-- This function is used to stop the historization -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION historize_table_stop( schema_dest varchar, table_source varchar) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $EOF$ BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema=schema_dest AND table_name=table_source) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'table %.% does not exists', schema_dest, table_source USING HINT = 'Check the table name and schema, fix the search_path in case of needed', ERRCODE = '42P01'; END IF; EXECUTE format('DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS %s_historization_update_trg ON %s.%s', table_source, schema_dest, table_source); EXECUTE format('DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS %s_historization_insert_trg ON %s.%s', table_source, schema_dest, table_source); -- -- Function that manage UPDATE statements -- EXECUTE format('DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS %s_historization_update_trg()', table_source); -- -- Function that manage INSERT statements -- EXECUTE format('DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS %s_historization_insert_trg()', table_source); END; $EOF$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION historize_table_stop(table_source varchar) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN SELECT historize_table_stop('public', table_source); END; $$;