-- -- E-Maj: migration from 1.3.0 to 1.3.1 -- -- This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License. -- -- This script migrates an existing installation of E-Maj extension. -- If E-Maj is not yet installed, use the emaj.sql script. -- \set ON_ERROR_STOP ON \set QUIET ON SET client_min_messages TO WARNING; --SET client_min_messages TO NOTICE; \echo 'E-maj upgrade from version 1.3.0 to version 1.3.1' \echo 'Checking...' ------------------------------------ -- -- -- checks -- -- -- ------------------------------------ -- Creation of a specific function to check the migration conditions are met. -- The function generates an exception if at least one condition is not met. DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emaj.tmp(); CREATE FUNCTION emaj.tmp() RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $tmp$ DECLARE v_emajVersion TEXT; v_pgVersion INTEGER = emaj._pg_version_num(); BEGIN -- check the current role is a superuser PERFORM 0 FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname = current_user AND rolsuper; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'E-Maj installation: the current user (%) is not a superuser.', current_user; END IF; -- the emaj version registered in emaj_param must be '1.3.0' SELECT param_value_text INTO v_emajVersion FROM emaj.emaj_param WHERE param_key = 'emaj_version'; IF v_emajVersion <> '1.3.0' THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'The current E-Maj version (%) is not 1.3.0',v_emajVersion; END IF; -- the installed postgres version must be at least 8.3 IF v_pgVersion < 803 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'The current PostgreSQL version (%) is not compatible with E-Maj 1.3.1 (8.3 minimum)',v_pgVersion; END IF; RETURN; END; $tmp$; SELECT emaj.tmp(); DROP FUNCTION emaj.tmp(); -- OK, upgrade... \echo '... OK, Migration start...' BEGIN TRANSACTION; -- lock emaj_group table to avoid any concurrent E-Maj activity LOCK TABLE emaj.emaj_group IN EXCLUSIVE MODE; \echo 'Updating E-Maj internal objects ...' ------------------------------------ -- -- -- emaj functions: recreate all -- -- -- ------------------------------------ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._rlbk_tbl(r_rel emaj.emaj_relation, v_lastGlobalSeq BIGINT, v_nbSession INT) RETURNS BIGINT LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER AS $_rlbk_tbl$ -- This function rollbacks one table to a given point in time represented by the value of the global sequence -- The function is called by emaj._rlbk_session_exec() -- Input: row from emaj_relation corresponding to the appplication table to proccess -- global sequence value limit for rollback -- Output: number of rolled back primary keys -- For unlogged rollback, the log triggers have been disabled previously and will be enabled later. -- The function is defined as SECURITY DEFINER so that emaj_adm role can use it even if he is not the owner of the application table. DECLARE v_pgVersion INT = emaj._pg_version_num(); v_fullTableName TEXT; v_logTableName TEXT; v_tmpTable TEXT; v_tableType TEXT; v_nbPk BIGINT; v_cols TEXT[] = '{}'; v_colsPk TEXT[] = '{}'; v_condsPk TEXT[] = '{}'; v_colList TEXT; v_pkColList TEXT; v_pkCondList TEXT; v_maxGlobalSeq BIGINT; r_col RECORD; BEGIN v_fullTableName = quote_ident(r_rel.rel_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_rel.rel_tblseq); v_logTableName = quote_ident(r_rel.rel_log_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(r_rel.rel_log_table); -- insert begin event in history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('ROLLBACK_TABLE', 'BEGIN', v_fullTableName, 'All log rows with emaj_gid > ' || v_lastGlobalSeq); -- set the v_maxGlobalSeq variable using the emaj_global_seq last value SELECT CASE WHEN is_called THEN last_value ELSE last_value - increment_by END INTO v_maxGlobalSeq FROM emaj.emaj_global_seq; -- Build some pieces of SQL statements -- build the tables's columns list FOR r_col IN