BEGIN; SET client_min_messages TO warning; ----- INITIAL SETUP ----- do language plpgsql $$ declare my_value varchar; my_version integer[]; my_command varchar; begin my_version := regexp_matches(version(), 'PostgreSQL (\d)+\.(\d+)\.(\d+)'); -- Verify minimum version if my_version < array[9,6,0]::integer[] then raise exception 'Cyan Audit requires PostgreSQL 9.6.0 or above'; end if; end; $$; set local search_path to ''; CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS cyanaudit; ------------------ ----- TABLES ----- ------------------ -- tb_audit_field CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS cyanaudit.sq_pk_audit_field; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cyanaudit.tb_audit_field ( audit_field integer primary key default nextval('cyanaudit.sq_pk_audit_field'), table_schema varchar not null default 'public', table_name varchar not null, column_name varchar not null, enabled boolean not null, loggable boolean not null, CONSTRAINT tb_audit_field_table_column_key UNIQUE( table_schema, table_name, column_name ), CONSTRAINT tb_audit_field_tb_audit_event_not_allowed CHECK( table_schema != 'cyanaudit' ) ); COMMENT ON TABLE cyanaudit.tb_audit_field IS 'Each row is a column in your database. Toggle logging with the enabled flag.'; ALTER SEQUENCE cyanaudit.sq_pk_audit_field owned by cyanaudit.tb_audit_field.audit_field; -- tb_audit_transaction_type CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS cyanaudit.sq_pk_audit_transaction_type; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cyanaudit.tb_audit_transaction_type ( audit_transaction_type integer primary key default nextval('cyanaudit.sq_pk_audit_transaction_type'), label varchar unique ); COMMENT ON TABLE cyanaudit.tb_audit_transaction_type IS 'A label assigned to one or more entries in the audit log.'; ALTER SEQUENCE cyanaudit.sq_pk_audit_transaction_type owned by cyanaudit.tb_audit_transaction_type.audit_transaction_type; -- tb_config CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cyanaudit.tb_config ( name varchar(100) primary key, value text ); COMMENT ON TABLE cyanaudit.tb_config IS 'Cyan Audit configuration settings. Do not modify version setting'; -- tb_audit_event CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cyanaudit.tb_audit_event ( audit_field integer not null references cyanaudit.tb_audit_field, pk_vals text[] not null, recorded timestamp not null default clock_timestamp(), uid integer not null, row_op char(1) not null, txid bigint not null default txid_current(), audit_transaction_type integer references cyanaudit.tb_audit_transaction_type, old_value text, new_value text, CONSTRAINT tb_audit_event_consistency_chk CHECK( case row_op when 'I' then old_value is null when 'D' then new_value is null when 'U' then old_value is distinct from new_value else false end ) ); COMMENT ON TABLE cyanaudit.tb_audit_event IS 'Parent table for sharded audit logs. Only child tables contain data.'; ------------------------ ------ FUNCTIONS ------ ------------------------ ----- User/Application Functions ---- -- fn_set_current_uid CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_set_current_uid ( in_uid integer ) returns integer language sql strict as $_$ select set_config( 'cyanaudit.uid', in_uid::varchar, false )::integer; $_$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_set_current_uid( integer ) IS 'Sets the uid to which future operations in this session will be attributed.'; -- fn_get_current_uid CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_get_current_uid() returns integer language plpgsql stable as $_$ declare my_uid integer; begin my_uid := nullif( current_setting( 'cyanaudit.uid', true ), '' ); if my_uid is null or my_uid < 0 then select cyanaudit.fn_get_uid_by_username( current_user::varchar ) into my_uid; end if; return cyanaudit.fn_set_current_uid( coalesce( my_uid, 0 ) ); end $_$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_get_current_uid() IS 'Returns the uid set by fn_set_current_uid(), or 0 if unset..'; -- fn_get_last_txid CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_get_last_txid() returns bigint language sql stable as $_$ select case when current_setting( 'cyanaudit.last_txid', true ) ~ '^\d+$' then current_setting( 'cyanaudit.last_txid' ) else null end::bigint; $_$; -- fn_get_or_create_audit_transaction_type CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_get_or_create_audit_transaction_type ( in_label varchar ) returns integer language plpgsql strict as $_$ declare my_audit_transaction_type integer; begin select audit_transaction_type into my_audit_transaction_type from cyanaudit.tb_audit_transaction_type where label = in_label; if not found then insert into cyanaudit.tb_audit_transaction_type ( label ) values ( in_label ) returning audit_transaction_type into my_audit_transaction_type; end if; return my_audit_transaction_type; end $_$; -- fn_label_transaction CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_label_transaction ( in_label varchar, in_txid bigint default txid_current() ) returns void as $_$ update cyanaudit.tb_audit_event set audit_transaction_type = cyanaudit.fn_get_or_create_audit_transaction_type( in_label ) where txid = in_txid and audit_transaction_type is null; $_$ language sql; COMMENT ON FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_label_transaction( varchar, bigint ) IS 'Applies description to completed operations in the given transaction.'; -- fn_label_last_transaction CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_label_last_transaction ( in_label varchar ) returns void as $_$ select cyanaudit.fn_label_transaction ( in_label, cyanaudit.fn_get_last_txid() ); $_$ language sql strict; COMMENT ON FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_label_last_transaction( varchar ) IS 'Shorthand for: fn_label_last_transaction( in_label, cyanaudit.fn_get_last_txid() )'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_set_transaction_label ( in_label varchar ) returns integer as $_$ SELECT set_config( 'cyanaudit.audit_transaction_type', cyanaudit.fn_get_or_create_audit_transaction_type( in_label )::text, true )::integer; $_$ language sql strict; -- fn_undo_transaction CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_undo_transaction ( in_txid bigint ) returns setof varchar as $_$ declare my_statement varchar; begin for my_statement in select query from cyanaudit.vw_undo_statement where txid = in_txid loop execute my_statement; return next my_statement; end loop; perform cyanaudit.fn_label_transaction('Undo transaction'); return; end $_$ language plpgsql strict; -- fn_undo_last_transaction CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_undo_last_transaction() returns setof varchar as $_$ select cyanaudit.fn_undo_transaction(cyanaudit.fn_get_last_txid()); $_$ language 'sql'; COMMENT ON FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_undo_last_transaction() IS 'Shorthand for: cyanaudit.fn_undo_transaction( cyanaudit.fn_get_last_txid() )'; -- fn_update_audit_fields -- Create or update audit_fields for all columns in the passed-in schema. -- If passed-in schema is null, create or update for all already-known schemas. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_update_audit_fields ( in_schema varchar default null ) returns void as $_$ declare my_schemas varchar[]; begin if pg_trigger_depth() > 0 then return; end if; -- Add only those tables in the passed-in schemas. -- If no schemas are passed in, use only those we already know about. -- This way, we will never log any schema that has not been explicitly -- requested to be logged. select case when in_schema is not null then ARRAY[ in_schema ] else array_agg( distinct table_schema ) end into my_schemas from cyanaudit.tb_audit_field; with tt_audit_fields as ( select coalesce ( af.audit_field, cyanaudit.fn_get_or_create_audit_field ( n.nspname::varchar, c.relname::varchar, a.attname::varchar ) ) as audit_field, (a.attnum is null and af.loggable) as stale from ( pg_class c join pg_attribute a on a.attrelid = c.oid and a.attnum > 0 and a.attisdropped is false join pg_namespace n on c.relnamespace = n.oid and n.nspname::varchar = any( my_schemas ) join pg_constraint cn on conrelid = c.oid and cn.contype = 'p' ) full join cyanaudit.tb_audit_field af on af.table_schema = n.nspname::varchar and af.table_name = c.relname::varchar and af.column_name = a.attname::varchar and af.loggable is true ) update cyanaudit.tb_audit_field af set loggable = false -- trigger will update to actual value from tt_audit_fields ttaf where af.audit_field = ttaf.audit_field and af.loggable and ttaf.stale; return; end; $_$ language 'plpgsql'; COMMENT ON FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_update_audit_fields( varchar ) IS 'Updates tb_audit_field to reflect any new or dropped columns in known schemas.'; ---- INTERNAL UTILITY FUNCTIONS ---- -- fn_get_email_by_uid CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_get_email_by_uid ( in_uid integer ) returns varchar language plpgsql stable strict as $_$ declare my_email varchar; my_query varchar; my_user_table_uid_col varchar; my_user_table varchar; my_user_table_email_col varchar; begin select value into my_user_table from cyanaudit.tb_config where name = 'user_table'; select value into my_user_table_uid_col from cyanaudit.tb_config where name = 'user_table_uid_col'; select value into my_user_table_email_col from cyanaudit.tb_config where name = 'user_table_email_col'; if my_user_table IS NULL OR my_user_table_uid_col IS NULL OR my_user_table_email_col IS NULL then return null; end if; my_query := 'SELECT ' || quote_ident(my_user_table_email_col) || ' FROM ' || quote_ident(my_user_table) || ' WHERE ' || quote_ident(my_user_table_uid_col) || ' = ' || quote_nullable(in_uid); execute my_query into my_email; return my_email; exception when undefined_table then raise notice 'cyanaudit: Invalid