Module for PostgreSQL to support approximate algorithms based on the Datasketches core library sketches-core-cpp. See for details. This module currently supports two sketches: - CPC (Compressed Probabilistic Counting) sketch - very compact (when serialized) distinct-counting sketch - KLL float quantiles sketch - for estimating distributions: quantile, rank, PMF (histogram), CDF


Distinct counting with CPC sketch

Suppose 100 million random integer values uniformly distributed in the range from 1 to 100M have been generated and inserted into a table Exact count distinct: $ time psql test -c "select count(distinct id) from random_ints_100m;" count ---------- 63208457 (1 row) real 1m59.060s Approximate count distinct: $ time psql test -c "select cpc_sketch_distinct(id) from random_ints_100m;" cpc_sketch_distinct --------------------- 63423695.9451363 (1 row) real 0m20.680s Note that the above one-off distinct count is just to show the basic usage. Most importantly, the sketch can be used as an "additive" distinct count metric in a data cube. Merging sketches: create table cpc_sketch_test(sketch cpc_sketch); insert into cpc_sketch_test select cpc_sketch_build(1); insert into cpc_sketch_test select cpc_sketch_build(2); insert into cpc_sketch_test select cpc_sketch_build(3); select cpc_sketch_get_estimate(cpc_sketch_merge(sketch)) from cpc_sketch_test; cpc_sketch_get_estimate ------------------------- 3.00024414612919

Estimating quanitles and ranks with KLL sketch

Table "normal" has 1 million values from the normal distribution with mean=0 and stddev=1. We can build a sketch, which represents the distribution (create table kll\_float\_sketch\_test(sketch kll\_float\_sketch)): $ psql test -c "insert into kll_float_sketch_test select kll_float_sketch_build(value) from normal"; INSERT 0 1 We expect the value with rank 0.5 (median) to be approximately 0: $ psql test -c "select kll_float_sketch_get_quantile(sketch, 0.5) from kll_float_sketch_test"; kll_float_sketch_get_quantile ------------------------------- 0.00648344 In reverse: we expect the rank of value 0 (true median) to be approximately 0.5: $ psql test -c "select kll_float_sketch_get_rank(sketch, 0) from kll_float_sketch_test"; kll_float_sketch_get_rank --------------------------- 0.496289 Note that the normal distribution was used just to show the basic usage. The sketch does not make any assumptions about the distribution.