\i test/sql/pg13.sql \i test/sql/pg12.sql \pset null _null_ \i test/sql/pg11.sql \pset null _null_ \pset format unaligned SET client_min_messages = warning; SET ROLE postgres; CREATE TABLE customers(cust_id bigint NOT NULL,cust_name varchar(32) NOT NULL,cust_address text, cust_country text, cust_city text) PARTITION BY LIST(cust_country); CREATE TABLE customer_ind PARTITION OF customers FOR VALUES IN ('ind'); CREATE TABLE customer_jap PARTITION OF customers FOR VALUES IN ('jap') PARTITION BY LIST(cust_city); CREATE TABLE customer_jap_tokyo PARTITION OF customer_jap FOR VALUES IN ('tokyo'); CREATE TABLE customer_jap_kyoto PARTITION OF customer_jap FOR VALUES IN ('kyoto'); CREATE TABLE customer_jap_def PARTITION OF customer_jap DEFAULT; CREATE TABLE customer_def PARTITION OF customers DEFAULT; INSERT INTO customers VALUES (2039,'Puja','Hyderabad','ind'); SELECT tableoid::regclass,* FROM customers; tableoid|cust_id|cust_name|cust_address|cust_country|cust_city customer_ind|2039|Puja|Hyderabad|ind|_null_ (1 row) SELECT * FROM customer_ind; cust_id|cust_name|cust_address|cust_country|cust_city 2039|Puja|Hyderabad|ind|_null_ (1 row) UPDATE customers SET cust_country ='jap' WHERE cust_id=2039; SELECT * FROM customer_jap; cust_id|cust_name|cust_address|cust_country|cust_city 2039|Puja|Hyderabad|jap|_null_ (1 row) select ddlx_script('customers'); ddlx_script BEGIN; /* DROP TABLE customer_jap_def; --==>> !!! ATTENTION !!! <<==-- DROP TABLE customer_jap_kyoto; --==>> !!! ATTENTION !!! <<==-- DROP TABLE customer_jap_tokyo; --==>> !!! ATTENTION !!! <<==-- DROP TABLE customer_def; --==>> !!! ATTENTION !!! <<==-- DROP TABLE customer_jap; --==>> !!! ATTENTION !!! <<==-- DROP TABLE customer_ind; --==>> !!! ATTENTION !!! <<==-- DROP TABLE customers; --==>> !!! ATTENTION !!! <<==-- */ -- Type: TABLE ; Name: customers; Owner: postgres CREATE TABLE customers ( cust_id bigint NOT NULL, cust_name character varying(32) NOT NULL, cust_address text, cust_country text, cust_city text ) PARTITION BY LIST (cust_country); -- DEPENDANTS -- Type: TABLE ; Name: customer_ind; Owner: postgres CREATE TABLE customer_ind PARTITION OF customers FOR VALUES IN ('ind'); -- Type: TABLE ; Name: customer_jap; Owner: postgres CREATE TABLE customer_jap PARTITION OF customers FOR VALUES IN ('jap') PARTITION BY LIST (cust_city); -- Type: TABLE ; Name: customer_def; Owner: postgres CREATE TABLE customer_def PARTITION OF customers DEFAULT; -- Type: TABLE ; Name: customer_jap_tokyo; Owner: postgres CREATE TABLE customer_jap_tokyo PARTITION OF customer_jap FOR VALUES IN ('tokyo'); -- Type: TABLE ; Name: customer_jap_kyoto; Owner: postgres CREATE TABLE customer_jap_kyoto PARTITION OF customer_jap FOR VALUES IN ('kyoto'); -- Type: TABLE ; Name: customer_jap_def; Owner: postgres CREATE TABLE customer_jap_def PARTITION OF customer_jap DEFAULT; END; (1 row) select ddlx_script('customer_jap'); ddlx_script BEGIN; /* DROP TABLE customer_jap_def; --==>> !!! ATTENTION !!! <<==-- DROP TABLE customer_jap_kyoto; --==>> !!! ATTENTION !!! <<==-- DROP TABLE customer_jap_tokyo; --==>> !!! ATTENTION !!! <<==-- DROP TABLE customer_jap; --==>> !!! ATTENTION !!! <<==-- */ -- Type: TABLE ; Name: customer_jap; Owner: postgres CREATE TABLE customer_jap PARTITION OF customers FOR VALUES IN ('jap') PARTITION BY LIST (cust_city); -- DEPENDANTS -- Type: TABLE ; Name: customer_jap_tokyo; Owner: postgres CREATE TABLE customer_jap_tokyo PARTITION OF customer_jap FOR VALUES IN ('tokyo'); -- Type: TABLE ; Name: customer_jap_kyoto; Owner: postgres CREATE TABLE customer_jap_kyoto PARTITION OF customer_jap FOR VALUES IN ('kyoto'); -- Type: TABLE ; Name: customer_jap_def; Owner: postgres CREATE TABLE customer_jap_def PARTITION OF customer_jap DEFAULT; END; (1 row) select ddlx_script('customer_def'); ddlx_script BEGIN; /* DROP