rel_schema || '"."' || rel_tblseq || '" is not found.' AS msg FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = ANY (p_groups) AND rel_kind = 'r' AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM pg_catalog.pg_trigger JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ON (pg_class.oid = tgrelid) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace) WHERE nspname = rel_schema AND relname = rel_tblseq AND tgname = 'emaj_trunc_trg' ) ORDER BY 1,2,3 LOOP IF p_onErrorStop THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_verify_groups (5): % %',r_object.msg,v_hint; END IF; RETURN NEXT r_object; END LOOP; -- Check that all log tables have a structure consistent with the application tables they reference -- (same columns and same formats). It only returns one row per faulting table. FOR r_object IN WITH cte_app_tables_columns AS -- application table's columns (SELECT rel_group, rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_log_schema, rel_log_table, attname, atttypid, attlen, atttypmod FROM emaj.emaj_relation JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ON (relname = rel_tblseq) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace AND nspname = rel_schema) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute ON (attrelid = pg_class.oid) WHERE attnum > 0 AND attisdropped = FALSE AND rel_group = ANY (p_groups) AND rel_kind = 'r' AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) ), cte_log_tables_columns AS -- log table's columns (SELECT rel_group, rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_log_schema, rel_log_table, attname, atttypid, attlen, atttypmod FROM emaj.emaj_relation JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ON (relname = rel_log_table) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace AND nspname = rel_log_schema) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute ON (attrelid = pg_class.oid) WHERE attnum > 0 AND NOT attisdropped AND attnum < rel_emaj_verb_attnum AND rel_group = ANY (p_groups) AND rel_kind = 'r' AND upper_inf(rel_time_range)) SELECT DISTINCT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_group, 'In group "' || rel_group || '", the structure of the application table "' || rel_schema || '"."' || rel_tblseq || '" is not coherent with its log table ("' || rel_log_schema || '"."' || rel_log_table || '").' AS msg FROM ( ( -- application table's columns SELECT rel_group, rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_log_schema, rel_log_table, attname, atttypid, attlen, atttypmod FROM cte_app_tables_columns EXCEPT -- minus log table's columns SELECT rel_group, rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_log_schema, rel_log_table, attname, atttypid, attlen, atttypmod FROM cte_log_tables_columns ) UNION ( -- log table's columns SELECT rel_group, rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_log_schema, rel_log_table, attname, atttypid, attlen, atttypmod FROM cte_log_tables_columns EXCEPT -- minus application table's columns SELECT rel_group, rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_log_schema, rel_log_table, attname, atttypid, attlen, atttypmod FROM cte_app_tables_columns ) ) AS t ORDER BY 1,2,3 LOOP IF p_onErrorStop THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_verify_groups (6): % %',r_object.msg,v_hint; END IF; RETURN NEXT r_object; END LOOP; -- Check that all tables have their primary key if they belong to a rollbackable group. FOR r_object IN SELECT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_group, 'In rollbackable group "' || rel_group || '", the table "' || rel_schema || '"."' || rel_tblseq || '" has no primary key any more.' AS msg FROM emaj.emaj_relation JOIN emaj.emaj_group ON (group_name = rel_group) WHERE rel_group = ANY (p_groups) AND rel_kind = 'r' AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND group_is_rollbackable AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM pg_catalog.pg_class JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_constraint ON (connamespace = pg_namespace.oid AND conrelid = pg_class.oid) WHERE nspname = rel_schema AND relname = rel_tblseq AND contype = 'p' ) ORDER BY 1,2,3 LOOP IF p_onErrorStop THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_verify_groups (7): % %',r_object.msg,v_hint; END IF; RETURN NEXT r_object; END LOOP; -- For rollbackable groups, check that no table has been altered as UNLOGGED or dropped and recreated as TEMP table after the tables -- groups creation. FOR r_object IN SELECT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_group, 'In rollbackable group "' || rel_group || '", the table "' || rel_schema || '"."' || rel_tblseq || '" is UNLOGGED or TEMP.' AS msg FROM emaj.emaj_relation JOIN emaj.emaj_group ON (group_name = rel_group) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ON (relname = rel_tblseq) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace AND nspname = rel_schema) WHERE rel_group = ANY (p_groups) AND rel_kind = 'r' AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND group_is_rollbackable AND relpersistence <> 'p' ORDER BY 1,2,3 LOOP IF p_onErrorStop THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_verify_groups (8): % %',r_object.msg,v_hint; END IF; RETURN NEXT r_object; END LOOP; -- For rollbackable groups, with PG 11-, check that no table has been altered as WITH OIDS after tables groups creation. IF emaj._pg_version_num() < 120000 THEN FOR r_object IN SELECT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_group, 'In rollbackable group "' || rel_group || '", the table "' || rel_schema || '"."' || rel_tblseq || '" is declared WITH OIDS.' AS msg FROM emaj.emaj_relation JOIN emaj.emaj_group ON (group_name = rel_group) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ON (relname = rel_tblseq) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace AND nspname = rel_schema) WHERE rel_group = ANY (p_groups) AND rel_kind = 'r' AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND group_is_rollbackable AND relhasoids ORDER BY 1,2,3 LOOP IF p_onErrorStop THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_verify_groups (9): % %',r_object.msg,v_hint; END IF; RETURN NEXT r_object; END LOOP; END IF; -- Check that the primary key structure of all tables belonging to rollbackable groups is unchanged. FOR r_object IN SELECT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_group, 'In rollbackable group "' || rel_group || '", the primary key of the table "' || rel_schema || '"."' || rel_tblseq || '" has changed (' || rel_sql_rlbk_pk_columns || ' => ' || current_pk_columns || ').' AS msg FROM (SELECT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_group, rel_sql_rlbk_pk_columns, string_agg(quote_ident(attname), ',' ORDER BY attnum) AS current_pk_columns FROM emaj.emaj_relation JOIN emaj.emaj_group ON (group_name = rel_group) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ON (relname = rel_tblseq) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace AND nspname = rel_schema) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_index ON (indrelid = pg_class.oid) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute ON (pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_index.indrelid) WHERE rel_group = ANY (p_groups) AND rel_kind = 'r' AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND group_is_rollbackable AND attnum = ANY (indkey) AND indisprimary AND attnum > 0 AND NOT attisdropped GROUP BY rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_group, rel_sql_rlbk_pk_columns ) AS t WHERE rel_sql_rlbk_pk_columns <> current_pk_columns ORDER BY 1,2,3 LOOP IF p_onErrorStop THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_verify_groups (10): % %',r_object.msg,v_hint; END IF; RETURN NEXT r_object; END LOOP; -- Check that all log tables have the 6 required technical columns. It only returns one row per faulting table. FOR r_object IN SELECT DISTINCT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_group, 'In group "' || rel_group || '", the log table "' || rel_log_schema || '"."' || rel_log_table || '" miss some technical columns (' || string_agg(attname,', ') || ').' AS msg FROM ( SELECT rel_group, rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_log_schema, rel_log_table, attname FROM emaj.emaj_relation, (VALUES ('emaj_verb'), ('emaj_tuple'), ('emaj_gid'), ('emaj_changed'), ('emaj_txid'), ('emaj_user')) AS t(attname) WHERE rel_group = ANY (p_groups) AND rel_kind = 'r' AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM pg_catalog.pg_class JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace) WHERE nspname = rel_log_schema AND relname = rel_log_table ) EXCEPT SELECT rel_group, rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_log_schema, rel_log_table, attname FROM emaj.emaj_relation JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ON (relname = rel_log_table) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace AND nspname = rel_log_schema) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute ON (attrelid = pg_class.oid) WHERE rel_group = ANY (p_groups) AND rel_kind = 'r' AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND attnum > 0 AND attisdropped = FALSE AND attname IN ('emaj_verb', 'emaj_tuple', 'emaj_gid', 'emaj_changed', 'emaj_txid', 'emaj_user') ) AS t2 GROUP BY rel_group, rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_log_schema, rel_log_table ORDER BY 1,2,3 LOOP IF p_onErrorStop THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_verify_groups (11): % %',r_object.msg,v_hint; END IF; RETURN NEXT r_object; END LOOP; -- RETURN; END; $_verify_groups$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._check_fk_groups(p_groupNames TEXT[]) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_check_fk_groups$ -- This function checks foreign key constraints for tables of a groups array. -- Tables from audit_only groups are ignored in this check because they will never be rolled back. -- Input: group names array DECLARE r_fk RECORD; BEGIN -- Issue a warning if a table of the groups has a foreign key that references a table outside the groups. FOR r_fk IN SELECT c.conname,r.rel_schema,r.rel_tblseq,nf.nspname,tf.relname FROM emaj.emaj_relation r JOIN emaj.emaj_group g ON (g.group_name = r.rel_group) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class t ON (t.relname = r.rel_tblseq) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON (t.relnamespace = n.oid AND n.nspname = r.rel_schema) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_constraint c ON (c.conrelid = t.oid) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class tf ON (tf.oid = c.confrelid) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace nf ON (nf.oid = tf.relnamespace) WHERE contype = 'f' -- FK constraints only AND upper_inf(r.rel_time_range) AND r.rel_group = ANY (p_groupNames) -- only tables currently belonging to the selected groups AND g.group_is_rollbackable -- only tables from rollbackable groups AND NOT EXISTS -- referenced table currently outside the groups (SELECT 0 FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = nf.nspname AND rel_tblseq = tf.relname AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND rel_group = ANY (p_groupNames) ) ORDER BY 1,2,3 LOOP RAISE WARNING '_check_fk_groups: The foreign key "%" on the table "%.%" references the table "%.%" that is outside the groups (%).', r_fk.conname,r_fk.rel_schema,r_fk.rel_tblseq,r_fk.nspname,r_fk.relname,array_to_string(p_groupNames,','); END LOOP; -- Issue a warning if a table of the groups is referenced by a table outside the groups. FOR r_fk IN SELECT c.conname,n.nspname,t.relname,r.rel_schema,r.rel_tblseq FROM emaj.emaj_relation r JOIN emaj.emaj_group g ON (g.group_name = r.rel_group) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class tf ON (tf.relname = r.rel_tblseq) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace nf ON (nf.oid = tf.relnamespace AND nf.nspname = r.rel_schema) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_constraint c ON (c.confrelid = tf.oid) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class t ON (t.oid = c.conrelid) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON (n.oid = t.relnamespace) WHERE contype = 'f' -- FK constraints only AND upper_inf(r.rel_time_range) AND r.rel_group = ANY (p_groupNames) -- only tables currently belonging to the selected groups AND g.group_is_rollbackable -- only tables from rollbackable groups AND NOT EXISTS -- referenced table outside the groups (SELECT 0 FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = n.nspname AND rel_tblseq = t.relname AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND rel_group = ANY (p_groupNames) ) ORDER BY 1,2,3 LOOP RAISE WARNING '_check_fk_groups: The table "%.%" is referenced by the foreign key "%" on the table "%.%" that is outside' ' the groups (%).', r_fk.rel_schema, r_fk.rel_tblseq, r_fk.conname, r_fk.nspname, r_fk.relname, array_to_string(p_groupNames,','); END LOOP; -- RETURN; END; $_check_fk_groups$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._lock_groups(p_groupNames TEXT[], p_lockMode TEXT, p_multiGroup BOOLEAN) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_lock_groups$ -- This function locks all tables of a groups array. -- The lock mode is provided by the calling function. -- It only locks existing tables. It is calling function's responsability to handle cases when application tables are missing. -- Input: array of group names, lock mode, flag indicating whether the function is called to processed several groups DECLARE v_nbRetry SMALLINT = 0; v_nbTbl INT; v_ok BOOLEAN = FALSE; v_fullTableName TEXT; r_tblsq RECORD; BEGIN -- Insert a BEGIN event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object) VALUES (CASE WHEN p_multiGroup THEN 'LOCK_GROUPS' ELSE 'LOCK_GROUP' END,'BEGIN', array_to_string(p_groupNames,',')); -- Acquire lock on all tables. -- In case of deadlock, retry up to 5 times. WHILE NOT v_ok AND v_nbRetry < 5 LOOP BEGIN -- Process each table currently belonging to the groups. v_nbTbl = 0; FOR r_tblsq IN SELECT rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq FROM emaj.emaj_relation JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ON (relname = rel_tblseq) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace AND nspname = rel_schema) WHERE rel_group = ANY (p_groupNames) AND rel_kind = 'r' AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) ORDER BY rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq LOOP -- Lock the table. v_fullTableName = quote_ident(r_tblsq.rel_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_tblsq.rel_tblseq); EXECUTE format('LOCK TABLE %s IN %s MODE', v_fullTableName, p_lockMode); v_nbTbl = v_nbTbl + 1; END LOOP; -- Ok, all tables are locked. v_ok = TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN deadlock_detected THEN v_nbRetry = v_nbRetry + 1; RAISE NOTICE '_lock_groups: A deadlock has been trapped while locking tables of group "%".', p_groupNames; END; END LOOP; IF NOT v_ok THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_lock_groups: Too many (5) deadlocks encountered while locking tables of group "%".',p_groupNames; END IF; -- Insert a END event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES (CASE WHEN p_multiGroup THEN 'LOCK_GROUPS' ELSE 'LOCK_GROUP' END, 'END', array_to_string(p_groupNames,','), v_nbTbl || ' tables locked, ' || v_nbRetry || ' deadlock(s)'); -- RETURN; END; $_lock_groups$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_create_group(p_groupName TEXT, p_isRollbackable BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_create_group$ -- This function creates a group, for the moment empty. -- Input: group name, -- boolean indicating whether the group is rollbackable or not (true by default), -- Output: 1 = number of created groups DECLARE v_timeId BIGINT; BEGIN -- Insert a BEGIN event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('CREATE_GROUP', 'BEGIN', p_groupName, CASE WHEN p_isRollbackable THEN 'rollbackable' ELSE 'audit_only' END); -- Check that the group name is valid. IF p_groupName IS NULL OR p_groupName = '' THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_create_group: The group name can''t be NULL or empty.'; END IF; -- Check that the group is not yet recorded in emaj_group table IF EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = p_groupName ) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_create_group: The group "%" already exists.', p_groupName; END IF; -- OK -- Get the time stamp of the operation. SELECT emaj._set_time_stamp('C') INTO v_timeId; -- Insert the row describing the group into the emaj_group table -- (The group_is_rlbk_protected boolean column is always initialized as not group_is_rollbackable). INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_group (group_name, group_is_rollbackable, group_creation_time_id, group_is_logging, group_is_rlbk_protected, group_nb_table, group_nb_sequence) VALUES (p_groupName, p_isRollbackable, v_timeId, FALSE, NOT p_isRollbackable, 0, 0); -- Insert a END event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object) VALUES ('CREATE_GROUP', 'END', p_groupName); RETURN 1; END; $emaj_create_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_create_group(TEXT,BOOLEAN) IS $$Creates an E-Maj group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_comment_group(p_groupName TEXT, p_comment TEXT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_comment_group$ -- This function sets or modifies a comment on a group by updating the group_comment of the emaj_group table. -- Input: group name, comment -- To reset an existing comment for a group, the supplied comment can be NULL. BEGIN -- Check the group name. PERFORM emaj._check_group_names(p_groupNames := ARRAY[p_groupName], p_mayBeNull := FALSE, p_lockGroups := TRUE, p_checkList := ''); -- Update the group_comment column from emaj_group table. UPDATE emaj.emaj_group SET group_comment = p_comment WHERE group_name = p_groupName; -- Insert the event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_object) VALUES ('COMMENT_GROUP', p_groupName); -- RETURN; END; $emaj_comment_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_comment_group(TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Sets a comment on an E-Maj group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_drop_group(p_groupName TEXT) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_drop_group$ -- This function deletes the emaj objects for all tables of a group. -- Input: group name -- Output: number of processed tables and sequences DECLARE v_nbTb INT; BEGIN -- Insert a BEGIN event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object) VALUES ('DROP_GROUP', 'BEGIN', p_groupName); -- Check the group name. PERFORM emaj._check_group_names(p_groupNames := ARRAY[p_groupName], p_mayBeNull := FALSE, p_lockGroups := TRUE, p_checkList := 'IDLE'); -- Effectively drop the group. SELECT emaj._drop_group(p_groupName, FALSE) INTO v_nbTb; -- Insert a END event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('DROP_GROUP', 'END', p_groupName, v_nbTb || ' tables/sequences processed'); -- RETURN v_nbTb; END; $emaj_drop_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_drop_group(TEXT) IS $$Drops an E-Maj group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_force_drop_group(p_groupName TEXT) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_force_drop_group$ -- This function deletes the emaj objects for all tables of a group. -- It differs from emaj_drop_group by the fact that: -- - the group may be in LOGGING state, -- - a missing component in the drop processing does not generate any error. -- This allows to drop a group that is not consistent, following hasardeous operations. -- This function should not be used, except if the emaj_drop_group fails. -- Input: group name -- Output: number of processed tables and sequences DECLARE v_nbTb INT; BEGIN -- Insert a BEGIN event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object) VALUES ('FORCE_DROP_GROUP', 'BEGIN', p_groupName); -- Check the group name. PERFORM emaj._check_group_names(p_groupNames := ARRAY[p_groupName], p_mayBeNull := FALSE, p_lockGroups := TRUE, p_checkList := ''); -- Effectively drop the group. SELECT emaj._drop_group(p_groupName, TRUE) INTO v_nbTb; -- Insert a END event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('FORCE_DROP_GROUP', 'END', p_groupName, v_nbTb || ' tables/sequences processed'); -- RETURN v_nbTb; END; $emaj_force_drop_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_force_drop_group(TEXT) IS $$Drops an E-Maj group, even in LOGGING state.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._drop_group(p_groupName TEXT, p_isForced BOOLEAN) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_drop_group$ -- This function effectively deletes the emaj objects for all tables of a group. -- It also drops log schemas that are not useful any more. -- Input: group name, and a boolean indicating whether the group's state has to be checked -- Output: number of processed tables and sequences DECLARE v_eventTriggers TEXT[]; v_timeId BIGINT; v_nbTb INT; r_rel emaj.emaj_relation%ROWTYPE; BEGIN -- Get the time stamp of the operation. SELECT emaj._set_time_stamp('D') INTO v_timeId; -- Register into emaj_relation_change the tables and sequences removal from their group, for completeness. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_relation_change (rlchg_time_id, rlchg_schema, rlchg_tblseq, rlchg_change_kind, rlchg_group) SELECT v_timeId, rel_schema, rel_tblseq, CASE WHEN rel_kind = 'r' THEN 'REMOVE_TABLE'::emaj._relation_change_kind_enum ELSE 'REMOVE_SEQUENCE'::emaj._relation_change_kind_enum END, p_groupName FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = p_groupName AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) ORDER BY rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_time_range; -- Disable event triggers that protect emaj components and keep in memory these triggers name. SELECT emaj._disable_event_triggers() INTO v_eventTriggers; -- Delete the emaj objects and references for each table and sequences of the group. FOR r_rel IN SELECT * FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = p_groupName ORDER BY rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_time_range LOOP PERFORM CASE r_rel.rel_kind WHEN 'r' THEN emaj._drop_tbl(r_rel, v_timeId) WHEN 'S' THEN emaj._drop_seq(r_rel, v_timeId) END; END LOOP; -- Drop the E-Maj log schemas that are now useless (i.e. not used by any other created group). PERFORM emaj._drop_log_schemas(CASE WHEN p_isForced THEN 'FORCE_DROP_GROUP' ELSE 'DROP_GROUP' END, p_isForced); -- Delete group row from the emaj_group table. -- By cascade, it also deletes rows from emaj_mark. DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = p_groupName RETURNING group_nb_table + group_nb_sequence INTO v_nbTb; -- Enable previously disabled event triggers. PERFORM emaj._enable_event_triggers(v_eventTriggers); -- RETURN v_nbTb; END; $_drop_group$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_export_groups_configuration(p_groups TEXT[] DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS JSON LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_export_groups_configuration$ -- This function returns a JSON formatted structure representing some or all configured tables groups -- The function can be called by clients like emaj_web. -- This is just a wrapper of the internal _export_groups_conf() function. -- Input: an optional array of goup's names, NULL means all tables groups -- Output: the tables groups content in JSON format BEGIN RETURN emaj._export_groups_conf(p_groups); END; $emaj_export_groups_configuration$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_export_groups_configuration(TEXT[]) IS $$Generates a json structure describing configured tables groups.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_export_groups_configuration(p_location TEXT, p_groups TEXT[] DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_export_groups_configuration$ -- This function stores some or all configured tables groups configuration into a file on the server. -- The JSON structure is built by the _export_groups_conf() function. -- Input: an optional array of goup's names, NULL means all tables groups -- Output: the number of tables groups recorded in the file. DECLARE v_groupsJson JSON; BEGIN -- Get the json structure. SELECT emaj._export_groups_conf(p_groups) INTO v_groupsJson; -- Store the structure into the provided file name. CREATE TEMP TABLE t (groups TEXT); INSERT INTO t SELECT line FROM regexp_split_to_table(v_groupsJson::TEXT, '\n') AS line; PERFORM emaj._copy_to_file('t', p_location, NULL); DROP TABLE t; -- Return the number of recorded tables groups. RETURN json_array_length(v_groupsJson->'tables_groups'); END; $emaj_export_groups_configuration$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_export_groups_configuration(TEXT, TEXT[]) IS $$Generates and stores in a file a json structure describing configured tables groups.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._export_groups_conf(p_groups TEXT[] DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS JSON LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_export_groups_conf$ -- This function generates a JSON formatted structure representing the current configuration of some or all tables groups. -- Input: an optional array of goup's names, NULL means all tables groups -- Output: the tables groups configuration in JSON format DECLARE v_groupsText TEXT; v_unknownGroupsList TEXT; v_groupsJson JSON; r_group RECORD; r_table RECORD; r_sequence RECORD; BEGIN -- Build the header of the JSON structure. v_groupsText = E'{\n "_comment": "Generated on database ' || current_database() || ' with emaj version ' || (SELECT param_value_text FROM emaj.emaj_param WHERE param_key = 'emaj_version') || ', at ' || current_timestamp || E'",\n'; -- Check the group names array, if supplied. All the listed groups must exist. IF p_groups IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT string_agg(group_name, ', ') INTO v_unknownGroupsList FROM (SELECT * FROM unnest(p_groups) AS grp(group_name) WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT group_name FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE emaj_group.group_name = grp.group_name ) ) AS t; IF v_unknownGroupsList IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_export_groups_conf: The tables groups % are unknown.', v_unknownGroupsList; END IF; END IF; -- Build the tables groups description. v_groupsText = v_groupsText || E' "tables_groups": [\n'; FOR r_group IN SELECT group_name, group_is_rollbackable, group_comment, group_nb_table, group_nb_sequence FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE (p_groups IS NULL OR group_name = ANY(p_groups)) ORDER BY group_name LOOP v_groupsText = v_groupsText || E' {\n' || ' "group": ' || to_json(r_group.group_name) || E',\n' || ' "is_rollbackable": ' || to_json(r_group.group_is_rollbackable) || E',\n'; IF r_group.group_comment IS NOT NULL THEN v_groupsText = v_groupsText || ' "comment": ' || to_json(r_group.group_comment) || E',\n'; END IF; IF r_group.group_nb_table > 0 THEN -- Build the tables list, if any. v_groupsText = v_groupsText || E' "tables": [\n'; FOR r_table IN SELECT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_priority, rel_log_dat_tsp, rel_log_idx_tsp, rel_ignored_triggers FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_kind = 'r' AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND rel_group = r_group.group_name ORDER BY rel_schema, rel_tblseq LOOP v_groupsText = v_groupsText || E' {\n' || ' "schema": ' || to_json(r_table.rel_schema) || E',\n' || ' "table": ' || to_json(r_table.rel_tblseq) || E',\n' || coalesce(' "priority": '|| to_json(r_table.rel_priority) || E',\n', '') || coalesce(' "log_data_tablespace": '|| to_json(r_table.rel_log_dat_tsp) || E',\n', '') || coalesce(' "log_index_tablespace": '|| to_json(r_table.rel_log_idx_tsp) || E',\n', '') || coalesce(' "ignored_triggers": ' || array_to_json(r_table.rel_ignored_triggers) || E',\n', '') || E' },\n'; END LOOP; v_groupsText = v_groupsText || E' ],\n'; END IF; IF r_group.group_nb_sequence > 0 THEN -- Build the sequences list, if any. v_groupsText = v_groupsText || E' "sequences": [\n'; FOR r_sequence IN SELECT rel_schema, rel_tblseq FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_kind = 'S' AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND rel_group = r_group.group_name ORDER BY rel_schema, rel_tblseq LOOP v_groupsText = v_groupsText || E' {\n' || ' "schema": ' || to_json(r_sequence.rel_schema) || E',\n' || ' "sequence": ' || to_json(r_sequence.rel_tblseq) || E',\n' || E' },\n'; END LOOP; v_groupsText = v_groupsText || E' ],\n'; END IF; v_groupsText = v_groupsText || E' },\n'; END LOOP; v_groupsText = v_groupsText || E' ]\n'; -- Build the trailer and remove illicite commas at the end of arrays and attributes lists. v_groupsText = v_groupsText || E'}\n'; v_groupsText = regexp_replace(v_groupsText, E',(\n *(\]|}))', '\1', 'g'); -- Test the JSON format by casting the text structure to json and report a warning in case of problem -- (this should not fail, unless the function code is bogus). BEGIN v_groupsJson = v_groupsText::JSON; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_export_groups_conf: The generated JSON structure is not properly formatted. ' 'Please report the bug to the E-Maj project.'; END; -- RETURN v_groupsJson; END; $_export_groups_conf$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_import_groups_configuration(p_json JSON, p_groups TEXT[] DEFAULT NULL, p_allowGroupsUpdate BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, p_mark TEXT DEFAULT 'IMPORT_%') RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_import_groups_configuration$ -- This function import a supplied JSON formatted structure representing tables groups to create or update. -- This structure can have been generated by the emaj_export_groups_configuration() functions and may have been adapted by the user. -- It calls the _import_groups_conf() function to process the tables groups. -- Input: - the tables groups configuration structure in JSON format -- - an optional array of group names to process (a NULL value process all tables groups described in the JSON structure) -- - an optional boolean indicating whether tables groups to import may already exist (FALSE by default) -- - an optional mark name to set for tables groups in logging state (IMPORT_% by default) -- Output: the number of created or altered tables groups BEGIN -- Just process the tables groups. RETURN emaj._import_groups_conf(p_json, p_groups, p_allowGroupsUpdate, NULL, p_mark); END; $emaj_import_groups_configuration$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_import_groups_configuration(JSON,TEXT[],BOOLEAN, TEXT) IS $$Import a json structure describing tables groups to create or alter.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_import_groups_configuration(p_location TEXT, p_groups TEXT[] DEFAULT NULL, p_allowGroupsUpdate BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, p_mark TEXT DEFAULT 'IMPORT_%') RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_import_groups_configuration$ -- This function imports a file containing a JSON formatted structure representing tables groups to create or update. -- This structure can have been generated by the emaj_export_groups_configuration() functions and may have been adapted by the user. -- It calls the _import_groups_conf() function to process the tables groups. -- Input: - input file location -- - an optional array of group names to process (a NULL value process all tables groups described in the JSON structure) -- - an optional boolean indicating whether tables groups to import may already exist (FALSE by default) -- - an optional mark name to set for tables groups in logging state (IMPORT_% by default) -- Output: the number of created or altered tables groups DECLARE v_groupsText TEXT; v_json JSON; BEGIN -- Read the input file and put its content into a temporary table. CREATE TEMP TABLE t (groups TEXT); PERFORM emaj._copy_from_file('t', p_location); -- Aggregate the lines into a single text variable. SELECT string_agg(groups, E'\n') INTO v_groupsText FROM t; DROP TABLE t; -- Verify that the file content is a valid json structure. BEGIN v_json = v_groupsText::JSON; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_import_groups_configuration: The file content is not a valid JSON content.'; END; -- Proccess the tables groups and return the result. RETURN emaj._import_groups_conf(v_json, p_groups, p_allowGroupsUpdate, p_location, p_mark); END; $emaj_import_groups_configuration$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_import_groups_configuration(TEXT,TEXT[],BOOLEAN, TEXT) IS $$Create or alter tables groups configuration from a JSON formatted file.