-- This function is used to initialize the data historization -- -- It creates multiple objects -- - a table with the name of the table to historize adding a suffix _log -- - an index -- - a column histo_version on the table source -- - a column histo_sys_period on the table source CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION historize_table_init( schema_dest NAME, table_source NAME) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE partition varchar; BEGIN -- check if the table source exists IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT true FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = schema_dest AND table_name = table_source) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'table %.% does not exists', schema_dest, table_source USING ERRCODE = '42P01'; END IF; -- check if the columns does not already exists EXECUTE format(' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s ( id int, eventtime timestamp with time zone, txid bigint, sys_period tstzrange, data jsonb ) PARTITION BY RANGE (eventtime)', schema_dest || '.' || table_source || '_log'); -- Create an index on the id the easily regroup all the tuple for the same initial one -- EXECUTE format(' CREATE INDEX %s_log_id_idx ON %s_log(id)', table_source, schema_dest || '.' || table_source); -- Add a new column on the source table to keep the version directly in the row -- EXECUTE format(' ALTER TABLE %s ADD COLUMN histo_version int default 0', table_source); EXECUTE format(' ALTER TABLE %s ADD COLUMN histo_sys_period tstzrange NOT NULL DEFAULT tstzrange(current_timestamp, null)', table_source); IF historize_get_column_default_comment() IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE format(' COMMENT ON COLUMN %s.histo_version IS ''%s'' ', table_source, historize_get_column_default_comment() ); EXECUTE format(' COMMENT ON COLUMN %s.histo_sys_period IS ''%s'' ', table_source, historize_get_column_default_comment() ); END IF; -- Create 7 first partition from today -- EXECUTE format(' SELECT historize_create_partition(%L, generate_series(0,6) )', table_source ); -- If a foreign server exists and named as default, define the cron entries -- IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_foreign_server WHERE srvname='historize_foreign_cron') THEN EXECUTE format(' SELECT historize_cron_define(%L, %L)', schema_dest, table_source ); END IF; END; $$; -- -- Implicit schema public -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION historize_table_init(table_source NAME) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM historize_table_init('public'::name, table_source); END; $$;