Version 0.15 ------------ - added parameter ddlx_options text[] to a bunch of functions - bug fixes WRT dropped attributes - added ddlx_apropos(pattern) function to search queries (functions and views) matching a pattern - support for ALTER TABLE ENABLE/FORCE ROW LEVEL SECURITY - support for publications and subscriptions - pg12 test fixes Version 0.14 ------------ - improved for Postgres 12 (WITH OIDS is deprecated) Version 0.13 ------------ - support for ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN SET configurations (attoptions) - support for ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN SET STATISTICS (attstattarget) - support for materialized views WITH NO DATA - some support for tables OF type (still missing not nulls) - better handling of SERIAL columns, particularly in scripts - CLUSTER now also works for constraint indexes + name bugfix - ddlx_create(regrole) now works for non-superusers + other bugfixes - partition key now displayed correctly thanks to pg_get_partkeydef(oid) - slightly reworked some of the queries in ddlx_get_* functions to make them a lot faster :) - added tests for index fillfactor and not valid constraints - removal of obsolete pg_attrdef.adsrc - misc bug fixes: operator name, better 9.1 compatibility Version 0.12 ------------ - support CLUSTER table USING index - support for disabled triggers - support for policies (row level security) - support for statistics - support for grants on foreign data wrappers and servers - support for ALTER DATABASE SET configurations - some support for partitioning - some support for operator classes, pg_amproc, pg_amop - added new ddlx_alter_class(regclass) (internal) function, for post data DDL - more use of format() function for speed and readability - slight refactoring removing some code duplication Version 0.11 ------------ - support for column grants - support for fdw options on columns - function ddlx_get_dependants_recursive() rolled into ddlx_get_dependants() - removed redundant column 'kind' from ddlx_identify() - bug fix in create enum Version 0.10 ------------ - pg 11 compatible, but it runs on older versions from 9.1 on - fix ddlx_script(text) dependants bug - support for languages and transforms - support for databases - support for tablespaces - support for rules - support for column storage parameters - some support for access methods - some support for operator families - added column 'acl' to ddlx_identify() - new ddlx_grants(oid) function - ddlx_get_dependants_recursive() is faster - better storage parameter output in ddlx_describe() - preprocessor for specific pg version - more use of format() function for speed and readability - some code cleanup for speed and readability - bug fixes Version 0.9 ----------- - renamed extension to ddlx - API rename pg_ddlx -> ddlx (it is long enough) - support for event triggers - support for foreign data wrappers - support for foreign servers - support for foreign user mappings - support for text search configurations (regconfig) - support for text search dictionaries (regdictionary) - support for text search parsers and templates - support for casts - support for collations - support for conversions - permission fixes for non superusers - renamed pg_ddlx_get_columns function to ddlx_describe - improved script formatting - improved regression tests - bug fixes for ddlx_drop Version 0.8 ----------- - API rename pg_ddl -> pg_ddlx (think DDL eXtractor) - add pg_ddlx_create(oid) and pg_ddlx_drop(oid) functions to API - pg_ddlx_script() now also includes dependant objects and wraps the whole thing with BEGIN/END - support for regoper, regoperator - support for regnamespace (grants are missing!) - fix pg_ddlx_get_triggers() (TRUNCATE and INSTEAD supported) - more slight banner changes - more use of format() function for speed and readability Version 0.7 ----------- - pg_ddl_oid_info() renamed to pg_ddl_identify() and improved with new types - pg_ddl_script() now works for oid and text arguments - pg_ddl_script(oid) also handles constraints, triggers and defaults - slight banner change - use of format() function for speed and readability - added pg_ddl_get_dependants() internal function - aggregate support (not for ordered yet!) Version 0.6 ----------- - support for regroles - support for collations on domains - support for range types Version 0.5 ----------- - support for foreign tables - support for reloptions (alter view set) - bugfix when printing [] before typmod Version 0.4 ----------- - initial support for base types - do not dump owner grants on classes - use CREATE OR REPLACE in extension - empty index name bug fix Version 0.3 ----------- - support for column collations Version 0.2 ----------- - bug fixes - added META.json Version 0.1 ----------- - initial version