user_table setting: ''%''', my_user_table; return null; when undefined_column then raise notice 'cyanaudit: Invalid user_table_uid_col (''%'') or user_table_email_col (''%'')', my_user_table_uid_col, my_user_table_email_col; return null; end $_$; -- fn_get_uid_by_username CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_get_uid_by_username ( in_username varchar ) returns integer language plpgsql stable strict as $_$ declare my_uid varchar; my_query varchar; my_user_table_uid_col varchar; my_user_table varchar; my_user_table_username_col varchar; begin select value into my_user_table from cyanaudit.tb_config where name = 'user_table'; select value into my_user_table_uid_col from cyanaudit.tb_config where name = 'user_table_uid_col'; select value into my_user_table_username_col from cyanaudit.tb_config where name = 'user_table_username_col'; if my_user_table IS NULL OR my_user_table_uid_col IS NULL OR my_user_table_username_col IS NULL then return null; end if; my_query := 'select ' || quote_ident(my_user_table_uid_col) || ' from ' || quote_ident(my_user_table) || ' where ' || quote_ident(my_user_table_username_col) || ' = ' || quote_nullable(in_username); execute my_query into my_uid; return my_uid; exception when undefined_table then raise notice 'cyanaudit: Invalid user_table setting: ''%''', my_user_table; return null; when undefined_column then raise notice 'cyanaudit: Invalid user_table_uid_col (''%'') or user_table_username_col (''%'')', my_user_table_uid_col, my_user_table_username_col; return null; end $_$; -- fn_get_table_pk_cols CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_get_table_pk_cols ( in_table_name varchar, in_table_schema varchar default 'public' ) returns varchar[] language sql stable strict as $_$ with tt_conkey as ( SELECT cn.conkey, c.oid as relid from pg_class c join pg_namespace n on c.relnamespace = n.oid join pg_constraint cn on c.oid = cn.conrelid where cn.contype = 'p' and c.relname::varchar = in_table_name and n.nspname::varchar = in_table_schema ), tt_subscripts as ( select generate_subscripts( conkey, 1 ) as i from tt_conkey ) select array_agg( a.attname order by s.i )::varchar[] from tt_subscripts s cross join tt_conkey c join pg_attribute a on c.conkey[s.i] = a.attnum and c.relid = a.attrelid $_$; -- fn_get_where_string -- Takes in array of pk_cols and array of values -- Returns a correctly quoted string 'pkcol1 = val1 AND pkcol2 = val2' etc. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_get_where_string ( in_pk_cols varchar[], in_values varchar[] ) returns text as $_$ with tt_names_values as ( select unnest( in_pk_cols ) as colname, unnest( in_values ) as value ) select string_agg( format( '%I = %L', colname, value ), ' AND ' ) from tt_names_values; $_$ language sql strict immutable; -- fn_get_or_create_audit_field CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_get_or_create_audit_field ( in_table_schema varchar, in_table_name varchar, in_column_name varchar ) returns integer as $_$ declare my_audit_field integer; my_loggable boolean; begin select audit_field, loggable into my_audit_field, my_loggable from cyanaudit.tb_audit_field where table_schema = in_table_schema and table_name = in_table_name and column_name = in_column_name; if not found then insert into cyanaudit.tb_audit_field ( table_schema, table_name, column_name ) values ( in_table_schema, in_table_name, in_column_name ) returning audit_field into my_audit_field; elsif my_loggable is false then update cyanaudit.tb_audit_field set loggable = loggable -- trigger will set correct value where audit_field = my_audit_field; end if; return my_audit_field; end $_$ language 'plpgsql'; ----------------------- ------ TRIGGERS ------- ----------------------- -- fn_log_audit_event (MAIN LOGGING TRIGGER FUNCTION) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_log_audit_event() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_$ declare my_audit_fields varchar[]; my_audit_field integer; my_column_names varchar[]; my_column_name varchar; my_new_row record; my_old_row record; my_pk_cols varchar; my_pk_vals_constructor varchar; my_pk_vals varchar[]; my_old_value text; my_new_value text; my_clock_timestamp timestamp; my_enabled text; my_exception_text text; begin my_exception_text := 'cyanaudit: Operation not logged'; if( TG_OP = 'INSERT' ) then my_new_row := NEW; my_old_row := NEW; elsif( TG_OP = 'UPDATE' ) then my_new_row := NEW; my_old_row := OLD; elsif( TG_OP = 'DELETE' ) then my_new_row := OLD; my_old_row := OLD; end if; my_enabled := current_setting( 'cyanaudit.enabled', true ); if my_enabled = '0' or my_enabled = 'false' or my_enabled = 'f' then return my_new_row; end if; my_pk_cols := TG_ARGV[0]::varchar[]; my_audit_fields := TG_ARGV[1]::varchar[]; my_column_names := TG_ARGV[2]::varchar[]; my_clock_timestamp := clock_timestamp(); -- same for all entries from this invocation -- Bookmark this txid in cyanaudit.last_txid perform (set_config('cyanaudit.last_txid', txid_current()::text, false))::bigint; -- Given: my_pk_cols::varchar[] = ARRAY[ 'column foo',bar ] -- Result: my_pk_vals_constructor::varchar = 'select ARRAY[ $1."column foo", $ ]::varchar[]' select 'SELECT ARRAY[' || string_agg( '$1.' || quote_ident(pk_col), ',' ) || ']::varchar[]' into my_pk_vals_constructor from ( select unnest(my_pk_cols::varchar[]) as pk_col ) x; -- Execute the result using my_new_row in $1 to produce the following result: -- my_pk_vals::varchar[] = ARRAY[ 'val1', 'val2' ] execute my_pk_vals_constructor into my_pk_vals using my_new_row; -- To allow undoing updates to pk columns, logged pk_vals are post-update. for my_column_name, my_audit_field in select unnest( my_column_names::varchar[] ), unnest( my_audit_fields::varchar[] ) loop if TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN EXECUTE format('select null::text, $1.%I::text', my_column_name) INTO my_old_value, my_new_value USING my_new_row; CONTINUE when my_new_value is null; elsif TG_OP = 'UPDATE' THEN EXECUTE format( 'select $1.%1$I::text, $2.%1$I::text', my_column_name) INTO my_old_value, my_new_value USING my_old_row, my_new_row; CONTINUE when my_old_value is not distinct from my_new_value; elsif TG_OP = 'DELETE' THEN EXECUTE format('select $1.%I::text, null::text', my_column_name) INTO my_old_value, my_new_value USING my_old_row; CONTINUE when my_old_value is null; end if; execute format( 'INSERT INTO cyanaudit.tb_audit_event ' || '( audit_field, recorded, pk_vals, uid, row_op, audit_transaction_type, old_value, new_value ) ' || 'VALUES( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5::char(1), $6, $7, $8 ) ', my_column_name ) using my_audit_field, my_clock_timestamp, my_pk_vals, cyanaudit.fn_get_current_uid(), TG_OP, current_setting( 'cyanaudit.audit_transaction_type', true )::integer, my_old_value, my_new_value; end loop; return new; exception when foreign_key_violation OR undefined_column then raise notice '%: %: %: Please run fn_update_audit_fields().', my_exception_text, SQLSTATE, SQLERRM; return my_new_row; when undefined_function OR undefined_table OR insufficient_privilege then raise notice '%: %: %: Please reinstall cyanaudit.', my_exception_text, SQLSTATE, SQLERRM; return my_new_row; when others then raise notice '%: %: %: Please report error.', my_exception_text, SQLSTATE, SQLERRM; return my_new_row; end $_$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_log_audit_event() IS 'Trigger function installed on all tables logged by Cyan Audit.'; -- fn_before_audit_field_change CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_before_audit_field_change() returns trigger as $_$ declare my_pk_colname varchar; begin IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN if NEW.table_schema = 'cyanaudit' then return NULL; end if; ELSIF TG_OP = 'DELETE' then raise exception 'cyanaudit: Deletion from this table is not allowed.'; ELSIf TG_OP = 'UPDATE' then if NEW.table_schema != OLD.table_schema OR NEW.table_name != OLD.table_name OR NEW.column_name != OLD.column_name then raise exception 'Updating table_schema, table_name or column_name not allowed.'; end if; end if; perform * from pg_attribute a join pg_class c on a.attrelid = c.oid join pg_namespace n on c.relnamespace = n.oid join pg_constraint cn on conrelid = c.oid where n.nspname::varchar = NEW.table_schema and c.relname::varchar = NEW.table_name and a.attname::varchar = NEW.column_name and cn.contype = 'p' and a.attnum > 0 and a.attisdropped is false; NEW.loggable := found; -- Got to double check our value if it's true if NEW.enabled is null then -- Sensible default value for "enabled" is important to avoid freaking people out: -- If any column on same table is enabled, then true. -- Else If we know of fields on this table but all are inactive, then false. -- Else If we know of no fields in this table, then: -- If any field in same schema is enabled, then true. -- Else If we know of fields in this schema but all are inactive, then false. -- Else If we know of no columns in this schema, then: -- If any column in the database is enabled, then true. -- Else If we know of fields in this database but all are inactive, then false. -- Else, true: select enabled into NEW.enabled from cyanaudit.tb_audit_field order by (table_name = NEW.table_name) desc, -- Sort enabled fields over table to top of that (table_schema = NEW.table_schema) desc, -- Sort enabled fields within schema to top of that enabled desc; -- Sort any remaining enabled fields to the top -- If we got here, we found no fields in the db. Activate logging by default. if NEW.enabled is null then NEW.enabled = true; end if; end if; return NEW; end $_$ language plpgsql; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS tr_before_audit_field_change on cyanaudit.tb_audit_field; CREATE TRIGGER tr_before_audit_field_change BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON cyanaudit.tb_audit_field FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE cyanaudit.fn_before_audit_field_change(); -- fn_after_audit_field_change CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_after_audit_field_change() returns trigger language plpgsql as $_$ declare my_pk_colnames varchar[]; my_function_name varchar; my_audit_fields varchar[]; my_column_names varchar[]; begin if TG_OP = 'UPDATE' and OLD.enabled = NEW.enabled and OLD.loggable = NEW.loggable THEN return NEW; end if; perform cyanaudit.fn_verify_active_partition(); -- See if a logging trigger is already on the table perform * from pg_trigger t join pg_class c on t.tgrelid = c.oid join pg_namespace n on c.relnamespace = n.oid where n.nspname::varchar = NEW.table_schema and c.relname::varchar = NEW.table_name and tgname = 'tr_log_audit_event'; -- If so, remove it so we can update it. IF FOUND THEN execute format( 'DROP TRIGGER tr_log_audit_event ON %I.%I', NEW.table_schema, NEW.table_name ); END IF; -- Get a list of audit fields and column names for this table select array_agg(audit_field), array_agg(column_name) into my_audit_fields, my_column_names from cyanaudit.tb_audit_field where enabled and loggable and table_schema = NEW.table_schema and table_name = NEW.table_name; IF array_length(my_audit_fields, 1) > 0 THEN my_pk_colnames := cyanaudit.fn_get_table_pk_cols( NEW.table_name, NEW.table_schema ); -- Create the table trigger (if it doesn't exist) to call the function execute format( 'CREATE TRIGGER tr_log_audit_event ' || 'AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON %I.%I FOR EACH ROW ' || 'EXECUTE PROCEDURE cyanaudit.fn_log_audit_event(%L,%L,%L)', NEW.table_schema, NEW.table_name, my_pk_colnames, my_audit_fields, my_column_names ); END IF; return NEW; end $_$; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS tr_after_audit_field_change on cyanaudit.tb_audit_field; CREATE TRIGGER tr_after_audit_field_change AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE on cyanaudit.tb_audit_field FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE cyanaudit.fn_after_audit_field_change(); -- EVENT TRIGGER -- fn_update_audit_fields_event_trigger() CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_update_audit_fields_event_trigger() returns event_trigger language plpgsql as $function$ begin -- Avoid creating logging triggers during database restore, -- since the triggers will be restored without our help. perform * from pg_stat_activity where application_name = 'pg_restore' and datname = current_database() and state = 'active'; if not found then perform cyanaudit.fn_update_audit_fields(); end if; exception when insufficient_privilege then return; end $function$; -- fn_create_event_trigger -- Function to install the event trigger explicitly after pg_restore completes, -- because we don't want it firing during pg_restore. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_create_event_trigger() RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $_$ begin PERFORM * from pg_event_trigger where evtname = 'tr_update_audit_fields'; if not found then CREATE EVENT TRIGGER tr_update_audit_fields ON ddl_command_end WHEN TAG IN ('ALTER TABLE', 'CREATE TABLE', 'DROP TABLE') EXECUTE PROCEDURE cyanaudit.fn_update_audit_fields_event_trigger(); end if; end; $_$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_create_event_trigger() IS 'Installs event trigger to run fn_update_audit_fields() on any schema change.'; --------- Partitioning ----------- -- fn_redirect_audit_events -- This trigger function is installed onto tb_audit_event CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_redirect_audit_events() returns trigger as $_$ declare my_table_name varchar; begin my_table_name := TG_ARGV[0]; execute format( 'insert into cyanaudit.%I select $1.*', my_table_name ) using NEW; return null; end $_$ language 'plpgsql'; -- fn_parse_tgargs -- This is a handy utility function to get the TGARGS values passed into a -- trigger function. Used for validating the active partition name, below CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_parse_tgargs ( in_tgargs BYTEA ) RETURNS VARCHAR[] AS $_$ SELECT string_to_array( regexp_replace( encode( in_tgargs, 'escape' )::VARCHAR, '\\000$', '' ), '\000' )::VARCHAR[]; $_$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE; -- fn_get_active_partition_name CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_get_active_partition_name() returns varchar as $_$ select (cyanaudit.fn_parse_tgargs( tgargs ))[1] from pg_trigger t join pg_class c on t.tgrelid = c.oid join pg_namespace n on c.relnamespace = n.oid where n.nspname = 'cyanaudit' and c.relname = 'tb_audit_event' and t.tgname = 'tr_redirect_audit_events'; $_$ language sql; -- fn_create_new_partition CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_create_new_partition ( in_new_table_name varchar default 'tb_audit_event_' || to_char(now(), 'YYYYMMDD_HH24MI') ) returns varchar as $_$ begin if in_new_table_name !