-- emaj_demo.sql : Version 4.4.0 -- -- This script demonstrates the main features of the E-Maj extension. -- -- This test script must be executed by a role member of emaj_adm (or by a superuser). -- -- E-Maj extension must have been previously installed. -- -- At the end of the script's execution, the demo environment is left as is, so that users can examine the results. -- The script can be run several times in sequence. -- To remove all traces left by this demo, just -- SELECT emaj.emaj_demo_cleanup(); \echo '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' \echo '--- ---' \echo '--- E-Maj Demo start ---' \echo '--- ---' \echo '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' \set ON_ERROR_STOP \pset pager off \set ECHO none SET client_min_messages TO WARNING; \echo '---' \echo '--- Check the E-Maj environment.' \echo '---' DO LANGUAGE plpgsql $do$ DECLARE v_msg TEXT; BEGIN -- check that the emaj schema exists PERFORM 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE nspname = 'emaj'; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'E-Maj demo: the emaj schema does not exist in this database. E-Maj is not installed.'; END IF; -- check the current role has emaj_adm capabilities IF NOT pg_catalog.pg_has_role('emaj_adm','USAGE') THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'E-Maj demo: the current user (%) is not member of emaj_adm and is not a superuser.', current_user; END IF; -- if the emaj_demo_cleanup function exists (created by a previous run of the demo script), execute it PERFORM 0 FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc, pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE pronamespace = pg_namespace.oid AND nspname = 'emaj' AND proname = 'emaj_demo_cleanup'; IF FOUND THEN PERFORM emaj.emaj_demo_cleanup(); END IF; END; $do$; \echo '---' \echo '--- Create the emaj.emaj_demo_cleanup() function to use later in order to remove objects created by this script.' \echo '---' CREATE or REPLACE FUNCTION emaj.emaj_demo_cleanup() RETURNS TEXT LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_demo_cleanup$ DECLARE BEGIN -- stop if needed and drop the demo groups PERFORM emaj.emaj_force_stop_group(group_name) FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name IN ('emaj demo group 1','emaj demo group 2') AND group_is_logging; PERFORM emaj.emaj_drop_group(group_name) FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_name IN ('emaj demo group 1','emaj demo group 2'); -- drop the demo app schema and its content DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS emaj_demo_app_schema CASCADE; -- the function drops itself before exiting DROP FUNCTION emaj.emaj_demo_cleanup(); RETURN 'The E-Maj demo environment has been deleted'; END; $emaj_demo_cleanup$; \set ECHO queries \echo '---' \echo '--- Get the E-Maj version installed in the current database.' \echo '---' SELECT param_value_text FROM emaj.emaj_param WHERE param_key = 'emaj_version'; \echo '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' \echo '--- ---' \echo '--- Let us create a schema with some application tables and sequences. ---' \echo '--- Note that myTbl3 table name is case sensitive. ---' \echo '--- ---' \echo '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS emaj_demo_app_schema CASCADE; CREATE SCHEMA emaj_demo_app_schema; SET search_path=emaj_demo_app_schema; CREATE TABLE emaj_demo_app_schema.myTbl1 ( col11 DECIMAL(7) NOT NULL, col12 CHAR(10) NOT NULL, col13 BYTEA , PRIMARY KEY (col11,col12) ); CREATE TABLE emaj_demo_app_schema.myTbl2 ( col21 INT NOT NULL, col22 TEXT , col23 DATE , PRIMARY KEY (col21) ); CREATE TABLE emaj_demo_app_schema."myTbl3" ( col31 SERIAL NOT NULL, col32 TIMESTAMP DEFAULT now(), col33 DECIMAL (12,2) , PRIMARY KEY (col31) ); CREATE INDEX myIdx3 ON "myTbl3" (col32,col33); CREATE TABLE emaj_demo_app_schema.myTbl4 ( col41 INT NOT NULL, col42 TEXT , col43 INT , col44 DECIMAL(7) , col45 CHAR(10) , PRIMARY KEY (col41), FOREIGN KEY (col43) REFERENCES myTbl2 (col21) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED, FOREIGN KEY (col44,col45) REFERENCES myTbl1 (col11,col12) ON DELETE CASCADE ); CREATE SEQUENCE mySeq1 MINVALUE 1000 MAXVALUE 2000 CYCLE; \echo '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' \echo '--- ---' \echo '--- Now let us define and create 2 rollbackable groups ---' \echo '--- "emaj demo group 1" and "emaj demo group 2". ---' \echo '--- ---' \echo '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' \echo '---' \echo '--- Create both table groups.' \echo '---' select emaj.emaj_create_group('emaj demo group 1'); select emaj.emaj_create_group('emaj demo group 2'); \echo '---' \echo '--- Populate both groups.' \echo '---' select emaj.emaj_assign_tables('emaj_demo_app_schema',array['mytbl1','mytbl2','mytbl4'],'emaj demo group 1'); select emaj.emaj_assign_table('emaj_demo_app_schema','myTbl3','emaj demo group 2'); select emaj.emaj_assign_sequences('emaj_demo_app_schema','.*','','emaj demo group 2'); \echo '---' \echo '--- Set a comment for the first table group.' \echo '---' select emaj.emaj_comment_group('emaj demo group 1','This group has no sequence'); \echo '---' \echo '--- Look at our groups in the internal emaj_group table (They are currently not logging).' \echo '---' select * from emaj.emaj_group where group_name in ('emaj demo group 1','emaj demo group 2'); \echo '---' \echo '--- Look at the content of the emaj_emaj_demo_app_schema schema containing our log tables.' \echo '---' select relname from pg_class, pg_namespace where relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid and nspname = 'emaj_emaj_demo_app_schema' and relkind = 'r'; \echo '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' \echo '--- ---' \echo '--- Application tables can be populated, but without logging ... for ---' \echo '--- the moment. ---' \echo '--- ---' \echo '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' \echo '---' \echo '--- Insert few rows into myTbl1, myTbl2 and myTbl4 tables.' \echo '---' insert into myTbl1 select i, 'ABC', E'\\000\\001\\002'::bytea from generate_series (1,10) as i; insert into myTbl2 select i, 'ABC', current_date + to_char(i,'99 DAYS')::interval from generate_series (1,10) as i; insert into myTbl4 values (1,'FK...',1,1,'ABC'); \echo '---' \echo '--- As log triggers are not yet enabled, log tables remain empty.' \echo '---' select * from emaj_emaj_demo_app_schema.mytbl1_log; \echo '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' \echo '--- ---' \echo '--- Let us start the first group and perform some table updates. ---' \echo '--- ---' \echo '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' \echo '---' \echo '--- Start the first group to activate its log triggers.' \echo '---' select emaj.emaj_start_group('emaj demo group 1','MARK1'); \echo '---' \echo '--- Perform 1 INSERT, 1 UPDATE and 1 DELETE on myTbl4.' \echo '---' insert into myTbl4 values (2,'FK...',1,1,'ABC'); update myTbl4 set col43 = 2 where col41 = 2; delete from myTbl4 where col41 = 1; \echo '---' \echo '--- Look at the myTbl4 log table.' \echo '---' select * from emaj_emaj_demo_app_schema.mytbl4_log; \echo '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' \echo '--- ---' \echo '--- Let us set a second mark on "emaj demo group 1" tables group and ---' \echo '--- perform some new tables updates. ---' \echo '--- ---' \echo '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' \echo '---' \echo '--- Set MARK2.' \echo '---' select emaj.emaj_set_mark_group('emaj demo group 1','MARK2'); \echo '---' \echo '--- Perform some updates on myTbl1 and myTbl2.' \echo '---' insert into myTbl1 select i, 'DEF', E'\\003\\004\\005'::bytea from generate_series (11,20) as i; delete from myTbl2 where col21 > 8; \echo '---' \echo '--- What does the statistic function report about our latest updates?' \echo '---' select * from emaj.emaj_log_stat_group('emaj demo group 1','EMAJ_LAST_MARK',NULL); \echo '---' \echo '--- And in a more detailed