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._import_groups_conf(p_json JSON, p_groups TEXT[], p_allowGroupsUpdate BOOLEAN, p_location TEXT, p_mark TEXT) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_import_groups_conf$ -- This function processes a JSON formatted structure representing the tables groups to create or update. -- This structure can have been generated by the emaj_export_groups_configuration() functions and may have been adapted by the user. -- The expected JSON structure must contain an array like: -- { "tables_groups": [ -- { -- "group": "myGroup1", "is_rollbackable": true, "comment": "This is group #1", -- "tables": [ -- { -- "schema": "myschema1", "table": "mytbl1", -- "priority": 1, "log_data_tablespace": "tblspc1", "log_index_tablespace": "tblspc2", -- "ignored_triggers": [ -- { "trigger": "xxx" }, -- ... -- ] -- }, -- { -- ... -- } -- ], -- "sequences": [ -- { -- "schema": "myschema1", "sequence": "mytbl1", -- }, -- { -- ... -- } -- ], -- }, -- ... -- ] -- } -- For tables groups, "group_is_rollbackable" and "group_comment" attributes are optional. -- For tables, "priority", "log_data_tablespace" and "log_index_tablespace" attributes are optional. -- A tables group may have no "tables" or "sequences" arrays. -- A table may have no "ignored_triggers" array. -- The function replaces the content of the tmp_app_table table for the imported tables groups by the content of the JSON configuration. -- Non existing groups are created empty. -- The _alter_groups() function is used to process the assignement, the move, the removal or the attributes change for tables and -- sequences. -- Input: - the tables groups configuration structure in JSON format -- - the array of group names to process (a NULL value process all tables groups described in the JSON structure) -- - a boolean indicating whether tables groups to import may already exist -- - the input file name, if any, to record in the emaj_hist table (NULL if direct import) -- - the mark name to set for tables groups in logging state -- Output: the number of created or altered tables groups DECLARE v_groupsJson JSON; r_msg RECORD; BEGIN -- Performs various checks on the groups content described in the supplied JSON structure. FOR r_msg IN SELECT rpt_message FROM emaj._check_json_groups_conf(p_json) ORDER BY rpt_msg_type, rpt_text_var_1, rpt_text_var_2, rpt_text_var_3, rpt_int_var_1 LOOP RAISE WARNING '_import_groups_conf (1): %', r_msg.rpt_message; END LOOP; IF FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_import_groups_conf: One or several errors have been detected in the supplied JSON structure.'; END IF; -- Extract the "tables_groups" json path. v_groupsJson = p_json #> '{"tables_groups"}'; -- If not supplied by the caller, materialize the groups array, by aggregating all groups of the JSON structure. IF p_groups IS NULL THEN SELECT array_agg("group") INTO p_groups FROM json_to_recordset(v_groupsJson) AS x("group" TEXT); END IF; -- Prepare the groups configuration import. This may report some other issues with the groups content. FOR r_msg IN SELECT rpt_message FROM emaj._import_groups_conf_prepare(p_json, p_groups, p_allowGroupsUpdate, p_location) ORDER BY rpt_msg_type, rpt_text_var_1, rpt_text_var_2, rpt_text_var_3 LOOP RAISE WARNING '_import_groups_conf (2): %', r_msg.rpt_message; END LOOP; IF FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_import_groups_conf: One or several errors have been detected in the JSON groups configuration.'; END IF; -- OK RETURN emaj._import_groups_conf_exec(p_json, p_groups, p_mark); END; $_import_groups_conf$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._import_groups_conf_prepare(p_groupsJson JSON, p_groups TEXT[], p_allowGroupsUpdate BOOLEAN, p_location TEXT) RETURNS SETOF emaj._report_message_type LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_import_groups_conf_prepare$ -- This function prepares the effective tables groups configuration import. -- It is called by _import_groups_conf() and by emaj_web -- At the end of the function, the tmp_app_table table is updated with the new configuration of groups -- and a temporary table is created to prepare the application triggers management -- Input: - the tables groups configuration structure in JSON format -- - an optional array of group names to process (a NULL value process all tables groups described in the JSON structure) -- - an optional boolean indicating whether tables groups to import may already exist (FALSE by default) -- (if TRUE, existing groups are altered, even if they are in logging state) -- - the input file name, if any, to record in the emaj_hist table -- Output: diagnostic records DECLARE v_rollbackableGroups TEXT[]; v_ignoredTriggers TEXT[]; r_group RECORD; r_table RECORD; r_sequence RECORD; BEGIN -- Insert a BEGIN event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('IMPORT_GROUPS', 'BEGIN', array_to_string(p_groups, ', '), 'Input file: ' || quote_literal(p_location)); -- Extract the "tables_groups" json path. p_groupsJson = p_groupsJson #> '{"tables_groups"}'; -- Check that all tables groups listed in the p_groups array exist in the JSON structure. RETURN QUERY SELECT 250, 1, group_name, NULL::TEXT, NULL::TEXT, NULL::TEXT, NULL::INT, format('The tables group "%s" to import is not referenced in the JSON structure.', group_name) FROM ( SELECT group_name FROM unnest(p_groups) AS g(group_name) EXCEPT SELECT "group" FROM json_to_recordset(p_groupsJson) AS x("group" TEXT) ) AS t; IF FOUND THEN RETURN; END IF; -- If the p_allowGroupsUpdate flag is FALSE, check that no tables group already exists. IF NOT p_allowGroupsUpdate THEN RETURN QUERY SELECT 251, 1, group_name, NULL::TEXT, NULL::TEXT, NULL::TEXT, NULL::INT, format('The tables group "%s" already exists.', group_name) FROM (SELECT "group" AS group_name FROM json_to_recordset(p_groupsJson) AS x("group" TEXT), emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = "group" AND "group" = ANY (p_groups) ) AS t; IF FOUND THEN RETURN; END IF; ELSE -- If the p_allowGroupsUpdate flag is TRUE, check that existing tables groups have the same type than in the JSON structure. RETURN QUERY SELECT 252, 1, group_name, NULL::TEXT, NULL::TEXT, NULL::TEXT, NULL::INT, format('Changing the type of the tables group "%s" is not allowed.', group_name) FROM (SELECT "group" AS group_name FROM json_to_recordset(p_groupsJson) AS x("group" TEXT, "is_rollbackable" BOOLEAN) JOIN emaj.emaj_group ON (group_name = "group") WHERE "group" = ANY (p_groups) AND group_is_rollbackable <> coalesce(is_rollbackable, true) ) AS t; IF FOUND THEN RETURN; END IF; END IF; -- Drop temporary tables in case of... DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_app_table, tmp_app_sequence; -- Create the temporary table that will hold the application tables configured in groups. CREATE TEMP TABLE tmp_app_table ( tmp_group TEXT NOT NULL, tmp_schema TEXT NOT NULL, tmp_tbl_name TEXT NOT NULL, tmp_priority INTEGER, tmp_log_dat_tsp TEXT, tmp_log_idx_tsp TEXT, tmp_ignored_triggers TEXT[], PRIMARY KEY (tmp_schema, tmp_tbl_name) ); -- Create the temporary table that will hold the application sequences configured in groups. CREATE TEMP TABLE tmp_app_sequence ( tmp_schema TEXT NOT NULL, tmp_seq_name TEXT NOT NULL, tmp_group TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (tmp_schema, tmp_seq_name) ); -- In a second pass over the JSON structure, populate the tmp_app_table and tmp_app_sequence temporary tables. v_rollbackableGroups = '{}'; FOR r_group IN SELECT value AS groupJson FROM json_array_elements(p_groupsJson) WHERE value ->> 'group' = ANY (p_groups) LOOP -- Build the array of rollbackable groups. IF coalesce((r_group.groupJson ->> 'is_rollbackable')::BOOLEAN, TRUE) THEN v_rollbackableGroups = array_append(v_rollbackableGroups, r_group.groupJson ->> 'group'); END IF; -- Insert tables into tmp_app_table. FOR r_table IN SELECT value AS tableJson FROM json_array_elements(r_group.groupJson -> 'tables') LOOP -- Prepare the array of trigger names for the table, SELECT array_agg("value" ORDER BY "value") INTO v_ignoredTriggers FROM json_array_elements_text(r_table.tableJson -> 'ignored_triggers') AS t; -- ... and insert INSERT INTO tmp_app_table(tmp_group, tmp_schema, tmp_tbl_name, tmp_priority, tmp_log_dat_tsp, tmp_log_idx_tsp, tmp_ignored_triggers) VALUES (r_group.groupJson ->> 'group', r_table.tableJson ->> 'schema', r_table.tableJson ->> 'table', (r_table.tableJson ->> 'priority')::INT, r_table.tableJson ->> 'log_data_tablespace', r_table.tableJson ->> 'log_index_tablespace', v_ignoredTriggers); END LOOP; -- Insert sequences into tmp_app_table. FOR r_sequence IN SELECT value AS sequenceJson FROM json_array_elements(r_group.groupJson -> 'sequences') LOOP INSERT INTO tmp_app_sequence(tmp_schema, tmp_seq_name, tmp_group) VALUES (r_sequence.sequenceJson ->> 'schema', r_sequence.sequenceJson ->> 'sequence', r_group.groupJson ->> 'group'); END LOOP; END LOOP; -- Check the just imported tmp_app_table content is ok for the groups. RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM emaj._import_groups_conf_check(p_groups) WHERE ((rpt_text_var_1 = ANY (p_groups) AND rpt_severity = 1) OR (rpt_text_var_1 = ANY (v_rollbackableGroups) AND rpt_severity = 2)) ORDER BY rpt_msg_type, rpt_text_var_1, rpt_text_var_2, rpt_text_var_3; -- RETURN; END; $_import_groups_conf_prepare$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._import_groups_conf_check(p_groupNames TEXT[]) RETURNS SETOF emaj._report_message_type LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_import_groups_conf_check$ -- This function verifies that the content of tables group as defined into the tmp_app_table table is correct. -- Any detected issue is reported as a message row. The caller defines what to do with them, depending on the tables group type. -- It is called by the _import_groups_conf_prepare() function. -- This function checks that the referenced application tables and sequences: -- - exist, -- - are not located into an E-Maj schema (to protect against an E-Maj recursive use), -- - do not already belong to another tables group, -- It also checks that: -- - tables are not TEMPORARY -- - for rollbackable groups, tables are not UNLOGGED or WITH OIDS -- - for rollbackable groups, all tables have a PRIMARY KEY -- - for tables, configured tablespaces exist -- Input: name array of the tables groups to check -- Output: _report_message_type records representing diagnostic messages -- the rpt_severity is set to 1 if the error blocks any type group creation or alter, -- or 2 if the error only blocks ROLLBACKABLE groups creation BEGIN -- Check that all application tables listed for the group really exist. RETURN QUERY SELECT 1, 1, tmp_group, tmp_schema, tmp_tbl_name, NULL::TEXT, NULL::INT, format('in the group %s, the table %s.%s does not exist.', tmp_group, quote_ident(tmp_schema), quote_ident(tmp_tbl_name)) FROM tmp_app_table WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM pg_catalog.pg_class JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace) WHERE tmp_schema = nspname AND tmp_tbl_name = relname AND relkind IN ('r','p') ); -- Check that no application table is a partitioned table (only elementary partitions can be managed by E-Maj). RETURN QUERY SELECT 2, 1, tmp_group, tmp_schema, tmp_tbl_name, NULL::TEXT, NULL::INT, format('in the group %s, the table %s.%s is a partitionned table (only elementary partitions are supported by E-Maj).', tmp_group, quote_ident(tmp_schema), quote_ident(tmp_tbl_name)) FROM tmp_app_table JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ON (relname = tmp_tbl_name) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace AND nspname = tmp_schema) WHERE relkind = 'p'; -- Check no application schema listed for the group in the tmp_app_table table is an E-Maj schema. RETURN QUERY SELECT 3, 1, tmp_group, tmp_schema, tmp_tbl_name, NULL::TEXT, NULL::INT, format('in the group %s, the table or sequence %s.%s belongs to an E-Maj schema.', tmp_group, quote_ident(tmp_schema), quote_ident(tmp_tbl_name)) FROM tmp_app_table JOIN emaj.emaj_schema ON (sch_name = tmp_schema); -- Check that no table of the checked groups already belongs to other created groups. RETURN QUERY SELECT 4, 1, tmp_group, tmp_schema, tmp_tbl_name, rel_group, NULL::INT, format('in the group %s, the table %s.%s already belongs to the group %s.', tmp_group, quote_ident(tmp_schema), quote_ident(tmp_tbl_name), quote_ident(rel_group)) FROM tmp_app_table JOIN emaj.emaj_relation ON (rel_schema = tmp_schema AND rel_tblseq = tmp_tbl_name AND upper_inf(rel_time_range)) WHERE NOT rel_group = ANY (p_groupNames); -- Check no table is a TEMP table. RETURN QUERY SELECT 5, 1, tmp_group, tmp_schema, tmp_tbl_name, NULL::TEXT, NULL::INT, format('in the group %s, the table %s.%s is a TEMPORARY table.', tmp_group, quote_ident(tmp_schema), quote_ident(tmp_tbl_name)) FROM tmp_app_table JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ON (relname = tmp_tbl_name) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace AND nspname = tmp_schema) WHERE relkind = 'r' AND relpersistence = 't'; -- Check that the log data tablespaces for tables exist. RETURN QUERY SELECT 12, 1, tmp_group, tmp_schema, tmp_tbl_name, tmp_log_dat_tsp, NULL::INT, format('in the group %s, for the table %s.%s, the data log tablespace %s does not exist.', tmp_group, quote_ident(tmp_schema), quote_ident(tmp_tbl_name), quote_ident(tmp_log_dat_tsp)) FROM tmp_app_table JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ON (relname = tmp_tbl_name) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace AND nspname = tmp_schema) WHERE relkind = 'r' AND tmp_log_dat_tsp IS NOT NULL AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_tablespace WHERE spcname = tmp_log_dat_tsp ); -- Check that the log index tablespaces for tables exist. RETURN QUERY SELECT 13, 1, tmp_group, tmp_schema, tmp_tbl_name, tmp_log_idx_tsp, NULL::INT, format('in the group %s, for the table %s.%s, the index log tablespace %s does not exist.', tmp_group, quote_ident(tmp_schema), quote_ident(tmp_tbl_name), quote_ident(tmp_log_idx_tsp)) FROM tmp_app_table JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ON (relname = tmp_tbl_name) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace AND nspname = tmp_schema) WHERE relkind = 'r' AND tmp_log_idx_tsp IS NOT NULL AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_tablespace WHERE spcname = tmp_log_idx_tsp ); -- Check that all listed triggers exist, RETURN QUERY SELECT 15, 1, tmp_group, tmp_schema, tmp_tbl_name, tmp_trigger, NULL::INT, format('In the group "%s" and for the table %I.%I, the trigger %s does not exist.', tmp_group, quote_ident(tmp_schema), quote_ident(tmp_tbl_name), quote_ident(tmp_trigger)) FROM (SELECT tmp_group, tmp_schema, tmp_tbl_name, unnest(tmp_ignored_triggers) AS tmp_trigger FROM tmp_app_table ) AS t WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_class JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_trigger ON (tgrelid = pg_class.oid) WHERE nspname = tmp_schema AND relname = tmp_tbl_name AND tgname = tmp_trigger AND NOT tgisinternal ); -- ... and are not emaj triggers. RETURN QUERY SELECT 16, 1, tmp_group, tmp_schema, tmp_tbl_name, tmp_trigger, NULL::INT, format('In the group "%s" and for the table %I.%I, the trigger %I is an E-Maj trigger.', tmp_group, quote_ident(tmp_schema), quote_ident(tmp_tbl_name), quote_ident(tmp_trigger)) FROM (SELECT tmp_group, tmp_schema, tmp_tbl_name, unnest(tmp_ignored_triggers) AS tmp_trigger FROM tmp_app_table ) AS t WHERE tmp_trigger IN ('emaj_trunc_trg', 'emaj_log_trg'); -- Check that no table is an unlogged table (blocking rollbackable groups only). RETURN QUERY SELECT 20, 2, tmp_group, tmp_schema, tmp_tbl_name, NULL::TEXT, NULL::INT, format('in the group %s, the table %s.%s is an UNLOGGED table.', tmp_group, quote_ident(tmp_schema), quote_ident(tmp_tbl_name)) FROM tmp_app_table JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ON (relname = tmp_tbl_name) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace AND nspname = tmp_schema) WHERE relkind = 'r' AND relpersistence = 'u'; -- With PG11- check no table is a WITH OIDS table (blocking rollbackable groups only). IF emaj._pg_version_num() < 120000 THEN RETURN QUERY SELECT 21, 2, tmp_group, tmp_schema, tmp_tbl_name, NULL::TEXT, NULL::INT, format('in the group %s, the table %s.%s is declared WITH OIDS.', tmp_group, quote_ident(tmp_schema), quote_ident(tmp_tbl_name)) FROM tmp_app_table JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ON (relname = tmp_tbl_name) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace AND nspname = tmp_schema) WHERE relkind = 'r' AND relhasoids; END IF; -- Check every table has a primary key (blocking rollbackable groups only). RETURN QUERY SELECT 22, 2, tmp_group, tmp_schema, tmp_tbl_name, NULL::TEXT, NULL::INT, format('in the group %s, the table %s.%s has no PRIMARY KEY.', tmp_group, quote_ident(tmp_schema), quote_ident(tmp_tbl_name)) FROM tmp_app_table JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ON (relname = tmp_tbl_name) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace AND nspname = tmp_schema) WHERE relkind = 'r' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_class JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_constraint ON (connamespace = pg_namespace.oid AND conrelid = pg_class.oid) WHERE contype = 'p' AND nspname = tmp_schema AND relname = tmp_tbl_name ); -- Check that all application sequences listed for the group really exist. RETURN QUERY SELECT 31, 1, tmp_group, tmp_schema, tmp_seq_name, NULL::TEXT, NULL::INT, format('in the group %s, the sequence %s.%s does not exist.', tmp_group, quote_ident(tmp_schema), quote_ident(tmp_seq_name)) FROM tmp_app_sequence WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM pg_catalog.pg_class JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace) WHERE tmp_schema = nspname AND tmp_seq_name = relname AND relkind = 'S' ); -- Check that no sequence of the checked groups already belongs to other created groups. RETURN QUERY SELECT 32, 1, tmp_group, tmp_schema, tmp_seq_name, rel_group, NULL::INT, format('in the group %s, the sequence %s.%s already belongs to the group %s.', tmp_group, quote_ident(tmp_schema), quote_ident(tmp_seq_name), quote_ident(rel_group)) FROM tmp_app_sequence JOIN emaj.emaj_relation ON (rel_schema = tmp_schema AND rel_tblseq = tmp_seq_name AND upper_inf(rel_time_range)) WHERE NOT rel_group = ANY (p_groupNames); -- RETURN; END; $_import_groups_conf_check$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._import_groups_conf_exec(p_json JSON, p_groups TEXT[], p_mark TEXT) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_import_groups_conf_exec$ -- This function completes a tables groups configuration import. -- It is called by _import_groups_conf() and by emaj_web -- Non existing groups are created empty. -- The _import_groups_conf_alter() function is used to process the assignement, the move, the removal or the attributes change for tables -- and sequences. -- Input: - the tables groups configuration structure in JSON format -- - the array of group names to process -- - a boolean indicating whether tables groups to import may already exist -- - the mark name to set for tables groups in logging state -- Output: the number of created or altered tables groups DECLARE v_timeId BIGINT; v_groupsJson JSON; v_nbGroup INT; v_comment TEXT; v_isRollbackable BOOLEAN; v_loggingGroups TEXT[]; v_markName TEXT; r_group RECORD; BEGIN -- Get a time stamp id of type 'I' for the operation. SELECT emaj._set_time_stamp('I') INTO v_timeId; -- Extract the "tables_groups" json path. v_groupsJson = p_json #> '{"tables_groups"}'; -- In a third pass over the JSON structure: -- - create empty groups for those which does not exist yet, -- - adjust the comment on the groups, if needed. v_nbGroup = 0; FOR r_group IN SELECT value AS groupJson FROM json_array_elements(v_groupsJson) WHERE value ->> 'group' = ANY (p_groups) LOOP v_nbGroup = v_nbGroup + 1; -- Create the tables group if it does not exist yet. SELECT group_comment INTO v_comment FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = r_group.groupJson ->> 'group'; IF NOT FOUND THEN v_isRollbackable = coalesce((r_group.groupJson ->> 'is_rollbackable')::BOOLEAN, TRUE); INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_group (group_name, group_is_rollbackable, group_creation_time_id, group_is_logging, group_is_rlbk_protected, group_nb_table, group_nb_sequence, group_comment) VALUES (r_group.groupJson ->> 'group', v_isRollbackable, v_timeId, FALSE, NOT v_isRollbackable, 0, 0, r_group.groupJson ->> 'comment'); INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('IMPORT_GROUPS', 'GROUP CREATED', r_group.groupJson ->> 'group', CASE WHEN v_isRollbackable THEN 'rollbackable' ELSE 'audit_only' END); ELSE -- If the group exists, adjust the comment if needed. IF coalesce(v_comment, '') <> coalesce(r_group.groupJson ->> 'comment', '') THEN UPDATE emaj.emaj_group SET group_comment = r_group.groupJson ->> 'comment' WHERE group_name = r_group.groupJson ->> 'group'; END IF; END IF; END LOOP; -- Lock the group names to avoid concurrent operation on these groups. PERFORM 0 FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = ANY(p_groups) FOR UPDATE; -- Build the list of groups that are in logging state. SELECT array_agg(group_name ORDER BY group_name) INTO v_loggingGroups FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = ANY(p_groups) AND group_is_logging; -- If some groups are in logging state, check and set the supplied mark name and lock the groups. IF v_loggingGroups IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT emaj._check_new_mark(p_groups, p_mark) INTO v_markName; -- Lock all tables to get a stable point. -- Use a ROW EXCLUSIVE lock mode, preventing for a transaction currently updating data, but not conflicting with simple read access or -- vacuum operation. PERFORM emaj._lock_groups(v_loggingGroups, 'ROW EXCLUSIVE', TRUE); -- And set the mark, using the same time identifier. PERFORM emaj._set_mark_groups(v_loggingGroups, v_markName, TRUE, TRUE, NULL, v_timeId); END IF; -- Process the tmp_app_table and tmp_app_sequence content change. PERFORM emaj._import_groups_conf_alter(p_groups, p_mark, v_timeId); -- Check foreign keys with tables outside the groups in logging state. PERFORM emaj._check_fk_groups(v_loggingGroups); -- The temporary tables are not needed anymore. So drop them. DROP TABLE tmp_app_table; DROP TABLE tmp_app_sequence; -- Insert a END event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_wording) VALUES ('IMPORT_GROUPS', 'END', v_nbGroup || ' created or altered tables groups'); -- RETURN v_nbGroup; END; $_import_groups_conf_exec$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._import_groups_conf_alter(p_groupNames TEXT[], p_mark TEXT, p_timeId BIGINT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_import_groups_conf_alter$ -- This function effectively alters the tables groups to import. -- It uses the content of tmp_app_table and tmp_app_sequence temporary tables and calls the appropriate elementary functions -- It is called by the _import_groups_conf_exec() function. -- Input: group names array, -- the mark name to set on groups in logging state -- the timestamp id DECLARE v_eventTriggers TEXT[]; BEGIN -- Disable event triggers that protect emaj components and keep in memory these triggers name. SELECT emaj._disable_event_triggers() INTO v_eventTriggers; -- Create the needed log schemas. PERFORM emaj._create_log_schemas('IMPORT_GROUPS'); -- Remove the tables that do not belong to the groups anymore. PERFORM emaj._remove_tbl(rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_group, group_is_logging, p_timeId, 'IMPORT_GROUPS') FROM ( SELECT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_group, group_is_logging FROM emaj.emaj_relation JOIN emaj.emaj_group ON (group_name = rel_group) WHERE rel_group = ANY (p_groupNames) AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND rel_kind = 'r' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM tmp_app_table WHERE tmp_schema = rel_schema AND tmp_tbl_name = rel_tblseq ) ORDER BY rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq ) AS t; -- Remove the sequences that do not belong to the groups anymore. PERFORM emaj._remove_seq(rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_group, group_is_logging, p_timeId, 'IMPORT_GROUPS') FROM ( SELECT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_group, group_is_logging FROM emaj.emaj_relation JOIN emaj.emaj_group ON (group_name = rel_group) WHERE rel_group = ANY (p_groupNames) AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND rel_kind = 'S' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM tmp_app_sequence WHERE tmp_schema = rel_schema AND tmp_seq_name = rel_tblseq ) ORDER BY rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq ) AS t; -- Repair the tables that are damaged or out of sync E-Maj components. PERFORM emaj._repair_tbl(rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_group, group_is_logging, p_timeId, 'IMPORT_GROUPS') FROM ( SELECT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_group, group_is_logging FROM -- all damaged or out of sync tables (SELECT DISTINCT ver_schema, ver_tblseq FROM emaj._verify_groups(p_groupNames, FALSE) ) AS t JOIN emaj.emaj_relation ON (rel_schema = ver_schema AND rel_tblseq = ver_tblseq AND upper_inf(rel_time_range)) JOIN tmp_app_table ON (tmp_schema = rel_schema AND tmp_tbl_name = rel_tblseq) JOIN emaj.emaj_group ON (group_name = rel_group) WHERE rel_group = ANY (p_groupNames) ORDER BY rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq ) AS t; -- Change the priority level when requested -- (the later operations will be executed with the new priorities). PERFORM emaj._change_priority_tbl(rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_priority, tmp_priority, p_timeId, rel_group, 'IMPORT_GROUPS') FROM ( SELECT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_priority, tmp_priority, rel_group FROM emaj.emaj_relation JOIN tmp_app_table ON (tmp_schema = rel_schema AND tmp_tbl_name = rel_tblseq) JOIN emaj.emaj_group ON (group_name = rel_group) WHERE upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND rel_kind = 'r' AND rel_group = ANY (p_groupNames) AND ( (rel_priority IS NULL AND tmp_priority IS NOT NULL) OR (rel_priority IS NOT NULL AND tmp_priority IS NULL) OR (rel_priority <> tmp_priority) ) ORDER BY rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq ) AS t; -- Reset the concerned groups in IDLE state, before changing tablespaces. PERFORM emaj._reset_groups(array_agg(group_name ORDER BY group_name)) FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = ANY (p_groupNames) AND NOT group_is_logging; -- Change the log data tablespaces. PERFORM emaj._change_log_data_tsp_tbl(rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_log_schema, rel_log_table, rel_log_dat_tsp, tmp_log_dat_tsp, p_timeId, rel_group, 'IMPORT_GROUPS') FROM ( SELECT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_log_schema, rel_log_table, rel_log_dat_tsp, tmp_log_dat_tsp, rel_group FROM emaj.emaj_relation JOIN tmp_app_table ON (tmp_schema = rel_schema AND tmp_tbl_name = rel_tblseq) JOIN emaj.emaj_group ON (group_name = rel_group) WHERE upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND rel_group = ANY (p_groupNames) AND rel_kind = 'r' AND coalesce(rel_log_dat_tsp,'') <> coalesce(tmp_log_dat_tsp,'') ORDER BY rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq ) AS t; -- Change the log index tablespaces. PERFORM emaj._change_log_index_tsp_tbl(rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_log_schema, rel_log_index, rel_log_idx_tsp, tmp_log_idx_tsp, p_timeId, rel_group, 'IMPORT_GROUPS') FROM ( SELECT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_log_schema, rel_log_index, rel_log_idx_tsp, tmp_log_idx_tsp, rel_group FROM emaj.emaj_relation JOIN tmp_app_table ON (tmp_schema = rel_schema AND tmp_tbl_name = rel_tblseq) JOIN emaj.emaj_group ON (group_name = rel_group) WHERE upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND rel_group = ANY (p_groupNames) AND rel_kind = 'r' AND coalesce(rel_log_idx_tsp,'') <> coalesce(tmp_log_idx_tsp,'') ORDER BY rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq ) AS t; -- Change the arrays of triggers to ignore at rollback time for tables. PERFORM emaj._change_ignored_triggers_tbl(rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_ignored_triggers, tmp_ignored_triggers, p_timeId, rel_group, 'IMPORT_GROUPS') FROM ( SELECT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_ignored_triggers, tmp_ignored_triggers, rel_group FROM emaj.emaj_relation JOIN tmp_app_table ON (tmp_schema = rel_schema AND tmp_tbl_name = rel_tblseq) WHERE upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND rel_kind = 'r' AND rel_group = ANY (p_groupNames) AND ( (rel_ignored_triggers IS NULL AND tmp_ignored_triggers IS NOT NULL) OR (rel_ignored_triggers IS NOT NULL AND tmp_ignored_triggers IS NULL) OR (rel_ignored_triggers <> tmp_ignored_triggers) ) ORDER BY rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq ) AS t; -- Change the group ownership of tables. PERFORM emaj._move_tbl(rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_group, old_group_is_logging, tmp_group, new_group_is_logging, p_timeId, 'IMPORT_GROUPS') FROM ( SELECT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_group, old_group.group_is_logging AS old_group_is_logging, tmp_group, new_group.group_is_logging AS new_group_is_logging FROM emaj.emaj_relation JOIN tmp_app_table ON (tmp_schema = rel_schema AND tmp_tbl_name = rel_tblseq) JOIN emaj.emaj_group old_group ON (old_group.group_name = rel_group) JOIN emaj.emaj_group new_group ON (new_group.group_name = tmp_group) WHERE upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND rel_kind = 'r' AND rel_group = ANY (p_groupNames) AND rel_group <> tmp_group ORDER BY rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq ) AS t; -- Change the group ownership of sequences. PERFORM emaj._move_seq(rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_group, old_group_is_logging, tmp_group, new_group_is_logging, p_timeId, 'IMPORT_GROUPS') FROM ( SELECT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_group, old_group.group_is_logging AS old_group_is_logging, tmp_group, new_group.group_is_logging AS new_group_is_logging FROM emaj.emaj_relation JOIN tmp_app_sequence ON (tmp_schema = rel_schema AND tmp_seq_name = rel_tblseq) JOIN emaj.emaj_group old_group ON (old_group.group_name = rel_group) JOIN emaj.emaj_group new_group ON (new_group.group_name = tmp_group) WHERE upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND rel_kind = 'S' AND rel_group = ANY (p_groupNames) AND rel_group <> tmp_group ORDER BY rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq ) AS t; -- Add tables to the groups. PERFORM emaj._add_tbl(tmp_schema, tmp_tbl_name, tmp_group, tmp_priority, tmp_log_dat_tsp, tmp_log_idx_tsp, tmp_ignored_triggers, group_is_logging, p_timeId, 'IMPORT_GROUPS') FROM ( SELECT tmp_schema, tmp_tbl_name, tmp_group, tmp_priority, tmp_log_dat_tsp, tmp_log_idx_tsp, tmp_ignored_triggers, group_is_logging FROM tmp_app_table JOIN emaj.emaj_group ON (group_name = tmp_group) WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = tmp_schema AND rel_tblseq = tmp_tbl_name AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND rel_kind = 'r' AND rel_group = ANY (p_groupNames) ) ORDER BY tmp_priority, tmp_schema, tmp_tbl_name ) AS t; -- Add sequences to the groups. PERFORM emaj._add_seq(tmp_schema, tmp_seq_name, tmp_group, group_is_logging, p_timeId, 'IMPORT_GROUPS') FROM ( SELECT tmp_schema, tmp_seq_name, tmp_group, group_is_logging FROM tmp_app_sequence JOIN emaj.emaj_group ON (group_name = tmp_group) WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = tmp_schema AND rel_tblseq = tmp_seq_name AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND rel_kind = 'S' AND rel_group = ANY (p_groupNames) ) ORDER BY tmp_schema, tmp_seq_name ) AS t; -- Drop the E-Maj log schemas that are now useless (i.e. not used by any created group). PERFORM emaj._drop_log_schemas('IMPORT_GROUPS', FALSE); -- Re-enable previously disabled event triggers. PERFORM emaj._enable_event_triggers(v_eventTriggers); -- Update some attributes in the emaj_group table. UPDATE emaj.emaj_group SET group_last_alter_time_id = p_timeId, group_nb_table = (SELECT count(*) FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = group_name AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND rel_kind = 'r' ), group_nb_sequence = (SELECT count(*) FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = group_name AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND rel_kind = 'S' ) WHERE group_name = ANY (p_groupNames); -- RETURN; END; $_import_groups_conf_alter$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_start_group(p_groupName TEXT, p_mark TEXT DEFAULT 'START_%', p_resetLog BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_start_group$ -- This function activates the log triggers of all the tables for a group and set a first mark. -- It may reset log tables. -- Input: group name, -- name of the mark to set -- '%' wild characters in mark name are transformed into a characters sequence built from the current timestamp -- if omitted or if null or '', the mark is set to 'START_%', % representing the current timestamp -- boolean indicating whether the log tables of the group must be reset, true by default. -- Output: number of processed tables and sequences BEGIN -- Call the common _start_groups function. RETURN emaj._start_groups(array[p_groupName], p_mark, FALSE, p_resetLog); END; $emaj_start_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_start_group(TEXT,TEXT,BOOLEAN) IS $$Starts an E-Maj group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_start_groups(p_groupNames TEXT[], p_mark TEXT DEFAULT 'START_%', p_resetLog BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_start_groups$ -- This function activates the log triggers of all the tables for a groups array and set a first mark. -- Input: array of group names, -- name of the mark to set (if omitted, START_) -- '%' wild characters in mark name are transformed into a characters sequence built from the current timestamp -- if omitted or if null or '', the mark is set to 'START_%', % representing the current timestamp -- boolean indicating whether the log tables of the group must be reset, true by default. -- Output: total number of processed tables and sequences BEGIN -- Call the common _start_groups function. RETURN emaj._start_groups(p_groupNames, p_mark, TRUE, p_resetLog); END; $emaj_start_groups$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_start_groups(TEXT[],TEXT, BOOLEAN) IS $$Starts several E-Maj groups.