TABLE customer_def; --==>> !!! ATTENTION !!! <<==-- */ -- Type: TABLE ; Name: customer_def; Owner: postgres CREATE TABLE customer_def PARTITION OF customers DEFAULT; END; (1 row) -- statistics CREATE TABLE test_stat ( a int primary key, b int ); CREATE STATISTICS test_stat1 (dependencies) ON a, b FROM test_stat; select ddlx_create(oid) from pg_statistic_ext where stxname='test_stat1'; ddlx_create CREATE STATISTICS public.test_stat1 (dependencies) ON a, b FROM test_stat; (1 row) select ddlx_script('test_stat'); ddlx_script BEGIN; /* DROP TABLE test_stat; --==>> !!! ATTENTION !!! <<==-- */ -- Type: TABLE ; Name: test_stat; Owner: postgres CREATE TABLE test_stat ( a integer NOT NULL, b integer ); ALTER TABLE test_stat ADD CONSTRAINT test_stat_pkey PRIMARY KEY (a); CREATE STATISTICS public.test_stat1 (dependencies) ON a, b FROM test_stat; END; (1 row) -- test hash partitioning create table dept (id int primary key) partition by hash(id) ; create table dept_1 partition of dept FOR VALUES WITH (MODULUS 10, REMAINDER 0); create table dept_2 partition of dept FOR VALUES WITH (MODULUS 10, REMAINDER 1); create table dept_3 partition of dept FOR VALUES WITH (MODULUS 10, REMAINDER 2); create table dept_4 partition of dept FOR VALUES WITH (MODULUS 10, REMAINDER 3); create table dept_5 partition of dept FOR VALUES WITH (MODULUS 10, REMAINDER 4); create table dept_6 partition of dept FOR VALUES WITH (MODULUS 10, REMAINDER 5); create table dept_7 partition of dept FOR VALUES WITH (MODULUS 10, REMAINDER 6); create table dept_8 partition of dept FOR VALUES WITH (MODULUS 10, REMAINDER 7); create table dept_9 partition of dept FOR VALUES WITH (MODULUS 10, REMAINDER 8); create table dept_10 partition of dept FOR VALUES WITH (MODULUS 10, REMAINDER 9); select ddlx_script('dept'); ddlx_script BEGIN; /* DROP TABLE dept_10; --==>> !!! ATTENTION !!! <<==-- DROP TABLE dept_9; --==>> !!! ATTENTION !!! <<==-- DROP TABLE dept_8; --==>> !!! ATTENTION !!! <<==-- DROP TABLE dept_7; --==>> !!! ATTENTION !!! <<==-- DROP TABLE dept_6; --==>> !!! ATTENTION !!! <<==-- DROP TABLE dept_5; --==>> !!! ATTENTION !!! <<==-- DROP TABLE dept_4; --==>> !!! ATTENTION !!! <<==-- DROP TABLE dept_3; --==>> !!! ATTENTION !!! <<==-- DROP TABLE dept_2; --==>> !!! ATTENTION !!! <<==-- DROP TABLE dept_1; --==>> !!! ATTENTION !!! <<==-- DROP TABLE dept; --==>> !!! ATTENTION !!! <<==-- */ -- Type: TABLE ; Name: dept; Owner: postgres CREATE TABLE dept ( id integer NOT NULL ) PARTITION BY HASH (id); ALTER TABLE dept ADD CONSTRAINT dept_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id); -- DEPENDANTS -- Type: TABLE ; Name: dept_1; Owner: postgres CREATE TABLE dept_1 PARTITION OF dept FOR VALUES WITH (modulus 10, remainder 0); -- Type: TABLE ; Name: dept_2; Owner: postgres CREATE TABLE dept_2 PARTITION OF dept FOR VALUES WITH (modulus 10, remainder 1); -- Type: TABLE ; Name: dept_3; Owner: postgres CREATE TABLE dept_3 PARTITION OF dept FOR VALUES WITH (modulus 10, remainder 2); -- Type: TABLE ; Name: dept_4; Owner: postgres CREATE TABLE dept_4 PARTITION OF dept FOR VALUES WITH (modulus 10, remainder 3); -- Type: TABLE ; Name: dept_5; Owner: postgres CREATE TABLE dept_5 PARTITION OF dept FOR VALUES WITH (modulus 10, remainder 4); -- Type: TABLE ; Name: dept_6; Owner: postgres CREATE TABLE dept_6 PARTITION OF dept FOR VALUES WITH (modulus 10, remainder 5); -- Type: TABLE ; Name: dept_7; Owner: postgres CREATE TABLE dept_7 PARTITION OF dept FOR VALUES WITH (modulus 10, remainder 6); -- Type: TABLE ; Name: dept_8; Owner: postgres CREATE TABLE dept_8 PARTITION OF dept FOR VALUES WITH (modulus 10, remainder 7); -- Type: TABLE ; Name: dept_9; Owner: postgres CREATE TABLE dept_9 PARTITION OF dept FOR VALUES WITH (modulus 10, remainder 8); -- Type: TABLE ; Name: dept_10; Owner: postgres CREATE TABLE