-- -- DDL eXtractor functions -- version 0.27 lacanoid@ljudmila.org -- --------------------------------------------------- SET client_min_messages = warning; --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- -- Helpers for digesting system catalogs --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_identify( IN oid, OUT oid oid, OUT classid regclass, OUT name name, OUT namespace name, OUT owner name, OUT sql_kind text, OUT sql_identifier text, OUT acl aclitem[]) RETURNS record LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ WITH rel_kind(k,v) AS ( VALUES ('r','TABLE'), ('p','TABLE'), ('v','VIEW'), ('i','INDEX'), ('I','INDEX'), ('S','SEQUENCE'), ('s','SPECIAL'), ('m','MATERIALIZED VIEW'), ('c','TYPE'), ('t','TOAST'), ('f','FOREIGN TABLE') ), typ_type(k,v,v2) AS ( VALUES ('b','BASE','TYPE'), ('c','COMPOSITE','TYPE'), ('d','DOMAIN','DOMAIN'), ('e','ENUM','TYPE'), ('p','PSEUDO','TYPE'), ('r','RANGE','TYPE') ) SELECT coalesce(t.oid,c.oid), case when t.oid is not null then 'pg_type'::regclass else 'pg_class'::regclass end, c.relname AS name, n.nspname AS namespace, pg_get_userbyid(c.relowner) AS owner, coalesce(cc.v,c.relkind::text) AS sql_kind, cast($1::regclass AS text) AS sql_identifier, relacl as acl FROM pg_class c JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid=c.relnamespace LEFT JOIN pg_type t ON t.typrelid=c.oid AND t.typtype='c' AND c.relkind='c' LEFT JOIN rel_kind AS cc on cc.k = c.relkind WHERE c.oid = $1 UNION ALL SELECT p.oid,'pg_proc'::regclass, p.proname AS name, n.nspname AS namespace, pg_get_userbyid(p.proowner) AS owner, #if 11 case p.prokind when 'f' then 'FUNCTION' when 'a' then 'AGGREGATE' when 'p' then 'PROCEDURE' when 'w' then 'WINDOW FUNCTION' end #else case when p.proisagg then 'AGGREGATE' else 'FUNCTION' end #end AS sql_kind, cast($1::regprocedure AS text) AS sql_identifier, proacl as acl FROM pg_proc p JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid=p.pronamespace WHERE p.oid = $1 UNION ALL SELECT coalesce(c.oid,t.oid), case when c.oid is not null then 'pg_class'::regclass else 'pg_type'::regclass end, t.typname AS name, n.nspname AS namespace, pg_get_userbyid(t.typowner) AS owner, coalesce(cc.v,tt.v2,t.typtype::text) AS sql_kind, format_type($1,null) AS sql_identifier, #if 9.2 typacl as acl #else null as acl #end FROM pg_type t JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid=t.typnamespace LEFT JOIN typ_type AS tt ON tt.k = t.typtype LEFT JOIN pg_class AS c ON c.oid = t.typrelid AND t.typtype='c' AND c.relkind<>'c' LEFT JOIN rel_kind AS cc ON cc.k = c.relkind WHERE t.oid = $1 UNION ALL SELECT r.oid,'pg_roles'::regclass, r.rolname as name, null as namespace, null as owner, 'ROLE' as sql_kind, quote_ident(r.rolname) as sql_identifier, null as acl FROM pg_roles r WHERE r.oid = $1 UNION ALL SELECT r.oid,'pg_rewrite'::regclass, r.rulename as name, null as namespace, null as owner, 'RULE' as sql_kind, quote_ident(r.rulename)||' ON '|| cast(c.oid::regclass as text) sql_identifier, null as acl FROM pg_rewrite r JOIN pg_class c on (c.oid = r.ev_class) WHERE r.oid = $1 UNION ALL SELECT n.oid,'pg_namespace'::regclass, n.nspname as name, current_database() as namespace, pg_get_userbyid(n.nspowner) AS owner, 'SCHEMA' as sql_kind, quote_ident(n.nspname) as sql_identifier, nspacl as acl FROM pg_namespace n join pg_roles r on r.oid = n.nspowner WHERE n.oid = $1 UNION ALL SELECT con.oid,'pg_constraint'::regclass, con.conname as name, c.relname as namespace, null as owner, 'CONSTRAINT' as sql_kind, quote_ident(con.conname) ||coalesce(' ON '||cast(c.oid::regclass as text),'') as sql_identifier, null as acl FROM pg_constraint con left JOIN pg_class c ON (con.conrelid=c.oid) LEFT join ( values ('f','FOREIGN KEY'), ('c','CHECK'), ('x','EXCLUDE'), ('u','UNIQUE'), ('p','PRIMARY KEY'), ('t','TRIGGER')) as tt on tt.column1 = con.contype WHERE con.oid = $1 #if 14 AND NOT (c.relname like 'pg_%' or c.relnamespace = 'pg_catalog'::regnamespace) -- hack! #end UNION ALL SELECT t.oid,'pg_trigger'::regclass, t.tgname as name, c.relname as namespace, null as owner, 'TRIGGER' as sql_kind, format('%I ON %s',t.tgname,cast(c.oid::regclass as text)) as sql_identifier, null as acl FROM pg_trigger t join pg_class c on (t.tgrelid=c.oid) WHERE t.oid = $1 UNION ALL SELECT ad.oid,'pg_attrdef'::regclass, a.attname as name, c.relname as namespace, null as owner, 'DEFAULT' as sql_kind, format('%s.%I',cast(c.oid::regclass as text),a.attname) as sql_identifier, null as acl FROM pg_attrdef ad JOIN pg_class c ON (ad.adrelid=c.oid) JOIN pg_attribute a ON (c.oid = a.attrelid and a.attnum=ad.adnum) WHERE ad.oid = $1 UNION ALL SELECT op.oid,'pg_operator'::regclass, op.oprname as name, n.nspname as namespace, pg_get_userbyid(op.oprowner) as owner, 'OPERATOR' as sql_kind, cast(op.oid::regoperator as text) as sql_identifier, null as acl FROM pg_operator op JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid=op.oprnamespace WHERE op.oid = $1 UNION ALL SELECT cfg.oid,'pg_ts_config'::regclass, cfg.cfgname as name, n.nspname as namespace, pg_get_userbyid(cfg.cfgowner) as owner, 'TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION' as sql_kind, cast(cfg.oid::regconfig as text) as sql_identifier, null as acl FROM pg_ts_config cfg JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid=cfg.cfgnamespace WHERE cfg.oid = $1 UNION ALL SELECT dict.oid,'pg_ts_dict'::regclass, dict.dictname as name, n.nspname as namespace, pg_get_userbyid(dict.dictowner) as owner, 'TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY' as sql_kind, cast(dict.oid::regdictionary as text) as sql_identifier, null as acl FROM pg_ts_dict dict JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid=dict.dictnamespace WHERE dict.oid = $1 UNION ALL SELECT prs.oid,'pg_ts_parser'::regclass, prs.prsname as name, n.nspname as namespace, null as owner, 'TEXT SEARCH PARSER' as sql_kind, format('%s%I', quote_ident(nullif(n.nspname,current_schema()))||'.',prs.prsname) as sql_identifier, null as acl FROM pg_ts_parser prs JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid=prs.prsnamespace WHERE prs.oid = $1 UNION ALL SELECT tmpl.oid,'pg_ts_template'::regclass, tmpl.tmplname as name, n.nspname as namespace, null as owner, 'TEXT SEARCH TEMPLATE' as sql_kind, format('%s%I', quote_ident(nullif(n.nspname,current_schema()))||'.',tmpl.tmplname) as sql_identifier, null as acl FROM pg_ts_template tmpl JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid=tmpl.tmplnamespace WHERE tmpl.oid = $1 UNION ALL SELECT fdw.oid,'pg_foreign_data_wrapper'::regclass, fdw.fdwname as name, null as namespace, pg_get_userbyid(fdw.fdwowner) as owner, 'FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER' as sql_kind, quote_ident(fdw.fdwname) as sql_identifier, fdwacl as acl FROM pg_foreign_data_wrapper fdw WHERE fdw.oid = $1 UNION ALL SELECT srv.oid,'pg_foreign_server'::regclass, srv.srvname as name, null as namespace, pg_get_userbyid(srv.srvowner) as owner, 'SERVER' as sql_kind, quote_ident(srv.srvname) as sql_identifier, srvacl as acl FROM pg_foreign_server srv WHERE srv.oid = $1 UNION ALL SELECT ums.umid,'pg_user_mapping'::regclass, null as name, null as namespace, null as owner, 'USER MAPPING' as sql_kind, 'FOR '||quote_ident(ums.usename)|| ' SERVER '||quote_ident(ums.srvname) as sql_identifier, null as acl FROM pg_user_mappings ums WHERE ums.umid = $1 UNION ALL SELECT ca.oid,'pg_cast'::regclass, null as name, null as namespace, null as owner, 'CAST' as sql_kind, format('(%s AS %s)', format_type(ca.castsource,null),format_type(ca.casttarget,null)) as sql_identifier, null as acl FROM pg_cast ca WHERE ca.oid = $1 UNION ALL SELECT co.oid,'pg_collation'::regclass, co.collname as name, n.nspname as namespace, pg_get_userbyid(co.collowner) as owner, 'COLLATION' as sql_kind, format('%s%I', quote_ident(nullif(n.nspname,current_schema()))||'.',co.collname) as sql_identifier, null as acl FROM pg_collation co JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid=co.collnamespace WHERE co.oid = $1 UNION ALL SELECT co.oid,'pg_conversion'::regclass, co.conname as name, n.nspname as namespace, pg_get_userbyid(co.conowner) as owner, 'CONVERSION' as sql_kind, format('%s%I', quote_ident(nullif(n.nspname,current_schema()))||'.',co.conname) as sql_identifier, null as acl FROM pg_conversion co JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid=co.connamespace WHERE co.oid = $1 UNION ALL SELECT lan.oid,'pg_language'::regclass, lan.lanname as name, null as namespace, pg_get_userbyid(lan.lanowner) as owner, 'LANGUAGE' as sql_kind, quote_ident(lan.lanname) as sql_identifier, lan.lanacl as acl FROM pg_language lan WHERE lan.oid = $1 UNION ALL SELECT opf.oid,'pg_opfamily'::regclass, opf.opfname as name, n.nspname as namespace, pg_get_userbyid(opf.opfowner) as owner, 'OPERATOR FAMILY' as sql_kind, format('%s%I USING %I', quote_ident(nullif(n.nspname,current_schema()))||'.', opf.opfname, am.amname) as sql_identifier, null as acl FROM pg_opfamily opf JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid=opf.opfnamespace JOIN pg_am am on (am.oid=opf.opfmethod) WHERE opf.oid = $1 UNION ALL SELECT dat.oid,'pg_database'::regclass, dat.datname as name, null as namespace, pg_get_userbyid(dat.datdba) as owner, 'DATABASE' as sql_kind, quote_ident(dat.datname) as sql_identifier, dat.datacl as acl FROM pg_database dat WHERE dat.oid = $1 UNION ALL SELECT spc.oid,'pg_tablespace'::regclass, spc.spcname as name, null as namespace, pg_get_userbyid(spc.spcowner) as owner, 'TABLESPACE' as sql_kind, quote_ident(spc.spcname) as sql_identifier, spc.spcacl as acl FROM pg_tablespace spc WHERE spc.oid = $1 UNION ALL SELECT opc.oid,'pg_opclass'::regclass, opcname as name, n.nspname as namespace, pg_get_userbyid(opc.opcowner) as owner, 'OPERATOR CLASS' as sql_kind, format('%s%I USING %I', quote_ident(nullif(n.nspname,current_schema()))||'.', opc.opcname, am.amname) as sql_identifier, null as acl FROM pg_opclass opc JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid=opc.opcnamespace JOIN pg_am am ON am.oid=opc.opcmethod WHERE opc.oid = $1 UNION ALL SELECT e.oid, 'pg_extension'::regclass, e.extname AS name, e.extnamespace::text AS namespace, pg_get_userbyid(e.extowner) AS owner, 'EXTENSION'::text AS sql_kind, e.extname AS sql_identifier, NULL::aclitem[] AS acl FROM pg_extension e WHERE e.oid = $1 #if 9.3 UNION ALL SELECT evt.oid,'pg_event_trigger'::regclass, evt.evtname as name, null as namespace, pg_get_userbyid(evt.evtowner) as owner, 'EVENT TRIGGER' as sql_kind, quote_ident(evt.evtname) as sql_identifier, null as acl FROM pg_event_trigger evt WHERE evt.oid = $1 UNION ALL SELECT amproc.oid,'pg_amproc'::regclass, 'FUNCTION '||amprocnum, null as namespace, null as owner, 'AMPROC' as sql_kind, format('FUNCTION %s (%s)', amprocnum, array_to_string(array[amproclefttype,amprocrighttype]::regtype[],',')) as sql_identifier, null as acl FROM pg_amproc amproc WHERE amproc.oid = $1 UNION ALL SELECT amop.oid,'pg_amop'::regclass, 'OPERATOR '||amopstrategy, null as namespace, null as owner, 'AMOP' as sql_kind, format('OPERATOR %s (%s)', amopstrategy, array_to_string(array[amoplefttype,amoprighttype]::regtype[],',')) as sql_identifier, null as acl FROM pg_amop amop WHERE amop.oid = $1 #if 9.5 UNION ALL SELECT pol.oid,'pg_policy'::regclass, pol.polname as name, null as namespace, null as owner, 'POLICY' as sql_kind, format('%I ON %s', polname, cast(c.oid::regclass as text)) as sql_identifier, null as acl FROM pg_policy pol JOIN pg_class c on (c.oid=pol.polrelid) WHERE pol.oid = $1 