-- citus-7.0-10--7.0-11 SET search_path = 'pg_catalog'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION master_update_table_statistics(relation regclass) RETURNS VOID AS $$ DECLARE colocated_tables regclass[]; BEGIN SELECT get_colocated_table_array(relation) INTO colocated_tables; PERFORM master_update_shard_statistics(shardid) FROM pg_dist_shard WHERE logicalrelid = ANY (colocated_tables); END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; COMMENT ON FUNCTION master_update_table_statistics(regclass) IS 'updates shard statistics of the given table and its colocated tables'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_colocated_shard_array(bigint) RETURNS BIGINT[] LANGUAGE C STRICT AS 'citus', $$get_colocated_shard_array$$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION get_colocated_shard_array(bigint) IS 'returns the array of colocated shards of the given shard'; RESET search_path;