/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ #ifndef REVERSE_PURGE_HASH_MAP_IMPL_HPP_ #define REVERSE_PURGE_HASH_MAP_IMPL_HPP_ #include #include #include #include #include "MurmurHash3.h" namespace datasketches { // clang++ seems to require this declaration for CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE='Debug" template constexpr uint32_t reverse_purge_hash_map::MAX_SAMPLE_SIZE; template reverse_purge_hash_map::reverse_purge_hash_map(uint8_t lg_cur_size, uint8_t lg_max_size, const E& equal, const A& allocator): equal_(equal), allocator_(allocator), lg_cur_size_(lg_cur_size), lg_max_size_(lg_max_size), num_active_(0), keys_(allocator_.allocate(1ULL << lg_cur_size)), values_(nullptr), states_(nullptr) { AllocV av(allocator_); values_ = av.allocate(1ULL << lg_cur_size); AllocU16 au16(allocator_); states_ = au16.allocate(1ULL << lg_cur_size); std::fill(states_, states_ + (1ULL << lg_cur_size), static_cast(0)); } template reverse_purge_hash_map::reverse_purge_hash_map(const reverse_purge_hash_map& other): equal_(other.equal_), allocator_(other.allocator_), lg_cur_size_(other.lg_cur_size_), lg_max_size_(other.lg_max_size_), num_active_(other.num_active_), keys_(allocator_.allocate(1ULL << lg_cur_size_)), values_(nullptr), states_(nullptr) { AllocV av(allocator_); values_ = av.allocate(1ULL << lg_cur_size_); AllocU16 au16(allocator_); states_ = au16.allocate(1ULL << lg_cur_size_); const uint32_t size = 1 << lg_cur_size_; if (num_active_ > 0) { auto num = num_active_; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (other.states_[i] > 0) { new (&keys_[i]) K(other.keys_[i]); values_[i] = other.values_[i]; if (--num == 0) break; } } } std::copy(other.states_, other.states_ + size, states_); } template reverse_purge_hash_map::reverse_purge_hash_map(reverse_purge_hash_map&& other) noexcept: equal_(std::move(other.equal_)), allocator_(std::move(other.allocator_)), lg_cur_size_(other.lg_cur_size_), lg_max_size_(other.lg_max_size_), num_active_(other.num_active_), keys_(nullptr), values_(nullptr), states_(nullptr) { std::swap(keys_, other.keys_); std::swap(values_, other.values_); std::swap(states_, other.states_); other.num_active_ = 0; } template reverse_purge_hash_map::~reverse_purge_hash_map() { const uint32_t size = 1 << lg_cur_size_; if (num_active_ > 0) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (is_active(i)) { keys_[i].~K(); if (--num_active_ == 0) break; } } } if (keys_ != nullptr) { allocator_.deallocate(keys_, size); } if (values_ != nullptr) { AllocV av(allocator_); av.deallocate(values_, size); } if (states_ != nullptr) { AllocU16 au16(allocator_); au16.deallocate(states_, size); } } template reverse_purge_hash_map& reverse_purge_hash_map::operator=(const reverse_purge_hash_map& other) { reverse_purge_hash_map copy(other); std::swap(equal_, copy.equal_); std::swap(allocator_, copy.allocator_); std::swap(lg_cur_size_, copy.lg_cur_size_); std::swap(lg_max_size_, copy.lg_max_size_); std::swap(num_active_, copy.num_active_); std::swap(keys_, copy.keys_); std::swap(values_, copy.values_); std::swap(states_, copy.states_); return *this; } template reverse_purge_hash_map& reverse_purge_hash_map::operator=(reverse_purge_hash_map&& other) { std::swap(equal_, other.equal_); std::swap(allocator_, other.allocator_); std::swap(lg_cur_size_, other.lg_cur_size_); std::swap(lg_max_size_, other.lg_max_size_); std::swap(num_active_, other.num_active_); std::swap(keys_, other.keys_); std::swap(values_, other.values_); std::swap(states_, other.states_); return *this; } template template V reverse_purge_hash_map::adjust_or_insert(FwdK&& key, V value) { const uint32_t num_active_before = num_active_; const uint32_t index = internal_adjust_or_insert(key, value); if (num_active_ > num_active_before) { new (&keys_[index]) K(std::forward(key)); return resize_or_purge_if_needed(); } return 0; } template V reverse_purge_hash_map::get(const K& key) const { const uint32_t mask = (1 << lg_cur_size_) - 1; uint32_t probe = fmix64(H()(key)) & mask; while (is_active(probe)) { if (E()(keys_[probe], key)) return values_[probe]; probe = (probe + 1) & mask; } return 0; } template uint8_t reverse_purge_hash_map::get_lg_cur_size() const { return lg_cur_size_; } template uint8_t reverse_purge_hash_map::get_lg_max_size() const { return lg_max_size_; } template uint32_t reverse_purge_hash_map::get_capacity() const { return static_cast((1 << lg_cur_size_) * LOAD_FACTOR); } template uint32_t reverse_purge_hash_map::get_num_active() const { return num_active_; } template const A& reverse_purge_hash_map::get_allocator() const { return allocator_; } template typename reverse_purge_hash_map::iterator reverse_purge_hash_map::begin() const { const uint32_t size = 1 << lg_cur_size_; uint32_t i = 0; while (i < size && !is_active(i)) i++; return reverse_purge_hash_map::iterator(this, i, 0); } template typename reverse_purge_hash_map::iterator reverse_purge_hash_map::end() const { return reverse_purge_hash_map::iterator(this, 1 << lg_cur_size_, num_active_); } template bool reverse_purge_hash_map::is_active(uint32_t index) const { return states_[index] > 0; } template void reverse_purge_hash_map::subtract_and_keep_positive_only(V amount) { // starting from the back, find the first empty cell, // which establishes the high end of a cluster. uint32_t first_probe = (1 << lg_cur_size_) - 1; while (is_active(first_probe)) first_probe--; // when we find the next non-empty cell, we know we are at the high end of a cluster // work towards the front, delete any non-positive entries. for (uint32_t probe = first_probe; probe-- > 0;) { if (is_active(probe)) { if (values_[probe] <= amount) { hash_delete(probe); // does the work of deletion and moving higher items towards the front num_active_--; } else { values_[probe] -= amount; } } } // now work on the first cluster that was skipped for (uint32_t probe = (1 << lg_cur_size_); probe-- > first_probe;) { if (is_active(probe)) { if (values_[probe] <= amount) { hash_delete(probe); num_active_--; } else { values_[probe] -= amount; } } } } template void reverse_purge_hash_map::hash_delete(uint32_t delete_index) { // Looks ahead in the table to search for another // item to move to this location // if none are found, the status is changed states_[delete_index] = 0; // mark as empty keys_[delete_index].~K(); uint16_t drift = 1; const uint32_t mask = (1 << lg_cur_size_) - 1; uint32_t probe = (delete_index + drift) & mask; // map length must be a power of 2 // advance until we find a free location replacing locations as needed while (is_active(probe)) { if (states_[probe] > drift) { // move current element new (&keys_[delete_index]) K(std::move(keys_[probe])); values_[delete_index] = values_[probe]; states_[delete_index] = states_[probe] - drift; states_[probe] = 0; // mark as empty keys_[probe].~K(); drift = 0; delete_index = probe; } probe = (probe + 1) & mask; drift++; // only used for theoretical analysis if (drift >= DRIFT_LIMIT) throw std::logic_error("drift: " + std::to_string(drift) + " >= DRIFT_LIMIT"); } } template uint32_t reverse_purge_hash_map::internal_adjust_or_insert(const K& key, V value) { const uint32_t mask = (1 << lg_cur_size_) - 1; uint32_t index = fmix64(H()(key)) & mask; uint16_t drift = 1; while (is_active(index)) { if (E()(keys_[index], key)) { // adjusting the value of an existing key values_[index] += value; return index; } index = (index + 1) & mask; drift++; // only used for theoretical analysis if (drift >= DRIFT_LIMIT) throw std::logic_error("drift limit reached"); } // adding the key and value to the table if (num_active_ > get_capacity()) { throw std::logic_error("num_active " + std::to_string(num_active_) + " > capacity " + std::to_string(get_capacity())); } values_[index] = value; states_[index] = drift; num_active_++; return index; } template V reverse_purge_hash_map::resize_or_purge_if_needed() { if (num_active_ > get_capacity()) { if (lg_cur_size_ < lg_max_size_) { // can grow resize(lg_cur_size_ + 1); } else { // at target size, must purge const V offset = purge(); if (num_active_ > get_capacity()) { throw std::logic_error("purge did not reduce number of active items"); } return offset; } } return 0; } template void reverse_purge_hash_map::resize(uint8_t lg_new_size) { const uint32_t old_size = 1 << lg_cur_size_; K* old_keys = keys_; V* old_values = values_; uint16_t* old_states = states_; const uint32_t new_size = 1 << lg_new_size; keys_ = allocator_.allocate(new_size); AllocV av(allocator_); values_ = av.allocate(new_size); AllocU16 au16(allocator_); states_ = au16.allocate(new_size); std::fill(states_, states_ + new_size, static_cast(0)); num_active_ = 0; lg_cur_size_ = lg_new_size; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < old_size; i++) { if (old_states[i] > 0) { adjust_or_insert(std::move(old_keys[i]), old_values[i]); old_keys[i].~K(); } } allocator_.deallocate(old_keys, old_size); av.deallocate(old_values, old_size); au16.deallocate(old_states, old_size); } template V reverse_purge_hash_map::purge() { const uint32_t limit = std::min(MAX_SAMPLE_SIZE, num_active_); uint32_t num_samples = 0; uint32_t i = 0; AllocV av(allocator_); V* samples = av.allocate(limit); while (num_samples < limit) { if (is_active(i)) { samples[num_samples++] = values_[i]; } i++; } std::nth_element(samples, samples+ (num_samples / 2), samples + num_samples); const V median = samples[num_samples / 2]; av.deallocate(samples, limit); subtract_and_keep_positive_only(median); return median; } } /* namespace datasketches */ # endif