~ '^tb_audit_event_\d{8}_\d{4}$' then raise exception 'Table name must conform to format "tb_audit_event_########_####"'; end if; perform * from pg_class c join pg_namespace n on c.relnamespace = n.oid where c.relname = in_new_table_name and n.nspname = 'cyanaudit'; if found then return null; end if; SET LOCAL client_min_messages to WARNING; execute format( 'CREATE TABLE cyanaudit.%I ' || '( ' || ' LIKE cyanaudit.tb_audit_event INCLUDING STORAGE INCLUDING CONSTRAINTS ' || ') ', in_new_table_name ); execute format( 'GRANT insert, ' || ' select (audit_transaction_type, txid), ' || ' update (audit_transaction_type) ' || ' ON cyanaudit.%I ' || ' TO public ', in_new_table_name ); SET LOCAL client_min_messages to NOTICE; return in_new_table_name; end $_$ language plpgsql; -- fn_activate_partition CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_activate_partition ( in_partition_name varchar ) returns void as $_$ declare my_active_partition_name varchar; begin if in_partition_name is null then raise exception 'in_partition_name cannot be null'; end if; my_active_partition_name := cyanaudit.fn_get_active_partition_name(); if my_active_partition_name = in_partition_name then -- already configured correctly return; end if; if my_active_partition_name is not null then DROP TRIGGER tr_redirect_audit_events on cyanaudit.tb_audit_event; end if; execute format( 'CREATE TRIGGER tr_redirect_audit_events ' || 'before insert on cyanaudit.tb_audit_event for each row ' || 'execute procedure cyanaudit.fn_redirect_audit_events( %L ) ', in_partition_name ); return; end $_$ language plpgsql; -- fn_create_partition_indexes CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_create_partition_indexes ( in_table_name varchar ) returns void as $_$ declare my_index_columns varchar[]; my_index_column varchar; my_index_name varchar; my_tablespace_clause varchar; begin my_index_columns := array[ 'recorded', 'txid', 'audit_field' ]; foreach my_index_column in array my_index_columns loop my_index_name := format( 'ix_%s_%s', right( in_table_name, -3 ), my_index_column ); perform * from pg_index i join pg_class ci on i.indexrelid = ci.oid join pg_class c on i.indrelid = c.oid join pg_namespace n on c.relnamespace = n.oid where n.nspname = 'cyanaudit' and c.relname = in_table_name and ci.relname = my_index_name; if not found then -- Use tablespace of in_table_name. If default, this will be empty. select format( 'TABLESPACE %I', t.spcname ) into my_tablespace_clause from pg_class c join pg_tablespace t on c.reltablespace = t.oid join pg_namespace n on c.relnamespace = n.oid and n.nspname = 'cyanaudit' where c.relname = in_table_name; execute format( 'CREATE INDEX %I on cyanaudit.%I ( %I ) %s', my_index_name, in_table_name, my_index_column, coalesce( my_tablespace_clause, '' ) ); end if; end loop; end $_$ language plpgsql; -- fn_setup_partition_constraints CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_setup_partition_constraints ( in_table_name varchar, in_force boolean default false ) returns void as $_$ declare my_min_recorded timestamp; my_max_recorded timestamp; my_min_txid bigint; my_max_txid bigint; my_constraint_name varchar; my_constraint_src text; begin if in_table_name is null then raise exception 'Table name cannot be null'; end if; my_constraint_name := 'partition_range_chk'; select cn.consrc into my_constraint_src from pg_constraint cn join pg_class c on cn.conrelid = c.oid join pg_namespace n on c.relnamespace = n.oid where n.nspname = 'cyanaudit' and cn.conname = my_constraint_name and c.relname = in_table_name; if ( my_constraint_src not like '%txid%' and in_table_name != cyanaudit.fn_get_active_partition_name() ) OR ( my_constraint_src is not null and in_force is true ) then execute format( 'alter table cyanaudit.%I drop constraint %I', in_table_name, my_constraint_name ); elsif my_constraint_src is not null then return; end if; execute format( 'analyze cyanaudit.%I', in_table_name ); execute format( 'select min(recorded), max(recorded), min(txid), max(txid) from cyanaudit.%I', in_table_name ) into my_min_recorded, my_max_recorded, my_min_txid, my_max_txid; if my_min_recorded is null OR in_table_name = cyanaudit.fn_get_active_partition_name() then execute format( 'ALTER TABLE cyanaudit.%I add constraint %I ' || ' CHECK( recorded >= %L )', in_table_name, my_constraint_name, coalesce( my_min_recorded, now() ) ); else execute format( 'ALTER TABLE cyanaudit.%I add constraint %I ' || ' CHECK( recorded between %L and %L and txid between %L and %L )', in_table_name, my_constraint_name, my_min_recorded, my_max_recorded, my_min_txid, my_max_txid ); end if; -- Install FK to tb_audit_field if not present perform * from pg_constraint cn join pg_class c on cn.conrelid = c.oid join pg_namespace n on c.relnamespace = n.oid join pg_class cf on cn.confrelid = cf.oid join pg_namespace nf on cf.relnamespace = nf.oid where n.nspname = 'cyanaudit' and c.relname = in_table_name and nf.nspname = 'cyanaudit' and cf.relname = 'tb_audit_field'; if not found then execute format( 'ALTER TABLE cyanaudit.