\pset null _null_ \pset format unaligned SET client_min_messages = warning; SET ROLE postgres; CREATE TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION english1 ( PARSER = pg_catalog."default" ); COMMENT ON TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION english1 IS 'configuration for english language (1)'; ALTER TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION english1 OWNER TO postgres; select ddlx_create('english1'::regconfig); select ddlx_drop('english1'::regconfig); CREATE TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY english1_stem ( TEMPLATE = pg_catalog.snowball, language = 'english', stopwords = 'english' ); COMMENT ON TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY english1_stem IS 'snowball stemmer for english language (1)'; ALTER TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY english1_stem OWNER TO postgres; select ddlx_create('english1_stem'::regdictionary); select ddlx_drop('english1_stem'::regdictionary); CREATE TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION simple1 ( PARSER = pg_catalog."default" ); COMMENT ON TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION simple1 IS 'simple configuration (1)'; ALTER TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION simple1 OWNER TO postgres; select ddlx_create('simple1'::regconfig); CREATE TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY simple1 ( TEMPLATE = pg_catalog.simple ); COMMENT ON TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY simple1 IS 'simple dictionary: just lower case and check for stopword (1)'; ALTER TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY simple1 OWNER TO postgres; select ddlx_create('simple1'::regdictionary); select ddlx_create((select oid from pg_ts_parser where prsname='default')); select ddlx_create((select oid from pg_ts_template where tmplname='simple'));