============= dbt2-report ============= --------------- Database Test 2 --------------- :Date: @MANDATE@ :Manual section: 1 :Manual group: Database Test 2 @PROJECT_VERSION@ Documentation :Version: Database Test 2 @PROJECT_VERSION@ SYNOPSIS ======== **dbt2-report** [option...] directory DESCRIPTION =========== **dbt2-report** is a wrapper script that helps calculates the transactions rate, and may also be used to generate an HTML report, from test data collected from using the **dbt2-run** script. OPTIONS ======= --html generate HTML report --help This usage message. Or **-?**. -V, --version Output version information, then exit. NOTES ===== **dbt-report** executes **dbt2-post-process** to calculate transaction rates and **dbt2-generate-report** to create the HTML report. See the help for these scripts for additional options that are available when run directly. For example, **dbt2-post-process** has additional controls for reviewing the driver's random number generator, and **dbt2-generate-report** has additional controls for selecting a different chart rendering engine. EXAMPLES ======== Calculate the transaction rates from a **dbt2-run** test saved in the *results* directory:: dbt2 report results Generate a comprehensive HTML report from a **dbt2-run** test saved in the *results* directory:: dbt2 report --html results SEE ALSO ======== **dbt2**\ (1), **dbt2-run**\ (1)