%I ' || ' ADD FOREIGN KEY ( audit_field ) ' || ' references cyanaudit.tb_audit_field', in_table_name ); end if; -- Install FK to tb_audit_transaction_type if not present perform * from pg_constraint cn join pg_class c on cn.conrelid = c.oid join pg_namespace n on c.relnamespace = n.oid join pg_class cf on cn.confrelid = cf.oid join pg_namespace nf on cf.relnamespace = nf.oid where n.nspname = 'cyanaudit' and c.relname = in_table_name and nf.nspname = 'cyanaudit' and cf.relname = 'tb_audit_transaction_type'; if not found then execute format( 'ALTER TABLE cyanaudit.%I ' || ' ADD FOREIGN KEY ( audit_transaction_type ) ' || ' references cyanaudit.tb_audit_transaction_type', in_table_name ); end if; end $_$ language plpgsql; -- fn_setup_partition_inheritance CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_setup_partition_inheritance ( in_partition_name varchar, in_break_inheritance boolean default false ) returns void as $_$ begin if in_partition_name is null then raise exception 'in_partition_name must not be null.'; end if; if in_partition_name = cyanaudit.fn_get_active_partition_name() AND in_break_inheritance then raise exception 'cyanaudit: refusing to break inheritance on active partition'; end if; -- See if inheritance is already set up for this table perform * from pg_inherits i join pg_class c_child on i.inhrelid = c_child.oid join pg_namespace n_child on c_child.relnamespace = n_child.oid and n_child.nspname = 'cyanaudit' join pg_class c_parent on i.inhparent = c_parent.oid join pg_namespace n_parent on c_parent.relnamespace = n_parent.oid and n_parent.nspname = 'cyanaudit' where c_child.relname = in_partition_name and c_parent.relname = 'tb_audit_event'; if not found then if in_break_inheritance is false then execute format( 'ALTER TABLE cyanaudit.%I INHERIT cyanaudit.tb_audit_event', in_partition_name ); end if; else if in_break_inheritance is true then execute format( 'ALTER TABLE cyanaudit.%I NO INHERIT cyanaudit.tb_audit_event', in_partition_name ); end if; end if; end $_$ language plpgsql; -- fn_verify_active_partition() CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_verify_active_partition() returns varchar as $_$ declare my_partition_name varchar; begin select c.relname into my_partition_name from pg_class c join pg_namespace n on c.relnamespace = n.oid and n.nspname = 'cyanaudit' where c.relname = cyanaudit.fn_get_active_partition_name(); if my_partition_name is null then my_partition_name := cyanaudit.fn_create_new_partition(); perform cyanaudit.fn_verify_partition_config( my_partition_name ); perform cyanaudit.fn_activate_partition( my_partition_name ); end if; return my_partition_name; end $_$ language plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_verify_partition_config ( in_partition_name varchar ) returns varchar as $_$ begin if in_partition_name is null then raise exception 'cyanaudit: fn_verify_partition_config: in_partition_name must be specified'; end if; perform * from pg_inherits i join pg_class cp on cp.oid = i.inhparent join pg_namespace np on cp.relnamespace = np.oid join pg_class cc on cc.oid = i.inhrelid join pg_namespace nc on cc.relnamespace = nc.oid where nc.nspname = 'cyanaudit' and np.nspname = 'cyanaudit' and cc.relname = in_partition_name and cp.relname = 'tb_audit_event'; if found and in_partition_name != cyanaudit.fn_get_active_partition_name() then raise exception 'cyanaudit: please run fn_setup_partition_inheritance( ''%'', true ) first.', in_partition_name; end if; -- Only set up the constraint if we're not restoring, since we don't know in -- this case that the lower bound is now(), as the function will assume. if current_setting( 'cyanaudit.in_restore', true )::boolean is distinct from true then perform cyanaudit.fn_setup_partition_constraints( in_partition_name ); end if; perform cyanaudit.fn_create_partition_indexes( in_partition_name ); perform cyanaudit.fn_archive_partition( in_partition_name ); perform cyanaudit.fn_setup_partition_inheritance( in_partition_name ); return in_partition_name; end $_$ language plpgsql; -------- Partition Archiving --------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_archive_partition ( in_partition_name varchar ) returns void as $_$ declare my_archive_tablespace varchar; my_index_name varchar; begin if in_partition_name = cyanaudit.fn_get_active_partition_name() then raise notice 'cyanaudit: Skipping archival of active partition.'; return; end if; select c.value into my_archive_tablespace from cyanaudit.tb_config c join pg_tablespace t on c.value = t.spcname::text where = 'archive_tablespace'; if not found then raise notice 'cyanaudit: Missing or invalid config value for ''archive_tablespace''. Skipping.'; return; end if; for my_index_name in select ci.relname from pg_index i join pg_class ci on i.indexrelid = ci.oid join pg_class c on i.indrelid = c.oid and c.relname = in_partition_name join pg_namespace n on c.relnamespace = n.oid and n.nspname = 'cyanaudit' where c.relname = in_partition_name loop execute format( 'alter index cyanaudit.