/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * cstore_reader.c * * This file contains function definitions for reading cstore files. This * includes the logic for reading file level metadata, reading row stripes, * and skipping unrelated row blocks and columns. * * Copyright (c) 2015, Citus Data, Inc. * * $Id$ * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "cstore_fdw.h" #include "cstore_metadata_serialization.h" #include "access/nbtree.h" #include "access/skey.h" #include "commands/defrem.h" #include "nodes/makefuncs.h" #include "optimizer/clauses.h" #include "optimizer/predtest.h" #include "optimizer/restrictinfo.h" #include "optimizer/var.h" #include "port.h" #include "storage/fd.h" #include "utils/memutils.h" #include "utils/lsyscache.h" #include "utils/pg_lzcompress.h" #include "utils/rel.h" /* static function declarations */ static StripeBuffers * LoadFilteredStripeBuffers(FILE *tableFile, StripeMetadata *stripeMetadata, TupleDesc tupleDescriptor, List *projectedColumnList, List *whereClauseList); static void ReadStripeNextRow(StripeBuffers *stripeBuffers, List *projectedColumnList, uint64 blockIndex, uint64 blockRowIndex, ColumnBlockData **blockDataArray, Datum *columnValues, bool *columnNulls); static ColumnBuffers * LoadColumnBuffers(FILE *tableFile, ColumnBlockSkipNode *blockSkipNodeArray, uint32 blockCount, uint64 existsFileOffset, uint64 valueFileOffset, Form_pg_attribute attributeForm); static StripeFooter * LoadStripeFooter(FILE *tableFile, StripeMetadata *stripeMetadata, uint32 columnCount); static StripeSkipList * LoadStripeSkipList(FILE *tableFile, StripeMetadata *stripeMetadata, StripeFooter *stripeFooter, uint32 columnCount, Form_pg_attribute *attributeFormArray); static bool * SelectedBlockMask(StripeSkipList *stripeSkipList, List *projectedColumnList, List *whereClauseList); static List * BuildRestrictInfoList(List *whereClauseList); static Node * BuildBaseConstraint(Var *variable); static OpExpr * MakeOpExpression(Var *variable, int16 strategyNumber); static Oid GetOperatorByType(Oid typeId, Oid accessMethodId, int16 strategyNumber); static void UpdateConstraint(Node *baseConstraint, Datum minValue, Datum maxValue); static StripeSkipList * SelectedBlockSkipList(StripeSkipList *stripeSkipList, bool *selectedBlockMask); static uint32 StripeSkipListRowCount(StripeSkipList *stripeSkipList); static bool * ProjectedColumnMask(uint32 columnCount, List *projectedColumnList); static void DeserializeBoolArray(StringInfo boolArrayBuffer, bool *boolArray, uint32 boolArrayLength); static void DeserializeDatumArray(StringInfo datumBuffer, bool *existsArray, uint32 datumCount, bool datumTypeByValue, int datumTypeLength, char datumTypeAlign, Datum *datumArray); static void DeserializeBlockData(StripeBuffers *stripeBuffers, uint64 blockIndex, Form_pg_attribute *attributeFormArray, uint32 rowCount, ColumnBlockData **blockDataArray); static int64 FileSize(FILE *file); static StringInfo ReadFromFile(FILE *file, uint64 offset, uint32 size); static StringInfo DecompressBuffer(StringInfo buffer, CompressionType compressionType); static void ResetUncompressedBlockData(ColumnBlockData **blockDataArray, uint32 columnCount); /* * CStoreBeginRead initializes a cstore read operation. This function returns a * read handle that's used during reading rows and finishing the read operation. */ TableReadState * CStoreBeginRead(const char *filename, TupleDesc tupleDescriptor, List *projectedColumnList, List *whereClauseList) { TableReadState *readState = NULL; TableFooter *tableFooter = NULL; FILE *tableFile = NULL; MemoryContext stripeReadContext = NULL; uint32 columnCount = 0; bool *projectedColumnMask = NULL; ColumnBlockData **blockDataArray = NULL; StringInfo tableFooterFilename = makeStringInfo(); appendStringInfo(tableFooterFilename, "%s%s", filename, CSTORE_FOOTER_FILE_SUFFIX); tableFooter = CStoreReadFooter(tableFooterFilename); pfree(tableFooterFilename->data); pfree(tableFooterFilename); tableFile = AllocateFile(filename, PG_BINARY_R); if (tableFile == NULL) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode_for_file_access(), errmsg("could not open file \"%s\" for reading: %m", filename))); } /* * We allocate all stripe specific data in the stripeReadContext, and reset * this memory context before loading a new stripe. This is to avoid memory * leaks. */ stripeReadContext = AllocSetContextCreate(CurrentMemoryContext, "Stripe Read Memory Context", ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_MINSIZE, ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_INITSIZE, ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_MAXSIZE); columnCount = tupleDescriptor->natts; projectedColumnMask = ProjectedColumnMask(columnCount, projectedColumnList); blockDataArray = CreateEmptyBlockDataArray(columnCount, projectedColumnMask, tableFooter->blockRowCount); readState = palloc0(sizeof(TableReadState)); readState->tableFile = tableFile; readState->tableFooter = tableFooter; readState->projectedColumnList = projectedColumnList; readState->whereClauseList = whereClauseList; readState->stripeBuffers = NULL; readState->readStripeCount = 0; readState->stripeReadRowCount = 0; readState->tupleDescriptor = tupleDescriptor; readState->stripeReadContext = stripeReadContext; readState->blockDataArray = blockDataArray; readState->deserializedBlockIndex = -1; return readState; } /* * CStoreReadFooter reads the cstore file footer from the given file. First, the * function reads the last byte of the file as the postscript size. Then, the * function reads the postscript. Last, the function reads and deserializes the * footer. */ TableFooter * CStoreReadFooter(StringInfo tableFooterFilename) { TableFooter *tableFooter = NULL; FILE *tableFooterFile = NULL; uint64 footerOffset = 0; uint64 footerLength = 0; StringInfo postscriptBuffer = NULL; StringInfo postscriptSizeBuffer = NULL; uint64 postscriptSizeOffset = 0; uint8 postscriptSize = 0; uint64 footerFileSize = 0; uint64 postscriptOffset = 0; StringInfo footerBuffer = NULL; int freeResult = 0; tableFooterFile = AllocateFile(tableFooterFilename->data, PG_BINARY_R); if (tableFooterFile == NULL) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode_for_file_access(), errmsg("could not open file \"%s\" for reading: %m", tableFooterFilename->data), errhint("Try copying in data to the table."))); } footerFileSize = FileSize(tableFooterFile); if (footerFileSize < CSTORE_POSTSCRIPT_SIZE_LENGTH) { ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("invalid cstore file"))); } postscriptSizeOffset = footerFileSize - CSTORE_POSTSCRIPT_SIZE_LENGTH; postscriptSizeBuffer = ReadFromFile(tableFooterFile, postscriptSizeOffset, CSTORE_POSTSCRIPT_SIZE_LENGTH); memcpy(&postscriptSize, postscriptSizeBuffer->data, CSTORE_POSTSCRIPT_SIZE_LENGTH); if (postscriptSize + CSTORE_POSTSCRIPT_SIZE_LENGTH > footerFileSize) { ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("invalid postscript size"))); } postscriptOffset = footerFileSize - (CSTORE_POSTSCRIPT_SIZE_LENGTH + postscriptSize); postscriptBuffer = ReadFromFile(tableFooterFile, postscriptOffset, postscriptSize); DeserializePostScript(postscriptBuffer, &footerLength); if (footerLength + postscriptSize + CSTORE_POSTSCRIPT_SIZE_LENGTH > footerFileSize) { ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("invalid footer size"))); } footerOffset = postscriptOffset - footerLength; footerBuffer = ReadFromFile(tableFooterFile, footerOffset, footerLength); tableFooter = DeserializeTableFooter(footerBuffer); freeResult = FreeFile(tableFooterFile); if (freeResult != 0) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode_for_file_access(), errmsg("could not close file: %m"))); } return tableFooter; } /* * CStoreReadNextRow tries to read a row from the cstore file. On success, it sets * column values and nulls, and returns true. If there are no more rows to read, * the function returns false. */ bool CStoreReadNextRow(TableReadState *readState, Datum *columnValues, bool *columnNulls) { uint32 blockIndex = 0; uint32 blockRowIndex = 0; TableFooter *tableFooter = readState->tableFooter; Form_pg_attribute *attributeFormArray = readState->tupleDescriptor->attrs; MemoryContext oldContext = NULL; /* * If no stripes are loaded, load the next non-empty stripe. Note that when * loading stripes, we skip over blocks whose contents can be filtered with * the query's restriction qualifiers. So, even when a stripe is physically * not empty, we may end up loading it as an empty stripe. */ while (readState->stripeBuffers == NULL) { StripeBuffers *stripeBuffers = NULL; StripeMetadata *stripeMetadata = NULL; List *stripeMetadataList = tableFooter->stripeMetadataList; uint32 stripeCount = list_length(stripeMetadataList); /* if we have read all stripes, return false */ if (readState->readStripeCount == stripeCount) { return false; } oldContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(readState->stripeReadContext); MemoryContextReset(readState->stripeReadContext); stripeMetadata = list_nth(stripeMetadataList, readState->readStripeCount); stripeBuffers = LoadFilteredStripeBuffers(readState->tableFile, stripeMetadata, readState->tupleDescriptor, readState->projectedColumnList, readState->whereClauseList); readState->readStripeCount++; MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldContext); if (stripeBuffers->rowCount != 0) { readState->stripeBuffers = stripeBuffers; readState->stripeReadRowCount = 0; readState->deserializedBlockIndex = -1; ResetUncompressedBlockData(readState->blockDataArray, stripeBuffers->columnCount); break; } } blockIndex = readState->stripeReadRowCount / tableFooter->blockRowCount; blockRowIndex = readState->stripeReadRowCount % tableFooter->blockRowCount; if (blockIndex != readState->deserializedBlockIndex) { uint32 lastBlockIndex = 0; uint32 blockRowCount = 0; uint32 stripeRowCount = 0; stripeRowCount = readState->stripeBuffers->rowCount; lastBlockIndex = stripeRowCount / tableFooter->blockRowCount; if (blockIndex == lastBlockIndex) { blockRowCount = stripeRowCount % tableFooter->blockRowCount; } else { blockRowCount = tableFooter->blockRowCount; } oldContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(readState->stripeReadContext); DeserializeBlockData(readState->stripeBuffers, blockIndex, attributeFormArray, blockRowCount, readState->blockDataArray); MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldContext); readState->deserializedBlockIndex = blockIndex; } ReadStripeNextRow(readState->stripeBuffers, readState->projectedColumnList, blockIndex, blockRowIndex, readState->blockDataArray, columnValues, columnNulls); /* * If we finished reading the current stripe, set stripe data to NULL. That * way, we will load a new stripe the next time this function gets called. */ readState->stripeReadRowCount++; if (readState->stripeReadRowCount == readState->stripeBuffers->rowCount) { readState->stripeBuffers = NULL; } return true; } /* Finishes a cstore read operation. */ void CStoreEndRead(TableReadState *readState) { int columnCount = readState->tupleDescriptor->natts; MemoryContextDelete(readState->stripeReadContext); FreeFile(readState->tableFile); list_free_deep(readState->tableFooter->stripeMetadataList); FreeColumnBlockDataArray(readState->blockDataArray, columnCount); pfree(readState->tableFooter); pfree(readState); } /* * CreateEmptyBlockDataArray creates data buffers to keep deserialized exist and * value arrays for requested columns in columnMask. */ ColumnBlockData ** CreateEmptyBlockDataArray(uint32 columnCount, bool *columnMask, uint32 blockRowCount) { uint32 columnIndex = 0; ColumnBlockData **blockDataArray = palloc0(columnCount * sizeof(ColumnBlockData*)); /* allocate block memory for deserialized data */ for (columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < columnCount; columnIndex++) { if (columnMask[columnIndex]) { ColumnBlockData *blockData = palloc0(sizeof(ColumnBlockData)); blockData->existsArray = palloc0(blockRowCount * sizeof(bool)); blockData->valueArray = palloc0(blockRowCount * sizeof(Datum)); blockData->valueBuffer = NULL; blockDataArray[columnIndex] = blockData; } } return blockDataArray; } /* * FreeColumnBlockDataArray deallocates data buffers to keep deserialized exist and * value arrays for requested columns in columnMask. * ColumnBlockData->serializedValueBuffer lives in memory read/write context * so it is deallocated automatically when the context is deleted. */ void FreeColumnBlockDataArray(ColumnBlockData **blockDataArray, uint32 columnCount) { uint32 columnIndex = 0; for (columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < columnCount; columnIndex++) { ColumnBlockData *blockData = blockDataArray[columnIndex]; if (blockData != NULL) { pfree(blockData->existsArray); pfree(blockData->valueArray); pfree(blockData); } } pfree(blockDataArray); } /* * LoadFilteredStripeBuffers reads serialized stripe data from the given file. * The function skips over blocks whose rows are refuted by restriction qualifiers, * and only loads columns that are projected in the query. */ static StripeBuffers * LoadFilteredStripeBuffers(FILE *tableFile, StripeMetadata *stripeMetadata, TupleDesc tupleDescriptor, List *projectedColumnList, List *whereClauseList) { StripeBuffers *stripeBuffers = NULL; ColumnBuffers **columnBuffersArray = NULL; uint64 currentColumnFileOffset = 0; uint32 columnIndex = 0; Form_pg_attribute *attributeFormArray = tupleDescriptor->attrs; uint32 columnCount = tupleDescriptor->natts; StripeFooter *stripeFooter = LoadStripeFooter(tableFile, stripeMetadata, columnCount); StripeSkipList *stripeSkipList = LoadStripeSkipList(tableFile, stripeMetadata, stripeFooter, columnCount, attributeFormArray); bool *projectedColumnMask = ProjectedColumnMask(columnCount, projectedColumnList); bool *selectedBlockMask = SelectedBlockMask(stripeSkipList, projectedColumnList, whereClauseList); StripeSkipList *selectedBlockSkipList = SelectedBlockSkipList(stripeSkipList, selectedBlockMask); /* load column data for projected columns */ columnBuffersArray = palloc0(columnCount * sizeof(ColumnBuffers *)); currentColumnFileOffset = stripeMetadata->fileOffset + stripeMetadata->skipListLength; for (columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < columnCount; columnIndex++) { uint64 existsSize = stripeFooter->existsSizeArray[columnIndex]; uint64 valueSize = stripeFooter->valueSizeArray[columnIndex]; uint64 existsFileOffset = currentColumnFileOffset; uint64 valueFileOffset = currentColumnFileOffset + existsSize; if (projectedColumnMask[columnIndex]) { ColumnBlockSkipNode *blockSkipNode = selectedBlockSkipList->blockSkipNodeArray[columnIndex]; Form_pg_attribute attributeForm = attributeFormArray[columnIndex]; uint32 blockCount = selectedBlockSkipList->blockCount; ColumnBuffers *columnBuffers = LoadColumnBuffers(tableFile, blockSkipNode, blockCount, existsFileOffset, valueFileOffset, attributeForm); columnBuffersArray[columnIndex] = columnBuffers; } currentColumnFileOffset += existsSize; currentColumnFileOffset += valueSize; } stripeBuffers = palloc0(sizeof(StripeBuffers)); stripeBuffers->columnCount = columnCount; stripeBuffers->rowCount = StripeSkipListRowCount(selectedBlockSkipList); stripeBuffers->columnBuffersArray = columnBuffersArray; return stripeBuffers; } /* * ReadStripeNextRow reads the next row from the given stripe, finds the projected * column values within this row, and accordingly sets the column values and nulls. * Note that this function sets the values for all non-projected columns to null. */ static void ReadStripeNextRow(StripeBuffers *stripeBuffers, List *projectedColumnList, uint64 blockIndex, uint64 blockRowIndex, ColumnBlockData **blockDataArray, Datum *columnValues, bool *columnNulls) { ListCell *projectedColumnCell = NULL; /* set all columns to null by default */ memset(columnNulls, 1, stripeBuffers->columnCount * sizeof(bool)); foreach(projectedColumnCell, projectedColumnList) { Var *projectedColumn = lfirst(projectedColumnCell); uint32 projectedColumnIndex = projectedColumn->varattno - 1; ColumnBlockData *blockData = blockDataArray[projectedColumnIndex]; if (blockData->existsArray[blockRowIndex]) { columnValues[projectedColumnIndex] = blockData->valueArray[blockRowIndex]; columnNulls[projectedColumnIndex] = false; } } } /* * LoadColumnBuffers reads serialized column data from the given file. These * column data are laid out as sequential blocks in the file; and block positions * and lengths are retrieved from the column block skip node array. */ static ColumnBuffers * LoadColumnBuffers(FILE *tableFile, ColumnBlockSkipNode *blockSkipNodeArray, uint32 blockCount, uint64 existsFileOffset, uint64 valueFileOffset, Form_pg_attribute attributeForm) { ColumnBuffers *columnBuffers = NULL; uint32 blockIndex = 0; ColumnBlockBuffers **blockBuffersArray = palloc0(blockCount * sizeof(ColumnBlockBuffers *)); for (blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < blockCount; blockIndex++) { blockBuffersArray[blockIndex] = palloc0(sizeof(ColumnBlockBuffers)); } /* * We first read the "exists" blocks. We don't read "values" array here, * because "exists" blocks are stored sequentially on disk, and we want to * minimize disk seeks. */ for (blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < blockCount; blockIndex++) { ColumnBlockSkipNode *blockSkipNode = &blockSkipNodeArray[blockIndex]; uint64 existsOffset = existsFileOffset + blockSkipNode->existsBlockOffset; StringInfo rawExistsBuffer = ReadFromFile(tableFile, existsOffset, blockSkipNode->existsLength); blockBuffersArray[blockIndex]->existsBuffer = rawExistsBuffer; } /* then read "values" blocks, which are also stored sequentially on disk */ for (blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < blockCount; blockIndex++) { ColumnBlockSkipNode *blockSkipNode = &blockSkipNodeArray[blockIndex]; CompressionType compressionType = blockSkipNode->valueCompressionType; uint64 valueOffset = valueFileOffset + blockSkipNode->valueBlockOffset; StringInfo rawValueBuffer = ReadFromFile(tableFile, valueOffset, blockSkipNode->valueLength); blockBuffersArray[blockIndex]->valueBuffer = rawValueBuffer; blockBuffersArray[blockIndex]->valueCompressionType = compressionType; } columnBuffers = palloc0(sizeof(ColumnBuffers)); columnBuffers->blockBuffersArray = blockBuffersArray; return columnBuffers; } /* Reads and returns the given stripe's footer. */ static StripeFooter * LoadStripeFooter(FILE *tableFile, StripeMetadata *stripeMetadata, uint32 columnCount) { StripeFooter *stripeFooter = NULL; StringInfo footerBuffer = NULL; uint64 footerOffset = 0; footerOffset += stripeMetadata->fileOffset; footerOffset += stripeMetadata->skipListLength; footerOffset += stripeMetadata->dataLength; footerBuffer = ReadFromFile(tableFile, footerOffset, stripeMetadata->footerLength); stripeFooter = DeserializeStripeFooter(footerBuffer); if (stripeFooter->columnCount != columnCount) { ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("stripe footer column count and table column count " "don't match"))); } return stripeFooter; } /* Reads the skip list for the given stripe. */ static StripeSkipList * LoadStripeSkipList(FILE *tableFile, StripeMetadata *stripeMetadata, StripeFooter *stripeFooter, uint32 columnCount, Form_pg_attribute *attributeFormArray) { StripeSkipList *stripeSkipList = NULL; ColumnBlockSkipNode **blockSkipNodeArray = NULL; StringInfo firstColumnSkipListBuffer = NULL; uint64 currentColumnSkipListFileOffset = 0; uint32 columnIndex = 0; uint32 stripeBlockCount = 0; /* deserialize block count */ firstColumnSkipListBuffer = ReadFromFile(tableFile, stripeMetadata->fileOffset, stripeFooter->skipListSizeArray[0]); stripeBlockCount = DeserializeBlockCount(firstColumnSkipListBuffer); /* deserialize column skip lists */ blockSkipNodeArray = palloc0(columnCount * sizeof(ColumnBlockSkipNode *)); currentColumnSkipListFileOffset = stripeMetadata->fileOffset; for (columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < columnCount; columnIndex++) { uint64 columnSkipListSize = stripeFooter->skipListSizeArray[columnIndex]; Form_pg_attribute attributeForm = attributeFormArray[columnIndex]; StringInfo columnSkipListBuffer = ReadFromFile(tableFile, currentColumnSkipListFileOffset, columnSkipListSize); ColumnBlockSkipNode *columnSkipList = DeserializeColumnSkipList(columnSkipListBuffer, attributeForm->attbyval, attributeForm->attlen, stripeBlockCount); blockSkipNodeArray[columnIndex] = columnSkipList; currentColumnSkipListFileOffset += columnSkipListSize; } stripeSkipList = palloc0(sizeof(StripeSkipList)); stripeSkipList->blockSkipNodeArray = blockSkipNodeArray; stripeSkipList->columnCount = columnCount; stripeSkipList->blockCount = stripeBlockCount; return stripeSkipList; } /* * SelectedBlockMask walks over each column's blocks and checks if a block can * be filtered without reading its data. The filtering happens when all rows in * the block can be refuted by the given qualifier conditions. */ static bool * SelectedBlockMask(StripeSkipList *stripeSkipList, List *projectedColumnList, List *whereClauseList) { bool *selectedBlockMask = NULL; ListCell *columnCell = NULL; uint32 blockIndex = 0; List *restrictInfoList = BuildRestrictInfoList(whereClauseList); selectedBlockMask = palloc0(stripeSkipList->blockCount * sizeof(bool)); memset(selectedBlockMask, true, stripeSkipList->blockCount * sizeof(bool)); foreach(columnCell, projectedColumnList) { Var *column = lfirst(columnCell); uint32 columnIndex = column->varattno - 1; FmgrInfo *comparisonFunction = NULL; Node *baseConstraint = NULL; /* if this column's data type doesn't have a comparator, skip it */ comparisonFunction = GetFunctionInfoOrNull(column->vartype, BTREE_AM_OID, BTORDER_PROC); if (comparisonFunction == NULL) { continue; } baseConstraint = BuildBaseConstraint(column); for (blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < stripeSkipList->blockCount; blockIndex++) { bool predicateRefuted = false; List *constraintList = NIL; ColumnBlockSkipNode *blockSkipNodeArray = stripeSkipList->blockSkipNodeArray[columnIndex]; ColumnBlockSkipNode *blockSkipNode = &blockSkipNodeArray[blockIndex]; /* * A column block with comparable data type can miss min/max values * if all values in the block are NULL. */ if (!blockSkipNode->hasMinMax) { continue; } UpdateConstraint(baseConstraint, blockSkipNode->minimumValue, blockSkipNode->maximumValue); constraintList = list_make1(baseConstraint); predicateRefuted = predicate_refuted_by(constraintList, restrictInfoList); if (predicateRefuted) { selectedBlockMask[blockIndex] = false; } } } return selectedBlockMask; } /* * GetFunctionInfoOrNull first resolves the operator for the given data type, * access method, and support procedure. The function then uses the resolved * operator's identifier to fill in a function manager object, and returns * this object. This function is based on a similar function from CitusDB's code. */ FmgrInfo * GetFunctionInfoOrNull(Oid typeId, Oid accessMethodId, int16 procedureId) { FmgrInfo *functionInfo = NULL; Oid operatorClassId = InvalidOid; Oid operatorFamilyId = InvalidOid; Oid operatorId = InvalidOid; /* get default operator class from pg_opclass for datum type */ operatorClassId = GetDefaultOpClass(typeId, accessMethodId); if (operatorClassId == InvalidOid) { return NULL; } operatorFamilyId = get_opclass_family(operatorClassId); if (operatorFamilyId == InvalidOid) { return