SELECT 'tbl.' || quote_ident(attname) AS col_name FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = v_fullTableName::regclass AND attnum > 0 AND NOT attisdropped ORDER BY attnum LOOP v_cols = array_append(v_cols, r_col.col_name); END LOOP; v_colList = array_to_string(v_cols,','); -- TODO when pg 8.3 will not be supported any more : -- SELECT array_to_string(array_agg('tbl.' || quote_ident(attname)),', ') INTO v_colList -- FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute -- WHERE attrelid = 'myschema1.mytbl1'::regclass AND attnum > 0 AND NOT attisdropped; -- build the pkey columns list and the "equality on the primary key" conditions FOR r_col IN SELECT quote_ident(attname) AS col_pk_name, 'tbl.' || quote_ident(attname) || ' = keys.' || quote_ident(attname) AS col_pk_cond FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute, pg_catalog.pg_index WHERE pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_index.indrelid AND attnum = ANY (indkey) AND indrelid = v_fullTableName::regclass AND indisprimary AND attnum > 0 AND attisdropped = false ORDER BY attnum LOOP v_colsPk = array_append(v_colsPk, r_col.col_pk_name); v_condsPk = array_append(v_condsPk, r_col.col_pk_cond); END LOOP; v_pkColList = array_to_string(v_colsPk,','); v_pkCondList = array_to_string(v_condsPk, ' AND '); -- create the temporary table containing all primary key values with their earliest emaj_gid IF v_nbSession = 1 THEN v_tableType = 'TEMP'; v_tmpTable = 'emaj_tmp_' || pg_backend_pid(); ELSE -- with multi session parallel rollbacks, the table cannot be a TEMP table because it would not be usable in 2PC -- but it may be an UNLOGGED table with pg 9.1+ IF v_pgVersion >= 901 THEN v_tableType = 'UNLOGGED'; ELSE v_tableType = ''; END IF; v_tmpTable = 'emaj.emaj_tmp_' || pg_backend_pid(); END IF; EXECUTE 'CREATE ' || v_tableType || ' TABLE ' || v_tmpTable || ' AS ' || ' SELECT ' || v_pkColList || ', min(emaj_gid) as emaj_gid' || ' FROM ' || v_logTableName || ' WHERE emaj_gid > ' || v_lastGlobalSeq || ' GROUP BY ' || v_pkColList; GET DIAGNOSTICS v_nbPk = ROW_COUNT; -- delete all rows from the application table corresponding to each touched primary key -- this deletes rows inserted or updated during the rolled back period EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM ONLY ' || v_fullTableName || ' tbl USING ' || v_tmpTable || ' keys ' || ' WHERE ' || v_pkCondList; -- if the number of pkey to process is greater than 1.000, analyze the log table to take into account -- the impact of just inserted rows, avoiding a potentialy bad plan for the next INSERT statement IF v_nbPk > 1000 THEN EXECUTE 'ANALYZE ' || v_logTableName; END IF; -- insert into the application table rows that were deleted or updated during the rolled back period EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO ' || v_fullTableName || ' SELECT ' || v_colList || ' FROM ' || v_logTableName || ' tbl, ' || v_tmpTable || ' keys ' || ' WHERE ' || v_pkCondList || ' AND tbl.emaj_gid = keys.emaj_gid AND tbl.emaj_tuple = ''OLD''' || ' AND tbl.emaj_gid > ' || v_lastGlobalSeq || 'AND tbl.emaj_gid <= ' || v_maxGlobalSeq; -- drop the now useless temporary table EXECUTE 'DROP TABLE ' || v_tmpTable; -- insert end event in history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('ROLLBACK_TABLE', 'END', v_fullTableName, v_nbPk || ' rolled back primary keys'); RETURN v_nbPk; END; $_rlbk_tbl$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._rlbk_session_lock(v_rlbkId INT, v_session INT) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_rlbk_session_lock$ -- It creates the session row in the emaj_rlbk_session table and then locks all the application tables for the session. DECLARE v_pgVersion INT = emaj._pg_version_num(); v_stmt TEXT; v_isDblinkUsable BOOLEAN = false; v_groupNames TEXT[]; v_nbRetry SMALLINT = 0; v_lockmode TEXT; v_ok BOOLEAN = false; v_nbTbl INT; r_tbl RECORD; BEGIN -- try to open a dblink connection for #session > 1 (the attempt for session 1 has already been done) IF v_session > 1 THEN PERFORM emaj._dblink_open_cnx('rlbk#'||v_session); END IF; -- get the rollack characteristics for the emaj_rlbk SELECT rlbk_groups INTO v_groupNames FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk WHERE rlbk_id = v_rlbkId; -- create the session row the emaj_rlbk_session table. v_stmt = 'INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_rlbk_session (rlbs_rlbk_id, rlbs_session, rlbs_txid, rlbs_start_datetime) ' || 'VALUES (' || v_rlbkId || ',' || v_session || ',' || txid_current() || ',' || quote_literal(clock_timestamp()) || ') RETURNING 1'; IF emaj._dblink_is_cnx_opened('rlbk#'||v_session) THEN -- IF v_isDblinkUsable THEN -- ... either through dblink if possible PERFORM 0 FROM dblink('rlbk#'||v_session,v_stmt) AS (dummy INT); v_isDblinkUsable = true; ELSE -- ... or directly EXECUTE v_stmt; END IF; -- insert lock begin in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('LOCK_GROUP', 'BEGIN', array_to_string(v_groupNames,','), 'Rollback session #' || v_session); -- -- acquire locks on tables -- -- in case of deadlock, retry up to 5 times WHILE NOT v_ok AND v_nbRetry < 5 LOOP BEGIN v_nbTbl = 0; -- scan all tables of the session, in priority ascending order (priority being defined in emaj_group_def and stored in emaj_relation) FOR r_tbl IN SELECT quote_ident(rlbp_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(rlbp_table) AS fullName, EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan rlbp2 WHERE rlbp2.rlbp_rlbk_id = v_rlbkId AND rlbp2.rlbp_session = v_session AND rlbp2.rlbp_schema = rlbp1.rlbp_schema AND rlbp2.rlbp_table = rlbp1.rlbp_table AND rlbp2.rlbp_step = 'DIS_LOG_TRG') AS disLogTrg FROM emaj.emaj_rlbk_plan rlbp1, emaj.emaj_relation WHERE rel_schema = rlbp_schema AND rel_tblseq = rlbp_table AND rlbp_rlbk_id = v_rlbkId AND rlbp_step = 'LOCK_TABLE' AND rlbp_session = v_session ORDER BY rel_priority, rel_schema, rel_tblseq LOOP -- lock each table -- The locking level is EXCLUSIVE mode, except for tables whose log trigger needs to be disabled/enables when postgres version is prior 9.5. -- In this later case, the ACCESS EXCLUSIVE mode is used, blocking all concurrent accesses to these tables. -- In the former case, the EXCLUSIVE mode blocks all concurrent update capabilities of all tables of the groups (including tables with no logged -- update to rollback), in order to ensure a stable state of the group at the end of the rollback operation). But these tables can be accessed -- by SELECT statements during the E-Maj rollback. IF v_pgVersion < 905 AND r_tbl.disLogTrg THEN v_lockmode = 'ACCESS EXCLUSIVE'; ELSE v_lockmode = 'EXCLUSIVE'; END IF; EXECUTE 'LOCK TABLE ' || r_tbl.fullName || ' IN ' || v_lockmode || ' MODE'; v_nbTbl = v_nbTbl + 1; END LOOP; -- ok, all tables locked v_ok = true; EXCEPTION WHEN deadlock_detected THEN v_nbRetry = v_nbRetry + 1; RAISE NOTICE '_rlbk_session_lock: a deadlock has been trapped while locking tables for groups %.', array_to_string(v_groupNames,','); END; END LOOP; IF NOT v_ok THEN PERFORM emaj._rlbk_error(v_rlbkId, '_rlbk_session_lock: too many (5) deadlocks encountered while locking tables', 'rlbk#'||v_session); RAISE EXCEPTION '_rlbk_session_lock: too many (5) deadlocks encountered while locking tables for groups %.',array_to_string(v_groupNames,','); END IF; -- insert end in the history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_event, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('LOCK_GROUP', 'END', array_to_string(v_groupNames,','), 'Rollback session #' || v_session || ': ' || v_nbTbl || ' tables locked, ' || v_nbRetry || ' deadlock(s)'); RETURN; -- TODO: trap and record exception during the rollback operation when pg 8.3 will not be supported any more -- EXCEPTION -- WHEN SQLSTATE 'P0001' THEN -- Do not trap the exceptions raised by the function -- RAISE; -- WHEN OTHERS THEN -- Otherwise, log the E-Maj rollback abort in