* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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#ifndef _HLLUNION_H_
#define _HLLUNION_H_
#include "hll.hpp"
#include "HllUtil.hpp"
#include "HllSketch.hpp"
namespace datasketches {
* This performs union operations for HLL sketches. This union operator is configured with a
* lgMaxK instead of the normal lgConfigK.
This union operator does permit the unioning of sketches with different values of
* lgConfigK. The user should be aware that the resulting accuracy of a sketch returned
* at the end of the unioning process will be a function of the smallest of lgMaxK and
* lgConfigK that the union operator has seen.
This union operator also permits unioning of any of the three different target HllSketch
* types.
Although the API for this union operator parallels many of the methods of the
* HllSketch, the behavior of the union operator has some fundamental differences.
First, the user cannot specify the {@link TgtHllType} as an input parameter.
* Instead, it is specified for the sketch returned with {@link #getResult(TgtHllType)}.
Second, the internal effective value of log-base-2 of k for the union operation can
* change dynamically based on the smallest lgConfigK that the union operation has seen.
* @author Lee Rhodes
* @author Kevin Lang
class HllUnionPvt final : public HllUnion {
explicit HllUnionPvt(int lgMaxK);
explicit HllUnionPvt(std::unique_ptr sketch);
HllUnionPvt(const HllUnion& other);
HllUnionPvt& operator=(HllUnionPvt& other);
static std::unique_ptr deserialize(std::istream& is);
static std::unique_ptr deserialize(const void* bytes, size_t len);
virtual ~HllUnionPvt();
virtual double getEstimate() const;
virtual double getCompositeEstimate() const;
virtual double getLowerBound(int numStdDev) const;
virtual double getUpperBound(int numStdDev) const;
virtual int getCompactSerializationBytes() const;
virtual int getUpdatableSerializationBytes() const;
virtual int getLgConfigK() const;
virtual TgtHllType getTgtHllType() const;
virtual bool isCompact() const;
virtual bool isEmpty() const;
virtual void reset();
virtual hll_sketch getResult(TgtHllType tgtHllType = HLL_4) const;
virtual std::pair, const size_t> serializeCompact() const;
virtual std::pair, const size_t> serializeUpdatable() const;
virtual void serializeCompact(std::ostream& os) const;
virtual void serializeUpdatable(std::ostream& os) const;
virtual std::ostream& to_string(std::ostream& os,
bool summary = true,
bool detail = false,
bool auxDetail = false,
bool all = false) const;
virtual std::string to_string(bool summary = true,
bool detail = false,
bool auxDetail = false,
bool all = false) const;
virtual void update(const HllSketch& sketch);
virtual void update(const std::string& datum);
virtual void update(uint64_t datum);
virtual void update(uint32_t datum);
virtual void update(uint16_t datum);
virtual void update(uint8_t datum);
virtual void update(int64_t datum);
virtual void update(int32_t datum);
virtual void update(int16_t datum);
virtual void update(int8_t datum);
virtual void update(double datum);
virtual void update(float datum);
virtual void update(const void* data, size_t lengthBytes);
void couponUpdate(int coupon);
CurMode getCurrentMode() const;
int getSerializationVersion() const;
bool isOutOfOrderFlag() const;
bool isEstimationMode() const;
* Union the given source and destination sketches. This static method examines the state of
* the current internal gadget and the incoming sketch and determines the optimum way to
* perform the union. This may involve swapping, down-sampling, transforming, and / or
* copying one of the arguments and may completely replace the internals of the union.
* @param incomingImpl the given incoming sketch, which may not be modified.
* @param gadgetImpl the given gadget sketch, which must have a target of HLL_8 and may be
* modified.
* @param lgMaxK the maximum value of log2 K for this union.
* //@return the union of the two sketches in the form of the internal HllSketchImpl, which for
* //the union is always in HLL_8 form.
void unionImpl(HllSketchImpl* incomingImpl, int lgMaxK);
static HllSketchImpl* copyOrDownsampleHll(HllSketchImpl* srcImpl, int tgtLgK);
// calls couponUpdate on sketch, freeing the old sketch upon changes in CurMode
static HllSketchImpl* leakFreeCouponUpdate(HllSketchImpl* impl, int coupon);
int lgMaxK;
std::unique_ptr gadget;
#endif // _HLLUNION_H_