way?' \echo '---' select * from emaj.emaj_detailed_log_stat_group('emaj demo group 1','EMAJ_LAST_MARK',NULL); \echo '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' \echo '--- ---' \echo '--- Let us set a third mark on "emaj demo group 1" tables group and ---' \echo '--- perform some new tables updates. ---' \echo '--- ---' \echo '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' \echo '---' \echo '--- Set MARK3.' \echo '---' select emaj.emaj_set_mark_group('emaj demo group 1','MARK3'); \echo '---' \echo '--- Perform some updates on myTbl1 and myTbl2.' \echo '---' update myTbl4 set col43 = NULL where col41 between 5 and 10; update myTbl2 set col23 = col23 + '1 YEAR'::interval; \echo '---' \echo '--- Look at the known marks for our group 1 (there should be 3 undeleted marks).' \echo '---' select * from emaj.emaj_mark where mark_group = 'emaj demo group 1'; \echo '---' \echo '--- Count the total number of logged updates.' \echo '---' select sum(stat_rows) from emaj.emaj_log_stat_group('emaj demo group 1','MARK1',NULL); \echo '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' \echo '--- ---' \echo '--- Let us rollback "emaj demo group 1" tables group to MARK2. ---' \echo '--- ---' \echo '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' \echo '---' \echo '--- (unlogged) rollback to MARK2.' \echo '---' select * from emaj.emaj_rollback_group('emaj demo group 1','MARK2'); \echo '---' \echo '--- Look at the known marks for our group 1. MARK 3 has disappeared.' \echo '---' select * from emaj.emaj_mark where mark_group = 'emaj demo group 1'; \echo '---' \echo '--- Count the total number of logged updates. 20 - among the 23 - have been rollbacked' \echo '---' select sum(stat_rows) from emaj.emaj_log_stat_group('emaj demo group 1','MARK1',NULL); \echo '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' \echo '--- ---' \echo '--- Let us chain again some updates and set marks. ---' \echo '--- ---' \echo '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' \echo '---' \echo '--- Perform some updates on myTbl1 and myTbl2.' \echo '---' insert into myTbl1 select i, 'GHI', E'\\006\\007\\010'::bytea from generate_series (21,25) as i; delete from myTbl2 where col21 > 8; \echo '---' \echo '--- Set MARK4.' \echo '---' select emaj.emaj_set_mark_group('emaj demo group 1','MARK4'); \echo '---' \echo '--- Perform some updates on myTbl1 and myTbl2.' \echo '---' update myTbl2 set col23 = col23 - '1 YEAR'::interval; update myTbl4 set col43 = NULL where col41 = 2; \echo '---' \echo '--- Set MARK5.' \echo '---' select emaj.emaj_set_mark_group('emaj demo group 1','MARK5'); \echo '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' \echo '--- ---' \echo '--- Let us perform a logged rollback of "emaj demo group 1" to MARK4. ---' \echo '--- ---' \echo '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' \echo '---' \echo '--- First verify tables content.' \echo '---' select * from myTbl2 where col23 < current_date; select * from myTbl4 where col43 is NULL; \echo '---' \echo '--- Perform a logged rollback to MARK2.' \echo '---' select * from emaj.emaj_logged_rollback_group('emaj demo group 1','MARK4'); \echo '---' \echo '--- Check the resulting tables content.' \echo '---' select * from myTbl2 where col23 < current_date; select * from myTbl4 where col43 is NULL; \echo '---' \echo '--- Latests updates have been canceled. But the old MARK4 still exists. And 2 new marks frame the rollback operation.' \echo '---' select * from emaj.emaj_mark where mark_group = 'emaj demo group 1' order by mark_time_id; \echo '---' \echo '--- And the rollback operation has been logged.' \echo '---' select * from emaj_emaj_demo_app_schema.mytbl4_log; \echo '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' \echo '--- ---' \echo '--- Let us improve our marks. ---' \echo '--- ---' \echo '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' \echo '---' \echo '--- Remove the mark corresponding to the logged rollback start (RLBK_MARK4_