%I set tablespace %I', my_index_name, my_archive_tablespace ); end loop; execute format( 'alter table cyanaudit.%I set tablespace %I', in_partition_name, my_archive_tablespace ); end $_$ language plpgsql strict; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_get_partitions_over_quantity_limit ( in_quantity integer ) returns setof text as $_$ select c.relname::text from pg_class c join pg_namespace n on c.relnamespace = n.oid and n.nspname = 'cyanaudit' where c.relkind = 'r' and c.relname ~ '^tb_audit_event_\d{8}_\d{4}$' order by c.relname desc offset in_quantity + 1 $_$ language sql strict; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_get_partitions_over_size_limit ( in_size_gb bigint ) returns setof text as $_$ with tt_cumulative_size as ( select c.relname::text, sum( pg_total_relation_size(c.oid) ) over( order by c.relname desc rows unbounded preceding ) from pg_class c join pg_namespace n on c.relnamespace = n.oid where n.nspname = 'cyanaudit' and c.relname like 'tb_audit_event_%' ) select relname from tt_cumulative_size where sum > in_size_gb * 1000000000::bigint order by relname; $_$ language sql strict; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cyanaudit.fn_get_partitions_over_age_limit ( in_age interval ) returns setof text as $_$ with tt_partitions as ( select c.relname::text as considered_partition_name, lead(c.relname) over( order by c.relname ) as next_partition_name from pg_class c join pg_namespace n on c.relnamespace = n.oid where n.nspname = 'cyanaudit' and c.relname like 'tb_audit_event_%' ) select considered_partition_name from tt_partitions where next_partition_name < 'tb_audit_event_' || to_char( now() - in_age, 'YYYYMMDD_HH24MI' ); $_$ language sql strict; -------------------- ------ VIEWS ------- -------------------- -- vw_audit_log -- This is the main user interface to the cyanaudit log. CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW cyanaudit.vw_audit_log as select ae.recorded, ae.uid, cyanaudit.fn_get_email_by_uid(ae.uid) as user_email, ae.txid, att.label as description, (case when af.table_schema = any(current_schemas(true)) then af.table_name else af.table_schema || '.' || af.table_name end)::varchar as table_name, af.column_name, ae.pk_vals::text[] as pk_vals, ae.row_op as op, ae.old_value, ae.new_value from cyanaudit.tb_audit_event ae join cyanaudit.tb_audit_field af using(audit_field) left join cyanaudit.tb_audit_transaction_type att using(audit_transaction_type) order by ae.recorded desc, af.table_name, af.column_name; COMMENT ON VIEW cyanaudit.vw_audit_log IS 'User-friendly view with which to inspect the Cyan Audit logs.'; -- vw_undo_statement CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW cyanaudit.vw_undo_statement AS select ae.txid, (case ae.row_op when 'D' then format( 'INSERT INTO %I.%I ( %s ) values ( %s );', af.table_schema, af.table_name, string_agg( quote_ident( af.column_name ), ',' ), string_agg( quote_nullable( ae.old_value ), ',' ) ) when 'U' then format( 'UPDATE %I.%I SET %s WHERE %s;', af.table_schema, af.table_name, string_agg( format( '%I = %L', af.column_name, ae.old_value ), ',' ), cyanaudit.fn_get_where_string( cyanaudit.fn_get_table_pk_cols( af.table_name, af.table_schema ), ae.pk_vals ) ) when 'I' then format( 'DELETE FROM %I.%I WHERE %s;', af.table_schema, af.table_name, cyanaudit.fn_get_where_string( cyanaudit.fn_get_table_pk_cols( af.table_name, af.table_schema ), ae.pk_vals ) ) end)::varchar as query from cyanaudit.tb_audit_event ae join cyanaudit.tb_audit_field af using(audit_field) group by af.table_schema, af.table_name, ae.row_op, ae.pk_vals, ae.recorded, ae.txid order by ae.recorded desc; COMMENT ON VIEW cyanaudit.vw_undo_statement IS 'Reconstructed SQL statements that can be used to play a transaction''s DML in reverse.'; --------------------- --- CONFIG TABLES --- --------------------- INSERT INTO cyanaudit.tb_config (name, value) VALUES ('user_table', null), ('user_table_username_col', null), ('user_table_email_col', null), ('user_table_uid_col', null), ('archive_tablespace', 'pg_default') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; INSERT INTO cyanaudit.tb_config (name, value) VALUES ('version', '2.2.0') ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET value = EXCLUDED.value WHERE =; ------------------- --- PERMISSIONS --- ------------------- grant usage on schema cyanaudit to public; grant usage on all sequences in schema cyanaudit to public; grant insert, select on cyanaudit.tb_audit_transaction_type to public; grant insert, select (audit_transaction_type, txid), update (audit_transaction_type) on cyanaudit.tb_audit_event to public; grant select on cyanaudit.tb_config to public; SELECT cyanaudit.fn_create_event_trigger(); COMMIT;