\set ECHO none \set schema schema_to_load_count_nulls \i test/helpers/setup.sql \set schema public \i test/core/functions.sql --CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ncs() RETURNS name LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $$SELECT 'schema_to_load_count_nulls'::name$$; CREATE FUNCTION _null_count_test.test__check_ncs () RETURNS SETOF text LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $body$ DECLARE s CONSTANT name = 'schema_to_load_count_nulls'; BEGIN RETURN NEXT is( ncs() , s ); RETURN NEXT is( current_schemas(true) @> array[s] , false --, format('schema %I should not be in search path (%s)', s, current_schemas(true)) , format('schema %I should not be in search path', s) --, current_schemas(true)) ); END $body$; CREATE FUNCTION _null_count_test.test__shutdown__drop_all () RETURNS SETOF text LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $body$ BEGIN RETURN NEXT lives_ok( $$DROP EXTENSION count_nulls$$ ); RETURN NEXT lives_ok( $$DROP SCHEMA schema_to_load_count_nulls$$ ); END $body$; --SET client_min_messages = debug; SELECT * FROM runtests( '_null_count_test'::name );