BEGIN; DEALLOCATE PREPARE ALL; PREPARE init_histo AS SELECT historize_table_init('public'::name, 'test_foobar'::name); PREPARE start_histo AS SELECT historize_table_start('public', 'test_foobar'); PREPARE reset_histo AS SELECT historize_table_reset('public'::name, 'test_foobar'::name); -- Define the number of tests to run SELECT plan(6); CREATE TABLE test_foobar (id int) ; -- initialize the historization -- SELECT lives_ok('init_histo'); SELECT lives_ok('start_histo'); SELECT lives_ok('reset_histo'); -- Check if all objects are removed -- -- SELECT hasnt_column('public'::name, 'test_foobar'::name, 'histo_version', 'Table public.test_foobar has a column named histo_version'); SELECT hasnt_column('public'::name, 'test_foobar'::name, 'histo_sys_period', 'Table public.test_foobar has a column named histo_version'); SELECT has_table('public'::name, 'test_foobar_log'::name, 'Table public.test_foobar_log does not exist'); SELECT * FROM finish(); -- Always end unittest with a rollback ROLLBACK;