UNION ALL SELECT trf.oid,'pg_transform'::regclass, null as name, null as namespace, null as owner, 'TRANSFORM' as sql_kind, format('FOR %s LANGUAGE %I', format_type(trf.trftype,null), l.lanname) as sql_identifier, null as acl FROM pg_transform trf JOIN pg_language l on (l.oid=trf.trflang) WHERE trf.oid = $1 UNION ALL SELECT am.oid,'pg_am'::regclass, am.amname as name, NULL as namespace, NULL as owner, 'ACCESS METHOD' as sql_kind, quote_ident(amname) as sql_identifier, null as acl FROM pg_am am WHERE am.oid = $1 #if 10 UNION ALL SELECT stx.oid,'pg_statistic_ext'::regclass, stx.stxname, n.nspname as namespace, pg_get_userbyid(stx.stxowner) as owner, 'STATISTICS' as sql_kind, format('%s%I',quote_ident(nullif(n.nspname,current_schema()))||'.',stx.stxname) as sql_identifier, null as acl FROM pg_statistic_ext stx join pg_namespace n on (n.oid=stxnamespace) WHERE stx.oid = $1 UNION ALL SELECT pub.oid,'pg_publication'::regclass, pub.pubname, NULL as namespace, pg_get_userbyid(pub.pubowner) as owner, 'PUBLICATION' as sql_kind, quote_ident(pub.pubname) as sql_identifier, null as acl FROM pg_publication pub WHERE pub.oid = $1 #if 14 UNION ALL SELECT sub.oid,'pg_subscription'::regclass, sub.subname, NULL as namespace, pg_get_userbyid(sub.subowner) as owner, 'SUBSCRIPTION' as sql_kind, quote_ident(sub.subname) as sql_identifier, null as acl FROM pg_subscription sub WHERE sub.oid = $1 #end $function$ strict; COMMENT ON FUNCTION ddlx_identify(oid) IS 'Identify any object by object id'; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_describe( IN regclass, IN text[] default '{}', OUT ord smallint, OUT name name, OUT type text, OUT size integer, OUT not_null boolean, OUT "default" text, OUT ident text, OUT gen text, OUT comment text, OUT primary_key name, OUT is_local boolean, OUT storage text, OUT collation text, OUT namespace name, OUT class_name name, OUT sql_identifier text, OUT relid oid, OUT options text[], OUT definition text, OUT sequence regclass, OUT compression text) RETURNS SETOF record LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ SELECT DISTINCT a.attnum AS ord, a.attname AS name, format_type(t.oid, NULL::integer) AS type, CASE WHEN (a.atttypmod - 4) > 0 THEN a.atttypmod - 4 ELSE NULL::integer END AS size, a.attnotnull AS not_null, pg_get_expr(def.adbin,def.adrelid) AS "default", #if 10 nullif(a.attidentity::text,''), #else null::text, #end #if 12 nullif(a.attgenerated::text,''), #else null::text, #end col_description(c.oid, a.attnum::integer) AS comment, con.conname AS primary_key, a.attislocal AS is_local, case when a.attstorage<>t.typstorage then case a.attstorage when 'p' then 'plain'::text when 'e' then 'external'::text when 'm' then 'main'::text when 'x' then 'extended'::text else a.attstorage::text end end as storage, nullif(col.collcollate::text,'') AS collation, s.nspname AS namespace, c.relname AS class_name, format('%s.%I',text(c.oid::regclass),a.attname) AS sql_identifier, c.oid as relid, #if 9.2 attoptions||attfdwoptions as options, #else attoptions as options, #end format('%I %s%s%s%s%s%s%s',a.attname::text,format_type(t.oid, a.atttypmod), #if 9.2 case when a.attfdwoptions is not null then ( select ' OPTIONS ( '||string_agg( quote_ident(option_name)||' '||quote_nullable(option_value), ', ')||' ) ' from pg_options_to_table(a.attfdwoptions)) end, #else null::text, #end CASE WHEN length(col.collcollate) > 0 THEN ' COLLATE ' || quote_ident(col.collcollate::text) END , #if 10 case when a.attnotnull and attidentity not in ('a','d') then ' NOT NULL' end #else case when a.attnotnull THEN ' NOT NULL' end #end , case when 'lite' ilike any($2) then ' DEFAULT ' || pg_get_expr(def.adbin,def.adrelid) end, #if 10 case when attidentity in ('a','d') then format(' GENERATED %s AS IDENTITY', case attidentity when 'a' then 'ALWAYS' when 'd' then 'BY DEFAULT' end) end #else null::text #end , #if 12 case when a.attgenerated = 's' then format(' GENERATED ALWAYS AS (%s) STORED', pg_get_expr(def.adbin,def.adrelid)) end #else null::text #end ) AS definition, pg_get_serial_sequence(c.oid::regclass::text,a.attname)::regclass as sequence, #if 14 case a.attcompression when 'l' then 'LZ4' when 'p' then 'PGLZ' end #else null #end AS compression FROM pg_class c JOIN pg_namespace s ON s.oid = c.relnamespace JOIN pg_attribute a ON c.oid = a.attrelid LEFT JOIN pg_attrdef def ON c.oid = def.adrelid AND a.attnum = def.adnum LEFT JOIN pg_constraint con ON con.conrelid = c.oid AND (a.attnum = ANY (con.conkey)) AND con.contype = 'p' LEFT JOIN pg_type t ON t.oid = a.atttypid LEFT JOIN pg_collation col ON col.oid = a.attcollation JOIN pg_namespace tn ON tn.oid = t.typnamespace LEFT JOIN pg_depend d ON def.oid = d.objid AND d.deptype='n' LEFT JOIN pg_class seq ON seq.oid = d.refobjid AND seq.relkind='S' WHERE c.relkind IN ('r','v','c','f','p') AND a.attnum > 0 AND NOT a.attisdropped AND has_table_privilege(c.oid, 'select') AND has_schema_privilege(s.oid, 'usage') AND c.oid = $1 ORDER BY s.nspname, c.relname, a.attnum; $function$ strict; COMMENT ON FUNCTION ddlx_describe(regclass, text[]) IS 'Describe columns of a class'; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_get_constraints( regclass default null, OUT namespace name, OUT class_name name, OUT constraint_name name, OUT constraint_type text, OUT constraint_definition text, OUT is_deferrable boolean, OUT initially_deferred boolean, OUT regclass oid, OUT oid oid, OUT is_local boolean) RETURNS SETOF record LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ SELECT nc.nspname AS namespace, r.relname AS class_name, c.conname AS constraint_name, case c.contype when 'c'::"char" then 'CHECK'::text when 'f'::"char" then 'FOREIGN KEY'::text when 'p'::"char" then 'PRIMARY KEY'::text when 'u'::"char" then 'UNIQUE'::text when 't'::"char" then 'TRIGGER'::text when 'x'::"char" then 'EXCLUDE'::text else c.contype::text end, pg_get_constraintdef(c.oid,true) AS constraint_definition, c.condeferrable AS is_deferrable, c.condeferred AS initially_deferred, r.oid as regclass, c.oid AS sysid, d.refobjid is null AS is_local FROM pg_constraint c JOIN pg_class r ON c.conrelid = r.oid JOIN pg_namespace nc ON nc.oid = c.connamespace JOIN pg_namespace nr ON nr.oid = r.relnamespace LEFT JOIN pg_depend d ON d.objid = c.oid AND d.deptype='P' WHERE $1 IS NULL OR r.oid=$1 $function$; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_get_rules( regclass default null, OUT namespace text, OUT class_name text, OUT rule_name text, OUT rule_event text, OUT is_instead boolean, OUT rule_definition text, OUT regclass regclass) RETURNS SETOF record LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ SELECT n.nspname::text AS namespace, c.relname::text AS class_name, r.rulename::text AS rule_name, CASE WHEN r.ev_type = '1'::"char" THEN 'SELECT'::text WHEN r.ev_type = '2'::"char" THEN 'UPDATE'::text WHEN r.ev_type = '3'::"char" THEN 'INSERT'::text WHEN r.ev_type = '4'::"char" THEN 'DELETE'::text ELSE 'UNKNOWN'::text END AS rule_event, r.is_instead, pg_get_ruledef(r.oid, true) AS rule_definition, c.oid::regclass AS regclass FROM pg_rewrite r JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = r.ev_class JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE ($1 IS NULL OR c.oid=$1) AND NOT (r.ev_type = '1'::"char" AND r.rulename = '_RETURN'::name) ORDER BY r.oid $function$; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_get_triggers( regclass default null, OUT oid oid, OUT is_constraint text, OUT trigger_name text, OUT action_order text, OUT event_manipulation text, OUT event_object_sql_identifier text, OUT action_statement text, OUT action_orientation text, OUT trigger_definition text, OUT regclass regclass, OUT regprocedure regprocedure, OUT event_object_schema text, OUT event_object_table text, OUT sql_identifier text) RETURNS SETOF record LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ SELECT t.oid, CASE t.tgisinternal WHEN true THEN 'CONSTRAINT'::text ELSE NULL::text END AS is_constraint, t.tgname::text AS trigger_name, CASE (t.tgtype::integer & 64) <> 0 WHEN true THEN 'INSTEAD'::text ELSE CASE t.tgtype::integer & 2 WHEN 2 THEN 'BEFORE'::text WHEN 0 THEN 'AFTER'::text ELSE NULL::text END END AS action_order, array_to_string(array[ case when (t.tgtype::integer & 4) <> 0 then 'INSERT' end, case when (t.tgtype::integer & 8) <> 0 then 'DELETE' end, case when (t.tgtype::integer & 16) <> 0 then 'UPDATE' end, case when (t.tgtype::integer & 32) <> 0 then 'TRUNCATE' end ],' OR ') AS event_manipulation, c.oid::regclass::text AS event_object_sql_identifier, p.oid::regprocedure::text AS action_statement, CASE t.tgtype::integer & 1 WHEN 1 THEN 'ROW'::text ELSE 'STATEMENT'::text END AS action_orientation, pg_get_triggerdef(t.oid,true) as trigger_definition, c.oid::regclass AS regclass, p.oid::regprocedure AS regprocedure, s.nspname::text AS event_object_schema, c.relname::text AS event_object_table, (quote_ident(t.tgname::text) || ' ON ') || c.oid::regclass::text AS sql_identifier FROM pg_trigger t LEFT JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = t.tgrelid LEFT JOIN pg_namespace s ON s.oid = c.relnamespace LEFT JOIN pg_proc p ON p.oid = t.tgfoid LEFT JOIN pg_namespace s1 ON s1.oid = p.pronamespace WHERE $1 IS NULL OR c.oid=$1 $function$; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_get_indexes( regclass default null, OUT oid oid, OUT namespace text, OUT class regclass, OUT name text, OUT tablespace text, OUT constraint_name text, OUT is_local boolean, OUT is_clustered boolean) RETURNS SETOF record LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ SELECT DISTINCT i.oid AS oid, n.nspname::text AS namespace, c.oid AS class, i.relname::text AS name, NULL::text AS tablespace, cc.conname::text AS constraint_name, d2.refobjid IS NULL AS is_local, x.indisclustered as is_clustered FROM pg_index x JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = x.indrelid JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace JOIN pg_class i ON i.oid = x.indexrelid JOIN pg_depend d ON d.objid = x.indexrelid LEFT JOIN pg_depend d2 ON d2.objid = x.indexrelid AND d2.deptype='P' AND d2.refclassid='pg_class'::regclass LEFT JOIN pg_constraint cc ON cc.oid = d.refobjid AND d.refclassid='pg_constraint'::regclass WHERE c.relkind in ('r','m','p') AND i.relkind in ('i','I') AND d.deptype in ('i','a') AND ($1 IS NULL OR c.oid = $1) $function$; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_get_functions( regproc default null, OUT oid oid, OUT namespace name, OUT name name, OUT comment text, OUT owner name, OUT sql_identifier text, OUT language name, OUT attributes text, OUT retset boolean, OUT is_trigger boolean, OUT returns text, OUT arguments text, OUT definition text, OUT security text, OUT is_strict text, OUT argtypes oidvector, OUT cost real, OUT rows real) RETURNS SETOF record LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ SELECT p.oid AS oid, s.nspname AS namespace, p.proname AS name, pg_description.description AS comment, u.rolname AS owner, p.oid::regprocedure::text AS sql_identifier, l.lanname AS language, CASE p.provolatile WHEN 'i'::"char" THEN 'IMMUTABLE'::text WHEN 's'::"char" THEN 'STABLE'::text WHEN 'v'::"char" THEN 'VOLATILE'::text ELSE NULL::text END AS attributes, p.proretset AS retset, p.prorettype = 'trigger'::regtype::oid AS is_trigger, text(p.prorettype::regtype) AS returns, pg_get_function_arguments(p.oid) AS arguments, -- oidvectortypes(p.proargtypes) AS argtypes, p.prosrc AS definition, CASE p.prosecdef WHEN true THEN 'DEFINER'::text ELSE 