emaj_rlbk, if possible -- PERFORM emaj._rlbk_error(v_rlbkId, SQLERRM, 'rlbk#'||v_session); -- RAISE; END; $_rlbk_session_lock$; -- Set comments for all internal functions, -- by directly inserting a row in the pg_description table for all emaj functions that do not have yet a recorded comment INSERT INTO pg_catalog.pg_description (objoid, classoid, objsubid, description) SELECT pg_proc.oid, pg_class.oid, 0 , 'E-Maj internal function' FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc, pg_catalog.pg_class WHERE pg_class.relname = 'pg_proc' AND pg_proc.oid IN -- list all emaj functions that do not have yet a comment in pg_description (SELECT pg_proc.oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON (pronamespace=pg_namespace.oid) LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_description ON (pg_description.objoid = pg_proc.oid AND classoid = (SELECT oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_class WHERE relname = 'pg_proc') AND objsubid = 0) WHERE nspname = 'emaj' AND (proname LIKE E'emaj\\_%' OR proname LIKE E'\\_%') AND pg_description.description IS NULL ); ------------------------------------ -- -- -- commit migration -- -- -- ------------------------------------ UPDATE emaj.emaj_param SET param_value_text = '1.3.1' WHERE param_key = 'emaj_version'; -- insert the migration record in the operation history INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_hist (hist_function, hist_object, hist_wording) VALUES ('EMAJ_INSTALL','E-Maj 1.3.1', 'Migration from 1.3.0 completed'); -- post installation checks CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emaj._tmp_post_install() RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $tmp$ DECLARE v_mpt INTEGER; v_schemaList TEXT; r_sch RECORD; BEGIN -- check the max_prepared_transactions GUC value SELECT setting INTO v_mpt FROM pg_catalog.pg_settings WHERE name = 'max_prepared_transactions'; IF v_mpt <= 1 THEN RAISE WARNING 'E-Maj migration: as the max_prepared_transactions parameter is set to % on this cluster, no parallel rollback is possible.',v_mpt; END IF; -- check the dblink contrib or extension is already installed and give EXECUTE right to emaj_adm on dblink_connect_u functions -- Scan all schemas where dblink is installed -- Note dblink may have been installed in several schemas and we don't know at installation time -- what will be the search_path of future users. -- Grants on this particular dblink_connect_u function are revoked by default to public, -- but emaj administrators need it to monitor the rollback operations progress. v_schemaList = ''; FOR r_sch IN SELECT DISTINCT nspname FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc, pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE pg_proc.pronamespace = pg_namespace.oid AND proname = 'dblink' LOOP IF v_schemaList = '' THEN v_schemaList = r_sch.nspname; ELSE v_schemaList = v_schemaList || ',' || r_sch.nspname; END IF; EXECUTE 'GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION ' || quote_ident(r_sch.nspname) || '.dblink_connect_u(text,text) TO emaj_adm'; END LOOP; -- return the output message depending whether dblink is installed or not IF v_schemaList = '' THEN RAISE WARNING 'E-Maj migration: the dblink contrib/extension is not installed. It is advisable to have the dblink contrib/extension installed in order to take benefit of the E-Maj rollback monitoring and E-Maj parallel rollback capabilities. (You will need to "GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION dblink_connect_u(text,text) TO emaj_adm" once dblink is installed)'; ELSE RAISE WARNING 'E-Maj migration: the dblink functions exist in schema(s): %. Be sure these functions will be accessible by emaj_adm roles through their schemas search_path.',v_schemaList; END IF; RETURN; END; $tmp$; SELECT emaj._tmp_post_install(); DROP FUNCTION emaj._tmp_post_install(); COMMIT; SET client_min_messages TO default; \echo '>>> E-Maj successfully migrated to 1.3.1'