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._start_groups(p_groupNames TEXT[], p_mark TEXT, p_multiGroup BOOLEAN, p_resetLog BOOLEAN) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_start_groups$ -- This function activates the log triggers of all the tables for one or several groups and set a first mark. -- It also delete oldest rows in emaj_hist table. -- Input: array of group names, name of the mark to set, boolean indicating whether the function is called by a multi group function, -- boolean indicating whether the function must reset the group at start time -- Output: number of processed tables -- The function is defined as SECURITY DEFINER so that emaj_adm role can use it even if he is not the owner of application tables and -- sequences. DECLARE v_nbTblSeq INT = 0; v_markName TEXT; v_eventTriggers TEXT[]; r_tblsq RECORD; BEGIN -- Insert a BEGIN event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES (CASE WHEN p_multiGroup THEN 'START_GROUPS' ELSE 'START_GROUP' END, 'BEGIN', array_to_string(p_groupNames,','), CASE WHEN p_resetLog THEN 'With log reset' ELSE 'Without log reset' END); -- Check the group names. SELECT emaj._check_group_names(p_groupNames := p_groupNames, p_mayBeNull := p_multiGroup, p_lockGroups := TRUE, p_checkList := 'IDLE') INTO p_groupNames; IF p_groupNames IS NOT NULL THEN -- If there is at least 1 group to process, go on. -- Check that no group is damaged. PERFORM 0 FROM emaj._verify_groups(p_groupNames, TRUE); -- Check foreign keys with tables outside the group PERFORM emaj._check_fk_groups(p_groupNames); -- Purge the history tables, if needed. PERFORM emaj._purge_histories(); -- If requested by the user, call the emaj_reset_groups() function to erase remaining traces from previous logs. IF p_resetLog THEN PERFORM emaj._reset_groups(p_groupNames); -- Drop the log schemas that would have been emptied by the _reset_groups() call. SELECT emaj._disable_event_triggers() INTO v_eventTriggers; PERFORM emaj._drop_log_schemas(CASE WHEN p_multiGroup THEN 'START_GROUPS' ELSE 'START_GROUP' END, FALSE); PERFORM emaj._enable_event_triggers(v_eventTriggers); END IF; -- Check the supplied mark name (the check must be performed after the _reset_groups() call to allow to reuse an old mark name that is -- being deleted. IF p_mark IS NULL OR p_mark = '' THEN p_mark = 'START_%'; END IF; SELECT emaj._check_new_mark(p_groupNames, p_mark) INTO v_markName; -- OK, lock all tables to get a stable point. -- one sets the locks at the beginning of the operation (rather than let the ALTER TABLE statements set their own locks) to decrease the -- risk of deadlock. PERFORM emaj._lock_groups(p_groupNames,'SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE',p_multiGroup); -- Enable all log triggers for the groups. -- For each relation currently belonging to the group, FOR r_tblsq IN SELECT rel_kind, quote_ident(rel_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(rel_tblseq) AS full_relation_name FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND rel_group = ANY (p_groupNames) ORDER BY rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq LOOP IF r_tblsq.rel_kind = 'r' THEN -- ... if it is a table, enable the emaj log and truncate triggers. PERFORM emaj._handle_trigger_fk_tbl('ENABLE_TRIGGER', r_tblsq.full_relation_name, 'emaj_log_trg', 'ALWAYS'); PERFORM emaj._handle_trigger_fk_tbl('ENABLE_TRIGGER', r_tblsq.full_relation_name, 'emaj_trunc_trg', 'ALWAYS'); END IF; v_nbTblSeq = v_nbTblSeq + 1; END LOOP; -- Update the state of the group row from the emaj_group table. UPDATE emaj.emaj_group SET group_is_logging = TRUE WHERE group_name = ANY (p_groupNames); -- Set the first mark for each group. PERFORM emaj._set_mark_groups(p_groupNames, v_markName, p_multiGroup, TRUE); END IF; -- Insert a END event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES (CASE WHEN p_multiGroup THEN 'START_GROUPS' ELSE 'START_GROUP' END, 'END', array_to_string(p_groupNames,','), v_nbTblSeq || ' tables/sequences processed'); -- RETURN v_nbTblSeq; END; $_start_groups$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_stop_group(p_groupName TEXT, p_mark TEXT DEFAULT 'STOP_%') RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_stop_group$ -- This function de-activates the log triggers of all the tables for a group. -- Execute several emaj_stop_group functions for the same group doesn't produce any error. -- Input: group name -- name of the mark to set (if omitted, STOP_) -- '%' wild characters in mark name are transformed into a characters sequence built from the current timestamp -- if omitted or if null or '', the mark is set to 'STOP_%', % representing the current timestamp -- Output: number of processed tables and sequences BEGIN RETURN emaj._stop_groups(array[p_groupName], p_mark, FALSE, FALSE); END; $emaj_stop_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_stop_group(TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Stops an E-Maj group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_stop_groups(p_groupNames TEXT[], p_mark TEXT DEFAULT 'STOP_%') RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_stop_groups$ -- This function de-activates the log triggers of all the tables for a groups array. -- Groups already not in LOGGING state are simply not processed. -- Input: array of group names, stop mark name to set (by default, STOP_) -- Output: number of processed tables and sequences BEGIN RETURN emaj._stop_groups(p_groupNames, p_mark, TRUE, FALSE); END; $emaj_stop_groups$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_stop_groups(TEXT[], TEXT) IS $$Stops several E-Maj groups.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_force_stop_group(p_groupName TEXT) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_force_stop_group$ -- This function forces a tables group stop. -- The differences with the standart emaj_stop_group() function are: -- - it silently ignores errors when an application table or one of its triggers is missing, -- - no stop mark is set (to avoid error) -- Input: group name -- Output: number of processed tables and sequences BEGIN RETURN emaj._stop_groups(array[p_groupName], NULL, FALSE, TRUE); END; $emaj_force_stop_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_force_stop_group(TEXT) IS $$Forces an E-Maj group stop.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._stop_groups(p_groupNames TEXT[], p_mark TEXT, p_multiGroup BOOLEAN, p_isForced BOOLEAN) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_stop_groups$ -- This function effectively de-activates the log triggers of all the tables for a group. -- Input: array of group names, a mark name to set, and a boolean indicating if the function is called by a multi group function -- Output: number of processed tables and sequences -- The function is defined as SECURITY DEFINER so that emaj_adm role can use it even if he is not the owner of application tables and -- sequences. DECLARE v_groupList TEXT; v_count INT; v_nbTblSeq INT = 0; v_markName TEXT; v_fullTableName TEXT; r_schema RECORD; r_tblsq RECORD; BEGIN -- Insert a BEGIN event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object) VALUES (CASE WHEN p_multiGroup THEN 'STOP_GROUPS' WHEN NOT p_multiGroup AND NOT p_isForced THEN 'STOP_GROUP' ELSE 'FORCE_STOP_GROUP' END, 'BEGIN', array_to_string(p_groupNames,',')); -- Check the group names. SELECT emaj._check_group_names(p_groupNames := p_groupNames, p_mayBeNull := p_multiGroup, p_lockGroups := TRUE, p_checkList := '') INTO p_groupNames; -- For all already IDLE groups, generate a warning message and remove them from the list of the groups to process. SELECT string_agg(group_name,', ' ORDER BY group_name), count(*) INTO v_groupList, v_count FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = ANY(p_groupNames) AND NOT group_is_logging; IF v_count = 1 THEN RAISE WARNING '_stop_groups: The group "%" is already in IDLE state.', v_groupList; END IF; IF v_count > 1 THEN RAISE WARNING '_stop_groups: The groups "%" are already in IDLE state.', v_groupList; END IF; SELECT array_agg(DISTINCT group_name) INTO p_groupNames FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = ANY(p_groupNames) AND group_is_logging; -- Process the LOGGING groups. IF p_groupNames IS NOT NULL THEN -- Check and process the supplied mark name (except if the function is called by emaj_force_stop_group()). IF p_mark IS NULL OR p_mark = '' THEN p_mark = 'STOP_%'; END IF; IF NOT p_isForced THEN SELECT emaj._check_new_mark(p_groupNames, p_mark) INTO v_markName; END IF; -- OK (no error detected and at least one group in logging state) -- Lock all tables to get a stable point. -- One sets the locks at the beginning of the operation (rather than let the ALTER TABLE statements set their own locks) to decrease the -- risk of deadlock. PERFORM emaj._lock_groups(p_groupNames,'SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE',p_multiGroup); -- Verify that all application schemas for the groups still exists. FOR r_schema IN SELECT DISTINCT rel_schema FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND rel_group = ANY (p_groupNames) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT nspname FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE nspname = rel_schema ) ORDER BY rel_schema LOOP IF p_isForced THEN RAISE WARNING '_stop_groups: The schema "%" does not exist any more.', r_schema.rel_schema; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION '_stop_groups: The schema "%" does not exist any more.', r_schema.rel_schema; END IF; END LOOP; -- For each relation currently belonging to the groups to process. FOR r_tblsq IN SELECT rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_kind FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND rel_group = ANY (p_groupNames) ORDER BY rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq LOOP IF r_tblsq.rel_kind = 'r' THEN -- If it is a table, check the table still exists, IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM pg_catalog.pg_class JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace) WHERE nspname = r_tblsq.rel_schema AND relname = r_tblsq.rel_tblseq ) THEN IF p_isForced THEN RAISE WARNING '_stop_groups: The table "%.%" does not exist any more.', r_tblsq.rel_schema, r_tblsq.rel_tblseq; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION '_stop_groups: The table "%.%" does not exist any more.', r_tblsq.rel_schema, r_tblsq.rel_tblseq; END IF; ELSE -- ... and disable the emaj log and truncate triggers. -- Errors are captured so that emaj_force_stop_group() can be silently executed. v_fullTableName = quote_ident(r_tblsq.rel_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_tblsq.rel_tblseq); BEGIN PERFORM emaj._handle_trigger_fk_tbl('DISABLE_TRIGGER', v_fullTableName, 'emaj_log_trg'); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN IF p_isForced THEN RAISE WARNING '_stop_groups: The log trigger "emaj_log_trg" on table "%.%" does not exist any more.', r_tblsq.rel_schema, r_tblsq.rel_tblseq; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION '_stop_groups: The log trigger "emaj_log_trg" on table "%.%" does not exist any more.', r_tblsq.rel_schema, r_tblsq.rel_tblseq; END IF; END; BEGIN PERFORM emaj._handle_trigger_fk_tbl('DISABLE_TRIGGER', v_fullTableName, 'emaj_trunc_trg'); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN IF p_isForced THEN RAISE WARNING '_stop_groups: The truncate trigger "emaj_trunc_trg" on table "%.%" does not exist any more.', r_tblsq.rel_schema, r_tblsq.rel_tblseq; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION '_stop_groups: The truncate trigger "emaj_trunc_trg" on table "%.%" does not exist any more.', r_tblsq.rel_schema, r_tblsq.rel_tblseq; END IF; END; END IF; END IF; v_nbTblSeq = v_nbTblSeq + 1; END LOOP; IF NOT p_isForced THEN -- If the function is not called by emaj_force_stop_group(), set the stop mark for each group, PERFORM emaj._set_mark_groups(p_groupNames, v_markName, p_multiGroup, TRUE); -- and set the number of log rows to 0 for these marks. UPDATE emaj.emaj_mark m SET mark_log_rows_before_next = 0 WHERE mark_group = ANY (p_groupNames) AND (mark_group, mark_time_id) IN -- select only last mark of each concerned group (SELECT mark_group, max(mark_time_id) FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = ANY (p_groupNames) AND NOT mark_is_deleted GROUP BY mark_group ); END IF; -- Set all marks for the groups from the emaj_mark table as 'DELETED' to avoid any further rollback and remove protection, if any. UPDATE emaj.emaj_mark SET mark_is_deleted = TRUE, mark_is_rlbk_protected = FALSE WHERE mark_group = ANY (p_groupNames) AND NOT mark_is_deleted; -- Update the state of the groups rows from the emaj_group table (the rollback protection of rollbackable groups is reset). UPDATE emaj.emaj_group SET group_is_logging = FALSE, group_is_rlbk_protected = NOT group_is_rollbackable WHERE group_name = ANY (p_groupNames); END IF; -- Insert a END event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES (CASE WHEN p_multiGroup THEN 'STOP_GROUPS' WHEN NOT p_multiGroup AND NOT p_isForced THEN 'STOP_GROUP' ELSE 'FORCE_STOP_GROUP' END, 'END', array_to_string(p_groupNames,','), v_nbTblSeq || ' tables/sequences processed'); -- RETURN v_nbTblSeq; END; $_stop_groups$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_protect_group(p_groupName TEXT) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_protect_group$ -- This function sets a protection on a group against accidental rollback. -- However this doesn't block rollback simulations performed with the emaj_estimate_rollback_group() function. -- Input: group name -- Output: 1 if successful, 0 if the group was already in protected state DECLARE v_status INT; BEGIN -- Check the group name. PERFORM emaj._check_group_names(p_groupNames := ARRAY[p_groupName], p_mayBeNull := FALSE, p_lockGroups := TRUE, p_checkList := 'LOGGING,ROLLBACKABLE'); -- OK, set the protection. UPDATE emaj.emaj_group SET group_is_rlbk_protected = TRUE WHERE group_name = p_groupName AND NOT group_is_rlbk_protected; GET DIAGNOSTICS v_status = ROW_COUNT; -- Insert the event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('PROTECT_GROUP', p_groupName, 'Status ' || v_status); -- RETURN v_status; END; $emaj_protect_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_protect_group(TEXT) IS $$Sets a protection against a rollback on an E-Maj group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_unprotect_group(p_groupName TEXT) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_unprotect_group$ -- This function unsets a protection on a group against accidental rollback. -- Input: group name -- Output: 1 if successful, 0 if the group was not already in protected state DECLARE v_status INT; BEGIN -- Check the group name. PERFORM emaj._check_group_names(p_groupNames := ARRAY[p_groupName], p_mayBeNull := FALSE, p_lockGroups := TRUE, p_checkList := 'ROLLBACKABLE'); -- OK, unset the protection. UPDATE emaj.emaj_group SET group_is_rlbk_protected = FALSE WHERE group_name = p_groupName AND group_is_rlbk_protected; GET DIAGNOSTICS v_status = ROW_COUNT; -- Insert the event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('UNPROTECT_GROUP', p_groupName, 'Status ' || v_status); -- RETURN v_status; END; $emaj_unprotect_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_unprotect_group(TEXT) IS $$Unsets a protection against a rollback on an E-Maj group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_set_mark_group(p_groupName TEXT, p_mark TEXT DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_set_mark_group$ -- This function inserts a mark in the emaj_mark table and takes an image of the sequences definitions for the group. -- Input: group name, mark to set -- '%' wild characters in mark name are transformed into a characters sequence built from the current timestamp -- if omitted or if null or '', the mark is set to 'MARK_%', % representing the current timestamp -- Output: number of processed tables and sequences DECLARE v_markName TEXT; v_nbTb INT; BEGIN -- Insert a BEGIN event into the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('SET_MARK_GROUP', 'BEGIN', p_groupName, v_markName); -- Check the group name. PERFORM emaj._check_group_names(p_groupNames := ARRAY[p_groupName], p_mayBeNull := FALSE, p_lockGroups := TRUE, p_checkList := 'LOGGING'); -- Check if the emaj group is OK. PERFORM 0 FROM emaj._verify_groups(array[p_groupName], TRUE); -- Check and process the supplied mark name. SELECT emaj._check_new_mark(array[p_groupName], p_mark) INTO v_markName; -- OK, lock all tables to get a stable point. -- Use a ROW EXCLUSIVE lock mode, preventing for a transaction currently updating data, but not conflicting with simple read access or -- vacuum operation. PERFORM emaj._lock_groups(array[p_groupName],'ROW EXCLUSIVE',FALSE); -- Effectively set the mark using the internal _set_mark_groups() function. SELECT emaj._set_mark_groups(array[p_groupName], v_markName, FALSE, FALSE) INTO v_nbTb; -- Insert a END event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('SET_MARK_GROUP', 'END', p_groupName, v_markName); -- RETURN v_nbTb; END; $emaj_set_mark_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_set_mark_group(TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Sets a mark on an E-Maj group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_set_mark_groups(p_groupNames TEXT[], p_mark TEXT DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_set_mark_groups$ -- This function inserts a mark in the emaj_mark table and takes an image of the sequences definitions for several groups at a time. -- Input: array of group names, mark to set -- '%' wild characters in mark name are transformed into a characters sequence built from the current timestamp -- if omitted or if null or '', the mark is set to 'MARK_%', % representing the current timestamp -- Output: number of processed tables and sequences DECLARE v_markName TEXT; v_nbTblseq INT = 0; BEGIN -- Insert a BEGIN event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('SET_MARK_GROUPS', 'BEGIN', array_to_string(p_groupNames,','), p_mark); -- Check the group names. SELECT emaj._check_group_names(p_groupNames := p_groupNames, p_mayBeNull := TRUE, p_lockGroups := TRUE, p_checkList := 'LOGGING') INTO p_groupNames; -- Process the groups. IF p_groupNames IS NOT NULL THEN -- Check that no group is damaged. PERFORM 0 FROM emaj._verify_groups(p_groupNames, TRUE); -- Check and process the supplied mark name. SELECT emaj._check_new_mark(p_groupNames, p_mark) INTO v_markName; -- OK, lock all tables to get a stable point. -- Use a ROW EXCLUSIVE lock mode, preventing for a transaction currently updating data, but not conflicting with simple read access or -- vacuum operation. PERFORM emaj._lock_groups(p_groupNames,'ROW EXCLUSIVE',TRUE); -- Effectively set the mark using the internal _set_mark_groups() function. SELECT emaj._set_mark_groups(p_groupNames, v_markName, TRUE, FALSE) INTO v_nbTblseq; END IF; -- Insert a END event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('SET_MARK_GROUPS', 'END', array_to_string(p_groupNames,','), p_mark); -- RETURN v_nbTblseq; END; $emaj_set_mark_groups$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_set_mark_groups(TEXT[],TEXT) IS $$Sets a mark on several E-Maj groups.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._set_mark_groups(p_groupNames TEXT[], p_mark TEXT, p_multiGroup BOOLEAN, p_eventToRecord BOOLEAN, p_loggedRlbkTargetMark TEXT DEFAULT NULL, p_timeId BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, p_dblinkSchema TEXT DEFAULT NULL) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_set_mark_groups$ -- This function effectively inserts a mark in the emaj_mark table and takes an image of the sequences definitions for the array of groups. -- It also updates the previous mark of each group to setup the mark_log_rows_before_next column with the number of rows recorded into all -- log tables between this previous mark and the new mark. -- It is called by emaj_set_mark_group and emaj_set_mark_groups functions but also by other functions that set internal marks, like -- functions that start or rollback groups. -- Input: group names array, mark to set, -- boolean indicating whether the function is called by a multi group function -- boolean indicating whether the event has to be recorded into the emaj_hist table -- name of the rollback target mark when this mark is created by the logged_rollback functions (NULL by default) -- time stamp identifier to reuse (NULL by default) (this parameter is set when the mark is a rollback start mark) -- dblink schema when the mark is set by a rollback operation and dblink connection are used (NULL by default) -- Output: number of processed tables and sequences -- The insertion of the corresponding event in the emaj_hist table is performed by callers. DECLARE v_nbTbl INT; v_nbSeq INT; v_stmt TEXT; BEGIN -- If requested by the calling function, record the set mark begin in emaj_hist. IF p_eventToRecord THEN INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES (CASE WHEN p_multiGroup THEN 'SET_MARK_GROUPS' ELSE 'SET_MARK_GROUP' END, 'BEGIN', array_to_string(p_groupNames,','), p_mark); END IF; -- Get the time stamp of the operation, if not supplied as input parameter. IF p_timeId IS NULL THEN SELECT emaj._set_time_stamp('M') INTO p_timeId; END IF; -- Record sequences state as early as possible (no lock protects them from other transactions activity). -- The join on pg_namespace and pg_class filters the potentially dropped application sequences. WITH seq AS -- selected sequences (SELECT rel_schema, rel_tblseq FROM emaj.emaj_relation JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ON (relname = rel_tblseq) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace AND nspname = rel_schema) WHERE upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND rel_kind = 'S' AND rel_group = ANY (p_groupNames) ) INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_sequence (sequ_schema, sequ_name, sequ_time_id, sequ_last_val, sequ_start_val, sequ_increment, sequ_max_val, sequ_min_val, sequ_cache_val, sequ_is_cycled, sequ_is_called) SELECT t.* FROM seq, LATERAL emaj._get_current_sequence_state(rel_schema, rel_tblseq, p_timeId) AS t; GET DIAGNOSTICS v_nbSeq = ROW_COUNT; -- Record the number of log rows for the old last mark of each group. -- The statement updates no row in case of emaj_start_group(s) WITH stat_group1 AS -- for each group, time id of the last active mark (SELECT mark_group, max(mark_time_id) AS last_mark_time_id FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE NOT mark_is_deleted GROUP BY mark_group ), stat_group2 AS -- compute the number of log rows for all tables currently belonging to these groups (SELECT mark_group, last_mark_time_id, coalesce( (SELECT sum(emaj._log_stat_tbl(emaj_relation, greatest(last_mark_time_id, lower(rel_time_range)),NULL)) FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = mark_group AND rel_kind = 'r' AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) ), 0) AS mark_stat FROM stat_group1 ) UPDATE emaj.emaj_mark m SET mark_log_rows_before_next = mark_stat FROM stat_group2 s WHERE s.mark_group = m.mark_group AND s.last_mark_time_id = m.mark_time_id; -- For tables currently belonging to the groups, record their state and their log sequence last_value. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_table (tbl_schema, tbl_name, tbl_time_id, tbl_tuples, tbl_pages, tbl_log_seq_last_val) SELECT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, p_timeId, reltuples, relpages, last_value FROM emaj.emaj_relation LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (nspname = rel_schema) LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ON (relname = rel_tblseq AND relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid), LATERAL emaj._get_log_sequence_last_value(rel_log_schema, rel_log_sequence) AS last_value WHERE upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND rel_group = ANY (p_groupNames) AND rel_kind = 'r'; GET DIAGNOSTICS v_nbTbl = ROW_COUNT; -- Record the mark for each group into the emaj_mark table. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_mark (mark_group, mark_name, mark_time_id, mark_is_deleted, mark_is_rlbk_protected, mark_logged_rlbk_target_mark) SELECT group_name, p_mark, p_timeId, FALSE, FALSE, p_loggedRlbkTargetMark FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = ANY(p_groupNames) ORDER BY group_name; -- Before exiting, cleanup the state of the pending rollback events from the emaj_rlbk table. -- It uses a dblink connection when the mark to set comes from a rollback operation that uses dblink connections. v_stmt = 'SELECT emaj._cleanup_rollback_state()'; PERFORM emaj._dblink_sql_exec('rlbk#1', v_stmt, p_dblinkSchema); -- If requested by the calling function, record the set mark end into emaj_hist. IF p_eventToRecord THEN INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES (CASE WHEN p_multiGroup THEN 'SET_MARK_GROUPS' ELSE 'SET_MARK_GROUP' END, 'END', array_to_string(p_groupNames,','), p_mark); END IF; -- RETURN v_nbSeq + v_nbTbl; END; $_set_mark_groups$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_comment_mark_group(p_groupName TEXT, p_mark TEXT, p_comment TEXT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_comment_mark_group$ -- This function sets or modifies a comment on a mark by updating the mark_comment of the emaj_mark table. -- Input: group name, mark to comment, comment -- The keyword 'EMAJ_LAST_MARK' can be used as mark to delete to specify the last set mark. -- To reset an existing comment for a mark, the supplied comment can be NULL. BEGIN -- Check the group name. PERFORM emaj._check_group_names(p_groupNames := ARRAY[p_groupName], p_mayBeNull := FALSE, p_lockGroups := TRUE, p_checkList := ''); -- Check the mark name. SELECT emaj._check_mark_name(p_groupNames := ARRAY[p_groupName], p_mark := p_mark, p_checkList := '') INTO p_mark; -- OK, update the mark_comment from emaj_mark table. UPDATE emaj.emaj_mark SET mark_comment = p_comment WHERE mark_group = p_groupName AND mark_name = p_mark; -- Insert the event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('COMMENT_MARK_GROUP', p_groupName, 'Mark ' || p_mark); -- RETURN; END; $emaj_comment_mark_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_comment_mark_group(TEXT,TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Sets a comment on a mark for an E-Maj group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_get_previous_mark_group(p_groupName TEXT, p_datetime TIMESTAMPTZ) RETURNS TEXT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_get_previous_mark_group$ -- This function returns the name of the mark that immediately precedes a given date and time. -- It may return unpredictable result in case of system date or time change. -- The function can be called by both emaj_adm and emaj_viewer roles. -- Input: group name, date and time -- Output: mark name, or NULL if there is no mark before the given date and time BEGIN -- Check the group name. PERFORM emaj._check_group_names(p_groupNames := ARRAY[p_groupName], p_mayBeNull := FALSE, p_lockGroups := FALSE, p_checkList := ''); -- Find the requested mark. RETURN mark_name FROM emaj.emaj_mark JOIN emaj.emaj_time_stamp ON (time_id = mark_time_id) WHERE mark_group = p_groupName AND time_clock_timestamp < p_datetime ORDER BY time_clock_timestamp DESC LIMIT 1; END; $emaj_get_previous_mark_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_get_previous_mark_group(TEXT,TIMESTAMPTZ) IS $$Returns the latest mark name preceeding a point in time.