/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * deparse_schema_stmts.c * All routines to deparse schema statements. * This file contains all entry points specific for type statement deparsing as well as * functions that are currently only used for deparsing of the schema statements. * * Copyright (c) Citus Data, Inc. * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "distributed/citus_ruleutils.h" #include "distributed/deparser.h" #include "lib/stringinfo.h" #include "nodes/nodes.h" #include "utils/builtins.h" static void AppendGrantOnSchemaStmt(StringInfo buf, GrantStmt *stmt); static void AppendGrantOnSchemaPrivileges(StringInfo buf, GrantStmt *stmt); static void AppendGrantOnSchemaSchemas(StringInfo buf, GrantStmt *stmt); static void AppendGrantOnSchemaGrantees(StringInfo buf, GrantStmt *stmt); char * DeparseGrantOnSchemaStmt(Node *node) { GrantStmt *stmt = castNode(GrantStmt, node); Assert(stmt->objtype == OBJECT_SCHEMA); StringInfoData str = { 0 }; initStringInfo(&str); AppendGrantOnSchemaStmt(&str, stmt); return str.data; } static void AppendGrantOnSchemaStmt(StringInfo buf, GrantStmt *stmt) { Assert(stmt->objtype == OBJECT_SCHEMA); appendStringInfo(buf, "%s ", stmt->is_grant ? "GRANT" : "REVOKE"); if (!stmt->is_grant && stmt->grant_option) { appendStringInfo(buf, "GRANT OPTION FOR "); } AppendGrantOnSchemaPrivileges(buf, stmt); AppendGrantOnSchemaSchemas(buf, stmt); AppendGrantOnSchemaGrantees(buf, stmt); if (stmt->is_grant && stmt->grant_option) { appendStringInfo(buf, " WITH GRANT OPTION"); } if (!stmt->is_grant) { if (stmt->behavior == DROP_RESTRICT) { appendStringInfo(buf, " RESTRICT"); } else if (stmt->behavior == DROP_CASCADE) { appendStringInfo(buf, " CASCADE"); } } appendStringInfo(buf, ";"); } static void AppendGrantOnSchemaPrivileges(StringInfo buf, GrantStmt *stmt) { if (list_length(stmt->privileges) == 0) { appendStringInfo(buf, "ALL PRIVILEGES"); } else { ListCell *cell = NULL; foreach(cell, stmt->privileges) { AccessPriv *privilege = (AccessPriv *) lfirst(cell); appendStringInfoString(buf, privilege->priv_name); if (cell != list_tail(stmt->privileges)) { appendStringInfo(buf, ", "); } } } } static void AppendGrantOnSchemaSchemas(StringInfo buf, GrantStmt *stmt) { ListCell *cell = NULL; appendStringInfo(buf, " ON SCHEMA "); foreach(cell, stmt->objects) { char *schema = strVal(lfirst(cell)); appendStringInfoString(buf, quote_identifier(schema)); if (cell != list_tail(stmt->objects)) { appendStringInfo(buf, ", "); } } } static void AppendGrantOnSchemaGrantees(StringInfo buf, GrantStmt *stmt) { ListCell *cell = NULL; appendStringInfo(buf, " %s ", stmt->is_grant ? "TO" : "FROM"); foreach(cell, stmt->grantees) { RoleSpec *grantee = (RoleSpec *) lfirst(cell); appendStringInfoString(buf, RoleSpecString(grantee, true)); if (cell != list_tail(stmt->grantees)) { appendStringInfo(buf, ", "); } } }