'INVOKER'::text END AS security, case p.proisstrict WHEN true THEN 'STRICT'::text ELSE NULL END AS is_strict, p.proargtypes AS proargtypes, p.procost as cost, p.prorows as rows FROM pg_proc p LEFT JOIN pg_namespace s ON s.oid = p.pronamespace LEFT JOIN pg_language l ON l.oid = p.prolang LEFT JOIN pg_roles u ON p.proowner = u.oid LEFT JOIN pg_description ON p.oid = pg_description.objoid WHERE $1 IS NULL OR p.oid = $1 $function$; ----------------------------------------------------------- -- DDL generator functions for individial object types -- ----------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_banner( name text, kind text, namespace text, owner text, extra text default null ) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ SELECT format(E'%s-- Type: %s ; Name: %s; Owner: %s\n\n', E'--\n-- ' || $5 || E'\n', $2,$1,$4) $function$; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_comment(oid, text[] default '{comments}') RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ select case when comment is not null or 'comments' ilike any($2) then format( E'COMMENT ON %s %s IS %L;\n', sql_kind, sql_identifier, comment ) else '' end from ( select obj.sql_kind, sql_identifier, case when obj.classid='pg_database'::regclass then shobj_description(oid,classid::name) when obj.classid='pg_tablespace'::regclass then shobj_description(oid,classid::name) else obj_description(oid) end as comment from ddlx_identify($1) as obj ) as c $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- -- forward declarations, will be redefined later --------------------------------------------------- /* CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_grants(oid) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ select null::text $function$; */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create(oid, text[] default '{}') RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ select null::text $function$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_function(regproc, text[] default '{}') RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ select null::text $function$; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_alter_owner(oid, text[] default '{owner}') RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ select case when 'nodcl' ilike any($2) or 'noowner' ilike any($2) or 'lite' ilike any($2) then null else case when 'owner' ilike any($2) or obj.owner is distinct from current_role then case when obj.sql_kind = 'INDEX' then null else 'ALTER '||sql_kind||' '||sql_identifier|| ' OWNER TO '||quote_ident(owner)||E';\n' end end end from ddlx_identify($1) obj $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_table(regclass, text[] default '{}') RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with obj as (select * from ddlx_identify($1)) select array_to_string(array[ 'CREATE '|| case relpersistence when 'u' then 'UNLOGGED ' when 't' then 'TEMPORARY ' else '' end || obj.sql_kind || ' ' || case when 'ine' ilike any($2) then 'IF NOT EXISTS ' else '' end || obj.sql_identifier || case when reloftype>0 then ' OF '||cast(reloftype::regtype as text) else '' end || case obj.sql_kind when 'TYPE' then ' AS' else '' end || #if 10 case when c.relispartition then ' PARTITION OF ' || (SELECT string_agg(i.inhparent::regclass::text,',') FROM pg_inherits i WHERE i.inhrelid = $1) else #end case when reloftype>0 then '' else ' (' ||coalesce(E'\n' || array_to_string(array_cat( (SELECT array_agg(' '||definition) FROM ddlx_describe($1,$2) WHERE is_local), case when 'lite' ilike any($2) and not 'noconstraints' ilike any($2) then (SELECT array_agg(' '||sql) FROM (select ('CONSTRAINT ' || quote_ident(constraint_name) || ' ' || constraint_definition) as sql from ddlx_get_constraints($1) where is_local order by constraint_type desc, constraint_name) as a) end ), E',\n') || E'\n','') || ')' end #if 10 end #end #if 10 , case when c.relpartbound is not null then pg_get_expr(c.relpartbound,c.oid,true) end #end , #if 10 case when not c.relispartition then (SELECT 'INHERITS(' || string_agg(i.inhparent::regclass::text,', ') || E')' FROM pg_inherits i WHERE i.inhrelid = $1) end #else (SELECT 'INHERITS(' || string_agg(i.inhparent::regclass::text,', ') || E')' FROM pg_inherits i WHERE i.inhrelid = $1) #end #if 10 , CASE WHEN p.partstrat IS NOT NULL THEN 'PARTITION BY ' || pg_get_partkeydef($1) END #end #unless 12 , CASE relhasoids WHEN true THEN 'WITH OIDS' END #end , E'SERVER '||quote_ident(fs.srvname)||E' OPTIONS (\n'|| (select string_agg( ' '||quote_ident(option_name)||' '||quote_nullable(option_value), E',\n') from pg_options_to_table(ft.ftoptions))||E'\n)' ],E'\n ') || E';\n' FROM pg_class c JOIN obj ON (true) LEFT JOIN pg_foreign_table ft ON (c.oid = ft.ftrelid) LEFT JOIN pg_foreign_server fs ON (ft.ftserver = fs.oid) #if 10 LEFT JOIN pg_partitioned_table p ON p.partrelid = c.oid #end WHERE c.oid = $1 -- AND relkind in ('r','c') $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_view(regclass, text[] default '{}') RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ select 'CREATE '|| case relkind when 'v' THEN case when 'lite' ilike any($2) then '' else 'OR REPLACE ' end || 'VIEW ' when 'm' THEN 'MATERIALIZED VIEW ' || case when 'ine' ilike any($2) then 'IF NOT EXISTS ' else '' end end || (oid::regclass::text) || E' AS\n' || trim(';' from pg_catalog.pg_get_viewdef(oid,true)) || #if 9.3 case when relkind='m' and not relispopulated then E'\n WITH NO DATA' else E'' end || #end E';\n' FROM pg_class t WHERE oid = $1 AND relkind in ('v','m') $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_alter_sequence(regclass) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with obj as (select * from ddlx_identify($1)) select 'ALTER SEQUENCE '||(oid::regclass::text) ||E'\n INCREMENT BY '||increment ||E'\n MINVALUE '||minimum_value ||E'\n MAXVALUE '||maximum_value ||E'\n START WITH '||start_value ||E'\n '|| case cycle_option when 'YES' then 'CYCLE' else 'NO CYCLE' end ||E';\n' FROM information_schema.sequences s JOIN obj ON (true) WHERE sequence_schema = obj.namespace AND sequence_name = obj.name AND obj.sql_kind = 'SEQUENCE' $function$ strict; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_drop_sequence(regclass) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with seq as ( select sc.oid::regclass,d.refobjid::regclass, a.attrelid,a.attname, #if 10 a.attidentity #else '' #end from pg_class sc left join pg_depend d on d.objid = sc.oid and d.deptype in ('a','i') left join pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = d.refobjid AND a.attnum = d.refobjsubid where relkind='S' and sc.oid = $1 ) #if 10 select case when attidentity in ('d','a') then format(e'ALTER TABLE %s ALTER %I DROP IDENTITY;\n',attrelid::regclass,attname) else format(e'DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS %s;\n',$1::text) end #else select format(e'DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS %s;\n',$1::text) #end from seq $function$ strict; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_sequence(regclass, text[] default '{}') RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with seq as ( select sc.oid::regclass,d.refobjid::regclass, a.attrelid,a.attname, #if 10 a.attidentity #else '' #end from pg_class sc left join pg_depend d on d.objid = sc.oid and d.deptype in ('a','i') left join pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = d.refobjid AND a.attnum = d.refobjsubid where relkind='S' and sc.oid = $1 ) #if 10 select case when attidentity in ('d','a') then format(e'ALTER TABLE %s ALTER %I ADD GENERATED %s AS IDENTITY;\n', attrelid::regclass,attname, case attidentity::text when 'd' then 'BY DEFAULT' when 'a' then 'ALWAYS' else attidentity::text end) else format(e'CREATE SEQUENCE %s%s;\n', case when 'ine' ilike any($2) then 'IF NOT EXISTS ' end, $1::text) end #else select format(e'CREATE SEQUENCE %s%s;\n', case when 'ine' ilike any($2) then 'IF NOT EXISTS ' end, $1::text) #end from seq $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_type_shell(regtype) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ select format('CREATE TYPE ' || format_type(oid,null) || e';\n\n') || (select string_agg(ddlx_create_function(u,'{compact}'),'') from unnest(array[t.typinput,t.typoutput,t.typsend,t.typreceive]) as u) from pg_type t where oid = $1 $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_type_base(regtype, text[] default '{}') RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ select case when 'script' ilike any($2) then ddlx_create_type_shell($1) else '' end || 'CREATE TYPE ' || format_type($1,null) || ' (' || E'\n ' || array_to_string(array[ 'INPUT = ' || cast(t.typinput::regproc as text), 'OUTPUT = ' || cast(t.typoutput::regproc as text), 'SEND = ' || cast(nullif(t.typsend,0)::regproc as text), 'RECEIVE = ' || cast(nullif(t.typreceive,0)::regproc as text), 'TYPMOD_IN = ' || cast(nullif(t.typmodin,0)::regproc as text), 'TYPMOD_OUT = ' || cast(nullif(t.typmodout,0)::regproc as text), 'ANALYZE = ' || cast(nullif(t.typanalyze,0)::regproc as text), #if 14 'SUBSCRIPT = ' || cast(nullif(t.typsubscript,0)::regproc as text), #end 'INTERNALLENGTH = ' || case when t.typlen < 0 then 'VARIABLE' else cast(t.typlen as text) end, case when t.typbyval then 'PASSEDBYVALUE' end, 'ALIGNMENT = ' || case t.typalign when 'c' then 'char' when 's' then 'int2' when 'i' then 'int4' when 'd' then 'double' end, 'STORAGE = ' || case t.typstorage when 'p' then 'plain' when 'e' then 'external' when 'm' then 'main' when 'x' then 'extended' end, 'CATEGORY = ' || quote_nullable(t.typcategory::text), case when t.typispreferred then E'PREFERRED = true' end, case when t.typdefault is not null then E'DEFAULT = ' || quote_nullable(t.typdefault) end, case when t.typelem <> 0 then E'ELEMENT = ' || format_type(t.typelem,null) end, 'DELIMITER = ' || quote_nullable(t.typdelim::text), 'COLLATABLE = ' || case when t.typcollation <> 0 then 'true' else 'false' end ], E',\n ') || E'\n);\n\n' from pg_type t where oid = $1 $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- #if 9.2 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_type_range(regtype) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ select 'CREATE TYPE ' || format_type($1,null) || E' AS RANGE (\n ' || array_to_string(array[ 'SUBTYPE = ' || format_type(r.rngsubtype,null), 'SUBTYPE_OPCLASS = ' || quote_ident(opc.opcname), case when length(col.collcollate) > 0 then 'COLLATION = ' || quote_ident(col.collcollate::text) end, 'CANONICAL = ' || cast(nullif(r.rngcanonical,0)::regproc as text), 'SUBTYPE_DIFF = ' || cast(nullif(r.rngsubdiff,0)::regproc as text) ],E'\n ') || E'\n);\n\n' from pg_range r left join pg_opclass opc on (opc.oid=r.rngsubopc) left join pg_collation col on (col.oid=r.rngcollation) where r.rngtypid = $1 $function$ strict; #end --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_type_enum(regtype) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with ee as ( select quote_nullable(enumlabel) as label from pg_enum where enumtypid = $1 order by enumsortorder ) select 'CREATE TYPE ' || format_type($1,null) || ' AS ENUM (' || E'\n ' || string_agg(label,E',\n ') || E'\n);\n\n' from ee $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_type_domain(regtype) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with cc as ( select pg_get_constraintdef(oid) as definition from pg_constraint con where con.contypid = $1 order by oid ) select 'CREATE DOMAIN ' || format_type(t.oid,null) || E' AS ' || format_type(t.typbasetype,typtypmod) || coalesce(E'\n '||(select string_agg(definition,E'\n ') from cc),'') || case when length(col.collcollate) > 0 then E'\n COLLATE ' || quote_ident(col.collcollate::text) else '' end || coalesce(E'\n DEFAULT ' || t.typdefault, '') || E';\n\n' from pg_type t left join pg_collation col on (col.oid=t.typcollation) where t.oid = $1 $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_index(regclass,ddlx_options text[] default '{}') RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with ii as ( SELECT CASE WHEN coalesce(cc.conislocal,true) THEN '' ELSE '-- ' END || CASE d.refclassid WHEN 'pg_constraint'::regclass THEN 'ALTER TABLE ' || text(c.oid::regclass) || ' ADD CONSTRAINT ' || quote_ident(cc.conname) || ' ' || pg_get_constraintdef(cc.oid) ELSE pg_get_indexdef(i.oid) END AS indexdef FROM pg_index x JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = x.indrelid JOIN pg_class i ON i.oid = x.indexrelid JOIN pg_depend d ON d.objid = x.indexrelid LEFT JOIN pg_constraint cc ON cc.oid = d.refobjid WHERE i.oid = $1 -- AND c.relkind in ('r','m','p') AND i.relkind = 'i'::"char" ) SELECT case when 'ine' ilike any($2) then regexp_replace(indexdef,'^CREATE ([\w ]*)?INDEX','CREATE \1INDEX IF NOT EXISTS') else indexdef end || E';\n' FROM ii $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_drop_index(regclass,ddlx_options text[] default '{}') RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with ii as ( SELECT CASE WHEN coalesce(cc.conislocal,true) THEN '' ELSE '-- ' END || CASE d.refclassid WHEN 'pg_constraint'::regclass THEN 'ALTER TABLE ' || text(c.oid::regclass) || ' DROP CONSTRAINT ' || quote_ident(cc.conname) ELSE 'DROP INDEX ' || text(i.oid::regclass) END AS indexdef FROM pg_index x JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = x.indrelid JOIN pg_class i ON i.oid = x.indexrelid JOIN pg_depend d ON d.objid = x.indexrelid LEFT JOIN pg_constraint cc ON cc.oid = d.refobjid WHERE i.oid = $1 -- AND c.relkind in ('r','m','p') AND i.relkind = 'i'::"char" ) SELECT indexdef || E';\n' FROM ii $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_class(regclass, text[] default '{}') RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with obj as (select * from ddlx_identify($1)), comments as ( select 'COMMENT ON COLUMN ' || text($1) || '.' || quote_ident(name) || ' IS ' || quote_nullable(comment) || ';' as cc from ddlx_describe($1,$2) where comment IS NOT NULL ), settings as ( select 'ALTER ' || obj.sql_kind || ' ' || text($1) || ' SET (' || quote_ident(option_name)||'='||quote_nullable(option_value) ||');' as ss from pg_options_to_table((select reloptions from pg_class where oid = $1)) join obj on (true) ) select array_to_string(array[ ddlx_banner(obj.name,obj.sql_kind,obj.namespace,obj.owner) , case when obj.sql_kind in ('VIEW','MATERIALIZED VIEW') then ddlx_create_view($1,$2) when obj.sql_kind in ('TABLE','TYPE','FOREIGN TABLE') then ddlx_create_table($1,$2) when obj.sql_kind in ('SEQUENCE') then ddlx_create_sequence($1,$2) when obj.sql_kind in ('INDEX') then ddlx_create_index($1,$2) else '-- UNSUPPORTED CLASS: '||obj.sql_kind end , case when 'nocomments' ilike any($2) then '' else coalesce((select string_agg(cc,E'\n')||E'\n' from comments),'') end , coalesce(E'\n'||(select string_agg(ss,E'\n')||E'\n' from settings),'') ],'') || E'\n' from obj $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_alter_table_defaults(regclass, text[] default '{}') RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with def as ( select coalesce( string_agg( format('ALTER TABLE %s ALTER %I SET DEFAULT %s;', text($1),name,"default"), E'\n') || E'\n\n', '') as ddl from ddlx_describe($1,$2) where "default" is not null and "sequence" is null and gen is null ), seq as ( select coalesce( string_agg( case when 'script' ilike any($2) then format(e'CREATE SEQUENCE %s%s;\n%s', #if 9.5 'IF NOT EXISTS ', #else '', #end "sequence", ddlx_alter_owner("sequence",$2) ) else '' end || format(e'ALTER SEQUENCE %s OWNED BY %s;',"sequence",sql_identifier), E'\n') || E'\n\n', '') as ddl from ddlx_describe($1,$2) where "sequence" is not null and ident is null ) select case when 'lite' ilike any($2) then '' else array_to_string(array[def.ddl,seq.ddl],'') end from def,seq $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_alter_table_storage(regclass, text[] default '{}') RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with obj as (select * from ddlx_identify($1)), d as (select * from ddlx_describe($1,$2) order by name), cs as ( select coalesce( string_agg(format(E'ALTER %s %s ALTER %I SET STORAGE %s;', obj.sql_kind,obj.sql_identifier,d.name,d.storage), E'\n') || E'\n\n', '') as ddl from d, obj where d.storage is not null ), lz as ( select coalesce( string_agg(format(E'ALTER %s %s ALTER %I SET COMPRESSION %s;', obj.sql_kind,obj.sql_identifier,d.name,d.compression), E'\n') || E'\n\n', '') as ddl from d, obj where d.compression is not null ), ts as ( select case when s.oid is not null then format(E'ALTER %s %s SET TABLESPACE %I;\n\n', obj.sql_kind, obj.sql_identifier, s.spcname) else '' end as ddl from obj, pg_class c left join pg_tablespace s on (s.oid=c.reltablespace) where c.oid = $1 ) select cs.ddl || lz.ddl || ts.ddl from cs,ts,lz $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_alter_table_settings(regclass) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with obj as (select * from ddlx_identify($1)), ob as ( select coalesce(string_agg(a.ddl, E'\n') || E'\n\n', '') as ddl from ( select (select format(E'ALTER %s %s ALTER %I SET ( %s = %s );', obj.sql_kind,obj.sql_identifier,att.attname, option_name, quote_nullable(option_value)) from pg_options_to_table(att.attoptions)) as ddl from pg_attribute att, obj where attnum>0 and att.attrelid=$1 and attoptions is not null and not attisdropped order by att.attname ) as a ), os as ( select coalesce(string_agg(a2.ddl, E'\n') || E'\n\n', '') as ddl from ( select format(E'ALTER %s %s ALTER %I SET STATISTICS %s;', obj.sql_kind,obj.sql_identifier,att.attname, attstattarget) as ddl from pg_attribute att, obj where attnum>0 and att.attrelid=$1 and attstattarget>=0 and not attisdropped order by att.attname ) as a2 ) select ob.ddl || os.ddl from ob,os $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_default(oid) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ select format(E'ALTER TABLE %s ALTER %I SET DEFAULT %s;\n', cast(c.oid::regclass as text), a.attname, pg_get_expr(def.adbin,def.adrelid)) from pg_attrdef def join pg_class c on c.oid = def.adrelid join pg_attribute a on c.oid = a.attrelid and a.attnum = def.adnum and not a.attisdropped where def.oid = $1 #if 12 and a.attgenerated = '' #end $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_drop_default(oid) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ select format(E'ALTER TABLE %s ALTER %I DROP %s;\n', cast(c.oid::regclass as text), a.attname, #if 12 case when a.attgenerated <> '' then 'EXPRESSION' else 'DEFAULT' end #else 'DEFAULT' #end ) from pg_attrdef def join pg_class c on c.oid = def.adrelid join pg_attribute a on c.oid = a.attrelid and a.attnum = def.adnum and not a.attisdropped where def.oid = $1 $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_constraints(regclass, text[] default '{}') RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with cs as ( select 'ALTER TABLE ' || text(regclass(regclass)) || ' ADD CONSTRAINT ' || quote_ident(constraint_name) || E' ' || constraint_definition as sql from ddlx_get_constraints($1) gc join pg_constraint co on (co.oid = gc.oid) where is_local and (constraint_type not in ('CHECK') or not 'script' ilike any($2)) and (co.conrelid is distinct from co.confrelid or not 'script' ilike any($2)) order by constraint_type desc, constraint_name ) select coalesce(string_agg(sql,E';\n') || E';\n\n','') from cs $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_constraint(oid, text[] default '{}') RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ select case when not 'noconstraints' ilike any($2) then format( E'ALTER %s %s ADD CONSTRAINT %I\n %s;\n', case when t.oid is not null then 'DOMAIN' else 'TABLE' end, coalesce(cast(t.oid::regtype as text),cast(r.oid::regclass as text)), c.conname, pg_get_constraintdef(c.oid,true)) end from pg_constraint c left join pg_class r on (c.conrelid = r.oid) left join pg_type t on (c.contypid = t.oid) where c.oid = $1 $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_drop_constraint(oid) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ select format( E'ALTER %s %s DROP CONSTRAINT %I;\n', case when t.oid is not null then 'DOMAIN' else 'TABLE' end, coalesce(cast(t.oid::regtype as text), cast(r.oid::regclass as text)), c.conname) from pg_constraint c left join pg_class r on (c.conrelid = r.oid) left join pg_type t on (c.contypid = t.oid) where c.oid = $1 $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_rules(regclass) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ select coalesce(string_agg(rule_definition,E'\n')||E'\n\n','') from ddlx_get_rules() where regclass = $1 and rule_definition is not null $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_rule(oid) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ select case when ev_type='1' and r.rulename='_RETURN' then ddlx_create_class(c.oid) else pg_get_ruledef(r.oid) end from pg_rewrite r join pg_class c on (c.oid=r.ev_class) where r.oid = $1 $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_trigger(oid) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ select pg_get_triggerdef($1,true)|| case t.tgenabled when 'D' then format(E';\nALTER TABLE %s DISABLE TRIGGER %I', cast(t.tgrelid::regclass as text), t.tgname) when 'R' then format(E';\nALTER TABLE %s ENABLE REPLICA TRIGGER %I', cast(t.tgrelid::regclass as text), t.tgname) when 'A' then format(E';\nALTER TABLE %s ENABLE ALWAYS TRIGGER %I', cast(t.tgrelid::regclass as text), t.tgname) else '' end||E';\n' from pg_trigger t where oid = $1 $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_triggers(regclass) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with tg as ( select ddlx_create_trigger(oid) as sql from ddlx_get_triggers($1) where is_constraint is null order by trigger_name -- per SQL triggers get called in order created vs name as in PostgreSQL ) select coalesce(string_agg(sql,'')||E'\n','') from tg $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- /* CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_drop_trigger(oid) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ select format( E'DROP TRIGGER %I ON %s;\n', t.tgname,cast(c.oid::regclass as text)) from pg_trigger t join pg_class c on (t.tgrelid=c.oid) where t.oid = $1 $function$ strict; */ --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_indexes(regclass,ddlx_options text[] default '{}') RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with ii as (select * from ddlx_get_indexes($1) order by name), a as ( select coalesce(string_agg(ddlx_create_index(oid,$2),'') || E'\n' , E'') as ddl_idx from ii where constraint_name is null ), c as ( select coalesce(string_agg(format(E'CLUSTER %s USING %I;\n', class::text,name),e'\n'),'') as ddl_cluster from ii where ii.class = $1 and ii.is_clustered and not (constraint_name is not null and 'noconstraints' ilike any($2)) ) #if 10 , b as ( select coalesce(string_agg(ddlx_create(oid),'' order by oid)||E'\n', '') as ddl_stx from pg_statistic_ext where stxrelid = $1 ) select ddl_idx || case when 'lite' ilike any($2) then '' else ddl_cluster