-- -- E-MAJ uninstall script : V 0.10.0 -- -- This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License. -- -- This script drops all components previously created by emaj.sql script that installs E-maj contrib. -- It is also usable when E-Maj has been installed with a CREATE EXTENSION statement (in PG 9.1+). -- -- This script must be executed by a role having SUPERUSER privileges. -- -- After its execution, some operations may have to be done manually. -- In particular, the 'tspemaj' tablespace is not automaticaly dropped. \set ON_ERROR_STOP ON --\set QUIET ON SET client_min_messages TO WARNING; \echo 'E-maj objects deletion...' BEGIN TRANSACTION; -- Create a temporary function in public schema that performs the operation CREATE or REPLACE FUNCTION public.emaj_uninstall() RETURNS VOID LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $emaj_uninstall$ -- This temporary function verifies if current role is superuser, and if all created group are in IDLE state. DECLARE v_flgSuper BOOLEAN; r_group RECORD; v_nonIdleGroupList TEXT = ''; r_role RECORD; v_granteeRoleList TEXT; r_class RECORD; v_granteeClassList TEXT; BEGIN -- -- Is the current role superuser ? SELECT rolsuper INTO v_flgSuper FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname = current_user; -- If no, stop IF v_flgSuper <> 'true' THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_uninstall: The role executing this function must be a superuser'; END IF; -- -- Is emaj schema present ? PERFORM 1 FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = 'emaj'; IF NOT FOUND THEN -- If no, stop RAISE WARNING 'emaj_uninstall: The schema ''emaj'' doesn''t exist'; ELSE -- If yes, check there are no remaining emaj group not in IDLE state. -- This check is performed just to be sure that the script is not called at the bad moment. FOR r_group IN SELECT group_name FROM emaj.emaj_group WHERE group_state <> 'IDLE' LOOP IF v_nonIdleGroupList = '' THEN v_nonIdleGroupList = v_nonIdleGroupList || r_group.group_name; ELSE v_nonIdleGroupList = ', ' || v_nonIdleGroupList || r_group.group_name; END IF; END LOOP; IF v_nonIdleGroupList <> '' THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'emaj_uninstall: There are remaining active groups (not in IDLE state): %. Stop them before restarting the uninstall script',v_nonIdleGroupList; END IF; -- then drop the schema. This will drop all tables groups. So no need to call emaj_drop_group() function. DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS emaj CASCADE; END IF; -- -- Check if the schema 'myschema' used by test scripts exists. PERFORM 1 FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = 'myschema'; IF FOUND THEN RAISE WARNING 'emaj_uninstall: A schema myschema exists on the database. It may have been created by an emaj test script. You can drop it if you wish using a "DROP SCHEMA myschema cascade;" command.'; END IF; -- -- Check if the role 'myuser' used by test scripts exists. PERFORM 1 FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname = 'myuser'; IF FOUND THEN RAISE WARNING 'emaj_uninstall: A role myuser exists on the cluster. It may have been created by an emaj test script. You can drop it if you wish using a "DROP ROLE myuser;" command.'; END IF; -- -- Are emaj roles granted to other roles ? -- And are emaj roles granted to relations (tables, views, sequences) other than emaj ones ? -- If yes for one of these questions, roles are not automatically dropped. -- First look at the emaj_viewer role and other granted roles v_granteeRoleList = ''; FOR r_role IN SELECT q.rolname FROM pg_auth_members m, pg_roles r, pg_roles q WHERE m.roleid = r.oid AND m.member = q.oid AND r.rolname = 'emaj_viewer' LOOP IF v_granteeRoleList = '' THEN v_granteeRoleList = v_granteeRoleList || r_role.rolname; ELSE v_granteeRoleList = v_granteeRoleList || ', ' || r_role.rolname; END IF; END LOOP; IF v_granteeRoleList <> '' THEN RAISE WARNING 'emaj_uninstall: There are remaining roles (%) who have been granted emaj_viewer role. REVOKE emaj_viewer from them and then DROP the emaj_viewer role',v_granteeRoleList; ELSE -- Then check emaj_viewer has no application relations' grants v_granteeClassList = ''; FOR r_class IN SELECT nspname, relname FROM pg_namespace, pg_class WHERE pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace AND substr(relname,1,5) <> 'emaj_' AND array_to_string (relacl,';') LIKE '%emaj_viewer=%' LOOP IF v_granteeClassList = '' THEN v_granteeClassList = v_granteeClassList || r_class.nspname || '.' || r_class.relname; ELSE v_granteeClassList = v_granteeClassList || ', ' || r_class.nspname || '.' || r_class.relname; END IF; END LOOP; IF v_granteeClassList <> '' THEN IF length(v_granteeClassList) > 200 THEN v_granteeClassList = substr(v_granteeClassList,1,200) || '...'; END IF; RAISE WARNING 'emaj_uninstall: emaj_viewer role has some remaining grants on tables, views or sequences (%). REVOKE these grants before dropping the emaj_viewer role',v_granteeClassList; ELSE -- OK, drop the emaj_viewer role REVOKE ALL ON TABLESPACE tspemaj FROM emaj_viewer; DROP ROLE emaj_viewer; END IF; END IF; -- Then look at the emaj_adm role and other granted roles v_granteeRoleList = ''; FOR r_role IN SELECT q.rolname FROM pg_auth_members m, pg_roles r, pg_roles q WHERE m.roleid = r.oid AND m.member = q.oid AND r.rolname = 'emaj_adm' LOOP IF v_granteeRoleList = '' THEN v_granteeRoleList = v_granteeRoleList || r_role.rolname; ELSE v_granteeRoleList = v_granteeRoleList || ', ' || r_role.rolname; END IF; END LOOP; IF v_granteeRoleList <> '' THEN RAISE WARNING 'emaj_uninstall: There are remaining roles (%) who have been granted emaj_adm role. REVOKE emaj_adm from them and then DROP the emaj_adm role',v_granteeRoleList; ELSE -- Then check emaj_adm has no application relations' grants v_granteeClassList = ''; FOR r_class IN SELECT nspname, relname FROM pg_namespace, pg_class WHERE pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace AND substr(relname,1,5) <> 'emaj_' AND array_to_string (relacl,';') LIKE '%emaj_adm=%' LOOP IF v_granteeClassList = '' THEN v_granteeClassList = v_granteeClassList || r_class.nspname || '.' || r_class.relname; ELSE v_granteeClassList = v_granteeClassList || ', ' || r_class.nspname || '.' || r_class.relname; END IF; END LOOP; IF v_granteeClassList <> '' THEN IF length(v_granteeClassList) > 200 THEN v_granteeClassList = substr(v_granteeClassList,1,200) || '...'; END IF; RAISE WARNING 'emaj_uninstall: emaj_adm role has some remaining grants on tables, views or sequences (%). REVOKE these grants before dropping the emaj_adm role',v_granteeClassList; ELSE -- OK, drop the emaj_adm role REVOKE ALL ON TABLESPACE tspemaj FROM emaj_adm; DROP ROLE emaj_adm; END IF; END IF; -- Tablespace tspemaj is not dropped RAISE WARNING 'emaj_uninstall: The tablespace tspemaj is not dropped by this procedure. You can drop it if you wish using a "DROP TABLESPACE tspemaj" command.'; -- RETURN; END; $emaj_uninstall$; SELECT public.emaj_uninstall(); DROP FUNCTION public.emaj_uninstall(); COMMIT; SET client_min_messages TO default; \echo '>>> E-maj successfully uninstalled'