\pset null _null_ \pset format unaligned SET client_min_messages = warning; SET ROLE postgres; select ddlx_create(oid) from pg_cast where castsource = 'text'::regtype order by casttarget; select ddlx_drop(oid) from pg_cast where castsource = 'text'::regtype order by casttarget; CREATE COLLATION "POSIX++" ( LC_COLLATE = 'POSIX', LC_CTYPE = 'POSIX' ); COMMENT ON COLLATION "POSIX++" IS 'standard POSIX++ collation'; select ddlx_create(oid) from pg_collation where collname in ('POSIX++') order by collname; select ddlx_drop(oid) from pg_collation where collname in ('POSIX++') order by collname; CREATE DEFAULT CONVERSION "ascii_to_utf8++" FOR 'SQL_ASCII' TO 'UTF8' FROM ascii_to_utf8; COMMENT ON CONVERSION "ascii_to_utf8++" IS 'conversion++ for SQL_ASCII to UTF8'; select ddlx_create(oid) from pg_conversion where conname in ('ascii_to_utf8++') order by conname; select ddlx_drop(oid) from pg_conversion where conname in ('ascii_to_utf8++') order by conname; select ddlx_grants('test_class_r'::regclass::oid); create operator family opf1 using btree; comment on operator family opf1 using btree is 'A comment'; select ddlx_create(oid) from pg_opfamily where opfname='opf1'; select ddlx_drop(oid) from pg_opfamily where opfname='opf1'; create operator class opc1 for type text using btree family opf1 as storage text; select ddlx_create(oid) from pg_opclass where opcname='opc1'; select ddlx_drop(oid) from pg_opclass where opcname='opc1'; select ddlx_create_language(oid) from pg_language where lanname in ('internal','c','sql') order by lanname; -- database create database ddlx_testdb with encoding='UTF8' template=template0 lc_collate='POSIX' lc_ctype='POSIX'; comment on database ddlx_testdb is 'DDLX Test Database'; alter database ddlx_testdb owner to postgres; alter database ddlx_testdb connection limit 1234; alter database ddlx_testdb set standard_conforming_strings = true; begin; create user ddlx_test_user4; grant create on database ddlx_testdb to ddlx_test_user4 with grant option; select ddlx_create(oid) from pg_database where datname='ddlx_testdb'; abort; drop database ddlx_testdb; select ddlx_script(oid) from pg_tablespace where spcname='pg_default'; -- schema create schema ddlx_test_schema1; comment on schema ddlx_test_schema1 is 'DDLX Test Schema'; grant usage on schema ddlx_test_schema1 to public; select ddlx_create(oid) from pg_namespace where nspname='ddlx_test_schema1'; -- row level security create extension "uuid-ossp" ; create table if not exists items ( id uuid default uuid_generate_v4() not null primary key, value text, acl_read uuid[] default array[]::uuid[], acl_write uuid[] default array[]::uuid[] ); -- e.g. ('f386...5e99', 'I row and therefore I am', {'eac6...f6c9'}, {'0fdc...947f'}) create policy item_owner on items for all to postgres using ( items.acl_read && regexp_split_to_array(current_setting('jwt.claims.roles'), ',')::uuid[] or items.acl_write && regexp_split_to_array(current_setting('jwt.claims.roles'), ',')::uuid[] ) with check ( items.acl_write && regexp_split_to_array(current_setting('jwt.claims.roles'), ',')::uuid[] ); -- create index read_permissions_index on items using gin(acl_read); -- create index write_permissions_index on items using gin(acl_write); select ddlx_script('items'); -- look for unidentified objects select classid::regclass,count(*) from ( select classid,objid,ddlx_identify(objid) as obj from ddlx_get_dependants((select oid from pg_namespace where nspname='public')) d ) a where (a.obj).sql_kind is null group by classid order by 2 desc, cast(classid::regclass as text) ; -- schema 2 create schema ddlx_test_schema2; comment on schema ddlx_test_schema2 is 'DDLX Test Schema 2'; grant usage on schema ddlx_test_schema2 to public; create extension ltree schema ddlx_test_schema2; set search_path=ddlx_test_schema2,public; -- select ddlx_script(oid) from pg_namespace where nspname='ddlx_test_schema2'; set search_path=public; -- look for unidentified objects 2 select classid::regclass,count(*) from ( select classid,objid,ddlx_identify(objid) as obj from ddlx_get_dependants((select oid from pg_namespace where nspname='ddlx_test_schema2')) d ) a where (a.obj).sql_kind is null group by classid order by 2 desc, cast(classid::regclass as text) ;