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_get_previous_mark_group(p_groupName TEXT, p_mark TEXT) RETURNS TEXT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_get_previous_mark_group$ -- This function returns the name of the mark that immediately precedes a given mark for a group. -- The function can be called by both emaj_adm and emaj_viewer roles. -- Input: group name, mark name -- The keyword 'EMAJ_LAST_MARK' can be used to specify the last set mark. -- Output: mark name, or NULL if there is no mark before the given mark BEGIN -- Check the group name. PERFORM emaj._check_group_names(p_groupNames := ARRAY[p_groupName], p_mayBeNull := FALSE, p_lockGroups := FALSE, p_checkList := ''); -- Check the mark name. SELECT emaj._check_mark_name(p_groupNames := ARRAY[p_groupName], p_mark := p_mark, p_checkList := '') INTO p_mark; -- Find the requested mark. RETURN emaj._get_previous_mark_group(p_groupName, p_mark); END; $emaj_get_previous_mark_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_get_previous_mark_group(TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Returns the latest mark name preceeding a given mark for a group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._get_previous_mark_group(p_groupName TEXT, p_realMark TEXT) RETURNS TEXT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_get_previous_mark_group$ -- This function returns the name of the mark that immediately precedes a given mark for a group. -- The function can be called by both emaj_adm and emaj_viewer roles. -- Input: group name, mark name -- The mark name has already been checked and resolved if the keyword 'EMAJ_LAST_MARK' has been used by the user. -- Output: mark name, or NULL if there is no mark before the given mark BEGIN -- Find the requested mark and return. RETURN mark_name FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = p_groupName AND mark_time_id < (SELECT mark_time_id FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = p_groupName AND mark_name = p_realMark ) ORDER BY mark_time_id DESC LIMIT 1; END; $_get_previous_mark_group$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_delete_mark_group(p_groupName TEXT, p_mark TEXT) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_delete_mark_group$ -- This function deletes all traces from a previous set_mark_group(s) function. -- Then, any rollback on the deleted mark will not be possible. -- It deletes rows corresponding to the mark to delete from emaj_mark and emaj_sequence. -- If this mark is the first mark, it also deletes rows from all concerned log tables and holes from emaj_seq_hole. -- The statistical mark_log_rows_before_next column's content of the previous mark is also maintained. -- At least one mark must remain after the operation (otherwise it is not worth having a group in LOGGING state !). -- Input: group name, mark to delete -- The keyword 'EMAJ_LAST_MARK' can be used as mark to delete to specify the last set mark. -- Output: number of deleted marks, i.e. 1 DECLARE v_markTimeId BIGINT; v_previousMarkTimeId BIGINT; v_previousMarkName TEXT; v_previousMarkGlobalSeq BIGINT; v_nextMarkTimeId BIGINT; v_nextMarkName TEXT; v_nextMarkGlobalSeq BIGINT; v_timeIdNewMin BIGINT; v_markNewMin TEXT; v_count INT; BEGIN -- Insert a BEGIN event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('DELETE_MARK_GROUP', 'BEGIN', p_groupName, p_mark); -- Check the group name. PERFORM emaj._check_group_names(p_groupNames := ARRAY[p_groupName], p_mayBeNull := FALSE, p_lockGroups := TRUE, p_checkList := ''); -- Check the mark name. SELECT emaj._check_mark_name(p_groupNames := ARRAY[p_groupName], p_mark := p_mark, p_checkList := '') INTO p_mark; -- Count the number of marks in the group. SELECT count(*) INTO v_count FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = p_groupName; -- Check there are at least 2 marks for the group. IF v_count < 2 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_delete_mark_group: "%" is the only mark of the group. It cannot be deleted.', p_mark; END IF; -- OK, now get the time stamp id of the mark to delete, SELECT mark_time_id INTO v_markTimeId FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = p_groupName AND mark_name = p_mark; -- ... and the timestamp of the future first mark, SELECT mark_time_id, mark_name INTO v_timeIdNewMin, v_markNewMin FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = p_groupName AND mark_name <> p_mark ORDER BY mark_time_id LIMIT 1; -- ... and the name, the time id and the last global sequence value of the previous mark, SELECT emaj._get_previous_mark_group(p_groupName, p_mark) INTO v_previousMarkName; SELECT mark_time_id, time_last_emaj_gid INTO v_previousMarkTimeId, v_previousMarkGlobalSeq FROM emaj.emaj_mark JOIN emaj.emaj_time_stamp ON (time_id = mark_time_id) WHERE mark_group = p_groupName AND mark_name = v_previousMarkName; -- ... and the name, the time id and the last global sequence value of the next mark, SELECT mark_name INTO v_nextMarkName FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = p_groupName AND mark_time_id > (SELECT mark_time_id FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = p_groupName AND mark_name = p_mark ) ORDER BY mark_time_id ASC LIMIT 1; SELECT mark_time_id, time_last_emaj_gid INTO v_nextMarkTimeId, v_nextMarkGlobalSeq FROM emaj.emaj_mark JOIN emaj.emaj_time_stamp ON (time_id = mark_time_id) WHERE mark_group = p_groupName AND mark_name = v_nextMarkName; -- Effectively delete the mark for the group. IF v_previousMarkTimeId IS NULL THEN -- If the mark to delete is the first one, process its deletion with _delete_before_mark_group(), as the first rows of log tables become -- useless. PERFORM emaj._delete_before_mark_group(p_groupName, v_markNewMin); ELSE -- Otherwise, the mark to delete is an intermediate mark for the group. -- Process the mark deletion with _delete_intermediate_mark_group(). PERFORM emaj._delete_intermediate_mark_group(p_groupName, p_mark, v_markTimeId); END IF; -- Insert a END event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('DELETE_MARK_GROUP', 'END', p_groupName, p_mark); -- RETURN 1; END; $emaj_delete_mark_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_delete_mark_group(TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Deletes a mark for an E-Maj group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_delete_before_mark_group(p_groupName TEXT, p_mark TEXT) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_delete_before_mark_group$ -- This function deletes all marks set before a given mark. -- Then, any rollback on the deleted marks will not be possible. -- It deletes rows corresponding to the marks to delete from emaj_mark, emaj_sequence, emaj_seq_hole. -- It also deletes rows from all concerned log tables. -- Input: group name, name of the new first mark -- The keyword 'EMAJ_LAST_MARK' can be used as mark name. -- Output: number of deleted marks -- or NULL if the provided mark name is NULL DECLARE v_nbMark INT; BEGIN -- Insert a BEGIN event into the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('DELETE_BEFORE_MARK_GROUP', 'BEGIN', p_groupName, p_mark); -- check the group name. PERFORM emaj._check_group_names(p_groupNames := ARRAY[p_groupName], p_mayBeNull := FALSE, p_lockGroups := TRUE, p_checkList := ''); -- Return NULL if the mark name is NULL. IF p_mark IS NULL THEN RETURN NULL; END IF; -- Check the mark name. SELECT emaj._check_mark_name(p_groupNames := ARRAY[p_groupName], p_mark := p_mark, p_checkList := '') INTO p_mark; -- Effectively delete all marks before the supplied mark. SELECT emaj._delete_before_mark_group(p_groupName, p_mark) INTO v_nbMark; -- Insert a END event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('DELETE_BEFORE_MARK_GROUP', 'END', p_groupName, v_nbMark || ' marks deleted ; ' || p_mark || ' is now the initial mark' ); -- RETURN v_nbMark; END; $emaj_delete_before_mark_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_delete_before_mark_group(TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Deletes all marks preceeding a given mark for an E-Maj group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._delete_before_mark_group(p_groupName TEXT, p_mark TEXT) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_delete_before_mark_group$ -- This function deletes all logs and marks set before a given mark. -- The function is called by the emaj_delete_before_mark_group(), emaj_delete_mark_group() functions. -- It deletes rows corresponding to the marks to delete from emaj_mark and emaj_sequence. -- It deletes rows from emaj_relation corresponding to old versions that become unreacheable. -- It deletes rows from all concerned log tables. -- To complete, the function deletes oldest rows from emaj_hist. -- Input: group name, name of the new first mark. -- Output: number of deleted marks, number of tables effectively processed (for which at least one log row has been deleted) DECLARE v_eventTriggers TEXT[]; v_markGlobalSeq BIGINT; v_markTimeId BIGINT; v_nbMark INT; r_rel RECORD; BEGIN -- Disable event triggers that protect emaj components and keep in memory these triggers name. SELECT emaj._disable_event_triggers() INTO v_eventTriggers; -- Retrieve the timestamp and the emaj_gid value and the time stamp id of the target new first mark. SELECT time_last_emaj_gid, mark_time_id INTO v_markGlobalSeq, v_markTimeId FROM emaj.emaj_mark JOIN emaj.emaj_time_stamp ON (time_id = mark_time_id) WHERE mark_group = p_groupName AND mark_name = p_mark; -- -- First process all obsolete time ranges for the group. -- -- Drop obsolete old log tables. FOR r_rel IN -- log tables for the group, whose end time stamp is older than the new first mark time stamp SELECT DISTINCT rel_log_schema, rel_log_table FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_kind = 'r' AND rel_group = p_groupName AND upper(rel_time_range) <= v_markTimeId EXCEPT -- unless they are also used for more recent time range, or are also linked to other groups SELECT rel_log_schema, rel_log_table FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_kind = 'r' AND (upper(rel_time_range) > v_markTimeId OR upper_inf(rel_time_range) OR rel_group <> p_groupName) ORDER BY 1,2 LOOP EXECUTE format('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %I.%I CASCADE', r_rel.rel_log_schema, r_rel.rel_log_table); END LOOP; -- Delete emaj_table rows corresponding to obsolete relation time range that will be deleted just later. -- The related emaj_seq_hole rows will be deleted just later ; they are not directly linked to an emaj_relation row. DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_table USING emaj.emaj_relation r1 WHERE rel_group = p_groupName AND rel_kind = 'r' AND tbl_schema = rel_schema AND tbl_name = rel_tblseq AND upper(rel_time_range) <= v_markTimeId AND (tbl_time_id < v_markTimeId -- all tables states prior the mark time OR (tbl_time_id = v_markTimeId -- and the tables state of the mark time AND NOT EXISTS -- if it is not the lower bound of an adjacent time range (SELECT 0 FROM emaj.emaj_relation r2 WHERE r2.rel_schema = r1.rel_schema AND r2.rel_tblseq = r1.rel_tblseq AND lower(r2.rel_time_range) = v_marktimeid ))); -- Keep a trace of the relation group ownership history and finaly delete from the emaj_relation table the relation that ended before -- the new first mark. WITH deleted AS (DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = p_groupName AND upper(rel_time_range) <= v_markTimeId RETURNING rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_time_range, rel_group, rel_kind ) INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_rel_hist (relh_schema, relh_tblseq, relh_time_range, relh_group, relh_kind) SELECT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_time_range, rel_group, rel_kind FROM deleted; -- Drop the E-Maj log schemas that are now useless (i.e. not used by any created group). PERFORM emaj._drop_log_schemas('DELETE_BEFORE_MARK_GROUP', FALSE); -- -- Then process the current relation time range for the group. -- -- Delete rows from all log tables. FOR r_rel IN SELECT quote_ident(rel_log_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(rel_log_table) AS log_table_name FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = p_groupName AND rel_kind = 'r' AND (upper_inf(rel_time_range) OR upper(rel_time_range) > v_markTimeId) ORDER BY rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq LOOP -- Delete log rows prior to the new first mark. EXECUTE format('DELETE FROM %s WHERE emaj_gid <= $1', r_rel.log_table_name) USING v_markGlobalSeq; END LOOP; -- Process emaj_seq_hole content. -- Delete all existing holes, if any, before the mark. -- It may delete holes for timeranges that do not belong to the group, if a table has been moved to another group, -- but is safe enough for rollbacks. DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_seq_hole USING emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = p_groupName AND rel_kind = 'r' AND rel_schema = sqhl_schema AND rel_tblseq = sqhl_table AND sqhl_begin_time_id < v_markTimeId; -- Now the sequences related to the mark to delete can be suppressed. -- Delete first application sequences related data for the group. -- The sequence state at time range bounds are kept (if the mark comes from a logging group alter operation). DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_sequence USING emaj.emaj_relation WHERE sequ_schema = rel_schema AND sequ_name = rel_tblseq AND rel_time_range @> sequ_time_id AND rel_group = p_groupName AND rel_kind = 'S' AND sequ_time_id < v_markTimeId AND lower(rel_time_range) <> sequ_time_id; -- Delete then tables related data for the group. -- The tables state at time range bounds are kept. DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_table USING emaj.emaj_relation WHERE tbl_schema = rel_schema AND tbl_name = rel_tblseq AND rel_time_range @> tbl_time_id AND rel_group = p_groupName AND rel_kind = 'r' AND tbl_time_id < v_markTimeId AND lower(rel_time_range) <> tbl_time_id; -- And that may have one of the deleted marks as target mark from a previous logged rollback operation. UPDATE emaj.emaj_mark SET mark_logged_rlbk_target_mark = NULL WHERE mark_group = p_groupName AND mark_time_id >= v_markTimeId AND mark_logged_rlbk_target_mark IN (SELECT mark_name FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = p_groupName AND mark_time_id < v_markTimeId ); -- Delete oldest marks. DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = p_groupName AND mark_time_id < v_markTimeId; GET DIAGNOSTICS v_nbMark = ROW_COUNT; -- Enable previously disabled event triggers. PERFORM emaj._enable_event_triggers(v_eventTriggers); -- Purge the history tables, if needed (even if no mark as been really dropped). PERFORM emaj._purge_histories(); -- RETURN v_nbMark; END; $_delete_before_mark_group$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._delete_intermediate_mark_group(p_groupName TEXT, p_markName TEXT, p_markTimeId BIGINT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_delete_intermediate_mark_group$ -- This function effectively deletes an intermediate mark for a group. -- It is called by the emaj_delete_mark_group() function. -- It deletes rows corresponding to the mark to delete from emaj_mark and emaj_sequence. -- The statistical mark_log_rows_before_next column's content of the previous mark is also maintained. -- Input: group name, mark name, mark id and mark time stamp id of the mark to delete DECLARE v_previousMark TEXT; v_nextMark TEXT; v_previousMarkTimeId BIGINT; v_nextMarkTimeId BIGINT; BEGIN -- Delete the sequences related to the mark to delete. -- Delete first data related to the application sequences (those attached to the group at the set mark time, but excluding the time -- range bounds). DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_sequence USING emaj.emaj_relation WHERE sequ_schema = rel_schema AND sequ_name = rel_tblseq AND rel_time_range @> sequ_time_id AND rel_group = p_groupName AND rel_kind = 'S' AND sequ_time_id = p_markTimeId AND lower(rel_time_range) <> sequ_time_id; -- Delete then data related to the log sequences for tables (those attached to the group at the set mark time, but excluding the time -- range bounds). DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_table USING emaj.emaj_relation WHERE tbl_schema = rel_schema AND tbl_name = rel_tblseq AND rel_time_range @> tbl_time_id AND rel_group = p_groupName AND rel_kind = 'r' AND tbl_time_id = p_markTimeId AND lower(rel_time_range) <> tbl_time_id; -- Physically Delete the mark from emaj_mark. DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = p_groupName AND mark_name = p_markName; -- Adjust the mark_log_rows_before_next column of the previous mark. -- Get the name of the mark immediately preceeding the mark to delete. SELECT mark_name, mark_time_id INTO v_previousMark, v_previousMarkTimeId FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = p_groupName AND mark_time_id < p_markTimeId ORDER BY mark_time_id DESC LIMIT 1; -- Get the name of the first mark succeeding the mark to delete. SELECT mark_name, mark_time_id INTO v_nextMark, v_nextMarkTimeId FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = p_groupName AND mark_time_id > p_markTimeId ORDER BY mark_time_id LIMIT 1; IF NOT FOUND THEN -- No next mark, so update the previous mark with NULL. UPDATE emaj.emaj_mark SET mark_log_rows_before_next = NULL WHERE mark_group = p_groupName AND mark_name = v_previousMark; ELSE -- Update the previous mark by computing the sum of _log_stat_tbl() call's result for all relations that belonged -- to the group at the time when the mark before the deleted mark had been set. UPDATE emaj.emaj_mark SET mark_log_rows_before_next = (SELECT sum(emaj._log_stat_tbl(emaj_relation, v_previousMarkTimeId, v_nextMarkTimeId)) FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = p_groupName AND rel_kind = 'r' AND rel_time_range @> v_previousMarkTimeId ) WHERE mark_group = p_groupName AND mark_name = v_previousMark; END IF; -- Reset the mark_logged_rlbk_target_mark column to null for other marks of the group that may have the deleted mark -- as target mark from a previous logged rollback operation. UPDATE emaj.emaj_mark SET mark_logged_rlbk_target_mark = NULL WHERE mark_group = p_groupName AND mark_logged_rlbk_target_mark = p_markName; -- RETURN; END; $_delete_intermediate_mark_group$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_rename_mark_group(p_groupName TEXT, p_mark TEXT, p_newName TEXT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_rename_mark_group$ -- This function renames an existing mark. -- The group can be in LOGGING or not. -- Rows from emaj_mark and emaj_sequence tables are updated accordingly. -- Input: group name, mark to rename, new name for the mark -- The keyword 'EMAJ_LAST_MARK' can be used as mark to rename to specify the last set mark. BEGIN -- Insert a BEGIN event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('RENAME_MARK_GROUP', 'BEGIN', p_groupName, p_mark); -- Check the group name. PERFORM emaj._check_group_names(p_groupNames := ARRAY[p_groupName], p_mayBeNull := FALSE, p_lockGroups := TRUE, p_checkList := ''); -- Check the mark name. SELECT emaj._check_mark_name(p_groupNames := ARRAY[p_groupName], p_mark := p_mark, p_checkList := '') INTO p_mark; -- Check the new mark name. SELECT emaj._check_new_mark(ARRAY[p_groupName], p_newName) INTO p_newName; -- OK, update the emaj_mark table. UPDATE emaj.emaj_mark SET mark_name = p_newName WHERE mark_group = p_groupName AND mark_name = p_mark; -- Also rename mark names recorded in the mark_logged_rlbk_target_mark column, if needed. UPDATE emaj.emaj_mark SET mark_logged_rlbk_target_mark = p_newName WHERE mark_group = p_groupName AND mark_logged_rlbk_target_mark = p_mark; -- Insert a END event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('RENAME_MARK_GROUP', 'END', p_groupName, p_mark || ' renamed ' || p_newName); -- RETURN; END; $emaj_rename_mark_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_rename_mark_group(TEXT,TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Renames a mark for an E-Maj group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_protect_mark_group(p_groupName TEXT, p_mark TEXT) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_protect_mark_group$ -- This function sets a protection on a mark for a group against accidental rollback. -- However this doesn't block rollback simulations performed with the emaj_estimate_rollback_group() function. -- Input: group name, mark to protect -- Output: 1 if successful, 0 if the mark was already in protected state -- The group must be ROLLBACKABLE and in LOGGING state. DECLARE v_status INT; BEGIN -- Check the group name. PERFORM emaj._check_group_names(p_groupNames := ARRAY[p_groupName], p_mayBeNull := FALSE, p_lockGroups := TRUE, p_checkList := 'ROLLBACKABLE'); -- Check the mark name. SELECT emaj._check_mark_name(p_groupNames := ARRAY[p_groupName], p_mark := p_mark, p_checkList := 'ACTIVE') INTO p_mark; -- OK, set the protection, if not already set, and return 1, or 0 if the mark was already protected. UPDATE emaj.emaj_mark SET mark_is_rlbk_protected = TRUE WHERE mark_group = p_groupName AND mark_name = p_mark AND NOT mark_is_rlbk_protected; GET DIAGNOSTICS v_status = ROW_COUNT; -- Insert the event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('PROTECT_MARK_GROUP', p_groupName, 'Mark ' || p_mark || ' ; status ' || v_status); -- RETURN v_status; END; $emaj_protect_mark_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_protect_mark_group(TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Sets a protection against a rollback on a mark of an E-Maj group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_unprotect_mark_group(p_groupName TEXT, p_mark TEXT) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_unprotect_mark_group$ -- This function unsets a protection on a mark for a group against accidental rollback. -- Input: group name, mark to unprotect -- Output: 1 if successful, 0 if the mark was already in unprotected state -- The group must be ROLLBACKABLE and in LOGGING state. DECLARE v_status INT; BEGIN -- Check the group name. PERFORM emaj._check_group_names(p_groupNames := ARRAY[p_groupName], p_mayBeNull := FALSE, p_lockGroups := TRUE, p_checkList := 'ROLLBACKABLE'); -- Check the mark name. SELECT emaj._check_mark_name(p_groupNames := ARRAY[p_groupName], p_mark := p_mark, p_checkList := '') INTO p_mark; -- OK, unset the protection, and return 1, or 0 if the mark was already unprotected. UPDATE emaj.emaj_mark SET mark_is_rlbk_protected = FALSE WHERE mark_group = p_groupName AND mark_name = p_mark AND mark_is_rlbk_protected; GET DIAGNOSTICS v_status = ROW_COUNT; -- Insert the event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('UNPROTECT_MARK_GROUP', p_groupName, 'Mark ' || p_mark || ' ; status ' || v_status); -- RETURN v_status; END; $emaj_unprotect_mark_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_unprotect_mark_group(TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Unsets a protection against a rollback on a mark of an E-Maj group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_rollback_group(p_groupName TEXT, p_mark TEXT, p_isAlterGroupAllowed BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, OUT rlbk_severity TEXT, OUT rlbk_message TEXT) RETURNS SETOF RECORD LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_rollback_group$ -- The function rollbacks all tables and sequences of a group up to a mark in the history. -- Input: group name, mark to rollback to, boolean indicating whether the rollback may return to a mark set before an alter group operation -- Output: a set of records building the execution report, with a severity level (N-otice or W-arning) and a text message BEGIN -- Just rollback the group, with boolean: isLoggedRlbk = false, multiGroup = false. RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM emaj._rlbk_groups(array[p_groupName], p_mark, FALSE, FALSE, coalesce(p_isAlterGroupAllowed, FALSE)); END; $emaj_rollback_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_rollback_group(TEXT,TEXT,BOOLEAN) IS $$Rollbacks an E-Maj group to a given mark.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_rollback_groups(p_groupNames TEXT[], p_mark TEXT, p_isAlterGroupAllowed BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, OUT rlbk_severity TEXT, OUT rlbk_message TEXT) RETURNS SETOF RECORD LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_rollback_groups$ -- The function rollbacks all tables and sequences of a group array up to a mark in the history. -- Input: array of group names, mark to rollback to, boolean indicating whether the rollback may return to a mark set before an alter group -- operation -- Output: a set of records building the execution report, with a severity level (N-otice or W-arning) and a text message BEGIN -- Just rollback the groups, with boolean: isLoggedRlbk = false, multiGroup = true. RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM emaj._rlbk_groups(p_groupNames, p_mark, FALSE, TRUE, coalesce(p_isAlterGroupAllowed, FALSE)); END; $emaj_rollback_groups$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_rollback_groups(TEXT[],TEXT,BOOLEAN) IS $$Rollbacks an set of E-Maj groups to a given mark.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_logged_rollback_group(p_groupName TEXT, p_mark TEXT, p_isAlterGroupAllowed BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, OUT rlbk_severity TEXT, OUT rlbk_message TEXT) RETURNS SETOF RECORD LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_logged_rollback_group$ -- The function performs a logged rollback of all tables and sequences of a group up to a mark in the history. -- A logged rollback is a rollback which can be later rolled back! To achieve this: -- - log triggers are not disabled at rollback time, -- - a mark is automatically set at the beginning and at the end of the rollback operation, -- - rolled back log rows and any marks inside the rollback time frame are kept. -- Input: group name, mark to rollback to, boolean indicating whether the rollback may return to a mark set before an alter group operation -- Output: a set of records building the execution report, with a severity level (N-otice or W-arning) and a text message BEGIN -- Just "logged-rollback" the group, with boolean: isLoggedRlbk = true, multiGroup = false. RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM emaj._rlbk_groups(array[p_groupName], p_mark, TRUE, FALSE, coalesce(p_isAlterGroupAllowed, FALSE)); END; $emaj_logged_rollback_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_logged_rollback_group(TEXT,TEXT,BOOLEAN) IS $$Performs a logged (cancellable) rollbacks of an E-Maj group to a given mark.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_logged_rollback_groups(p_groupNames TEXT[], p_mark TEXT, p_isAlterGroupAllowed BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, OUT rlbk_severity TEXT, OUT rlbk_message TEXT) RETURNS SETOF RECORD LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_logged_rollback_groups$ -- The function performs a logged rollback of all tables and sequences of a groups array up to a mark in the history. -- A logged rollback is a rollback which can be later rolled back! To achieve this: -- - log triggers are not disabled at rollback time, -- - a mark is automatically set at the beginning and at the end of the rollback operation, -- - rolled back log rows and any marks inside the rollback time frame are kept. -- Input: array of group names, mark to rollback to, boolean indicating whether the rollback may return to a mark set before an alter -- group operation -- Output: a set of records building the execution report, with a severity level (N-otice or W-arning) and a text message BEGIN -- Just "logged-rollback" the groups, with boolean: isLoggedRlbk = true, multiGroup = true. RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM emaj._rlbk_groups(p_groupNames, p_mark, TRUE, TRUE, coalesce(p_isAlterGroupAllowed, FALSE)); END; $emaj_logged_rollback_groups$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_logged_rollback_groups(TEXT[],TEXT,BOOLEAN) IS $$Performs a logged (cancellable) rollbacks for a set of E-Maj groups to a given mark.