-- emaj_upgrade_after_postgres_upgrade.sql -- This psql script belongs to the E-Maj extension -- -- The script has to be run after a major postgres version upgrade. It installs the new or modified E-Maj components needed by -- the newly upgraded postgres version. -- Currently, it only manages the components that are needed to setup the event trigger protection. These components are also created -- by the standart installation procedure. But their effective creation depends on the postgres version used at installation time -- because the event trigger feature doesn't exist in the oldest postgres versions supported by E-Maj. So the script is useful when -- E-Maj was initially installed with a postgres version prior 9.5 and a postgres version upgrade leads to a more recent version. -- -- It must be executed once connected as SUPERUSER. -- --\set ECHO all \set ON_ERROR_STOP on ------------------------------------ -- -- -- checks -- -- -- ------------------------------------ -- Check that the upgrade conditions are met. DO $do$ DECLARE v_emajVersion TEXT; v_groupList TEXT; BEGIN -- check the current role is a superuser PERFORM 0 FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname = current_user AND rolsuper; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'E-Maj upgrade: the current user (%) is not a superuser.', current_user; END IF; -- the emaj version registered in emaj_param must be '2.3.1' SELECT param_value_text INTO v_emajVersion FROM emaj.emaj_param WHERE param_key = 'emaj_version'; IF v_emajVersion <> '2.3.1' THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'E-Maj upgrade: the current E-Maj version (%) is not 2.3.1.',v_emajVersion; END IF; -- the installed postgres version must be at least 9.1 IF current_setting('server_version_num')::int < 90100 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'E-Maj upgrade: the current PostgreSQL version (%) is not compatible with E-Maj 2.3.1. The PostgreSQL version should be at least 9.1.', current_setting('server_version'); END IF; END; $do$; -- OK, the upgrade operation can start... BEGIN; -- lock emaj_group table to avoid any concurrent E-Maj activity LOCK TABLE emaj.emaj_group IN EXCLUSIVE MODE; -- -- Create objects that depends on postgres version -- DO $do$ BEGIN -- beginning of 9.3+ specific code IF emaj._pg_version_num() >= 90300 THEN -- the sql_drop event trigger is only possible with postgres 9.3+ -- if the emaj_protection_trg event trigger does not exist, create it PERFORM 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_event_trigger WHERE evtname = 'emaj_protection_trg'; IF FOUND THEN RAISE NOTICE 'E-Maj upgrade script: the "emaj_protection_trg" event trigger already exists.'; ELSE RAISE NOTICE 'E-Maj upgrade script: create the "emaj_protection_trg" event trigger.'; -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public._emaj_protection_event_trigger_fnct() RETURNS EVENT_TRIGGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_emaj_protection_event_trigger_fnct$ -- This function is called by the emaj_protection_trg event trigger -- The function only blocks any attempt to drop the emaj schema or the emaj extension -- It is located into the public schema to be able to detect the emaj schema removal attempt -- It is also unlinked from the emaj extension to be able to detest the emaj extension removal attempt -- Another pair of function and event trigger handles all other drop attempts DECLARE r_dropped RECORD; BEGIN -- scan all dropped objects FOR r_dropped IN SELECT object_type, object_name FROM pg_event_trigger_dropped_objects() LOOP IF r_dropped.object_type = 'schema' AND r_dropped.object_name = 'emaj' THEN -- detecting an attempt to drop the emaj object RAISE EXCEPTION 'E-Maj event trigger: attempting to drop the schema "emaj". Please use the emaj_uninstall.sql script if you really want to remove all E-Maj components.'; END IF; IF r_dropped.object_type = 'extension' AND r_dropped.object_name = 'emaj' THEN -- detecting an attempt to drop the emaj extension RAISE EXCEPTION 'E-Maj event trigger: attempting to drop the emaj extension. Please use the emaj_uninstall.sql script if you really want to remove all E-Maj components.'; END IF; END LOOP; END; $_emaj_protection_event_trigger_fnct$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION public._emaj_protection_event_trigger_fnct() IS $$E-Maj extension: support of the emaj_protection_trg event trigger.$$; -- all commands involving an event trigger is submitted by an EXECUTE instruction -- this is needed for compatibility with pre 9.3 postgres version that do not know event triggers EXECUTE ' CREATE EVENT TRIGGER emaj_protection_trg ON sql_drop WHEN TAG IN (''DROP EXTENSION'',''DROP SCHEMA'') EXECUTE PROCEDURE public._emaj_protection_event_trigger_fnct(); '; EXECUTE ' COMMENT ON EVENT TRIGGER emaj_protection_trg IS $$Blocks the removal of the emaj extension or schema.