Cyan Audit ========== Cyan Audit is a PostgreSQL extension providing comprehensive and easily-searchable logs of DML (INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE) activity in your database. With Cyan Audit you can: * Log any table with a PK, regardless of schema. * Search logs by querying a simple view. * Toggle logging on a column-by-column basis using an easy config table. * Attribute every operation to a specific application user. * Label any operation with a human-readable description. * Back up and restore logs with confidence using supplied Perl scripts. * Rotate & drop old logs automatically using a supplied Perl script. * Keep years of logs online comfortably with automatic archival to your cheap tablespace. * Effectively "undo" any recorded transaction by playing its operations in reverse. * Save time with a design focused on ease of setup and maintenance. Cyan Audit: * is written entirely in SQL and PL/pgSQL (except Perl cron scripts). * is Trigger-based. * supports PostgreSQL 9.3 and newer. * has been production tested for 4 years. For installation and usage instructions please see doc/