dept_10 PARTITION OF dept FOR VALUES WITH (modulus 10, remainder 9); END; (1 row) select ddlx_script('dept_7'); ddlx_script BEGIN; /* DROP TABLE dept_7; --==>> !!! ATTENTION !!! <<==-- */ -- Type: TABLE ; Name: dept_7; Owner: postgres CREATE TABLE dept_7 PARTITION OF dept FOR VALUES WITH (modulus 10, remainder 6); END; (1 row) -- test procedures CREATE PROCEDURE procedure1(IN p1 TEXT) AS $$ BEGIN RAISE WARNING 'Procedure Parameter: %', p1 ; END ; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql ; call procedure1('Hello, world!'); psql:test/sql/pg11.sql:60: WARNING: Procedure Parameter: Hello, world! select ddlx_script('procedure1(text)'); ddlx_script BEGIN; /* DROP PROCEDURE procedure1(text); */ -- Type: PROCEDURE ; Name: procedure1(text); Owner: postgres CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE public.procedure1(IN p1 text) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $procedure$ BEGIN RAISE WARNING 'Procedure Parameter: %', p1 ; END ; $procedure$; REVOKE ALL ON PROCEDURE procedure1(text) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT EXECUTE ON PROCEDURE procedure1(text) TO PUBLIC; GRANT EXECUTE ON PROCEDURE procedure1(text) TO postgres WITH GRANT OPTION; END; (1 row) SET client_min_messages = warning; SET ROLE postgres; create table tab_generated12 ( a integer generated by default as identity, b integer generated always as identity, c integer generated always as (a+b) stored, d integer default 42, e serial, f integer ); -- select * from ddlx_describe('tab_generated12'::regclass) d; \pset format unaligned select ddlx_script('tab_generated12'); ddlx_script BEGIN; /* ALTER TABLE tab_generated12 ALTER e DROP DEFAULT; DROP TABLE tab_generated12; --==>> !!! ATTENTION !!! <<==-- */ -- Type: TABLE ; Name: tab_generated12; Owner: postgres CREATE TABLE tab_generated12 ( a integer GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY, b integer GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY, c integer GENERATED ALWAYS AS ((a + b)) STORED, d integer, e integer NOT NULL, f integer ); ALTER TABLE tab_generated12 ALTER d SET DEFAULT 42; CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS tab_generated12_e_seq; ALTER SEQUENCE tab_generated12_e_seq OWNED BY tab_generated12.e; -- DEPENDANTS ALTER TABLE tab_generated12 ALTER e SET DEFAULT nextval('tab_generated12_e_seq'::regclass); END; (1 row) do $$ begin execute ddlx_script('tab_generated12'::regclass,'{drop,nowrap}'); end $$; create table cons1 (id serial primary key,x int, label text generated always as ('a label') stored); create table cons2 (id serial primary key,x int, label text default 'a label'); alter table cons1 add foreign key (x) references cons2; alter table cons2 add foreign key (x) references cons1; do $$ begin execute ddlx_script('cons1'::regclass,'{drop,nowrap}'); end $$; do $$ begin execute ddlx_script('cons2'::regclass,'{drop,nowrap}'); end $$; -- check rebuild of partitioned tables SET client_min_messages = notice; \pset format aligned \d List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+-----------------------+-------------------+---------- public | cons1 | table | postgres public | cons1_id_seq | sequence | postgres public | cons2 | table | postgres public | cons2_id_seq | sequence | postgres public | customer_def | table | postgres public | customer_ind | table | postgres public | customer_jap | partitioned table | postgres public | customer_jap_def | table | postgres public | customer_jap_kyoto | table | postgres public | customer_jap_tokyo | table | postgres public | customers | partitioned table | postgres public | dept | partitioned table | postgres public | dept_1 | table | postgres public | dept_10 | table | postgres public | dept_2 | table | postgres public | dept_3 | table | postgres public | dept_4 | table | postgres public | dept_5 | table | postgres public | dept_6 | table | postgres public | dept_7 | table | postgres public | dept_8 | table | postgres public | dept_9 | table | postgres public | items | table | postgres public | ref1 | table | postgres public | ref2 | table | postgres public | tab_generated12 | table | postgres public | tab_generated12_a_seq | sequence | postgres public | tab_generated12_b_seq | sequence | postgres public | tab_generated12_e_seq | sequence | postgres public | test_child | table | postgres public | test_class_f | foreign table | postgres public | test_class_m | materialized view | postgres public | test_class_r | table | postgres public | test_class_r2 | table | postgres public | test_class_r2_i_seq | sequence | postgres public | test_class_r_a_seq | sequence | postgres public | test_class_v | view | postgres public | test_class_v2 | view | postgres public | test_class_v_opt2 | view | postgres public | test_collation | table | postgres public | test_collation_id_seq | sequence | postgres public | test_parent | table | postgres public | test_parent_i_seq | sequence | postgres public | test_stat | table | postgres public | test_type_s | sequence | postgres (45 rows) select rebuild(i.name::regclass), i.sql_kind, i.sql_identifier from pg_class c, ddlx_identify(c.oid) i where relnamespace='public'::regnamespace order by c.oid; psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD TYPE test_type_c psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD SEQUENCE test_class_r2_i_seq psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD TABLE test_class_r2 psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD SEQUENCE test_type_s psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD SEQUENCE test_collation_id_seq psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD TABLE test_collation psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD SEQUENCE test_parent_i_seq psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD TABLE test_parent psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD TABLE test_child psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD TABLE ref1 psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD INDEX ref1_id_key psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD TABLE ref2 psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD FOREIGN TABLE test_class_f psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD TABLE items psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD INDEX items_pkey psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD TABLE test_class_r psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD SEQUENCE test_class_r_a_seq psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD INDEX test_class_r_b_key psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD INDEX test_class_r_pkey psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD INDEX idx1 psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD INDEX idx2 psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD INDEX idx3 psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD VIEW test_class_v psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD MATERIALIZED VIEW test_class_m psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD INDEX test_class_mi psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD VIEW test_class_v2 psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD VIEW test_class_v_opt2 psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD TABLE customers psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD TABLE customer_ind psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD TABLE customer_jap psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD TABLE customer_jap_tokyo psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD TABLE customer_jap_kyoto psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD TABLE customer_jap_def psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD TABLE customer_def psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD TABLE test_stat psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD INDEX test_stat_pkey psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD TABLE dept psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD INDEX dept_pkey psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD TABLE dept_1 psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD INDEX dept_1_pkey psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD TABLE dept_2 psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD INDEX dept_2_pkey psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD TABLE dept_3 psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD INDEX dept_3_pkey psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD TABLE dept_4 psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD INDEX dept_4_pkey psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD TABLE dept_5 psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD INDEX dept_5_pkey psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD TABLE dept_6 psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD INDEX dept_6_pkey psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD TABLE dept_7 psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD INDEX dept_7_pkey psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD TABLE dept_8 psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD INDEX dept_8_pkey psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD TABLE dept_9 psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD INDEX dept_9_pkey psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD TABLE dept_10 psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD INDEX dept_10_pkey psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD SEQUENCE tab_generated12_a_seq psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD SEQUENCE tab_generated12_b_seq psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD TABLE tab_generated12 psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD SEQUENCE tab_generated12_e_seq psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD TABLE cons1 psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD SEQUENCE cons1_id_seq psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD INDEX cons1_pkey psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD TABLE cons2 psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD SEQUENCE cons2_id_seq psql:test/sql/pg12.sql:39: NOTICE: REBUILD INDEX cons2_pkey rebuild | sql_kind | sql_identifier ---------+-------------------+----------------------- 0 | TYPE | test_type_c 0 | SEQUENCE | test_class_r2_i_seq 0 | TABLE | test_class_r2 0 | SEQUENCE | test_type_s 0 | SEQUENCE | test_collation_id_seq 0 | TABLE | test_collation 0 | SEQUENCE | test_parent_i_seq 0 | TABLE | test_parent 0 | TABLE | test_child 0 | TABLE | ref1 0 | INDEX | ref1_id_key 0 | TABLE | ref2 0 | FOREIGN TABLE | test_class_f 0 | TABLE | items 0 | INDEX | items_pkey 0 | TABLE | test_class_r 0 | SEQUENCE | test_class_r_a_seq 0 | INDEX | test_class_r_b_key 0 | INDEX | test_class_r_pkey 0 | INDEX | idx1 0 | INDEX | idx2 0 | INDEX | idx3 0 | VIEW | test_class_v 0 | MATERIALIZED VIEW | test_class_m 0 | INDEX | test_class_mi 0 | VIEW | test_class_v2 0 | VIEW | test_class_v_opt2 0 | TABLE | customers 0 | TABLE | customer_ind 0 | TABLE | customer_jap 0 | TABLE | customer_jap_tokyo 0 | TABLE | customer_jap_kyoto 0 | TABLE | customer_jap_def 0 | TABLE | customer_def 0 | TABLE | test_stat 0 | INDEX | test_stat_pkey 0 | TABLE | dept 0 | INDEX | dept_pkey 0 | TABLE | dept_1 0 | INDEX | dept_1_pkey 0 | TABLE | dept_2 0 | INDEX | dept_2_pkey 0 | TABLE | dept_3 0 | INDEX | dept_3_pkey 0 | TABLE | dept_4 0 | INDEX | dept_4_pkey 0 | TABLE | dept_5 0 | INDEX | dept_5_pkey 0 | TABLE | dept_6 0 | INDEX | dept_6_pkey 0 | TABLE | dept_7 0 | INDEX | dept_7_pkey 0 | TABLE | dept_8 0 | INDEX | dept_8_pkey 0 | TABLE | dept_9 0 | INDEX | dept_9_pkey 0 | TABLE | dept_10 0 | INDEX | dept_10_pkey 0 | SEQUENCE | tab_generated12_a_seq 0 | SEQUENCE | tab_generated12_b_seq 0 | TABLE | tab_generated12 0 | SEQUENCE | tab_generated12_e_seq 0 | TABLE | cons1 0 | SEQUENCE | cons1_id_seq 0 | INDEX | cons1_pkey 0 | TABLE | cons2 0 | SEQUENCE | cons2_id_seq 0 | INDEX | cons2_pkey (68 rows) select sql_kind,sql_identifier from ddlx_get_dependants('customers'::regclass),ddlx_identify(objid); sql_kind | sql_identifier ----------+-------------------- TABLE | customer_ind TABLE | customer_jap TABLE | customer_def TABLE | customer_jap_tokyo TABLE | customer_jap_kyoto TABLE | customer_jap_def (6 rows) \d List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+-----------------------+-------------------+---------- public | cons1 | table | postgres public | cons1_id_seq | sequence | postgres public | cons2 | table | postgres public | cons2_id_seq | sequence | postgres public | customer_def | table | postgres public | customer_ind | table | postgres public | customer_jap | partitioned table | postgres public | customer_jap_def | table | postgres public | customer_jap_kyoto | table | postgres public | customer_jap_tokyo | table | postgres public | customers | partitioned table | postgres public | dept | partitioned table | postgres public | dept_1 | table | postgres public | dept_10 | table | postgres public | dept_2 | table | postgres public | dept_3 | table | postgres public | dept_4 | table | postgres public | dept_5 | table | postgres public | dept_6 | table | postgres public | dept_7 | table | postgres public | dept_8 | table | postgres public | dept_9 | table | postgres public | items | table | postgres public | ref1 | table | postgres public | ref2 | table | postgres public | tab_generated12 | table | postgres public | tab_generated12_a_seq | sequence | postgres public | tab_generated12_b_seq | sequence | postgres public | tab_generated12_e_seq | sequence | postgres public | test_child | table | postgres public | test_class_f | foreign table | postgres public | test_class_m | materialized view | postgres public | test_class_r | table | postgres public | test_class_r2 | table | postgres public | test_class_r2_i_seq | sequence | postgres public | test_class_r_a_seq | sequence | postgres public | test_class_v | view | postgres public | test_class_v2 | view | postgres public | test_class_v_opt2 | view | postgres public | test_collation | table | postgres public | test_collation_id_seq | sequence | postgres public | test_parent | table | postgres public | test_parent_i_seq | sequence | postgres public | test_stat | table | postgres public | test_type_s | sequence | postgres (45 rows) \pset format unaligned alter view test_class_v rename column a to aardvark; select ddlx_create('test_class_v'::regclass); ddlx_create -- Type: VIEW ; Name: test_class_v; Owner: postgres CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW test_class_v AS SELECT test_class_r.a AS aardvark, test_class_r.b, test_class_r.c, test_class_r.d, test_class_r.e, test_class_r.f, test_class_r.g, test_class_r.h, test_class_r.v FROM test_class_r; GRANT SELECT ON test_class_v TO PUBLIC; (1 row) -- test compression create table complz ( label text ); alter table complz alter label set compression lz4; select ddlx_create('complz'::regclass); ddlx_create -- Type: TABLE ; Name: complz; Owner: postgres CREATE TABLE complz ( label text ); ALTER TABLE complz ALTER label SET COMPRESSION LZ4; (1 row)