NULL; } operatorId = get_opfamily_proc(operatorFamilyId, typeId, typeId, procedureId); if (operatorId != InvalidOid) { functionInfo = (FmgrInfo *) palloc0(sizeof(FmgrInfo)); /* fill in the FmgrInfo struct using the operatorId */ fmgr_info(operatorId, functionInfo); } return functionInfo; } /* * BuildRestrictInfoList builds restrict info list using the selection criteria, * and then return this list. The function is copied from CitusDB's shard pruning * logic. */ static List * BuildRestrictInfoList(List *whereClauseList) { List *restrictInfoList = NIL; ListCell *qualCell = NULL; foreach(qualCell, whereClauseList) { RestrictInfo *restrictInfo = NULL; Node *qualNode = (Node *) lfirst(qualCell); restrictInfo = make_simple_restrictinfo((Expr *) qualNode); restrictInfoList = lappend(restrictInfoList, restrictInfo); } return restrictInfoList; } /* * BuildBaseConstraint builds and returns a base constraint. This constraint * implements an expression in the form of (var <= max && var >= min), where * min and max values represent a block's min and max values. These block * values are filled in after the constraint is built. This function is based * on a similar function from CitusDB's shard pruning logic. */ static Node * BuildBaseConstraint(Var *variable) { Node *baseConstraint = NULL; OpExpr *lessThanExpr = NULL; OpExpr *greaterThanExpr = NULL; lessThanExpr = MakeOpExpression(variable, BTLessEqualStrategyNumber); greaterThanExpr = MakeOpExpression(variable, BTGreaterEqualStrategyNumber); baseConstraint = make_and_qual((Node *) lessThanExpr, (Node *) greaterThanExpr); return baseConstraint; } /* * MakeOpExpression builds an operator expression node. This operator expression * implements the operator clause as defined by the variable and the strategy * number. The function is copied from CitusDB's shard pruning logic. */ static OpExpr * MakeOpExpression(Var *variable, int16 strategyNumber) { Oid typeId = variable->vartype; Oid typeModId = variable->vartypmod; Oid collationId = variable->varcollid; Oid accessMethodId = BTREE_AM_OID; Oid operatorId = InvalidOid; Const *constantValue = NULL; OpExpr *expression = NULL; /* Load the operator from system catalogs */ operatorId = GetOperatorByType(typeId, accessMethodId, strategyNumber); constantValue = makeNullConst(typeId, typeModId, collationId); /* Now make the expression with the given variable and a null constant */ expression = (OpExpr *) make_opclause(operatorId, InvalidOid, /* no result type yet */ false, /* no return set */ (Expr *) variable, (Expr *) constantValue, InvalidOid, collationId); /* Set implementing function id and result type */ expression->opfuncid = get_opcode(operatorId); expression->opresulttype = get_func_rettype(expression->opfuncid); return expression; } /* * GetOperatorByType returns operator Oid for the given type, access method, * and strategy number. Note that this function incorrectly errors out when * the given type doesn't have its own operator but can use another compatible * type's default operator. The function is copied from CitusDB's shard pruning * logic. */ static Oid GetOperatorByType(Oid typeId, Oid accessMethodId, int16 strategyNumber) { /* Get default operator class from pg_opclass */ Oid operatorClassId = GetDefaultOpClass(typeId, accessMethodId); Oid operatorFamily = get_opclass_family(operatorClassId); Oid operatorId = get_opfamily_member(operatorFamily, typeId, typeId, strategyNumber); return operatorId; } /* * UpdateConstraint updates the base constraint with the given min/max values. * The function is copied from CitusDB's shard pruning logic. */ static void UpdateConstraint(Node *baseConstraint, Datum minValue, Datum maxValue) { BoolExpr *andExpr = (BoolExpr *) baseConstraint; Node *lessThanExpr = (Node *) linitial(andExpr->args); Node *greaterThanExpr = (Node *) lsecond(andExpr->args); Node *minNode = get_rightop((Expr *) greaterThanExpr); Node *maxNode = get_rightop((Expr *) lessThanExpr); Const *minConstant = NULL; Const *maxConstant = NULL; Assert(IsA(minNode, Const)); Assert(IsA(maxNode, Const)); minConstant = (Const *) minNode; maxConstant = (Const *) maxNode; minConstant->constvalue = minValue; maxConstant->constvalue = maxValue; minConstant->constisnull = false; maxConstant->constisnull = false; minConstant->constbyval = true; maxConstant->constbyval = true; } /* * SelectedBlockSkipList constructs a new StripeSkipList in which the * non-selected blocks are removed from the given stripeSkipList. */ static StripeSkipList * SelectedBlockSkipList(StripeSkipList *stripeSkipList, bool *selectedBlockMask) { StripeSkipList *SelectedBlockSkipList = NULL; ColumnBlockSkipNode **selectedBlockSkipNodeArray = NULL; uint32 selectedBlockCount = 0; uint32 blockIndex = 0; uint32 columnIndex = 0; uint32 columnCount = stripeSkipList->columnCount; for (blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < stripeSkipList->blockCount; blockIndex++) { if (selectedBlockMask[blockIndex]) { selectedBlockCount++; } } selectedBlockSkipNodeArray = palloc0(columnCount * sizeof(ColumnBlockSkipNode *)); for (columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < columnCount; columnIndex++) { uint32 selectedBlockIndex = 0; selectedBlockSkipNodeArray[columnIndex] = palloc0(selectedBlockCount * sizeof(ColumnBlockSkipNode)); for (blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < stripeSkipList->blockCount; blockIndex++) { if (selectedBlockMask[blockIndex]) { selectedBlockSkipNodeArray[columnIndex][selectedBlockIndex] = stripeSkipList->blockSkipNodeArray[columnIndex][blockIndex]; selectedBlockIndex++; } } } SelectedBlockSkipList = palloc0(sizeof(StripeSkipList)); SelectedBlockSkipList->blockSkipNodeArray = selectedBlockSkipNodeArray; SelectedBlockSkipList->blockCount = selectedBlockCount; SelectedBlockSkipList->columnCount = stripeSkipList->columnCount; return SelectedBlockSkipList; } /* * StripeSkipListRowCount counts the number of rows in the given stripeSkipList. * To do this, the function finds the first column, and sums up row counts across * all blocks for that column. */ static uint32 StripeSkipListRowCount(StripeSkipList *stripeSkipList) { uint32 stripeSkipListRowCount = 0; uint32 blockIndex = 0; ColumnBlockSkipNode *firstColumnSkipNodeArray = stripeSkipList->blockSkipNodeArray[0]; for (blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < stripeSkipList->blockCount; blockIndex++) { uint32 blockRowCount = firstColumnSkipNodeArray[blockIndex].rowCount; stripeSkipListRowCount += blockRowCount; } return stripeSkipListRowCount; } /* * ProjectedColumnMask returns a boolean array in which the projected columns * from the projected column list are marked as true. */ static bool * ProjectedColumnMask(uint32 columnCount, List *projectedColumnList) { bool *projectedColumnMask = palloc0(columnCount * sizeof(bool)); ListCell *columnCell = NULL; foreach(columnCell, projectedColumnList) { Var *column = (Var *) lfirst(columnCell); uint32 columnIndex = column->varattno - 1; projectedColumnMask[columnIndex] = true; } return projectedColumnMask; } /* * DeserializeBoolArray reads an array of bits from the given buffer and stores * it in provided bool array. */ static void DeserializeBoolArray(StringInfo boolArrayBuffer, bool *boolArray, uint32 boolArrayLength) { uint32 boolArrayIndex = 0; uint32 maximumBoolCount = boolArrayBuffer->len * 8; if (boolArrayLength > maximumBoolCount) { ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("insufficient data for reading boolean array"))); } for (boolArrayIndex = 0; boolArrayIndex < boolArrayLength; boolArrayIndex++) { uint32 byteIndex = boolArrayIndex / 8; uint32 bitIndex = boolArrayIndex % 8; uint8 bitmask = (1 << bitIndex); uint8 shiftedBit = (boolArrayBuffer->data[byteIndex] & bitmask); if (shiftedBit == 0) { boolArray[boolArrayIndex] = false; } else { boolArray[boolArrayIndex] = true; } } } /* * DeserializeDatumArray reads an array of datums from the given buffer and stores * them in provided datumArray. If a value is marked as false in the exists array, * the function assumes that the datum isn't in the buffer, and simply skips it. */ static void DeserializeDatumArray(StringInfo datumBuffer, bool *existsArray, uint32 datumCount, bool datumTypeByValue, int datumTypeLength, char datumTypeAlign, Datum *datumArray) { uint32 datumIndex = 0; uint32 currentDatumDataOffset = 0; for (datumIndex = 0; datumIndex < datumCount; datumIndex++) { char *currentDatumDataPointer = NULL; if (!existsArray[datumIndex]) { continue; } currentDatumDataPointer = datumBuffer->data + currentDatumDataOffset; datumArray[datumIndex] = fetch_att(currentDatumDataPointer, datumTypeByValue, datumTypeLength); currentDatumDataOffset = att_addlength_datum(currentDatumDataOffset, datumTypeLength, currentDatumDataPointer); currentDatumDataOffset = att_align_nominal(currentDatumDataOffset, datumTypeAlign); if (currentDatumDataOffset > datumBuffer->len) { ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("insufficient data left in datum buffer"))); } } } /* * DeserializeBlockData deserializes requested data block for all columns and * stores in blockDataArray. It uncompresses serialized data if necessary. The * function also deallocates data buffers used for previous block, and compressed * data buffers for the current block which will not be needed again. */ static void DeserializeBlockData(StripeBuffers *stripeBuffers, uint64 blockIndex, Form_pg_attribute *attributeFormArray, uint32 rowCount, ColumnBlockData **blockDataArray) { int columnIndex = 0; for (columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < stripeBuffers->columnCount; columnIndex++) { ColumnBuffers *columnBuffers = stripeBuffers->columnBuffersArray[columnIndex]; if (columnBuffers != NULL) { ColumnBlockBuffers *blockBuffers = columnBuffers->blockBuffersArray[blockIndex]; Form_pg_attribute attributeForm = attributeFormArray[columnIndex]; ColumnBlockData *blockData = blockDataArray[columnIndex]; StringInfo valueBuffer = NULL; /* free previous block's data buffers */ pfree(blockData->valueBuffer->data); pfree(blockData->valueBuffer); /* decompress and deserialize current block's data */ valueBuffer = DecompressBuffer(blockBuffers->valueBuffer, blockBuffers->valueCompressionType); if (blockBuffers->valueCompressionType != COMPRESSION_NONE) { /* compressed data is not needed anymore */ pfree(blockBuffers->valueBuffer->data); pfree(blockBuffers->valueBuffer); } DeserializeBoolArray(blockBuffers->existsBuffer, blockData->existsArray, rowCount); DeserializeDatumArray(valueBuffer, blockData->existsArray, rowCount, attributeForm->attbyval, attributeForm->attlen, attributeForm->attalign, blockData->valueArray); /* store current block's data buffer to be freed at next block read */ blockData->valueBuffer = valueBuffer; } } } /* Returns the size of the given file handle. */ static int64 FileSize(FILE *file) { int64 fileSize = 0; int fseekResult = 0; errno = 0; fseekResult = fseeko(file, 0, SEEK_END); if (fseekResult != 0) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode_for_file_access(), errmsg("could not seek in file: %m"))); } fileSize = ftello(file); if (fileSize == -1) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode_for_file_access(), errmsg("could not get position in file: %m"))); } return fileSize; } /* Reads the given segment from the given file. */ static StringInfo ReadFromFile(FILE *file, uint64 offset, uint32 size) { int fseekResult = 0; int freadResult = 0; int fileError = 0; StringInfo resultBuffer = makeStringInfo(); enlargeStringInfo(resultBuffer, size); resultBuffer->len = size; if (size == 0) { return resultBuffer; } errno = 0; fseekResult = fseeko(file, offset, SEEK_SET); if (fseekResult != 0) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode_for_file_access(), errmsg("could not seek in file: %m"))); } freadResult = fread(resultBuffer->data, size, 1, file); if (freadResult != 1) { ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("could not read enough data from file"))); } fileError = ferror(file); if (fileError != 0) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode_for_file_access(), errmsg("could not read file: %m"))); } return resultBuffer; } /* * DecompressBuffer decompresses the given buffer with the given compression * type. This function returns the buffer as-is when no compression is applied. */ static StringInfo DecompressBuffer(StringInfo buffer, CompressionType compressionType) { StringInfo decompressedBuffer = NULL; Assert(compressionType == COMPRESSION_NONE || compressionType == COMPRESSION_PG_LZ); if (compressionType == COMPRESSION_NONE) { /* in case of no compression, return buffer */ decompressedBuffer = buffer; } else if (compressionType == COMPRESSION_PG_LZ) { PGLZ_Header *compressedData = (PGLZ_Header *) buffer->data; uint32 compressedDataSize = VARSIZE(compressedData); uint32 decompressedDataSize = PGLZ_RAW_SIZE(compressedData); char *decompressedData = NULL; if (compressedDataSize != buffer->len) { ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("cannot decompress the buffer"), errdetail("Expected %u bytes, but received %u bytes", compressedDataSize, buffer->len))); } decompressedData = palloc0(decompressedDataSize); pglz_decompress(compressedData, decompressedData); decompressedBuffer = palloc0(sizeof(StringInfoData)); decompressedBuffer->data = decompressedData; decompressedBuffer->len = decompressedDataSize; decompressedBuffer->maxlen = decompressedDataSize; } return decompressedBuffer; } /* * ResetUncompressedBlockData iterates over deserialized column block data * and sets valueBuffer field to empty buffer. This field is allocated in stripe * memory context and becomes invalid once memory context is reset. */ static void ResetUncompressedBlockData(ColumnBlockData **blockDataArray, uint32 columnCount) { uint32 columnIndex = 0; for (columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < columnCount; columnIndex++) { ColumnBlockData *blockData = blockDataArray[columnIndex]; if (blockData != NULL) { blockData->valueBuffer = makeStringInfo(); } } }