end || ddl_stx from a,b,c #else select ddl_idx || ddl_cluster from a,c #end $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_aggregate(regproc) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with obj as (select * from ddlx_identify($1)) select 'CREATE AGGREGATE ' || obj.sql_identifier || ' (' || E'\n ' || array_to_string(array[ 'SFUNC = ' || cast(a.aggtransfn::regproc as text), 'STYPE = ' || format_type(a.aggtranstype,null), #if 9.4 case when a.aggtransspace>0 then 'SSPACE = '||a.aggtransspace end, #end 'FINALFUNC = ' || cast(nullif(a.aggfinalfn,0)::regproc as text), #if 9.4 case when a.aggfinalextra then 'FINALFUNC_EXTRA' end, #if 9.6 'COMBINEFUNC = ' || cast(nullif(a.aggcombinefn,0)::regproc as text), 'SERIALFUNC = ' || cast(nullif(a.aggserialfn,0)::regproc as text), 'DESERIALFUNC = ' || cast(nullif(a.aggdeserialfn,0)::regproc as text), #end 'INITCOND = ' || quote_literal(a.agginitval), #if 9.5 'MSFUNC = ' || cast(nullif(a.aggmtransfn,0)::regproc as text), 'MINVFUNC = ' || cast(nullif(a.aggminvtransfn,0)::regproc as text), #if 9.6 case when a.aggmtranstype>0 then 'MSTYPE = '||format_type(a.aggmtranstype,null) end, #if 9.4 case when a.aggmtransspace>0 then 'MSSPACE = '||a.aggmtransspace end, 'MFINALFUNC = ' || cast(nullif(a.aggmfinalfn,0)::regproc as text), case when a.aggmfinalextra then 'MFINALFUNC_EXTRA' end, 'MINITCOND = ' || quote_literal(a.aggminitval), #if 9.6 'PARALLEL = ' || case p.proparallel when 's' then 'SAFE' when 'r' then 'RESTRICTED' when 'u' then null -- 'UNSAFE', default else quote_literal(p.proparallel::text) end, #if 9.4 case a.aggkind when 'h' then 'HYPOTHETICAL' end, #end case when a.aggsortop>0 then 'SORTOP = '||cast(a.aggsortop::regoperator as text) end ],E',\n ') || E'\n);\n' from pg_aggregate a join obj on (true) join pg_proc p on p.oid = a.aggfnoid where a.aggfnoid = $1 $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_function(regproc, text[] default '{}') RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with obj as (select * from ddlx_identify($1)) select case when 'compact' ilike any($2) then '' else ddlx_banner(sql_identifier,obj.sql_kind,namespace,owner) end || case obj.sql_kind when 'AGGREGATE' then ddlx_create_aggregate($1) else trim(trailing E'\n' from pg_get_functiondef($1)) || E';\n' end || E'\n' from obj $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- #if 9.5 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_grants(regrole, text[] default '{}') #else CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_grants_to_role(oid, text[] default '{}') #end RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with q as ( select format(E'GRANT %I TO %I%s;\n',r1.rolname, r2.rolname, case when admin_option then ' WITH ADMIN OPTION' end) as ddl1 from pg_auth_members m join pg_roles r1 on (r1.oid=m.roleid) join pg_roles r2 on (r2.oid=m.member) where (m.member = $1 or m.roleid = $1) order by m.roleid = $1, cast(r2.rolname as text), cast(r1.rolname as text) ) select coalesce(string_agg(ddl1,'')||E'\n','') from q $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_alter_role_auth(oid) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ select case when rolpassword is not null then 'ALTER ROLE '|| quote_ident(rolname)|| ' ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '||quote_literal(rolpassword) end from pg_authid where oid = $1 $function$ strict; #if 9.5 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_role(regrole) #else CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_role(oid) #end RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with q1 as ( select format(E'CREATE %s %I;\n', case when rolcanlogin then 'USER' else 'GROUP' end, rolname) as ddl from pg_roles a left join pg_shdescription d on d.objoid=a.oid where a.oid = $1 ) select ddl from q1; $function$ strict; #if 9.5 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_alter_role(regrole) #else CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_alter_role(oid) #end RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with q1 as ( select format(E'ALTER ROLE %I WITH\n %s;\n\n',rolname, array_to_string(array[ case when rolcanlogin then 'LOGIN' else 'NOLOGIN' end, case when rolsuper then 'SUPERUSER' else 'NOSUPERUSER' end, case when rolinherit then 'INHERIT' else 'NOINHERIT' end, case when rolcreatedb then 'CREATEDB' else 'NOCREATEDB' end, case when rolcreaterole then 'CREATEROLE' else 'NOCREATEROLE' end, #if 9.5 case when rolbypassrls then 'BYPASSRLS' end, #end case when rolreplication then 'REPLICATION' else 'NOREPLICATION' end ],E'\n ')) || array_to_string(array[ case when description is not null then 'COMMENT ON ROLE '||quote_ident(rolname)|| ' IS '||quote_literal(description)||E';\n' end, case when has_table_privilege('pg_catalog.pg_authid'::regclass, 'select') then ddlx_alter_role_auth(a.oid)||E';\n' end, case when rolvaliduntil is not null then 'ALTER ROLE '|| quote_ident(rolname)|| ' VALID UNTIL '||quote_nullable(rolvaliduntil)||E';\n' end, case when rolconnlimit>=0 then 'ALTER ROLE '|| quote_ident(rolname)|| ' CONNECTION LIMIT '||rolconnlimit||E';\n' end ],'') || E'\n' as ddl from pg_roles a left join pg_shdescription d on d.objoid=a.oid where a.oid = $1 ), q2 as ( select string_agg('ALTER ROLE ' || quote_ident(rolname) ||' SET '||pg_roles.rolconfig[i]||E';\n','') as ddl_config from pg_roles, generate_series( (select array_lower(rolconfig,1) from pg_roles where oid=$1), (select array_upper(rolconfig,1) from pg_roles where oid=$1) ) as generate_series(i) where oid = $1 ) select ddl||coalesce(ddl_config||E'\n','') from q1,q2; $function$ strict set datestyle = iso; --------------------------------------------------- #if 9.3 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_event_trigger(oid) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with obj as (select * from pg_event_trigger where oid = $1) select 'CREATE EVENT TRIGGER ' || quote_ident(obj.evtname) || ' ON ' || obj.evtevent || E'\n' || case when obj.evttags is not null then ' WHEN tag IN ' || (select '(' || string_agg(quote_nullable(u),', ') || ')' from unnest(obj.evttags) as u) || E'\n' else '' end || ' EXECUTE PROCEDURE ' || cast(obj.evtfoid as regprocedure) || E';\n' from obj; $function$ strict; #end --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_foreign_data_wrapper(oid) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with obj as (select * from pg_foreign_data_wrapper where oid = $1) select 'CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER ' || quote_ident(obj.fdwname) || E'\n' || case when obj.fdwhandler is not null then ' HANDLER ' || cast(obj.fdwhandler as regproc) else ' NO HANDLER' end || E'\n' || case when obj.fdwvalidator is not null then ' VALIDATOR ' || cast(obj.fdwvalidator as regproc) else ' NO VALIDATOR' end || coalesce(E'\nOPTIONS (\n'|| (select string_agg( ' '||quote_ident(option_name)||' '||quote_nullable(option_value), E',\n') from pg_options_to_table(obj.fdwoptions))||E'\n)' ,'') || E';\n' from obj; $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_server(oid, text[] default '{}') RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with obj as (select * from pg_foreign_server where oid = $1) select 'CREATE SERVER ' || case when 'ine' ilike any($2) then 'IF NOT EXISTS ' else '' end || quote_ident(obj.srvname) || coalesce(E'\nTYPE ' || quote_literal(obj.srvtype),'') || coalesce(E'\nVERSION ' || quote_literal(obj.srvversion),'') || E' FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER ' || (select quote_ident(fdwname) from pg_foreign_data_wrapper where oid = obj.srvfdw) || coalesce(E'\nOPTIONS (\n'|| (select string_agg( ' '||quote_ident(option_name)||' '||quote_nullable(option_value), E',\n') from pg_options_to_table(obj.srvoptions))||E'\n)' ,'') || E';\n' from obj; $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_user_mapping(oid, text[] default '{}') RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with obj as (select * from ddlx_identify($1)) select 'CREATE USER MAPPING ' || case when 'ine' ilike any($2) then 'IF NOT EXISTS ' else '' end || obj.sql_identifier || coalesce(E'\nOPTIONS (\n'|| (select string_agg( ' '||quote_ident(option_name)||' '||quote_nullable(option_value), E',\n') from pg_options_to_table(um.umoptions))||E'\n)' ,'') || E';\n' from obj join pg_user_mapping um ON um.oid = obj.oid; $function$ strict; #if 9.5 --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_policy(oid) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with obj as (select * from ddlx_identify($1)), pol1 as ( SELECT pol.oid, n.nspname AS schemaname, c.relname AS tablename, pol.polname AS policyname, CASE WHEN pol.polroles = '{0}'::oid[] THEN string_to_array('PUBLIC'::text, ''::text)::name[] ELSE ARRAY( SELECT pg_authid.rolname FROM pg_authid WHERE pg_authid.oid = ANY (pol.polroles) ORDER BY pg_authid.rolname) END AS roles, CASE pol.polcmd WHEN 'r'::"char" THEN 'SELECT'::text WHEN 'a'::"char" THEN 'INSERT'::text WHEN 'w'::"char" THEN 'UPDATE'::text WHEN 'd'::"char" THEN 'DELETE'::text WHEN '*'::"char" THEN 'ALL'::text ELSE NULL::text END AS cmd, #if 10 CASE pol.polpermissive WHEN true THEN 'PERMISSIVE' ELSE 'RESTRICTIVE' END AS permissive, #if 9.5 pg_get_expr(pol.polqual, pol.polrelid,true) AS qual, pg_get_expr(pol.polwithcheck, pol.polrelid,true) AS with_check FROM pg_policy pol JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = pol.polrelid LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace ) select format( E'CREATE POLICY %s\n %s;\n', obj.sql_identifier, array_to_string(array[ #if 10 'AS '||nullif(p.permissive,'PERMISSIVE'), #if 9.5 'FOR '||p.cmd, 'TO '||array_to_string(p.roles,', '), 'USING ('||p.qual||')', 'WITH CHECK ('||p.with_check||')' ],E'\n ') ) from obj join pol1 p using (oid); $function$ strict; #end #if 9.5 --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_transform(oid) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with obj as (select * from pg_transform where oid = $1) select format( E'CREATE OR REPLACE TRANSFORM %s (\n'|| E' FROM SQL WITH FUNCTION %s\n' || E' TO SQL WITH FUNCTION %s\n);\n', format('FOR %s LANGUAGE %I', format_type(obj.trftype,null), l.lanname), cast(obj.trffromsql::regprocedure as text), cast(obj.trftosql::regprocedure as text) ) from obj join pg_language l on (l.oid=obj.trflang); $function$ strict; #end #unless 10 /* #end #if 10 --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_publication(oid) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with obj as (select * from pg_publication where oid = $1) select array_to_string(array[ format(E'CREATE PUBLICATION %I %sWITH ( publish=%L%s );', obj.pubname, case when obj.puballtables then 'FOR ALL TABLES ' end, array_to_string(array[ case when obj.pubinsert then 'insert' end ,case when obj.pubupdate then 'update' end ,case when obj.pubdelete then 'delete' end #if 11 ,case when obj.pubtruncate then 'truncate' end #if 10 ],','), #if 13 case when obj.pubviaroot then ', publish_via_partition_root' end #else null #if 10 ), (select string_agg( format(E'ALTER PUBLICATION %I ADD TABLE %s%s%s;', obj.pubname, prrelid::regclass, #if 15 ' ('||(select string_agg(quote_ident(attname),',') from unnest(prattrs) u join pg_attribute a on a.attnum=u and a.attrelid=prrelid )||')', ' CHECK '||pg_get_expr(prqual,prrelid) #else null, null #if 10 ),e'\n') from pg_publication_rel where prpubid = $1 ), #if 15 (select string_agg( format(E'ALTER PUBLICATION %I ADD TABLES IN SCHEMA %s;', obj.pubname, pnnspid::regnamespace),e'\n') from pg_publication_namespace where pnpubid = $1 ) #else null #if 10 ],e'\n') || e'\n' from obj $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_subscription(oid) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with obj as (select * from pg_subscription where oid = $1) select format( E'CREATE SUBSCRIPTION %I\n CONNECTION %L\n PUBLICATION %s\n WITH (\n %s );\n', obj.subname, obj.subconninfo, array_to_string(obj.subpublications,', '), array_to_string(array[ 'connect='||quote_literal(obj.subenabled), 'slot_name='||quote_literal(obj.subslotname), 'synchronous_commit='||quote_literal(obj.subsynccommit) ],E'\n ') ) from obj $function$ strict; #end #unless 10 */ #end --------------------------------------------------- -- Grants --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_grants_columns(regclass, text[] default '{}') RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with obj as (select * from ddlx_identify($1)), e as ( select attrelid::regclass,attname, (aclexplode(attacl)).