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._rlbk_groups(p_groupNames TEXT[], p_mark TEXT, p_isLoggedRlbk BOOLEAN, p_multiGroup BOOLEAN, p_isAlterGroupAllowed BOOLEAN, OUT rlbk_severity TEXT, OUT rlbk_message TEXT) RETURNS SETOF RECORD LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_rlbk_groups$ -- The function rollbacks all tables and sequences of a groups array up to a mark in the history. -- It is called by emaj_rollback_group(), emaj_rollback_groups(), emaj_logged_rollback_group() and emaj_logged_rollback_group(). -- It effectively manages the rollback operation for each table or sequence. -- Its activity is split into smaller functions that are also called by the parallel restore php function. -- Input: group name, -- mark to rollback to, -- a boolean indicating whether the rollback is a logged rollback, a boolean indicating whether the function is a multi_group -- function -- a boolean saying whether the rollback may return to a mark set before an alter group operation -- Output: a set of records building the execution report, with a severity level (N-otice or W-arning) and a text message DECLARE v_rlbkId INT; BEGIN -- Check the group names (the groups lock and the state checks are delayed for the later - needed for rollbacks generated by the web -- application). SELECT emaj._check_group_names(p_groupNames := p_groupNames, p_mayBeNull := p_multiGroup, p_lockGroups := FALSE, p_checkList := '') INTO p_groupNames; -- If the group names array is null, immediately return. IF p_groupNames IS NULL THEN rlbk_severity = 'Notice'; rlbk_message = 0; RETURN NEXT; RETURN; END IF; -- Check supplied parameter and prepare the rollback operation. SELECT emaj._rlbk_init(p_groupNames, p_mark, p_isLoggedRlbk, 1, p_multiGroup, p_isAlterGroupAllowed) INTO v_rlbkId; -- Lock all tables. PERFORM emaj._rlbk_session_lock(v_rlbkId, 1); -- Set a rollback start mark if logged rollback. PERFORM emaj._rlbk_start_mark(v_rlbkId, p_multiGroup); -- Execute the rollback planning. PERFORM emaj._rlbk_session_exec(v_rlbkId, 1); -- Process sequences, complete the rollback operation and return the execution report. RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM emaj._rlbk_end(v_rlbkId, p_multiGroup); END; $_rlbk_groups$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._rlbk_async(p_rlbkId INT, p_multiGroup BOOLEAN, OUT rlbk_severity TEXT, OUT rlbk_message TEXT) RETURNS SETOF RECORD LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_rlbk_async$ -- The function calls the main rollback functions following the initialisation phase. -- It is only called by the Emaj_web client, in an asynchronous way, so that the rollback can be then monitored by the client. -- Input: rollback identifier, and a boolean saying if the rollback is a logged rollback -- Output: a set of records building the execution report, with a severity level (N-otice or W-arning) and a text message DECLARE v_isDblinkUsed BOOLEAN; v_dbLinkCnxStatus INT; BEGIN -- Get the rollback characteristics from the emaj_rlbk table. SELECT rlbk_is_dblink_used INTO v_isDblinkUsed FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk WHERE rlbk_id = p_rlbkId; -- If dblink is used (which should always be true), try to open the first session connection (no error is issued if it is already opened). IF v_isDblinkUsed THEN SELECT p_status INTO v_dbLinkCnxStatus FROM emaj._dblink_open_cnx('rlbk#1'); IF v_dbLinkCnxStatus < 0 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_rlbk_async: Error while opening the dblink session #1 (Status of the dblink connection attempt = %' ' - see E-Maj documentation).', v_dbLinkCnxStatus; END IF; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION '_rlbk_async: The function is called but dblink cannot be used. This is an error from the client side.'; END IF; -- Simply chain the internal functions. PERFORM emaj._rlbk_session_lock(p_rlbkId, 1); PERFORM emaj._rlbk_start_mark(p_rlbkId, p_multiGroup); PERFORM emaj._rlbk_session_exec(p_rlbkId, 1); RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM emaj._rlbk_end(p_rlbkId, p_multiGroup); END; $_rlbk_async$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._rlbk_init(p_groupNames TEXT[], p_mark TEXT, p_isLoggedRlbk BOOLEAN, p_nbSession INT, p_multiGroup BOOLEAN, p_isAlterGroupAllowed BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_rlbk_init$ -- This is the first step of a rollback group processing. -- It tests the environment, the supplied parameters and the foreign key constraints. -- By calling the _rlbk_planning() function, it defines the different elementary steps needed for the operation, -- and spread the load on the requested number of sessions. -- It returns a rollback id that will be needed by next steps (or NULL if there are some NULL input). -- This function may be directly called by the Emaj_web client. DECLARE v_markName TEXT; v_markTimeId BIGINT; v_markTimestamp TIMESTAMPTZ; v_nbTblInGroups INT; v_nbSeqInGroups INT; v_dbLinkCnxStatus INT; v_isDblinkUsed BOOLEAN; v_dbLinkSchema TEXT; v_effNbTable INT; v_histId BIGINT; v_stmt TEXT; v_rlbkId INT; BEGIN -- Check supplied group names and mark parameters. SELECT emaj._rlbk_check(p_groupNames, p_mark, p_isAlterGroupAllowed, FALSE) INTO v_markName; IF v_markName IS NOT NULL THEN -- Check that no group is damaged. PERFORM 0 FROM emaj._verify_groups(p_groupNames, TRUE); -- Get the time stamp id and its clock timestamp for the first group (as we know this time stamp is the same for all groups of the array). SELECT time_id, time_clock_timestamp INTO v_markTimeId, v_markTimestamp FROM emaj.emaj_mark JOIN emaj.emaj_time_stamp ON (time_id = mark_time_id) WHERE mark_group = p_groupNames[1] AND mark_name = v_markName; -- Insert a BEGIN event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES (CASE WHEN p_multiGroup THEN 'ROLLBACK_GROUPS' ELSE 'ROLLBACK_GROUP' END, 'BEGIN', array_to_string(p_groupNames,','), CASE WHEN p_isLoggedRlbk THEN 'Logged' ELSE 'Unlogged' END || ' rollback to mark ' || v_markName || ' [' || v_markTimestamp || ']' ) RETURNING hist_id INTO v_histId; -- Get the total number of tables for these groups. SELECT sum(group_nb_table), sum(group_nb_sequence) INTO v_nbTblInGroups, v_nbSeqInGroups FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = ANY (p_groupNames) ; -- First try to open a dblink connection. SELECT p_status, (p_status >= 0), CASE WHEN p_status >= 0 THEN p_schema ELSE NULL END INTO v_dbLinkCnxStatus, v_isDblinkUsed, v_dbLinkSchema FROM emaj._dblink_open_cnx('rlbk#1'); -- For parallel rollback (i.e. when nb sessions > 1), the dblink connection must be ok. IF p_nbSession > 1 AND NOT v_isDblinkUsed THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_rlbk_init: Cannot use several sessions without dblink connection capability. (Status of the dblink' ' connection attempt = % - see E-Maj documentation)', v_dbLinkCnxStatus; END IF; -- Create the row representing the rollback event in the emaj_rlbk table and get the rollback id back. v_stmt = 'INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_rlbk (rlbk_groups, rlbk_mark, rlbk_mark_time_id, rlbk_is_logged, rlbk_is_alter_group_allowed, ' || 'rlbk_nb_session, rlbk_nb_table, rlbk_nb_sequence, rlbk_status, rlbk_begin_hist_id, ' || 'rlbk_dblink_schema, rlbk_is_dblink_used) ' || 'VALUES (' || quote_literal(p_groupNames) || ',' || quote_literal(v_markName) || ',' || v_markTimeId || ',' || p_isLoggedRlbk || ',' || quote_nullable(p_isAlterGroupAllowed) || ',' || p_nbSession || ',' || v_nbTblInGroups || ',' || v_nbSeqInGroups || ', ''PLANNING'',' || v_histId || ',' || quote_nullable(v_dbLinkSchema) || ',' || v_isDblinkUsed || ') RETURNING rlbk_id'; SELECT emaj._dblink_sql_exec('rlbk#1', v_stmt, v_dblinkSchema) INTO v_rlbkId; -- Call the rollback planning function to define all the elementary steps to perform, compute their estimated duration -- and spread the elementary steps among sessions. v_stmt = 'SELECT emaj._rlbk_planning(' || v_rlbkId || ')'; SELECT emaj._dblink_sql_exec('rlbk#1', v_stmt, v_dblinkSchema) INTO v_effNbTable; -- Update the emaj_rlbk table to set the real number of tables to process and adjust the rollback status. v_stmt = 'UPDATE emaj.emaj_rlbk SET rlbk_eff_nb_table = ' || v_effNbTable || ', rlbk_status = ''LOCKING'' ' || ' WHERE rlbk_id = ' || v_rlbkId || ' RETURNING 1'; PERFORM emaj._dblink_sql_exec('rlbk#1', v_stmt, v_dblinkSchema); END IF; -- RETURN v_rlbkId; END; $_rlbk_init$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._rlbk_check(p_groupNames TEXT[], p_mark TEXT, p_isAlterGroupAllowed BOOLEAN, isRollbackSimulation BOOLEAN) RETURNS TEXT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_rlbk_check$ -- This functions performs checks on group names and mark names supplied as parameter for the emaj_rollback_groups() -- and emaj_estimate_rollback_groups() functions. -- It returns the real mark name, or NULL if the groups array is NULL or empty. DECLARE v_markName TEXT; v_aGroupName TEXT; v_markTimeId BIGINT; v_protectedMarksList TEXT; BEGIN -- Check the group names and states. IF isRollbackSimulation THEN SELECT emaj._check_group_names(p_groupNames := p_groupNames, p_mayBeNull := FALSE, p_lockGroups := TRUE, p_checkList := 'LOGGING,ROLLBACKABLE') INTO p_groupNames; ELSE SELECT emaj._check_group_names(p_groupNames := p_groupNames, p_mayBeNull := FALSE, p_lockGroups := TRUE, p_checkList := 'LOGGING,ROLLBACKABLE,UNPROTECTED') INTO p_groupNames; END IF; IF p_groupNames IS NOT NULL THEN -- Check the mark name. SELECT emaj._check_mark_name(p_groupNames := p_groupNames, p_mark := p_mark, p_checkList := 'ACTIVE') INTO v_markName; IF NOT isRollbackSimulation THEN -- Check that for each group that the rollback wouldn't delete protected marks (check disabled for rollback simulation). FOREACH v_aGroupName IN ARRAY p_groupNames LOOP -- Get the target mark time id, SELECT mark_time_id INTO v_markTimeId FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = v_aGroupName AND mark_name = v_markName; -- ... and look at the protected mark. SELECT string_agg(mark_name,', ' ORDER BY mark_name) INTO v_protectedMarksList FROM (SELECT mark_name FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = v_aGroupName AND mark_time_id > v_markTimeId AND mark_is_rlbk_protected ORDER BY mark_time_id ) AS t; IF v_protectedMarksList IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_rlbk_check: Protected marks (%) for the group "%" block the rollback to the mark "%".', v_protectedMarksList, v_aGroupName, v_markName; END IF; END LOOP; END IF; -- If the isAlterGroupAllowed flag is not explicitely set to true, check that the rollback would not cross any structure change for -- the groups. IF p_isAlterGroupAllowed IS NULL OR NOT p_isAlterGroupAllowed THEN SELECT mark_time_id INTO v_markTimeId FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = p_groupNames[1] AND mark_name = v_markName; IF EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM emaj.emaj_relation_change WHERE rlchg_time_id > v_markTimeId AND rlchg_group = ANY (p_groupNames) AND rlchg_rlbk_id IS NULL ) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_rlbk_check: This rollback operation would cross some previous structure group change operations,' ' which is not allowed by the current function parameters.'; END IF; END IF; END IF; -- RETURN v_markName; END; $_rlbk_check$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._rlbk_planning(p_rlbkId INT) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER SET search_path = pg_catalog, pg_temp AS $_rlbk_planning$ -- This function builds the rollback steps for a rollback operation. -- It stores the result into the emaj_rlbk_plan table. -- The function returns the effective number of tables to process. -- It is called to perform a rollback operation. It is also called to simulate a rollback operation and get its duration estime. -- It is called in an autonomous dblink transaction, if possible. -- The function is defined as SECURITY DEFINER so that emaj_viewer role can write into rollback tables, when estimating the rollback -- duration, without having specific privileges on them to do it. DECLARE v_groupNames TEXT[]; v_mark TEXT; v_isLoggedRlbk BOOLEAN; v_nbSession INT; v_ctrlStepName emaj._rlbk_step_enum; v_markTimeId BIGINT; v_avg_row_rlbk INTERVAL; v_avg_row_del_log INTERVAL; v_avg_fkey_check INTERVAL; v_fixed_step_rlbk INTERVAL; v_fixed_dblink_rlbk INTERVAL; v_effNbTable INT; v_isEmajExtension BOOLEAN; v_batchNumber INT; v_checks INT; v_estimDuration INTERVAL; v_estimMethod INT; v_estimDropFkDuration INTERVAL; v_estimDropFkMethod INT; v_estimSetFkDefDuration INTERVAL; v_estimSetFkDefMethod INT; v_sessionLoad INTERVAL[]; v_minSession INT; v_minDuration INTERVAL; v_nbStep INT; r_tbl RECORD; r_fk RECORD; r_batch RECORD; BEGIN -- Get the rollback characteristics for the emaj_rlbk event. SELECT rlbk_groups, rlbk_mark, rlbk_is_logged, rlbk_nb_session, CASE WHEN rlbk_is_dblink_used THEN 'CTRL+DBLINK'::emaj._rlbk_step_enum ELSE 'CTRL-DBLINK'::emaj._rlbk_step_enum END INTO v_groupNames, v_mark, v_isLoggedRlbk, v_nbSession, v_ctrlStepName FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk WHERE rlbk_id = p_rlbkId; -- Get some mark attributes from emaj_mark. SELECT mark_time_id INTO v_markTimeId FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = v_groupNames[1] AND mark_name = v_mark; -- Get all duration parameters that will be needed later from the emaj_param table, or get default values for rows -- that are not present in emaj_param table. SELECT coalesce ((SELECT param_value_interval FROM emaj.emaj_param WHERE param_key = 'avg_row_rollback_duration'),'100 microsecond'::INTERVAL), coalesce ((SELECT param_value_interval FROM emaj.emaj_param WHERE param_key = 'avg_row_delete_log_duration'),'10 microsecond'::INTERVAL), coalesce ((SELECT param_value_interval FROM emaj.emaj_param WHERE param_key = 'avg_fkey_check_duration'),'5 microsecond'::INTERVAL), coalesce ((SELECT param_value_interval FROM emaj.emaj_param WHERE param_key = 'fixed_step_rollback_duration'),'2.5 millisecond'::INTERVAL), coalesce ((SELECT param_value_interval FROM emaj.emaj_param WHERE param_key = 'fixed_dblink_rollback_duration'),'4 millisecond'::INTERVAL) INTO v_avg_row_rlbk, v_avg_row_del_log, v_avg_fkey_check, v_fixed_step_rlbk, v_fixed_dblink_rlbk; -- Insert into emaj_rlbk_plan a row per table currently belonging to the tables groups to process. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan (rlbp_rlbk_id, rlbp_step, rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, rlbp_object, rlbp_is_repl_role_replica) SELECT p_rlbkId, 'LOCK_TABLE', rel_schema, rel_tblseq, '', FALSE FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND rel_group = ANY(v_groupNames) AND rel_kind = 'r'; -- Insert into emaj_rlbk_plan a row per table to effectively rollback. -- The numbers of log rows is computed using the _log_stat_tbl() function. -- A final check will be performed after tables will be locked to be sure no new table will have been updated. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan (rlbp_rlbk_id, rlbp_step, rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, rlbp_object, rlbp_is_repl_role_replica, rlbp_target_time_id, rlbp_estimated_quantity) SELECT p_rlbkId, 'RLBK_TABLE', rel_schema, rel_tblseq, '', FALSE, greatest(v_markTimeId, lower(rel_time_range)), emaj._log_stat_tbl(t, greatest(v_markTimeId, lower(rel_time_range)), NULL) FROM (SELECT * FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND rel_group = ANY (v_groupNames) AND rel_kind = 'r' ) AS t WHERE emaj._log_stat_tbl(t, greatest(v_markTimeId, lower(rel_time_range)), NULL) > 0; GET DIAGNOSTICS v_effNbTable = ROW_COUNT; -- For tables having all foreign keys linking tables in the rolled back groups, set the rlbp_is_repl_role_replica flag to TRUE. -- This only concerns emaj installed as an extension because one needs to be sure that the the _rlbk_tbl() function is executed with a -- superuser role (this is needed to set the session_replication_role to 'replica'). v_isEmajExtension = EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_extension WHERE extname = 'emaj'); IF v_isEmajExtension AND v_effNbTable > 0 THEN WITH fkeys AS ( -- the foreign keys belonging to tables to rollback SELECT rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, c.conname, nf.nspname, tf.relname, rel_group, rel_group = ANY (v_groupNames) AS are_both_tables_in_groups FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan, pg_catalog.pg_constraint c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class t ON (t.oid = c.conrelid) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON (n.oid = t.relnamespace) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class tf ON (tf.oid = c.confrelid) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace nf ON (nf.oid = tf.relnamespace) LEFT OUTER JOIN emaj.emaj_relation ON (rel_schema = nf.nspname AND rel_tblseq = tf.relname AND upper_inf(rel_time_range)) WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = p_rlbkId -- The RLBK_TABLE steps for this rollback operation AND rlbp_step = 'RLBK_TABLE' AND contype = 'f' -- FK constraints AND t.relname = rlbp_table AND n.nspname = rlbp_schema UNION -- the foreign keys referencing tables to rollback SELECT rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, c.conname, n.nspname, t.relname, rel_group, rel_group = ANY (v_groupNames) AS are_both_tables_in_groups FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan, pg_catalog.pg_constraint c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class t ON (t.oid = c.conrelid) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON (n.oid = t.relnamespace) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class tf ON (tf.oid = c.confrelid) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace nf ON (nf.oid = tf.relnamespace) LEFT OUTER JOIN emaj.emaj_relation ON (rel_schema = n.nspname AND rel_tblseq = t.relname AND upper_inf(rel_time_range)) WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = p_rlbkId -- The RLBK_TABLE steps for this rollback operation AND rlbp_step = 'RLBK_TABLE' AND contype = 'f' -- FK constraints AND tf.relname = rlbp_table AND nf.nspname = rlbp_schema ), fkeys_agg AS ( -- aggregated foreign keys by tables to rollback SELECT rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, count(*) AS nb_all_fk, count(*) FILTER (WHERE are_both_tables_in_groups) AS nb_fk_groups_ok FROM fkeys GROUP BY 1,2 ) UPDATE emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan SET rlbp_is_repl_role_replica = TRUE FROM fkeys_agg WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = p_rlbkId -- The RLBK_TABLE steps for this rollback operation AND rlbp_step IN ('RLBK_TABLE', 'LOCK_TABLE') AND emaj_rlbk_plan.rlbp_table = fkeys_agg.rlbp_table AND emaj_rlbk_plan.rlbp_schema = fkeys_agg.rlbp_schema AND nb_all_fk = nb_fk_groups_ok -- if all fkeys are linking tables in the rolled back groups ; END IF; -- -- Group tables into batchs to process all tables linked by foreign keys as a batch. -- v_batchNumber = 1; -- Allocate tables with rows to rollback to batch number starting with the heaviest to rollback tables as reported by the -- emaj_log_stat_group() function. FOR r_tbl IN SELECT rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, rlbp_is_repl_role_replica FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = p_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'RLBK_TABLE' ORDER BY rlbp_estimated_quantity DESC, rlbp_schema, rlbp_table LOOP -- If the table is not already allocated to a batch number (it may have been already allocated because of a fkey link). IF EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = p_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'RLBK_TABLE' AND rlbp_schema = r_tbl.rlbp_schema AND rlbp_table = r_tbl.rlbp_table AND rlbp_batch_number IS NULL ) THEN -- Allocate the table to the batch number, with all other tables linked by foreign key constraints. PERFORM emaj._rlbk_set_batch_number(p_rlbkId, v_batchNumber, r_tbl.rlbp_schema, r_tbl.rlbp_table, r_tbl.rlbp_is_repl_role_replica); v_batchNumber = v_batchNumber + 1; END IF; END LOOP; -- -- If unlogged rollback, register into emaj_rlbk_plan "disable log triggers", "deletes from log tables" -- and "enable log trigger" steps. -- IF NOT v_isLoggedRlbk THEN -- Compute the cost for each DIS_LOG_TRG step. SELECT p_estimateMethod, p_estimatedDuration INTO v_estimMethod, v_estimDuration FROM emaj._estimate_rlbk_step_duration('DIS_LOG_TRG', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, v_fixed_step_rlbk, NULL); -- Insert all DIS_LOG_TRG steps. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan (rlbp_rlbk_id, rlbp_step, rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, rlbp_object, rlbp_batch_number, rlbp_estimated_duration, rlbp_estimate_method) SELECT p_rlbkId, 'DIS_LOG_TRG', rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, '', rlbp_batch_number, v_estimDuration, v_estimMethod FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = p_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'RLBK_TABLE'; -- Insert all DELETE_LOG steps. But the duration estimates will be computed later. -- The estimated number of log rows to delete is set to the estimated number of updates. This is underestimated in particular when -- SQL UPDATES are logged. But the collected statistics used for duration estimates are also based on the estimated number of updates. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan (rlbp_rlbk_id, rlbp_step, rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, rlbp_object, rlbp_target_time_id, rlbp_batch_number, rlbp_estimated_quantity) SELECT p_rlbkId, 'DELETE_LOG', rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, '', rlbp_target_time_id, rlbp_batch_number, rlbp_estimated_quantity FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = p_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'RLBK_TABLE'; -- Compute the cost for each ENA_LOG_TRG step. SELECT p_estimateMethod, p_estimatedDuration INTO v_estimMethod, v_estimDuration FROM emaj._estimate_rlbk_step_duration('ENA_LOG_TRG', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, v_fixed_step_rlbk, NULL); -- Insert all ENA_LOG_TRG steps. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan (rlbp_rlbk_id, rlbp_step, rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, rlbp_object, rlbp_batch_number, rlbp_estimated_duration, rlbp_estimate_method) SELECT p_rlbkId, 'ENA_LOG_TRG', rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, '', rlbp_batch_number, v_estimDuration, v_estimMethod FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = p_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'RLBK_TABLE'; END IF; -- -- Process application triggers to temporarily set as ALWAYS triggers. -- This concerns triggers that must be kept enabled during the rollback processing but the rollback function for its table is executed -- with session_replication_role = replica. -- -- Compute the cost for each SET_ALWAYS_APP_TRG step. SELECT p_estimateMethod, p_estimatedDuration INTO v_estimMethod, v_estimDuration FROM emaj._estimate_rlbk_step_duration('SET_ALWAYS_APP_TRG', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, v_fixed_step_rlbk, NULL); -- Insert all SET_ALWAYS_APP_TRG steps. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan (rlbp_rlbk_id, rlbp_step, rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, rlbp_object, rlbp_batch_number, rlbp_estimated_duration, rlbp_estimate_method) SELECT p_rlbkId, 'SET_ALWAYS_APP_TRG', rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, tgname, rlbp_batch_number, v_estimDuration, v_estimMethod FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ON (relname = rlbp_table) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace AND nspname = rlbp_schema) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_trigger ON (tgrelid = pg_class.oid) WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = p_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'RLBK_TABLE' -- rollback step AND rlbp_is_repl_role_replica -- ... in session_replication_role = replica AND NOT tgisinternal -- application triggers only AND tgname NOT IN ('emaj_trunc_trg','emaj_log_trg') AND tgenabled = 'O' -- ... enabled in local mode AND EXISTS -- ... and to be kept enabled (SELECT 0 FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = rlbp_schema AND rel_tblseq = rlbp_table AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND tgname = ANY (rel_ignored_triggers) ); -- Compute the cost for each SET_LOCAL_APP_TRG step. SELECT p_estimateMethod, p_estimatedDuration INTO v_estimMethod, v_estimDuration FROM emaj._estimate_rlbk_step_duration('SET_LOCAL_APP_TRG', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, v_fixed_step_rlbk, NULL); -- Insert all SET_LOCAL_APP_TRG steps INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan (rlbp_rlbk_id, rlbp_step, rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, rlbp_object, rlbp_batch_number, rlbp_estimated_duration, rlbp_estimate_method) SELECT p_rlbkId, 'SET_LOCAL_APP_TRG', rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, rlbp_object, rlbp_batch_number, v_estimDuration, v_estimMethod FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = p_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'SET_ALWAYS_APP_TRG'; -- -- Process application triggers to disable and re-enable. -- This concerns triggers that must be disabled during the rollback processing and the rollback function for its table is not executed -- with session_replication_role = replica. -- -- Compute the cost for each DIS_APP_TRG step. SELECT p_estimateMethod, p_estimatedDuration INTO v_estimMethod, v_estimDuration FROM emaj._estimate_rlbk_step_duration('DIS_APP_TRG', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, v_fixed_step_rlbk, NULL); -- Insert all DIS_APP_TRG steps. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan (rlbp_rlbk_id, rlbp_step, rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, rlbp_object, rlbp_batch_number, rlbp_estimated_duration, rlbp_estimate_method) SELECT p_rlbkId, 'DIS_APP_TRG', rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, tgname, rlbp_batch_number, v_estimDuration, v_estimMethod FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ON (relname = rlbp_table) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace AND nspname = rlbp_schema) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_trigger ON (tgrelid = pg_class.oid) WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = p_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'RLBK_TABLE' -- rollback step AND NOT tgisinternal -- application triggers only AND tgname NOT IN ('emaj_trunc_trg','emaj_log_trg') AND (tgenabled IN ('A', 'R') -- enabled ALWAYS or REPLICA triggers OR (tgenabled = 'O' AND NOT rlbp_is_repl_role_replica) -- or enabled ORIGIN triggers for rollbacks not processed ) -- in session_replication_role = replica) AND NOT EXISTS -- ... that must be disabled (SELECT 0 FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = rlbp_schema AND rel_tblseq = rlbp_table AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND tgname = ANY (rel_ignored_triggers) ); -- Compute the cost for each ENA_APP_TRG step. SELECT p_estimateMethod, p_estimatedDuration INTO v_estimMethod, v_estimDuration FROM emaj._estimate_rlbk_step_duration('ENA_APP_TRG', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, v_fixed_step_rlbk, NULL); -- Insert all ENA_APP_TRG steps. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan (rlbp_rlbk_id, rlbp_step, rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, rlbp_object, rlbp_app_trg_type, rlbp_batch_number, rlbp_estimated_duration, rlbp_estimate_method) SELECT p_rlbkId, 'ENA_APP_TRG', rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, rlbp_object, CASE tgenabled WHEN 'A' THEN 'ALWAYS' WHEN 'R' THEN 'REPLICA' ELSE '' END, rlbp_batch_number, v_estimDuration, v_estimMethod FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ON (relname = rlbp_table) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace AND nspname = rlbp_schema) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_trigger ON (tgrelid = pg_class.oid AND tgname = rlbp_object) WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = p_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'DIS_APP_TRG'; -- -- Process foreign key to define which action to perform on them -- -- First compute the fixed duration estimates for each 'DROP_FK' and 'SET_FK_DEF' steps. SELECT p_estimateMethod, p_estimatedDuration INTO v_estimDropFkMethod, v_estimDropFkDuration FROM emaj._estimate_rlbk_step_duration('DROP_FK', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, v_fixed_step_rlbk, NULL); SELECT p_estimateMethod, p_estimatedDuration INTO v_estimSetFkDefMethod, v_estimSetFkDefDuration FROM emaj._estimate_rlbk_step_duration('SET_FK_DEF', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, v_fixed_step_rlbk, NULL); -- Select all foreign keys belonging to or referencing the tables to process. FOR r_fk IN SELECT c.oid AS conoid, c.conname, n.nspname, t.relname, t.reltuples, pg_get_constraintdef(c.oid) AS def, c.condeferrable, c.condeferred, c.confupdtype, c.confdeltype, r.rlbp_batch_number FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan r JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class t ON (t.relname = r.rlbp_table) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON (t.relnamespace = n.oid AND n.nspname = r.rlbp_schema) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_constraint c ON (c.conrelid = t.oid) WHERE c.contype = 'f' -- FK constraints only AND rlbp_rlbk_id = p_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'RLBK_TABLE' -- Tables to rollback AND NOT rlbp_is_repl_role_replica -- ... not in a session_replication_role = replica UNION SELECT c.oid AS conoid, c.conname, n.nspname, t.relname, t.reltuples, pg_get_constraintdef(c.oid) AS def, c.condeferrable, c.condeferred, c.confupdtype, c.confdeltype, r.rlbp_batch_number FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan r JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class rt ON (rt.relname = r.rlbp_table) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace rn ON (rn.oid = rt.relnamespace AND rn.nspname = r.rlbp_schema) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_constraint c ON (c.confrelid = rt.oid) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class t ON (t.oid = c.conrelid) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON (n.oid = t.relnamespace) WHERE c.contype = 'f' -- FK constraints only AND rlbp_rlbk_id = p_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'RLBK_TABLE' -- Tables to rollback AND NOT rlbp_is_repl_role_replica -- ... not in a session_replication_role = replica ORDER BY nspname, relname, conname LOOP -- Depending on the foreign key characteristics, record as 'to be dropped' or 'to be set deferred' or 'to just be reset immediate'. IF NOT r_fk.condeferrable OR r_fk.confupdtype <> 'a' OR r_fk.confdeltype <> 'a' THEN -- Non deferrable fkeys and deferrable fkeys with an action for UPDATE or DELETE other than 'no action' need to be dropped. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan ( rlbp_rlbk_id, rlbp_step, rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, rlbp_object, rlbp_batch_number, rlbp_estimated_duration, rlbp_estimate_method ) VALUES ( p_rlbkId, 'DROP_FK', r_fk.nspname, r_fk.relname, r_fk.conname, r_fk.rlbp_batch_number, v_estimDropFkDuration, v_estimDropFkMethod ); INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan ( rlbp_rlbk_id, rlbp_step, rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, rlbp_object, rlbp_batch_number, rlbp_object_def, rlbp_estimated_quantity ) VALUES ( p_rlbkId, 'ADD_FK', r_fk.nspname, r_fk.relname, r_fk.conname, r_fk.rlbp_batch_number, r_fk.def, r_fk.reltuples ); ELSE -- Other deferrable but not deferred fkeys need to be set deferred. IF NOT r_fk.condeferred THEN INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan ( rlbp_rlbk_id, rlbp_step, rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, rlbp_object, rlbp_batch_number, rlbp_estimated_duration, rlbp_estimate_method ) VALUES ( p_rlbkId, 'SET_FK_DEF', r_fk.nspname, r_fk.relname, r_fk.conname, r_fk.rlbp_batch_number, v_estimSetFkDefDuration, v_estimSetFkDefMethod ); END IF; -- Deferrable fkeys are recorded as 'to be set immediate at the end of the rollback operation'. -- Compute the number of fkey values to check at set immediate time. SELECT (coalesce( -- Get the number of rolled back rows in the referencing table, if any. (SELECT rlbp_estimated_quantity FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = p_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'RLBK_TABLE' -- tables of the rollback event AND rlbp_schema = r_fk.nspname AND rlbp_table = r_fk.relname) -- referencing schema.table , 0)) + (coalesce( -- Get the number of rolled back rows in the referenced table, if any. (SELECT rlbp_estimated_quantity FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class rt ON (rt.relname = rlbp_table) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace rn ON (rn.oid = rt.relnamespace AND rn.nspname = rlbp_schema) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_constraint c ON (c.confrelid = rt.oid) WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = p_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'RLBK_TABLE' -- tables of the rollback event AND c.oid = r_fk.conoid -- constraint id ) , 0)) INTO v_checks; -- And record the SET_FK_IMM step. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan ( rlbp_rlbk_id, rlbp_step, rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, rlbp_object, rlbp_batch_number, rlbp_estimated_quantity ) VALUES ( p_rlbkId, 'SET_FK_IMM', r_fk.nspname, r_fk.relname, r_fk.conname, r_fk.rlbp_batch_number, v_checks ); END IF; END LOOP; -- -- Now compute the estimation duration for each complex step ('RLBK_TABLE', 'DELETE_LOG', 'ADD_FK', 'SET_FK_IMM'). -- -- Compute the rollback duration estimates for the tables. FOR r_tbl IN SELECT * FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = p_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'RLBK_TABLE' LOOP SELECT p_estimateMethod, p_estimatedDuration INTO v_estimMethod, v_estimDuration FROM emaj._estimate_rlbk_step_duration('RLBK_TABLE', r_tbl.rlbp_schema, r_tbl.rlbp_table, NULL, r_tbl.rlbp_estimated_quantity, v_fixed_step_rlbk, v_avg_row_rlbk); UPDATE emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan SET rlbp_estimated_duration = v_estimDuration, rlbp_estimate_method = v_estimMethod WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = p_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'RLBK_TABLE' AND rlbp_schema = r_tbl.rlbp_schema AND rlbp_table = r_tbl.rlbp_table; END LOOP; -- Compute the estimated log rows delete duration. FOR r_tbl IN SELECT * FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = p_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'DELETE_LOG' LOOP SELECT p_estimateMethod, p_estimatedDuration INTO v_estimMethod, v_estimDuration FROM emaj._estimate_rlbk_step_duration('DELETE_LOG', r_tbl.rlbp_schema, r_tbl.rlbp_table, NULL, r_tbl.rlbp_estimated_quantity, v_fixed_step_rlbk, v_avg_row_del_log); UPDATE emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan SET rlbp_estimated_duration = v_estimDuration, rlbp_estimate_method = v_estimMethod WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = p_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'DELETE_LOG' AND rlbp_schema = r_tbl.rlbp_schema AND rlbp_table = r_tbl.rlbp_table; END LOOP; -- Compute the fkey recreation duration. FOR r_fk IN SELECT * FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = p_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'ADD_FK' LOOP SELECT p_estimateMethod, p_estimatedDuration INTO v_estimMethod, v_estimDuration FROM emaj._estimate_rlbk_step_duration('ADD_FK', r_tbl.rlbp_schema, r_tbl.rlbp_table, r_fk.rlbp_object, r_tbl.rlbp_estimated_quantity, v_fixed_step_rlbk, v_avg_fkey_check); UPDATE emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan SET rlbp_estimated_duration = v_estimDuration, rlbp_estimate_method = v_estimMethod WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = p_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'ADD_FK' AND rlbp_schema = r_fk.rlbp_schema AND rlbp_table = r_fk.rlbp_table AND rlbp_object = r_fk.rlbp_object; END LOOP; -- Compute the fkey checks duration. FOR r_fk IN SELECT * FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = p_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'SET_FK_IMM' LOOP SELECT p_estimateMethod, p_estimatedDuration INTO v_estimMethod, v_estimDuration FROM emaj._estimate_rlbk_step_duration('SET_FK_IMM', r_tbl.rlbp_schema, r_tbl.rlbp_table, r_fk.rlbp_object, r_tbl.rlbp_estimated_quantity, v_fixed_step_rlbk, v_avg_fkey_check); UPDATE emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan SET rlbp_estimated_duration = v_estimDuration, rlbp_estimate_method = v_estimMethod WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = p_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'SET_FK_IMM' AND rlbp_schema = r_fk.rlbp_schema AND rlbp_table = r_fk.rlbp_table AND rlbp_object = r_fk.rlbp_object; END LOOP; -- -- Allocate batch number to sessions to spread the load on sessions as best as possible. -- A batch represents all steps related to the processing of one table or several tables linked by foreign keys. -- -- Initialisation. FOR v_session IN 1 .. v_nbSession LOOP v_sessionLoad [v_session] = '0 SECONDS'::INTERVAL; END LOOP; -- Allocate tables batch to sessions, starting with the heaviest to rollback batch. FOR r_batch IN SELECT rlbp_batch_number, sum(rlbp_estimated_duration) AS batch_duration FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = p_rlbkId AND rlbp_batch_number IS NOT NULL GROUP BY rlbp_batch_number ORDER BY sum(rlbp_estimated_duration) DESC LOOP -- Compute the least loaded session. v_minSession=1; v_minDuration = v_sessionLoad [1]; FOR v_session IN 2 .. v_nbSession LOOP IF v_sessionLoad [v_session] < v_minDuration THEN v_minSession = v_session; v_minDuration = v_sessionLoad [v_session]; END IF; END LOOP; -- Allocate the batch to the session. UPDATE emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan SET rlbp_session = v_minSession WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = p_rlbkId AND rlbp_batch_number = r_batch.rlbp_batch_number; v_sessionLoad [v_minSession] = v_sessionLoad [v_minSession] + r_batch.batch_duration; END LOOP; -- Assign session 1 to all 'LOCK_TABLE' steps not yet affected. UPDATE emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan SET rlbp_session = 1 WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = p_rlbkId AND rlbp_session IS NULL; -- Create the pseudo 'CTRL+DBLINK' or 'CTRL-DBLINK' step and compute its duration estimate. -- Get the number of recorded steps (except LOCK_TABLE). SELECT count(*) INTO v_nbStep FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = p_rlbkId AND rlbp_step <> 'LOCK_TABLE'; IF v_nbStep > 0 THEN -- If CTRLxDBLINK statistics are available, compute an average cost. SELECT sum(rlbt_duration) * v_nbStep / sum(rlbt_quantity) INTO v_estimDuration FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_stat WHERE rlbt_step = v_ctrlStepName AND rlbt_quantity > 0; v_estimMethod = 2; IF v_estimDuration IS NULL THEN -- Otherwise, use the fixed_step_rollback_duration parameter. v_estimDuration = v_fixed_dblink_rlbk * v_nbStep; v_estimMethod = 3; END IF; -- Insert the 'CTRLxDBLINK' pseudo step. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan ( rlbp_rlbk_id, rlbp_step, rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, rlbp_object, rlbp_estimated_quantity, rlbp_estimated_duration, rlbp_estimate_method ) VALUES ( p_rlbkId, v_ctrlStepName, '', '', '', v_nbStep, v_estimDuration, v_estimMethod ); END IF; -- Return the number of tables to effectively rollback. RETURN v_effNbTable; END; $_rlbk_planning$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._rlbk_set_batch_number(p_rlbkId INT, p_batchNumber INT, p_schema TEXT, p_table TEXT, p_isReplRoleReplica BOOLEAN) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_rlbk_set_batch_number$ -- This function updates the emaj_rlbk_plan table to set the batch_number for one table. -- It also looks for other tables to rollback that are linked to this table by foreign keys to force them to be allocated to the same -- batch number. -- If the rollback operation for the table is performed with a session_replication_role set to replica, there is no need to force -- referenced and referencing tables to be in the same batch. -- The function is called by _rlbk_planning(). -- As those linked tables can also be linked to other tables by other foreign keys, the function has to be recursiley called. DECLARE v_fullTableName TEXT; r_tbl RECORD; BEGIN -- Set the batch number to this application table (there is a 'LOCK_TABLE' step and potentialy a 'RLBK_TABLE' step). UPDATE emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan SET rlbp_batch_number = p_batchNumber WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = p_rlbkId AND rlbp_schema = p_schema AND rlbp_table = p_table; -- If the rollback is not performed with session_replication_role set to replica, look for all other application tables linked by foreign -- key relationships. IF NOT p_isReplRoleReplica THEN v_fullTableName = quote_ident(p_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(p_table); FOR r_tbl IN SELECT rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, rlbp_is_repl_role_replica FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = p_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'LOCK_TABLE' AND rlbp_batch_number IS NULL -- not yet allocated AND (rlbp_schema, rlbp_table) IN -- list of (schema,table) linked to the original table by fkeys ( SELECT nspname, relname FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class t ON (t.oid = conrelid) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON (relnamespace = n.oid) WHERE contype = 'f' AND confrelid = v_fullTableName::regclass UNION SELECT nspname, relname FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class t ON (t.oid = confrelid) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON (relnamespace = n.oid) WHERE contype = 'f' AND conrelid = v_fullTableName::regclass ) LOOP -- Recursive call to allocate these linked tables to the same batch_number. PERFORM emaj._rlbk_set_batch_number(p_rlbkId, p_batchNumber, r_tbl.rlbp_schema, r_tbl.rlbp_table, r_tbl.rlbp_is_repl_role_replica); END LOOP; END IF; -- RETURN; END; $_rlbk_set_batch_number$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._estimate_rlbk_step_duration(p_step emaj._rlbk_step_enum, p_schema TEXT, p_table TEXT, p_object TEXT, p_estimatedQuantity BIGINT, p_defaultFixedCost INTERVAL, p_defaultVariableCost INTERVAL, OUT p_estimateMethod INT, OUT p_estimatedDuration INTERVAL) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_estimate_rlbk_step_duration$ -- This function reads the rollback statistics in order to compute the duration estimate for elementary steps. -- The function is called by _rlbk_planning(). -- The cost model depends on the step. -- Input: step name, the schema, table and object names when it is relevant, the expected volume for the step, -- the default fixed cost and the default variable cost from the emaj parameters -- Output: the estimate method (1, 2 or 3), the duration estimate BEGIN -- Initialize the output data. p_estimatedDuration = NULL; -- Compute the duration estimate depending on the step. CASE WHEN p_step IN ('RLBK_TABLE', 'DELETE_LOG') THEN -- For RLBK_TBL and DELETE_LOG, the estimate takes into account the estimated number of log rows to revert. -- First look at the previous rollback durations for the table and with similar rollback volume (same order of magnitude). SELECT sum(rlbt_duration) * p_estimatedQuantity / sum(rlbt_quantity), 1 INTO p_estimatedDuration, p_estimateMethod FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_stat WHERE rlbt_step = p_step AND rlbt_quantity > 0 AND rlbt_schema = p_schema AND rlbt_table = p_table AND rlbt_quantity / p_estimatedQuantity < 10 AND p_estimatedQuantity / rlbt_quantity < 10; IF p_estimatedDuration IS NULL THEN -- If there is no previous rollback operation with similar volume, take statistics for the table with all available volumes. SELECT sum(rlbt_duration) * p_estimatedQuantity / sum(rlbt_quantity), 2 INTO p_estimatedDuration, p_estimateMethod FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_stat WHERE rlbt_step = p_step AND rlbt_quantity > 0 AND rlbt_schema = p_schema AND rlbt_table = p_table; IF p_estimatedDuration IS NULL THEN -- No statistics found for the step, so use supplied E-Maj parameters. p_estimatedDuration = p_defaultVariableCost * p_estimatedQuantity + p_defaultFixedCost; p_estimateMethod = 3; END IF; END IF; -- WHEN p_step = 'ADD_FK' THEN IF p_estimatedQuantity = 0 THEN -- Empty table (or table not yet analyzed). p_estimatedDuration = p_defaultFixedCost; p_estimateMethod = 3; ELSE -- Non empty table and statistics (with at least one row) are available. SELECT sum(rlbt_duration) * p_estimatedQuantity / sum(rlbt_quantity), 1 INTO p_estimatedDuration, p_estimateMethod FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_stat WHERE rlbt_step = p_step AND rlbt_quantity > 0 AND rlbt_schema = p_schema AND rlbt_table = p_table AND rlbt_object = p_object; IF p_estimatedDuration IS NULL THEN -- Non empty table, but no statistic with at least one row is available => take the last duration for this fkey, if any. SELECT rlbt_duration, 2 INTO p_estimatedDuration, p_estimateMethod FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_stat WHERE rlbt_step = p_step AND rlbt_schema = p_schema AND rlbt_table = p_table AND rlbt_object = p_object AND rlbt_rlbk_id = (SELECT max(rlbt_rlbk_id) FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_stat WHERE rlbt_step = p_step AND rlbt_schema = p_schema AND rlbt_table = p_table AND rlbt_object = p_object ); IF p_estimatedDuration IS NULL THEN -- Definitely no statistics available, compute with the supplied default parameters. p_estimatedDuration = p_estimatedQuantity * p_defaultVariableCost + p_defaultFixedCost; p_estimateMethod = 3; END IF; END IF; END IF; -- WHEN p_step = 'SET_FK_IMM' THEN -- If fkey checks statistics are available for this fkey, compute an average cost. SELECT sum(rlbt_duration) * p_estimatedQuantity / sum(rlbt_quantity), 2 INTO p_estimatedDuration, p_estimateMethod FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_stat WHERE rlbt_step = p_step AND rlbt_quantity > 0 AND rlbt_schema = p_schema AND rlbt_table = p_table AND rlbt_object = p_object; IF p_estimatedDuration IS NULL THEN -- No statistics are available for this fkey, so use the supplied E-Maj parameters. p_estimatedDuration = p_estimatedQuantity * p_defaultVariableCost + p_defaultFixedCost; p_estimateMethod = 3; END IF; -- ELSE -- For other steps, there is no volume to consider. -- Read statistics, if any, and compute an average cost. SELECT sum(rlbt_duration) / sum(rlbt_quantity), 2 INTO p_estimatedDuration, p_estimateMethod FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_stat WHERE rlbt_step = p_step; IF p_estimatedDuration IS NULL THEN -- No statistics found for the step, so use the supplied E-Maj parameters. p_estimatedDuration = p_defaultFixedCost; p_estimateMethod = 3; END IF; END CASE; -- RETURN; END; $_estimate_rlbk_step_duration$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._rlbk_session_lock(p_rlbkId INT, p_session INT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_rlbk_session_lock$ -- It opens the session if needed, creates the session row in the emaj_rlbk_session table -- and then locks all the application tables for the session. DECLARE v_isDblinkUsed BOOLEAN; v_dblinkSchema TEXT; v_dbLinkCnxStatus INT; v_stmt TEXT; v_groupNames TEXT[]; v_nbRetry SMALLINT = 0; v_ok BOOLEAN = FALSE; v_nbTbl INT; r_tbl RECORD; BEGIN -- Get the rollback characteristics from the emaj_rlbk table. SELECT rlbk_is_dblink_used, rlbk_dblink_schema, rlbk_groups INTO v_isDblinkUsed, v_dblinkSchema, v_groupNames FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk WHERE rlbk_id = p_rlbkId; -- For dblink session > 1, open the connection (the session 1 is already opened). IF p_session > 1 THEN SELECT p_status INTO v_dbLinkCnxStatus FROM emaj._dblink_open_cnx('rlbk#'||p_session); IF v_dbLinkCnxStatus < 0 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION '_rlbk_session_lock: Error while opening the dblink session #% (Status of the dblink connection attempt = %' ' - see E-Maj documentation).', p_session, v_dbLinkCnxStatus; END IF; END IF; -- Create the session row the emaj_rlbk_session table. v_stmt = 'INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_rlbk_session (rlbs_rlbk_id, rlbs_session, rlbs_txid, rlbs_start_datetime) ' || 'VALUES (' || p_rlbkId || ',' || p_session || ',' || txid_current() || ',' || quote_literal(clock_timestamp()) || ') RETURNING 1'; PERFORM emaj._dblink_sql_exec('rlbk#'||p_session, v_stmt, v_dblinkSchema); -- Insert a BEGIN event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('LOCK_GROUP', 'BEGIN', array_to_string(v_groupNames,','), 'Rollback session #' || p_session); -- -- Acquire locks on tables. -- -- In case of deadlock, retry up to 5 times. WHILE NOT v_ok AND v_nbRetry < 5 LOOP BEGIN v_nbTbl = 0; -- Scan all tables of the session, in priority ascending order. FOR r_tbl IN SELECT quote_ident(rlbp_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(rlbp_table) AS fullName, EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan rlbp2 WHERE rlbp2.rlbp_rlbk_id = p_rlbkId AND rlbp2.rlbp_session = p_session AND rlbp2.rlbp_schema = rlbp1.rlbp_schema AND rlbp2.rlbp_table = rlbp1.rlbp_table AND rlbp2.rlbp_step = 'DIS_LOG_TRG' ) AS disLogTrg FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan rlbp1 JOIN emaj.emaj_relation ON (rel_schema = rlbp_schema AND rel_tblseq = rlbp_table AND upper_inf(rel_time_range)) WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = p_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'LOCK_TABLE' AND rlbp_session = p_session ORDER BY rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq LOOP -- Lock each table. -- The locking level is EXCLUSIVE mode. -- This blocks all concurrent update capabilities of all tables of the groups (including tables with no logged update to rollback), -- in order to ensure a stable state of the group at the end of the rollback operation). -- But these tables can be accessed by SELECT statements during the E-Maj rollback. EXECUTE format('LOCK TABLE %s IN EXCLUSIVE MODE', r_tbl.fullName); v_nbTbl = v_nbTbl + 1; END LOOP; -- OK, all tables locked. v_ok = TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN deadlock_detected THEN v_nbRetry = v_nbRetry + 1; RAISE NOTICE '_rlbk_session_lock: A deadlock has been trapped while locking tables for groups "%".', array_to_string(v_groupNames,','); END; END LOOP; IF NOT v_ok THEN PERFORM emaj._rlbk_error(p_rlbkId, '_rlbk_session_lock: Too many (5) deadlocks encountered while locking tables', 'rlbk#' || p_session); RAISE EXCEPTION '_rlbk_session_lock: Too many (5) deadlocks encountered while locking tables for groups "%".', array_to_string(v_groupNames,','); END IF; -- Insert a END event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('LOCK_GROUP', 'END', array_to_string(v_groupNames,','), 'Rollback session #' || p_session || ': ' || v_nbTbl || ' tables locked, ' || v_nbRetry || ' deadlock(s)'); -- RETURN; -- Trap and record exception during the rollback operation. EXCEPTION WHEN SQLSTATE 'P0001' THEN -- Do not trap the exceptions raised by the function RAISE; WHEN OTHERS THEN -- Otherwise, log the E-Maj rollback abort in emaj_rlbk, if possible PERFORM emaj._rlbk_error(p_rlbkId, 'In _rlbk_session_lock() for session ' || p_session || ': ' || SQLERRM, 'rlbk#'||p_session); RAISE; END; $_rlbk_session_lock$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._rlbk_start_mark(p_rlbkId INT, p_multiGroup BOOLEAN) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_rlbk_start_mark$ -- For logged rollback, it sets a mark that materialize the point in time just before the tables rollback. -- All concerned tables are already locked. -- Before setting the mark, it checks no update has been recorded between the planning step and the locks set -- for tables for which no rollback was needed at planning time. -- It also sets the rollback status to EXECUTING. DECLARE v_isDblinkUsed BOOLEAN; v_dblinkSchema TEXT; v_stmt TEXT; v_groupNames TEXT[]; v_mark TEXT; v_timeId BIGINT; v_isLoggedRlbk BOOLEAN; v_rlbkDatetime TIMESTAMPTZ; v_markTimeId BIGINT; v_markName TEXT; v_errorMsg TEXT; BEGIN -- Get the dblink usage characteristics for the current rollback. SELECT rlbk_is_dblink_used, rlbk_dblink_schema INTO v_isDblinkUsed, v_dblinkSchema FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk WHERE rlbk_id = p_rlbkId; -- Get a time stamp for the rollback operation. v_stmt = 'SELECT emaj._set_time_stamp(''R'')'; SELECT emaj._dblink_sql_exec('rlbk#1', v_stmt, v_dblinkSchema) INTO v_timeId; -- Update the emaj_rlbk table to record the time stamp and adjust the rollback status. v_stmt = 'UPDATE emaj.emaj_rlbk SET rlbk_time_id = ' || v_timeId || ', rlbk_status = ''EXECUTING''' || ' WHERE rlbk_id = ' || p_rlbkId || ' RETURNING 1'; PERFORM emaj._dblink_sql_exec('rlbk#1', v_stmt, v_dblinkSchema); -- Get the rollback characteristics from the emaj_rlbk table. SELECT rlbk_groups, rlbk_mark, rlbk_time_id, rlbk_is_logged, time_clock_timestamp INTO v_groupNames, v_mark, v_timeId, v_isLoggedRlbk, v_rlbkDatetime FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk JOIN emaj.emaj_time_stamp ON (time_id = rlbk_time_id) WHERE rlbk_id = p_rlbkId; -- Get some mark attributes from emaj_mark. SELECT mark_time_id INTO v_markTimeId FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = v_groupNames[1] AND mark_name = v_mark; -- Check that no update has been recorded between planning time and lock time for tables that did not need to -- be rolled back at planning time. -- This may occur and cannot be avoided because tables cannot be locked before processing the rollback planning. -- Sessions must lock the tables they will rollback and the planning processing distribute those tables to sessions. IF EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM (SELECT * FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND rel_group = ANY (v_groupNames) AND rel_kind = 'r' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_schema = rel_schema AND rlbp_table = rel_tblseq AND rlbp_rlbk_id = p_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'RLBK_TABLE' ) ) AS t WHERE emaj._log_stat_tbl(t, greatest(v_markTimeId, lower(rel_time_range)), NULL) > 0 ) THEN v_errorMsg = 'the rollback operation has been cancelled due to concurrent activity at E-Maj rollback planning time on tables' || ' to process.'; PERFORM emaj._rlbk_error(p_rlbkId, v_errorMsg, 'rlbk#1'); RAISE EXCEPTION '_rlbk_start_mark: % Please retry.', v_errorMsg; END IF; IF v_isLoggedRlbk THEN -- If rollback is a "logged" rollback, set a mark named with the pattern: -- 'RLBK__%_START', where % represents the rollback start time. v_markName = 'RLBK_' || v_mark || '_' || substring(to_char(v_rlbkDatetime, 'HH24.MI.SS.US') from 1 for 13) || '_START'; PERFORM emaj._set_mark_groups(v_groupNames, v_markName, p_multiGroup, TRUE, NULL, v_timeId, v_dblinkSchema); END IF; -- RETURN; -- Trap and record exception during the rollback operation. EXCEPTION WHEN SQLSTATE 'P0001' THEN -- Do not trap the exceptions raised by the function RAISE; WHEN OTHERS THEN -- Otherwise, log the E-Maj rollback abort in emaj_rlbk, if possible PERFORM emaj._rlbk_error(p_rlbkId, 'In _rlbk_start_mark(): ' || SQLERRM, 'rlbk#1'); RAISE; END; $_rlbk_start_mark$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._rlbk_session_exec(p_rlbkId INT, p_session INT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_rlbk_session_exec$ -- This function executes the main part of a rollback operation. -- It executes the steps identified by _rlbk_planning() and stored into emaj_rlbk_plan, for one session. -- It updates the emaj_rlbk_plan table, using dblink connection if possible, giving a visibility of the rollback progress. DECLARE v_stmt TEXT; v_dblinkSchema TEXT; v_isDblinkUsed BOOLEAN; v_groupNames TEXT[]; v_mark TEXT; v_rlbkMarkTimeId BIGINT; v_rlbkTimeId BIGINT; v_isLoggedRlbk BOOLEAN; v_nbSession INT; v_maxGlobalSeq BIGINT; v_lastGlobalSeq BIGINT; v_fullTableName TEXT; v_nbRows BIGINT; r_step RECORD; BEGIN -- Get the rollback characteristics from the emaj_rlbk table. SELECT rlbk_groups, rlbk_mark, rlbk_time_id, rlbk_is_logged, rlbk_nb_session, rlbk_dblink_schema, rlbk_is_dblink_used, time_last_emaj_gid INTO v_groupNames, v_mark, v_rlbkTimeId, v_isLoggedRlbk, v_nbSession, v_dblinkSchema, v_isDblinkUsed, v_maxGlobalSeq FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk JOIN emaj.emaj_time_stamp ON (time_id = rlbk_time_id) WHERE rlbk_id = p_rlbkId; -- Fetch the mark_time_id, the last global sequence at set_mark time for the first group of the groups array. -- They all share the same values. SELECT mark_time_id, time_last_emaj_gid INTO v_rlbkMarkTimeId, v_lastGlobalSeq FROM emaj.emaj_mark JOIN emaj.emaj_time_stamp ON (time_id = mark_time_id) WHERE mark_group = v_groupNames[1] AND mark_name = v_mark; -- Scan emaj_rlbp_plan to get all steps to process that have been affected to this session, in batch_number and step order. FOR r_step IN SELECT rlbp_step, rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, rlbp_object, rlbp_object_def, rlbp_app_trg_type, rlbp_is_repl_role_replica, rlbp_target_time_id FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = p_rlbkId AND rlbp_step NOT IN ('LOCK_TABLE','CTRL-DBLINK','CTRL+DBLINK') AND rlbp_session = p_session ORDER BY rlbp_batch_number, rlbp_step, rlbp_table, rlbp_object LOOP -- Update the emaj_rlbk_plan table to set the step start time. v_stmt = 'UPDATE emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan SET rlbp_start_datetime = clock_timestamp() ' || ' WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = ' || p_rlbkId || ' AND rlbp_step = ' || quote_literal(r_step.rlbp_step) || ' AND rlbp_schema = ' || quote_literal(r_step.rlbp_schema) || ' AND rlbp_table = ' || quote_literal(r_step.rlbp_table) || ' AND rlbp_object = ' || quote_literal(r_step.rlbp_object) || ' RETURNING 1'; PERFORM emaj._dblink_sql_exec('rlbk#'||p_session, v_stmt, v_dblinkSchema); v_fullTableName = quote_ident(r_step.rlbp_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_step.rlbp_table); -- Process the step depending on its type. CASE r_step.rlbp_step WHEN 'DIS_APP_TRG' THEN -- Disable an application trigger. PERFORM emaj._handle_trigger_fk_tbl('DISABLE_TRIGGER', v_fullTableName, r_step.rlbp_object); WHEN 'SET_ALWAYS_APP_TRG' THEN -- Set an application trigger as an ALWAYS trigger. PERFORM emaj._handle_trigger_fk_tbl('SET_TRIGGER', v_fullTableName, r_step.rlbp_object, 'ALWAYS'); WHEN 'DIS_LOG_TRG' THEN -- Disable a log trigger. PERFORM emaj._handle_trigger_fk_tbl('DISABLE_TRIGGER', v_fullTableName, 'emaj_log_trg'); WHEN 'DROP_FK' THEN -- Delete a foreign key. PERFORM emaj._handle_trigger_fk_tbl('DROP_FK', v_fullTableName, r_step.rlbp_object); WHEN 'SET_FK_DEF' THEN -- Set a foreign key deferred. EXECUTE format('SET CONSTRAINTS %I.%I DEFERRED', r_step.rlbp_schema, r_step.rlbp_object); WHEN 'RLBK_TABLE' THEN -- Process a table rollback. -- For tables added to the group after the rollback target mark, get the last sequence value specific to each table. SELECT emaj._rlbk_tbl(emaj_relation.*, CASE WHEN v_rlbkMarkTimeId = r_step.rlbp_target_time_id THEN v_lastGlobalSeq -- common case ELSE (SELECT time_last_emaj_gid FROM emaj.emaj_time_stamp WHERE time_id = r_step.rlbp_target_time_id) END, v_maxGlobalSeq, v_nbSession, v_isLoggedRlbk, r_step.rlbp_is_repl_role_replica) INTO v_nbRows FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = r_step.rlbp_schema AND rel_tblseq = r_step.rlbp_table AND upper_inf(rel_time_range); WHEN 'DELETE_LOG' THEN -- Process the deletion of log rows. -- For tables added to the group after the rollback target mark, get the last sequence value specific to each table. SELECT emaj._delete_log_tbl(emaj_relation.*, r_step.rlbp_target_time_id, v_rlbkTimeId, CASE WHEN v_rlbkMarkTimeId = r_step.rlbp_target_time_id THEN v_lastGlobalSeq -- common case ELSE (SELECT time_last_emaj_gid FROM emaj.emaj_time_stamp WHERE time_id = r_step.rlbp_target_time_id) END) INTO v_nbRows FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = r_step.rlbp_schema AND rel_tblseq = r_step.rlbp_table AND upper_inf(rel_time_range); WHEN 'SET_FK_IMM' THEN -- Set a foreign key immediate. EXECUTE format('SET CONSTRAINTS %I.%I IMMEDIATE', r_step.rlbp_schema, r_step.rlbp_object); WHEN 'ADD_FK' THEN -- Re-create a foreign key. PERFORM emaj._handle_trigger_fk_tbl('ADD_FK', v_fullTableName, r_step.rlbp_object, r_step.rlbp_object_def); WHEN 'ENA_APP_TRG' THEN -- Enable an application trigger. PERFORM emaj._handle_trigger_fk_tbl('ENABLE_TRIGGER', v_fullTableName, r_step.rlbp_object, r_step.rlbp_app_trg_type); WHEN 'SET_LOCAL_APP_TRG' THEN -- Reset an application trigger to its common type. PERFORM emaj._handle_trigger_fk_tbl('SET_TRIGGER', v_fullTableName, r_step.rlbp_object, ''); WHEN 'ENA_LOG_TRG' THEN -- Enable a log trigger. PERFORM emaj._handle_trigger_fk_tbl('ENABLE_TRIGGER', v_fullTableName, 'emaj_log_trg', 'ALWAYS'); END CASE; -- Update the emaj_rlbk_plan table to set the step duration. -- The computed duration does not include the time needed to update the emaj_rlbk_plan table, v_stmt = 'UPDATE emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan SET rlbp_duration = ' || quote_literal(clock_timestamp()) || ' - rlbp_start_datetime'; IF r_step.rlbp_step = 'RLBK_TABLE' OR r_step.rlbp_step = 'DELETE_LOG' THEN -- ... nor the effective number of processed rows for RLBK_TABLE and DELETE_LOG steps. v_stmt = v_stmt || ' , rlbp_quantity = ' || v_nbRows; END IF; v_stmt = v_stmt || ' WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = ' || p_rlbkId || ' AND rlbp_step = ' || quote_literal(r_step.rlbp_step) || ' AND rlbp_schema = ' || quote_literal(r_step.rlbp_schema) || ' AND rlbp_table = ' || quote_literal(r_step.rlbp_table) || ' AND rlbp_object = ' || quote_literal(r_step.rlbp_object) || ' RETURNING 1'; PERFORM emaj._dblink_sql_exec('rlbk#'||p_session, v_stmt, v_dblinkSchema); END LOOP; -- Update the emaj_rlbk_session table to set the timestamp representing the end of work for the session. v_stmt = 'UPDATE emaj.emaj_rlbk_session SET rlbs_end_datetime = clock_timestamp()' || ' WHERE rlbs_rlbk_id = ' || p_rlbkId || ' AND rlbs_session = ' || p_session || ' RETURNING 1'; PERFORM emaj._dblink_sql_exec('rlbk#'||p_session, v_stmt, v_dblinkSchema); -- Close the dblink connection, if any, for session > 1. IF v_isDblinkUsed AND p_session > 1 THEN PERFORM emaj._dblink_close_cnx('rlbk#'||p_session, v_dblinkSchema); END IF; -- RETURN; -- Trap and record exception during the rollback operation. EXCEPTION WHEN SQLSTATE 'P0001' THEN -- Do not trap the exceptions raised by the function RAISE; WHEN OTHERS THEN -- Otherwise, log the E-Maj rollback abort in emaj_rlbk, if possible PERFORM emaj._rlbk_error(p_rlbkId, 'In _rlbk_session_exec() for session ' || p_session || ': ' || SQLERRM, 'rlbk#'||p_session); RAISE; END; $_rlbk_session_exec$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._rlbk_end(p_rlbkId INT, p_multiGroup BOOLEAN, OUT rlbk_severity TEXT, OUT rlbk_message TEXT) RETURNS SETOF RECORD LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_rlbk_end$ -- This is the last step of a rollback group processing. It: -- - deletes the marks that are no longer available, -- - deletes the recorded sequences values for these deleted marks -- - copy data into the emaj_rlbk_stat table, -- - rollbacks all sequences of the groups, -- - set the end rollback mark if logged rollback, -- - and finaly set the operation as COMPLETED or COMMITED. -- It returns the execution report of the rollback operation (a set of rows). DECLARE v_stmt TEXT; v_dblinkSchema TEXT; v_isDblinkUsed BOOLEAN; v_groupNames TEXT[]; v_mark TEXT; v_isLoggedRlbk BOOLEAN; v_isAlterGroupAllowed BOOLEAN; v_nbTbl INT; v_effNbTbl INT; v_rlbkDatetime TIMESTAMPTZ; v_ctrlDuration INTERVAL; v_markTimeId BIGINT; v_nbSeq INT; v_markName TEXT; v_messages TEXT; r_msg RECORD; BEGIN -- Get the rollback characteristics from the emaj_rlbk table. SELECT rlbk_groups, rlbk_mark, rlbk_is_logged, rlbk_is_alter_group_allowed, rlbk_nb_table, rlbk_eff_nb_table, rlbk_dblink_schema, rlbk_is_dblink_used, time_clock_timestamp INTO v_groupNames, v_mark, v_isLoggedRlbk, v_isAlterGroupAllowed, v_nbTbl, v_effNbTbl, v_dblinkSchema, v_isDblinkUsed, v_rlbkDatetime FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk JOIN emaj.emaj_time_stamp ON (time_id = rlbk_time_id) WHERE rlbk_id = p_rlbkId; -- Get the mark timestamp for the 1st group (they all share the same timestamp). SELECT mark_time_id INTO v_markTimeId FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = v_groupNames[1] AND mark_name = v_mark; -- If "unlogged" rollback, delete all marks later than the now rolled back mark and the associated sequences. IF NOT v_isLoggedRlbk THEN -- Get the highest mark time id of the mark used for rollback, for all groups. -- Delete the marks that are suppressed by the rollback (the related sequences have been already deleted by rollback functions) -- with a logging in the history. WITH deleted AS (DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = ANY (v_groupNames) AND mark_time_id > v_markTimeId RETURNING mark_time_id, mark_group, mark_name ), sorted_deleted AS -- the sort is performed to produce stable results in regression tests (SELECT mark_group, mark_name FROM deleted ORDER BY mark_time_id, mark_group ) INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) SELECT CASE WHEN p_multiGroup THEN 'ROLLBACK_GROUPS' ELSE 'ROLLBACK_GROUP' END, 'MARK DELETED', mark_group, 'mark ' || mark_name || ' is deleted' FROM sorted_deleted; -- And reset the mark_log_rows_before_next column for the new last mark. UPDATE emaj.emaj_mark SET mark_log_rows_before_next = NULL WHERE mark_group = ANY (v_groupNames) AND (mark_group, mark_time_id) IN -- select only the last non deleted mark of each concerned group (SELECT mark_group, max(mark_time_id) FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = ANY (v_groupNames) AND NOT mark_is_deleted GROUP BY mark_group ); -- The sequences related to the deleted marks can be also suppressed. -- Delete first application sequences related data for the groups. DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_sequence USING emaj.emaj_relation WHERE sequ_schema = rel_schema AND sequ_name = rel_tblseq AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND rel_group = ANY (v_groupNames) AND rel_kind = 'S' AND sequ_time_id > v_markTimeId AND lower(rel_time_range) <> sequ_time_id; -- Delete then tables related data for the groups. DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_table USING emaj.emaj_relation WHERE tbl_schema = rel_schema AND tbl_name = rel_tblseq AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND rel_group = ANY (v_groupNames) AND rel_kind = 'r' AND tbl_time_id > v_markTimeId AND tbl_time_id <@ rel_time_range AND tbl_time_id <> lower(rel_time_range); END IF; -- Delete the now useless 'LOCK TABLE' steps from the emaj_rlbk_plan table. v_stmt = 'DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan ' || ' WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = ' || p_rlbkId || ' AND rlbp_step = ''LOCK_TABLE'' RETURNING 1'; PERFORM emaj._dblink_sql_exec('rlbk#1', v_stmt, v_dblinkSchema); -- Prepare the CTRLxDBLINK pseudo step statistic by computing the global time spent between steps. SELECT coalesce(sum(ctrl_duration),'0'::INTERVAL) INTO v_ctrlDuration FROM (SELECT rlbs_session, rlbs_end_datetime - min(rlbp_start_datetime) - sum(rlbp_duration) AS ctrl_duration FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_session rlbs JOIN emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan rlbp ON (rlbp_rlbk_id = rlbs_rlbk_id AND rlbp_session = rlbs_session) WHERE rlbs_rlbk_id = p_rlbkId GROUP BY rlbs_session, rlbs_end_datetime ) AS t; -- Report duration statistics into the emaj_rlbk_stat table. v_stmt = 'INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_rlbk_stat (rlbt_step, rlbt_schema, rlbt_table, rlbt_object,' || ' rlbt_rlbk_id, rlbt_quantity, rlbt_duration)' || -- copy elementary steps for RLBK_TABLE, DELETE_LOG, ADD_FK and SET_FK_IMM step types -- (record the rlbp_estimated_quantity as reference for later forecast) ' SELECT rlbp_step, rlbp_schema, rlbp_table, rlbp_object, rlbp_rlbk_id,' || ' rlbp_estimated_quantity, rlbp_duration' || ' FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan' || ' WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = ' || p_rlbkId || ' AND rlbp_step IN (''RLBK_TABLE'',''DELETE_LOG'',''ADD_FK'',''SET_FK_IMM'') ' || ' UNION ALL ' || -- for 6 other steps, aggregate other elementary steps into a global row for each step type ' SELECT rlbp_step, '''', '''', '''', rlbp_rlbk_id, ' || ' count(*), sum(rlbp_duration)' || ' FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan' || ' WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = ' || p_rlbkId || ' AND rlbp_step IN (''DIS_APP_TRG'',''DIS_LOG_TRG'',''DROP_FK'',''SET_FK_DEF'',''ENA_APP_TRG'',''ENA_LOG_TRG'') ' || ' GROUP BY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5' || ' UNION ALL ' || -- and the final CTRLxDBLINK pseudo step statistic ' SELECT rlbp_step, '''', '''', '''', rlbp_rlbk_id, ' || ' rlbp_estimated_quantity, ' || quote_literal(v_ctrlDuration) || ' FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan' || ' WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = ' || p_rlbkId || ' AND rlbp_step IN (''CTRL+DBLINK'',''CTRL-DBLINK'') ' || ' RETURNING 1'; PERFORM emaj._dblink_sql_exec('rlbk#1', v_stmt, v_dblinkSchema); -- Rollback the application sequences belonging to the groups. -- Warning, this operation is not transaction safe (that's why it is placed at the end of the operation)!. -- If the sequence has been added to its group after the target rollback mark, rollback up to the corresponding alter_group time. PERFORM emaj._rlbk_seq(t.