-- -- Warning,this test works only on empty ddl_history table -- BEGIN; SELECT plan(6); TRUNCATE ddl_history; -- 2 CREATE TABLE foobar (id int); SELECT results_eq( 'SELECT count(*) FROM ddl_history', 'SELECT CAST(1 as bigint)' ); -- 3 ALTER TABLE foobar ADD COLUMN toto int; ALTER TABLE foobar ADD COLUMN tata text; SELECT results_eq( 'SELECT count(*) FROM ddl_history', 'SELECT CAST(3 as bigint)' ); -- 2 rows generated ALTER TABLE foobar DROP COLUMN toto; SELECT results_eq( 'SELECT count(*) FROM ddl_history', 'SELECT CAST(5 as bigint)' ); -- 3 CREATE INDEX ON foobar (tata); CREATE INDEX filax ON foobar (id, tata); DROP INDEX filax; -- COMMENT ON TABLE foobar IS 'this is a comment'; COMMENT ON COLUMN foobar.id IS 'this is a column comment'; -- SELECT results_eq( 'SELECT count(*) FROM ddl_history', 'SELECT CAST(10 as bigint)' ); -- -- Table with a primaru key -- CREATE TABLE inte_fifoo (id int PRIMARY KEY); -- 1 row for the table and one for the index SELECT results_eq( 'SELECT count(*) FROM ddl_history', 'SELECT CAST(12 as bigint)' ); -- -- Table that references another one -- CREATE TABLE inte_ref (id int PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES inte_fifoo (id) ); -- 1 row for the table and one for the index SELECT results_eq( 'SELECT count(*) FROM ddl_history', 'SELECT CAST(15 as bigint)' ); ROLLBACK;