-- -- Test querying cstore_fdw tables. -- -- Settings to make the result deterministic SET datestyle = "ISO, YMD"; -- Query uncompressed data SELECT count(*) FROM contestant; SELECT avg(rating), stddev_samp(rating) FROM contestant; SELECT country, avg(rating) FROM contestant WHERE rating > 2200 GROUP BY country ORDER BY country; SELECT * FROM contestant ORDER BY handle; -- Query compressed data SELECT count(*) FROM contestant_compressed; SELECT avg(rating), stddev_samp(rating) FROM contestant_compressed; SELECT country, avg(rating) FROM contestant_compressed WHERE rating > 2200 GROUP BY country ORDER BY country; SELECT * FROM contestant_compressed ORDER BY handle; -- Verify that we handle whole-row references correctly SELECT to_json(v) FROM contestant v ORDER BY rating LIMIT 1; -- Test variables used in expressions CREATE FOREIGN TABLE union_first (a int, b int) SERVER cstore_server; CREATE FOREIGN TABLE union_second (a int, b int) SERVER cstore_server; INSERT INTO union_first SELECT a, a FROM generate_series(1, 5) a; INSERT INTO union_second SELECT a, a FROM generate_series(11, 15) a; (SELECT a*1, b FROM union_first) union all (SELECT a*1, b FROM union_second); DROP FOREIGN TABLE union_first, union_second;