*, greatest(v_markTimeId, lower(t.rel_time_range))) FROM (SELECT * FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND rel_group = ANY (v_groupNames) AND rel_kind = 'S' ORDER BY rel_schema, rel_tblseq ) as t; GET DIAGNOSTICS v_nbSeq = ROW_COUNT; -- If rollback is a "logged" rollback, automatically set a mark representing the tables state just after the rollback. -- This mark is named 'RLBK__%_DONE', where % represents the rollback start time. IF v_isLoggedRlbk THEN v_markName = 'RLBK_' || v_mark || '_' || substring(to_char(v_rlbkDatetime, 'HH24.MI.SS.US') from 1 for 13) || '_DONE'; PERFORM emaj._set_mark_groups(v_groupNames, v_markName, p_multiGroup, TRUE, v_mark); END IF; -- Build and return the execution report. -- Start with the NOTICE messages. rlbk_severity = 'Notice'; rlbk_message = format ('%s / %s tables effectively processed.', v_effNbTbl::TEXT, v_nbTbl::TEXT); INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES (CASE WHEN p_multiGroup THEN 'ROLLBACK_GROUPS' ELSE 'ROLLBACK_GROUP' END, 'NOTICE', 'Rollback id ' || p_rlbkId, rlbk_message); v_messages = quote_literal(rlbk_severity || ': ' || rlbk_message); IF v_isAlterGroupAllowed IS NULL THEN -- For old style calling functions just return the number of processed tables and sequences. rlbk_message = (v_effNbTbl + v_nbSeq)::TEXT; RETURN NEXT; ELSE RETURN NEXT; END IF; -- Return the execution report to new style calling functions: the general notice messages with counters. IF v_nbSeq > 0 THEN rlbk_message = format ('%s sequences processed.', v_nbSeq::TEXT); INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES (CASE WHEN p_multiGroup THEN 'ROLLBACK_GROUPS' ELSE 'ROLLBACK_GROUP' END, 'NOTICE', 'Rollback id ' || p_rlbkId, rlbk_message); v_messages = concat(v_messages, ',', quote_literal(rlbk_severity || ': ' || rlbk_message)); IF v_isAlterGroupAllowed IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN NEXT; END IF; END IF; -- Then, for new style calling functions, return the WARNING messages for any elementary action from group structure change that has not -- been rolled back. IF v_isAlterGroupAllowed IS NOT NULL THEN rlbk_severity = 'Warning'; FOR r_msg IN -- Steps are splitted into 2 groups to filter them differently. SELECT rlchg_time_id, rlchg_change_kind, rlchg_schema, rlchg_tblseq, (CASE rlchg_change_kind WHEN 'ADD_SEQUENCE' THEN 'The sequence ' || quote_ident(rlchg_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(rlchg_tblseq) || ' has only been rolled back to its latest group attachment state (' || to_char(time_tx_timestamp, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH:MI:SS TZ') || ')' WHEN 'ADD_TABLE' THEN 'The table ' || quote_ident(rlchg_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(rlchg_tblseq) || ' has only been rolled back to its latest group attachment (' || to_char(time_tx_timestamp, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH:MI:SS TZ') || ')' WHEN 'REMOVE_SEQUENCE' THEN 'The sequence ' || quote_ident(rlchg_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(rlchg_tblseq) || ' has been left unchanged (not in group anymore since ' || to_char(time_tx_timestamp, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH:MI:SS TZ') || ')' WHEN 'REMOVE_TABLE' THEN 'The table ' || quote_ident(rlchg_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(rlchg_tblseq) || ' has been left unchanged (not in group anymore since ' || to_char(time_tx_timestamp, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH:MI:SS TZ') || ')' WHEN 'MOVE_SEQUENCE' THEN 'The sequence ' || quote_ident(rlchg_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(rlchg_tblseq) || ' has only been rolled back to its latest group attachment state (' || to_char(time_tx_timestamp, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH:MI:SS TZ') || ')' WHEN 'MOVE_TABLE' THEN 'The table ' || quote_ident(rlchg_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(rlchg_tblseq) || ' has only been rolled back to its latest group attachment (' || to_char(time_tx_timestamp, 'YYYY/MM/DD HH:MI:SS TZ') || ')' END)::TEXT AS message FROM -- Suppress duplicate ADD_TABLE / MOVE_TABLE / REMOVE_TABLE or ADD_SEQUENCE / MOVE_SEQUENCE / REMOVE_SEQUENCE for same table or sequence, -- by keeping the most recent changes. (SELECT rlchg_schema, rlchg_tblseq, rlchg_time_id, rlchg_change_kind FROM (SELECT rlchg_schema, rlchg_tblseq, rlchg_time_id, rlchg_change_kind, rank() OVER (PARTITION BY rlchg_schema, rlchg_tblseq ORDER BY rlchg_time_id DESC) AS rlchg_rank FROM emaj.emaj_relation_change WHERE rlchg_time_id > v_markTimeId AND rlchg_group = ANY (v_groupNames) AND rlchg_tblseq <> '' AND rlchg_rlbk_id IS NULL AND rlchg_change_kind IN ('ADD_TABLE','ADD_SEQUENCE','REMOVE_TABLE','REMOVE_SEQUENCE','MOVE_TABLE','MOVE_SEQUENCE') ) AS t1 WHERE rlchg_rank = 1 ) AS t2, emaj.emaj_time_stamp WHERE rlchg_time_id = time_id UNION SELECT rlchg_time_id, rlchg_change_kind, rlchg_schema, rlchg_tblseq, (CASE rlchg_change_kind WHEN 'CHANGE_PRIORITY' THEN 'Tables group change not rolled back: E-Maj priority for ' || quote_ident(rlchg_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(rlchg_tblseq) WHEN 'CHANGE_LOG_DATA_TABLESPACE' THEN 'Tables group change not rolled back: log data tablespace for ' || quote_ident(rlchg_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(rlchg_tblseq) WHEN 'CHANGE_LOG_INDEX_TABLESPACE' THEN 'Tables group change not rolled back: log index tablespace for ' || quote_ident(rlchg_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(rlchg_tblseq) WHEN 'CHANGE_IGNORED_TRIGGERS' THEN 'Tables group change not rolled back: ignored triggers list for ' || quote_ident(rlchg_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(rlchg_tblseq) ELSE rlchg_change_kind::TEXT || ' / ' || quote_ident(rlchg_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(rlchg_tblseq) END)::TEXT AS message FROM -- Suppress duplicates for other change kind for each table or sequence. (SELECT rlchg_schema, rlchg_tblseq, rlchg_time_id, rlchg_change_kind FROM (SELECT rlchg_schema, rlchg_tblseq, rlchg_time_id, rlchg_change_kind, rank() OVER (PARTITION BY rlchg_schema, rlchg_tblseq ORDER BY rlchg_time_id DESC) AS rlchg_rank FROM emaj.emaj_relation_change WHERE rlchg_time_id > v_markTimeId AND rlchg_group = ANY (v_groupNames) AND rlchg_tblseq <> '' AND rlchg_rlbk_id IS NULL AND rlchg_change_kind NOT IN ('ADD_TABLE','ADD_SEQUENCE','REMOVE_TABLE','REMOVE_SEQUENCE','MOVE_TABLE','MOVE_SEQUENCE') ) AS t1 WHERE rlchg_rank = 1 ) AS t2 ORDER BY rlchg_time_id, rlchg_change_kind, rlchg_schema, rlchg_tblseq LOOP INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES (CASE WHEN p_multiGroup THEN 'ROLLBACK_GROUPS' ELSE 'ROLLBACK_GROUP' END, 'WARNING', 'Rollback id ' || p_rlbkId, r_msg.message); rlbk_message = r_msg.message; v_messages = concat(v_messages, ',', quote_literal(rlbk_severity || ': ' || rlbk_message)); RETURN NEXT; END LOOP; END IF; -- Update the groups structure changes that have been covered by the rollback. UPDATE emaj.emaj_relation_change SET rlchg_rlbk_id = p_rlbkId WHERE rlchg_time_id > v_markTimeId AND rlchg_group = ANY (v_groupNames) AND rlchg_rlbk_id IS NULL; -- Update the emaj_rlbk table to set the real number of tables to process, adjust the rollback status and set the result message. v_stmt = 'UPDATE emaj.emaj_rlbk SET rlbk_status = ''' || CASE WHEN v_isDblinkUsed THEN 'COMPLETED' ELSE 'COMMITTED' END || ''', rlbk_end_datetime = clock_timestamp(), rlbk_messages = ARRAY[' || v_messages || ']' || ' WHERE rlbk_id = ' || p_rlbkId || ' RETURNING 1'; PERFORM emaj._dblink_sql_exec('rlbk#1', v_stmt, v_dblinkSchema); -- Close the dblink connection, if any. IF v_isDblinkUsed THEN PERFORM emaj._dblink_close_cnx('rlbk#1', v_dblinkSchema); END IF; -- Insert a END event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES (CASE WHEN p_multiGroup THEN 'ROLLBACK_GROUPS' ELSE 'ROLLBACK_GROUP' END, 'END', array_to_string(v_groupNames,','), 'Rollback_id ' || p_rlbkId || ', ' || v_effNbTbl || ' tables and ' || v_nbSeq || ' sequences effectively processed' ); -- Final return. RETURN; -- Trap and record exception during the rollback operation. EXCEPTION WHEN SQLSTATE 'P0001' THEN -- Do not trap the exceptions raised by the function RAISE; WHEN OTHERS THEN -- Otherwise, log the E-Maj rollback abort in emaj_rlbk, if possible PERFORM emaj._rlbk_error(p_rlbkId, 'In _rlbk_end(): ' || SQLERRM, 'rlbk#1'); RAISE; END; $_rlbk_end$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._rlbk_error(p_rlbkId INT, p_msg TEXT, p_cnxName TEXT) RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_rlbk_error$ -- This function records a rollback error into the emaj_rlbk table, but only if a dblink connection is open. -- Input: rollback identifier, message to record and dblink connection name. -- If the rollback operation is already in aborted state, one keeps the emaj_rlbk data unchanged. DECLARE v_isDblinkUsed BOOLEAN; v_dblinkSchema TEXT; v_stmt TEXT; BEGIN -- Get the dblink usage characteristics for the current rollback. SELECT rlbk_is_dblink_used, rlbk_dblink_schema INTO v_isDblinkUsed, v_dblinkSchema FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk WHERE rlbk_id = p_rlbkId; -- If a dblink connection is open, update the emaj_rlbk table. IF v_isDblinkUsed THEN v_stmt = 'UPDATE emaj.emaj_rlbk SET rlbk_status = ''ABORTED'', rlbk_messages = ARRAY[' || quote_literal(p_msg) || '], rlbk_end_datetime = clock_timestamp() ' || 'WHERE rlbk_id = ' || p_rlbkId || ' AND rlbk_status <> ''ABORTED'' RETURNING 1'; PERFORM emaj._dblink_sql_exec(p_cnxName, v_stmt, v_dblinkSchema); END IF; -- RETURN; END; $_rlbk_error$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._cleanup_rollback_state() RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER SET search_path = pg_catalog, pg_temp AS $_cleanup_rollback_state$ -- This function effectively cleans the rollback states up. It is called by the emaj_cleanup_rollback_state() -- and by other emaj functions. -- The rollbacks whose transaction(s) is/are active are left as is. -- Among the others, those which are also visible in the emaj_hist table are set "COMMITTED", -- while those which are not visible in the emaj_hist table are set "ABORTED". -- Input: no parameter -- Output: number of updated rollback events -- The function is defined as SECURITY DEFINER so that emaj_viewer role can update emaj_rlbk and emaj_hist tables. DECLARE v_nbRlbk INT = 0; v_newStatus emaj._rlbk_status_enum; r_rlbk RECORD; BEGIN -- Scan all pending rollback events having all their session transactions completed (either committed or rolled back). FOR r_rlbk IN SELECT rlbk_id, rlbk_status, rlbk_begin_hist_id, rlbk_nb_session, count(rlbs_txid) AS nbVisibleTx FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk LEFT OUTER JOIN emaj.emaj_rlbk_session ON (rlbs_rlbk_id = rlbk_id) WHERE rlbk_status IN ('PLANNING', 'LOCKING', 'EXECUTING', 'COMPLETED') -- only pending rollback events AND txid_visible_in_snapshot(rlbs_txid,txid_current_snapshot()) -- only visible tx AND rlbs_txid <> txid_current() -- exclude the current tx GROUP BY rlbk_id, rlbk_status, rlbk_begin_hist_id, rlbk_nb_session HAVING count(rlbs_txid) = rlbk_nb_session -- all sessions tx must be visible ORDER BY rlbk_id LOOP -- Try to lock the current rlbk_id, but skip it if it is not immediately possible to avoid deadlocks in rare cases. IF EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk WHERE rlbk_id = r_rlbk.rlbk_id FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED ) THEN -- Look at the emaj_hist to find the trace of the rollback begin event. IF EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM emaj.emaj_hist WHERE hist_id = r_rlbk.rlbk_begin_hist_id ) THEN -- If the emaj_hist rollback_begin event is visible, the rollback transaction has been committed. -- So set the rollback event in emaj_rlbk as "COMMITTED". v_newStatus = 'COMMITTED'; ELSE -- Otherwise, set the rollback event in emaj_rlbk as "ABORTED" v_newStatus = 'ABORTED'; END IF; UPDATE emaj.emaj_rlbk SET rlbk_status = v_newStatus WHERE rlbk_id = r_rlbk.rlbk_id; INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('CLEANUP_RLBK_STATE', 'Rollback id ' || r_rlbk.rlbk_id, 'set to ' || v_newStatus); v_nbRlbk = v_nbRlbk + 1; END IF; END LOOP; -- RETURN v_nbRlbk; END; $_cleanup_rollback_state$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_consolidate_rollback_group(p_groupName TEXT, p_endRlbkMark TEXT) RETURNS BIGINT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_consolidate_rollback_group$ -- This function "consolidates" a rollback for a group. It transforms an already completed logged rollback into an unlogged rollback. -- All marks and update logs between a mark used as reference by an unlogged rollback operation and the final mark set by this rollback -- are suppressed. -- The group may be in any state (logging or idle). -- Input: group name, name of the final mark set by the rollback operation to consolidate -- Output: number of sequences and tables effectively processed DECLARE v_firstMark TEXT; v_lastMark TEXT; v_nbMark INT; v_nbTbl INT; v_nbSeq INT; BEGIN -- Check the group name. PERFORM emaj._check_group_names(p_groupNames := ARRAY[p_groupName], p_mayBeNull := FALSE, p_lockGroups := TRUE, p_checkList := ''); -- Check the supplied end rollback mark name. SELECT emaj._check_mark_name(p_groupNames := ARRAY[p_groupName], p_mark := p_endRlbkMark, p_checkList := '') INTO v_lastMark; -- Check that no group is damaged. PERFORM 0 FROM emaj._verify_groups(ARRAY[p_groupName], TRUE); -- Check the supplied mark is known as an end rollback mark. SELECT mark_logged_rlbk_target_mark INTO v_firstMark FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = p_groupName AND mark_name = v_lastMark; IF v_firstMark IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_consolidate_rollback_group: The mark "%" for the group "%" is not an end rollback mark.', v_lastMark, p_groupName; END IF; -- Insert a BEGIN event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('CONSOLIDATE_RLBK_GROUP', 'BEGIN', p_groupName, 'Erase all between marks ' || v_firstMark || ' and ' || v_lastMark); -- Check the first mark really exists (it should, because deleting or renaming a mark must update the mark_logged_rlbk_mark_name column). IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = p_groupName AND mark_name = v_firstMark ) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_consolidate_rollback_group: The rollback target mark "%" for the group "%" has not been found.', v_firstMark, p_groupName; END IF; -- Perform the consolidation operation. SELECT * INTO v_nbMark, v_nbTbl FROM emaj._delete_between_marks_group(p_groupName, v_firstMark, v_lastMark); -- Get the number of sequences belonging to the group. SELECT group_nb_sequence INTO v_nbSeq FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = p_groupName; -- Insert a END event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('CONSOLIDATE_RLBK_GROUP', 'END', p_groupName, v_nbTbl || ' tables and ' || v_nbSeq || ' sequences processed ; ' || v_nbMark || ' marks deleted'); -- RETURN v_nbTbl + v_nbSeq; END; $emaj_consolidate_rollback_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_consolidate_rollback_group(TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Consolidate a rollback for a group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._delete_between_marks_group(p_groupName TEXT, p_firstMark TEXT, p_lastMark TEXT, OUT p_nbMark INT, OUT p_nbTbl INT) RETURNS RECORD LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_delete_between_marks_group$ -- This function deletes all logs and intermediate marks set between two given marks. -- The function is called by the emaj_consolidate_rollback_group() function. -- It deletes rows corresponding to the marks to delete from emaj_mark and emaj_sequence. -- It deletes rows from emaj_relation corresponding to old versions that become unreacheable. -- It deletes rows from all concerned log tables. -- It also manages sequence holes in emaj_seq_hole. -- Input: group name, name of both marks that defines the range to delete. -- Output: number of deleted marks, number of tables effectively processed (for which at least one log row has been deleted) DECLARE v_firstMarkGlobalSeq BIGINT; v_firstMarkTimeId BIGINT; v_lastMarkGlobalSeq BIGINT; v_lastMarkTimeId BIGINT; v_nbUpd BIGINT; r_rel RECORD; BEGIN -- Retrieve the timestamp and the emaj_gid value and the time stamp id of the first mark. SELECT time_last_emaj_gid, mark_time_id INTO v_firstMarkGlobalSeq, v_firstMarkTimeId FROM emaj.emaj_mark JOIN emaj.emaj_time_stamp ON (time_id = mark_time_id) WHERE mark_group = p_groupName AND mark_name = p_firstMark; -- Retrieve the timestamp and the emaj_gid value and the time stamp id of the last mark. SELECT time_last_emaj_gid, mark_time_id INTO v_lastMarkGlobalSeq, v_lastMarkTimeId FROM emaj.emaj_mark JOIN emaj.emaj_time_stamp ON (time_id = mark_time_id) WHERE mark_group = p_groupName AND mark_name = p_lastMark; -- Delete rows from all log tables (no need to try to delete if v_firstMarkGlobalSeq and v_lastMarkGlobalSeq are equal). p_nbTbl = 0; IF v_firstMarkGlobalSeq < v_lastMarkGlobalSeq THEN -- Loop on all tables that belonged to the group at the end of the period. FOR r_rel IN SELECT quote_ident(rel_log_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(rel_log_table) AS log_table_name FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = p_groupName AND rel_kind = 'r' AND rel_time_range @> v_lastMarkTimeId ORDER BY rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq LOOP -- Delete log rows. EXECUTE format('DELETE FROM %s WHERE emaj_gid > $1 AND emaj_gid <= $2', r_rel.log_table_name) USING v_firstMarkGlobalSeq, v_lastMarkGlobalSeq; GET DIAGNOSTICS v_nbUpd = ROW_COUNT; IF v_nbUpd > 0 THEN p_nbTbl = p_nbTbl + 1; END IF; END LOOP; END IF; -- Process emaj_seq_hole content. -- Delete all existing holes (if any) between both marks for tables that belonged to the group at the end of the period. DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_seq_hole USING emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = p_groupName AND rel_kind = 'r' AND rel_time_range @> v_lastMarkTimeId AND rel_schema = sqhl_schema AND rel_tblseq = sqhl_table AND sqhl_begin_time_id >= v_firstMarkTimeId AND sqhl_begin_time_id < v_lastMarkTimeId; -- Create holes representing the deleted logs. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_seq_hole (sqhl_schema, sqhl_table, sqhl_begin_time_id, sqhl_end_time_id, sqhl_hole_size) SELECT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, greatest(v_firstMarkTimeId, lower(rel_time_range)), v_lastMarkTimeId, (SELECT tbl_log_seq_last_val FROM emaj.emaj_table WHERE tbl_schema = rel_schema AND tbl_name = rel_tblseq AND tbl_time_id = v_lastMarkTimeId ) - (SELECT tbl_log_seq_last_val FROM emaj.emaj_table WHERE tbl_schema = rel_schema AND tbl_name = rel_tblseq AND tbl_time_id = greatest(v_firstMarkTimeId, lower(rel_time_range)) ) FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = p_groupName AND rel_kind = 'r' AND rel_time_range @> v_lastMarkTimeId AND (SELECT tbl_log_seq_last_val FROM emaj.emaj_table WHERE tbl_schema = rel_schema AND tbl_name = rel_tblseq AND tbl_time_id = v_lastMarkTimeId ) - (SELECT tbl_log_seq_last_val FROM emaj.emaj_table WHERE tbl_schema = rel_schema AND tbl_name = rel_tblseq AND tbl_time_id = greatest(v_firstMarkTimeId, lower(rel_time_range)) ) > 0; -- Now the sequences related to the mark to delete can be suppressed: -- Delete first application sequences related data for the group (excluding the time range bounds). DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_sequence USING emaj.emaj_relation WHERE sequ_schema = rel_schema AND sequ_name = rel_tblseq AND rel_time_range @> v_lastMarkTimeId AND rel_group = p_groupName AND rel_kind = 'S' AND sequ_time_id > v_firstMarkTimeId AND sequ_time_id < v_lastMarkTimeId AND lower(rel_time_range) <> sequ_time_id; -- Delete then tables related data for the group (excluding the time range bounds). DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_table USING emaj.emaj_relation WHERE tbl_schema = rel_schema AND tbl_name = rel_tblseq AND rel_time_range @> v_lastMarkTimeId AND rel_group = p_groupName AND rel_kind = 'r' AND tbl_time_id > v_firstMarkTimeId AND tbl_time_id < v_lastMarkTimeId AND tbl_time_id <@ rel_time_range AND tbl_time_id <> lower(rel_time_range); -- In emaj_mark, reset the mark_logged_rlbk_target_mark column to null for marks of the group that will remain -- and that may have one of the deleted marks as target mark from a previous logged rollback operation. UPDATE emaj.emaj_mark SET mark_logged_rlbk_target_mark = NULL WHERE mark_group = p_groupName AND mark_time_id >= v_lastMarkTimeId AND mark_logged_rlbk_target_mark IN (SELECT mark_name FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = p_groupName AND mark_time_id > v_firstMarkTimeId AND mark_time_id < v_lastMarkTimeId ); -- Set the mark_log_rows_before_next of the first mark to 0. UPDATE emaj.emaj_mark SET mark_log_rows_before_next = 0 WHERE mark_group = p_groupName AND mark_name = p_firstMark; -- And finaly delete all intermediate marks. DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = p_groupName AND mark_time_id > v_firstMarkTimeId AND mark_time_id < v_lastMarkTimeId; GET DIAGNOSTICS p_nbMark = ROW_COUNT; -- RETURN; END; $_delete_between_marks_group$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_get_consolidable_rollbacks() RETURNS SETOF emaj.emaj_consolidable_rollback_type LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_get_consolidable_rollbacks$ -- This function returns the list of logged rollback operations that can be consolidated, defined as a marks range for a group. -- It doesn't need input parameter. -- It returns a set of emaj_consolidable_rollback_type records, sorted by ascending rollback time. -- The cons_group and cons_end_rlbk_mark_name returned columns can be used as input parameters for the emaj_consolidate_rollback_group() -- function. BEGIN -- Search and return all marks range corresponding to any logged rollback operation. RETURN QUERY SELECT m1.mark_group AS cons_group, m2.mark_name AS cons_target_rlbk_mark_name, m2.mark_time_id AS cons_target_rlbk_mark_time_id, m1.mark_name AS cons_end_rlbk_mark_name, m1.mark_time_id AS cons_end_rlbk_mark_time_id, cast(coalesce( (SELECT sum(emaj._log_stat_tbl(emaj_relation, greatest(m2.mark_time_id, lower(rel_time_range)), m1.mark_time_id)) FROM emaj.emaj_relation -- for tables belonging to the group at the rollback time WHERE rel_group = m1.mark_group AND rel_kind = 'r' AND rel_time_range @> m1.mark_time_id ), 0) AS BIGINT) AS cons_rows, cast( (SELECT count(*) FROM emaj.emaj_mark m3 WHERE m3.mark_group = m1.mark_group AND m3.mark_time_id > m2.mark_time_id AND m3.mark_time_id < m1.mark_time_id ) AS INT ) AS cons_marks FROM emaj.emaj_mark m1 JOIN emaj.emaj_mark m2 ON (m2.mark_name = m1.mark_logged_rlbk_target_mark AND m2.mark_group = m1.mark_group) WHERE m1.mark_logged_rlbk_target_mark IS NOT NULL ORDER BY m1.mark_time_id; END; $emaj_get_consolidable_rollbacks$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_get_consolidable_rollbacks() IS $$Returns the list of logged rollback operations that can be consolidated.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_reset_group(p_groupName TEXT) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_reset_group$ -- This function empties the log tables for all tables of a group and deletes the sequences saves. -- It calls the emaj_rst_group function to do the job. -- Input: group name -- Output: number of processed tables DECLARE v_nbTb INT = 0; v_eventTriggers TEXT[]; BEGIN -- Insert a BEGIN event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object) VALUES ('RESET_GROUP', 'BEGIN', p_groupName); -- Check the group name. PERFORM emaj._check_group_names(p_groupNames := ARRAY[p_groupName], p_mayBeNull := FALSE, p_lockGroups := TRUE, p_checkList := 'IDLE'); -- Perform the reset operation. SELECT emaj._reset_groups(ARRAY[p_groupName]) INTO v_nbTb; -- Drop the log schemas that would have been emptied by the _reset_groups() call. SELECT emaj._disable_event_triggers() INTO v_eventTriggers; PERFORM emaj._drop_log_schemas('RESET_GROUP', FALSE); PERFORM emaj._enable_event_triggers(v_eventTriggers); -- Insert a END event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('RESET_GROUP', 'END', p_groupName, v_nbTb || ' tables/sequences processed'); -- RETURN v_nbTb; END; $emaj_reset_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_reset_group(TEXT) IS $$Resets all log tables content of a stopped E-Maj group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._reset_groups(p_groupNames TEXT[]) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_reset_groups$ -- This function empties the log tables for all tables of a group, using a TRUNCATE, and deletes the sequences images. -- It is called by emaj_reset_group(), emaj_start_group() and emaj_alter_group() functions. -- Input: group names array -- Output: number of processed tables and sequences -- There is no check of the groups state (this is done by callers). DECLARE v_eventTriggers TEXT[]; r_rel RECORD; BEGIN -- Disable event triggers that protect emaj components and keep in memory these triggers name. SELECT emaj._disable_event_triggers() INTO v_eventTriggers; -- Delete all marks for the groups from the emaj_mark table. DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = ANY (p_groupNames); -- Delete emaj_table rows related to the tables of the groups. DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_table USING emaj.emaj_relation r1 WHERE tbl_schema = rel_schema AND tbl_name = rel_tblseq AND rel_group = ANY (p_groupNames) AND rel_kind = 'r' AND ((tbl_time_id <@ rel_time_range -- all log sequences inside the relation time range AND (tbl_time_id <> lower(rel_time_range) -- except the lower bound if OR NOT EXISTS -- it is the upper bound of another time range for another group (SELECT 0 FROM emaj.emaj_relation r2 WHERE r2.rel_schema = tbl_schema AND r2.rel_tblseq = tbl_name AND upper(r2.rel_time_range) = tbl_time_id AND NOT (r2.rel_group = ANY (p_groupNames)) ))) OR (tbl_time_id = upper(rel_time_range) -- but including the upper bound if AND NOT EXISTS -- it is not the lower bound of another time range (for any group) (SELECT 0 FROM emaj.emaj_relation r3 WHERE r3.rel_schema = tbl_schema AND r3.rel_tblseq = tbl_name AND lower(r3.rel_time_range) = tbl_time_id ) )); -- Delete all sequence holes for the tables of the groups. -- It may delete holes for timeranges that do not belong to the group, if a table has been moved to another group, -- but is safe enough for rollbacks. DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_seq_hole USING emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = sqhl_schema AND rel_tblseq = sqhl_table AND rel_group = ANY (p_groupNames) AND rel_kind = 'r'; -- Drop obsolete log tables, but keep those linked to other groups. FOR r_rel IN SELECT DISTINCT rel_log_schema, rel_log_table FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = ANY (p_groupNames) AND rel_kind = 'r' AND NOT upper_inf(rel_time_range) EXCEPT SELECT rel_log_schema, rel_log_table FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_kind = 'r' AND (upper_inf(rel_time_range) OR NOT rel_group = ANY (p_groupNames)) ORDER BY 1,2 LOOP EXECUTE format('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %I.%I CASCADE', r_rel.rel_log_schema, r_rel.rel_log_table); END LOOP; -- Delete emaj_sequence rows related to the sequences of the groups. DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_sequence USING emaj.emaj_relation WHERE sequ_schema = rel_schema AND sequ_name = rel_tblseq AND rel_group = ANY (p_groupNames) AND rel_kind = 'S' AND ((sequ_time_id <@ rel_time_range -- all application sequences inside the relation time range AND (sequ_time_id <> lower(rel_time_range) -- except the lower bound if OR NOT EXISTS -- it is the upper bound of another time range for another group (SELECT 0 FROM emaj.emaj_relation r2 WHERE r2.rel_schema = sequ_schema AND r2.rel_tblseq = sequ_name AND upper(r2.rel_time_range) = sequ_time_id AND NOT (r2.rel_group = ANY (p_groupNames)) ))) OR (sequ_time_id = upper(rel_time_range) -- including the upper bound if AND NOT EXISTS -- it is not the lower bound of another time range for another group (SELECT 0 FROM emaj.emaj_relation r3 WHERE r3.rel_schema = sequ_schema AND r3.rel_tblseq = sequ_name AND lower(r3.rel_time_range) = sequ_time_id )) ); -- Keep a trace of the relation group ownership history -- and finaly delete the old versions of emaj_relation rows (those with a not infinity upper bound). WITH deleted AS (DELETE FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = ANY (p_groupNames) AND NOT upper_inf(rel_time_range) RETURNING rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_time_range, rel_group, rel_kind ) INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_rel_hist (relh_schema, relh_tblseq, relh_time_range, relh_group, relh_kind) SELECT rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_time_range, rel_group, rel_kind FROM deleted; -- Truncate remaining log tables for application tables. FOR r_rel IN SELECT rel_log_schema, rel_log_table, rel_log_sequence FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = ANY (p_groupNames) AND rel_kind = 'r' ORDER BY rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq LOOP -- Truncate the log table. EXECUTE format('TRUNCATE %I.