-- citus--8.2-2--8.2-3 SET search_path = 'pg_catalog'; DROP FUNCTION master_update_node(node_id int, new_node_name text, new_node_port int); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION master_update_node(node_id int, new_node_name text, new_node_port int, force bool DEFAULT false, lock_cooldown int DEFAULT 10000) RETURNS void LANGUAGE C STRICT AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', $$master_update_node$$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION master_update_node(node_id int, new_node_name text, new_node_port int, force bool, lock_cooldown int) IS 'change the location of a node. when force => true it will wait lock_cooldown ms before killing competing locks'; REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION master_update_node(int,text,int,bool,int) FROM PUBLIC; RESET search_path;