/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ #include "hll.hpp" #include #include namespace datasketches { class HllUnionTest : public CppUnit::TestFixture { // list of values defined at bottom of file static const int nArr[]; // = {1, 3, 10, 30, 100, 300, 1000, 3000, 10000, 30000}; CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE(HllUnionTest); CPPUNIT_TEST(checkUnions); CPPUNIT_TEST(checkToFrom); CPPUNIT_TEST(checkCompositeEstimate); CPPUNIT_TEST(checkConfigKLimits); CPPUNIT_TEST(checkUbLb); //CPPUNIT_TEST(checkEmptyCoupon); CPPUNIT_TEST(checkConversions); CPPUNIT_TEST(checkMisc); CPPUNIT_TEST(checkInputTypes); CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END(); int min(int a, int b) { return (a < b) ? a : b; } void println(std::string& str) { //std::cout << str << "\n"; } /** * The task here is to check the transition boundaries as the sketch morphs between LIST to * SET to HLL modes. The transition points vary as a function of lgConfigK. In addition, * this checks that the union operation is operating properly based on the order the * sketches are presented to the union. */ void checkUnions() { target_hll_type type1 = HLL_8; target_hll_type type2 = HLL_8; target_hll_type resultType = HLL_8; uint64_t lgK1 = 7; uint64_t lgK2 = 7; uint64_t lgMaxK = 7; uint64_t n1 = 7; uint64_t n2 = 7; basicUnion(n1, n2, lgK1, lgK2, lgMaxK, type1, type2, resultType); n1 = 8; n2 = 7; basicUnion(n1, n2, lgK1, lgK2, lgMaxK, type1, type2, resultType); n1 = 7; n2 = 8; basicUnion(n1, n2, lgK1, lgK2, lgMaxK, type1, type2, resultType); n1 = 8; n2 = 8; basicUnion(n1, n2, lgK1, lgK2, lgMaxK, type1, type2, resultType); n1 = 7; n2 = 14; basicUnion(n1, n2, lgK1, lgK2, lgMaxK, type1, type2, resultType); int i = 0; for (i = 7; i <= 13; ++i) { lgK1 = i; lgK2 = i; lgMaxK = i; { n1 = ((1 << (i - 3)) * 3)/4; // compute the transition point n2 = n1; basicUnion(n1, n2, lgK1, lgK2, lgMaxK, type1, type2, resultType); n1 += 2; basicUnion(n1, n2, lgK1, lgK2, lgMaxK, type1, type2, resultType); n1 -= 2; n2 += 2; basicUnion(n1, n2, lgK1, lgK2, lgMaxK, type1, type2, resultType); n1 += 2; basicUnion(n1, n2, lgK1, lgK2, lgMaxK, type1, type2, resultType); } lgK1 = i; lgK2 = i + 1; lgMaxK = i; { n1 = ((1 << (i - 3)) * 3)/4; n2 = n1; basicUnion(n1, n2, lgK1, lgK2, lgMaxK, type1, type2, resultType); n1 += 2; basicUnion(n1, n2, lgK1, lgK2, lgMaxK, type1, type2, resultType); n1 -= 2; n2 += 2; basicUnion(n1, n2, lgK1, lgK2, lgMaxK, type1, type2, resultType); n1 += 2; basicUnion(n1, n2, lgK1, lgK2, lgMaxK, type1, type2, resultType); } lgK1 = i + 1; lgK2 = i; lgMaxK = i; { n1 = ((1 << (i - 3)) * 3)/4; n2 = n1; basicUnion(n1, n2, lgK1, lgK2, lgMaxK, type1, type2, resultType); n1 += 2; basicUnion(n1, n2, lgK1, lgK2, lgMaxK, type1, type2, resultType); n1 -= 2; n2 += 2; basicUnion(n1, n2, lgK1, lgK2, lgMaxK, type1, type2, resultType); n1 += 2; basicUnion(n1, n2, lgK1, lgK2, lgMaxK, type1, type2, resultType); } lgK1 = i + 1; lgK2 = i + 1; lgMaxK = i; { n1 = ((1 << (i - 3)) * 3)/4; n2 = n1; basicUnion(n1, n2, lgK1, lgK2, lgMaxK, type1, type2, resultType); n1 += 2; basicUnion(n1, n2, lgK1, lgK2, lgMaxK, type1, type2, resultType); n1 -= 2; n2 += 2; basicUnion(n1, n2, lgK1, lgK2, lgMaxK, type1, type2, resultType); n1 += 2; basicUnion(n1, n2, lgK1, lgK2, lgMaxK, type1, type2, resultType); } } } void basicUnion(uint64_t n1, uint64_t n2, uint64_t lgk1, uint64_t lgk2, uint64_t lgMaxK, target_hll_type type1, target_hll_type type2, target_hll_type resultType) { uint64_t v = 0; //int tot = n1 + n2; hll_sketch h1(lgk1, type1); hll_sketch h2(lgk2, type2); int lgControlK = min(min(lgk1, lgk2), lgMaxK); hll_sketch control(lgControlK, resultType); for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n1; ++i) { h1.update(v + i); control.update(v + i); } v += n1; for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n2; ++i) { h2.update(v + i); control.update(v + i); } v += n2; hll_union u(lgMaxK); u.update(h1); u.update(h2); hll_sketch result = u.get_result(resultType); // force non-HIP estimates to avoid issues with in- vs out-of-order double uEst = result.get_composite_estimate(); double uUb = result.get_upper_bound(2); double uLb = result.get_lower_bound(2); //double rerr = ((uEst/tot) - 1.0) * 100; double controlEst = control.get_composite_estimate(); double controlUb = control.get_upper_bound(2); double controlLb = control.get_lower_bound(2); CPPUNIT_ASSERT((controlUb - controlEst) >= 0.0); CPPUNIT_ASSERT((uUb - uEst) >= 0.0); CPPUNIT_ASSERT((controlEst - controlLb) >= 0.0); CPPUNIT_ASSERT((uEst - uLb) >= 0.0); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(controlEst, uEst, 0.0); } void checkToFrom() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { int n = nArr[i]; for (int lgK = 4; lgK <= 13; ++lgK) { toFrom(lgK, HLL_4, n); toFrom(lgK, HLL_6, n); toFrom(lgK, HLL_8, n); } } } void checkUnionEquality(hll_union& u1, hll_union& u2) { hll_sketch sk1 = u1.get_result(); hll_sketch sk2 = u2.get_result(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sk1.get_lg_config_k(), sk2.get_lg_config_k()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(sk1.get_lower_bound(1), sk2.get_lower_bound(1), 0.0); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(sk1.get_estimate(), sk2.get_estimate(), 0.0); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(sk1.get_upper_bound(1), sk2.get_upper_bound(1), 0.0); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(sk1.get_target_type(), sk2.get_target_type()); } void toFrom(const int lgConfigK, const target_hll_type tgtHllType, const int n) { hll_union srcU(lgConfigK); hll_sketch srcSk(lgConfigK, tgtHllType); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { srcSk.update(i); } srcU.update(srcSk); std::stringstream ss(std::ios::in | std::ios::out | std::ios::binary); srcU.serialize_compact(ss); hll_union dstU = hll_union::deserialize(ss); checkUnionEquality(srcU, dstU); std::pair bytes1 = srcU.serialize_compact(); dstU = hll_union::deserialize(bytes1.first.get(), bytes1.second); checkUnionEquality(srcU, dstU); ss.clear(); srcU.serialize_updatable(ss); dstU = hll_union::deserialize(ss); checkUnionEquality(srcU, dstU); std::pair bytes2 = srcU.serialize_updatable(); dstU = hll_union::deserialize(bytes2.first.get(), bytes2.second); checkUnionEquality(srcU, dstU); } void checkCompositeEstimate() { hll_union u(12); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(u.is_empty()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(0.0, u.get_composite_estimate(), 0.03); for (int i = 1; i <= 15; ++i) { u.update(i); } CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(15.0, u.get_composite_estimate(), 15 * 0.03); for (int i = 16; i <= 1000; ++i) { u.update(i); } CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(1000.0, u.get_composite_estimate(), 1000 * 0.03); } void checkConfigKLimits() { CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW_MESSAGE("Failed to detect lgK too small", hll_union(HllUtil<>::MIN_LOG_K - 1), std::invalid_argument); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW_MESSAGE("Failed to detect lgK too large", hll_union(HllUtil<>::MAX_LOG_K + 1), std::invalid_argument); } double getBound(int lgK, bool ub, bool oooFlag, int numStdDev, double est) { double re = RelativeErrorTables<>::getRelErr(ub, oooFlag, lgK, numStdDev); return est / (1.0 + re); } void checkUbLb() { // for lgK <= 12 int lgK = 4; int n = 1 << 20; bool oooFlag = false; double bound; std::string str; bound = (getBound(lgK, true, oooFlag, 3, n) / n) - 1; str = "LgK=" + std::to_string(lgK) + ", UB3: " + std::to_string(bound); println(str); bound = (getBound(lgK, true, oooFlag, 2, n) / n) - 1; str = "LgK=" + std::to_string(lgK) + ", UB2: " + std::to_string(bound); println(str); bound = (getBound(lgK, true, oooFlag, 1, n) / n) - 1; str = "LgK=" + std::to_string(lgK) + ", UB1: " + std::to_string(bound); println(str); bound = (getBound(lgK, false, oooFlag, 1, n) / n) - 1; str = "LgK=" + std::to_string(lgK) + ", LB1: " + std::to_string(bound); println(str); bound = (getBound(lgK, false, oooFlag, 2, n) / n) - 1; str = "LgK=" + std::to_string(lgK) + ", LB2: " + std::to_string(bound); println(str); bound = (getBound(lgK, false, oooFlag, 3, n) / n) - 1; str = "LgK=" + std::to_string(lgK) + ", LB3: " + std::to_string(bound); println(str); } void checkConversions() { int lgK = 4; hll_sketch sk1(lgK, HLL_8); hll_sketch sk2(lgK, HLL_8); int n = 1 << 20; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { sk1.update(i); sk2.update(i + n); } hll_union hllUnion(lgK); hllUnion.update(sk1); hllUnion.update(sk2); hll_sketch rsk1 = hllUnion.get_result(HLL_4); hll_sketch rsk2 = hllUnion.get_result(HLL_6); hll_sketch rsk3 = hllUnion.get_result(HLL_8); double est1 = rsk1.get_estimate(); double est2 = rsk2.get_estimate(); double est3 = rsk3.get_estimate(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(est1, est2, 0.0); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(est1, est3, 0.0); } // moved from UnionCaseTest in java void checkMisc() { hll_union u(12); int bytes = u.get_compact_serialization_bytes(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(8, bytes); bytes = hll_union::get_max_serialization_bytes(7); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(40 + 128, bytes); double v = u.get_estimate(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(0.0, v, 0.0); v = u.get_lower_bound(1); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(0.0, v, 0.0); v = u.get_upper_bound(1); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(0.0, v, 0.0); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(u.is_empty()); u.reset(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(u.is_empty()); std::ostringstream oss(std::ios::binary); u.serialize_compact(oss); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(8, static_cast(oss.tellp())); } void checkInputTypes() { hll_union u(8); // inserting the same value as a variety of input types u.update((uint8_t) 102); u.update((uint16_t) 102); u.update((uint32_t) 102); u.update((uint64_t) 102); u.update((int8_t) 102); u.update((int16_t) 102); u.update((int32_t) 102); u.update((int64_t) 102); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(1.0, u.get_estimate(), 0.01); // identical binary representations // no unsigned in Java, but need to sign-extend both as Java would do u.update((uint8_t) 255); u.update((int8_t) -1); u.update((float) -2.0); u.update((double) -2.0); std::string str = "input string"; u.update(str); u.update(str.c_str(), str.length()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(4.0, u.get_estimate(), 0.01); u = hll_union(8); u.update((float) 0.0); u.update((float) -0.0); u.update((double) 0.0); u.update((double) -0.0); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(1.0, u.get_estimate(), 0.01); u = hll_union(8); u.update(std::nanf("3")); u.update(std::nan("12")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(1.0, u.get_estimate(), 0.01); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(u.get_result().get_estimate(), u.get_estimate(), 0.01); u = hll_union(8); u.update(nullptr, 0); u.update(""); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(u.is_empty()); } }; CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION(HllUnionTest); const int HllUnionTest::nArr[] = {1, 3, 10, 30, 100, 300, 1000, 3000, 10000, 30000}; } /* namespace datasketches */