%I', r_rel.rel_log_schema, r_rel.rel_log_table); END LOOP; -- Enable previously disabled event triggers. PERFORM emaj._enable_event_triggers(v_eventTriggers); -- RETURN sum(group_nb_table)+sum(group_nb_sequence) FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = ANY (p_groupNames); END; $_reset_groups$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_log_stat_group(p_groupName TEXT, p_firstMark TEXT, p_lastMark TEXT) RETURNS SETOF emaj.emaj_log_stat_type LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_log_stat_group$ -- This function returns statistics on row updates executed between 2 marks or between a mark and the current situation for a single group. -- It is used to quickly get simple statistics of updates logged between 2 marks (i.e. for one or several processing). -- Input: group name, the 2 mark names defining a range -- Output: set of log rows by table (including tables with 0 rows to rollback) BEGIN RETURN QUERY SELECT stat_group, stat_schema, stat_table, stat_first_mark, stat_first_mark_datetime, stat_last_mark, stat_last_mark_datetime, stat_rows FROM emaj._log_stat_groups(ARRAY[p_groupName], FALSE, p_firstMark, p_lastMark); END; $emaj_log_stat_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_log_stat_group(TEXT,TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Returns global statistics about logged events for an E-Maj group between 2 marks for a single group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_log_stat_groups(p_groupNames TEXT[], p_firstMark TEXT, p_lastMark TEXT) RETURNS SETOF emaj.emaj_log_stat_type LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_log_stat_groups$ -- This function returns statistics on row updates executed between 2 marks or between a mark and the current situation for a groups array. -- It is used to quickly get simple statistics of updates logged between 2 marks (i.e. for one or several processing). -- Input: group names array, the 2 mark names defining a range -- Output: set of log rows by table (including tables with 0 rows to rollback) BEGIN RETURN QUERY SELECT stat_group, stat_schema, stat_table, stat_first_mark, stat_first_mark_datetime, stat_last_mark, stat_last_mark_datetime, stat_rows FROM emaj._log_stat_groups(p_groupNames, TRUE, p_firstMark, p_lastMark); END; $emaj_log_stat_groups$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_log_stat_groups(TEXT[],TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Returns global statistics about logged events for an E-Maj group between 2 marks for a groups array.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._log_stat_groups(p_groupNames TEXT[], p_multiGroup BOOLEAN, p_firstMark TEXT, p_lastMark TEXT) RETURNS SETOF emaj._log_stat_type LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_log_stat_groups$ -- This function effectively returns statistics on row updates executed between 2 marks or between a mark and the current situation for 1 -- or several groups. -- These statistics are computed using the serial id of log tables and holes is sequences recorded into emaj_seq_hole at rollback time. -- The function is directly called by Emaj_web. -- Input: groups name array, a boolean indicating whether the calling function is a multi_groups function, the 2 mark names defining a -- range -- a NULL value or an empty string as first_mark indicates the first recorded mark -- a NULL value or an empty string as last_mark indicates the current situation -- Use a NULL or an empty string as last_mark to know the number of rows to rollback to reach the mark specified by the first_mark -- parameter. -- The keyword 'EMAJ_LAST_MARK' can be used as first or last mark to specify the last set mark for the groups. -- Output: set of log rows by table (including tables with 0 rows to rollback) -- This function may be directly called by the Emaj_web client. DECLARE v_firstMarkTimeId BIGINT; v_lastMarkTimeId BIGINT; v_firstMarkTs TIMESTAMPTZ; v_lastMarkTs TIMESTAMPTZ; v_firstEmajGid BIGINT; v_lastEmajGid BIGINT; BEGIN -- Check the groups name. SELECT emaj._check_group_names(p_groupNames := p_groupNames, p_mayBeNull := p_multiGroup, p_lockGroups := FALSE, p_checkList := '') INTO p_groupNames; IF p_groupNames IS NOT NULL THEN -- Check the marks range. SELECT * INTO p_firstMark, p_lastMark, v_firstMarkTimeId, v_lastMarkTimeId FROM emaj._check_marks_range(p_groupNames, p_firstMark, p_lastMark); -- Get additional data for both mark timestamps (in some cases, v_firstMarkTimeId may be NULL). SELECT time_clock_timestamp, time_last_emaj_gid INTO v_firstMarkTs, v_firstEmajGid FROM emaj.emaj_time_stamp WHERE time_id = v_firstMarkTimeId; IF p_lastMark IS NOT NULL AND p_lastMark <> '' THEN SELECT time_clock_timestamp, time_last_emaj_gid INTO v_lastMarkTs, v_lastEmajGid FROM emaj.emaj_time_stamp WHERE time_id = v_lastMarkTimeId; END IF; -- For each table of the group, get the number of log rows and return the statistics. -- Shorten the timeframe if the table did not belong to the group on the entire requested time frame. RETURN QUERY SELECT rel_group, rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_log_schema, rel_log_table, CASE WHEN v_firstMarkTimeId IS NULL THEN NULL WHEN v_firstMarkTimeId >= lower(rel_time_range) THEN p_firstMark ELSE coalesce( (SELECT mark_name FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_time_id = lower(rel_time_range) AND mark_group = rel_group ),'[deleted mark]') END AS stat_first_mark, CASE WHEN v_firstMarkTimeId IS NULL THEN NULL WHEN v_firstMarkTimeId >= lower(rel_time_range) THEN v_firstMarkTs ELSE (SELECT time_clock_timestamp FROM emaj.emaj_time_stamp WHERE time_id = lower(rel_time_range) ) END AS stat_first_mark_datetime, CASE WHEN v_firstMarkTimeId IS NULL THEN NULL WHEN v_firstMarkTimeId >= lower(rel_time_range) THEN v_firstEmajGid ELSE (SELECT time_last_emaj_gid FROM emaj.emaj_time_stamp WHERE time_id = lower(rel_time_range) ) END AS stat_first_mark_gid, CASE WHEN v_lastMarkTimeId IS NULL AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) THEN NULL WHEN NOT upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND (v_lastMarkTimeId IS NULL OR upper(rel_time_range) < v_lastMarkTimeId) THEN coalesce( (SELECT mark_name FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_time_id = upper(rel_time_range) AND mark_group = rel_group ),'[deleted mark]') ELSE p_lastMark END AS stat_last_mark, CASE WHEN v_lastMarkTimeId IS NULL AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) THEN NULL WHEN NOT upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND (v_lastMarkTimeId IS NULL OR upper(rel_time_range) < v_lastMarkTimeId) THEN (SELECT time_clock_timestamp FROM emaj.emaj_time_stamp WHERE time_id = upper(rel_time_range) ) ELSE v_lastMarkTs END AS stat_last_mark_datetime, CASE WHEN v_lastMarkTimeId IS NULL AND upper_inf(rel_time_range) THEN NULL WHEN NOT upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND (v_lastMarkTimeId IS NULL OR upper(rel_time_range) < v_lastMarkTimeId) THEN (SELECT time_last_emaj_gid FROM emaj.emaj_time_stamp WHERE time_id = upper(rel_time_range) ) ELSE v_lastEmajGid END AS stat_last_mark_gid, CASE WHEN v_firstMarkTimeId IS NULL THEN 0 -- group just created but without any mark ELSE emaj._log_stat_tbl(emaj_relation, CASE WHEN v_firstMarkTimeId >= lower(rel_time_range) THEN v_firstMarkTimeId ELSE lower(rel_time_range) END, CASE WHEN NOT upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND (v_lastMarkTimeId IS NULL OR upper(rel_time_range) < v_lastMarkTimeId) THEN upper(rel_time_range) ELSE v_lastMarkTimeId END) END AS nb_rows FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = ANY(p_groupNames) AND rel_kind = 'r' -- tables belonging to the groups AND (upper_inf(rel_time_range) OR upper(rel_time_range) > v_firstMarkTimeId) -- at the requested time frame AND (v_lastMarkTimeId IS NULL OR lower(rel_time_range) < v_lastMarkTimeId) ORDER BY rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_time_range; ELSE RETURN; END IF; END; $_log_stat_groups$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_detailed_log_stat_group(p_groupName TEXT, p_firstMark TEXT, p_lastMark TEXT) RETURNS SETOF emaj.emaj_detailed_log_stat_type LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_detailed_log_stat_group$ -- This function returns statistics on row updates executed between 2 marks as viewed through the log tables for one tables group. -- It provides more information than emaj_log_stat_group but it needs to scan log tables in order to provide these data. -- So the response time may be much longer. -- Input: group name, the 2 marks names defining a range -- Output: table of updates by user and table. BEGIN RETURN QUERY SELECT stat_group, stat_schema, stat_table, stat_first_mark, stat_first_mark_datetime, stat_last_mark, stat_last_mark_datetime, stat_role, stat_verb, stat_rows FROM emaj._detailed_log_stat_groups(ARRAY[p_groupName], FALSE, p_firstMark, p_lastMark); END; $emaj_detailed_log_stat_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_detailed_log_stat_group(TEXT,TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Returns detailed statistics about logged events for an E-Maj group between 2 marks for a group.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_detailed_log_stat_groups(p_groupNames TEXT[], p_firstMark TEXT, p_lastMark TEXT) RETURNS SETOF emaj.emaj_detailed_log_stat_type LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_detailed_log_stat_groups$ -- This function returns statistics on row updates executed between 2 marks as viewed through the log tables for several tables group. -- It provides more information than emaj_log_stat_group but it needs to scan log tables in order to provide these data. -- So the response time may be much longer. -- Input: group names array, the 2 marks names defining a range -- Output: table of updates by user and table BEGIN RETURN QUERY SELECT stat_group, stat_schema, stat_table, stat_first_mark, stat_first_mark_datetime, stat_last_mark, stat_last_mark_datetime, stat_role, stat_verb, stat_rows FROM emaj._detailed_log_stat_groups(p_groupNames, TRUE, p_firstMark, p_lastMark); END; $emaj_detailed_log_stat_groups$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_detailed_log_stat_groups(TEXT[],TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Returns detailed statistics about logged events for an E-Maj group between 2 marks for several groups.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._detailed_log_stat_groups(p_groupNames TEXT[], p_multiGroup BOOLEAN, p_firstMark TEXT, p_lastMark TEXT) RETURNS SETOF emaj._detailed_log_stat_type LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_detailed_log_stat_groups$ -- This function effectively returns statistics on row updates executed between 2 marks as viewed through the log tables for one or several -- groups. -- It provides more information than emaj_log_stat_group but it needs to scan log tables in order to provide these data. -- So the response time may be much longer. -- The function is directly called by Emaj_web. -- Input: groups name array, a boolean indicating whether the calling function is a multi_groups function, -- the 2 mark names defining a range -- a NULL value or an empty string as first_mark indicates the first recorded mark -- a NULL value or an empty string as last_mark indicates the current situation -- The keyword 'EMAJ_LAST_MARK' can be used as first or last mark to specify the last set mark. -- Output: table of updates by user and table -- This function may be directly called by the Emaj_web client. DECLARE v_firstMarkTimeId BIGINT; v_lastMarkTimeId BIGINT; v_firstMarkTs TIMESTAMPTZ; v_lastMarkTs TIMESTAMPTZ; v_firstEmajGid BIGINT; v_lastEmajGid BIGINT; v_lowerBoundMark TEXT; v_lowerBoundMarkTs TIMESTAMPTZ; v_lowerBoundGid BIGINT; v_upperBoundMark TEXT; v_upperBoundMarkTs TIMESTAMPTZ; v_upperBoundGid BIGINT; v_stmt TEXT; r_tblsq RECORD; r_stat RECORD; BEGIN -- Check the group name. PERFORM emaj._check_group_names(p_groupNames := p_groupNames, p_mayBeNull := p_multiGroup, p_lockGroups := FALSE, p_checkList := ''); IF p_groupNames IS NOT NULL THEN -- Check the marks range. SELECT * INTO p_firstMark, p_lastMark, v_firstMarkTimeId, v_lastMarkTimeId FROM emaj._check_marks_range(p_groupNames, p_firstMark, p_lastMark); -- If there is no first mark, return quickly. IF p_firstMark IS NULL THEN RETURN; END IF; -- Get additional data for both mark timestamps. SELECT time_last_emaj_gid, time_clock_timestamp INTO v_firstEmajGid, v_firstMarkTs FROM emaj.emaj_time_stamp WHERE time_id = v_firstMarkTimeId; IF p_lastMark IS NOT NULL AND p_lastMark <> '' THEN SELECT time_last_emaj_gid, time_clock_timestamp INTO v_lastEmajGid, v_lastMarkTs FROM emaj.emaj_time_stamp WHERE time_id = v_lastMarkTimeId; END IF; -- For each table currently belonging to the group, count the number of operations per type (INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE) and role. FOR r_tblsq IN SELECT rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_group, rel_time_range, rel_log_schema, rel_log_table FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_group = ANY(p_groupNames) AND rel_kind = 'r' -- tables belonging to the groups AND (upper_inf(rel_time_range) OR upper(rel_time_range) > v_firstMarkTimeId) -- at the requested time frame AND (v_lastMarkTimeId IS NULL OR lower(rel_time_range) < v_lastMarkTimeId) ORDER BY rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_time_range LOOP -- Compute the lower bound for this table. IF v_firstMarkTimeId >= lower(r_tblsq.rel_time_range) THEN -- Usual case: the table belonged to the group at statistics start mark. v_lowerBoundMark = p_firstMark; v_lowerBoundMarkTs = v_firstMarkTs; v_lowerBoundGid = v_firstEmajGid; ELSE -- Special case: the table has been added to the group after the statistics start mark. SELECT mark_name INTO v_lowerBoundMark FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_time_id = lower(r_tblsq.rel_time_range) AND mark_group = r_tblsq.rel_group; IF v_lowerBoundMark IS NULL THEN -- The mark set at alter_group time may have been deleted. v_lowerBoundMark = '[deleted mark]'; END IF; SELECT time_clock_timestamp, time_last_emaj_gid INTO v_lowerBoundMarkTs, v_lowerBoundGid FROM emaj.emaj_time_stamp WHERE time_id = lower(r_tblsq.rel_time_range); END IF; -- Compute the upper bound for this table. IF v_lastMarkTimeId IS NULL AND upper_inf(r_tblsq.rel_time_range) THEN -- No supplied end mark and the table has not been removed from its group => the current situation. v_upperBoundMark = NULL; v_upperBoundMarkTs = NULL; v_upperBoundGid = NULL; ELSIF NOT upper_inf(r_tblsq.rel_time_range) AND (v_lastMarkTimeId IS NULL OR upper(r_tblsq.rel_time_range) < v_lastMarkTimeId) THEN -- Special case: the table has been removed from its group before the statistics end mark. SELECT mark_name INTO v_upperBoundMark FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_time_id = upper(r_tblsq.rel_time_range) AND mark_group = r_tblsq.rel_group; IF v_upperBoundMark IS NULL THEN -- The mark set at alter_group time may have been deleted. v_upperBoundMark = '[deleted mark]'; END IF; SELECT time_clock_timestamp, time_last_emaj_gid INTO v_upperBoundMarkTs, v_upperBoundGid FROM emaj.emaj_time_stamp WHERE time_id = upper(r_tblsq.rel_time_range); ELSE -- Usual case: the table belonged to the group at statistics end mark. v_upperBoundMark = p_lastMark; v_upperBoundMarkTs = v_lastMarkTs; v_upperBoundGid = v_lastEmajGid; END IF; -- Build the statement. v_stmt= 'SELECT ' || quote_literal(r_tblsq.rel_group) || '::TEXT AS stat_group, ' || quote_literal(r_tblsq.rel_schema) || '::TEXT AS stat_schema, ' || quote_literal(r_tblsq.rel_tblseq) || '::TEXT AS stat_table, ' || quote_literal(r_tblsq.rel_log_schema) || '::TEXT AS stat_log_schema, ' || quote_literal(r_tblsq.rel_log_table) || '::TEXT AS stat_log_table, ' || quote_literal(v_lowerBoundMark) || '::TEXT AS stat_first_mark, ' || quote_literal(v_lowerBoundMarkTs) || '::TIMESTAMPTZ AS stat_first_mark_datetime, ' || v_lowerBoundGid || '::BIGINT AS stat_first_mark_gid, ' || coalesce(quote_literal(v_upperBoundMark),'NULL') || '::TEXT AS stat_last_mark, ' || coalesce(quote_literal(v_upperBoundMarkTs),'NULL') || '::TIMESTAMPTZ AS stat_last_mark_datetime, ' || coalesce(v_upperBoundGid::text,'NULL') || '::BIGINT AS stat_last_mark_gid, ' || ' emaj_user AS stat_user,' || ' CASE emaj_verb WHEN ''INS'' THEN ''INSERT''' || ' WHEN ''UPD'' THEN ''UPDATE''' || ' WHEN ''DEL'' THEN ''DELETE''' || ' ELSE ''?'' END::VARCHAR(6) AS stat_verb,' || ' count(*) AS stat_rows' || ' FROM ' || quote_ident(r_tblsq.rel_log_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_tblsq.rel_log_table) || ' WHERE NOT (emaj_verb = ''UPD'' AND emaj_tuple = ''OLD'')' || ' AND emaj_gid > '|| v_lowerBoundGid || coalesce(' AND emaj_gid <= '|| v_upperBoundGid, '') || ' GROUP BY stat_group, stat_schema, stat_table, stat_user, stat_verb' || ' ORDER BY stat_user, stat_verb'; -- And execute the statement. FOR r_stat IN EXECUTE v_stmt LOOP RETURN NEXT r_stat; END LOOP; END LOOP; END IF; -- Final return. RETURN; END; $_detailed_log_stat_groups$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_estimate_rollback_group(p_groupName TEXT, p_mark TEXT, p_isLoggedRlbk BOOLEAN) RETURNS INTERVAL LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_estimate_rollback_group$ -- This function computes an approximate duration of a rollback to a predefined mark for a group. -- It uses the _estimate_rollback_group() function to effectively compute this estimate. -- Input: group name, the mark name of the rollback operation, the rollback type. -- Output: the approximate duration that the rollback would need as time interval BEGIN RETURN emaj._estimate_rollback_groups(ARRAY[p_groupName], FALSE, p_mark, p_isLoggedRlbk); END; $emaj_estimate_rollback_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_estimate_rollback_group(TEXT,TEXT,BOOLEAN) IS $$Estimates the duration of a potential rollback for a tables group to a given mark.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_estimate_rollback_groups(p_groupNames TEXT[], p_mark TEXT, p_isLoggedRlbk BOOLEAN) RETURNS INTERVAL LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_estimate_rollback_groups$ -- This function computes an approximate duration of a rollback to a predefined mark for a groups array. -- It uses the _estimate_rollback_group() function to effectively compute this estimate. -- Input: a group names array, the mark name of the rollback operation, the rollback type. -- Output: the approximate duration that the rollback would need as time interval BEGIN RETURN emaj._estimate_rollback_groups(p_groupNames, TRUE, p_mark, p_isLoggedRlbk); END; $emaj_estimate_rollback_groups$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_estimate_rollback_groups(TEXT[],TEXT,BOOLEAN) IS $$Estimates the duration of a potential rollback for a set of tables groups to a given mark.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._estimate_rollback_groups(p_groupNames TEXT[], p_multiGroup BOOLEAN, p_mark TEXT, p_isLoggedRlbk BOOLEAN) RETURNS INTERVAL LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER SET search_path = pg_catalog, pg_temp AS $_estimate_rollback_groups$ -- This function effectively computes an approximate duration of a rollback to a predefined mark for a groups array. -- It simulates a rollback on 1 session, by calling the _rlbk_planning function that already estimates elementary. -- rollback steps duration. Once the global estimate is got, the rollback planning is cancelled. -- Input: group names array, a boolean indicating whether the groups array may contain several groups, -- the mark name of the rollback operation, the rollback type. -- Output: the approximate duration that the rollback would need as time interval. -- The function is declared SECURITY DEFINER so that emaj_viewer doesn't need a specific INSERT permission on emaj_rlbk. DECLARE v_markName TEXT; v_fixed_table_rlbk INTERVAL; v_rlbkId INT; v_estimDuration INTERVAL; v_nbTblseq INT; BEGIN -- cCeck the group names (the groups state checks are delayed for later). SELECT emaj._check_group_names(p_groupNames := p_groupNames, p_mayBeNull := p_multiGroup, p_lockGroups := FALSE, p_checkList := '') INTO p_groupNames; -- If the group names array is null, immediately return NULL. IF p_groupNames IS NULL THEN RETURN NULL; END IF; -- Check supplied group names and mark parameters with the isAlterGroupAllowed and isRollbackSimulation flags set to true. SELECT emaj._rlbk_check(p_groupNames, p_mark, TRUE, TRUE) INTO v_markName; -- Compute a random negative rollback-id (not to interfere with ids of real rollbacks). SELECT (random() * -2147483648)::INT INTO v_rlbkId; -- -- Simulate a rollback planning. -- BEGIN -- Insert a row into the emaj_rlbk table for this simulated rollback operation. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_rlbk (rlbk_id, rlbk_groups, rlbk_mark, rlbk_mark_time_id, rlbk_is_logged, rlbk_is_alter_group_allowed, rlbk_nb_session) SELECT v_rlbkId, p_groupNames, v_markName, mark_time_id, p_isLoggedRlbk, FALSE, 1 FROM emaj.emaj_mark WHERE mark_group = p_groupNames[1] AND mark_name = v_markName; -- Call the _rlbk_planning function to build the simulated plan with the duration estimate for elementary steps. PERFORM emaj._rlbk_planning(v_rlbkId); -- Compute the sum of the duration estimates of all elementary steps (except LOCK_TABLE). SELECT coalesce(sum(rlbp_estimated_duration), '0 SECONDS'::INTERVAL) INTO v_estimDuration FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = v_rlbkId AND rlbp_step <> 'LOCK_TABLE'; -- Cancel the effect of the rollback planning. RAISE EXCEPTION ''; EXCEPTION WHEN RAISE_EXCEPTION THEN -- catch the raised exception and continue END; -- Get the "fixed_table_rollback_duration" parameter from the emaj_param table. SELECT coalesce( (SELECT param_value_interval FROM emaj.emaj_param WHERE param_key = 'fixed_table_rollback_duration' ),'1 millisecond'::INTERVAL) INTO v_fixed_table_rlbk; -- Get the number of tables to lock and sequences to rollback. SELECT sum(group_nb_table)+sum(group_nb_sequence) INTO v_nbTblseq FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name = ANY(p_groupNames); -- Compute the final estimated duration. v_estimDuration = v_estimDuration + (v_nbTblseq * v_fixed_table_rlbk); -- RETURN v_estimDuration; END; $_estimate_rollback_groups$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_rollback_activity() RETURNS SETOF emaj.emaj_rollback_activity_type LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_rollback_activity$ -- This function returns the list of rollback operations currently in execution, with information about their progress. -- It doesn't need input parameter. -- It returns a set of emaj_rollback_activity_type records. BEGIN -- Cleanup the freshly completed rollback operations, if any. PERFORM emaj._cleanup_rollback_state(); -- And retrieve information regarding the rollback operations that are always in execution. RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM emaj._rollback_activity(); END; $emaj_rollback_activity$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_rollback_activity() IS $$Returns the list of rollback operations currently in execution, with information about their progress.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._rollback_activity() RETURNS SETOF emaj.emaj_rollback_activity_type LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_rollback_activity$ -- This function effectively builds the list of rollback operations currently in execution. -- It is called by the emaj_rollback_activity() function. -- This is a separate function to help in testing the feature (avoiding the effects of _cleanup_rollback_state()). -- The number of parallel rollback sessions is not taken into account here, -- as it is difficult to estimate the benefit brought by several parallel sessions. -- The times and progression indicators reported are based on the transaction timestamp (allowing stable results in regression tests). DECLARE v_ipsDuration INTERVAL; -- In Progress Steps Duration v_nyssDuration INTERVAL; -- Not Yes Started Steps Duration v_nbNyss INT; -- Number of Net Yes Started Steps v_ctrlDuration INTERVAL; v_currentTotalEstimate INTERVAL; r_rlbk emaj.emaj_rollback_activity_type; BEGIN -- Retrieve all not completed rollback operations (ie in 'PLANNING', 'LOCKING' or 'EXECUTING' state). FOR r_rlbk IN SELECT rlbk_id, rlbk_groups, rlbk_mark, t1.time_clock_timestamp, rlbk_is_logged, rlbk_is_alter_group_allowed, rlbk_nb_session, rlbk_nb_table, rlbk_nb_sequence, rlbk_eff_nb_table, rlbk_status, t2.time_tx_timestamp, transaction_timestamp() - t2.time_tx_timestamp AS "elapse", NULL, 0 FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk JOIN emaj.emaj_time_stamp t1 ON (t1.time_id = rlbk_mark_time_id) LEFT OUTER JOIN emaj.emaj_time_stamp t2 ON (t2.time_id = rlbk_time_id) WHERE rlbk_status IN ('PLANNING', 'LOCKING', 'EXECUTING') ORDER BY rlbk_id LOOP -- Compute the estimated remaining duration for rollback operations in 'PLANNING' state, the remaining duration is NULL. IF r_rlbk.rlbk_status IN ('LOCKING', 'EXECUTING') THEN -- Estimated duration of remaining work of in progress steps. SELECT coalesce( sum(CASE WHEN rlbp_start_datetime + rlbp_estimated_duration - transaction_timestamp() > '0'::INTERVAL THEN rlbp_start_datetime + rlbp_estimated_duration - transaction_timestamp() ELSE '0'::INTERVAL END),'0'::INTERVAL) INTO v_ipsDuration FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = r_rlbk.rlbk_id AND rlbp_start_datetime IS NOT NULL AND rlbp_duration IS NULL; -- Estimated duration and number of not yet started steps. SELECT coalesce(sum(rlbp_estimated_duration),'0'::INTERVAL), count(*) INTO v_nyssDuration, v_nbNyss FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = r_rlbk.rlbk_id AND rlbp_start_datetime IS NULL AND rlbp_step NOT IN ('CTRL-DBLINK','CTRL+DBLINK'); -- Estimated duration of inter-step duration for not yet started steps. SELECT coalesce(sum(rlbp_estimated_duration) * v_nbNyss / sum(rlbp_estimated_quantity),'0'::INTERVAL) INTO v_ctrlDuration FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan WHERE rlbp_rlbk_id = r_rlbk.rlbk_id AND rlbp_step IN ('CTRL-DBLINK','CTRL+DBLINK'); -- Update the global remaining duration estimate. r_rlbk.rlbk_remaining = v_ipsDuration + v_nyssDuration + v_ctrlDuration; END IF; -- Compute the completion pct for rollback operations in 'PLANNING' or 'LOCKING' state, the completion_pct = 0. IF r_rlbk.rlbk_status = 'EXECUTING' THEN -- First compute the new total duration estimate, using the estimate of the remaining work, SELECT transaction_timestamp() - time_tx_timestamp + r_rlbk.rlbk_remaining INTO v_currentTotalEstimate FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk JOIN emaj.emaj_time_stamp ON (time_id = rlbk_time_id) WHERE rlbk_id = r_rlbk.rlbk_id; -- ... and then the completion pct. IF v_currentTotalEstimate <> '0'::INTERVAL THEN SELECT 100 - (extract(epoch FROM r_rlbk.rlbk_remaining) * 100 / extract(epoch FROM v_currentTotalEstimate))::SMALLINT INTO r_rlbk.rlbk_completion_pct; END IF; END IF; RETURN NEXT r_rlbk; END LOOP; -- RETURN; END; $_rollback_activity$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_snap_group(p_groupName TEXT, p_dir TEXT, p_copyOptions TEXT) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_snap_group$ -- This function creates a file for each table and sequence belonging to the group. -- For tables, these files contain all rows sorted on primary key. -- For sequences, they contain a single row describing the sequence. -- To do its job, the function performs COPY TO statement, with all default parameters. -- For table without primary key, rows are sorted on all columns. -- There is no need for the group not to be logging. -- As all COPY statements are executed inside a single transaction: -- - the function can be called while other transactions are running, -- - the snap files will present a coherent state of tables. -- It's users responsability: -- - to create the directory (with proper permissions allowing the cluster to write into) before the emaj_snap_group function call, and -- - maintain its content outside E-maj. -- Input: group name, -- the absolute pathname of the directory where the files are to be created and the options to used in the COPY TO statements -- Output: number of processed tables and sequences DECLARE v_nbTb INT = 0; r_tblsq RECORD; v_fullTableName TEXT; v_colList TEXT; v_fileName TEXT; v_stmt TEXT; BEGIN -- Insert a BEGIN event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('SNAP_GROUP', 'BEGIN', p_groupName, p_dir); -- Check the group name. PERFORM emaj._check_group_names(p_groupNames := ARRAY[p_groupName], p_mayBeNull := FALSE, p_lockGroups := FALSE, p_checkList := ''); -- Check the supplied directory is not null. IF p_dir IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_snap_group: The directory parameter cannot be NULL.'; END IF; -- Check the copy options parameter doesn't contain unquoted ; that could be used for sql injection. IF regexp_replace(p_copyOptions,'''.*''','') LIKE '%;%' THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_snap_group: The COPY options parameter format is invalid.'; END IF; -- For each table/sequence of the emaj_relation table. FOR r_tblsq IN SELECT rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq, rel_kind FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE upper_inf(rel_time_range) AND rel_group = p_groupName ORDER BY rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq LOOP v_fileName = p_dir || '/' || translate(r_tblsq.rel_schema || '_' || r_tblsq.rel_tblseq || '.snap', E' /\\$<>*', '_______'); v_fullTableName = quote_ident(r_tblsq.rel_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_tblsq.rel_tblseq); CASE r_tblsq.rel_kind WHEN 'r' THEN -- It is a table. -- Build the order by column list. IF EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM pg_catalog.pg_class JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_constraint ON (connamespace = pg_namespace.oid AND conrelid = pg_class.oid) WHERE contype = 'p' AND nspname = r_tblsq.rel_schema AND relname = r_tblsq.rel_tblseq ) THEN -- The table has a pkey. SELECT string_agg(quote_ident(attname), ',') INTO v_colList FROM (SELECT attname FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute JOIN pg_catalog.pg_index ON (pg_index.indrelid = pg_attribute.attrelid) WHERE attnum = ANY (indkey) AND indrelid = v_fullTableName::regclass AND indisprimary AND attnum > 0 AND attisdropped = FALSE ) AS t; ELSE -- The table has no pkey. SELECT string_agg(quote_ident(attname), ',') INTO v_colList FROM (SELECT attname FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = v_fullTableName::regclass AND attnum > 0 AND attisdropped = FALSE ) AS t; END IF; -- Dump the table v_stmt= '(SELECT * FROM ' || v_fullTableName || ' ORDER BY ' || v_colList || ')'; PERFORM emaj._copy_to_file(v_stmt, v_fileName, p_copyOptions); WHEN 'S' THEN -- If it is a sequence, the statement has no order by. IF emaj._pg_version_num() >= 100000 THEN v_stmt = '(SELECT sequencename, rel.last_value, start_value, increment_by, max_value, ' || 'min_value, cache_size, cycle, rel.is_called ' || 'FROM ' || v_fullTableName || ' rel, pg_catalog.pg_sequences ' || 'WHERE schemaname = '|| quote_literal(r_tblsq.rel_schema) || ' AND sequencename = ' || quote_literal(r_tblsq.rel_tblseq) ||')'; ELSE v_stmt = '(SELECT sequence_name, last_value, start_value, increment_by, max_value, ' || 'min_value, cache_value, is_cycled, is_called FROM ' || v_fullTableName || ')'; END IF; -- Dump the sequence properties. PERFORM emaj._copy_to_file(v_stmt, v_fileName, p_copyOptions); END CASE; v_nbTb = v_nbTb + 1; END LOOP; -- Create the _INFO file to keep general information about the snap operation. v_stmt = '(SELECT ' || quote_literal('E-Maj snap of tables group ' || p_groupName || ' at ' || transaction_timestamp()) || ')'; PERFORM emaj._copy_to_file(v_stmt, p_dir || '/_INFO', NULL); -- Insert a END event into the history. INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('SNAP_GROUP', 'END', p_groupName, v_nbTb || ' tables/sequences processed'); -- RETURN v_nbTb; END; $emaj_snap_group$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj.emaj_snap_group(TEXT,TEXT,TEXT) IS $$Snaps all application tables and sequences of an E-Maj group into a given directory.$$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_snap_log_group(p_groupName TEXT, p_firstMark TEXT, p_lastMark TEXT, p_dir TEXT, p_copyOptions TEXT) RETURNS INT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_snap_log_group$ -- This function creates a file for each log table belonging to the group. -- It also creates 2 files containing the state of sequences respectively at start mark and end mark. -- For log tables, files contain all rows related to the time frame, sorted on emaj_gid. -- For sequences, files are names _sequences_at_, or _sequences_at_