-- emaj_uninstall.sql -- -- E-MAJ uninstall script : Version 2.3.0 -- -- This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License. -- -- This script uninstalls any E-Maj extension in version 2.0.0 and later. -- It drops all components previously created by a "CREATE EXTENSION emaj;" statement and by the use of the extension. -- -- The script must be executed by a role having SUPERUSER privileges. -- -- After its execution, some operations may have to be done manually. \set ON_ERROR_STOP ON \set ECHO none \echo '>>> Starting E-Maj uninstallation procedure...' SET client_min_messages TO WARNING; -- A single DO procedure performs the operation DO LANGUAGE plpgsql $emaj_uninstall$ DECLARE v_rolSuper BOOLEAN; v_nonIdleGroupList TEXT; v_nbObject INTEGER; r_object RECORD; v_roleToDrop BOOLEAN; v_dbList TEXT; v_granteeRoleList TEXT; v_granteeClassList TEXT; v_granteeFunctionList TEXT; v_tspList TEXT; BEGIN -- -- Check the current role is superuser SELECT rolsuper INTO v_rolSuper FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname = current_user; IF NOT v_rolSuper THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_uninstall: The role executing this script must be a superuser'; END IF; -- -- Check postgres version is at least 9.1 IF current_setting('server_version_num')::int < 90100 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_uninstall: The postgres version is not compatible with this script (it should be at least 9.1)'; END IF; -- -- Check E-Maj is installed as an extension PERFORM 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_extension WHERE extname = 'emaj'; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_uninstall: E-Maj is not installed, or is not installed as an EXTENSION'; END IF; -- -- Check emaj schema is present PERFORM 1 FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = 'emaj'; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_uninstall: The schema ''emaj'' doesn''t exist'; END IF; -- -- Check that no E-Maj schema contain any non E-Maj object v_nbObject = 0; FOR r_object IN SELECT msg FROM emaj._verify_all_schemas() msg WHERE msg NOT LIKE 'The E-Maj schema % does not exist any more.' LOOP -- a secondary schema contains objects that do not belong to E-Maj RAISE WARNING '%',r_object.msg; v_nbObject = v_nbObject + 1; END LOOP; IF v_nbObject > 0 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'There are % unexpected objects in E-Maj schemas. Drop them before reexecuting the uninstall function.', v_nbObject; END IF; -- -- OK, all conditions are met -- -- Disable event triggers that would block the DROP EXTENSION command PERFORM emaj.emaj_disable_protection_by_event_triggers(); -- -- If the emaj_demo_cleanup function exists (created by the emaj_demo.sql script), execute it PERFORM 0 FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc, pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE pronamespace = pg_namespace.oid AND nspname = 'emaj' AND proname = 'emaj_demo_cleanup'; IF FOUND THEN PERFORM emaj.emaj_demo_cleanup(); END IF; -- If the emaj_parallel_rollback_test_cleanup function exists (created by the emaj_prepare_parallel_rollback_test.sql script), execute it PERFORM 0 FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc, pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE pronamespace = pg_namespace.oid AND nspname = 'emaj' AND proname = 'emaj_parallel_rollback_test_cleanup'; IF FOUND THEN PERFORM emaj.emaj_parallel_rollback_test_cleanup(); END IF; -- -- Drop all created groups, bypassing potential errors, to remove all components not directly linked to the EXTENSION PERFORM emaj.emaj_force_drop_group(group_name) FROM emaj.emaj_group; -- -- Drop the emaj extension DROP EXTENSION emaj; -- -- Drop the primary schema. DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS emaj CASCADE; -- -- Drop the event trigger that is external to the extension, and its function DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS public._emaj_protection_event_trigger_fnct() CASCADE; -- -- Also revoke grants given on postgres functions to both emaj roles REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION pg_size_pretty(bigint) FROM emaj_viewer; REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION pg_database_size(name) FROM emaj_viewer; REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION pg_size_pretty(bigint) FROM emaj_adm; REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION pg_database_size(name) FROM emaj_adm; -- revoke also the grant given to emaj_adm on the dblink_connect_u function at install time with E-Maj versions 1.n IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname = 'dblink_connect_u') THEN REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION dblink_connect_u(text,text) FROM emaj_adm; END IF; -- -- Check if emaj roles can be dropped v_roleToDrop = true; -- -- Are emaj_roles also used in other databases of the cluster ? v_dbList = NULL; SELECT string_agg(datname,', ') INTO v_dbList FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT datname FROM pg_catalog.pg_shdepend shd, pg_catalog.pg_database db, pg_catalog.pg_roles r WHERE db.oid = dbid AND r.oid = refobjid AND rolname = 'emaj_viewer' AND datname <> current_database() ) AS t; IF v_dbList IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE WARNING 'emaj_uninstall: emaj_viewer role is also referenced in some other databases (%)',v_dbList; v_roleToDrop = false; END IF; -- v_dbList = NULL; SELECT string_agg(datname,', ') INTO v_dbList FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT datname FROM pg_catalog.pg_shdepend shd, pg_catalog.pg_database db, pg_catalog.pg_roles r WHERE db.oid = dbid AND r.oid = refobjid AND rolname = 'emaj_adm' AND datname <> current_database() ) AS t; IF v_dbList IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE WARNING 'emaj_uninstall: emaj_adm role is also referenced in some other databases (%)',v_dbList; v_roleToDrop = false; END IF; -- -- Are emaj roles granted to other roles ? v_granteeRoleList = NULL; SELECT string_agg(q.rolname,', ') INTO v_granteeRoleList FROM pg_catalog.pg_auth_members m, pg_catalog.pg_roles r, pg_catalog.pg_roles q WHERE m.roleid = r.oid AND m.member = q.oid AND r.rolname = 'emaj_viewer'; IF v_granteeRoleList IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE WARNING 'emaj_uninstall: There are remaining roles (%) who have been granted emaj_viewer role.', v_granteeRoleList; v_roleToDrop = false; END IF; -- v_granteeRoleList = NULL; SELECT string_agg(q.rolname,', ') INTO v_granteeRoleList FROM pg_catalog.pg_auth_members m, pg_catalog.pg_roles r, pg_catalog.pg_roles q WHERE m.roleid = r.oid AND m.member = q.oid AND r.rolname = 'emaj_adm'; IF v_granteeRoleList IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE WARNING 'emaj_uninstall: There are remaining roles (%) who have been granted emaj_adm role.', v_granteeRoleList; v_roleToDrop = false; END IF; -- -- Are emaj roles granted to relations (tables, views, sequences) (other than just dropped emaj ones) ? v_granteeClassList = NULL; SELECT string_agg(nspname || '.' || relname, ', ') INTO v_granteeClassList FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace, pg_catalog.pg_class WHERE pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace AND array_to_string (relacl,';') LIKE '%emaj_viewer=%'; IF v_granteeClassList IS NOT NULL THEN IF length(v_granteeClassList) > 200 THEN v_granteeClassList = substr(v_granteeClassList,1,200) || '...'; END IF; RAISE WARNING 'emaj_uninstall: emaj_viewer role has some remaining grants on tables, views or sequences (%).', v_granteeClassList; v_roleToDrop = false; END IF; -- v_granteeClassList = NULL; SELECT string_agg(nspname || '.' || relname, ', ') INTO v_granteeClassList FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace, pg_catalog.pg_class WHERE pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace AND array_to_string (relacl,';') LIKE '%emaj_adm=%'; IF v_granteeClassList IS NOT NULL THEN IF length(v_granteeClassList) > 200 THEN v_granteeClassList = substr(v_granteeClassList,1,200) || '...'; END IF; RAISE WARNING 'emaj_uninstall: emaj_adm role has some remaining grants on tables, views or sequences (%).', v_granteeClassList; v_roleToDrop = false; END IF; -- -- Are emaj roles granted to functions (other than just dropped emaj ones) ? v_granteeFunctionList = NULL; SELECT string_agg(nspname || '.' || proname || '()', ', ') INTO v_granteeFunctionList FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace, pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE pg_namespace.oid = pronamespace AND array_to_string (proacl,';') LIKE '%emaj_viewer=%'; IF v_granteeFunctionList IS NOT NULL THEN IF length(v_granteeFunctionList) > 200 THEN v_granteeFunctionList = substr(v_granteeFunctionList,1,200) || '...'; END IF; RAISE WARNING 'emaj_uninstall: emaj_viewer role has some remaining grants on functions (%).', v_granteeFunctionList; v_roleToDrop = false; END IF; -- v_granteeFunctionList = NULL; SELECT string_agg(nspname || '.' || proname || '()', ', ') INTO v_granteeFunctionList FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace, pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE pg_namespace.oid = pronamespace AND array_to_string (proacl,';') LIKE '%emaj_adm=%'; IF v_granteeFunctionList IS NOT NULL THEN IF length(v_granteeFunctionList) > 200 THEN v_granteeClassList = substr(v_granteeFunctionList,1,200) || '...'; END IF; RAISE WARNING 'emaj_uninstall: emaj_adm role has some remaining grants on functions (%).', v_granteeFunctionList; v_roleToDrop = false; END IF; -- -- If emaj roles can be dropped, drop them IF v_roleToDrop THEN -- revoke the remaining grants set on tablespaces SELECT string_agg(spcname, ', ') INTO v_tspList FROM pg_catalog.pg_tablespace WHERE array_to_string (spcacl,';') LIKE '%emaj_viewer=%' OR array_to_string (spcacl,';') LIKE '%emaj_adm=%'; IF v_tspList IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE 'REVOKE ALL ON TABLESPACE ' || v_tspList || ' FROM emaj_viewer, emaj_adm'; END IF; -- and drop both emaj_viewer and emaj_adm roles DROP ROLE emaj_viewer, emaj_adm; RAISE WARNING 'emaj_uninstall: emaj_adm and emaj_viewer roles have been dropped.'; ELSE RAISE WARNING 'emaj_uninstall: For these reasons, emaj roles are not dropped by this script.'; END IF; -- RETURN; END; $emaj_uninstall$; SET client_min_messages TO default; \echo '>>> E-maj successfully uninstalled from this database'