* from pg_attribute where attrelid=$1 and not attisdropped order by privilege_type,attname ), a as ( select attname, coalesce(quote_ident(r1.rolname),'PUBLIC') as grantor, coalesce(quote_ident(r2.rolname),'PUBLIC') as grantee, privilege_type, case when is_grantable then ' WITH GRANT OPTION' else '' end as grant_option from e left join pg_roles r1 on (r1.oid = e.grantor) left join pg_roles r2 on (r2.oid = e.grantee) ), b as ( select format('GRANT %s (%s) ON %s TO %s%s', privilege_type,attname,obj.sql_identifier, grantee,grant_option) as dcl from obj,a order by grantor,grantee,privilege_type,attname ) select coalesce(string_agg(dcl,E';\n')||E';\n','') from b $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_grants(regclass, text[] default '{}') RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with obj as (select * from ddlx_identify($1)), a as ( select coalesce(format( E'GRANT %s ON %s TO %s%s%s;\n', privilege_type, cast($1 as text), case grantee when 'PUBLIC' then 'PUBLIC' else quote_ident(grantee) end, case is_grantable when 'YES' then ' WITH GRANT OPTION' else '' end, ' GRANTED BY '||nullif(grantor,current_role) ), '') as ddl FROM information_schema.table_privileges g join obj on (true) WHERE table_schema=obj.namespace AND table_name=obj.name AND grantee<>obj.owner ORDER BY grantee,privilege_type,obj.name ) select coalesce(string_agg(a.ddl,''),'')|| ddlx_grants_columns($1,$2) from a $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_grants(regproc, text[] default '{}') RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with obj as (select * from ddlx_identify($1)) select format(E'REVOKE ALL ON %s %s FROM PUBLIC;\n', max(obj.sql_kind), text($1::regprocedure)) || coalesce( string_agg (format( E'GRANT %s ON %s %s TO %s%s;\n', privilege_type, obj.sql_kind, text($1::regprocedure), case grantee when 'PUBLIC' then 'PUBLIC' else quote_ident(grantee) end, case is_grantable when 'YES' then ' WITH GRANT OPTION' else '' end), ''), '') from obj, information_schema.routine_privileges g where routine_schema=obj.namespace and specific_name=obj.name||'_'||obj.oid $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_grants(oid, text[] default '{}') RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with obj as (select * from ddlx_identify($1)), a as ( select coalesce(quote_ident(r1.rolname),'PUBLIC') as grantor, coalesce(quote_ident(r2.rolname),'PUBLIC') as grantee, privilege_type, case when is_grantable then ' WITH GRANT OPTION' else '' end as grant_option from aclexplode((select acl from obj)) e left join pg_roles r1 on (r1.oid = e.grantor) left join pg_roles r2 on (r2.oid = e.grantee) ), b as ( select format('GRANT %s ON %s %s TO %s%s;', privilege_type, case obj.sql_kind when 'SERVER' then 'FOREIGN SERVER' else obj.sql_kind end, obj.sql_identifier, grantee,grant_option,grantor) as dcl from obj,a where grantee<>obj.owner order by grantor,lower(grantee),privilege_type ), c as ( select coalesce(string_agg(dcl,E'\n')||E'\n','') as grants from b ) select case obj.classid when 'pg_class'::regclass then ddlx_grants(obj.oid::regclass,$2) when 'pg_proc'::regclass then ddlx_grants(obj.oid::regproc,$2) when 'pg_roles'::regclass #if 9.5 then ddlx_grants(obj.oid::regrole,$2) #else then ddlx_grants_to_role(obj.oid,$2) #end else c.grants end from obj full join c on true $function$ strict; COMMENT ON FUNCTION ddlx_grants(oid, text[]) IS 'Get SQL GRANT statements for any object by object id'; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_language(oid) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with obj as (select * from pg_language where oid = $1) select format( E'CREATE OR REPLACE %sLANGUAGE %I%s;\n', case when obj.lanpltrusted then 'TRUSTED ' end, obj.lanname, E'\n '||nullif(array_to_string(array[ 'HANDLER ' || nullif(lanplcallfoid,0)::regproc::text, 'INLINE ' || nullif(laninline,0)::regproc::text, 'VALIDATOR ' || nullif(lanvalidator,0)::regproc::text ],' '),'') ) from obj; $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- -- Dependancy handling --------------------------------------------------- create or replace function ddlx_get_dependants( in oid, in text[] default '{}', out depth int, out classid regclass, out objid oid ) returns setof record as $$ with recursive tree(depth,classid,objid,objsubid,refclassid,refobjid,refobjsubid,deptype,edges) as ( select 1, -- dependancies case when r.oid is not null then 'pg_class'::regclass else d.classid::regclass end as classid, coalesce(r.ev_class,d.objid) as objid, d.objsubid, d.refclassid, d.refobjid,d.refobjsubid, d.deptype, array[array[d.refobjid::int,d.objid::int]] from pg_depend d left join pg_rewrite r on (r.oid = d.objid and r.ev_type = '1' and r.rulename = '_RETURN') where d.refobjid = $1 and r.ev_class is distinct from d.refobjid #if 12 union all select level, -- partitions 'pg_class'::regclass as classid, relid as objid, 0, 'pg_class'::regclass, $1, 0, 'n', array[array[$1::int,relid::int]] from pg_partition_tree($1) join pg_class c on (c.oid=relid) where parentrelid is not null and relid is distinct from $1 and c.relkind not in ('I','i') and not ('nopartitions' ilike any($2)) #end union all select depth+1, case when r.oid is not null then 'pg_class'::regclass else d.classid::regclass end as classid, coalesce(r.ev_class,d.objid) as objid, d.objsubid, d.refclassid, d.refobjid, d.refobjsubid, d.deptype, t.edges || array[array[d.refobjid::int,d.objid::int]] from tree t join pg_depend d on (d.refobjid=t.objid) left join pg_rewrite r on (r.oid = d.objid and r.ev_type = '1' and r.rulename = '_RETURN') where r.ev_class is distinct from d.refobjid and not ( t.edges @> array[array[d.refobjid::int,d.objid::int]] ) ), ddlx_get_dependants_recursive as ( select distinct depth, classid,objid,objsubid, refclassid,refobjid,refobjsubid, deptype from tree ), q as ( select distinct depth,classid,objid from ddlx_get_dependants_recursive where deptype = 'n' ) select depth,classid,objid from q where (objid,depth) in (select objid,max(depth) from q group by objid) order by depth,objid $$ language sql; --------------------------------------------------- -- Search query bodies --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_apropos( pattern text default null, OUT classid regclass, OUT objid oid, OUT sql_identifier text, OUT sql_kind text, OUT language name, OUT owner name, OUT comment text, OUT retset boolean, OUT namespace name, OUT name name, OUT source text) RETURNS SETOF record LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with rel_kind(k,v) AS ( VALUES ('r','TABLE'), ('p','TABLE'),('v','VIEW'), ('i','INDEX'), ('I','INDEX'), ('S','SEQUENCE'), ('m','MATERIALIZED VIEW'), ('c','TYPE'), ('f','FOREIGN TABLE') ) select 'pg_proc'::regclass as classid, p.oid AS objid, p.oid::regprocedure::text AS sql_identifier, #if 11 case p.prokind when 'f' then 'FUNCTION' when 'a' then 'AGGREGATE' when 'p' then 'PROCEDURE' when 'w' then 'WINDOW FUNCTION' end #else case when p.proisagg then 'AGGREGATE' else 'FUNCTION' end #end AS sql_kind, l.lanname AS language, #if 9.5 p.proowner::regrole::name #else u.rolname #end AS owner, obj_description(p.oid) AS comment, p.proretset AS retset, s.nspname AS namespace, p.proname AS name, p.prosrc AS source FROM pg_proc p JOIN pg_namespace s ON s.oid = p.pronamespace JOIN pg_language l ON l.oid = p.prolang #unless 9.5 JOIN pg_roles u ON p.proowner = u.oid #end WHERE ($1 is null OR p.oid::regprocedure::text ~ $1 OR p.prosrc ~ $1 OR obj_description(p.oid) ~ $1) AND has_schema_privilege(s.oid, 'usage') AND has_function_privilege(p.oid, 'execute') UNION SELECT 'pg_class'::regclass as classid, c.oid AS objid, c.oid::regclass::text AS sql_identifier, k.v AS sql_kind, 'sql' AS language, #if 9.5 c.relowner::regrole::name #else u.rolname #end AS owner, obj_description(c.oid) AS comment, true AS retset, s.nspname AS namespace, c.relname AS name, pg_get_viewdef(c.oid,true) AS source FROM pg_class c JOIN rel_kind k on k.k=c.relkind JOIN pg_namespace s ON s.oid = c.relnamespace #unless 9.5 JOIN pg_roles u ON c.relowner = u.oid #end WHERE ($1 is null OR c.oid::regclass::text ~ $1 OR pg_get_viewdef(c.oid,true) ~ $1 OR obj_description(c.oid) ~ $1) AND #if 9.5 s.oid<>'pg_toast'::regnamespace #else s.nspname<>'pg_toast' #end AND has_schema_privilege(s.oid, 'usage') AND has_table_privilege(c.oid, 'select') ORDER BY 2 $function$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION ddlx_apropos(text) IS 'Search definitions (functions and views) for a regular expression'; --------------------------------------------------- -- Main script generating functions --------------------------------------------------- #if 9.5 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_alter_table_rls(regclass) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ select case when c.relrowsecurity then 'ALTER TABLE '||cast($1 as text)||E' ENABLE ROW LEVEL SECURITY;\n' else '' end || case when c.relforcerowsecurity then 'ALTER TABLE '||cast($1 as text)||E' FORCE ROW LEVEL SECURITY;\n' else '' end from pg_class c where oid = $1 $function$ strict; #end --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_operator(regoper) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with obj as (select * from ddlx_identify($1)) select format( E'CREATE OPERATOR %s%s (\n%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n);\n\n', nullif(obj.namespace,current_schema())||'.', obj.name, E' PROCEDURE = ' || cast(o.oprcode::regproc as text), case when o.oprleft <> 0 then E',\n LEFTARG = ' || format_type(o.oprleft,null) end, case when o.oprright <> 0 then E',\n RIGHTARG = ' || format_type(o.oprright,null) end, case when o.oprcom <> 0 then E',\n COMMUTATOR = OPERATOR('||cast(o.oprcom::regoper as text)||')' end, case when o.oprnegate <> 0 then E',\n NEGATOR = OPERATOR('||cast(o.oprnegate::regoper as text)||')' end, case when o.oprrest <> 0 then E',\n RESTRICT = ' || cast(o.oprrest::regproc as text) end, case when o.oprjoin <> 0 then E',\n JOIN = ' || cast(o.oprjoin::regproc as text) end, case when o.oprcanhash then E',\n HASHES' end, case when o.oprcanmerge then E',\n MERGES' end ) from pg_operator o,obj where o.oid = $1 $function$ strict; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_operator(regoperator) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ select ddlx_create_operator($1::regoper) $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_text_search_config(regconfig) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with cfg as (select * from pg_ts_config where oid = $1), prs