$$; '; END IF; -- if the emaj_sql_drop_trg event trigger does not exist, create it PERFORM 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_event_trigger WHERE evtname = 'emaj_sql_drop_trg'; IF FOUND THEN RAISE NOTICE 'E-Maj upgrade script: the "emaj_sql_drop_trg" event trigger already exists.'; ELSE RAISE NOTICE 'E-Maj upgrade script: create the "emaj_sql_drop_trg" event trigger.'; -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._event_trigger_sql_drop_fnct() RETURNS EVENT_TRIGGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_event_trigger_sql_drop_fnct$ -- This function is called by the emaj_sql_drop_trg event trigger -- The function blocks any ddl operation that leads to a drop of -- - an application table or a sequence registered into an active (not stopped) E-Maj group, or a schema containing such tables/sequence -- - an E-Maj schema, a log table, a log sequence, a log function or a log trigger -- The drop of emaj schema or extension is managed by another event trigger DECLARE v_groupName TEXT; r_dropped RECORD; BEGIN -- scan all dropped objects FOR r_dropped IN SELECT * FROM pg_event_trigger_dropped_objects() -- TODO: when postgres 9.4 will not be supported any more, replace the statement by: -- SELECT object_type, schema_name, object_name, object_identity, original FROM pg_event_trigger_dropped_objects() -- (the 'original' column is not known in pg9.4- versions) LOOP CASE WHEN r_dropped.object_type = 'schema' THEN -- the object is a schema -- look at the emaj_relation table to verify that the schema being dropped does not belong to any active (not stopped) group SELECT string_agg(DISTINCT rel_group, ', ') INTO v_groupName FROM emaj.emaj_relation, emaj.emaj_group WHERE rel_schema = r_dropped.object_name AND group_name = rel_group AND group_is_logging; IF v_groupName IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'E-Maj event trigger: attempting to drop the application schema "%". But it belongs to the active tables groups "%".', r_dropped.object_name, v_groupName; END IF; -- look at the emaj_relation table to verify that the schema being dropped is not an E-Maj schema containing log tables PERFORM 1 FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_log_schema = r_dropped.object_name; IF FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'E-Maj event trigger: attempting to drop the schema "%". But dropping an E-Maj schema is not allowed.', r_dropped.object_name; END IF; WHEN r_dropped.object_type = 'table' THEN -- the object is a table -- look at the emaj_relation table to verify that the table being dropped does not belong to any active (not stopped) group SELECT rel_group INTO v_groupName FROM emaj.emaj_relation, emaj.emaj_group WHERE rel_schema = r_dropped.schema_name AND rel_tblseq = r_dropped.object_name AND group_name = rel_group AND group_is_logging; IF FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'E-Maj event trigger: attempting to drop the application table "%.%". But it belongs to the active tables group "%".', r_dropped.schema_name, r_dropped.object_name, v_groupName; END IF; -- look at the emaj_relation table to verify that the table being dropped is not a log table PERFORM 1 FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_log_schema = r_dropped.schema_name AND rel_log_table = r_dropped.object_name; IF FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'E-Maj event trigger: attempting to drop the log table "%.%". But dropping an E-Maj log table is not allowed.', r_dropped.schema_name, r_dropped.object_name; END IF; WHEN r_dropped.object_type = 'sequence' THEN -- the object is a sequence -- look at the emaj_relation table to verify that the sequence being dropped does not belong to any active (not stopped) group SELECT rel_group INTO v_groupName FROM emaj.emaj_relation, emaj.emaj_group WHERE rel_schema = r_dropped.schema_name AND rel_tblseq = r_dropped.object_name AND group_name = rel_group AND group_is_logging; IF FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'E-Maj event trigger: attempting to drop the application sequence "%.%". But it belongs to the active tables group "%".', r_dropped.schema_name, r_dropped.object_name, v_groupName; END IF; -- look at the emaj_relation table to verify that the sequence being dropped is not a log sequence PERFORM 1 FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_log_schema = r_dropped.schema_name AND rel_log_sequence = r_dropped.object_name; IF FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'E-Maj event trigger: attempting to drop the log sequence "%.