-- This function is used to initialize the data historization -- -- It creates multiple objects -- - a table with the name of the table to historize adding a suffix _log -- - an index -- - a new column on the table source CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION historize_table_start(schema_dest varchar, table_source varchar) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $EOF$ DECLARE check_part boolean; BEGIN SELECT historize_check_partition(schema_dest, table_source, 0) = 0 INTO check_part; IF NOT check_part THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'no available partition in log table' USING HINT = 'check if you init the historization with historize_table_init function'; END IF; -- -- Function to manage UPDATE statements -- EXECUTE format('CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION %s_historization_update_trg() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN NEW.histo_version = OLD.histo_version + 1; NEW.histo_sys_period = tstzrange(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,null); INSERT INTO %s.%s_log (id, txid, eventtime, sys_period, data) VALUES (OLD.id, txid_current(), now(), tstzrange(lower(OLD.histo_sys_period), CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), to_jsonb(OLD) - ''histo_sys_period''); RETURN NEW; END; $$', table_source, schema_dest, table_source); -- -- Function to manage INSERT statements -- EXECUTE format('CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION %s_historization_insert_trg() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN NEW.histo_version = 1; NEW.histo_sys_period = tstzrange(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,null); RETURN NEW; END; $$', table_source, schema_dest, table_source); -- -- Create two triggers, one for UPDATE and one for INSERT -- EXECUTE format(' CREATE TRIGGER %s_historization_update_trg BEFORE UPDATE ON %s.%s FOR EACH ROW WHEN (NEW <> OLD) EXECUTE PROCEDURE %s_historization_update_trg()', table_source, schema_dest, table_source, table_source); EXECUTE format(' CREATE TRIGGER %s_historization_insert_trg BEFORE INSERT ON %s.%s FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE %s_historization_insert_trg()', table_source, schema_dest, table_source, table_source); END; $EOF$; -- -- Implicit schema public -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION historize_table_start(table_source varchar) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN SELECT historize_table_start('public', table_source); END; $$;