as (select * from ddlx_identify( (select p.oid from pg_ts_parser p join cfg on p.oid = cfg.cfgparser ))) select format(E'CREATE TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION %s ( PARSER = %s );\n', cast($1 as text), prs.sql_identifier) from prs; $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_text_search_dict(regdictionary) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with dict as (select * from pg_ts_dict where oid = $1), tmpl as (select * from ddlx_identify( (select t.oid from pg_ts_template t join dict on t.oid = dict.dicttemplate ))) select format(E'CREATE TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY %s\n ( TEMPLATE = %s%s );\n', cast($1 as text), tmpl.sql_identifier, ', '||dict.dictinitoption) from dict,tmpl; $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_text_search_parser(oid) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with obj as (select * from ddlx_identify($1)) select format(E'CREATE TEXT SEARCH PARSER %s (\n %s\n);\n',obj.sql_identifier, array_to_string(array[ 'START = ' || cast(nullif(p.prsstart,0)::regproc as text), 'GETTOKEN = ' || cast(nullif(p.prstoken,0)::regproc as text), 'END = ' || cast(nullif(p.prsend,0)::regproc as text), 'LEXTYPES = ' || cast(nullif(p.prslextype,0)::regproc as text), 'HEADLINE = ' || cast(nullif(p.prsheadline,0)::regproc as text) ],E',\n ') ) from pg_ts_parser as p, obj where p.oid = $1 $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_text_search_template(oid) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with obj as (select * from ddlx_identify($1)) select format(E'CREATE TEXT SEARCH TEMPLATE %s (\n %s\n);\n',obj.sql_identifier, array_to_string(array[ 'INIT = ' || cast(nullif(t.tmplinit,0)::regproc as text), 'LEXIZE = ' || cast(nullif(t.tmpllexize,0)::regproc as text) ],E',\n ') ) from pg_ts_template as t, obj where t.oid = $1 $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_cast(oid) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with obj as (select * from ddlx_identify($1)) select format(E'CREATE CAST %s\n ',obj.sql_identifier) || case when c.castmethod = 'i' then 'WITH INOUT' when c.castfunc>0 then 'WITH FUNCTION '||cast(c.castfunc::regprocedure as text) else 'WITHOUT FUNCTION' end || case c.castcontext when 'a' then E'\n AS ASSIGNMENT' when 'i' then E'\n AS IMPLICIT' else '' end || E';\n' from pg_cast as c, obj where c.oid = $1 $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_collation(oid, text[] default '{}') RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with obj as (select * from ddlx_identify($1)) select format(E'CREATE COLLATION %s%s (\n %s\n);\n', case when 'ine' ilike any($2) then 'IF NOT EXISTS ' end, obj.sql_identifier, array_to_string(array[ 'LC_COLLATE = '|| quote_nullable(collcollate), 'LC_CTYPE = ' || quote_nullable(collctype) #if 10 ,'PROVIDER = ' || case collprovider when 'i' then 'icu' -- when 'c' then 'libc' when 'd' then 'default' end #end #if 12 ,'DETERMINISTIC = ' || case when not collisdeterministic then 'false' end #end #if 10 ,'VERSION = ' || quote_literal(collversion) #end ],E',\n ') ) from pg_collation as c, obj where c.oid = $1 $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_conversion(oid) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with obj as (select * from ddlx_identify($1)) select format(E'CREATE %sCONVERSION %s\n FOR %L TO %L FROM %s;\n', case when c.condefault then 'DEFAULT ' end, obj.sql_identifier, pg_encoding_to_char(c.conforencoding), pg_encoding_to_char(c.contoencoding), cast(c.conproc::regproc as text) ) from pg_conversion as c, obj where c.oid = $1 $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- #if 9.2 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_tablespace(oid) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with obj as (select * from ddlx_identify($1)) select format(E'CREATE TABLESPACE %s%s;\n', obj.sql_identifier, ' LOCATION '||quote_literal(pg_tablespace_location(t.oid)) ) || format(E'%s', ( select string_agg(format('ALTER TABLESPACE %s SET ( %s = %s );', obj.sql_identifier, quote_ident(option_name),quote_nullable(option_value)), E'\n') as ss from pg_options_to_table(t.spcoptions) )) from pg_tablespace as t, obj where t.oid = $1 $function$ strict; #end --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_database(oid) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with obj as (select * from ddlx_identify($1)) select format(E'CREATE DATABASE %s WITH\n %s;\n\n', obj.sql_identifier, array_to_string(array[ 'ENCODING = '||pg_encoding_to_char(d.encoding), 'LC_COLLATE = '||quote_ident(d.datcollate), 'LC_CTYPE = '||quote_ident(d.datctype) ],E'\n ') ) || case when s.oid is not null then format(E'ALTER DATABASE %s SET TABLESPACE %I;\n\n', obj.sql_identifier, s.spcname) else '' end from pg_database as d left join pg_tablespace s on (s.oid=d.dattablespace), obj where d.oid = $1 $function$ strict; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_alter_database(oid) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with obj as (select * from ddlx_identify($1)) select format(E'ALTER DATABASE %s WITH ALLOW_CONNECTIONS %s;\n', obj.sql_identifier, d.datallowconn::text) || case when d.datconnlimit>0 then format(E'ALTER DATABASE %s WITH CONNECTION LIMIT %s;\n', obj.sql_identifier, d.datconnlimit) else '' end || format(E'ALTER DATABASE %s WITH IS_TEMPLATE %s;\n', obj.sql_identifier, d.datistemplate::text) || ( select coalesce(e'\n'||string_agg( 'ALTER DATABASE '||obj.sql_identifier||' SET '||cfg||';',E'\n' ) || E'\n', '') from unnest((select setconfig from pg_db_role_setting where setdatabase = $1 and setrole = 0::oid)) as cfg ) from pg_database as d left join pg_tablespace s on (s.oid=d.dattablespace), obj where d.oid = $1 $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_access_method(oid) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with obj as (select * from ddlx_identify($1)) #if 9.6 select format(E'CREATE ACCESS METHOD %I\n TYPE %s HANDLER %s;\n\n', amname, case amtype when 'i' then 'INDEX'::text else amtype::text end, cast(amhandler as regproc) ) #else select format(E'-- CREATE ACCESS METHOD %I;\n\n',amname) #end from pg_am as am, obj where am.oid = $1 $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_operator_class(oid) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with obj as (select * from ddlx_identify($1)) select format(E'CREATE OPERATOR CLASS %s\n %sFOR TYPE %s USING %I%s AS %s;\n\n', format('%s%I',quote_ident(nullif(obj.namespace,current_schema()))||'.', obj.name), case when opcdefault then 'DEFAULT ' end, format_type(opc.opcintype,null), am.amname, case when opf.opfname is distinct from opc.opcname then format(' FAMILY %I',opf.opfname) else '' end, coalesce(e'\n '||(select string_agg(l,e',\n ') from ( select format('FUNCTION %s %s',amprocnum,amproc::regprocedure) as l, 1, amprocnum from pg_amproc where amprocfamily = opc.opcfamily union all select format('OPERATOR %s %s %s',amopstrategy,amopopr::regoperator, case amoppurpose when 'o' then 'FOR ORDER BY '|| (select quote_ident(opfname) from pg_opfamily f where f.oid = amopsortfamily ) when 's' then 'FOR SEARCH' end ) as l, 0, amopstrategy from pg_amop where amopfamily = opc.opcfamily union all select format('STORAGE %s',opc.opckeytype::regtype),2,0 where opc.opckeytype <> 0 order by 2,3 ) as item),'STORAGE '||format_type(opc.opcintype,null)) ) from pg_opclass as opc join pg_am am on (am.oid=opc.opcmethod) left join pg_opfamily opf on (opf.oid=opc.opcfamily), obj where opc.oid = obj.oid $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_operator_family(oid) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with obj as (select * from ddlx_identify($1)) select format(E'CREATE OPERATOR FAMILY %s;\n', obj.sql_identifier, amname ) from pg_opfamily as opf join pg_am am on (am.oid=opf.opfmethod), obj where opf.oid = $1 $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_amproc(oid) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with a as ( select * from pg_amproc as amp join pg_opfamily opf on (opf.oid=amp.amprocfamily) join pg_am am on (am.oid=opf.opfmethod) where amp.oid = $1), f as (select * from ddlx_identify((select amprocfamily from a)) ), obj as (select * from ddlx_identify($1)) select format(E'ALTER OPERATOR FAMILY %s ADD %s %s;\n', f.sql_identifier, obj.sql_identifier, cast(a.amproc::regprocedure as text) ) from a,f,obj $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_drop_amproc(oid) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with a as ( select * from pg_amproc as amp join pg_opfamily opf on (opf.oid=amp.amprocfamily) join pg_am am on (am.oid=opf.opfmethod) where amp.oid = $1), f as (select * from ddlx_identify((select amprocfamily from a)) ), obj as (select * from ddlx_identify($1)) select format(E'ALTER OPERATOR FAMILY %s DROP %s;\n', f.sql_identifier, obj.sql_identifier ) from a,f,obj $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_amop(oid) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with a as ( select * from pg_amop as amp join pg_opfamily opf on opf.oid=amp.amopfamily join pg_am am on am.oid=opf.opfmethod where amp.oid = $1), f as (select * from ddlx_identify((select amopfamily from a)) ), obj as (select * from ddlx_identify($1)) select format(E'ALTER OPERATOR FAMILY %s ADD OPERATOR %s %s (%s) %s;\n', f.sql_identifier, amopstrategy, amopopr::regoper::text, array_to_string(array[amoplefttype,amoprighttype]::regtype[],','), case amoppurpose when 'o' then 'FOR ORDER BY '|| (select quote_ident(opfname) from pg_opfamily f where f.oid = a.amopsortfamily) when 's' then 'FOR SEARCH' end ) from a,f,obj $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_drop_amop(oid) RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with a as ( select * from pg_amop as amp join pg_opfamily opf on (opf.oid=amp.amopfamily) join pg_am am on (am.oid=opf.opfmethod) where amp.oid = $1), f as (select * from ddlx_identify((select amopfamily from a)) ), obj as (select * from ddlx_identify($1)) select format(E'ALTER OPERATOR FAMILY %s DROP %s;\n', f.sql_identifier, obj.sql_identifier ) from a,f,obj $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- #if 9.5 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_schema(regnamespace, text[] default '{}') #else CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_schema(oid, text[] default '{}') #end RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ select format(E'CREATE SCHEMA %s%I;\n', case when 'ine' ilike any($2) then 'IF NOT EXISTS ' end, n.nspname) from pg_namespace n where oid = $1 $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_extension(oid, text[] default '{}') RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ select format(E'CREATE EXTENSION %s%I%s VERSION %s;\n', case when 'ine' ilike any($2) then 'IF NOT EXISTS ' end, e.extname, ' SCHEMA '||quote_ident(nullif( #if 9.5 e.extnamespace::regnamespace::text, #else (select nspname from pg_namespace n1 where n1.oid = e.extnamespace), #end current_schema())), quote_nullable(e.extversion)) from pg_extension e where oid = $1 $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create_type(regtype, text[] default '{}') RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ select ddlx_create_class(c.oid::regclass,$2) -- type from pg_type t join pg_class c on (c.oid=t.typrelid) where t.oid = $1 and t.typtype = 'c' and c.relkind = 'c' union select ddlx_create(c.oid::regclass, $2) -- table, etc from pg_type t join pg_class c on (c.oid=t.typrelid) where