{ "name": "dsef", "abstract": "DiffStats and ExplainFull: detailed SQL reports for third party help & support", "description": "DiffStats and ExplainFull can generate detailed reports which are useful for troubleshooting performance of a SQL statement, and especially for working with third parties who are helping in the process. It reduces the amount of back-and-forth requests for information by capturing a great deal of commonly useful data about the performance of a SQL statement.", "version": "2024.4.9", "maintainer": [ "Jeremy Schneider " ], "license": "postgresql", "provides": { "dsef": { "abstract": "DiffStats and ExplainFull: detailed SQL reports for third party help & support", "file": "sql/dsef.sql", "docfile": "README.md", "version": "2024.4.9" } }, "resources": { "bugtracker": { "web": "https://github.com/ardentperf/dsef/issues/" }, "repository": { "url": "git://github.com/ardentperf/dsef.git", "web": "https://github.com/ardentperf/dsef/", "type": "git" } }, "meta-spec": { "version": "1.0.0", "url": "https://pgxn.org/meta/spec.txt" }, "tags": [ "explain", "statistics", "stats", "performance", "sql", "plan" ] }