\pset null _null_ \pset format unaligned SET client_min_messages = warning; SET ROLE postgres; ------ CREATE TABLE options ( name text primary key, value text not null, regtype regtype not null default('text'::regtype) ); ALTER TABLE options SET ( parallel_workers = 2 ); select ddlx_script('options'); ------ CREATE TABLE measurement ( city_id int not null, logdate date not null, peaktemp int, unitsales int ) PARTITION BY RANGE (logdate); CREATE TABLE measurement_y2006m02 PARTITION OF measurement FOR VALUES FROM ('2006-02-01') TO ('2006-03-01'); CREATE TABLE measurement_y2006m03 PARTITION OF measurement FOR VALUES FROM ('2006-03-01') TO ('2006-04-01'); CREATE INDEX ON measurement_y2006m02 (logdate); CREATE INDEX ON measurement_y2006m03 (logdate); select ddlx_script('measurement'); ------ CREATE TABLE customers(cust_id bigint NOT NULL,cust_name varchar(32) NOT NULL,cust_address text, cust_country text) PARTITION BY LIST(cust_country); CREATE TABLE customer_ind PARTITION OF customers FOR VALUES IN ('ind'); CREATE TABLE customer_jap PARTITION OF customers FOR VALUES IN ('jap'); INSERT INTO customers VALUES (2039,'Puja','Hyderabad','ind'); SELECT tableoid::regclass,* FROM customers; SELECT * FROM customer_ind; UPDATE customers SET cust_country ='jap' WHERE cust_id=2039; SELECT * FROM customer_jap; select ddlx_script('customers'); select ddlx_script('customer_jap'); create table log ( ts timestamp, code int, t text, a boolean, d varchar collate "C", j json ) partition by range (code,date_trunc('month',ts),t collate "C",a,((code%100)/100)); select ddlx_script('log'); -- statistics CREATE TABLE test_stat ( a int primary key, b int ); CREATE STATISTICS test_stat1 (dependencies) ON a, b FROM test_stat; \x select ddlx_create(oid),ddlx_drop(oid) from pg_statistic_ext where stxname='test_stat1'; \x select ddlx_script('test_stat'); -- publication begin; create publication ddlx_test_pub for table customer_ind, customer_jap with ( publish='insert,delete' ); select ddlx_create(oid),ddlx_drop(oid) from pg_publication where pubname='ddlx_test_pub'; commit; -- drop publication ddlx_test_pub; create subscription ddlx_test_sub connection 'dbname=contrib_regression' publication ddlx_test_pub with ( connect=false ); select ddlx_create(oid),ddlx_drop(oid) from pg_subscription where subname='ddlx_test_sub'; alter subscription ddlx_test_sub set ( slot_name=none ); select ddlx_create(oid),ddlx_drop(oid) from pg_subscription where subname='ddlx_test_sub'; drop subscription ddlx_test_sub; -- generated as identity create table tab_generated ( a integer generated by default as identity, b integer generated always as identity, d integer default 42, e serial, f integer ); select ddlx_script('tab_generated');