\pset null _null_ \pset format unaligned SET client_min_messages = warning; SET ROLE postgres; -- row level security create extension "uuid-ossp" ; create table if not exists items ( id uuid default uuid_generate_v4() not null primary key, value text, acl_read uuid[] default array[]::uuid[], acl_write uuid[] default array[]::uuid[] ); -- e.g. ('f386...5e99', 'I row and therefore I am', {'eac6...f6c9'}, {'0fdc...947f'}) create policy item_owner on items for all to postgres using ( items.acl_read && regexp_split_to_array(current_setting('jwt.claims.roles'), ',')::uuid[] or items.acl_write && regexp_split_to_array(current_setting('jwt.claims.roles'), ',')::uuid[] ) with check ( items.acl_write && regexp_split_to_array(current_setting('jwt.claims.roles'), ',')::uuid[] ); -- create index read_permissions_index on items using gin(acl_read); -- create index write_permissions_index on items using gin(acl_write); alter table items enable row level security; alter table items force row level security; select ddlx_script('items','{owner}'); ddlx_script BEGIN; /* DROP POLICY item_owner ON items; DROP TABLE items; --==>> !!! ATTENTION !!! <<==-- */ -- Type: TABLE ; Name: items; Owner: postgres CREATE TABLE items ( id uuid NOT NULL, value text, acl_read uuid[], acl_write uuid[] ); ALTER TABLE items OWNER TO postgres; ALTER TABLE items ALTER id SET DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(); ALTER TABLE items ALTER acl_read SET DEFAULT ARRAY[]::uuid[]; ALTER TABLE items ALTER acl_write SET DEFAULT ARRAY[]::uuid[]; ALTER TABLE items ADD CONSTRAINT items_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); ALTER TABLE items ENABLE ROW LEVEL SECURITY; ALTER TABLE items FORCE ROW LEVEL SECURITY; -- DEPENDANTS CREATE POLICY item_owner ON items FOR ALL TO postgres USING (acl_read && regexp_split_to_array(current_setting('jwt.claims.roles'::text), ','::text)::uuid[] OR acl_write && regexp_split_to_array(current_setting('jwt.claims.roles'::text), ','::text)::uuid[]) WITH CHECK (acl_write && regexp_split_to_array(current_setting('jwt.claims.roles'::text), ','::text)::uuid[]); END; (1 row)