t.oid = $1 and t.typtype = 'c' and c.relkind <> 'c' union select case t.typtype when 'e' then ddlx_create_type_enum(t.oid) when 'd' then ddlx_create_type_domain(t.oid) when 'b' then ddlx_create_type_base(t.oid,$2) #if 9.2 when 'r' then ddlx_create_type_range(t.oid) #end else format(E'-- UNSUPPORTED TYPE: %s\n', t.typtype) end from pg_type t where t.oid = $1 and t.typtype <> 'c' $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_definitions( in oid, in options text[] default '{}', out oid oid, out classid regclass, out sql_kind text, out sql_identifier text, out base_ddl text, out comment text, out owner text, out storage text, out defaults text, out settings text, out constraints text, out indexes text, out triggers text, out rules text, out rls text, out grants text ) RETURNS record LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with obj as (select * from ddlx_identify($1)) select obj.oid, obj.classid, obj.sql_kind, obj.sql_identifier, case obj.classid when 'pg_class'::regclass then ddlx_create_class(oid::regclass,$2) when 'pg_type'::regclass then ddlx_create_type(oid::regtype,$2) when 'pg_proc'::regclass then ddlx_create_function(oid::regproc) when 'pg_operator'::regclass then ddlx_create_operator(oid::regoper) when 'pg_opfamily'::regclass then ddlx_create_operator_family(oid) when 'pg_rewrite'::regclass then ddlx_create_rule(oid) when 'pg_ts_config'::regclass then ddlx_create_text_search_config(oid::regconfig) when 'pg_ts_dict'::regclass then ddlx_create_text_search_dict(oid::regdictionary) when 'pg_ts_parser'::regclass then ddlx_create_text_search_parser(oid) when 'pg_ts_template'::regclass then ddlx_create_text_search_template(oid) when 'pg_database'::regclass then ddlx_create_database(oid) when 'pg_constraint'::regclass then ddlx_create_constraint(oid,$2) when 'pg_trigger'::regclass then ddlx_create_trigger(oid) when 'pg_attrdef'::regclass then ddlx_create_default(oid) when 'pg_foreign_data_wrapper'::regclass then ddlx_create_foreign_data_wrapper(oid) when 'pg_foreign_server'::regclass then ddlx_create_server(oid,$2) when 'pg_user_mapping'::regclass then ddlx_create_user_mapping(oid,$2) when 'pg_cast'::regclass then ddlx_create_cast(oid) when 'pg_collation'::regclass then ddlx_create_collation(oid,$2) when 'pg_conversion'::regclass then ddlx_create_conversion(oid) when 'pg_language'::regclass then ddlx_create_language(oid) when 'pg_opclass'::regclass then ddlx_create_operator_class(oid) when 'pg_extension'::regclass then ddlx_create_extension(oid,$2) #if 9.5 when 'pg_roles'::regclass then ddlx_create_role(oid::regrole) when 'pg_namespace'::regclass then ddlx_create_schema(oid::regnamespace,$2) #else when 'pg_roles'::regclass then ddlx_create_role(oid) when 'pg_namespace'::regclass then ddlx_create_schema(oid,$2) #end #if 9.2 when 'pg_tablespace'::regclass then ddlx_create_tablespace(oid) #if 9.3 when 'pg_event_trigger'::regclass then ddlx_create_event_trigger(oid) when 'pg_amproc'::regclass then ddlx_create_amproc(oid) when 'pg_amop'::regclass then ddlx_create_amop(oid) #if 9.5 when 'pg_policy'::regclass then ddlx_create_policy(oid) when 'pg_transform'::regclass then ddlx_create_transform(oid) #if 9.6 when 'pg_am'::regclass then ddlx_create_access_method(oid) #if 10 when 'pg_statistic_ext'::regclass then pg_get_statisticsobjdef(oid)||E';\n' when 'pg_publication'::regclass then ddlx_create_publication(oid) when 'pg_subscription'::regclass then ddlx_create_subscription(oid) #end else case when obj.sql_kind is not null then format(E'-- CREATE UNSUPPORTED OBJECT: %s %s\n',text($1),sql_kind) else format(E'-- CREATE UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT: %s\n',text($1)) end end as base_ddl, ddlx_comment(oid,$2) as comment, ddlx_alter_owner(oid,$2) as owner, ddlx_alter_table_storage(oid) as storage, ddlx_alter_table_defaults(oid,$2) as defaults, case obj.sql_kind when 'ROLE' THEN ddlx_alter_role(oid) when 'DATABASE' THEN ddlx_alter_database(oid) when 'SEQUENCE' THEN ddlx_alter_sequence(oid) else ddlx_alter_table_settings(oid) end as settings, -- ddlx_alter_table_settings(oid) as settings, case when 'lite' ilike any($2) then '' else ddlx_create_constraints(oid,$2) end as constraints, ddlx_create_indexes(oid,$2) as indexes, ddlx_create_triggers(oid) as triggers, ddlx_create_rules(oid) as rules, #if 9.5 ddlx_alter_table_rls(oid) as rls, #else null::text as rls, #end ddlx_grants(oid,$2) as grants from obj $function$ strict; comment on function ddlx_definitions(oid,text[]) is 'Get individial parts of SQL definition for any object by object id'; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_alter(oid, text[] default '{}') RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with obj as (select * from ddlx_identify($1)), parts as (select * from ddlx_definitions($1,$2)) select array_to_string( array[ case when 'lite' ilike any($2) or 'nostorage' ilike any($2) then null else storage end, case when 'nodcl' ilike any($2) or 'noowner' ilike any($2) or 'lite' ilike any($2) then null else case when obj.sql_kind='TABLE' then parts.owner end || e'\n' end, defaults, case when 'lite' ilike any($2) or 'nosettings' ilike any($2) then null else settings end, case when 'lite' ilike any($2) or 'noconstraints' ilike any($2) then null else constraints end, indexes, case when 'lite' ilike any($2) or 'notriggers' ilike any($2) then null else triggers end, case when 'lite' ilike any($2) then null else rules end, case when 'lite' ilike any($2) or 'nodcl' ilike any($2) then null else rls end ],'') from obj,parts $function$ strict; COMMENT ON FUNCTION ddlx_alter(oid, text[]) IS 'Get SQL ALTER statement for any object by object id (post-data)'; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_createonly(oid, text[] default '{}') RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with obj as (select * from ddlx_identify($1)), parts as (select * from ddlx_definitions($1,$2)) select array_to_string(array[ base_ddl, case when 'nocomments' ilike any($2) then null else case when obj.sql_kind is distinct from 'DEFAULT' then parts.comment end end || e'\n', case when 'nodcl' ilike any($2) or 'noowner' ilike any($2) or 'lite' ilike any($2) then null else case when 'owner' ilike any($2) or obj.owner is distinct from current_role then parts.owner end end, case when 'lite' ilike any($2) or 'nostorage' ilike any($2) then null else storage end, defaults, case when 'lite' ilike any($2) or 'nosettings' ilike any($2) then null else settings end ],'') from obj,parts $function$ strict; COMMENT ON FUNCTION ddlx_createonly(oid, text[]) IS 'Get SQL CREATE statement for any object by object id (pre-data)'; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_create(oid, text[] default '{}') RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with obj as (select * from ddlx_identify($1)), parts as (select * from ddlx_definitions($1,$2)) select array_to_string(array[ base_ddl, case when 'nocomments' ilike any($2) then null else case when obj.sql_kind is distinct from 'DEFAULT' then parts.comment end end || e'\n', case when 'noalter' ilike any($2) then null else array_to_string(array[ case when 'nodcl' ilike any($2) or 'noowner' ilike any($2) or 'lite' ilike any($2) then null else case when 'owner' ilike any($2) or obj.owner is distinct from current_role then parts.owner end end, case when 'lite' ilike any($2) or 'nostorage' ilike any($2) then null else storage end, defaults, case when 'lite' ilike any($2) or 'nosettings' ilike any($2) then null else settings end, case when 'noconstraints' ilike any($2) then null else constraints end, indexes, case when 'lite' ilike any($2) or 'notriggers' ilike any($2) then null else triggers end, case when 'lite' ilike any($2) then null else rules end, case when 'lite' ilike any($2) or 'nodcl' ilike any($2) then null else rls end ],'') end, case when 'nodcl' ilike any($2) or 'nogrants' ilike any($2) then null else grants end ],'') from obj,parts $function$ strict; COMMENT ON FUNCTION ddlx_create(oid, text[]) IS 'Get SQL CREATE statement for any object by object id. Includes constraints, triggers, indexes...'; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_drop(oid,ddlx_options text[] default '{}') RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with obj as (select * from ddlx_identify($1)) select case obj.classid when 'pg_constraint'::regclass then ddlx_drop_constraint(oid) -- when 'pg_trigger'::regclass then ddlx_drop_trigger(oid) when 'pg_attrdef'::regclass then ddlx_drop_default(oid) when 'pg_amproc'::regclass then ddlx_drop_amproc(oid) when 'pg_amop'::regclass then ddlx_drop_amop(oid) else case when obj.sql_kind = 'SEQUENCE' then ddlx_drop_sequence(oid) when obj.sql_kind = 'INDEX' then ddlx_drop_index(oid) when obj.sql_kind is not null then format(E'DROP %s %s%s;%s\n', obj.sql_kind, case when 'ie' ilike any($2) then 'IF EXISTS ' end, obj.sql_identifier, case when obj.sql_kind = 'TABLE' then ' --==>> !!! ATTENTION !!! <<==--' end ) else format(E'-- DROP UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT: %s\n',text($1)) end end as ddl from obj $function$ strict; COMMENT ON FUNCTION ddlx_drop(oid,text[]) IS 'Get SQL DROP statement for any object by object id'; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_script_parts( IN oid, ddlx_options text[] default '{}', OUT ddl_create text, OUT ddl_drop text, OUT ddl_create_deps text, OUT ddl_drop_deps text) RETURNS record LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ with ddl as ( select row_number() over(order by gd.depth,gd.objid) as n, ddlx_drop(gd.objid,$2||'{script}'::text[]), ddlx_create(gd.objid,$2||'{script}'::text[]), gd.objid from ddlx_get_dependants($1,$2) gd left join pg_depend de on de.objid=gd.objid and de.refclassid='pg_extension'::regclass where case when 'ext' ilike any($2) then gd.classid is distinct from 'pg_extension'::regclass else de.refclassid is null end and gd.classid not in ('pg_amproc'::regclass,'pg_amop'::regclass) order by depth,objid ) select ddlx_create($1,$2||'{script}'::text[]) as ddl_create, ddlx_drop($1,$2||'{script}'::text[]) as ddl_drop, string_agg(ddlx_create,E'\n' order by n) as ddl_create_deps, string_agg(ddlx_drop,'' order by n desc) as ddl_drop_deps from ddl $function$ strict; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_script(oid, ddlx_options text[] default '{}') RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ select array_to_string(array[ case when 'nowrap' ilike any($2) then null else E'BEGIN;\n' end, case when 'nodrop' not ilike all($2) then format( case when 'drop' ilike any($2) then E'%s%s' else E'/*\n%s%s*/\n' end, ddl_drop_deps||E'\n', ddl_drop ) end, ddl_create, E'-- DEPENDANTS\n\n'||ddl_create_deps, case when 'nowrap' ilike any($2) then null else E'END;\n' end ],E'\n') from ddlx_script_parts($1,$2) $function$ strict; COMMENT ON FUNCTION ddlx_script(oid, text[]) IS 'Get SQL DDL script for any object and dependants by object id'; --------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ddlx_script(sql_identifier text, ddlx_options text[] default '{}') RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS $function$ select case when strpos($1,'(')>0 then ddlx_script(cast($1 as regprocedure)::oid, $2) else ddlx_script(( select coalesce(c.oid,t.oid) from pg_type t left join pg_class c on (c.oid=t.typrelid and t.typtype = 'c' and c.relkind <> 'c') where t.oid = cast($1 as regtype)::oid ),$2) end $function$ strict; COMMENT ON FUNCTION ddlx_script(text, text[]) IS 'Get SQL DDL script for any object and dependants by object name';