PG_CONFIG ?= $(shell which pg_config) PGRXV = $(shell perl -nE '/^pgrx\s+=\s"=?([^"]+)/ && do { say $$1; exit }' Cargo.toml) PGV = $(shell perl -E 'shift =~ /(\d+)/ && say $$1' "$(shell $(PG_CONFIG) --version)") DISTNAME = $(shell grep -m 1 '^name' Trunk.toml | sed -e 's/[^"]*"\([^"]*\)",\{0,1\}/\1/') DISTVERSION = $(shell grep -m 1 '^version' Trunk.toml | sed -e 's/[^"]*"\([^"]*\)",\{0,1\}/\1/') all: package .DEFAULT_GOAL: package # Build for the PostgreSQL cluster identified by pg_config. package: @cargo pgrx package --pg-config "$(PG_CONFIG)" .PHONY: install # Install jsonschema into the PostgreSQL cluster identified by pg_config. install: @cargo pgrx install --release --pg-config "$(PG_CONFIG)" .PHONY: test # Run the full test suite against the PostgreSQL version identified by pg_config. test: @cargo test --all --no-default-features --features "pg$(PGV) pg_test" -- --nocapture clean: @rm -rf META.json $(DISTNAME)-$(DISTVERSION).zip .PHONY: pg-version # Print the current PGRX version from Cargo.toml pgrx-version: @echo $(PGRXV) .PHONY: pg-version # Print the current Postgres version reported by pg_config. pg-version: Cargo.toml @echo $(PGV) .PHONY: install-pgrx # Install the version of PGRX specified in Cargo.toml. install-pgrx: Cargo.toml @cargo install --locked cargo-pgrx --version "$(PGRXV)" .PHONY: pgrx-init # Initialize pgrx for the PostgreSQL version identified by pg_config. pgrx-init: Cargo.toml @cargo pgrx init "--pg$(PGV)"="$(PG_CONFIG)" .PHONY: lint # Format and lint. lint: @cargo fmt --all --check @cargo clippy --features "pg$(PGV)" --no-default-features # Create the PGXN META.json file. META.json: Cargo.toml @sed "s/@CARGO_VERSION@/$(DISTVERSION)/g" $< > $@ # Create a PGXN-compatible zip file. $(DISTNAME)-$(DISTVERSION).zip: META.json git archive --format zip --prefix $(DISTNAME)-$(DISTVERSION)/ --add-file $< -o $(DISTNAME)-$(DISTVERSION).zip HEAD ## pgxn-zip: Create a PGXN-compatible zip file. pgxn-zip: $(DISTNAME)-$(DISTVERSION).zip