-- -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION historize_cron_define( schema_dest NAME, table_source NAME, days_in_advance integer DEFAULT 4, days_to_keep integer DEFAULT 7, schedule text DEFAULT '00 08 * * *', foreign_server varchar DEFAULT 'historize_foreign_cron' ) RETURNS integer LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE qry_c text; qry_d text; drop_start_from integer; BEGIN -- check if the foreign_server exists PERFORM historize_check_foreign_server(foreign_server); qry_c := format('SELECT schedule_in_database(%L, %L, $eof$SELECT historize_create_partition(%L, %L, generate_series(1, %s) )$eof$, %L) ', 'histo_create_part_' || schema_dest || '_' || table_source, schedule, schema_dest, table_source, days_in_advance, current_database()); -- Drop one week more to ensure that no partitions are missed drop_start_from := 0 - (7 + days_to_keep); qry_d := format('SELECT schedule_in_database(%L, %L, $eof$SELECT historize_drop_partition(%L, %L, generate_series(%s, -%s) )$eof$, %L) ', 'histo_drop_part_' || schema_dest || '_' || table_source, schedule, schema_dest, table_source, drop_start_from, days_to_keep, current_database()); EXECUTE format(' SELECT * FROM dblink(%L, %L ) AS t1 (schedule_in_database bigint)', foreign_server, qry_c); EXECUTE format(' SELECT * FROM dblink(%L, %L ) AS t1 (schedule_in_database bigint)', foreign_server, qry_d); RETURN 0; END; $$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION historize_cron_remove( schema_dest NAME, table_source NAME, foreign_server varchar DEFAULT 'historize_foreign_cron' ) RETURNS integer LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE qry_c text; qry_d text; BEGIN -- check if the foreign_server exists PERFORM historize_check_foreign_server(foreign_server); qry_c := format('SELECT unschedule(%L)', 'histo_create_part_' || schema_dest || '_' || table_source); qry_d := format('SELECT unschedule(%L)', 'histo_drop_part_' || schema_dest || '_' || table_source); EXECUTE format(' SELECT * FROM dblink(%L, %L ) AS t1 (result boolean)', foreign_server, qry_c); EXECUTE format(' SELECT * FROM dblink(%L, %L ) AS t1 (result boolean)', foreign_server, qry_d); RETURN 0; END; $$; -- List all cron entries for the current database -- -- -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION historize_cron_list( foreign_server varchar DEFAULT 'historize_foreign_cron' ) RETURNS TABLE (jobid bigint, schedule text, command text, nodename text, nodeport integer, username text, active boolean, jobname text) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE qry text; BEGIN -- check if the foreign_server exists PERFORM historize_check_foreign_server(foreign_server); qry := format('SELECT jobid, schedule, command, nodename, nodeport, database, username, active,jobname FROM job' ); RETURN QUERY SELECT t1.jobid, t1.schedule, t1.command, t1.nodename, t1.nodeport, t1.username, t1.active, t1.jobname FROM dblink(foreign_server, qry ) AS t1 (jobid bigint,schedule text, command text, nodename text, nodeport integer, database text, username text, active boolean, jobname text) WHERE t1.database = current_database(); END; $$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION historize_check_foreign_server( foreign_server varchar ) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT FROM pg_catalog.pg_foreign_server WHERE srvname=foreign_server) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'foreign server "%" does not exists', foreign_server USING ERRCODE='42704', HINT='check the function parameter or set it if you use default value historize_foreign_cron'; END IF; END; $$; -- --