-- citus--7.1-3--7.1-4 CREATE TYPE citus.shard_transfer_mode AS ENUM ( 'auto', 'force_logical', 'block_writes' ); SET search_path = 'pg_catalog'; DROP FUNCTION master_move_shard_placement(bigint, text, integer, text, integer); DROP FUNCTION master_copy_shard_placement(bigint, text, integer, text, integer, bool); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION master_move_shard_placement( shard_id bigint, source_node_name text, source_node_port integer, target_node_name text, target_node_port integer, shard_transfer_mode citus.shard_transfer_mode default 'auto') RETURNS void LANGUAGE C STRICT AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', $$master_move_shard_placement$$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION master_move_shard_placement( shard_id bigint, source_node_name text, source_node_port integer, target_node_name text, target_node_port integer, shard_transfer_mode citus.shard_transfer_mode) IS 'move a shard from a the source node to the destination node'; CREATE FUNCTION master_copy_shard_placement( shard_id bigint, source_node_name text, source_node_port integer, target_node_name text, target_node_port integer, do_repair bool DEFAULT true, transfer_mode citus.shard_transfer_mode default 'auto') RETURNS void LANGUAGE C STRICT AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', $$master_copy_shard_placement$$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION master_copy_shard_placement(shard_id bigint, source_node_name text, source_node_port integer, target_node_name text, target_node_port integer, do_repair bool, shard_transfer_mode citus.shard_transfer_mode) IS 'copy a shard from the source node to the destination node'; RESET search_path;