%". But dropping an E-Maj sequence is not allowed.', r_dropped.schema_name, r_dropped.object_name; END IF; WHEN r_dropped.object_type = 'function' THEN -- the object is a function -- look at the emaj_relation table to verify that the function being dropped is not a log function PERFORM 1 FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE r_dropped.object_identity = quote_ident(rel_log_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(rel_log_function) || '()'; IF FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'E-Maj event trigger: attempting to drop the log function "%". But dropping an E-Maj log function is not allowed.', r_dropped.object_identity; END IF; WHEN r_dropped.object_type = 'trigger' THEN -- the object is a trigger -- if postgres version is 9.5+ (to see the 'original' column of the pg_event_trigger_dropped_objects() function), -- look at the trigger name pattern to identify emaj trigger -- and do not raise an exception if the triggers drop is derived from a drop of a table or a function IF emaj._pg_version_num() >= 90500 THEN IF r_dropped.original AND (r_dropped.object_identity LIKE 'emaj_log_trg%' OR r_dropped.object_identity LIKE 'emaj_trunc_trg%') THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'E-Maj event trigger: attempting to drop the "%" E-Maj trigger. But dropping an E-Maj trigger is not allowed.', r_dropped.object_identity; END IF; END IF; ELSE CONTINUE; END CASE; END LOOP; END; $_event_trigger_sql_drop_fnct$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj._event_trigger_sql_drop_fnct() IS $$E-Maj extension: support of the emaj_sql_drop_trg event trigger.$$; EXECUTE ' CREATE EVENT TRIGGER emaj_sql_drop_trg ON sql_drop WHEN TAG IN (''DROP FUNCTION'',''DROP SCHEMA'',''DROP SEQUENCE'',''DROP TABLE'',''DROP TRIGGER'') EXECUTE PROCEDURE emaj._event_trigger_sql_drop_fnct(); '; EXECUTE ' COMMENT ON EVENT TRIGGER emaj_sql_drop_trg IS $$Controls the removal of E-Maj components.$$; '; -- add both event trigger components to the emaj extension ALTER EXTENSION emaj ADD FUNCTION emaj._event_trigger_sql_drop_fnct(); EXECUTE ' ALTER EXTENSION emaj ADD EVENT TRIGGER emaj_sql_drop_trg; '; END IF; -- end of 9.3+ specific code END IF; -- beginning of 9.5+ specific code IF emaj._pg_version_num() >= 90500 THEN -- table_rewrite event trigger are only possible with postgres 9.5+ -- if the emaj_table_rewrite_trg event trigger does not exist, create it PERFORM 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_event_trigger WHERE evtname = 'emaj_table_rewrite_trg'; IF FOUND THEN RAISE NOTICE 'E-Maj upgrade script: the "emaj_table_rewrite_trg" event trigger already exists.'; ELSE RAISE NOTICE 'E-Maj upgrade script: create the "emaj_table_rewrite_trg" event trigger.'; -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._emaj_event_trigger_table_rewrite_fnct() RETURNS EVENT_TRIGGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_emaj_event_trigger_table_rewrite_fnct$ -- This function is called by the emaj_table_rewrite_trg event trigger -- The function blocks any ddl operation that leads to a table rewrite for: -- - an application table registered into an active (not stopped) E-Maj group -- - an E-Maj log table DECLARE v_tableSchema TEXT; v_tableName TEXT; v_groupName TEXT; BEGIN -- get the schema and table names of the altered table SELECT nspname, relname INTO v_tableSchema, v_tableName FROM pg_catalog.pg_class, pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid AND pg_class.oid = pg_event_trigger_table_rewrite_oid(); -- look at the emaj_relation table to verify that the table being rewritten does not belong to any active (not stopped) group SELECT rel_group INTO v_groupName FROM emaj.emaj_relation, emaj.emaj_group WHERE rel_schema = v_tableSchema AND rel_tblseq = v_tableName AND group_name = rel_group AND group_is_logging; IF FOUND THEN -- the table is an application table that belongs to a group, so raise an exception RAISE EXCEPTION 'E-Maj event trigger: attempting to change the application table "%.%" structure. But the table belongs to the active tables group "%".', v_tableSchema, v_tableName , v_groupName; END IF; -- look at the emaj_relation table to verify that the table being rewritten is not a known log table SELECT rel_group INTO v_groupName FROM emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_log_schema = v_tableSchema AND rel_log_table = v_tableName; IF FOUND THEN -- the table is an E-Maj log table, so raise an exception RAISE EXCEPTION 'E-Maj event trigger: attempting to change the log table "%.%" structure. But the table belongs to the tables group "%".', v_tableSchema, v_tableName , v_groupName; END IF; END; $_emaj_event_trigger_table_rewrite_fnct$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION emaj._emaj_event_trigger_table_rewrite_fnct() IS $$E-Maj extension: support of the emaj_table_rewrite_trg event trigger.$$; EXECUTE ' CREATE EVENT TRIGGER emaj_table_rewrite_trg ON table_rewrite EXECUTE PROCEDURE emaj._emaj_event_trigger_table_rewrite_fnct(); '; EXECUTE ' COMMENT ON EVENT TRIGGER emaj_table_rewrite_trg IS $$Controls some changes in E-Maj tables structure.$$; '; -- add both event trigger components to the emaj extension ALTER EXTENSION emaj ADD FUNCTION emaj._emaj_event_trigger_table_rewrite_fnct(); EXECUTE ' ALTER EXTENSION emaj ADD EVENT TRIGGER emaj_table_rewrite_trg; '; END IF; -- end of 9.5+ specific code END IF; END; $do$; COMMIT;