\pset null _null_ \pset format unaligned SET client_min_messages = warning; SET ROLE postgres; create type test_type_e as enum ('foo','bar','baz','qux'); comment on type test_type_e is 'my enum'; select ddlx_script('test_type_e'::regtype,'{owner}'); ddlx_script BEGIN; /* DROP TYPE test_type_e; */ CREATE TYPE test_type_e AS ENUM ( 'foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux' ); COMMENT ON TYPE test_type_e IS 'my enum'; ALTER TYPE test_type_e OWNER TO postgres; END; (1 row) create domain test_type_d numeric(10,2) check(value is not null) check(value>6) default 7; comment on type test_type_d is 'my domain'; select ddlx_script('test_type_d'::regtype,'{owner}'); ddlx_script BEGIN; /* DROP DOMAIN test_type_d; */ CREATE DOMAIN test_type_d AS numeric(10,2) CHECK ((VALUE IS NOT NULL)) CHECK ((VALUE > (6)::numeric)) DEFAULT 7; COMMENT ON DOMAIN test_type_d IS 'my domain'; ALTER DOMAIN test_type_d OWNER TO postgres; END; (1 row) create type test_type_c as (i integer, t text, d test_type_d); comment on type test_type_c is 'my class type'; comment on column test_type_c.i is 'my class class column i'; select classid::regclass, sql_kind, sql_identifier from ddlx_identify('test_type_c'::regtype); classid|sql_kind|sql_identifier pg_type|TYPE|test_type_c (1 row) select classid::regclass, sql_kind, sql_identifier from ddlx_identify('test_type_c'::regclass); classid|sql_kind|sql_identifier pg_type|TYPE|test_type_c (1 row) select ddlx_script('test_type_c'::regtype); ddlx_script BEGIN; /* DROP TYPE test_type_c; */ -- Type: TYPE ; Name: test_type_c; Owner: postgres CREATE TYPE test_type_c AS ( i integer, t text, d test_type_d ); COMMENT ON COLUMN test_type_c.i IS 'my class class column i'; COMMENT ON TYPE test_type_c IS 'my class type'; END; (1 row) select ddlx_script('test_type_c'::regclass); ddlx_script BEGIN; /* DROP TYPE test_type_c; */ -- Type: TYPE ; Name: test_type_c; Owner: postgres CREATE TYPE test_type_c AS ( i integer, t text, d test_type_d ); COMMENT ON COLUMN test_type_c.i IS 'my class class column i'; COMMENT ON TYPE test_type_c IS 'my class type'; END; (1 row) create domain test_collation_d text collate "C" default '***'; select ddlx_script('test_collation_d'::regtype); ddlx_script BEGIN; /* DROP DOMAIN test_collation_d; */ CREATE DOMAIN test_collation_d AS text COLLATE "C" DEFAULT '***'::text; END; (1 row) create type int_t; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION int_t4in(cstring) RETURNS int_t LANGUAGE internal IMMUTABLE STRICT AS $function$int4in$function$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION int_t4out(int_t) RETURNS cstring LANGUAGE internal IMMUTABLE STRICT AS $function$int4out$function$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION int_t4send(int_t) RETURNS bytea LANGUAGE internal IMMUTABLE STRICT AS $function$int4send$function$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION int_t4recv(internal) RETURNS int_t LANGUAGE internal IMMUTABLE STRICT AS $function$int4recv$function$; CREATE TYPE int_t ( INPUT = int_t4in, OUTPUT = int_t4out, SEND = int_t4send, RECEIVE = int_t4recv, INTERNALLENGTH = 4, PASSEDBYVALUE, ALIGNMENT = int4, STORAGE = plain, CATEGORY = 'N', DELIMITER = ',', COLLATABLE = false ); COMMENT ON TYPE int_t IS '-2 billion to 2 billion integer, 4-byte storage (test)'; ALTER TYPE int_t OWNER TO postgres; select ddlx_create('int_t'::regtype); ddlx_create CREATE TYPE int_t ( INPUT = int_t4in, OUTPUT = int_t4out, SEND = int_t4send, RECEIVE = int_t4recv, INTERNALLENGTH = 4, PASSEDBYVALUE, ALIGNMENT = int4, STORAGE = plain, CATEGORY = 'N', DELIMITER = ',', COLLATABLE = false ); COMMENT ON TYPE int_t IS '-2 billion to 2 billion integer, 4-byte storage (test)'; (1 row) select ddlx_script('int_t'::regtype); ddlx_script BEGIN; /* DROP FUNCTION int_t4recv(internal); DROP FUNCTION int_t4send(int_t); DROP FUNCTION int_t4out(int_t); DROP FUNCTION int_t4in(cstring); DROP TYPE int_t; */ CREATE TYPE int_t; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.int_t4in(cstring) RETURNS int_t LANGUAGE internal IMMUTABLE STRICT AS $function$int4in$function$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.int_t4out(int_t) RETURNS cstring LANGUAGE internal IMMUTABLE STRICT AS $function$int4out$function$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.int_t4send(int_t) RETURNS bytea LANGUAGE internal IMMUTABLE STRICT AS $function$int4send$function$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.int_t4recv(internal) RETURNS int_t LANGUAGE internal IMMUTABLE STRICT AS $function$int4recv$function$; CREATE TYPE int_t ( INPUT = int_t4in, OUTPUT = int_t4out, SEND = int_t4send, RECEIVE = int_t4recv, INTERNALLENGTH = 4, PASSEDBYVALUE, ALIGNMENT = int4, STORAGE = plain, CATEGORY = 'N', DELIMITER = ',', COLLATABLE = false ); COMMENT ON TYPE int_t IS '-2 billion to 2 billion integer, 4-byte storage (test)'; -- DEPENDANTS -- Type: FUNCTION ; Name: int_t4in(cstring); Owner: postgres CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.int_t4in(cstring) RETURNS int_t LANGUAGE internal IMMUTABLE STRICT AS $function$int4in$function$; REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION int_t4in(cstring) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION int_t4in(cstring) TO PUBLIC; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION int_t4in(cstring) TO postgres WITH GRANT OPTION; -- Type: FUNCTION ; Name: int_t4out(int_t); Owner: postgres CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.int_t4out(int_t) RETURNS cstring LANGUAGE internal IMMUTABLE STRICT AS $function$int4out$function$; REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION int_t4out(int_t) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION int_t4out(int_t) TO PUBLIC; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION int_t4out(int_t) TO postgres WITH GRANT OPTION; -- Type: FUNCTION ; Name: int_t4send(int_t); Owner: postgres CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.int_t4send(int_t) RETURNS bytea LANGUAGE internal IMMUTABLE STRICT AS $function$int4send$function$; REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION int_t4send(int_t) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION int_t4send(int_t) TO PUBLIC; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION int_t4send(int_t) TO postgres WITH GRANT OPTION; -- Type: FUNCTION ; Name: int_t4recv(internal); Owner: postgres CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.int_t4recv(internal) RETURNS int_t LANGUAGE internal IMMUTABLE STRICT AS $function$int4recv$function$; REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION int_t4recv(internal) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION int_t4recv(internal) TO PUBLIC; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION int_t4recv(internal) TO postgres WITH GRANT OPTION; END; (1 row) /* select replace(ddlx_create('int_t[]'::regtype),'PARALLEL SAFE ',''); select ddlx_script('daterange'::regtype); select ddlx_script('=(integer,integer)'::regoperator); select ddlx_script('=(text,text)'::regoperator); */